Nomopoly Top
Record of Game One

This is a record of the first game of Nomopoly. I think many of us agree that it went a bit too quickly, but, hey, some people like the short games. I was just getting my sea legs, back, too. Anyway, the record of the game is split into five sections:

Additionally, there is a GIF showing the final shape of the board.

Original Rules

1. The position of "the admin" is held by me.
2. The admin is responsible for maintaining and publishing: a history of player submissions and their moves; the status of the board and the dice; and the ruleset and its consequences.
3. The admin owns and rolls two fair six-sided dice.
4. The admin may edit player's submissions to make them suitable for publishing as long as their meaning is preserved. Such changes can include adding HTML tags and correcting typos.
5. The decision of the admin is final.

1. Anyone may join the game and become a player by informing the admin.
2. Each player must have a unique email address and a unique name that will not confuse or annoy the game's community.
3. The admin is not considered to be a player.

1. The game will end immediately (and perhaps drastically) should the admin ever receive serious and unreconcilible legal threats from the manufacturer of a board game.

1. The game shall include a collection of numbered, ordered squares known as the board.
2. Each player occupies exactly one square. There is no limit to the number of players that may occupy the same square.
3. Players will be moved from one square to another during the game. A move from one square to the next sequential square shall be known as "advancing"; all other moves are "jumps".

1. When a player takes a turn, the admin rolls two dice for her and advances her once for each pip shown on the dice.
2. If the dice show doubles, the player earns another turn to be taken immediately.

1. The first square shall be known as Square One.
2. All new players begin the game on Square One.
3. If a player on the last square is required to advance, that player immediately moves to Square One; that move is still considered an advance.

1. Players may propose to add new rules or change the existing rules of the game by submitting a proposal to the admin.
2. If a player submits a proposal while another of her proposals is still undecided, then the later proposal wholly replaces the earlier one.
3. The admin will judge all properly submitted proposals, accepting or rejecting them. If a proposal is accepted, the admin will then alter the game state to implement all of the proposal's changes.
4. When a player's proposal is judged by the admin, that player will take a turn.


Proposal 1
Yaj, Jan 24
Squares may have an Owner. The Owner of a Square may give that Square a Name by declaring a Name to the Admin. A player who moves to a Square with no Owner becomes the Owner of that Square. A player who moves to a Square with both a Name and an Owner causes the Square's Owner to gain One Dollar.

Accepted as Section VIII. Note capitalization in the rules. (Yeah, I know what's going to happen at the start of the game, but I have to accept the proposal on its own merit. Besides, it's not my job to patch holes; it's yours.)
Move: Yaj rolls 5 2 and advances to Square One. Yaj becomes the owner of Square One. Due to a player landing on his owned, named square, Yaj earns $1.

Proposal 2
Death, Jan 24
A Player who has earned a pair of Short Shears may create one Short Cut from any square on the board to any other (the Short Cut is unidirectional). The Shears are hopelessly dulled in the cutting, and are discarded after the Short Cut is finished. Any player whose turn ends on a square where a Short Cut starts may follow it to its other end, if the player has informed the Admin of a wish to do so. Players are assumed to be conservative, and will not take Short Cuts unless they specifically request to.
The Admin has a drawer full of pairs of Short Shears, to be given to players deemed to deserve them.

Accepted as Section IX.
Move: Death rolls 3 2 and advances to Square One, resulting in $1 to Yaj.

Proposal 3
Cyberspazz, Jan 24
Each player shall start with $1000. Any player submitting an accepted rule change, which includes all new rules, rule modifications, and repeals of former rules shall receive $100. A rule change that is modified by the admin shall recieve $50. A rejected offer earns nothing, and any proposal which the admin deems particularly unworthy may be fined $100. This rule will apply to itself, and all future rules. (I want my $100 after all.)

Accepted for $50, modifying II.1 and creating VII.5 and 6. Looks like I'll be modifying most proposals to fit the rules structure, so I'm going to be stingy on the $100 bonuses. Oh, and rules apply to proposals, not other rules. (You'd get your cash through my interpretation of VII.3, anyway.) The other two folks will get their starting $1000 as well. Nice use of the word "fined".
Move: Cyberspazz rolls 5 5 and advances to Square One, resulting in $1 to Yaj. Doubles! Cyberspazz rolls 1 6 and advances to Square One, resulting in $1 to Yaj.

Proposal 4
StainedGlass, Jan 26
There exists a Squared named Vegas. Vegas is located on the board immediately after the last square at the time this rule is implemented. Once per week, the admin will Roll The Dice for each player on Vegas at the time of rolling. At the time this rule is implemented, the admin must select a day of the week and a time. This will be the time, within reason, that the rolls are made each week. The player with the highest total has the Jackpot. In the event of a tie, the dice are again rolled among the winners, until only a single winner remains. Only one player can have the Jackpot at any one time. The player who has the Jackpot receives any benefits that are associated with the Jackpot, which may be described in this or any other rule.
The owner of the Jackpot may require the admin to roll and advance them simply by notifying the admin that they wish this to happen. This benefit can only be applied once, until the Jackpot is again rolled for.

Accepted for no money (modifies the board as well as the rules), creating section X. I pick Fridays for the day of the week; thanks for the option on that.
Move: StainedGlass rolls 2 2 and advances to Square One, resulting in $1 to Yaj. Doubles! StainedGlass rolls 6 3 and advances to Vegas. StainedGlass becomes the owner of Vegas and earns $1.

Proposal 5
Duck, Jan 27
I propose that when a player lands on a square, he/she may purchase, with still yet undefined nomopoly money, that square for 10 times the number of the square (i.e., Square 1 = n$10, Square 11 = n$110). To purchase the square he/she is on, they must send a Request for Title to the Admin after moving to that square and before their next proposal or move. The purchase goes into effect at the time the Request for Title is received and does not affect any other player already on that square at that time.

Accepted for $50, modifying VIII.3. I'm modifying the proposal to use the currently defined Nomopoly money, and also to only allow the purchase of unowned squares. I hope nobody objects. Ownership of Square One and Vegas is grandfathered through to Yaj and StainedGlass. Oh, and I think we all know what we want "lands" to mean, but for now I'll have to use "ends a turn on".
Move: Duck rolls 3 3 and advances to Square One, resulting in $1 to Yaj. Doubles! Duck rolls 3 2 and advances to Vegas, resulting in $1 to StainedGlass.

Proposal 6
Pirate K., Jan 27
I propose that there be a new square, called Yawn, which shall forever be a safe but boring square. No change in any player's entire game status other than her current location may ever occur by advancing or jumping to Yawn. This rule supersedes any future rules which might seem to ascribe some advantage or penalty for reaching Yawn. When this proposal is accepted, Yawn shall become the next square in sequence after the current last square, and so will become itself the last square (at least momentarily).

Accepted for $50, with modification, creating XI. I tried for an elegant rewording of the rule; hope you like it.
Move: Pirate K. rolls 3 4 and advances to Vegas, resulting in $1 to StainedGlass.

Proposal 7
Pascal, Jan 27
Create a rule (with location of the Admin's choosing) with text: "Immediately following Square One, there exists four squares, named (respectively) Square Two, Square e, Square Three, and Square Pi."

Accepted, but not creating a rule; instead I'm just modifying the board istself. Four squares will be inserted between Square One and Vegas, and, despite the squares' names, I will assign them sequential natural numbers. (Yep, this gives StainedGlass a 300% increase in his property value.)
Move: Pascal rolls 1 5 and advances to Yawn, without option to buy because it's Yawn.

Proposal 8
Wombat, Jan 27
The board (hereafter known as "Board") will consist of 100 serially numbered squares situated in a linear fashion. the Starting square (known hereafter as "Square One") will be numbered 1, followed by square 2, and so forth, to square 100.

Accepted. We already have the first 7, so this proposal will simply add 93 empty squares to the board. It might be a bit excessive, but I bet they'll be just as easy to remove as they were to add.
Move: Wombat rolls 3 5 and advances to the ninth square with the option to buy.

Proposal 9
Jasper Floor, Jan 27
Through all the squares runs a railroad. The stations of the railroad are on the square numbers (1,4,9,16,25....). If a player is on a square and has a ticket they can take a train to the next station. Tickets may be bought from the conductor. The conductor is as yet undefined.

Accepted for $50, adding to Section IX. So the train goes through all squares whose square numbers are square numbers? This had a little snag to write it clearly. I also wrote in the rules that the player will "advance", allowing people to keep from riding the train off the board. Unless someone proposes to change my mind, railroad stations will be a feature of the cardinal number of a square and not of the square itself (like Vegas' Jackpot).
Move: Jasper Floor rolls 1 3 and advances to Square Pi, with the option to buy.

Proposal 10
StainedGlass, Jan 27
Any player on any square numbered higher than 50 is said to be In The Boonies. Any time a player ends any type of move (including, but not limited to, advancing, jumping, taking the train, and taking a shortcut) in such a way that she would be In The Boonies, she must pay $50 for provisions.

Rejected, not solely because "taking a turn" consists of multiple advances. It just seems a bit unreasonable to charge people for landing in the wrong half of the board, at least at this point in the game.
Move: StainedGlass rolls 4 1, advancing to the eleventh square with the option to buy.

Proposal 11
Zeke, Jan 28
I propose to add to rule 9 that if a ticked is used, the Admin will take it away from the player using it.

Rejected. Rule IX.5 already states that the player will lose the ticket when she advances from one station to the next. (Oh, you have fallen victim to VII.2 as well. Sorry.)
Move: Zeke rolls 5 4, advancing to the tenth square with option to buy.

Proposal 12
Marc, Jan 28
I propose to designate the section of the board between square 51 and square 75 inclusive as "Europe". All the squares in Europe will be given colors, as well as names and other attributes. (This does not restrict the color attribute to just Europe.) The squares are hereby given the following colors and names (where they are supplied):
51 - London [Red], 52 - Lisbon [Red], 53 - Madrid [Red]; 54 - Barcelona [Lime], 55 - (unnamed), 56 - Paris [Lime], 57 - Rome [Lime]; 58 - Zurich [Cyan], 59 - Brussels [Cyan], 60 - Amsterdam [Cyan]; 61 - (unnamed), 62 - Copenhagen [Purple], 63 - Hamburg [Purple], 64 - Frankfurt [Purple]; 65 - Vienna [Tan], 66 - Prague [Tan], 67 - (unnamed), 68 - Budapest [Tan]; 69 - Athens [Orange], 70 - Istanbul (not Constantinople) [Orange], 71 - Moscow [Orange]; 72 - (unnamed), 73 - Helsinki [White], 74 - Stockholm [White], 75 - Oslo [White]

Accepted, modifying Section IV and the Board.
Move: Marc rolls 2 3, advancing to Vegas, resulting in $1 to StainedGlass.

Proposal 13
Wolter, Jan 28
Every player has a mode of movement. The mode of movement is defined by an image the player can select. The modes are :
1 shoe walk 1 die
4 iron drag 1 square
1 hat walk 1 die
4 horse ride 2 dice
8 car drive 2 dice + 3
All players start with a shoe and can select other images by notifying the admin. The number of the image x 10 is then deducted from the players total. The movement represents the number of squares that the player advances.

Rejected. Right now the 100 squares seems very daunting and hard to get through. I don't want to start everyone off moving half as quickly through it. This might not be such a bad idea in the far future, but for right now I want everyone to tromp through the board with ease.
Move: Wolter rolls 4 4, advancing to the unowned ninth square. Doubles! Wolter rolls 4 5, advancing to the eighteenth square, with option to buy.

Proposal 14
Pirate K., Jan 28
Proposal for a rule to be added to section III. Ending the game : "The game will end immediately whenever a player has Isolated herself. A player has Isolated herself whenever that player owns the square on which she ended her last turn, and still occupies that square, and it is impossible for any other player ever to end their turn on that square by the rules in effect at that moment. When the game ends for any reason, the Winner of the game is determined by the rules in the section entitled `Winning the Game.'"

Rejected. Neat idea, but I fear it would be far, far too hard to figure out who has won and who hasn't. Currently, nobody can be truly Isolated because a player might roll a whole bunch of doubles. Some may think the answer is to limit the number of consecutive doubles somehow, but then a player with Shears might predict what square he'll land on and built a Short Cut to some other player. So, while being Isolated is a very hard thing to acheive, it's also going to be mighty hard for me to recognize. I can't go through with it.
Move: Pirate K. rolls 2 2, advancing to the unowned tenth square. Doubles! Pirate K. rolls 3 2, advancing to the unowned fifteenth square.

Proposal 15
Yaj, Jan 28
A player who owns a Square may request a Tollbooth be constructed upon that Square by declaring so to the Admin at the same time that player submits a Proposal and paying a construction cost of $50. No more than one Tollbooth may be constructed on a single Square or with a single Proposal. When another player enters or attempts to advance through a Square with a Tollbooth, that player must pay $20 to the Owner of that Square. If unable to do so, the player is transported to Jail (the Square with cardinal number 100), without being considered to advance through any of the intervening Squares, and must end his or her turn.

Accepted as Section XII. I've changed "enters or attempts to advance through" to "enters" in order to keep people who end their turn in front of a Tollbooth from getting hit twice. Seems like a huge way to make money, though, and I see one glaring loophole. Let's see if it gets plugged before it gets exploited.
Move: Yaj rolls 3 6, advancing to the tenth unowned square. Yaj has sent requests to purchase that square, naming it Marvin Gardens. Yaj has also built a Tollbooth on Square One.

Proposal 16
Wombat, Jan 28
When a person has the option to buy a square, they have 7 days from first landing on the square to make their decision. Upon making their decision, they must notify the admin, who shall balance their accounts.
Anyone else landing upon a square before the decision to buy is exercised will not be able to buy or name the square, nor will they have to pay any fees to the first player to land there. Once the option to buy has been registered, then all fees, rights, and responsibilities of owning a square will be in effect.

Accepted for $50 into Section VIII. I think this proposal will succeed in its goal of deciding who gets to buy ownership of a square when there might be a conflict, but note that if someone does not buy their square, rights to buy will not default to other people waiting there.
Move: Wombat purchases the ninth square, naming it "The Royal Duchy of Wombatania". Wombat rolls 6 4, advancing to the unowned nineteenth square.

Proposal 17
Pabrowil, Jan 28
  1. The owner of a square may purchase a subway for that square for $57.
  2. Any player who ends a turn on a square with a subway may jump to any other square with a subway, provided that all intervening squares also have subways, by paying $1 to each owner of the intervening squares and $3 to the owner of the starting square and the owner of the ending square.

Accepted for $100 into section IX. Woo-hoo, a $100 proposal! I have no idea why it should cost $57, but there you have it. I've decided, too, that when new players start in Square One, they don't really "enter" it--it's more like they've been there all along. (Thus, Yaj does not collect toll on new players.)
Move: Pabrowil rolls 6 3 to Marvin Gardens, resulting in $1 to Yaj.

Proposal 18
Duck, Jan 28
I propose the following rule modification found in: Section VIII - Ownership
old version:
4. If a player ends a turn on a square which has both a name and an owner, the owner of that square will gain one dollar.
new version:
4. If a player ends a turn on a square which has both a name and an owner, that player must give the owner of the square one tenth the current purchase price as rent.

Accepted for $100. Hey, we're on a roll here. Let's see... one tenth the purchase price is the same as the square's number these days, right?
Move: Duck rolls 4 5 to Marvin Gardens, giving $10 to Yaj.

Proposal 19
Cyberspazz, Jan 28
I propose that the 100 squares be reduced to 50 for the sake of simplicity. The Admin already has enough work. The "square" square railroad at 49 will connect to square 1.

Rejected. Oooh, I'd feel bad about completely destroying Europe and Jail. Maybe if we could keep most of those squares yet get below 100, it could work out better.
Move: Cyberspazz rolls 6 2 and advances to The Royal Duchy of Wombatania, giving $9 to Wombat.

Admin Interruption
Tivol, Jan 28
It was brought to my attention that I mistakenly gave Pirate K. $50 back in P6 even though his proposal modified the board by creating Yawn. It's being removed now.
Also, I'd like to point out that the money in the ruleset is only Nomopoly money, utterly useless anywhere else (yet).
I tried to get a layout that would work with text-only browsers and them pesky graphical ones, but if your browser chokes on this stuff, let me know. I think anything that knows that tables exist ought to do okay with these pages, but let me know if something really loses for you.

Proposal 20
Pirate K., Jan 29
A player who ends her turn on a square whose name includes the words "Land Office" may request to purchase ownership of any one square whose cardinal number differs by 3 or less from the cardinal number of the "Land Office" square. This request is constrained by all the same provisos as requests made under rule VIII.3, except for the purchase price.The purchase price of the "Land Office" Square itself will be increased by 10%; the price of neighboring squares purchased via this rule will be increased by 50% over their usual price; the price of squares two units away will be doubled; and the price of the squares 3 away will be tripled. (Note the presence of a "Land Office" square nearby has no effect on the price of purchases made via rules other than this one.) In addition, if the "Land Office" square is itself already owned and any player uses it to make a purchase via this rule, 10% of the amount paid for the square is paid to the owner of the "Land Office" as a commission.

Accepted for $100 as VII.5. So the owner of a Land Office gets cash simply for using it? Oh well, I guess it's a rebate or something.
Move: Pirate K. purchases the 15th square and builds a Tollbooth on it. Pirate K. rolls 3 2 to the unowned 20th square. Pirate K. names the 15th square "Pieces of Eight Land Office"

Proposal 21
Jasper Floor, Jan 29
Once every 14 days (starting on a day of the admin's choosing), the players owning property shall have to pay property tax. This tax shall initially be set to 5% of the current market value of the square, which shall initially be defined as its purchase price. The tax will be stored in the Treasury, which shall be located on Government square, which shall be the square with number 25. No player may own government square.

Accepted into Section VII. I'll do this on Fridays along with the Vegas raffle.
Move: Jasper Floor purchases Square Pi and a Tollbooth thereon, rolls 6 2 to the 13th square, and buys it.

Proposal 22
Wolter, Jan 29
I propose that a player who owns a square can sell it to an other player. This proceeds by the selling player telling the admin that he or she wishes to sell the square to the other player and the buying player telling the admin he wishes to buy. The buying player than notifies the admin how much he or she wishes to pay.

Accepted for $50 into Section VII.
Move: Wolter buys the 18th square, rolls 2 4, and moves to the 24th square.

Proposal 23
Duck, Jan 29
In accordance with Section IV Rule 4 (European Enrichment) and Section VIII (Ownership), I propose the following:
Add to Section IV (The Board). RULE 5.
5. A block consists of all squares in a named section on the board that have the same color attribute.
Add to Section VIII (Ownership). RULE 5.
5. Any player owning all squares in a block (See IV-5) may, during their turn, purchase buildings to be placed on the squares in that block. Buildings must be evenly distributed among squares within a block at all times. No square may contain over one building (or equivalent) more than the other squares in the same block. A player may not sell, trade, or otherwise lose ownership of a square that contains buildings without first removing all buildings from all squares in that block. Players currently occupying a square when a building is placed there is not affected.

Rejected, even though it looked really nice. The first part's nice, but I'm not too sure about the buildings part. Mainly, I'm not sure how these "buildings" would compare to existing Tollbooths and coming subway stations, and I'd hate to have to rip those down.
Move: Duck rolls 3 1 to the 14th square.

Proposal 24
Wombat, Jan 29
During an advance, if an advance will take you past the end of the board, you will instead advance to Square One and continue your move.
Example: You are on square 97, and roll a 7. You move 3 of the 7, to square 100 (Jail), coming to the end of the board. Since you still have items left on the roll, you then advance to square 1 (count 4) and continue on to square 4 (5, 6, and 7).

Rejected; see VI.3 and you'll see why.
Move: Wombat purchases the 19th square, names it Armadillo Hollow, rolls 2 4, and ends his turn in Government Square.

Proposal 25
StainedGlass, Jan 30
Rule Additions:
XII 4. No player may own more than 3 toll booths.
XII 5. A player may, at any time, destroy one of her toll booths simply by requesting such to the admin. Upon the admin's receipt, the toll booth is removed from the square and has no further effect on gameplay.
Unnecessary Explanation: Currently there's no reason not to place a tollbooth on every square you own, and there's nothing less exciting than an object that exists on every square.

Accepted for $100, despite the fact that I'll have to s/toll booth/Tollbooth/g. It's the thought and layout that count. And, I was afraid them Tollbooth things would get out of hand.
Move: StainedGlass purchases the 11th square, naming it "Land Office Land Office Land Office", and places Tollbooths on it and Vegas. StainedGlass rolls 3 5, passing through Pirate K.'s Tollbooth on Pieces of Eight Land Office and ending on Wombat's Armadillo Hollow, paying accordingly.

Proposal 26
Pabrowil, Jan 30
  1. The owner of a square with any type of building on it may demolish (remove) a building on that square and recieve 0.25 * the building's current cost as a refund. A building is anything a player may build in relation to a square.
  2. Any player may pay $500 to rent a DEMOLITION MACHINE(tm) for one usage. A player may not posess more than one DEMOLITION MACHINE(tm) at a time.
  3. Any player with a DEMOLITION MACHINE(tm) may attempt destroy one building on any square on the board. The admin will then roll two dice. If the result is greater than 4 then the bulding is destroyed. Otherwise the player jumps to the closest square named Jail and is fined the current cost of the building; this ends the player's turn. In any case, the player then loses possesion of the DEMOLITION MACHINE(tm).

Accepted for $100, replacing the just-accepted XII.5. Actually, I'm going to make a big Buildings section in the rules, put this at the front, and throw the current Tollbooth stuff into it. The last sentence of your first point will end up being the first rule of the section. Yeah, this is a modification, but I'm still giving out the $100.
Move: Pabrowil rolls 5 6 past StainedGlass's Tollbooth Land Office Land Office Land Office and Pirate K.'s Tollbooth on Pieces of Eight Land Office to the 21st square.

Proposal 27
Duck, Jan 30
In accordance with Section IV Rule 4 (European Enrichment) and Section VIII (Ownership), I propose the following:
Add to Section IV (The Board). RULE 5.
5. A block consists of all squares in a named section on the board that have the same color attribute.
Add to Section VIII (Ownership). RULE 9.
9. Any player owning all squares in a block (See IV-5) shall receive twice the amount paid him or her for use of that land either to end a turn upon, travel through (tollbooths, subways, etc.), or any other reason.

Accepted for $100, but it sure looks familiar.
Move: Duck buys the 14th square, names it Duck's Pond, and buys a Tollbooth on it. Duck rolls 5 3, moving through Pirate K.'s Tollbooth on Pieces of Eight Land Office to the 22nd square.

Proposal 28
Cyberspazz, Jan 30
I propose that toll gates are too powerful a tool and must be limited, (if enters means passing through) and should thus be limited in this way:
Any player who lands on the toll booth or within one space must pay the toll booth charge at the time they land on the square, or the time they pass the toll bridge if they do not land on the toll bridge.

Accepted for $50, modifying... oh, where'd it go? XII.7 now, I think. Oh, and "lands" isn't really defined yet, so I assume you mean "ends a turn".
Move: Cyberspazz rolls 3 2 to Duck's Pond, paying Duck both for the Tollbooth and rent, and also paying Pirate K. for the Tollbooth on Pieces of Eight Land Office.

Proposal 29
Wombat, Jan 30
A person may pass through a toolbooth without paying during any turn in which they roll doubles, after rolling the doubles. This maneuver shall be known as "running the booths", while the act of moving multiple times with doubles shall be known as "speeding".

Accepted for $50, modified for the new version of Tollbooth payment, and being thrown somewhere in section XII. Oh, it also modifies Rule V.2. That "after rolling the doubles" phrase means that the first time one rolls doubles he might have to pay, but on all those "bonus" turns he gets off scot-free.
Move: Wombat rolls 4 6, advancing to the 35th square.

Proposal 30
Pirate K., Jan 30
Proposal for a rule to be added to section III. Ending the game:
The Magellan Clause:
The game will end immediately whenever a player manages to circumnavigate the board during the time between the end of one turn and the beginning of her second subsequent turn. (In other words, the player is only allowed to use one actual turn per se in performing the circumnavigation, but may use forms of motion not part of any turn, should such exist, before and after the turn in question.) Whenever the game ends, the Winner or Winners are determined by the rules in the section entitled "Winning the Game." If that section does not contain any rules, the first circumnavigating player is the sole Winner; otherwise whatever rules are there supersede this one in determining the winner.
"Circumnavigating the board" is defined as entering, advancing to, and/or jumping or transporting over every single square on the board, via rules currently in effect. "Jumping or transporting over" square number N means taking a jump or transport starting from a square with cardinal number <= N and ending at a square with cardinal number > N. Examples: Jumping from square 96 to 100 "jumps over" squares 96, 97, 98, and 99. Jumping from square 12 to square 3 does not "jump over" any squares. ("Backward jumps," although they may be legal, do not add to the collection of squares for a circumnavigation.)

Accepted for $100 into Section III, also creating the brand-new (and empty) section XIII.
Move: Pirate K. buys the 20th square and names it "Square Two" (perfectly legally). Pirate K. rolls 6 2 to the 28th square.

Proposal 31
Death, Jan 30
Proposal: That the following rules be created:
  1. A player may purchase a Mat Knife at a cost of $200 by informing the Admin of a wish to do so.
  2. A player may use a Mat Knife to cut one square from the board, destroying the square and expending the Knife. The square to be cut may not be one that is mentioned by name in the rules.
    Any movable objects (including players) that were in the cut square jump to Square One. Any attributes of the square (ownership, color, etc.), immovable objects or buildings (tollbooths, subways, etc.) are lost.
    The cardinal nubmer of all squares following the cut square are decreased by one, and after the cut is made any movement that would have caused something to enter the cut square causes it to enter the former successor instead.

Accepted for $100 as Section XIV. I like this proposal a lot, actually; for your thoughtful inclusion of "...may not be one that is mentioned by name...", you are given a pair of Short Shears. Jumping from a Knived square to Square One does not count as passing over all squares inbetween, you potential circumnavigators.
Move: Death rolls 4 5 to Marvin Gardens, owned by Yaj, which is near StainedGlass' Tollbooth on Land Office Land Office Land Office.

Proposal 32
Death, Jan 31
The game board is two-dimensional, and (roughly) square. The ordered squares are arranged, snakelike, in vertically stacked rows* alternating between left-right and right-left in orientation. There are (floor (sqrt total-squares)) squares in each row (yes, this number may change if squares appear or disappear).
The directions "Forward" and "Backward" shall be used to refer to movement along the numbered path. "Right" and "Left" shall refer to movement in the direction of the first row, and opposite that direction, respectively. "Up" shall refer to the direction orthogonal to "Right" which is closest to the direction of the vector from the first square to the last. Naturally, "Down" shall be the negative of Up.
* The rows are vertically stacked, not the squares in them.

Accepted as IV.6. The rule came with an example, which I'm not including; instead check out the lovely picture of the board that now exists on the board page. (I love Postscript; you can do so much with it.) I bet moving Up will make Circumnavigation far too easy, though. Of course, I bet y'all will just try to take advantage of it instead of trying to fix it; fair enough.
Move: Death rolls 2 4, landing on the 16th square, paying Pirate K. for his Tollbooth on Pieces of Eight Land Office. Death purchases the square and names it "Queen's Rook Seven".

Proposal 33
StainedGlass, Jan 31
Further resource limitations: No player may own more than one Land Office. If a player attempts to create a Land Office by giving a square a name containing the text "Land Office", and if the player already owns a Land Office, the square is instead given the intended name with the text string "Land Office" removed. An attempt by any other means to create a second Land Office for a single player fails.

Rejected. Although restricting the ownership of Land Offices per player is a good idea, this rule says nothing about a player purchasing a square that has already been named, either straight off the board or from some other player. This isn't "creating" a new Land Office. This needs a nice way to decide which of multiple Land Offices gets removed when more than one is acquired.
Move: StainedGlass rolls 4 5 to Square Two <20>, paying rent to Pirate K.

Admin Interruption
Tivol, Jan 31
This is the first instance of a player taking actions without making a proposal. I just want folks to know that I'm not just publishing this because of its import in the game and that they haven't missed any other activity by other players. That said,

Death made the following actions: Death bought a Mat Knife. Death cut Queen's Rook Seven (formerly the 16th square) from the board and jumps to Square One. Death made a Short Cut from Square One to Jail. Death took the Short Cut to Jail. Taking a Short Cut is a "jump" since it is not an "advance" (IV.3), so Death has circumnavigated the board. The game has immediately ended, and Section XIII is empty of rules, so Death is declared the Winner of the game (III.2).

Player Status

at Duck's Pond
at Jail
at Unnamed #22
owns: Duck's Pond
Jasper Floor
at Unnamed #13
owns: Square Pi, Unnamed #13
at Square One
at Vegas
at Unnamed #21
at Yawn
Pirate K.
at Unnamed #28
owns: Pieces of Eight Land Office, Square Two <20>
at Unnamed #20
owns: Vegas, Land Office Land Office Land Office
at Unnamed #24
owns: Unnamed #17
at Unnamed #35
owns: The Royal Duchy of Wombatania, Armadillo Hollow
at Marvin Gardens
owns: Square One, Marvin Gardens
at Marvin Gardens

Board Status
Square One
occupied by: Josh
owned by Yaj
has Tollbooth
Short Cut to Jail
Square Two <2>
Square e
Square Three
Square Pi
owned by Jasper Floor
has Tollbooth
occupied by: Marc
owned by StainedGlass
has Tollbooth
occupied by: Pascal
The Royal Duchy of Wombatania
owned by Wombat
Marvin Gardens
occupied by: Yaj, Zeke
owned by Yaj
Land Office Land Office Land Office
owned by StainedGlass
has Tollbooth
occupied by: Jasper Floor
owned by Jasper Floor
Duck's Pond
occupied by: Cyberspazz
owned by Duck
has Tollbooth
Pieces of Eight Land Office
owned by Pirate K.
has Tollbooth
owned by Wolter
Armadillo Hollow
owned by Wombat
Square Two <20>
owned by Pirate K.
occupied by: StainedGlass
occupied by: Pabrowil
occupied by: Duck
occupied by: Wolter
occupied by: Pirate K.
occupied by: Wombat
color: Red
color: Red
color: Red
color: Lime
color: Lime
color: Lime
color: Cyan
color: Cyan
color: Cyan
color: Purple
color: Purple
color: Purple
color: Tan
color: Tan
color: Tan
color: Orange
Istanbul (not Constantinople)
color: Orange
color: Orange
color: White
color: White
color: White
occupied by: Death
Short Cut from Square One

Final Ruleset

1. The position of "the admin" is held by me (Brian Tivol,
2. The admin is responsible for maintaining and publishing: a history of player submissions and their moves; the status of the board and the dice; and the ruleset and its consequences.
3. The admin owns and rolls two fair six-sided dice.
4. The admin may edit player's submissions to make them suitable for publishing as long as their meaning is preserved. Such changes can include adding HTML tags and correcting typos.
5. The decision of the admin is final.

1. Anyone may join the game and become a player by informing the admin. Upon joining the game, a player will receive $1000.
2. Each player must have a unique email address and a unique name that will not confuse or annoy the game's community.
3. The admin is not considered to be a player.

1. The game will end immediately (and perhaps drastically) should the admin ever receive serious and unreconcilible legal threats from the manufacturer of a board game.
2. The game will end immediately whenever a player manages to circumnavigate the board during the time between the end of one turn and the beginning of her second subsequent turn. (In other words, the player is only allowed to use one actual turn per se in performing the circumnavigation, but may use forms of motion not part of any turn, should such exist, before and after the turn in question.) Whenever the game ends, the Winner or Winners are determined by the rules in the section entitled "Winning the Game." If that section does not contain any rules, the first circumnavigating player is the sole Winner; otherwise whatever rules are there supersede this one in determining the Winner.
3. "Circumnavigating the board" is defined as entering, advancing to, and/or jumping or transporting over every single square on the board, via rules currently in effect. "Jumping or transporting over" square number N means taking a jump or transport starting from a square with cardinal number <= N and ending at a square with cardinal number > N. Examples: Jumping from square 96 to 100 "jumps over" squares 96, 97, 98, and 99. Jumping from square 12 to square 3 does not "jump over" any squares. ("Backward jumps," although they may be legal, do not add to the collection of squares for a circumnavigation.)

1. The game shall include a collection of numbered, ordered squares known as the board.
2. Each player occupies exactly one square. There is no limit to the number of players that may occupy any given square.
3. Players will be moved from one square to another during the game. A move from one square to the next sequential square shall be known as "advancing"; all other moves are "jumps".
4. The section of the board between the fifty-first and seventy-fifth squares, inclusive, are known as "Europe". All the named squares in Europe shall have colors in addition to other attributes.
5. A block consists of all squares in a named section on the board that have the same color attribute.
6. When the board contains more than one square, squares in the board are laid out in a two-dimensional, snaking pattern of vertically stacked rows. Each row, except possibly the last, contains (floor(sqrt(total-squares)) squares. In the first row, each square's successor can be found to its right, except for the highest numbered square in the row, whose successor can be found above it. In the second row, each square's successor can be found to its right, except for the highest numbered square in the row, whose successor can be found above it. The pattern then repeats, alternating between right and left until the highest square is reached. "Forward" and "Backward" refer to movement along the numbered path; "Right", "Left", "Up", and "Down" refer to movement across the board in terms of its layout.

1. When a player takes a turn, the admin rolls two dice for her and advances her once for each pip shown on the dice.
2. If the dice show doubles, the player earns another turn to be taken immediately. During this extra turn, the player is said to be "speeding".

1. The first square shall be known as Square One.
2. All new players begin the game on Square One.
3. If a player on the last square is required to advance, that player immediately moves to Square One; that move is still considered an advance.

1. Players may propose to add new rules or change the existing rules of the game by submitting a proposal to the admin.
2. If a player submits a proposal while another of her proposals is still undecided, then the later proposal wholly replaces the earlier one.
3. The admin will judge all properly submitted proposals, accepting or rejecting them. If a proposal is accepted, the admin will then alter the game state to implement all of the proposal's changes.
4. When a player's proposal is judged by the admin, that player will take a turn.
5. If a player's proposal which only alters the ruleset is accepted, that player will earn $50. If the admin does not need to modify the proposal to apply the change, the player will earn an additional $50.
6. If a player makes a proposal found particularly unworthy by the admin, the player will be fined $100.

1. Squares may have an owner.
2. The owner of a square may give that square a name by declaring a name to the admin.
3. A player who ends a turn on a square may request to purchase ownership of that square provided that the square has no owner and that the admin is not waiting to hear confirmation of purchase of ownership of the same square from another player. Such a request must be made before leaving that square and within seven days of the end of their turn. A square can be purchased for $10 times the square's cardinal number.
4. If a player ends a turn on a square which has both a name and an owner, that player must give the owner of the square one tenth the current purchase price as rent.
5. A player who ends her turn on a square whose name includes the words "Land Office" may request to purchase ownership of any one square whose cardinal number differs by 3 or less from the cardinal number of the "Land Office" square. This request shall be constrained by all the same provisos as requests made under Rule VII.3, except for the purchase price. The purchase price of the "Land Office" Square itself will be increased by 10%; the price of neighboring squares purchased via this rule will be increased by 50% over their usual price; the price of squares two units away will be doubled; and the price of the squares 3 away will be tripled. In addition, if the "Land Office" square is itself already owned and any player uses it to make a purchase via this rule, 10% of the amount paid for the square is paid to the owner of the "Land Office" as a commission.
6. Every other Friday (or as close as possible for the admin), players owning property shall have to pay property tax, 5% of the total purchase price of each of their squares. The collected funds will be placed in Government Square.
7. No player may own Government Square.
8. If the owner of a square agrees with another player on a sale price, with or without the admin as a intermediary, the admin will transfer ownership and cash between the two players as per their agreement.
9. Any player owning all squares in a block shall receive twice the amount paid him or her for use of that land either to end a turn upon, travel through (tollbooths, subways, etc.), or any other reason.

1. The admin may give awards of Short Shears to players.
2. A player with a pair of Short Shears may create one unidirectional Short Cut from any square to any other, expending the Shears.
3. Any player who occupies a square where a Short Cut starts will follow it to its end only if the player has informed the admin of a wish to do so.
4. Railroad stations can be found on every square whose cardinal number is a perfect square.
5. Any player who occupies a square with a railroad station and owns a ticket may advance until he reaches a square with a railroad station, losing the ticket, if and only if the player has informed the admin of a wish to do so.
6. The owner of a square may purchase a subway for that square for $57.
7. Any player who ends a turn on a square with a subway may jump to any other square with a subway, provided that all intervening squares also have subways, by paying $1 to each owner of the intervening squares and $3 to the owner of the starting square and the owner of the ending square.

1. Exactly one square named Vegas exists in the board.
2. No more than one player may own the Jackpot at any given time.
3. Each Friday (or as close to Friday as possible for the admin), the admin will roll the dice for each player on Vegas, awarding the Jackpot to the player with the highest total. In case of a tie for highest total, the dice are again rolled among those tied, until only a single winner remains.
4. The owner of the Jackpot may request to take a turn at any time, but may do so only once between weekly giveaways.

1. Any rule in the ruleset describing what happens when a player ends his turn on a square does not apply if the square is named Yawn and if the rule is not specifically mentioned later in this section.

1. A building is anything a player may build in relation to a square. Buildings include Tollbooths and subways.
2. The owner of a square with any type of building on it may demolish (remove) a building on that square and recieve one quarter of building's current cost as a refund.
3. Any player may pay $500 to rent a DEMOLITION MACHINE(tm) for one usage. A player may not posess more than one DEMOLITION MACHINE(tm) at a time.
4. Any player with a DEMOLITION MACHINE(tm) may attempt destroy one building on any square on the board. The admin will then roll two dice. If the result is greater than 4 then the bulding is destroyed. Otherwise the player jumps to the closest square named Jail and is fined the current cost of the building; this ends the player's turn. In any case, the player then loses possesion of the DEMOLITION MACHINE(tm).
5. A player who owns a square may request a Tollbooth be constructed upon that square by declaring so to the admin at the same time that player submits a proposal and pays a construction cost of $50.
6. No more than one Tollbooth may be constructed on a single square or with a single proposal.
7. When a non-speeding player ends her turn, she must pay $20 to each of the owners of the any Tollbooths on the square she landed on and its neighboring squares. If the player is unable to do so, the player is transported to the square named Jail without being considered to advance through any of the intervening squares and must end his or her turn. When a speeding player ends his turn on a square with a Tollbooth or which neighbors squares with Tollbooths, that playing is said to be "running the booths".
8. No player may own more than 3 Tollbooths.
9. A player may, at any time, destroy one of her Tollbooths simply by requesting such to the admin. Upon the admin's receipt, the Tollbooth is removed from the square and has no further effect on gameplay.

this section has no rules

1. A player may purchase a Mat Knife at a cost of $200 by informing the Admin of a wish to do so.
2. A player may use a Mat Knife to cut one square from the board, destroying the square and expending the Knife. The square to be cut may not be one that is mentioned by name in the rules. Any movable objects (including players) that were in the cut square jump to Square One. Any attributes of the square (ownership, color, etc.), immovable objects or buildings (tollbooths, subways, etc.) are lost. The cardinal nubmer of all squares following the cut square are decreased by one, and after the cut is made any movement that would have caused something to enter the cut square causes it to enter the former successor instead.

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