The Proposals
- Proposal #1
- Rejected by a vote of 3-2.
- Proposed by Bender
I believe (and I hope most of you agree with me) that we don't want players getting eliminated too early in the game. Given the weak state we are all in right now, I propose the following rule addition:
"No player may take any voluntary action that causes another player to be eliminated."
I am not intending this rule to be permanent. Once we are at a point in the game where attacking would be reasonable, we can delete this rule.
- Proposal #2
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Added rule 6 to section VII.
- Proposed by Hitler
Whenever a proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives an additional soldier. The soldier may be placed on any territory that player owns.
- Proposal #3
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Added a new section XI to the rules.
- Proposed by iago
I propose we define "money". Each player will start with $0, and get $200 at the beginning of each of their turns. If any player has less than $0 at any time (having exactly $0 is ok), they are defined as being "bankrupt". Currently, being bankrupt means nothing. No player may make any voluntary action that causes them to become bankrupt.
- Proposal #4
- Accepted by a vote of 6-0. Modified rule 3 and added rules 4 and 5 to section IV.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that we immediately add 25 more territories to the board. Once these 25 locations have been added, to make things more interesting, we will apply the following formula to the board in order to set some of the territories as water. A water territory is one that no player can own or occupy, but may be able to travel through (as dictated beneath).
None of the territories that are currently occupied can be converted into water. All territories, in a random order, will have a 30% percent chance that of being converted to water. This chance will be increased by 10% for each adjacent territory that has already been converted to water. On the map, a land territory will be colored green, and a water territory will be colored blue. Any new territory added to the game in the future, unless otherwise specified, will have the above formula applied to determine if the territory will be water or land.
For each water territory with a bordering land territory, there will be a 30% chance of having a shipping path through the water. A shipping path will lead from one random bordering land territory to another random bordering territory. In the event that the path leads to another water territory, the path will automatically continue in the bordering water territory by selecting another random destination border in the next territory. The shipping path will continue until it connects with another land mass. A water territory may have only one shipping path through it. Land Territories connected by a shipping path are said to be adjacent (or bordering).
- Proposal #5
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Added a new section XII to the rules.
- Proposed by Bender
A player may use his units in a territory to "attack" another player's units in an adjacent territory. This may be done by notifying the Admin of the territory to attack from, and the territory to attack. Players may only attack during their own turn.
The rules of attacking are as follows:
- Units in a territory may only attack units in an adjacent territory.
- An attack consists of up to 3 units from the attacker's territory (to be selected by the attacker), and up to 2 units from the defender's territory (the units with the highest defence strengths are automatically selected for the defender).
- The attacker may not attack with all of the units in his territory (ie. if he has 3 units, he can only attack with 2, if he has 2 units he may only attack with 1). This implies that a territory with 1 unit may not attack.
- Each unit on the attacking side will roll an n-sided dice, where n is the attack strength of that particular unit. Each unit on the defending side will roll an n-sided dice, where n is the defence strength of the unit.
- The dice for each side are then ordered from highest to lowest, with the highest dice from each side being compared, and the second highest dice from each side being compared (if applicable). For each pairing, the side with the lowest roll loses the unit corresponding to that die. The defending side wins ties.
- Soldiers have an attack value of 6 and a defence value of 6.
Note that these rules are exactly the same rules as those in standard Risk, with the addition of attack and defence values to open the door for new unit types in the future.
- Proposal #6
- Rejected by a vote of 4-2.
- Proposed by General Pupe
I hope I'm not conflicting with another rule. I propose that when a player recieves a soldier, they have the option of placiong it in a territory they alraedy own, or placing it in a neutral territory, which subsequently becomes thiers.
- Proposal #7
- Accepted by a vote of 5-0. Added rule 4 to section V.
- Proposed by Hitler
I propose that when a player receives a unit they have the option of placing it in a territory that they already own or placing the unit on an adjacent territory to one they own and which is not currently occupied by another players units.
- Proposal #8
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Added a new section XIII to the rules.
- Proposed by iago
I propose that at the beginning of a turn, each player recieves a "letter". This is a character found somewhere on the keyboard. All "letters" are uppercase english letters or numbers. The chances of getting individual characters are:
- 10% - the "letter" is one of the 10 numbers found on the keyboard.
- 60% - the "letter" is a vowel (A, E, I, O, U, but NOT Y)
- 30% - the "letter" is a consonant (A letter that is not a vowel).
- 0% - there is no 'space' character or symbols
*Within each of these sets, the chances of getting each individual character is randomized.
At the beginning of a player's turn, they will recieve a single "letter", and these "letters" will accumulate. The letters that a player has can not be seen by other players, they are kept track of by the admin and the list is sent to the player on his turn.
At any point during a player's turn, if he or she wishes, they can trade a set of letters for extra units. The letters they trade in must form an English word. For every letter in the word, they get twice as many soldiers, starting with 3 letter words getting 1 soldier, so:
3 letters = 1 soldier
4 letters = 2 soldiers
5 letters = 4 soldiers
6 letters = 8 soldiers
Once the letters are traded in, the player no longer has them.
At this point, numbers serve no purpose.
- Proposal #9
- Accepted by a vote of 5-0. Added rule 6 to section IV.
- Proposed by JuicyRufus
I propose that we allow the naming of territories. If a player owns a territory they will have the option of naming it, at no cost, to distinguish that territory. The names may not contain any numbers (such as 1,2,3). The names may not contain number words (such as eight or eleven) in order to keep confusion to a minimum.
- Proposal #10
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Added a new section XIV to the rules.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that every territory (including water) will have a certain amount of natural resources. A territory will have a random multiple of $1,000,000 from $1,000,000 to $20,000,000. Each unit will have a specific harvesting rate. A soldier (currently the only unit available) will have a default harvesting rate of $1,000,000 per turn. A unit that is harvesting, may *not* perform any other action until the next turn of that player. For instance, if you set all units on a territory to harvest, then you may not move, attack, or perform any other action with that unit until your next turn begins (including defending for example, as explained in other proposals.)
Each unit that is set to harvest on a given territory will deduct the harvesting rate from the territories natural resources amount and add it to the players balance at the beginning of the players next turn. The resources of a territory may not go below 0. If you harvest with more than one unit and the sum of the rates of the harvesting units is greater than the balance of the available resources in the territory, then the amount of resources remaining is divided amongst the harvesting units. If a unit is destroyed before the beginning of the players next turn, no money from the resources is transferred. The status of units (harvesting or not harvesting) is hidden from all other users until an action is taken that requires the status of the units to be known (eg attacking).
The amount of resources in a territory is unknown by a player until the territory is surveyed by that player. To survey a territory, you must travel through or occupy the territory with a soldier. The admin will keep the values hidden from all other users until they are surveyed by the player. If a player should leave the territory, they will see the same amount of resources available until the territory is re-surveyed, even if the resources are harvested by another player or altered in any way.
- Proposal #11
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Added rule 5 to section V.
- Proposed by Bender
Each player may make one "move" during their turn. A move consists of transporting any number of your units from one territory to an adjacent territory. The destination territory must be either an unoccupied territory or a territory owned by the player making the move.
- Proposal #12
- Rejected by a vote of 3-3.
- Proposed by Hitler
To increase teach turns proposals to two each week. Just as before using your proposals is optional, so you may still make 1 or 0 proposal if you like. Players wanting to make use of their proposals must do so within their turns allotted time.
(Note: This is a rule from Nomopoly but every week I have many ideas for proposals and I feel the game would benefit greatly from the addition of this new rule)
- Proposal #13
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Added rule 7 to section IV
- Proposed by iago
No unit may ever be on the very edge of the map (the edge being defined as any hex that does not have six surrounding hexes). To combat this, whenever a unit is place or moved to an edge (or reaches the edge in any way), hexes will be added there per the standard rules to ensure it is surrounded by six hexes.
Basically, to summarize, the map will expand in any direction that a player moves in.
- Proposal #14
- Accepted by a vote of 6-0. Modified rule 2 and added rules 6 and 7 to section V.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that we add three new unit types to the game. Each Unit will start out as a soldier and after upgrade training (which takes both time and money) will become the new units as defined below. While a unit is in training, it may not perform any other action. If a unit is destroyed before the training is complete, no money is returned. When a territory is attacked and one or more unit must be destroyed, they are destroyed in ascending order of cost. For instance, if a territory was attacked that contains a soldier, a scout and an artillery piece and one unit was destroyed, the soldier would be destroyed first, then (if the attackers persisted) the scout, and finally the artillery.
Scout - This unit will cost $2,000,000 to train and takes one turn. It has the same properties of a soldier except that when attacking or defending, it uses a 3 sided dice instead of a six sided. This unit may move through four territories in a single turn, surveying each territory it passes. The scout may pass through a territory occupied by another player, but must end the turn on a territory that is unoccupied or owned by the same player. Other players cannot see the path the scout has traveled. Instead, they only see that the scout has left the original territory and has arrived on the destination territory (the path is unknown).
Artillery - This unit costs $4,000,000 to train and takes two turns. When attacking and defending, this unit uses a 10 sided dice. This unit cannot survey. Movement of the unit takes a full turn, so if you choose to move an artillery unit to an adjacent territory it will not arrive until the beginning of your next turn (and cannot be used until it has arrived). In the event that the destination territory becomes occupied by another player before the artillery unit has arrived, it will instantly move back to the original territory and become fully usable.
Harvester Peon - This unit costs $1,000,000 to train and is instantly upgraded. This unit has the same properties of a soldier, except that it uses a one sided dice to attack and defend with. Also, this unit harvests resources at a rate of $2,000,000 per turn.
- Proposal #15
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Modified rule 5 and added rule 8 to section IV.
- Proposed by Bender
Time for some math fun... Rule IV-5 states that there is a (30+10X)% chance that a newly created territory will be water, where X is the number of adjacent water territories. Change this to (30+10X+2Y)%, where Y is the distance from the territory to Territory #3. (I would have chosen Territory #1 if it weren't water). The "distance" between two territories is the number of moves in the shortest possible path between the two territories.
So basically, the farther away from the center of the map a territory is, the greater chance of it being water. This should eventually limit the maximum size of the map.
- Proposal #16
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Added a new section XV to the rules.
- Proposed by General Pupe
I propose that we add a new type of unit to the game. A "port". If a players borders come into contact with water, and wishes to cross it, they may construct a port along the water provided that the water hexagon has a shipping route through it. The player would then be able to use the shipping route even if they do not own the beginning or end point hexagons. This will become more usefull later on, as the expanding map causes more water territory's to exist. A port will cost $7,000,000 and 3 turns to build.
- Proposal #17
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Modified rule 3 of section VIII.
- Proposed by Hitler
To increase the number of allotted proposals during each turn from one to two. Just as before using your proposal is optional, so you may still make 1 or 0 proposals if you like. Players wanting to make use of their proposals must do so in their allotted time.
(Note: I was told that the earlier proposal I made was not clearly understood I hope that the rewording will clarify the earlier typo. As of right now the only way to get a new basic solider unit is by proposal. This will increase the pace of the game pace of the game and allow new and interesting rules to come into play.)
- Proposal #18
- Rejected by a vote of 3-3.
- Proposed by iago
I propose that we add a new terrain feature to the map: height. Like water, this will be distributed evenly at the start, then as new territories are added they may also be at a different height
Each territory on the map will be assigned an altitude value from 1 to 5, where 1 is the ground level and 4 is a hill or mountain. For each territory on the map, the chances of it being at each height are as follows:
40% - 1
25% - 2
15% - 3
12% - 4
8% - 5
After the heights of all territories being added (or, initially, all territories that exist) at that time are calculated, adjacent territories that aren't already raised have a chance of also being raised. For each added territories with a height H = 3, 4, or 5 there is a 30% chance that any adjacent territories with a height of 1 will have a height of (H - 1). For each territory that changes with a height H = (3, 4, or 5) also have a chance of raising adjacent territories that aren't raised by the same rules as the original. This is repeated until no heights change.
So if a territory has a height of 3, there is a 30% change for each adjacent territory with a height of 1 that it will have a height of 2. If the territory had a height of 4, there is a 30% chance that each adjacent territory with a height of 1 has a height of 3. Then the territories adjacent to each territory that changed who have a height of 1 have a 30% chance of having a height of 2. I hope that makes sense.
If you are attacking or defending downhill (the unit you are attacking is at a lower height than you), your attack or defense power is increased by the difference in heights. So if you are attacking with a soldier from a height of 4 to a height of 2, your attack power is increased by (4 - 2) = 2, so your effective attack power would be 6 + 2 = 8.
How it is indicated:
I was thinking this could be indicated on the map by different shades of green, darker shades = heigher altitude.
This rule is only applied to non-water territories.
- Proposal #19
- Accepted by a vote of 3-1. Added a new section XVI to the rules.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that we add mercenaries to the game. Every territory on the board will be evaluated (in random order) for mercenaries, and every future territory added will also be evaluated by the same formula (stated below). A mercenary is a unit that remains hidden until it is discovered by surveying the territory it occupies. Once a mercenary unit has been surveyed, the surveryer must either conscript the mercenary, or fight the mercenary. When a mercenary has been conscripted, you must pay the mercenary $250,000 per turn. In the event that you fail to pay the mercenary this fee, the mercenary (if it is alone on its own territory) will "disappear" until resurveyed by you, or another player. If the mercenary is unpaid and on a territory with other units of yours, then you must fight the mercenary.
A fight with a mercenary is identical to a regular attack except that you may use all units on the territory to attack. The attack will continue until either all of your units have died, or the mercenary is dead. No player units may inhabit a territory with an unconscripted mercenary.
A mercenary begins the game as a unit that is identical to a soldier. When the mercenary has been hired, it may be upgraded in the same fashion as a soldier. If the upgraded unit is then not paid, it will follow the same rules as above and will maintain its upgraded stats.
To start, no mercenary may begin on a territory already occupied by a player's units. The formula to determine the distribution of mercenaries is the following: (30 + 20*x - 10*y) percent chanced of a single mercenary per territory (evaluated in random order), where y is the number of player units bordering the territory in question and where x is the number of mercenary units bordering the territory in question.
During a battle with another player and a conscripted mercenary, the opposing player may double the mercenaries wage and have the mercenary permanently conscripted in their army. The wage remains doubled for the entire life of the mercenary and may be redoubled multiple times.
When a unit has been conscripted, the title of the unit will have "Mercenary" appended to its name so that all players may see that it is a mercenary. For instance, a default mercenary would appear to other players as a "Mercenary Soldier", whereas an artillery mercenary would appear as "Mercenary Artillery".
- Proposal #20
- Rejected by a vote of 2-2.
- Proposed by Bender
Players may purchase soldiers on their turn at a price of $1,000,000 each. Soldiers purchased by a player will not become available to the player until his next turn.
- Proposal #21
- Rejected by a vote of 2-2.
- Proposed by General Pupe
I propose that (if this isn't already so) that the name changes we make to territory's be visible on the game map. They should be displayed where the numbers currently are. Any font/size changes to make them fit are acceptable.
Plus, don't make rediculously* Huge names for territory's.
- Proposal #22
- Accepted by a vote of 4-0. Added rule 7 to section VIII
- Proposed by Hitler
The Number of Soldiers Earned Due to Territories a Player Owns:
At the begin of the players turn the player will receive additional soldiers in regards to the number territories the player already owns at the start of the turn. This number of squares owned is divided by 2, discarding the remaining fraction. The answer is the number of soldiers given to the player at the start of the turn.
Examples own 2 territories = 1 soldier
Own 4 territories = 2 soldiers
Own 7 territories = 3 soldiers
On each turn a player is entitled to a minimum of 1 soldier even if he owns only one territories.
- Proposal #23
- Accepted by a vote of 4-0. Modified rule 3 of section XIII
- Proposed by Hitler
Modifying Rule XIII: Letters
As it stands currently there is a 10% chance- the letter is a randomly selected is a digit
I propose limiting the value of digits given out from one to four. Any number previously given out that is greater than the number four shall have the value of four. If the number zero was given it shall have the value of the number one.
At the beginning of a player's turn, he may trade in a set of letters. The letters must form an English word. A player who trades in letters receives 2^(n-3) soldiers. A digit may be added to the end of the word as a bonus. Additional units will be given out equal to the value of the digit. Only one digit can be added to a word.
Once the letters/digits are traded in, the player no longer has them.
- Proposal #24
- Accepted by a vote of 4-0. Added new sections XVII and XVIII to the rules.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that we add a building to the game, known as a "Spaceport". A spaceport will allow a player to train space units (as defined below). A spaceport will cost $10,000,000 and takes three turns to build. In the event that a territory containing a space port is conquered, the space is then owned by the new player who occupies the territory.
With the Spaceport, the following new "space units" will be available. A space unit cannot be attacked from a standard ground unit, unless specifically defined in the units specs. Space units may occupy any territory (including those occupied by other players), but may not be the sole unit causing a player to "own" a territory. In order to upgrade a ground unit into a space unit, the original unit must be trained on the territory containing a space port.
The following Space Units will be added:
Spy Satellite
Costs: $5,000,000
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgraded From: Scout
Time to Train: 2 turns
Attack: 0
Defence: 0
Other: This unit may travel through up to 10 territories per turn, surveying them as it goes. In the event a mercenary is surveyed, the mercenary is not "activated" and the player may not conscript or fight them.
Artillery Satellite
Costs: $5,000,000
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgrade From: Artillery
Time to Train: 2 turns
Attack: 12
Defence: 6
Other: This unit takes a full turn to move (much like the Artillery ground unit). This unit may attack other satellites, and has a range of 7 hexagon territories, the one it is on, and its bordering 6 territories. This means that it may attack or defend any of those seven territories.
Satellite Hunter
Costs: $5,000,000
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgrade From: Soldier
Time to Train: 2 turns
Attack: 8
Defence: 8
Other: This unit may only attack other space units.
Demolition Satellite
Costs: $10,000,000
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgrade From: Soldier
Time to Train: 3 turns
Attack: 0
Defence: 6
Other: This unit may attack and destroy buildings (currently only including the spaceport and the seaport). In order to destroy a building, the unit will start over the territory containing the building and a six sided dice will be rolled. The building will not be destroyed until the player has rolled two consecutive dice rolls in two consecutive turns that add up to greater than or equal to 10. A player may also use more than one Demolition Satellites on the same building and the dice rolls will be added at the end of each turn, but the minimum time to destroy a building will still be two turns.
- Proposal #25
- Accepted by a vote of 3-1. Added 2 units to the Unit Descriptions.
- Proposed by Bender
Add the following two units to the game:
Unit: Grenade Thrower
Attack: 10
Defence: 10
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgraded from: Artillery
Cost: $2,000,000
Time to train: 1 turn
Other: Cannot survey territories. Takes one full turn to move. Can attack a territory that is up to 2 hexes away (as opposed to the normal 1).
Unit: Pikeman
Attack: 3
Defence: 12
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgraded from: Soldier
Cost: $2,000,000
Time to train: 1 turn
Other: N/A
- Proposal #26
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Added rule 9 to section XII.
- Proposed by Bender
If a player attacks an opponent's territory and there are no enemy units available to defend (because they are all performing other actions and/or have a defence value of 0), then the following actions will occur:
- All units in the defending territory are killed.
- The attacker may move in as many units as he likes from the attacking territory to the defending territory, as per the current rules of moving. This does not count as the player's move for the turn.
This will allow players to defend territories they have captured, as well as prevent units from becoming invincible by keeping them harvesting constantly.
- Proposal #27
- Rejected by a vote of 2-2.
- Proposed by General Pupe
I propose that we allow a player to join nomic risk in the middle of the game (for e.g. now) THe player would start with one soldier like any other person, jsut as we started at the beginnign of the game. They would be at a disadvantage to otehrs, therefore would not disrupt the game.
- Proposal #28
- Accepted by a vote of 3-1. Added the unit to the Unit Descriptions
- Proposed by Hitler
The following Unit to be added:
Harvesting Peon Wearing Lazy Shell
Costs: $2,000,000
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgraded From: Harvesting Peon
Time to Train: 1 turns
Attack: 3
Defense: 6
Harvesting Rate: $2,500,000
Other: If Harvesting Peon Wearing Lazy Shell is harvesting it is still able to defend but not attack.
- Proposal #29
- Accepted by a vote of 3-1. Added the unit to the Unit Descriptions
- Proposed by Hitler
Modification of Rule XV: The cost of building a port will be reduced to 4,000,000 and take 2 turns to build. If port is currently in possession by a player a new unit will become available to that player. When coral skipper (new unit only available if player is in possession of port) is being built it is said to occupy a port, which port will be specify stated by the player, only one unit may be built at a time by that port.
New units:
Coral Stripper
Costs: $1,500,000
Harvesting Rate: 2,000,000
Upgraded From: n/a
Time to Train: 1 turns
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Harvesting Rate: $2,000,000
Other: Coral Skipper is a unit that moves strictly on water territories without use of shipping paths. May only be created if player is in currently possession of port. If port is destroyed while coral stripper is being built than coral stripper is as well destroyed.
- Proposal #30
- Rejected by a vote of 4-1.
- Proposed by iago
I propose that we create a "parallel universe". Initially, this will be an exact copy of the original map, including all land, water, units, mercenaries, and anything else that has been added. After it's created, however, it can change. If there's water in some spot on the original map, there isn't necessarely water on the other map -- it will be unique. It will be treated almost like a second game, with the same players.
Now the difference -- whenever a unit dies on the original map, it will be placed in a random location in the parallel universe. There is an equal chance that it will be placed on any unoccuped terrority, or a territory occupied by the player recieving the unit. When it dies in the parallel universe, it is removed from the game. This is the only way that units can be recieved in the parallel universe.
- Proposal #31
- Rejected by a vote of 3-2.
- Proposed by iago
I propose a rule that will speed up the game a little. First off, I want to define a Time-out for a turn. A time-out is any turn that is not ended by a player, but by the admin. With that defined, the rule is that any player that times out will be penalized by losing their next turn. Hopefully with this in mind, players will end their own turns.
- Proposal #32
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Modified rule 5 of section V.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that each player is allowed to make up to 3 consecutive moves per turn. After the player has moved, they may not attack.
- Proposal #33
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Added a new section XIX to the rules.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that we copy the entire land-based unit tech tree (soldier, scout, artillery, harvester peon) into a "scuba" equivalent. All of the units will have "scuba" prefixed to their name, ie "Scuba Soldier", "Scuba Scout" etc... A scuba unit is identical to their land based counterpart with the exception that instead of occupying and traveling on land, they occupy and travel on water. Water units and land units may not interact with each other unless specifically stated in the rules.
A player *must* control a port in order to create scuba units. If the player has control of a port and they have received new units that turn, they will have the option of creating an ordinary land soldier, or a scuba soldier. The placement of the scuba unit will also be parallel to the placement of traditional units and must be placed on a water territory occupied by other units or a water territory adjacent to an occupied territory (they may be placed in a water territory that is adjacent to a land territory).
- Proposal #34
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Added the unit to the Unit Descriptions.
- Proposed by Bender
Add the following unit to the game:
Unit: Space Shuttle
Upgraded from: Spy Satellite
Domain: Space
Attack: 0
Defence: 0
Harvesting Rate: 0
Cost: $1,000,000
Upgraded from: Spy Satellite
Time to train: 1 turn
Other: Same specs as Spy Satellite, with 1 addition: When the Space Shuttle moves, it may transport up to 7 units with it, providing the destination territory is not water.
- Proposal #35
- Rejected by a vote of 3-2.
- Proposed by Bender
I propose that Jeff may vote on all future rule proposals.
- Proposal #36
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Added 2 units to the Unit Descriptions.
- Proposed by General Pupe
I propose we add yet another Unit to the game, ICBM's. These units will be the only land units this far in the game that can attack space units. This unit, unlike others though, will be broken into two parts; mobile, and fixed. The mobile ICBM will be able to move throughout a players territory's. It will be able to fire directly up, at space units on its territory. It will have higher attack, but its defence will be much weaker. The fixed ICBM, will remain attached, as part of a building, able to defend that structure, with a much higher defence, but with weaker attack than the mobile one.
Mobile ICBM
Costs: $5,000,000
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgrade From: Soldier
Time to Train: 2 turns
Attack: 9
Defence: 3
Other: Mobile ICBM's behave just like any other unit
Fixed ICBM
Costs: $3,000,000
Harvesting Rate: 0
Upgrade from: N/a
Time to build: 2 turns
Attack: 5
Defence: 7
Other: The ICBM will be marked as part of a Port/Spaceport/any future building. It is destroyed sperately from the structure. if a structure is destroyed while one is part of it, it is also destroyed.
- Proposal #37
- Accepted by a vote of 5-0. Modified the Unit Description for the unit.
- Proposed by Hitler
Change all mention of coral skipper in the current set of rules to coral stripper (the actually name of the unit)
- Proposal #38
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Modified rule 1 of section XIII
- Proposed by iago
Modify the letter rule to swap the probabilities of getting vowels and consonants.
- Proposal #39
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Modified rule 5 of section IV
- Proposed by iago
Modify rule IV: 5 such that, if there is no possible path from territory 3 to the territory in question as a result of water cover, the probability of the territory being water is (10 + 10X)% where X is the number of adjacent waters. This will give a 30% chance of finding an island in the open water, which would add some islands.
- Proposal #40
- Rejected by a vote of 4-1.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that the admin (Jeff) receives one rule proposal per round (a round is considered the time it takes for all players to take their turn). In the event that Jeff's rule is added, a mercenary will be added to a randomly selected un-occupied territory on the board. If there are no unoccupied territories, one will be added.
- Proposal #41
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Modified rule 5 of section V.
- Proposed by Mao
Modify the rules that define unit movement such that a player can make up to three moves per turn. The player may not attack after they have made their first move.
- Proposal #42
- Rejected by a vote of 3-2.
- Proposed by Bender
No territory may have an "absolute distance" from Territory #3 greater than 10. If the rules state that a territory be created with absolute distance greater than 10, the territory will not be added and the rule stating that the territory be added will not take effect in that particular instance. The "Absolute Distance" between two territories is defined as the minimum number of moves between the two territories "by air", ignoring movement restrictions such as shipping paths and water.
Basically, this will limit the maximum size of the map to a reasonable radius of 10.
- Proposal #43
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Modified rule 8 of section XII and added new sections XX and XXI to the rules.
- Proposed by Bender
I propose we define three new concepts for units: Hit Points, Levels, and Experience. All units currently on the board, as well as all newly created units in the future, unless specified otherwise, will have 2 Hit Points, 0 Experience Points, and be Level 1.
Whenever a unit loses a battle, instead of instantly dying, it will lose 1 hit point. When a unit has 0 or less hit points, it is killed.
Whenever a unit wins a battle, it will receive an amount of experience points, equal to the dice roll of the unit it won against. Once a unit has enough experience points, it will go up a level. The level of a unit is determined by the total number of experience points it has:
0-19 points.....Level 1
20-49 points.....Level 2
50-89 points.....Level 3
90-139 points.....Level 4
140+ points.....Level 5
The level of a unit will determine its maximum hit points. A level n unit has a maximum hit points of (n + 1). So a Level 1 unit has 2 maximum hit points, Level 2 has 3 maximum hit points, etc.
The hit points and level of a unit will be known by all players and posted on the map mouseovers, but the exact experiece level of a unit will not be posted.
A new building, known as a "Hospital", may be built by players on territories. A Hospital costs $6,000,000 and takes 2 turns to build. Any units beginning a turn in a territory containing a Hospital will gain 1 Hit Point, up to the maximum hit point level of the unit.
To summarize, units can gain Experience Points by winning battles. Experience Points causes units to increase in Levels and Hit Points. Units may heal by occupying a territory with a Hospital.
- Proposal #44
- Rejected by a vote of 2-2.
- Proposed by General Pupe
I propose that when/if a player conquers a territory they have to pay a fee so that thier unit can enter the territory and occupy it. The fee should depend on how many soldiers are in the territory. This would create the effect of needing to "rebuild" after a major battle. The more soldiers defended the territory, the more the fee shall be. For every defender that is killed capturing the territory, the attacker must pay $100,000. SO:
-1 soldier $100,000
-2 soldeirs $200,000
-3 soldiers $300,000
ect. ect.
If you cannot afford the price, but win a battle anyways, the defenders troops remain dead, and the attackers remain in the country.
- Proposal #45
- Accepted by a vote of 3-1. Added rules 3 and 4 to section XVII.
- Proposed by General Pupe
On a similer theme to my last proposal, when a territory is captured that contained a structure, the attacekr must pay another $25,000 to own it. If the structure was destroyed less than 3 turns ago, the attacker is allowed to "resurrect" it for half price. If a territory is captured with an intact structure, and at attacker cannot afford the $25,000, the structure implodes.
- Proposal #46
- Accepted by a vote of 4-0. Added rule 4 to section II.
- Proposed by Hitler
The admin be allowed to pause the game and un-pause the game, during a pause the game will not be updated and no further turns will be taken by any player until the game is un-paused. Only the admin of Nomic Risk will have this option available. On the condition that the admin does choose to pause the game emails must be sent to all the players at least 24 hours prior to the pause occurring, with the details on when the pause will be occurring and the approximate date of when the game will be un-paused, and perhaps a reason why. If the players feel that the pause privilege is being abused by the admin, while the game is paused, a vote may be taken to un-pause the game where all players must unanimously vote yes and the game will be un-paused.
Note: Players usually have around five days to a week normally between their turns while the admin must constantly update Nomic Risk almost everyday. This proposal will allow Jeff the opportunity to take a small vacation where he doesn't have to worry about internet access (i.e. a road trip that one of his friends mentioned to me). I'd also like to take the moment to thank Jeff for how much work he has been doing to make the game run smoothly.
- Proposal #47
- Accepted by a vote of 3-0. Modified rule 3 of section XIII.
- Proposed by Hitler
I propose that we reduce the number of proposals per player per turn to one (as it was in the beginning) in order to slow the growth of the rule set.
- Proposal #48
- Rejected by a vote of 2-2.
- Proposed by iago
I propose that ports not be limited to being built on trade-routes, but that they can be built anywhere, for the purpose of building units in it (coral stripper for now, probably others later). Because of its loss of functionality, it should cost half as much and have half the build time of a normal port ($2,000,000 and 1 turn).
- Proposal #49
- Accepted by a vote of 3-1. Modified rule 1 of section XI.
- Proposed by iago
eliminate the $200 at the beginning of turns. This is just a pointless headache for Jeff.
- Proposal #50
- Accepted by a vote of 2-1. Added the unit to the Unit Descriptions.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that we add a new unit to the game. In the event that proposal #43 is not passed and this proposal is passed, this propsal will also add the concepts/rules as defined in proposal #43.
Unit: Medic
Upgraded From: Soldier
Domain: Land
Attack: 3
Defence: 3
Harvesting Rate: 0
Cost: $3,000,000
Time to Train: 1 turn
Building Requirements: Hospital
Special Abilities: The medic begins with 5 healing points. A healing point may be used to heal one unit and restore one hit point of that unit. The medics healing range is one hex radius, so the medic may heal any unit within the same territory, or in a territory adjacent to the one occupied by the medic. There are two "modes" available for the medic, automatic mode, and manual mode. When in automatic mode, the medic will automatically heal any unit owned by the same player as the medic that is within range whose hitpoints are less than that of the maximum hitpoints of that unit. When in automatic mode, the medic will heal your units, even when it is not your turn. If the medic is in manual mode, it will not heal any units unless specified during the players turn. When the medic runs out of healing points, for $2,000,000 the unit may restock supplies and gain an additional 5 healing points. In order to restock supplies, the medic *must* occupy a territory containing a hospital and may only restock during the players turn.
- Proposal #51
- Accepted by a vote of 2-1. Added rule 4 to section XIX.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that for every building, we add a "scuba" alternative by adding the prefix "Scuba" to the name of each building. A scuba building is identical to their land based counterparts with the exception that instead of being built on land territories, they are built on water territories. A scuba building will cost an additional $2,000,000 to build in comparison to their land based counterparts.
- Proposal #52
- Accepted by a vote of 2-1. Modified rules 4 and 5 of section XII.
- Proposed by Bender
Modify rule XII-5 to read: When a territory is attacked, the defender will have up to 2 units from the defending territory selected for him. The units selected will be those with the highest value of (defence value * hit points). Similarily, if a player attacks and does not specify which units to attack with, the units selected will be those with the highest (attack value * hit points). This will ensure the strongest available units will participate in battles.
- Proposal #53
- Rejected by a vote of 2-1.
- Proposed by Bender
Create a new building known as a Missile Silo. A missile silo costs $10,000,000 and takes 3 turns to build. One territory is allowed to contain multiple Missile Silos.
A Missile Silo may be used to build and store missiles. Whenever a missile is created, it is stored inside the Missile Silo that created it. A single Missile Silo may hold up to 3 missiles. If the Missile Silo is captured by another player, the new owner gets all of the missiles inside it.
Missiles may be fired at a target territory. The range of a missile states the maximum number of hexes away from the Missile Silo that the missile may be fired at (by air, ignoring water/shipping paths/etc). Missiles may only be used once, so once a missile is fired, it is gone.
The following types of missiles are available:
Missile: Neutron Missile
Cost: $2,500,000
Time to build: 1 turn
Range: 3
Effect: Each unit in the target territory has a 75% chance of losing 1 hit point.
Missle: Chemical Missile
Cost: $1,500,000
Time to build: 1 turn
Range: 6
Effect: The target territory loses all of its resources.
Missile: Cruise Missile
Cost: $5,000,000
Time to build: 2 turns
Range: 3
Effect: Has a 50% chance of destroying a randomly selected building in the target territory. If the destroyed building happens to be a Missile Silo, the computers in the silo go haywire, and all missiles in the silo are fired at randomly selected territories within their ranges.
- Proposal #54
- Accepted by a vote of 3-1. Modified sections 1, 3, and 4 of rule XIII.
- Proposed by iago
I don't like the scoring rules for letters, it can potentially get too high. I propose that we use scrabble rules instead. The values of each letter are added together for the total score. Furthermore, 2 and 3 will count as double and triple word score, respectively. Any 1's will turn into 2's, and any 4's will turn into 3's, and in the future only 2 and 3 may be handed out. Only a single 2 or 3 can be used at once. Furthermore, I think it's too easy to get letters. I propose that players only get a number if they win an attack sometime during the turn, the same way that Risk cards are distributed in the normal game. Hopefully this proposal will eliminate the possibility of somebody getting way too many troops from cashing in a single word.
- Proposal #55
- Rejected by a vote of 3-1.
- Proposed by Mao
I propose that when a player is declared the winner and there are still more than one players left, the game will continue with all other players until there is only one player remaining. The player who wins, will maintain the official "rank/status" based on the order they won in. The winning player will be able to continue playing, with the condition that he/she may not place any new units, build any new buildings or make any new proposals. They will still be able to upgrade units, harvest, move, attack, defend, etc... And will not be eliminated until *all* of their remaining units are destroyed.
In the event that a player wins by paradox, the event that triggered the paradox will be revoked and the admin will be allowed to modify the ruleset and fix the paradox that caused the player to win. The actual change made by the admin must be written up as a passed proposal and placed on the website for all to see what the original problem was and how it was corrected.