N_omic Judgements

Judgements current as of February 5th, 2001.

Invocation 1 - By: Jeff Weston
In accordance with rule 212, I invoke judgement. I have a disagreement regarding rule 105 regarding the definition of "player". With respect to the vote on proposal 301, this Nomic appears to be stuck while waiting for Benjamin Gimpert to cast his vote.

I have examined the eGroups message archive and have not found even one message from Benjamin Gimpert. I feel that his status as player in this Nomic is questionable at best. To ensure this Nomic doesn't fall apart even before it gets off the ground, I suggest we consider that Benjamin Gimpert is not a player at this time. If we ever hear from him, we can reinstate him as a player at that time.

Judgement 1 - By: Jeff Weston
Now correct me if I'm wrong, I feel that according to rule 212 I am the judge for settling this particular question, since I would preceed Kevan in the order of play. If that is the case, I feel compelled to agree with myself. If no one has disagreements over this matter, I would say lets continue the game with Jon Grimm's turn.


Judgements 2, 3, 4, and 5