[Nomic02] [T] and the rest of jwalrus' turn

Carl Muckenhoupt nomic02@wurb.com
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 23:21:08 -0500 (EST)

jwalrus asked me to proofread his orders, but I didn't notice the
following problem until now.  I hope he reads this in time to submit
corrections before the end of his turn.

On Fri, 11 Apr 2003, Adam Biltcliffe wrote:

> Ok, a rather contorted sequence of actions coming up now: firstly, I cause 
> the monkey to pick up the Bottle Imp, decreasing the mind-control satellite 
> uplink's power supply charge level to 3.

This is invalid.  The monkey is already carrying the Explorer's Compass,
and thus cannot pick up another token (rule 100).

> Next, as Carl Muckenhoupt's bomb has exploded on Saturn since the start of 
> my turn, I declare the final 'n' of 'Saturn' to be nonconnective, 
> disconnecting Saturn from Mornington Crescent.
> Baron Greenback will then drop the Golden Corknut (earning me 14 brownie 
> points) and then move to the House of Commons.
> I shall then change the first letter of 'Ctb*p**ami*' to a 'W'. This 
> decrements my brownie points by 2, disconnects Iraq from Central Park and 
> connects it to West of House, West of Nowhere and Washington, DC.

This all is valid.

> If all of that's legal I then perform the following actions:

Since not all of that is legal, I think this makes all subsequent actions