[Nomic02] [T] and the rest of jwalrus' turn

Adam Biltcliffe nomic02@wurb.com
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 03:08:18 +0100

Ok, a rather contorted sequence of actions coming up now: firstly, I cause 
the monkey to pick up the Bottle Imp, decreasing the mind-control satellite 
uplink's power supply charge level to 3.

Next, as Carl Muckenhoupt's bomb has exploded on Saturn since the start of 
my turn, I declare the final 'n' of 'Saturn' to be nonconnective, 
disconnecting Saturn from Mornington Crescent.

Baron Greenback will then drop the Golden Corknut (earning me 14 brownie 
points) and then move to the House of Commons.

I shall then change the first letter of 'Ctb*p**ami*' to a 'W'. This 
decrements my brownie points by 2, disconnects Iraq from Central Park and 
connects it to West of House, West of Nowhere and Washington, DC.

If all of that's legal I then perform the following actions:

I pick up Adam Biltcliffe's bomb which I dropped earlier this turn in a 
moment of confusion and move to Iraq, scoring 4 brownie points for 

I cause the monkey to move to Iraq as well, decreasing the mind control 
satellite uplink's power supply charge level to 2, and then steal the 
Explorer's Compass from it.

Finally, I pay another 2 brownie points to change the 'W' of 'Wtb*p**ami*' 
to a 'B'. This disconnects Iraq from West of House, West of Nowhere and 
Washington, DC, and connects it to Blasted Heath and, on Tuesdays, to 
Brigadoon. Iraq's damage tally, if I am not mistaken, is now 0.

If all this is proper and correct, I end my turn, and Iraq will have five 
