proposal 301 - resumption of the game


By voting 'yes' for this proposal, you are acknowledging that Fourplay is being restarted by the four Players. You are acknowledging that the game was suspended a long time ago, not because of any explicit declaration to do so, nor because of anything in the Rules that would allow or require such a suspension, but because of a lack by all the Players to meet the requirements of the game, or participate in it in any way.

By voting 'yes' for this proposal, you are acknowledging that the previous attempt at finally getting started in actual play - purchasing Pieces and setting them up on the Board - was not successful. You agree to discard all previous Purchases and Setups submitted to the Collector as if they had never been submitted, even tho this would normally not be allowed by the Rules. You agree to discard all declarations of battle as described in Rule 601. You agree that the game is reset , with the current rules in place, but with no game cycles having been played or started.

By voting 'yes' for this proposal, you acknowledge that the Speaker has no idea what number he was up to in numbering proposals and agree that he can start over again at 301 as described in Rule 206.

By voting 'yes' for this proposal, you acknowledge that you are a Player and Voter in Fourplay.

proposal 302 - Henry


In Rule 901 (Compound Pieces), part VI, replace 'Mark' with 'Henry' in both cases.

proposal 303 - number of players


Rewrite Rule 104 in its entirety. The new Rule will read as follows:

104. Number of Players

Fourplay is meant to be played with four players. If at any time in the game there are less than four Players, the remaining Players may continue to play while the search for additional Players is made, according to the following:

(i) If there are two or three Players remaining, play will continue as normal, according to the Rules.

(ii) If there is only one Player, he is automatically declared Winner of the Game Cycle for the current Cycle. Play is then suspended until at least one new Player is added.

proposal 304 - new players


Renumber Rules 105 and 106 as 107 and 108 respectively, and add a new Rule 105 and Rule 106 as follows:

105. New Players

If at any time in the game there are less than four Players, it is the duty of the remaining Players to use resources outside of the Game to find an interested person to join.

When a person who is not a Player is interested in joining, he must announce publically 'I would like to join Fourplay as a Player.' This person is referred to as the Joiner. If there are already four Players, it is the duty of the Speaker to notify the Joiner that he can not be accepted into the Game at the present time because the Rules forbid more than four Players. If there is less than four Players, the active Players decide whether or not to accept the Joiner as described below:

After the declaration is made, Players have one week in which to publically vote for or against the Joiner. They vote either 'Yes, come play with us' or 'No, you're not worthy, start your own damn game.'

If any Player votes no, or does not vote within one week, the Joiner is not accepted into the Game.

If all Players vote yes, the Joiner is immediately accepted into the Game, and becomes a Player.

106. Joining the Game

When the Game is in progress and a new Player joins, he is immediately given a new Office, with all the rights and responsibilites pertaining thereto as described in the Rules. The only exception to the previous statement is if the Player had previously been a Fourplay Player. In this case he receives his previous Office, which is removed from the Fourplay Office Storage Facility, as well as all the possessions of that Office that are stored there as well.

Within one week of joining, the new Player must publically name his Office and choose its colors. Failure to do so will result in the Speaker choosing a name for him until he chooses a name himself. An existing Office brought out from storage is considered to have the same name and colors as when it went into storage.

Additionally the new Player receives the following:

- If it is the Piece Purchase phase of the Game, the Player receives the same amount of F$ and the same Pieces that the other Players received at the beginning of the phase as described in Rule 604, if they are stated. He then has til the end of the Purchase phase to submit a Purchase phase to submit a Purchase to the Collector.

- If it is the Piece Setup phase of the Game, the Player receives the same amount of F$ and the same Pieces that the other Players received at the beginning of the previous Purchase phase as described in Rule 604, if they are stated. He then has til the end of the Setup phase to submit a Setup to the Collector.

- If there is currently Play on the Board, the Player receives the same amount of F$ and the same Pieces that the other Players received at the beginning of the previous Purchase phase as described in Rule 604, if they are stated. On his first Turn, the Player may Pass or place Pieces on the Board, and purchase Pieces. He must declare at least Piece to be his Mascot; if he does not have a Piece he can declare his Mascot, he must purchase a Piece to be his Mascot and declare it as such. On his first or second Turn, he must place his King on the Board. On his second Turn, he must place his Mascot on the Board. On his first or second Turn, he must place any other Pieces on the Board that are required by Rule 605 to be placed during the Setup phase (such as Dollarmen).

- If it is the Awards Phase of the Game, the Player receives nothing.

proposal 305 - winning the game


Replace Rule 105 (or 107 if it's been renumbered) as follows:

105. Winning the Game

Fourplay can not be won. The Game continues indefinitely unless there are zero Players. Certain indicators (such as Trophies and Points) may be used as a gauge to determine who is 'winning', but no final Winner is ever declared as long as the Game is being played.

proposal 306 - leaving the game


add the following two rules to the end of the 100s section.

Leaving the Game

A Player may leave the Game voluntarily at any time. To do so he need only make a public declaration of his intent to do so.

A Player is also considered to have left if all of the following conditions apply in a period of one month:

- He has not made a public declaration of any kind.

- He has not submitted a Piece Purchase (valid or otherwise) or a Piece Setup (valid or otherwise) to the Collector.

If a Player has been determined to have passively left the Game, the Speaker must announce this publically when the conditions are met. The Player then has one week to publically declare that he is still in the Game. At the end of this week, if the Player is still not heard from, he is out of the Game, and the remaining Players shall find a new Player based on the Rules.

Vacant Offices

If a Player leaves the Game for whatever reason, his Office is considered Vacant. When an Office becomes Vacant, the following occurs:

- All possessions are destroyed, except those excepted below. This includes but is not limited to Pieces, $F, and Neutron Gems.

- Trophies and Points are not destroyed.

- The Office and its remaining possessions are stored in the Fourplay Vacant Office Storage Facility. It is the duty of the Speaker to keep track of inventory in the Storage Facility.

proposal 307 - piece creation


Creation of a new Rule:

10000. Bananas

When a Player submits a proposal, and that proposal passes, and upon passing that proposal creates a FourplayChessPieceDef Rule as defined in Rule 900, then the Player who submitted it receives one banana.

The Piece Purchase phase of the first Game Cycle can not begin until all active Players have 3 bananas.

Bananas are not tradable. Bananas can not be received by Players in any other way except as described in this Rule. This takes priority over all other Rules with regards to bananas.

When the first Piece Purchase phase of the first Game Cycle begins, all Bananas are destroyed and this Rule deletes itself.

proposal 308 - starting the game


Delete Rule 601 and replace as follows:

601. Starting the Game

The Piece Purchase phase of the first Game Cycle begins when the following have occurred:

A. One of the follinwg has occurred:

- All four Players have publically announced: 'I am ready for battle. Let the Games begin!'

- Three Players have publically announced: 'I am ready for battle. Let the Games begin!' and at least one week has passed since the third Player made his declaration.

B. All other conditions described in the Rules for starting the Game have also been fulfilled.

proposal 309 - awards


Amend Rule 603 and create Rule 613:

Amend Rule 603. Gameplay as follows:

The first sentence and parts A, B, and C are unchanged.

Delete the rest of the rule.

Add the following:

D. Awards. This is described in Rule 613.

As soon as the Awards phase of one Cycle ends, the following occurs:

(i) All Pieces owned by the Players are destroyed. They do not carry over to the next Cycle.

(ii) All F$ owned by the Players are destroyed. They do not carry over to the next Cycle.

(iii) The Purchase phase of the next Cycle begins immediately.

Create new Rule 613:

613. Awards

During the Awards phase, the Speaker publically announces the distribution of Trophies and Points to the Players, as described in Rules 502 and 503. As soon as this announcement is made, the Awards phase ends.

proposal 310 - awards V2


Amend Rule 603 and create Rule 613:

Amend Rule 603. Gameplay as follows:

The first sentence and parts A, B, and C are unchanged.

Delete the rest of the rule.

Add the following:

D. Awards. This is described in Rule 613.

As soon as the Awards phase of one Cycle ends, the following occurs:

(i) All Pieces owned by the Players are destroyed. They do not carry over to the next Cycle.

(ii) All F$ owned by the Players are retained by the Player who owns them, and carry over to the next Cycle.

(iii) The Purchase phase of the next Cycle begins immediately.

Create new Rule 613:

613. Awards

During the Awards phase, the Speaker publically announces the distribution of Trophies and Points to the Players, as described in Rules 502 and 503. As soon as this announcement is made, the Awards phase ends.

proposal 311 - poems


Amend Rule 503 and create a new Rule 614:

Amend Rule 503 as follows:

Replace section A as follows:

A. Each Player can receive Points, which become the property of the Player. Initially each Player has zero Points. A Player can only receive Points as described in the Rules. Points can not be purchased. Points can not be traded.

Replace section C as follows:

C. It is possible for Players to have negative Points. If the Rules require that a Player lose more Points than he has in his possession at that time, he is awarded negative Points. Negative Points remain a Player's property and can not be gotten rid of except as described in the Rules. If a Player with negative Points receives Points, the Points and negative Points automatically counteract and destroy each other on a one-to-one basis.

Create new Rule 614:

614. Poems

A. At the end of each Game Cycle, each Player who does not have the most Points must write a poem (any form) in praise of the Player with the most Points, and submit that Poem publically. It is illegal for any Poem to contain 'They Might Be Giants' references.

B. Players have 2 weeks from the end of the Cycle to submit their Poem. If a submission is not received within the 2 weeks, that Player loses 75 Points.

C. The leading Player may consider submitted Poems to be unsatisfactory.

(i) If the leading Player considers a submitted Poem unsatisfactory, he has one week from the time the Poem is submitted to publically reject it.

(ii) The rejected Poet has one week to either submit a new Poem, or publically refuse to submit a new Poem. If he does not take either action within one week, he loses 75 Points. If he submits a new Poem, the leading Player's options revert back to the beginning of section C in this Rule.

(iii) If a Poet publically refuses to submit a new Poem, then the remaining Players must publically declare that the support the original Poem, or do not support the original Poem. They have one week to submit their declaration. If a declaration is not made by a Player within the one week, he loses 50 Points.

- If all remaining Players who make a declaration support the original Poem, then the Poem is considered acceptable, and the leading Player loses 50 Points.

- If all remaining Players who make a declaration do not support the Poem, then the Poet who submitted it loses 100 Points. He then has one week to submit a new Poem. The leading Player has the option of rejecting this new Poem as described in this Rule.

- If a submitted Poem receives declaration of support and a declaration of non-support, neither the Poet nor the leading Player loses any Points, and the Poet is not required to submit another Poem.

D. It is the duty of the Speaker to keep an archive of Poems, as well as rejected Poems, and declaration of support records on contested Poems.

E. Players can support, not support, or reject Poems as they see fit. The intention of the above Rules, however, is simply to protect against Poems that either do not praise the leading Player in any way, or show virtually no effort on the part of the Poet (such as three word Poems). It is not the intention of these Rules to judge the quality or literary merits of the Poet's work, provided he has made a good-faith effort to come up with some type of Poem. It is is also not the intention of these Rules for the process to be used as way to cause other Player's to lose Points based on their Point total or as an end in itself, rather than considering the Poem at hand.

proposal 312 - board definition


Amend Rule 800 as follows:

- Replace 'There exists a checkered board' with 'There exists a rectangular checkered board'.

- Delete the following sentence: 'Once a Game Cycle has begun, any proposal submitted during that cycle would alter the size or shape of the Fourplay Board must pass by a 4-0 cote; this takes precedence over the Rule on required number of votes.'

- Delete the following sentence: 'If the proposal would eliminate any squares that are occupied by Pieces at the time that the proposal passes, however, then the proposal is discarded with taking effect. Replace this sentence with the following:

If a proposal passes that changes the size of the board, and some squares are deleted, then the Pieces that occupy those squares immediately become Off-Board Pieces and remain the property of those Players, unless the proposal specifically states what is to become of these Pieces. If the Neutron occupies one of the deleted squares, then it is returned to the centermost square of the Board, destroying any Piece that , unless the Board is no longer odd (as defined in Rule 905), in which case the Neutron is taken Off-Board.

If, at the time the proposal passes, one of the squares that is to be deleted is occupied by a King, then the proposal automatically becomes invalid and is not considered to be passed, and no squares on the Board are deleted.

- Add the following section:

Each square can contain at most one Piece. If there is no Piece on a square, that square is considered unoccupied.

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