Ackanomic Player/Entity List

Generated on Saturday the 27th of February 1999 at 19:27 -10 GMT

Current up to Friday the 26th of February 1999 at 21:37 Acka

While every effort has been made to cause this page to completely and accurately reflect the current game state, up to the time stated thereon and with respect to the information that would normally be expected to be presented on this page, the information thusly presented remains only an approximation of the Financier's belief regarding such information and, as such, should not be taken as fulfilment of any of the duties of Financier, most especially with respect to any legal requirement to provide or make available any such information or the logs from which such information is generated, thus, in the event that a player has any concerns regarding any apparent disparity between information relating to the status of specific entities which the Financier is required to track, and for which that information is presented on this page, and the current game state, or a particular player's interpretation thereof, that player, or group of players, is directed, in accordance with the Rules of Ackanomic is so far as they require the Finacier to provide information in relation to the ownership of entities which exist within Ackanomic upon request, to contact the Financier and present those issues for the purposes of determining the Financier's true opinion of the status of the effected entities, however, in cases were players have no concerns regarding the validity of this information, it may generally be assumed that the following information does in fact reflect the Financier's belief.

Emergency Public Broadcast System(tm)


Justified Ancients of Mummu Eir Log

Church Dogma:

Mummu, god of chaos, dates back to the time of primitive Ackanomians who thought that Kansas was his face in the sky. We joined the secret organization known as the Illuminati, but we were kicked out over 100 years ago. Since then, we've constantly fought their -pseudo-anarchist, commie-right wing fundamentalist anarcho-socio-Kapitalist fascist agenda.

Church Policy:

All Priests may use organizational powers or make organizational actions. Any Priest who uses the word Hubert in any public message, other than the Founder, will be stripped of eir priesthood. E is still a lay member of the church, just not a Priest.

We have tolerated the onerous burden of these religious monsters for too long. It is time for the Workers and Warriors to rise up against the Theocracy. And JAM will spearhead this effort!




has a Privileged Single Player Policy (two-star)

The Church of banna Eir Log

Church Dogma:

All those who do not know the nature of banna are to be pitied. All members of the Church of banna know the nature of banna.




Doesn't own a Brass Rarzoo

The Church of the Good Ballot Stuffer Eir Log

Church Dogma:





Doesn't own a Brass Rarzoo

Political Parties:


Trust Funds:

Main Rules player Officers Entity Games Misc All - Together - Now

Maintained by K 2, Financier of Ackanomic, Last Updated 27-February-99
Special thanks to: Joseph DeVincentis and Aaron Humphrey, who mantained this page previously