Fictionary Games Archive - Game 2

Fictionary is a game in the Games & Contests Rule Suite.

Game 1 || Game 2

1. Slakko
2. The Gingham Wearer
3. Vynd
4. Alfvaen
5. /dev/joe
6. Balsamic Dragon
7. breadbox
8. else...if

The game, and first round, began Thu, 8 Jan 1998 18:33:35 -0500, with Slakko as Brainiac.

Slakko posted the first Ing word, salvor, at Fri, Jan 9 1998 02:53:44 -0500.

Slakko posted the list of definitions at Sun, Jan 11 1998 14:26:19 -0500:

  1. A chalice, usually filled with holy water, used during various Roman Catholic Church ceremonies.
  2. Salvor: A group of spherical or cylindrical objects, esp. when ordered.
  3. The tray on which the sacramental wafers are held during Communion.
  4. One who assists in saving a ship or goods at sea, without being under special obligation to do so.
  5. A healer, or a doctor's assistant.
  6. To clean or polish with saliva.
  7. A small covered tray, as for holding butter.
  8. A winged beast from Russian mythology.

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:25:52 -0500, Slakko posted:

I suggest that this round be hereafter referred to as the Salvor/Salver Round. Results: The real definition was: 4. One who assists in saving a ship or goods at sea, without being under special obligation to do so. The votes and points are below. No one guessed the correct definition, so Slakko scores two points.

Player              Defn.   Voted For    Points    Total
Slakko                4       (Br)          2        2
The Gingham Wearer    8         5           0        0
Vynd                  6         3           0        0
Alfvaen               1         5           0        0
/dev/joe              5         7           2        2
Balsamic Dragon       3         7           3        3
breadbox              7         3           2        2
else...if             2         3           0        0

The next Brainiac is The Gingham Wearer.

Vynd's defition 6, "to clean or polish with saliva", was the wrong part of speech, and hence subject to ridicule.

The Gingham Wearer's turn began Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:25:52 -0500.

The Gingham Wearer posted the Ing word, quirpele, at Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:44:34 -0500.

The Gingham Wearer posted the list of definitions at Fri, 16 Jan 1998 15:09:14 -0500:

  1. A South American flowering plant with trifoliate leaves.
  2. A species of deciduous tree native to South America.
  3. To drive hither and thither.
  4. The Indian ferret.
  5. A large, keyhole shaped type of tomb used primarily by nobility in 6th and 7th Century Japan.
  6. A species of centipede indigenous to South America.
  7. Plumbing involving the placement of gargoyles, esp. on church roofs.

At Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:45:06 -0500, The Gingham Wearer posted:

The correct definition was: 4. The Indian ferret. No-one guessed the correct definition so I score two points. The updated points totals are included in the table below.

Player              Defn.   Voted For    Points    Total
Slakko                8         1           0        2
The Gingham Wearer    4        (Br)         2        2
Vynd                  5         1           0        0
Alfvaen               1         2           4        4
/dev/joe              6         2           0        2
Balsamic Dragon       2         7           2        5
breadbox              7         1           1        3
else...if             3         1           0        0


All definitions were the correct part of speech except for:

3. To drive hither and thither.

which was submitted by else...if and is subject to ridicule. The next braniac is Vynd.

 Vynd's turn began Sun, 18 Jan 1998 17:45:06 -0500.

 At Mon, 19 Jan 1998 00:56:29 -0500, Vynd posted the Ing word, kea.

 At Thu, 21 Jan 1998 02:20:55 -0500, Vynd posted the list of definitions:

   One player has sent me the correct definition for kea, his definition does not appear below, and he does not vote this Round. The proposed definitions for kea, arranged in random order:    

  1. " "
  2. A one-man boat used by the Melanesians.
  3. An urn used for holding ceremonial liquids.
  4. A small tree frog indigenous to southeast Asia.
  5. A large New Zealand parrot (Nestor notabilis), notorious for having acquired the habit of killing sheep; -- called also mountain parrot.
  6. A lagoon or inlet.
  7. A Scotts word meaing river.

At Fri, 23 Jan 1998 21:27:59 -0500, Vynd posted:

The correct definition is:    
5. A large New Zealand parrot (Nestor Notabilis), notorious for having acquired the habit of killing sheep; -- called also mountain parrot.    
Slakko (mean old Aussie that he is) sent me the correct definition. Alfvaen guessed it. So Slakko gains 4 points for being the only player to submit the correct definition, and Alfvaen gains 2 for guessing it.     The remaining scores, definitions, and votes. Note that Balsamic Dragon lost a gamepoint for defaulting on the definition stage. Note also that I continue to have no points, and the same can be said of else...if. :(      

Player              Defn.   Voted For    Points    Total
Slakko                5         -           4        6
The Gingham Wearer    7         7           1        3
Vynd                  5        (Br)         0        0
Alfvaen               2         5           3        8
/dev/joe              4         4           1        3
Balsamic Dragon       1         4          -1        4
breadbox              6         7           0        3
else...if             3         0           0        0

All definitions were the correct part of speech, except perhaps Balsamic Dragon's " " Both The Ginghman Wearer and /dev/joe sheeped this round, and it worked. Players subsequently voted for their definitions. <shakes his head sadly> In a side note, my first choice of Ing word, oiticica, was not in the official lookup dictionary, but my Webster's defines it as: any of several South American trees. Alfvaen, your new points leader, is the next Brainiac.

Alfvaen's turn began at Fri, 23 Jan 1998 21:27:59 -0500.

At Sun, 25 Jan 1998 18:28:18 -0500, Alfvaen posted the Ing word, bigha.

At Tue, 27 Jan 1998 16:31:27 -0500, Alfvaen posted the list of definitions:

  1. An African talking drum.
  2. A measure of land in India, varying from a third of an acre to an acre.
  3. A two-wheeled horse cart of the Amish. It resembles a barrel on wheels, and is used for the transport of liquids, especially water for fire fighting.
  4. The Xhosa name for the springbok.
  5. A type of small wooden chariot primarily used in the sixth and seventh centuries AD.
  6. A covered bridge.
  7. A race of short, stout people in Celtic mythology who live in small farming communities, preferring not to associate with other people.
  8. An Indian tree which produces both flowers and edible fruit.

At Fri, 30 Jan 1998 18:31:49 -0500, Alfvaen posted:

Balsamic Dragon got eir vote in just under the deadline...breadbox I think missed it and has sheeped by default. The correct definition was: 2. A measure of land in India, varying from a third of an acre to an acre. Ha! I didn't think anybody would think that one was right. I get two points.

Name             Written    Voted For    Points     Total
breadbox            1          1           1          4
Alfvaen             2         (Br)         2         10
Vynd                3          7           0          0
Slakko              4          5           0          6
The Gingham Wearer  5          8           2          5
Balsamic Dragon     6          1           1          5
/dev/joe            7          6           1          4
else...if           8          5           1          1

Vynd remains scoreless, and I'm still in the lead, by a growing margin. Unfortunately, nobody's definitions are subject to ridicule this round. I believe that /dev/joe is the next Brainiac for Round 5...and I'll try to update the web page with the last three rounds.

/dev/joe's turn began at Fri, 30 Jan 1998 18:31:49 -0500. At Fri, 30 Jan 1998 22:18:30 -0500, /dev/joe posted the Ing word, fulguration. At Mon, 2 Feb 1998 22:44:28 -0500, /dev/joe posted the list of definitions:

  1. " "
  2. The act of fulgurating.
  3. The process of removing the blood from an organism and replacing it with chemical preserving agents.
  4. The act of lightening.
  5. The act of concealing; a concealment.
  6. A sudden eruption or blooming.
  7. Evanescence.
  8. Thought, contemplation.

At Tue, 3 Feb 1998 08:47 -0500, Balsamic Dragon resigned from the game. At Wed, 4 Feb 1998 20:20 -0500, /dev/joe posted: The correct definition was #4, "The act of lightening." The list of definitions and the scoring for this round is as follows. Alfvaen continues his runaway, voting for the correct definition *and* getting two bluffers to vote for his. Score totals (now in order of play):

Name             Written    Voted For    Points     Total
Slakko              5          4           2          8
The Gingham Wearer  8          2           1          6
Vynd                3          8           0          0
Alfvaen             6          4           4         14
/dev/joe            4          -           0          4
[Balsamic Dragon]   1        [quit]
breadbox            7          6           0          4
else...if           2          6           1          2

I considered the possibility that else...if's definition was actually similar to the actual definition, but "fulgurate" seems to mean something somewhat different from "fulguration", so there was no sense of either word that I could consider this matching. Balsamic Dragon quit during this round, so the turn as Brainiac passes to breadbox.

breadbox's turn began at Wed, 4 Feb 1998 20:20 -0500. At Wed, 4 Feb 1998 23:03 -0500, breadbox posted the Ing word, gloriole. At Sat, 7 Feb 1998 16:53 -0500, breadbox posted the list of definitions:

  1. A reflected image of the sun or other bright object in the sky, usually caused by ice crystals; sun dog.
  2. An aureole.
  3. A family of flowers closely related to the Rosa family.
  4. A small bird native to the north and center of Africa with red and gold plumage.
  5. A South American plant valued for its red and white flowers.
  6. A stamen which protrudes from its flower significantly, so as to achieve pollination by contact with passing animals.
  7. A common flower of Northern Europe, with small red blossoms and a feathery leaf structure.

At Sun, 8 Feb 1998 13:15 -0500, breadbox posted:
Round six of our game of Fictionary has come to a close, and this is your Brainiac, here to tell you that we are all still eating Alfvaen's dust. The word, as you undoubtedly recall, was "gloriole", and the true authorings of the offered definitions were as follows:
Alfvaen: 1. A reflected image of the sun or other bright object in the sky, usually caused by ice crystals; sun dog.
Slakko: 3. A family of flowers closely related to the Rosa family.
TGW: 4. A small bird native to the north and center of Africa with red and gold plumage.
else...if: 5. A South American plant valued for its red and white flowers.
/dev/joe: 6. A stamen which protrudes from its flower significantly, so as to achieve pollination by contact with passing animals.
Vynd: 7. A common flower of Northern Europe, with small red blossoms and a feathery leaf structure.
And, of course, the actual definition of the word, which was: 2. An aureole.

Scoring is as follows:
i) Each Bluffer receives 1 Gamepoint for every player other than himself who voted for his definition. Alfvaen receives three points, /dev/joe receives two points, and Vynd receives one point.
ii) A Bluffer receives 2 Gamepoints if he voted for the Actual Definition. No one receives points by this clause. (However, I also note that no one's definition is subject to ridicule, so there is some comfort.)
iii) If no one voted for the Actual Definition, the Brainiac receives 2 Gamepoints. breadbox receives two points. In summary:

                    Previous  Definition  Definition   Points  Current
   Name                Score   Authored   Voted for   Received   Score
1. Slakko                  8       3      Alfvaen         0          8
2. The Gingham Wearer      6       4      /dev/joe        0          6
3. Vynd                    0       7      Alfvaen         1          1
4. Alfvaen                14       1      Vynd            3         17
5. /dev/joe                4       6      Alfvaen         2          6
6. breadbox                4                              2          6
7. else...if               2       5      /dev/joe        0          2

I now turn control of the game over to else...if, who will drag us, kicking and screaming, to the end of the first turn.

else...if's turn began at Sun, 8 Feb 1998 13:15 -0500.
At Sun, 8 Feb 1998 13:31 -0500, else...if announced the Ing word, fumet.
At Wed, 11 Feb 1998 20:41 -0500, else...if posted the list of definitions:
Here are the definitions, in random order. Breadbox submitted the correct definition, so he recieves 4 points and is left out of this part.

  1. An ashtray.
  2. A sponge, found only in the Red Sea.
  3. A hollow metal tube used for holding cigarettes while smoking.
  4. Glue obtained from tree sap.
  5. The stench or high flavor of game or other meat when kept long.
  6. Wood smoke.

At Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:28 -0500, else...if posted: And for the final scores in round 1:

Previous  Definition  Definition   Points  Current
Name                   Score   Authored   Voted for   Received   Score
1. Slakko                  8       4      Alfvaen         1          9
2. The Gingham Wearer      6       6      /dev/joe        1          7
3. Vynd                    1       2      Slakko          0          1
4. Alfvaen                17       3      TGW             2          19
5. /dev/joe                6       1      Alfvaen         1          7
6. breadbox                6       Guessed Correctly      4          10
7. else...if               2            Braniac           2          4

Your go Slakko

The second round, and Slakko's turn, began at Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:28 -0500.
At Fri, 13 Feb 1998 14:46 -0500, Slakko posted the Ing word, corymb.
At Sat, 14 Feb 1998 14:19 -0500, Slakko posted the list of definitions:

  1. A line of Greek poetry consisting of three iambs followed by a dactyl.
  2. Pertaining to a large amount of hidden detail.
  3. A degernerate hyperbola.
  4. The ninth letter of the Basque alphabet.
  5. Any flattish flower cluster, whatever be the order of blooming, or a similar shaped cluster of fruit.
  6. An uncut ruby.
  7. A bas-relief above the entrance to a building.

At Sun, 15 Feb 1998 03:52:36 -0500, Slakko posted:
Alfvaen's gone and done it again. He scored two points from voters who thought that corymb was too poetic to be a flower.

No. Submitter  Voted For  Old Score   Points   New Score
5.  Slakko        (Br)         9         0         9
2.  Gingham         1          7         0         7
4.  Vynd            6          1         0         1
1.  Alfvaen         7         19         2        21
6.  /dev/joe        7          7         1         8
7.  breadbox        1         10         2        12
3.  else...if       5          4         2         6

The correct definition was number 5.
Any flattish flower cluster, whatever be the order of blooming, or a similar shaped cluster of fruit.
Tip to Vynd: Basque may be a wierd language, but it uses the Roman alphabet. The only player to not submit a noun was The Gingham Wearer: Pertaining to a large amount of hidden detail. Now it is time for the Gingham Wearer to provide us with a new Ing word.

The Gingham Wearer's turn began at Sun, 15 Feb 1998 03:52:36 -0500. At Sun, 15 Feb 1998, 09:34:58 -0500, The Gingham Wearer announced the Ing word, lunicurrent. At Mon, 16 Feb 1998, 09:08:65 -0500, The Gingham Wearer posted the list of definitions:

  1. Of animals, to be most active during periods of full moon.
  2. continuation of something (as repetition of a word) usually to an exceptional degree or beyond a desired point
  3. Having relation to changes in currents that depend on the moon's phases.
  4. Seasonal high tide.
  5. Occurring with the same period as the phases of the moon.
  6. Of or related to the lunicur.
  7. An unusually low tide.

At Tue, 17 Feb 1998 08:47 -0500, The Gingham Wearer posted:
Damn you Slakko, I was doing so well! The correct definition is number 3. The startling revelation from this round is that Alfvaen only got one point. /dev/joe was the poor unfortunate bluffer who failed to get anyone to vote for eir definition. Oh, and Vynd sheeped unsuccessfully. The updated scores are below:

No. Submitter  Voted For  Old Score   Points   New Score
5.  Slakko          3          9         3         12
3.  TGW           (Br)         7         0         7
7.  Vynd            7          1         0         1
1.  Alfvaen         4         21         1        22
6.  /dev/joe        5          8         0         8
4.  breadbox        2         12         1        13
2.  else...if       1          6         1         7

Well, the competition for second place really seems to be hotting up. As I storm into joint last place, just waiting for else...if to overtake me before making a late surge, I pass the brainiacship (or is it brainiachood?) on, to the only player having less success than I, Vynd.

Vynd's turn began at Tue, 17 Feb 1998 08:47 -0500.
At Thu, 19 Feb 1998 01:39:05 -0500, Vynd posted the Ing word, pismire.
At Mon, 23 Feb 1998 01:24:50 -0400, Vynd posted the list of definitions:

  1. A vanity.
  2. A patch of very muddy terrain.
  3. A notion of little value or worth.
  4. A predatory fish that travels in schools and attacks live prey.
  5. A fish capable of breathing in air.
  6. An ant, or emmet.
  7. A region wetter than a swamp, but not a true body of water.

Results posted by Vynd at Tue, 24 Feb 1998 14:29:01 -0500:

The correct definition for pismire is: An ant, or emmet.

No. Submitter  Voted For  Old Score   Points   New Score
 2.  Slakko          3         12         0        12
 5.  TGW             3          7         1         8
 6.  Vynd          (Br)         1         0         1
 3.  Alfvaen         6         22         6        28
 4.  /dev/joe        3          8         0         8
 1.  breadbox        3         13         0        13
 7.  else...if       5          7         0         7

As you can see, Alfvaen has now cemented his hold on the lead. In fact, he now has enough points to win the game. However, the rules state that the game does not end until all players have been Brainiacs an equal number of times, so it is now Alfvaen's turn as Brainiac.

Alfvaen's turn began at Tue, 24 Feb 1998 14:29:01 -0500:
At Fri, 27 Feb 1998 12:14:47 -0500 e announced the Ing word as harmost.
At Tue, 03 Mar 1998 22:42:28 -0500, e posted the definitions received:

1. A South American monkey with sandy colored fur.

2. An unexpected, early freeze that occurs before harvest time, typically destroying an entire crop.

3. Harmful.

4. A powerful east wind, associated with cold weather and powerful storms.


6. A governor or prefect appointed by the Spartans in the cities subjugated by them.

7. An inadequate definition.

At Thu, 05 Mar 1998 09:49:05 -0500, Alfvaen posted the results:

Well, for the what may be the first time in the game, I didn't score any
points this round, because someone did indeed vote for the real definition.

Which was:

6. A governor or prefect appointed by the Spartans in the cities subjugated
by them.

The Gingham Wearer successfully sucked everyone in to voting for eir
"monkey" definition, and sheeping probably didn't hurt.

(And else...if, the only one to vote for the correct definition, was also
the only one who failed to send one in...)

No. Submitter  Voted For  Old Score   Points   New Score
7.  Slakko         1          12        0         12
1.  TGW            1           8        4         12
4.  Vynd           1           1        0          1
6.  Alfvaen       (Br)        28        0         28
2.  /dev/joe       1           8        0          8
3.  breadbox       1          13        0         13
5.  else...if      6           7        1          8

/dev/joe's turn began at Thu, 05 Mar 1998 09:49:05 -0500
At Thu, 05 Mar 1998 11:06:28 -0500, /dev/joe announced the Ing word, phlogopite.
At Tue, 10 Mar 1998 11:01:24 -0500, /dev/joe listed the definitions:

  1. A brown form of mica consisting of hydrous silicate of potassium and magnesium and aluminum.
  2. A plant which is abnormally large for its species.
  3. A substance which is a ready conductor of heat.
  4. Pitchblende.
  5. A part of certain plants of the rose family found near the base of the stem.
  6. Any mineral once thought to contain fire; brimstone.
  7. " "

At Thu, 12 Mar 1998 00:40:41 -0500, /dev/joe posted the voting results:

The correct definition of phlogopite was:

1. A brown form of mica consisting of hydrous silicate of potassium and
magnesium and aluminum.

Vynd was the player who didn't submit a definition; he was also the only
one to pick the right definition.  else...if submitted the only definition
nobody voted for, and The Gingham Wearer submitted the only definition
two people voted for.

No. Submitter  Voted For  Old Score   Points   New Score
6.  Slakko         4          12         1        13
5.  TGW            3          12         2        14
7.  Vynd           1           1         1         2
3.  Alfvaen        5          28         1        29
1.  /dev/joe      (Br)         8         0         8
4.  breadbox       5          13         1        14
2.  else...if      6           8         0         8

All of the definitions were of the right part of speech (4 rocks + 2 plants).

breadbox's turn started at Thu, 12 Mar 1998 00:40:41 -0500.
At Fri, 13 Mar 1998 15:37:55 -0500, breadbox announced the Ing word, gleet.
At Mon, 16 Mar 1998 14:16:49 -0500, breadbox posted the list of definitions:

  1. An archaic instrument; a predecessor of the bagpipes.
  2. A clicking sound, made by snapping the tip of tongue off the roof of the mouth, which occurs only in some African languages.
  3. Highly active, usually with reference to animals.
  4. To steal.
  5. To flow slowly, as water.
  6. To glisten wetly.
  7. The thick layer of fat deposits found just below the skin of most bears.

At Wed, 18 Mar 1998 08:58:16 -0500, breadbox posted the voting results:

Slakko:    1. An archaic instrument; a predecessor of the bagpipes.
TGW:       3. Highly active, usually with reference to animals.
Vynd:      7. The thick layer of fat deposits found just below the
              skin of most bears.
Alfvaen:   6. To glisten wetly.
/dev/joe:  2. A clicking sound, made by snapping the tip of tongue off
              the roof of the mouth, which occurs only in some African
else...if: 4. To steal.

which, of course, leaves:

           5. To flow slowly, as water.

as the actual definition. It may be worth noting, by the way, that
this is the most pedestrian of the three definitions listed for
it. The other two were:

1. [n.] A transparent mucous discharge from the membrane of the
urethra, commonly an effect of gonorrhea.
2. [v.] To flow in a thin, limpid humor; to ooze, as gleet.

I also note that Mrs. Byrne's infamous dictionary gives "hawk stomach
phlegm" as a definition. In any case, those Bluffers who chose to
submit nounlike definitions can probably consider any sneers they may
receive as being undeserved. But I digress.

To sum everything up:

                    Previous  Definition  Definition   Points  Current
   Name                Score   Authored   Voted for   Received   Score
1. Slakko                 13       1      4.else...if     1         14
2. The Gingham Wearer     14       3      1.Slakko        0         14
3. Vynd                    2       7      2./dev/joe      2          4
4. Alfvaen                29       6      7.Vynd          0         29
5. /dev/joe                8       2      7.Vynd          1          9
6. breadbox               14      (5)                     0         14
7. else...if               8       4      5.actual        3         12

At Thu, 19 Mar 1998 18:21:44 -0500, else...if announced the Ing word for Round 14: ramet.

E defaulted on supplying the list of definitions, so e lost 5 points and the round ended.

Alfvaen was declared the winner.

Scoring Summary Table for Game 2


































































































































































Page by: Joseph DeVincentis, Aaron Humphrey, Duncan Richer.
Last Updated Saturday, March 28, 1998