
The diagram featured on the front page and used as a motif elsewhere within this site is an artifact of the once-popular, but now debunked pseudoscience known as phrenology. Created by German physiologist Franz Joseph Gall circa 1800, phrenology is the study of correlations between personality traits and mental capacities and the shape of the human skull. Unfortunately for the phrenologists--or rather, those who were gullible enough to pay them--there is in fact no such correlation between bumps on one's skull and intelligence or predispositions to certain types of behavior.

The phrenological diagram used throughout these pages was adapted from an engraving in the 1848 edition of De la phrénologie humaine appliquée à la philosophie, aux moeurs et au socialisme, by A. Pierre Béraud. Post-scan modifications were made using The GIMP. All HTML and stylesheets found here were hand-coded using the ViM text editor, a Vi clone, on a system running Linux kernel 2.4.

Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.