Three Rivers Nomic Association
Logical Index of Current Rules

Main Page Full Ruleset
Eric's PWL Voting Form

Rank		Rule Class Name
I		Root
I-I		 |__Judicial
I-II		 |__Proposal
I-III		 |__Voting
I-IV		 |__Entity
I-IV-I		 |   |__Player
I-IV-I-I	 |   |   |__Officer
I-IV-II		 |   |__Team
I-IV-II-I	 |       |__Games
I-V		 |__Scoring
I-VI		 |__Commerce
...		 |
I-M-M-M-M-M	                 |__Unassigned

Name Number Rule Class Membership
"To Play You Must Obey" 101 Root
102 Root
103 Proposal
104 Voting
105 Voting
106 Proposal
107 Proposal
108 Proposal
109 Voting
110 Root
111 Proposal
112 Scoring
113 Player
114 Root
115 Proposal
116 Root
204 Scoring
205 Voting
206 Scoring
207 Voting
210 Team
211 Root
212 Judicial
213 Judicial
302 Voting
304 Team
"Who's On First?" 306 Player
307 Voting
308 Games
309 Voting
"I christen thee... Bob. Bob the Rule" 311 Proposal
"The Tri-Nomic Proposal Bank" 312 Proposal, Entity
"Winning, Losing and Why We Care." 313 Scoring
"Definition of Turns" 314 Proposal, Voting, Scoring
"Player Status" 315 Player
"Tri-nomic Offices" 316 Officer
"As old as the hills" 317 Officer
"More Rules!" 318 Root
"Sure, blame it all on the technology" 319 Voting, Entity
"Posts, Posts, everywhere posts." 320 Unassigned
"Ever Feel Like a Puppet?" 321 Player
"Generic Universal Nomic Stats" 322 Player
"Ballots and information will be available
at your local voting booth..."
323 Officer

Last modified 16 July 1999

Created by Eric Wald