A player On Hold may not take, or be required to take, any game actions unless those actions are specifically permitted to or required of players On Hold. This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule which specifies the actions permitted to or required of players in general.
A player may voluntarily enter On Hold status by sending a message to that effect to the public forum, provided that the player holds no Offices.
A player On Hold may voluntarily return to Active status by sending a message to that effect to the public forum, provided that at least 72 hours have elapsed since the player entered On Hold status, and the player's return to Active status breaks no other rules.
distributed Thu Jun 9 PDT
Bill : AGAINST Ronald : FOR Michael : FOR Jim : FOR Malcolm : FOR P. : Vote for P. Adelvice for Proposal 121 is FOR. passes 5-1 [Speaker's Note: I recieved the preceeding vote from P, and replied back to ask for clarification. I received none. Since this was the only prop. at the time which ended in a "1", and since this appears to be a typing error, I believe that this is a proper vote. However, I wish that he had bothered to take a few seconds to remove the ambiguity.]