Rule 391
Legislative Record
There is an Official Document known as the Legislative Record. The
Rulekeeper must provide any Player an accurate replica of the
Legislative Record as soon as possible after being requested to do
For every adopted Rule Change, the Legislative Record shall contain
the following information:
- The name of the Player who proposed the Rule Change.
- The date and time the Rule Change was enacted.
- The number of the Rule that was amended or transmuted as a
result of this Rule Change, if applicable.
- The number of the Rule Change that replaced (by transmutation
or amendment) the Rule this Rule Change created, if applicable.
- The date and time the Rule established by this Rule Change was
repealed, as well as the name Player who proposed the Rule
Change that caused the Rule to be repealed, if applicable.
Amends 308.
Bill Trost
submitted Tue, 10 May 1994 19:09:29 PDT
distributed May 11 PDT
Voting record
Michael : FOR
Bill : FOR
P. : FOR
Ronald : AGAINST