Rule 386
Judicial Qualification
Each player shall be either Qualified or Disqualified with respect to
any Call for Judgement which has been submitted. A player may not
simultaneously be both Qualified and Disqualified with respect to a
given CFJ, and a player shall be Qualified with respect to a given CFJ
unless otherwise stated or implied by the rules.
The player who submits a CFJ is Disqualified with respect to that CFJ,
as is any player who has previously served as a Judge for that CFJ and
who failed to return a judgement on that CFJ in accordance with the
I would like to set some groundwork for barring people from judgement
based on agreed-upon criteria other than the existing ones. A
subsequent proto-proposal defines some additional criteria which might
be applied if approved by the voters, but I think it is useful to have
the general concept separated as much as possible.
Jim Shea
submitted Sat, 7 May 94 13:53:19 CDT
distributed Sat May 7 PDT
Voting record
Michael : FOR
P. : FOR
Ronald : FOR
Jim : FOR
Bill : FOR