Rule 330
Default rules for Executive Orders:
An executive order is a decree made by an Officer which has some
immediate effect on the Game State. The executive orders available to
any given Office, and the way in which they may be used are specified
in the rules governing that office. Executive orders may, in general,
affect the Game State in arbitrary ways, but rules for Offices'
executive orders may not conflict with this one. This rule takes
precedence over all rules for Offices where they may conflict.
All executive orders must be logged in the Executive Record (an
Official Document as per rule 116) by the Player or Officer
responsible for its maintenance. When an Office is
given the ability to make an executive order, the description of that
order must include a method by which the action of that order can be
reversed at any later stage.
An executive order may be reversed if a Judgement determines that it
was illegally made. In this case, the Game State must be restored as
per the method specified in the description of the order.
Michael Norrish
Fri, 11 Feb 1994 16:02:17 -0700