Rule 307 - Well formedness of proposed Rule Changes


Well formedness of proposed Rule Changes


Henceforth, every proposed Rule Change will be required to include three separate sections: Title, Rule, and Comments.

The Title section is preceded by the string "Title: ", followed by a short (less than 71 characters) descriptive title of the rule.

The Rule section is preceded by the string "Rule: ", followed by the text of the Rule Change.

The Comments section is preceded by the string "Comments: ", followed by any commentary the Proposer wishes to make concerning the intent or reason for a proposed Rule Change.

For the purposes of the Nomic game, in particular in Judgments as to the meaning of a Rule, the Title and Comments section will not be interpreted as the actual meaning of the rule. Only the Rule section is the meaning of the Rule.


This is clearly related to Rule 107 but is not an amendment.

The purpose of this change should be clear - it is helpful to have some sort of title and an explanation from Proposers.

Note that the Title and the Comments *are* actually part of the proposed rule - the last paragraph is intended to make sure that is only the Rule section that is relevant to interpretation. It's not clear how to make this paragraph more exact, as the initial Nomic rules are a bit vague on exactly what a "Rule" is.


Nelson Minar


February 7, 1994 12:24:15 CST

Voting record

G. Zibrowski	: FOR
Karl Anderson	: AGAINST
Ronald Kunne	: AGAINST
P. Adelvice	: AGAINST
Michael Norrish : FOR
Matthew Kudzin	: FOR
Nelson Minar	: FOR

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