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Posted by Jeff Reinecke, State Minister on September 08, 1998 at 17:17:43:
As you may have noticed in the Constitution, there is provisions for points (and thier analogy to monet), but there isn't any value to them. I decided that it would be better for the group to come up with reasons why points are good, than myself. However, here is a short essay on how we could do this.
I thought of two reasons why real money is valuable. The most important being the exchange of goods and services for money. So what if in Simplex, we were able to set up the trade of services for money? The trade part is already there, but it will be a little more of a challenge to figure out what services everyone could offer that would be valuable to the game.
The other, easier way, is to connect money to power. Traditionaly states were ruled by the rich, battles led by the rich, etc... Therefore, we could set up a voting system where money makes us powerful. I have done this before in another nomic game, but we haven't had time to pass more than two or three laws under this to test it.
There may be other solutions to making the point valuable, and suggestions would be necessary, but I'd like to see a push of power making money favourable.