New Rishonomic Ruleset

Immutable Rules

100. Who We Are!

The name this game is New Rishonomic. The rules may refer to it also as Rishonomic or as Rishon. The first Speaker is Uri Bruck.

101. Obey The Rules

All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect, and interpreted in accordance with currently existing game custom. Until such time as they are legally transmuted, Rules 101-199 are immutable, and Rules 201-299 are mutable.

102. Mutables and Immutables

Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the 200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted of transmuted (that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules in the Initial Ruleset may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.

104. Adopting Proposals

All proposals made in the proper way shall be voted on. Three conditions must be satisfied for a proposal to be adopted: (1) a quorum must have been achieved; (2) the required number of votes must have been cast in favor of the proposal; and (3) the prescribed voting period must have elapsed.

105. Proposals Must Be Written Down

Any proposed rule change must be written down (or otherwise communicated in print or text based electronic media) before it is voted on. If adopted, it must guide play in the form in which it was voted on.

109. Making Proposals

The proper way to make a proposal is to send it by electronic mail to the current Speaker. The Speaker must then distribute the proposal to all Players. The prescribed voting period begins at the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker.

111. Forfeiting The Game

A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgement of the player to incur it, may be imposed.

112. At Least One Mutable Rule

There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule changes must never become completely impermissible.

113. Rule Changes That Affect Rule Changing Rules

Rule changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply rule changes are as permissible as other rule changes. Even rule changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible. No rule change is impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of a rule.

114. Voting Options

Players may vote either for or against any proposal during the prescribed voting period. Players should send their vote by electronic mail to the Speaker before the end of the voting period. Players who do not vote within the prescribed period shall be deemed to have abstained.

115. Permissibility Of The Unprohibited

Whatever is not explicitly prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules, which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly permits it.

116. Numbering Proposals

The Speaker shall give each proposal an ordinal number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each proposal properly submitted will receive the next successive ordinal, whether or not the proposal is adopted.

Mutable Rules

106. Retroactivity

No rule may generate any effect that applies retroactively to a time before the generation of the effect.

205. The Prescribed Voting Period

The prescribed voting period on a proposal is seven days, starting from the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker.

206. When Proposals Take Effect

An adopted proposal takes effect at the moment the Speaker anounces it has been adopted.

207. Scoring when a proposal is accpeted.

When a proposal is accepted, the player who authored it receives 10 points. Every player who voted against it receives 4 points. When a proposal is defeated the player who authored it loses 10 points. When a proposal to create, repeal or ammend an Immutable rule is adopted, the player who authored it receives 2 additional points, when such a proposal is defeated the player who authored it loses 2 additional points. When a proposal to create. ammend or repeal an Immutable rule is adopted or defeated players do not receive any points that depend on the way they voted.

209. Required Number Of Points To Win

The winner is the first player to achieve a score of 180 points. If more than one player achieves this condition simultaneously, all such Players win. When a game ends in this manner: - if there is only one winner, that Player becomes the Speaker, and the old Speaker ceases to be Speaker. - If there is more than one winner, the Speaker selects randomly one of the players, who becomes the new Speaker, and the ld Speaker ceases to be Speaker. - All players' scores are reset to 0 - a new game is begun. All the rules and proposed rule changes retain the status they had at the end of the old game.

211. Invoking Judgement

Any player who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the laws and their interpretation may email their statement to the Speaker, who will then distribute it to the rest of the Players. A call for judgement is then incurred on that statement.

212. Selecting A Judge

When Judgement has been called for, a Judge is randomly selected from among the other registered players by the Speaker. The player selected has 3 days in which to accept or refuse the appointment by posting to the Speaker. Any player who does not respond to selection in 3 days is deemed to have refused appointment, and loses 5 points. If a selected player refuses appointment, then a further random selection is made from the remaining pool.

213. Delivering Judgement

Having accepted the appointment, a Judge has exactly one week in which to post an official Judgement. A Judge who fails to deliver Judgement within that period is penalized 10 points.

214. Three Possible Judgements

There are only three possible Judgements: (1) True; (2) False; or (3) Undecided. A Judgement may be accompanied by reasons an arguments, but any such reasons and arguments form no part of the official Judgement itself.

215. Judgements Must Accord With The Rules

All Judgements must be in accordance with all the rules then in effect. When the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement in question, however, then the Judge shall consider currently existing game custom and the spirit of the game in reaching a decision.

216. Judgements Are Not Rules

If a statement on which Judgement has been called is Judged to be true, and that Judgement is not overruled, it does not thereby become a rule, or any part of a rule. It merely becomes an explicit part of currently accepted game custom until such a time as it is overturned or superceded.

217. Overturning Judgements.

At any time in the week following the posting of a Judgement of "true" or "false", any player may propose that the Judgement be overruled, i.e. changed to "a different verdict, specified by the proposal". If that proposal is adopted, according to whatever rules are currently in effect for the adoption of proposals, then the Judgement is overruled, and the Judge who made it penalized 20 points.

218. Registered Players

A player is any person who is registered as a player. No person may register as a player more than once concurrently. Anyone is allowed to observe the game and participate in discussion of any issue, but no person who is not a player may make a proposal, or vote on any proposal, or call for judgement, or judge, or score points, or win the game.

219. Winning By Paradox

If it cannot be determined with finality if some action is legal within the rules, or if the rules are self-contradictory in a way which is not resolved by precedence within the rules, a player may submit a call for judgement claiming that this is so and naming a specific reason a contradiction exists, which has not already been the reason of a Paradox Win CFJ not yet judged or already judged true. This CFJ is called a Paradox Win CFJ. If a Paradox Win CFJ is judged true, then the player who submitted it wins. When a player wins in this manner, the Speaker may immediately declare a five day interruption of play. At this time, the Speaker must present a Resolution which will fix the contradiction. If no player objects to this Resolution during the five days, at the end of the five days the Resolution takes effect and changes the ruleset, game state, or whatever else must be changed.

Comments: Made the criterion for a PWCFJ stronger, prohibited duplicates, lengthened the time of a Speaker's Resolution to five days, allowed objections, shortened the rule dramatically



Any text within a proposal which is enclosed within "[" and "]" shall be considered a comment, and will not be included in any rule creation or modification.

251. Pass That Proposal?

The required number of votes to pass a proposal to create, ammend or repeal a Mutable rule is 3/5 of the votes legally cast within the voting period.
The required number of votes to pass a proposal to create, ammend or repeal an Immutable rule is 3/4 of the votes legally cast within the voting period. A proposal to create a new rule, creates a new Immutable rule if and only if it explicitly states the fact that it is creating an Immutable rule.
The required number of votes to pass a proposal to transmute an Immutable rule to Mutable or vice versa is 3/4 of the votes legally cast within the voting period.
The required number of votes to ammend or repeal a Glass Rule is 1/2 of the votes legally cast within the voting period. If a proposal passes, but 1/2 of the votes legally cast on that proposal are 'mu', then instead of a Mutable rule, a Glass rule is created.

252. What is a rule change?

A rule change must be one of the following: (1) the enactment repeal, or amendment of a rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment; or (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule, or vice versa.

253. One Player One Vote.

Each player has exactly one vote per proposal.

255. Winning the Game.

The state of affairs that constitutes winning the game may not be changed from achieving n points to any other state of affairs. However, the magnitude of n and the means of earning points may be changed, and rules that establish a winner when play cannot be continued may be enacted, amended or repealed.

256. Resolving Conflicts

If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another,of if two glass rules conflict with another then the rule with the lowest effective ordinal number takes precedence. If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supercede the numerical method for determining precedence. If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another, or to defer to one another, then the numerical method must again govern. A Mutable rule may claim precedence over an Immutable rule. However it may not claim precedence over all Immutable rules. Any such claim is void and has no effect. A glass rules may claim precedence over one mutable rule, however it may not claim precedence over all mutable rules. Any such claim is void and has no effect.

257. I, the Rule

When the first person pronoun, I, appears in a rule, then it is understood to refer to the rule in which it appears. Thus, 'I' is the first person equivalent to 'this rule'.

258. Retracting Proposals

A player may retract any proposal he has authored, provided the voting period for the proposal has not elapsed yet, by sending a public message. A proposal which has been retracted this way becomes invalid and is removed from consideration. The player shall lose one (1) point for retracting as proposal.

259. Vacation

When a Player needs to leave the game of Rishonomic for a time, for whatever reason, that Player may go "On Vacation" for a time by stating publicly that she is doing so, and the estimated time before her return. That Player will then cease to receive game-related email until such time as she publicly posts to the list that she has returned. Going On Vacation carries no game penalty, other than the obvious pain associated with severance from Rishonomic, which may mean "First Nomic", or may mean "Sovereign Lord of all Nomics", or may mean something else entirely. When a Player goes On Vacation, she shall no longer be considered "active" for the purposes of quorum; that is, the Player's abstention shall not affect the voting process in any way - for the purposes of voting results only, it is as if the Player deregistered the instant she went On Vacation. When the Player returns from Vacation, she is immediately considered to be a fully active, registered Player again, and is able to vote on any Proposals distributed after her return to the game A Player on Vacation shall be ineligible to be selected to judge a Call

260. Non Human Players.

I am the rule that keeps track of non-human players. I take precedence over any rule that would disallow a non-human from being registered as a player of Rishonomic. The Voting Gnome is a registered player of Rishonnomic. The number 42 is also a registered player of Rishonomic, but it is not allowed to vote or participate in discussions.
The Speaker's Folly is a registered player of Rishonomic. It is not allowed to take part in discussion. It is not allowed to vote on any proposal other than its proposal s. When it votes, it always votes Mu. Proposals by the Speaker's Folly may only be submitted according to the rules.
Non-human players are not counted as active players for the purposes of determining Quorum. Non-human players may not be selected to judge CFJs.

261. The Voting Gnome

The nomic entity known as the Voting Gnome exists. It was once a citizen of Ackanomic, but left when the players there attempted to murder it several times. The Voting Gnome will always be posessed by the player who has the highest percentage of his submitted proposals fail. This player shall be known as the Gnome Buddy. A player named Wayne, if such a person should exist, may never be the Gnome Buddy.
The Voting Gnome always votes exactly once on every Proposal. He shall vote in exactly the same manner as the Gnome Buddy, unless the Gnome Buddy abstains on a proposal, in which case the Gnome shall vote YES. The Voting Gnome is a refugee. Special care should be taken to protect him from the citizens of Ackanomic and their murderous attempts. If two or more players have equal failed proposal percentages, then the Gnome Buddy shall be last player who was solely qualified to be the Gnome Buddy - that is, the last player to hold the title before the multiple Gnome Buddy-qualified-player instance.

262. Mr. Gnome Goes to Internomic

The Voting Gnome shall serve as Rishonnomic's liasion to Internomic. The Speechwriter shall be in charge of speech writing for the Gnome. Hence, all communication from the Gnome to Internomic shall be communicated by the Speechwriter. The Speechwriter should attempt to maintain a style consistent with the Gnome in all such communications. Should the Voting Gnome ever be required to make a decision in Internomic, he will make his decision based on the following criteria: If, at the time the task was assigned to the Voting Gnome, fewer than half of the players of Rishonomic have a score greater than the average of the scores of all players, the Voting Gnome shall decide in the affirmative. In all other cases, the Voting Gnome shall decide in the negative. If the Speechwriter desires, he may add a reasoning to the decision, however this reasoning must include a reference to "our Sworn Enemies." The Voting Gnome has an open door policy. Anything submitted by a player to the Speechwriter in the appropriate style, shall be forwarded under the Gnome's Gnome to Internomic. This paragraph defers to all other paragraphs in this rule.

263. Extra Nomic Entities

Rishon accepts the existence of other nomics, Internomic and extra nomic entities in as much as is required to join the metagame of Internomic. Rishonomic's liasion to internomic is permitted to act in internomic on behalf of Rishonomic in any manner he sees fit, unless his reactions are restricted by another rule. If no other rules specify who is Liasion to Internomic, the liasion shall be the speaker.

264. Quorum

Quorum is defined to be 50% of the active registered players. players who never voted are not considered active registered players for the purpose of determining Quorum.

265. Practicality

If a word in the ruleset is misspelled, but its intent is clear or it is spelled correctly elsewhere in the rule, then that word shall be treated as if it were spelled correctly.

266. Hats

Hats are a class of entity in Rishonomic. Hats may only be created as described by the rules. For each Hat a player is wearing at midnight in the Speaker's timezone on the first day of each month he shall receive 3 points. A player who is wearing a Hat may put it on another player's head, with the consent of the player receiving the Hat. If a Hat is ever unworn, it is transferred to the Speaker's head.

267. The Thinking Cap

There is a unique Hat known as the "Thinking Cap." Whichever player is wearing the Thinking Cap shall be known as the Speechwriter.

269. Bean Counter's Hat

There exists a Hat called the Bean Counter's Hat. It is a beanie made of eight, equal, pie-wedged sections. The sections are coloured, in order, green, white and orange, alternating around the beanie. At the apex of the Hat is a two-bladed wooden propeller that spins when the wind hits it just right. The player who wears this Hat is responsible for tracking players' scores. Initially the Speaker wears the Bean Counter's Hat. The player who wears the Bean Counter's Hat is known as the Bean Counter. While wearing the Bean Counter Hat, e is often depicted holding an Abacus in his right hand and a miniature Babbage Difference Engine in his left hand. Sometimes he is depicted tearing out what's left of his hair and repeating the phrase :'How did _those_ points get there?'

270. Powedered Wigs

There exists a type of hat known as a powdered wig. There are only 3 powdered wigs in existence. At the time this rule is enacted, the powdered wigs are being worn by Idiot Boy (Matt Miller), Flychuckle (Uri Bruck) and Narf (Joshua Nave).
When a CFJ is returned, any player may appeal the verdict. If the verdict is appealed, each player with a powdered wig has 7 days to publically state eir opinion on the proper verdict, and eir accompanying reasoning. After all 3 players wearing a powdered wig have spoken, the verdict which received the most votes shall be the final verdict of the CFJ.
Should 2 players who own a powdered wig post the same verdict, then the 3rd player who owns a powdered wig is no longer required to post any verdict.
Any player who has a powdered wig that does not pose a verdict within the time required of them by this rule shall be forced to pass the hat, eir powdered wig, to another player. E shall also lose 10 points.

271. Proxy Feathers

Unless specified otherwise, a Hat's wearer may at any time offer to give the Hat to another player. If that player agrees, then the Hat is given to them. Hat wearers are encouraged to hand off their Hats in this way before going on Vacation, if appropriate.
If the current wearer specifies a condtion of return, a rainbow-colored Proxy Feather, marked with the current wearer's name, the condition specified, and the date the Feather was created, is attached to the Hat. The purpose of the Proxy Feather is to return the Hat to the original wearer when the specified condition has been satisfied. of the Proxy Feather is to return the Hat to the original wearer when the specified condition has been satisfied. If the condition is an occurence of a certain date, then that date must later than the date of the transfer.
When the condition marked on a Proxy Feather is satisfied: * If the person whose name is marked on the Proxy Feather is still a player, then the Hat in question is transferred to that player, and that Proxy Feather, and Proxy Feathers that were created after that Proxy Feather, are destroyed.
* Otherwise, the Hat in question is not transferred, and the Proxy Feather in question is destroyed.

A player may destroy any Proxy Feathers marked with eir name, as wearer, provided they are attached to a Hat that e wears, by posting a message to that effect to the public forum.

272. Player Registration

A person becomes a player by informing the Speaker that he wishes to become one. If he was an observer, he ceases to be one. A person may not become a player if they voluntarily ceased to be a player earlier that month.
A player ceases to be one by informing the Speaker that he wishes to cease being one.

274. Days of the Week.

Days of the Week There are 7 days in a Rishonomic week. The First day of the week is Flychuckday, followed by Apolloday, Snowday, Idiotday, Varunaday, Alday, and Narfday. For ease of transition, May 1 1997 fell on Varunaday .

275. The Great Galil

Rishonomic resides on the inside of a Dyson Cylinder with a radius of 1AU. The Cylinder rotates around its central axis in order to provide gravity for the inhabitants of the cylinder. Around the edges of the cylinder there are walls a thousand kilometers high, prevent the atmosphere escaping the Cylinder. At the center of the cylinder is the sun. The Dyson Cylinder is known to its inhabitants as the Great Galil.


Players can vote "Mu" on proposals. A vote of Mu is both a vote for and a vote against. If an even number of players vote Mu on a proposal, each player voting Mu loses 5 points. Otherwise, each player voting Mu gains 5 points.
Any player who votes Mu on three proposals in a row is considered Wise, and gains 5 additional points every time they vote Mu on a proposal. If a Wise player votes anything other than Mu on a proposal, they lose 10 points and stop being Wise. If there is only one Wise player, that player must be addressed as "Oh most unfoolish one".

312. Lucre

Lucre is a currency of Rishonomic. Lucre can be transfered, without the need for acknowlegement, by the lucre's owner posting to the public forum that her or she is making a transfer.
Every week, every player gets 10 lucre. In addition, whenever a proposal passes, every player who voted for or against that proposal gets 1 lucre. When this rule takes effect, every player recieves 50 lucre.

315. Just Easier to Track

Whenever a Proposal contains an ammendment to an existing Rule, other than a transmutation, the Proposal shall append the entire Rule, after ammending, to the end of the Proposal.

317. So we know what we're talking about


Every Proposal shall have a Title identifying that Proposal. The Title should describe the function of the Proposal, whether it be to create a new Rule or ammend an existing one. No Title may be longer than the text of the Proposal it refers to.
If the Proposal creates a new Rule, and is accepted, the Title of the Proposal becomes the Title of the Rule created by that Proposal. No Rule may have the same Title as any other existing, valid Rule in the Ruleset.

318. harmlessness

Rishonomic is mostly harmless

319. Organizations

Band exist within Rishon society. An band can come into existence in one of two ways.
A rule sanctioned band exists because the rules say it does. A player sanctioned band exists because a player says it does.
Band may, at their option, pass their own rules, however if those rules conflict with the Rishon rule set, the Rishon rule set will always take priority over the organization rules.
Band may have certain attributes. These attributes are defined in this rule, and may only be gained or lost in compliance with this rule.
Possible attributes are:
Secret Society Only player sanctioned bands can be secret societies. Bands can only become secret societies when they are formed, and the attribute is gained if the player who forms the bands announces that it is a secret society. Membership in a secret society is treasonous, so of course, secret society membership is not known.
Flying Party Player sanctioned and rule sanctioned bands can be Flying Parties. Rule sanctioned band become Flying parties if and only if the rule governing the band says that they are. Player sanctioned bands become flying parties if and only if their rule set says they are. A flying party will cast a vote in favor of or against a proposal if all members of the party who vote also cast their vote in favor of or against the proposal, respectively. In order to gain this benefit, the party must have at least 3 members. A Secret Society can not also be a Flying Party

323. Fear and Loathing in Rishon

An act is treasonous if and only if it is described as such in the rules.
A player may only be penalized for treason if a cfj establishes that e in fact committed treason.
When a cfj establishes that a player has committed treason, e may either accept the judgment, in which case e is said to have been convicted of treason, or e may appeal the cfj to the Big Wigs. E has one week to appeal the cfj, else forfeits the right to do so.
If the Big Wigs uphold the original cfj verdict, the player is said to have been convicted of treason.
A player who has been convicted of treason shall lose points such that eir score is reduced to the highest prime number that is lower than eir current score.

324. The computer is your friend.

The following acts are treasonous.
Belonging to a secret society. Possesing a mutant power. Saying something positive about a rival nomic.

326. The Homburg

There exists a Hat called the Homburg. It is a dark brown bowler derby with a black silk band around the crown where it joins the brim. The Player who wears this Hat is rersponsible for Tracking the award, deduction, and current satus of all Lucre in Players' possession. The Players who wears the Homburg is known as the Banker. E is often depicted with a black handled umbrella in one hand and a cell phone in the other.
Initially the Speaker wears the Homburg. If at any time the Player wearing the Homburg is no longer wearing the Homburg, except as noted in Rule 271 "Proxy Feathers", the Speaker again wears the Homburg.

334. Spivak is Too Wordy

In addition to standard English pronouns, and Spivak pronouns, the following pronouns may be used in the Rishonomic ruleset: I as the first person pronoun U as the second person pronoun E as the third person pronoun O as the formal second person pronoun
All of the above may be used to signify either the singular or plular forms of said pronouns. A is considered to be much too common to be used for such purpose.

335. The Maharishon Hat

The mahaRishon Hat has a shape which constantly changes to reflect what is on the mind of the wearer of the Hat. The mahaRishon Hat is initially worn by Uri Bruck. Whoever wears the mahaRishon Hat is the Speaker.

336. Well Formed Rules

I state that each of the phrases on the left hand column below this paragraph is explained by the text opposite that phrase on the right hand column below this paragraph. Rules that use the phrases on said left hand column appropriately are Well-Formed. Whenever there is a conflict between a Well-Formed rule and a non Well-Formed rule, and there is no other way to determine precedence, the Well-Formed rule takes precedence.
Ordered Pair (a,b)      a pair of numbers a and b where the order matter
                        that is (a,b) is not the same as (b,a)
Min (a,b)               Tbe minimum of the numbers a and b
Max (a,d)               The maximum of the numbers a and b
Int(a)                  The integer part of a
a+b                     The sum of the numbers a and b
a*b                     The product of the numbers a and b

341. Exploring New Location

1. There exists three Hats known as Explorer Hats. Explorer Hats look old and worn out and have tiny leaves strewn about them. On the first day of each calendar month the Explorer Hats are given to three randomly selected players. A player who wear an Explorer Hat is known as an Explorer.

2. An Explorer can Explore new Locations. An Explorer may Explore at most one new Location per calendar week. If an Explorer is in a Location which already has paths leading to three other Location with higher Location numbers, then he can't Explore from that Location.
3. Exploring new Location - a. The Explorer publically declares "I am Exploring a new Location." And then post a valid Location Description. b. The Explorer moves to the new Location. c. The Location number of the new Location is the lowest positive integer which is the not the number of any other Location. d. The Explorer of the new Location is the owner of the Location. e. A path is created leading from the Location where the Explorer was when he declared the creation to the new Location.

4. Location: a. At any given time any given player is at exactly one Location b. Initially all players are at Prima Loco. Many players are quite content in remaining there, but other like to move around Lcoation. c. Players may only move between Locations in accordance with the rules. d. Location may only be created in accordance with the rules. e. Locations are either Owned or Public. A Location which s owned b a player is an Owned Location. A Location which isn ot Owned by any player is a Public Location. f. Each Location has a Location number and a Location description. Location numbers are constant. Locaion descriptions of Owned Locations may be changed by their Owners. Location Descriptions of Public Locations can be changed by the rules. g. A Location Description may include condition which a player who is at the Location and not the Owner must fulfil before e can leave that Location. Any such condition which violates the rules is void. Conditions may not specify of more than 10 Lucre, and may not require a player to remain in a Location for more than one calendar month. Conditions may not require a player to transfer Hats.
5. Moving Between Location Movement from one Location to another Location with a higher Location number which is connected to it with a path is called a step. Movement from a Location which is not connected a path to Location with a higher number is also called a step. No other kind of movement is called a step. Players may only move between Locations in positive integer numbers of steps. Whenever it is legal for a player to Leave a Location e can e can determine the number of steps by using the pbm email dice server at . The paramters are as follows A single roll. The number of dice is min(1/20 the number of location, 10), the number of sides is max(1/10 the points the player has,6) the number of steps is the sum of the numbers which came up on all the dice.
6. Prima Loco Prima Loco is a Public Location. Any player may leave Prima Loco at any time.

7. Odds and Ends a. Non-Human players Movement between Locations may be defined by other rules, however, non-human Players also move in positive numbers of steps. b. Non-player entities between Location may be defined by other rules. Non-player entities may move either in positive or negative numbers of steps.

366. Upper and Lower Limits

The number of mutable rules may never exceed 144. The number of immutable rules may never be greater than the number of mutable rules. If a the effects of an accepted proposal are such that the limits of "this rule" are broken, then those none of the proposal's effects occur, and the proposal and the results of voting on it become mere historical curiosities.
When I use the phrase "this rule" I refer to me and me alone.