Referendum R3

[Submitted for the position of Joker:]

Two Russian peasants are in a field. Petrov is trying to explain Communism to Ivan.
'So you see, Ivan, under communism everything must be shared.'
'So you mean, if you had two tractors, you would have to give me one of them?'
That's right, Ivan.'
'And if I had two barns, I would have to give you one of them?'
'You're getting the idea.'
'And if you had two cows, you would have to give me one of them?'
'No, not at all, Ivan?'
'Well, why not?'
'Because I *DO* have two cows...'

[Called by Simon Cozens, 1.xii.1997. Failed.]

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Created 22.ii.1998 by Colin Batchelor