New Rishonnomic Current Proposals

Proposal 496
Proposed by Andrew
Up for voting until Wed, 9 Dec 1998 09:12:48 -0500 (EST)

Create a rule with the title "Spelling/Grammar" and the text:

"When the speaker distributes a proposal, e is allowed to make minor changes to the spelling or grammar of the proposal to make it more readable, and fix any mistakes that may have unintended effects on the game.

A voter may specify when submitting a proposal that it is a Non-Correctible Proposal. The speaker is then not allowed to make any spelling or grammar changes to the proposal. The speaker is also not allowed to reveal the fact that the proposal is Non-Correctible.

If the speaker decides to make any changes, e must signify the proposal as being a Corrected Proposal. E must also include the original text of the proposal when distributing it for voting.

Any voter may publicly declare a Corrected Proposal to contain an Invalid Change. E does not have to specify any particular change to be the Invalid Change. If the voter who submitted the proposal, or any two other voters, declare an Invalid Change, then the Corrected Proposal is changed back to it's original form, and the speaker may not change it again."

[I don't want to have to worry about correcting any minor typos I may make in a proposal, or that other people make. And any typos or mistakes in grammar may accidentally change the whole effect of a proposal.

But if it was meant to be submitted as written, or the speaker makes a change that seems to inappropriately change the meaning, then there should be a way to make sure it gets voted on like that. And the reason for allowing proposals to be non-correctible is so that if you're trying to pull a fast one on everyone, you may be intentionally making spelling/grammar mistakes to modify the meaning. Or you just may not like the way the speaker modifies grammar, and want to keep your own.]

Proposal 497
Proposed by Andrew

--Create a rule with the title "Official Jugde" and the following text: "Any voter may declare themselves to be an Official Judge. A voter who is an Official Judge may declare themselves to no longer be an Official Judge.

If an Official Judge fails to deliver judgement on a CFJ within the alloted time period, the voter is no longer considered an Official Judge, and loses 15 points in addition to any other penalties imposed by other rules.

The pointer will record the number of CFJs each Official Judge rules on, while they are an Official Judge. Should a voter stop being an Official Judge, the number of CFJ's recorded does not change, but does not increase until the voter becomes an Official Judge again. Should an Official Judge fail to deliver judgement on a CFJ within the alloted time, the number of CFJ's they have judged as an Official Judge is set back to zero. --Amend the rule RC214 to contain the following text: "Whenever a judge is to be selected for a CFJ, e shall first be chosen randomly from all Official Judges who are not currently judging a CFJ. If none exist, then a judge will be chosen randomly from all voters. In no case can the judge be either the voter who invoked judgement, or have been previously selected as judge for the judgement.

Should no suitable judge be found by this point, then one shall be chosen randomly from all Official Judges. If there are still none available, then a random player will be chosen.

Players that are considered missing are at no point available to be chosen as judges.

If the judgement is to decide correctness of a PO, the officer who is responsible for the errors presented in the PO may not be chosen to judge this PO."

--Create a rule with the title "CFJ Scoring" and the following text:

"When judgement is issued on a CFJ, the voter submitting the CFJ receives 1 point and |25|. The voter who was judge for the CFJ receives 2 points and |100|."

Proposal 498
Proposed by Andrew
Up for voting until Wed, 9 Dec 1998 09:12:48 -0500 (EST)

Create a rule with the title "Proposal Resolution Timing" and the text:

"When a proposal moves from the closed state to the resolved state, all the ChoMs are considered to resolve simultaneously. No ChoM in a proposal may make any other ChoM legal if it was previously illegal, or illegal if it was previously legal.

If multiple proposals move from the closed state to the resolved state at the same time, they are resolved in proposal order. The ChoMs made by one proposal may make a ChoM in a later proposal legal when it was previously illegal, or illegal if it was previously legal.

If a proposal happens to contain contradictory ChoMs such that only one of a subset of ChoMs may be made, then none of the contradictory ChoMs will be made."

[Just wanting to clear things up here before something messy happens that makes us fix it real quick like.]

Proposal 499
Proposed by Andrew

--Transmute RC104 to mutable.

[note - this is incomplete; the correct proposal was distributed again as P501]

Proposal 500
Proposed by Benj
Up for voting until Wed, 9 Dec 1998 09:12:48 -0500 (EST)

create a rule with the following text:

A period of seven days shall be designated as a "turn." Each player can, unless specified differently under the rules, perform any action only one time each turn. At the end of each turn, a new turn shall begin instantly. This first turn shall begin the Monday following the passing of this proposal.

Proposal 501
Proposed by Andrew
Up for voting until Wed, 9 Dec 1998 11:53:00 -0500 (EST)

--Transmute RC104 to mutable.

--Amend RC104 by replacing it with the following text:

"The Speaker is an officer of New Rishonnomic.

On the 1st of October and the 2nd of April, the process to elect another speaker begins. Also, if the Speaker is ever missing or resigns, the next valid officer takes over the role of Speaker, and the process to elect another speaker begins immediately.

The order of choosing a valid officer is:

1) Internomic Liaison
2) Treasurer
3) Pointer
4) Cartographer
5) any other officer not listed here

When the process to elect another Speaker begins, the Speaker must declare that nominations for the new Speaker are being accepted. This must be done within 4 days of the beginning of the election process. When nominations are opened, there is a period of one week for any voter interested to submit eir interest in running for Speaker to the current Speaker.

To become a candidate, a voter must:

1) have been a voter in New Rishonnomic for the past 6 months.
2) not currently be missing or suspended.

The Speaker will announce when the nomination period has ended, and list all of the valid candidates for Speaker. The voting period begins immediately, and lasts for 2 weeks from the time and date of announcement.

To be able to vote for a new Speaker, a voter must have been a member of New Rishonnomic for the past 3 months. A voter may not cast more than one vote - only the first vote is accepted. All votes must be for a candidate for the office of the Speaker.

The following procedures are used in case of a tie for the new Speaker:

1) If one of the tied candidates is the current Speaker, e keeps the office.
2) If one of the tied candidates is a former Speaker, the candidate who was the most recent speaker is elected.
3) If neither player is a former Speaker, the one who has been a member of New Rishonnomic the longest is elected.

At the end of the 2 week voting period, the results of the election are announced by the current Speaker.

The new Speaker takes over the office of Speaker on November 1st, May 2nd, or two weeks from the finish of the election, whichever occurs first.

This rule takes precedence over any other rules involving voting or the Speaker."

--Transmute RC104 to immutable.

[I think we're all aware that the speaker election rule currently in the ruleset has a few problems. I hope this takes care of all of them before we run into any more.]

Proposal 502
Proposed by Andrew
Up for voting until Fri, 11 Dec 1998 09:57:02 -0500 (EST)

--Amend RC489 by replacing the text: "previous proposal that was rejected" with the text: "previous proposal that failed"

--Amend RC317 by replacing the text: "player's proposal is rejected" with the text: "player's proposal fails" and replacing the text: "If it is rejected" with the text: "If it fails"

--Amend RC463 by replacing the text: "Whenever a proposal is rejected" with the text: "Whenever a proposal fails"

--Amend RC487A by adding the text:
"Accepted Proposal - One that has received enough votes to reach quorum, and be accepted as a rule change."

Failed Proposal - One that either did not receive enough votes to reach quorum, or did not receive enough votes to be accepted."

[Just realized that there could be a terminology problem, since the rules were using 'rejected proposal' for one that failed the vote, and I was using it for proposals that the speaker did not accept due to problems. I wasn't paying enough attention to the rules to catch this before. So I've decided to use the term 'failed proposal' and 'fails' for proposals that don't get voted in.]

Proposal 503
Proposed by Andrew
Up for voting until Fri, 11 Dec 1998 09:57:02 -0500 (EST)

--Transmute RC106.

--Repeal RC106.

[It doesn't appear to prevent things from working like I originally thought, but it also doesn't seem to say anything particularly useful. I'd also like to remove it just in case some minor conflict is waiting to peek out.]

Proposal 504
Proposed by Kolja
Up for voting until Tue, 15 Dec 1998 08:59:40 -0500 (EST)

--Create a new rule with the title "Spelling and Grammar Errors" and the following text:

Differences in spelling, grammar, or dialect, or the substitution of a word or phrase by a synonym or abbreviation, are inconsequential in all forms of Nomic communication, as long as there is no ambiguity in meaning. In other words, the meaning or validity of such communication is not altered in any way by such discrepancies.

This includes referring to a Player by a method other than eir name or nickname, as long as it is unambiguous. However, in the context of Rule Changes, text in an existing Rule must be quoted exactly in order to be unambiguous.

Proposal 505 (cosmetic)
Proposed by Kolja
Up for voting until Tue, 15 Dec 1998 08:59:40 -0500 (EST)

Change the title of RC412C to 'Cartographor's Salary', and give RC412A the title 'Buying Squares'.

Proposal 506
Proposed by Kolja
Up for voting until Tue, 15 Dec 1998 08:59:40 -0500 (EST)

Create a new rule with the title 'Pointer replacement' and the text:

Every month, no later then the seventh day of that month, the Pointer must submit a proposal to make a new player Pointer. The candidate for Pointer in this proposal must be the player who had the largest score at noon GMT on the first day of that month (current Pointer's choice in case of a tie). If the candidate is the same player as the current Pointer, the Pointer can refrain from submitting this proposal.

[I won't be around to do the Pointer's job in January/February, so I have to start looking for a replacement. Instead of naming a particular person, I thought of this mechanism. A large score usually shows that someone is well involved in the game, and thus a good candidate for Pointer. I didn't make this change automatic, but just require a proposal to be made because this way there is no danger of game state uncertainties, and bad or unwilling candidates have a chance to avoid the job.]