On Proposal #65
Currently, the Quick Move proposal is "busted":
Command: Quick Move
Can be issued to: Any unit with a Speed greater than 15.
Cool down time: 30 days divided by the Speed of the unit.
Effect: The player chooses a square with a distance of 3 from the square the unit is currently on, that has a clear movement path available to it. A clear movement path means that all spaces between the starting space and the ending space contain units owned by that player or contain no units. [Worded bad, but I hope my point got across.]
This has no effect... nothing was mentioned about moving the unit there. As for better wording, maybe this would work:
Command: Quick Move
Can be issued to: Any unit with a Speed greater than 15.
Cool down time: 30 days divided by the Speed of the unit.
Effect: The player chooses a series of up to 3 squares, starting with a square adjacent to the square that this unit currently occupies and with successive squares adjacent to the previous square. This unit moves to the first square, then the next square (if one was chosen), then the third square (if one was chosen). All square choices must be legal choices for this unit to occupy.
Example: A Transport on square 4 is given the Quick Move command. The player issuing the command chooses square 17, then square 16, then square 25 (assuming all three squares were legal choices for the Transport to occupy). The Transport then moves to each of the three squares in order (first from 4 to 17, then to 16, then to 25), and begins cooling down for 1 day.
That should fix the problem, and the wording is maybe a bit better at explaining it in technical terms (so there's less problems with interpreting it for implementation). I threw in an example too, just to try and hammer the point home.