Week 13
- Draven rolls 7-1, landing on Slurm Factory
- Draven loses 5 health and slides to Purple People Eater, paying $63 to Jamie and $63 to The Founder and gaining 4 health
- Square #71 and Square #72 have been added to the board
- Draven rolls 2-6, landing on Grif, paying $294 to Woll and gaining 4 health
- Woll rolls 5-1, landing on Square #41, with option to buy
- Woll rolls 4-6, landing on the University of Nomopoly
- Wonder rolls 1-2, landing on Square #67, paying $201 to Draven
- Wonder loses 1 health and passes the Hot Potato to Jamie
- Wonder rolls 1-1, landing on Square #69, with option to buy
- Wonder rolls 3-2, landing on Base Badger, gaining 3 health
- Square #73 and Square #74 have been added to the board
- The Founder rolls 1-1, landing on Elzar's Cuisine, paying $159 to ChocolateChip
- The Founder rolls 3-3, landing on Nomopoly General Store
- The Founder rolls 1-3, landing on square one, paying $189 to Cypher
- The Founder rolls 2-1, landing on Square #66, with option to buy
- Cypher rolls 1-1 landing on Square #67, paying $201 to Draven
- Cypher rolls 2-2 landing on Square #71, with option to buy
- Cypher rolls 3-1, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Square #75 and Square #76 have been added to the board
- Cypher rolls 3-2, landing on Purple People Eater, paying $63 to Jamie and $63 to The Founder and gaining 4 health
- ChocolateChip rolls 4-3, landing on Square #36, paying $108 to Jamie
- ChocolateChip rolls 3-3, landing on Square #42, with option to buy
- ChocolateChip rolls 3-2, landing on Square #47, with option to buy
- Jamie rolls 1-5, landing on Thermodynamic Hell, paying $252 to ChocolateChip and gaining 4 health
- Jamie loses 1 health and passes the Hot Potato to Draven
- Jamie rolls 1-1, landing on Grif, paying $294 to Woll and gaining 4 health
- Jamie rolls 6-6, landing on "square 1", the first square on the board, NOT any square named "Square One", paying $546 to The Founder and gaining 4 health
- Jamie rolls 3-3, landing on Old New York, paying $672 to ChocolateChip and gaining 4 health
- Jamie rolls 2-6, landing on the University of Nomopoly, paying $480 to Draven and gaining 3 health
- Jamie takes out a Donut with Sprinkles
- The Dirty Bubble rolls 6-2, landing on Square #75
- The Dirty Bubble rolls 4-1, landing on Fifnem
- Draven lose 5 health due to holding the Hot Potato
- Wonder buys Square #69 and names it Base Badger
- Wonder buys 3 Lottery Tickets
- Wonder donates to the Fountain of Health
- Draven donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- Draven buys 3 Lottery Tickets
- Woll buys Square #41
- Woll buys 3 Lottery Tickets and a can of Blue Paint
- Woll donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- Woll paints Square #46 blue
- ChocolateChip buys Square #42 and names it The Buseriffic Condom Family Restaurant
- ChocolateChip buys Square #47 and names it One of those episodes of The Twilight Zone where you wake up and you're the same and everyone else is different
- ChocolateChip donates to the Fountain of Spacetime
- ChocolateChip buys 3 Lottery Tickets
- ChocolateChip retrieves her Car
- Jamie cashes in a Lucky Donut
- Jamie donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- Cypher ends co-ownership of Square #18 and Slurm Factory with Jamie
- Cypher trades Square #18 and $2200 to Jamie in exchange for Square #36, Square #64, and Square #68
- The Founder ends co-ownership of Draven Corp. and Square #46 with Woll
- The Founder trades 1 First Aid Kit and $1600 to Woll in exchange for Square #46
- The Founder gives co-ownership of Square #46 to Woll in exchange for co-ownership of Sarge
- The Founder gives co-ownership of Draven Corp. to Woll in exchange for co-ownership of Simmons
- The Founder trades $1500 to ChocolateChip in exchange for Elzar's Cuisine
- Cypher gives co-ownership of Square #64 to The Founder in exchange for co-ownership of Square #65
- The Founder buys Square #66
- The Founder buys 1 can of Blue Paint and 3 cans of Pink Paint
- The Founder takes out 103000000 Bank of Nomopoly Bonds
- The Founder buys a Car and 3 Lottery Tickets
- The Founder uses the YBC Bus to drive to Base Badger, gaining 3 health
- The Founder donates to the Fountain of Health
- Cypher paints square one green
- Cypher paints Square #64 green
- Cypher buys 3 Lottery Tickets
- Cypher uses a First Aid Kit
- Cypher uses the YBC Bus to drive to Square #65
- Draven rolls a 3 at the Fountain of Health and a 4 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing 10 health and gaining $30
- Woll rolls a 5 at the Fountain of Health and a 6 at the Fountain of Wealth, gaining $30
- Wonder rolls a 5 at the Fountain of Health and a 2 at the Fountain of Wealth, gaining 10 health and losing $50
- The Founder rolls a 3 at the Fountain of Health and a 6 at the Fountain of Wealth
- Cypher rolls a 6 at the Fountain of Health and a 3 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing $50
- ChocolateChip rolls a 6 at the Fountain of Health, a 1 at the Fountain of Wealth, and a 1 at the Fountain of Spacetime, losing $50
- Jamie rolls a 3 at the Fountain of Health and a 5 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing 10 health and gaining $30
- The Founder paints The First Pedestrian of the Apocalypse pink
- The Founder paints Elzar's Cuisine pink
- The Founder dumps a can of Pink Paint on himself
- Cypher ends co-ownership of Square #64 and Square #65 with The Founder
- Cypher ends co-ownership of University of Manitoba and Base Badger with Wonder
- Cypher trades 1 can of Red Paint, Roller Skates, a Big Mac, Planet Express, Square #4, Square #36, Base Badger, <? mysql_query("select * from players where clue > 0;"); ?>, "Work it harder, Make it better. Do it Faster, makes us stronger. More than ever, hour after; our work is never over.", square one, Square #64, Square #68, and $3621 to Wonder in exchange for a Big Mac
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
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- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
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- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
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- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
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- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
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- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
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- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Cypher resets his user, landing on Base Badger, paying $12 to Wonder and gaining 3 health
- Cypher gives $10000 to Wonder
- Wonder gives 1 can of Red Paint, Roller Skates, a Big Mac, Planet Express, Square #4, Square #36, Base Badger, <? mysql_query("select * from players where clue > 0;"); ?>, "Work it harder, Make it better. Do it Faster, makes us stronger. More than ever, hour after; our work is never over.", square one, Square #64, Square #68, and $9003621 to Cypher
- Wonder gives $9000000 to Jamie
- The Founder is fined $900 for not voting
- Cypher has won the Lottery, receiving $4200
- Proposal #117
- Accepted by a vote of 4-3. Added a new section XXXVI to the rules.
- Proposed by Draven
I propose that people are able to work for a wage each week. The beginning wage will be $100 a week and will be paid at the end of the week.
A player may increase their wage by going to the University of Nomopoly for post-secondary education. The first year base courses cost $500 and will increase the person’s wage to $300. This course will take 2 complete turns to learn and at that point the person will from then on receive a wage of $300 a week.
More Careers
Pre-requisite: base courses
Thief: A thief course costs $500 and takes 2 complete weeks to complete just like the base courses above. It allows a person to steal %5 of a player’s wealth if another player occupies the same square as the current player (only once a week). The thief also gets a wage of $400 a week and has a 1 in 10 chance of evading damage.
Pre-requisite: base courses
Healer: A healer course costs $500 and takes 2 complete weeks to complete just like the base courses. It allows a person to gain 10 health each week (to a max of 100) at no cost. They also get a wage of $400 a week and can heal other player 10 health if they are within one square of them for a cost of $200 and they retain the $200.
Pre-requisite: base courses
Worrier: A Worrier course costs $500 and takes 2 complete weeks to complete just like the base courses. It allows a person to take half damage for any attack on them. It also raises their wage to $350.
Pre-requisite: base courses
Politician: A politician course costs $1000 and takes 3 complete weeks to complete. It allows the player to have a wage of $450 a week and allows them to give $200 to any player randomly at no cost to them. The money simply comes from nowhere and no one asks questions (just like real politics). It also allows the person to have a 1 in 10 chance of avoiding rent because of political immunity. They can also give out one of the gift items to a player of their choice each week at no cost to them.
Notes: Please Read this entire rule and don’t base it on past votes. Also please feel free to add new careers to it if the rule passes.
All chance will be done randomly by the admin.
All wages are paid at the end of a week.
No 2 courses may be taken at the same time.
More courses and upgrades may be available in the future if rules are proposed to do so.
I this rule is passed feel free to add more carrers to it in other proposals
- Comments: Finally it passes. Too bad it doesn't matter anymore.
- Proposal #118
- Accepted by a vote of 5-2. Modified rule 3 of section XXXI.
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
Create another Blob. The new Blob will follow the same rules as the previous one, with the following rule addition: "A player may not step on the Blob more than once per turn".
- Comments: A nice tribute to loopholes.
- Proposal #119
- Rejected by a vote of 4-3.
- Proposed by Cypher
For the most part, this proposal is the same as last weeks version, except this week I have modified the "Passing Square 1/1a/1b" section and also have added orthogonal
directions to the "Traversing Layers" section.
I propose that we add two new "layers" to the existing board. A "layer" is defined as a board of the same size as the board beneath it, placed above the current board. A layer will expand to the same size as the layer/board beneath it.
Naming Convention
All layers will have the same numbering scheme. However, in addition to the numbering, a letter will be added to reference which layer the square is on. The original board will retain the same numbering system that they have already. The two layers above will have the same numbers plus 'a' (for the middle layer) and 'b' (for the top layer). For example, there will exist square 1, square 1a, and square 1b. Square 1b is said to be over square 1a, which is over square 1.
Traversing Layers
Players will move in the same fashion and by the same method of travel as defined in the current rule set, however, when a player passes the last square on a given layer, instead of the successor being square #1, the successor will become the square 1 that is exactly one layer above the layer the player is on. If the player is on highest layer, the successor will become the square 1 on the bottom layer (the original board). For example, a player who passes the last square on the bottom layer, will continue on to square 1b on the middle layer. All squares in a layer are said to be greater than all squares in the layer beneath it and less than all squares in the layer over it. A player is said to occupy only one square in one layer, not all three. However, the player may "land" or "pass" multiple squares with the same numerical index in the three layers. (A player passing square 10b also passes square 10a and 10, and a player landing on square 10a also "lands" on square 10) The "end of the board" is defined as the last square on the first layer.
The directions North, South, East, and West refer to the directions up, down, right, and left, respectively. This is defined by the two-dimensional layout of the board, not the ordinal sequence of the squares. These directions are localized on a single layer and squares above or below that layer cannot be defined using solely the north, south, east and west directions. There exists two new directions, namely "Above" and "Beneath", referring to the three dimensional directions of vertically up and vertically down (respectively). Square 1c is said to be Above of square 1b. Square 1 is said to be Beneath square 1b.
Passing Square 1/1a/1b
A player who passes square 1 (on the first level) will receive $500 (as dictated by the current rules). A player who passes square 1a will receive $1000, and a player who passes square 1b will also receive $1000. Since when a player passes a square, they also pass all squares beneath of that square, a player passing square 1b will gain $2500, and a player passing square 1a will gain $1500. A player passing square 1 will only receive $500. If square 1 in any layer is destroyed, the square 1 in that layer's successor will inherit the "money earned as you pass" property.
Square Ownership
The new layers and their squares do not inherit the ownership or names of the squares beneath them. The ownership of squares on the new layers may be obtained in the same way a player obtains ownership of squares on the current board. When a player lands on an owned square/block, the player is said to have also landed on all squares directly beneath the square landed on. Thus, paying all owners of squares beneath their rent. For example, if "Player1" owns square 5, "Player2" owns square 5a, and "Player3" lands on square 5b, then "Player3" would pay rent to "Player2" for landing on square 5a and also pay rent to "Player1" for having landed on square 5. In addition, if square 5b is unowned, "Player3" will have the option to buy it.
Square Properties
All squares inherit the properties of the squares beneath them, with a few exceptions that will be listed below. For instance, all squares directly above a general store inherit the properties of the general store and thus cannot be owned. Similarly, if a square directly beneath another square has the "greased" property, then it will also have the "greased" property and any player who lands on the square over the greased square, will slide and lose health in the same fashion, as dictated by the rules.
Paint - The painted property is not inherited by the squares above, thus three squares with the same number on different layers may be painted differently.
Wormholes - A player landing on a square with the wormhole property (ie square 22a and 22b) will be transported to the parallel universe. Upon returning from the parallel universe, the player will be placed on the same square they entered from without landing on it or any squares directly beneath the current layer.
The Dirty Bubble - If the dirty bubble wraps around the top or right edge of any given layer, it will continue its move on the bottom or left edge (respectively) on the next layer (if it is on the top layer, it will continue on the bottom layer).
Note: Blocks may not exist in more than one layer. (IE, no vertical blocks)
Note: In the event that two or more squares cause conflicting events, events triggered by squares in the higher layers will take priority and occur "first".
- Comments: Unlike Draven, your proposal will not be in the final ruleset. Sorry.
- Proposal #120
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Added rule 3 to section XIV.
- Proposed by Jeff
Add to section XIV of the rules: "A player may not reset his user more than once per turn".
This will prevent players from being able to continually give money away and then reset their user to get $10000 back.
- Comments: Of course, this rule gets abused at the last possible moment.
- Proposal #121
- Accepted by a vote of 4-3. Modified rule 3 of section XVII and rule 2 of section XXXII.
- Proposed by Jeff
Add a new item to the Nomopoly General Store known as an "Anti-Missile Gun". An Anti-Missile Gun will cost $500, and may be used by placing it on any square on the board (regardless of your current location or whether or not you own the square). A single square may not contain more than one Anti-Missile Gun. Each Anti-Missile Gun gives the square it occupies as well as all adjacent squares (North, South, East, and West) 1 unit of "Missile Protection".
Whenever a Nuclear Missile would normally hit and destroy a square, each unit of Missile Protection on that square will give a 50% chance of destroying the missile without it doing any damage. The points of Missile Protection are applied sequentially, so a square with 2 points of Missile Protection has a 75% chance of destroying a missile, a square with 3 points of Missile Protection has a 87.5% chance of destroying a missile, etc.
- Comments: Hey, I'm the only one who finished the game with a 100% proposal acceptance rate!! Yay for me!!
- Proposal #122
- Accepted by a vote of 4-3. Added rule 3 to section XXII.
- Proposed by Cypher
I propose that at the beginning of every week (prior to any players' moving), if the admin bank account is "rich", then five $100 stacks of "cash" will be randomly placed on squares of the board. A stack of cash is picked up by the first player to land on the square containing the stack of cash. A stack of cash will remain on the square it was originally placed on until picked up by a player.
- Comments: I don't think the Admin Bank Account will be rich for a long time...
- Proposal #123
- Rejected by a vote of 5-2.
- Proposed by Draven
All player should have the option to include a comment on any proposal they submit. The comments will be posted after the proposal in the same fasion as Jeff's comment is currently displayed. This will alow the players to explain why they made the rule and possibly what they see in the future for posabilities of the rule. This will also give the player an option to explain the concept of the rule and not just the proposal.
- Comments: Players can already include comments in their proposals.
- Proposal #124
- Accepted by a vote of 5-2. Modified most sections of rule XXXV.
- Proposed by Wonder
From hence forth, condom, the word used in conjunction or in reference to the condom rule shall be shall be renamed to latex body suit
And where, condoms are used in reference or in conjunction to the condom rule shall be renamed to latex body suits.
Side noted:
Quoted from dictionary.com
The colorless or milky sap of certain plants, such as the poinsettia or milkweed, that coagulates on exposure to air.
An emulsion of rubber or plastic globules in water used in paints, adhesives, and various synthetic rubber products.
Body suit
A tight-fitting one-piece garment for the torso.
- Comments: OK, now we can stop the complaining about the condom... er, I mean Latex Body Suit rule.
- Proposal #125
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Modified rule 7 of section V.
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
Modify rule V-7 to read the following:
Every time a player lands on or passes the first square, he receives $1200. This $1200 may not be collected more than once per turn.
Note the change from last week: "once per move" has been changed to "once per turn" to eliminate the possibility of generating infinite money by means of jetpack, bus, or monkey sled.
- Comments: Sure, fix it now...