Tivol The Government has $16059, so it will distribute $62 to each of the seventeen players, leaving $5 for the SBA. The Corporation pays $1 for each share of Stock held. It also begins to issue 1000 more shares at $3 each. Some products that failed Testing a while ago are removed: the Small Shiny Object, Gumdrops, Gummy Bears, and Peanut Brittle.
- Death drinks an Eye Opener. Death takes a Taxi to The Beat Bar for $100. Death buys a V-8. Death refuses the Corporate Player's offer. Death buys 100 shares. Death pays $20 in Dues to WETHA. Death pays $28 in tax on Childhood's End.
- Geppetto reminds the admin that he owns My Blue Haven; the admin slaps himself and puts square brackets in the appropriate text file for his scripts to parse. Geppetto pays $42 in tax on Square One, The Grand Nomopoly Auditorium, The Toy Shoppe, The Beat Bar, Gilliamville, Flaming Chainsaw Boulevard, and The Grand Nomopoly Auditorium.
- Pit Bull takes a Taxi to Nomopolize Theater for $60. Pit Bull buys 418 shares.
- Slakko takes a tour of the Experimental Technology Factory. Slakko pays $50 in Anti-White Tax for Anchored down by being mentioned in the ruleset (directly or indirectly).
- Moonchilde buys 100 shares. Moonchilde buys 5 Lottery Tickets.
- Dan Sanderson pays $18 in tax on Nomopolize Theater.
- Josh pays $13 in tax on The Tractor Beam Store.
- Mikail pays $12 in tax on Childhood's End.
- The 34th Veil pays $34 in tax on Tiamat's Creature Creator.
- Vynd pays $9 in tax on Inquisitor's Local 937 and $50 in Anti-White Tax for The Round Square.
- Jason Coleman pays $50 in Anti-White Tax for the 58th square.
- Minister of Right pays $50 in Anti-White Tax for the 49th square.
- Pewter Hat pays $50 in Anti-White Tax for the 59th square.
- Ra pays $50 in Anti-White Tax for the 48th square.
The collected $300 from the Anti-White tax gets distributed between Death (two shares), Duck, Geppetto, Mikail, Moonchilde, Pabrowil, Pewter Hat (two shares), Pit Bull, and Vynd (two shares), at $25 per share. Death Ok, enough with the Government Proposals. They never pass. Remove them from the rules. Regular Proposals can once again be used to create squares. The concept of a Registered Voter remains, though, since there are so many other benefits.
Accepted, for the extra $100 cleaning-up-the-rules bonus. Trees can now only be removed by the destruction of a square.
The 34th Veil In the End Times, we must all find ways to waste time. One of the best ways is to have stupid contests! Everyone has until the end of the game to vote (once per person) for their favorite square name. Whoever has the most votes gets an award of $150.
Accepted. I like it.
Pabrowil Create a Product called the Impersonator 2000, patent held by Pabrowil, price $600, with the following effects:
- Any player ("the User") who uses a Impersonator 2000 can select a player it to impersonate ("the Victim"). For any purpose not included in this description the Impersonator 2000 is the Victim. (No, that dosen't mean it impersonates itself.)
- Any action taken by the Impersonator 2000 that would result in movement of the Victim has the movement applied to the User instead. Any cost resulting from this application is applied to the Victim.
- Once used, the Impersonator 2000 lasts either until the end of the week or until the Victim has lost $2000 because of the impersonation, whichever comes first.
Due to the fact that the Impersonator 2000 duplicates all of the effects (and more) of the Disguise Kit, the owner of the patent on the Impersonator 2000 must pay 50% of any monies recieved from the patent to the owner of the patent of the Disguise Kit. The Impersonator 2000 is carried by The Toy Shoppe as the Better Disguise Kit with a 10% royalty.
Accepted. Looks like players sort of climb into the Impersonator 2000. I know what some of you deviants will be trying with the Impersonator 2000, and it's quite slick, acutally. Still, $2000's a bit high; I'll lower it to, oh, $1000. I make the ruling now: If you are the Victim, being disguised as someone else does not save you from having to pay.
Pit Bull If the tallying of the total number of corporation shares does not show the number of shares that is mentioned in the rules, the missing shares shall be given to the player owning the Magic Kazoo, who then has to give it away.
Rejected. I've made that mistake just once, and it was easy to fix. Sheesh, everyone wants to makes rules about me screwing up instead of helping me out.
Cyberspazz I propose that a player may donate a piece of land to charity. In doing so he gets no money, but the player with the least number of lands may accept or reject it as a gift. If he rejects the land it will then be offered to the next "poorest" in similar manner. All ties are broken by money, with bankrupt players being inelegible.
Accepted. This is quite polite indeed. Instead of waiting on each player (the ones with little property are often the ones who don't play often), Charity will be given to the land-poorest player who requests it at the beginning of the week.
Slakko Title: Strategic Pre-Tornado Scamming Tactic
I propose that in rule II.8, "Dan Sanderson" be replaced by "a surviving player of the exiting player's choice". Also, add a new clause, II.9: "If a player leaves the game, but in doing so causes a surviving player to win within 1 week (either by qualifying as the Winner or winning a Messed Up game), then the player leaving the game shall be called the Ex-Scammer, and shall receive second place for the purpose of the Imperial Nomic Hall of Fame. If more than one exiting player is responsible for the win, then second place shall be shared." In other words, if you get out but get someone else to win, you sort of win as well.
Accepted. Looks like I get to decide if a leaving player really helped the winner or not. It'll probably be cut-and-dried, but you never know.
Moonchilde Two players in the same square may exchange items freely by both players notifying the admin of which objects they are giving to the other player.
Complete waste of time. Sorry, but we actually have a rule like that buried somewhere in the ruleset. Um... there it is. VIII-1.
Pit Bull If this passes a vote once, the goverment shall each turn attempt to use nuclear fishing and shall give the newly created square to the player who possesses the least number of squares.
Rejected. I see no problem with creating new unowned squares, but automatically giving them to players is a bit flaky. Worse, though, is the fact that there are no tie-breakers in this case. Also, it makes one of the easiest methods to win (having more than half the owned squares) nearly impossible.
Slakko Title: Phantom Piece Runs Amok!
Insert between XXXVI.4 and the old XXXVI.5 (to be renumbered XXXVI.6) a new XXXVI.5: "The Phantom Piece shall then take three of its ordinary moves in sequence, and the effects for its Location which normally take place at the end of each Week will have immediate impact."
Accepted. Muahahaha! Wow, that is some serious Impending Doom. Granted, this is incredibly random, but I feel that the Phantom Piece awards or harms people fairly. That is, either everyone gets hurt, everyone gets helped, or something happens to benefit people who have made "positive" game decisions (registering to vote or buying stock, for example). I know a lot of you don't like having to help out your teammates, but you'll all have to learn to live together or join the Freemasons, I guess.
Moonchilde A player will be declared the winner of the game if they pass square 1 three times during one update
Rejected. When Easy Movement can take place twice in a turn, people do this routinely.
Tivol First, the Pseudoplayers: - The Elephant rolls
, making nobody Sick. - The Phantom Piece rolls
(doubled!) to the Tractor Beam Store. - The Corporate Player rolls
to Square One (earning $400), paying Geppetto $15 (=
x5). The Corporate Player offers Geppetto $22 for Square One. Doubles!
to the 10th square. - TISSG rolls
to The Round Square. Doubles! TISSG rolls
to Flaming Chainsaw Boulevard.
Real players: - Death is awarded $200 for Proposal 230.
to Chute. - The 34th Veil is awarded $100 for Proposal 231.
to Duck's Double Dip <5>, paying $25 (=
x5) to Pabrowil. Double Dip!
to Duck's Pond, paying $12 to both Vynd and Pabrowil, with Vynd paying $2 to the Corporation. - Pabrowil is awarded $100 for Proposal 232.
to The Toy Shoppe. - Pit Bull is fined $10 for Proposal 233.
to It's my square! You can't have it, I tell you!!!, paying $43 to Vynd who pays $9 to The Corporation. (WETHA rolls give no
s and no thirteens.) - Cyberspazz is awarded $100 for Proposal 234.
to The Carnival. - Slakko is awarded $100 for Proposal 235.
(doubled, for $100) to Duck's Pond (earning $400), paying $12 to Vynd who pays $2 to the Corporation. - Pit Bull is fined $10 for Proposal 237.
to Chute, paying $42 to Death who pays $8 to The Corporation. (WETHA rolls give one thirteen and enough
s to cure Pit Bull and color Chute.) - Slakko is awarded $100 for Proposal 238.
to the 20th square. - Moonchilde is fined $10 for Proposal 239.
to The Wall, paying $28 to Mikail who pays $6 to The Corporation. Doubles!
to Nomopolize Theater, paying $37 to Dan Sanderson.
For more Easy Movement, Pit Bull takes a Taxi to My Blue Haven for $160. Death hitches a ride to Queen's Rook Six. And the CL phase: - Cyberspazz spins Orange to Duck's Pond (earing $400), paying $12 to Vynd who pays $2 to the Corporation.
- Dan Sanderson spins Maroon to the 40th square (earning $400).
- Death spins Fuchsia to The Toy Shoppe.
- Duck spins Red to Swan Lake.
- Geppetto spins Yellow to the 30th square.
- Jason Coleman spins Khaki to the 10th square.
- Josh spins Maroon to the 40th square.
- Mikail spins Blue to Feather Pillow Pudding, paying $23 to Duck who pays $5 to the Corporation. (WETHA rolls give five thirteens and some
s, coloring Feather Pillow Pudding.) - Minister of Right spins Maroon to the 40th square.
- Moonchilde spins Indigo to Dungeon Deceit, paying $57 to Pit Bull who pays $12 to the Corporation. (WETHA rolls give one thirteen.)
- Pabrowil spins Green to Duck's Love Nest, paying $17 to Duck who pays $4 to the Corporation. (WETHA rolls give five thirteens and many
s, coloring Duck's Love Nest.) - Pewter Hat spins Indigo to Duck Crossing, paying $38 to Duck who pays $8 to the Corporation. (WETHA rolls give nine thirteens.)
- Pit Bull spins Red to Any Colour You Like (earning $400).
- Ra spins Khaki to the 10th square, (earning $400).
- Slakko spins Red to Vynd's Hot Springs Resort.
- The 34th Veil spins Yellow to Duck's Love Nest, paying $17 to Duck who pays $4 to the Corporation.
- Vynd spins Yellow to Watertower, paying $36 to Slakko who pays $7 to the Corporation.
The Phantom Piece is on Lime for Palm-Greasing. Jason Coleman, Minister of Right, and Ra each pay $300 to The Government, which, in turn, pays $64 each to Cyberspazz, Dan Sanderson, Death, Duck, Geppetto, Josh, Mikail, Moonchilde, Pabrowil, Pewter Hat, Pit Bull, Slakko, The 34th Veil, and Vynd. One of the Goverment's ten tickets wins the Lottery; the Pot will roll over.
We are sad to say good-bye to Cyberspazz, who offers Cookie Shop up for Charity and gives the rest of his objects to the West Team: Mikail gets $380 and Pit Bull gets $400.