Rule 1252B (Geoff: Mutable) Committee Scoring. Enact

Scoring committees shall be treated as independent "entities" able to have a "score" in the same manner as a player. Scoring committees automatically accept all (positive) offers of points or currency (should currency be undefined elsewhere it shall be taken to mean "bonds or marks") made to them, unless otherwise regulated by the committees ordinances. These offers may be made as part of a trade with the committee. A scoring committee may only make offers of points or currency as regulated by that committee's ordinances. A scoring committee may only convert between points and currency (and vice-versa) at the rates specified by the current rules as regulated by that committee's ordinances.

Should their be no ordinances specifying how points and currency be may be offered and converted then no offers or conversions may be made by the committee.

Proposals may be made from scoring committees providing that the proposal is approved by the committee before the proposal is made. How the proposal is approved is the subject of committee ordinances, should a committee have no such ordinances then no proposals shall be approved by that committee.

A non-scoring committee may not accept points or currency, offer points or currency, have a score or make proposals.