The Initial Rules
- All players must at all times abide by all of the rules then in the ruleset.
- The Admin will make the final decision on all interpretation issues involving the rules.
- In the event that two or more rules contradict one another at any time, the following resolving actions will be taken:
- If one of the rules defers to another rule or explicitly states that it has precedence over the other, then that rule will have priority.
- If the above situation does not resolve the problem, the rule which has been in its current form for the longest amount of time will have priority.
- The Admin for Nomic Risk will be Jeff Yakel.
- The Admin will be responsible for performing actions for players, receiving rule proposals from players, interpreting the rules, and maintaining an updated status of the game on the Nomic Risk web site.
- All decisions made by the Admin are final.
- Each player will be required to have a valid e-mail address and a unique username.
- The Admin is not considered to be a player.
- The Map will consist of a number of hexagon shaped territories. The map must always contain at least one territory.
- Each territory will be given a number for reference. If at any time a new territory is added to the map, it will receive a number one higher than the highest numbered territory previously used on the map. Other than for reference, the number gives no additional meaning or status to a territory.
- If two territories share a common border, they are said to be adjacent to each other.
- A player may have one or more units in a territory. The player with units in a territory is said to be the owner of the territory. A single territory may not contain units owned by more than one player.
- Currently the following types of units exist in the game:
- Each player begins the game with one soldier on one territory.
- An item is any object a player may possess during the game.
- An item may be "used" if there is an effect associated with using it. Using an item will cause whatever effect is associated with using the item to take place. Unless otherwise specified, using an item removes it from the game.
- There is no limit to how many items a player may possess.
- A proposal is one of the following:
- The addition of a new rule
- The removal of an existing rule
- The modification of an existing rule
- A change to the game state which does not necessarily fit into one of the above categories
- All proposals will be posted on the Nomic Risk website. Players may then place vote either Yes, No, or Abstain on the rule. The player who made the proposal will be assumed to have voted Yes unless the player specifies otherwise. The voting for a proposal ends when the player who made the proposal begins his next turn. Players who have not voted before this time will automatically vote Abstain.
- If a proposal, at the time the voting on it has ended, has received more Yes votes than No votes, the proposal is immediately added to the ruleset and/or the effect associated with the proposal immediately takes place.
- No proposal may take effect earlier than the moment at which is it accepted.
- The Admin has the right to veto any proposal which in his opinion is discriminatory, unfair, or in any way destructive of gameplay.
- Players will take turns one at a time, in an order randomly determined before the start of the game. This order remains the same for the duration of the game.
- A player will receive an email from the Admin when it is his turn.
- A turn consists of the following action(s):
- Optionally making a rule proposal.
- A player who has completed all actions he wishes to do on that turn must notify the Admin stating that he is done his turn.
- If, during a player's turn, the player does not respond to an email from the Admin within 48 hours of the time the email was sent, the player's turn will automatically end and all required actions to be taken by the player will be done by any specified default actions.
- Once a player's turn has ended, the next player in sequence will take his turn.
- When a player is eliminated, all references to that player in the game state are immediately removed.
- A player who is eliminated does not receive any more turns and does not vote on proposals.
- A player who at any time owns no units is immediately eliminated.
- A player may eliminate himself from the game at any time.
- The game will immediately end without a winner if the Admin is ever on the receiving end of a lawsuit from any board game manufacturer.
- Once a player has been declared the winner, the game ends.
- If all players except one have been eliminated, the non-eliminated player is declared the winner.
- If the rules of the game make further play impossible, or the legality of a move cannot be determined with finality, or if an action is equally legal and illegal and cannot be resolved by the current rules, the first player unable to legally complete his turn is declared the winner. This rule takes precedence over all other rules determining a winner.