Proposal Archive

9 Apr 1999

303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327

Proposal #303 [20 Jan 1999] Mark Simpson

We, the Players of this Nomic, all owe a debt of gratitude to the Executive Committee for their hard work in bringing this Nomic to fruition and seeing to it that it keeps running as smoothly as possible. In honour of their hard work, these powers are being granted to the members of the Executive Committee:

1. The Executive Committee will be considered a resource for all Judges sitting in Judgment. All Judges should feel free to discuss with the Executive Committee the Judgment at hand since the Executive Committee collectively is an expert on the rules and game spirit.

2. In the case of the game stopping, either via winning or other means, the Executive Committee is tasked to modify the Rules and/or Game State in whatever means are necessary to facilitate the restarting of the rules.

3. If the Executive Committee decides (by unanimous vote) to do so, a Vote or Judgment may be overturned. The remainder of players may then if they wish Call for Judgment to overturn the Executive Committee's action to overturn the Vote or Judgment. For the purposes of this, no member of the Executive Committee will be considered for during the choosing of the Judge, and the player who called for Judgment may be chosen to be Judge. The Judgment of this Judge, cannot be overturned by the Executive Committee. This clause of this rule overrides all other rules concerning the choosing of Judges.

Let it be here recorded for all time the names of the original Executive Committee (in alphabetic order): Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman.

Let it be here recorded for all time the names of the current Executive Committee (in alphabetic order): Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman.

The membership of the Executive Committee may be changed by amendment to the clause contained in this rule which lists the members of the current Executive Committee. However the number of persons which make up the Executive Committee may never be less than one, nor a non-natural number, nor an even number.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal #304 [20 Jan 1999] Shawn Zimmerman

Shawn's First Proposal

a. If there are a positive number of points in the Surplus Points Fund when a player assumes the position of Chairperson, then there shall be a distribution from the Surplus Points Fund as follows:

i. The distribution shall happen immediately after the new Chairperson is declared.
ii. The number of points distributed shall equal 10% of the Surplus Points (rounded down to the nearest whole number) at the time of Distribution, and that number shall be subtracted from the Surplus Points.
iii. This payment shall go to the player(s) in last place, where that is understood to mean the player(s) with the least number of points, and where it is further understood that -10 points shall be considered less than 9 points and that all other commonly accepted rule of mathematics shall apply.
a. If two or more players tie for last place, then the points as specified in Section a) ii) of this rule shall be distributed evenly between them.
b. If there are a negative number of points in the Surplus Points Fund when a player assumes the position of Chairperson, then there shall be a payment into the Surplus Points Fund as follows:
i. The payment shall happen immediately after the new Chairperson is declared.
ii. The payment shall consist of 10% (rounded down to the nearest whole number) of the point total of the player(s) as specified in Section b) iii) of this rule, and that number shall be added to the Surplus Points Fund.
iii. The payment shall come from the player(s) in first place where that is understood to mean the player(s) with the most number of points, and where it is further understood that 20 points is more than -50 points, and all other commonly accepted rules of mathematics shall apply.
a. If more two or more players tie for first place, then they shall all pay 10% (rounded down to the nearest whole number) of their point total to the Surplus Points Fund, and those points shall be added to the Surplus Points Fund.
c. Payment to or from the Surplus Point Fund shall only occur as explicitly stated in the rules.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal #305 [20 Jan 1999] Lisa Patacchiola

As we know, sometimes players need to be punished. This proposal gives the Chairperson additional powers.

- If a player is of need of correction, the Chairperson can announce that the player is "In the corner".

- The player will remain in the corner until one of the following:

  1. The Chairperson says the player may come out of the corner.
  2. A turn is ended.
  3. A new Chairperson is announced.

- While in the corner, all messages from the player should include the statement "replies from the corner".

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal #306 [20 Jan 1999] Lisa Patacchiola

Ammendment to rule #301

Rule #301 currently states:
Persons wishing to join this game of Nomic must make a request to the Keeper of the Mailing List (currently Shawn Zimmerman). The KotML shall, during the next Proposition Phase, inform the Chairperson of any such requests. The Chairperson shall include such requests with the regular proposals, and they will be voted upon in keeping with the other rules. A unanimous vote shall be required for a new player to join.

I propose that it should be changed to:
Persons wishing to join this game of Nomic must make a request to the Keeper of the Mailing List (currently Shawn Zimmerman). The KotML will put them on the mailing list, and announce the new addition. The person will now be a Delegate.

A. Delegates may debate, but can not vote for proposals. They can leave the game the same way a player can. All Delegates must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect.

B. After the person has been a Delegate for no less than one turn, he or she may send a letter to the Chairperson to request to change his/her status to player. The Chairperson shall include such requests with the regular proposals, and they will be voted upon in keeping with the other rules. A unanimous vote shall be required for a new player to join.

C. A new player must have been on the mailing list as a Delegate for at least 1 turn, or their admission into the game shall be null and void.

D. Section C does not apply to persons who were players before this rule was passed.

All other sections will remain the same.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 307 [21 Jan 1999] Lisa Patacchiola

Creating proposals is very hard work. Players who have to go through the time and effort of improving our system of laws should be rewarded.

I resolve that the following text (delimited by ***) be enacted as a rule.

1. If a proposal passes, the proposer of that proposal will receive 8 points plus one point per favorable vote the proposal received.

A. The points will be distributed when the Chairperson announces the results of the vote.
2. Persons who are players when proposal #307 passes will receive 20 points.
A. These points should be distributed when the Chairperson announces the results of the vote.
3. Sections 2 and 3 of this rule (and all subsections of those Sections) will be repealed after the points from Section 2 are distributed. ***

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 308 [21 Jan 1999] Mark Simpson

WHEREAS, The Office of Chairperson is very important, and for its offices to be vague and unclear would be a dire problem indeed;

WHEREAS, The Office of Chairperson is a hard and grueling task and thus should be rewarded;

WHEREAS, Some actions have become Game Custom, but should be ensconced in Rule;

RESOLVE, That the following amendments to Rule 202 be made:

1. The text "Awards, Payments, Score: The Chairperson shall make any awards or payments to Players and other Entities if defined. The Chairperson shall publish to all players a document which shows the payments and awards and the current standings of the Players. Awards and Payments may be done at other times if the rule which defines those Awards and Payments explicitly state when they shall take place." shall be inserted as a new subsection before the existing section c subsection 5.

2. The sentence "The Chairperson may have other duties; those other duties must be spelled out explicitly by Rules" shall be appended to the first paragraph of section c.

3. The phrase "tabled for discussion" in section c, subsection 2 shall be replaced with the phrase "brought up for debate and vote".

4. The text "During the discussion period, the Proposing Players may wish to make amendments to their proposals. To this end they may send the new version of their Proposal to the Chairperson who shall send this new version to all Players and notify them that this version overrides the previous version; the previous version is made null and void in every way. A Proposing Player may also retract their proposal entirely by sending the Chairperson a notice to this affect, the Chairperson shall then send a message to all players notifying them that the proposal in question is in all ways null and void. If a Proposing Player retracts their Proposal they may not resubmit a new one to replace it; retracting a Proposal is final. Proposing Players may only amend or retract a Proposal which they themselves submitted to the Chairperson." shall be inserted as a new subsection between subsections 2 and 3 of section c.

5. The text "The Chairperson shall redistribute all proposals, notifying all players that these are the versions of the proposals which shall be voted upon and that all previous versions are null and void in all ways." shall be inserted between the first and second sentence of section c subsection 3.

6. Replace the last sentence of section c subsection 3 with the following text "The Chairperson will notify all Players of the requirements for proposal acceptance for each Proposal (this shall include but not be limited to: Quorum (if defined), how many votes are needed (e.g. unanimity, majority &c.))."

7. The text "Payment for Services Rendered: The Chairperson shall receive 5 points in payment for their services after they complete their duties. If a Player takes the role of Chairperson Pro Tem that Player shall receive this payment; the Chairperson for which this Player took over shall not receive payment since they did not complete their duties." shall be appended to the rule.

8. All subsections of section c shall be renumbered sequentially commencing with 1 for the first subsection. This shall be done to make the numbering correct and consistent.

9. The number of this rule shall be 1.

Vote: Rejected
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 309 [21 Jan 1999] Mark Simpson

WHEREAS, Requiring unanimity for proposal acceptance is a little annoying;

RESOLVE That Rule 203 shall be struck out and replace with:

A rule-change is adopted if and only if the required number of votes and quorum is reached.

For Quorum to be reached the correct number of players must have voted (either for or against).

A proposal needs a simple majority of votes in favour of the proposal unless otherwise specified in a rule. Quorum is defined to be one quarter of all active Players rounded up to the nearest integer. (Delegates are not counted) unless otherwise specified in a rule.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 310 [11 Feb 1999] Mark Simpson

Repeal Rule 210.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 311 [11 Feb 1999] Lisa Patacchiola

The strange and wonderful Tai Braker

There exists a creature, named Tai Braker, which is only interested in proposals where half the players like the proposal, and the other half don't. It has exactly one vote per each of these proposals. It doesn't have any opinion of it's own, and can be swayed by presents. Tai can have points.

1. Once after all the players have voted, the Chairperson checks the tally. If a proposal that only needs a majority vote to pass has equal votes for and against it, Tai's Agent is contacted, and the voting period is extended so Tai's vote may be accepted.

A. If no one has been given the title of Tai's Agent, the Chairperson is Tai's Agent Pro-Tem.

B. Tai's Agent announces on the mailing list that Tai is accepting bids for it's vote. In this announcement the deadline for bids is declared. The deadline will be no less than 24 hours and no more than 48 hours.

2. If a player wants Tai to vote a certain way, they send Tai's Agent a message which discloses the number of points the player is willing to pay for the vote. Players may pool points in order to make a bid. (For example, player A and B want the vote so they pool their resources. A offers 3 points and B offers 5 points for a total of an 8 point bid)
A. If the bid is from pooled resources, it must be clearly marked as such, and the amount of points from each player clearly spelled out.

B. No player may bid more than the number of points they currently have.

i. If the bid is a pooled bid, no player may contribute more points than they currently have.
C. No player's points may be may offered without the player's approval and knowledge.

D. Each bid must mention what proposal the player(s) is bidding for and the vote they want.

E. Tai has no opinion, so it's points may not be used for bidding.

3. After Tai's Agent receives a bid, he or she sends a message to the mailing list which declares the amount of the latest bid. Tai's agent does not have to mention who made the bid. The subject of the message will be "LATEST BID".

4. Once the deadline has been reached, Tai's Agent sends a message to the mailing list which explains if the vote is yes or no. The agent then sends the number of the proposal in question, players names who won the vote, whether the vote was yes or no, and the amount the winning player(s) offered to pay, to the Chairperson.

A. The highest bid for a proposal will win Tai's vote.
B. If there is a tie for the highest bid (The top bids are equal), the bid that was received first wins.
C. If no bids were made, the vote is decided by Tai's agent.
5. The Chairperson accepts the vote from Tai's agent, and subtracts the appropriate amounts of points from the players who won the bid. Of those points, 10% goes to the Government surplus, 10% goes to Tai's agent, and the rest goes to Tai.

6. If a player wants to be Tai's Agent, he or she will send a message to the Chairperson, announcing their candidacy. The Chairperson shall include such announcements with the regular proposals, and they will be voted upon in keeping with the other rules. A majority vote shall be required for a player to become Tai's Agent.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 312 [11 Feb 1999] Shawn Zimmerman


1.Certain Titles shall be Officially Recognized.

a. If a Player has a Title or Titles that is/are Officially Recognized, then all Game Email to that Player via the Nomic Mailing List shall include all such Titles in the greeting of that email.
b. If a Player has a Title or Titles that is/are Officially Recognized, then all Game Email from that Player via the Nomic Mailing List shall include all such Titles in the closing of that email.
2. A Title may become Officially Recognized only if a Player makes a Proposal dedicated solely to that motion, and/or the creation of an Office which bears an Officially Recognized Title, and that Proposal is passed in accordance with the Rules.
a. If a Proposal creating an Officially Recognized Title passes, then the new Title shall be appended to Section 5 of this Rule.
3. If a Player is assigned to an existing Title, their name shall included appropriately in Section 5 of this Rule.

A Player may be assigned an Officially Recognized Title in the following wise:

a. By being named as the recipient of a new Title in a a Proposal.
b. By the passing of a Proposal in which an existing Title is removed from a Player who currently possesses it, and transferred to a Player named in that Proposal.
4. The Title of Chairperson is an Officially Recognized Title, but shall not be included in Section 5 of this Rule, as it is regulated by prior rules. The current owner of the Title shall cycle as specified in the Rules.

5. The current Officially Recognized Titles and the Players they belong to are: Keeper of the Mailing List Shawn Zimmerman
Big Meanie Mark Simpson
Executive Commitee Lisa Patacchiola Mark Simpson Shawn Zimmerman
Mistress Lisa Patacchiola

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 313 [11 Feb 1999] Shawn Zimmerman

Take a Bite Out Of Crime

1. If a Player or Delegate shall break a Rule of this Nomic game, and that rule does not have an explicit provision for punishment, then the offending player shall be liable to a fine of 2 points.

a. The Chairperson at the time of the offense must state, in an email to the Nomic Mailing List the following items:
i. The name of the offending Player or Delegate
ii. The nature of the offense, including the Number of the pertinent Rule or Rules.
iii. The new score of the Offending Player, and the new total of the Surplus Point Fund.
b. The Chairperson should perform subsection 1)a) of this Rule before she or he turns over the Chairperson-ship over to another Player. If this is not done, then the fine is waived and the Offending Player may no longer be punished for the alleged offense.
2. The sum of the fine shall be paid, from the Offending Player's score, into the Surplus Point Fund, immediately upon receipt of the email specified in Subsection 1) a) of this Rule.

3. The Player may request a refund from the Executive Counsel, who must vote unanimously, and must do so before the Voting Period of the current Chairperson-ship. The Offending Player must request this Refund before the end of the current Chairperson-ship. If the Executive Counsel votes for the Refund, the sum of 2 points shall be immediately transferred from the Surplus Point Fund into the Offending Player's score.

4. The fine for breaking any rule specified in subsection 1) of this Rule, in conjunction with the use of a semi-automatic weapon, shall double the Fine.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 314 [22 Feb 1999] Mark Simpson

Speling Pruhposel

If a player finds a spelling error in the official rules, the Player may send the Chairperson a message containing the spelling error and the correction needed. These messages must be received by the Chairperson before the Chairperson declares the beginning of the Voting Period. If a message is received after this time it shall be ignored. If more than one player submits to the Chairperson the same spelling error only the first submission will be used.

The Chairperson will collect the received spelling messages and send them out at the beginning of the Voting Period. If the spelling messages are sent with the other Proposals up for vote, they must be clearly differentiated from the Proposals.

If no objection is raised to a spelling fix by the end of the voting period, the spelling fix will take effect. Each spelling fix is separate; an objection to one will not effect another.

If a spelling fix is accepted, the person who brought the spelling fix to the attention of the Chairperson shall be awarded one tenth of one point (.1) for each spelling fix that occurred in repayment for their diligence.

There is no penalty for a spelling fix which is not enacted.

This rule shall be considered to have perfect spelling. No spelling fixes can be submitted for this Rule.

Vote: Accepted
For: Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman
Against: Lisa Patacchiola

Proposal 315 [22 Feb 1999] Lisa Patacchiola

Add the following section to rule #313:

5. A Chairperson may prosecute any crimes that occur after the previous Chairperson has announced the new Chairperson to when the current chairperson announces the New Chairperson. (In other words, there is no time when a crime isn't able to be prosecuted.)

Vote: Accepted
For: Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman
Against: Lisa Patacchiola

Proposal 316 [22 Feb 1999] Lisa Patacchiola

Semi Automatic Gun control law

It is obvious by the sudden increase of crime with semi-automatic weapons that something more has to be done. The citizens of Nomic cry out for their streets to be safe again! This rule should help reduce the number of weapons around.

1. All semi-automatic weapons must be bought from the Head of the Department of Firearms (also known as the DOF).

a. If there is no DOF, they must be bought from the Chairperson.
b. The points from such a sale goes to the DOF fund.
2. All player (or delegate) owned semi-automatic weapons may only be sold to the DOF.
a. If there is no DOF, they must be sold to the Chairperson.
b. The money to pay for these weapons come from the DOF fund.
c. The weapon, once bought, goes into the DOF armory. It may be sold again.
3. Each weapon gets a serial number, which must be posted in the message when the weapon is used.

4. Each serial number is unique. The serial numbers start with SA00001, and increase by one for each new weapon. (So, the second weapon would have SA00002).

5. If a weapon is sold to the DOF (or the Chairperson, who is standing in for the Head of the DOF) and the weapon has no serial number, the weapon will be numbered. These numbers will start with SG00001.

a. These numbers are also unique, and increase sequentially by one for each unnumbered weapon.

6. Semi-automatic weapons cost 10 points. (To buy and sell)

7. A person who has committed a crime within the last 14 days may not buy a semi-automatic weapon.

Vote: Accepted
For: Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman
Against: Lisa Patacchiola

Proposal 317 [7 Mar 1999] Lisa Patacchiola

Repeal Rule 209

Vote: Rejected
For: Lisa Patacchiola
Against: Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 318 [7 Mar 1999] Mark Simpson

Amend R204 by appending the following paragraph:

The Chairperson is not eligible for this point gain.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 319 [7 Mar 1999] Mark Simpson

Amend R307 by changing '8' to '4'.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 320 [23 Mar 1999] Lisa Patacchiola

In order to put rules in certain order, and to easily be able to change those rules after they are in order, I offer the following proposal:

Numbering Proposal

Make Rule #108 mutable

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 321 [23 Mar 1999] Shawn Zimmerman

No Player may submit more than one Proposal per turn. That Proposal may be modified at the Proposiing Player's discretion.

Vote: Rejected
For: Shawn Zimmerman
Against: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson

Proposal 322 [23 Mar 1999] Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 208 shall be ammended to read: "The winner is the first player to acheive 500 (positive) points)."

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Shawn Zimmerman
Against: Mark Simpson

Proposal 323> [23 Mar 1999] Mark Simpson

Strike out sections 1a and 1b of R312 and replace them with the following text:

If a Player has any Official Title(s) then that Player shall include a closing section in all of their Game Email which must include all of the Player's Official Title(s).

All Game Email which mentions a Player by name, and that Player has Official Title(s) then the Game Email must include all of that Player's Official Title(s) along with the name of the Player.

Any mention of a Official Title shall be understood to signify the Player(s) who have that Official Title.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 324 [23 Mar 1999] Mark Simpson

Amend R304 in the following manner

Strike out all instances of the phrase ``(rounded down to the nearest whole number)''

Vote: Rejected
For: Mark Simpson
Against: Lisa Patacchiola, Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 325 [23 Mar 1999] Mark Simpson

Amend R209 in the following manner

Change `25' to `50'.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Shawn Zimmerman
Against: Mark Simpson

Proposal 326 [23 Mar 1999] Mark Simpson

Amend R207 in the following manner

Append the following paragraphs to R207:

The vote of a player must be `yea', `nay', `Don't bother me with these trivialities!'. `Yea' is a vote for the proposal. `Nay' is a vote against the proposal. `Don't bother me with these trivialities!' is neither a vote for nor a vote against a proposal, but it is a vote, and counts towards Quorum.

If a vote is not received from a Player before the end of the Voting Period of a Proposal, it shall be said that the Player vote `huh?' which shall be considered equivalent to `Don't bother me with these trivialities!' except that it does not count towards Quorum.

Vote: Accepted
For: Lisa Patacchiola, Mark Simpson
Against: Shawn Zimmerman

Proposal 327 [23 Mar 1999] Mark Simpson

Amend R202 by adding the following section, numbered as `6':

If a Chairperson successfully completes their duties, they shall relieve 4 points. If a Chairperson is found to be lax, it shall be considered a Crime, the penalty for which shall be 4 points.

Vote: Rejected
For: Mark Simpson
Against: Lisa Patacchiola, Shawn Zimmerman

This page maintained by Mark Simpson who can be reached via email.
Please read my disclaimer.

$Date: 1999/03/30 02:55:29 $