Flat Organization of Nomic Rules
In no way should these pages be construed as the Official
Ruleset. That is the sole purvue of the speaker.
Last modified
Thu Mar 7 06:11:56 GMT 1996
Immutable Rules
- 101 Players must follow rules. Definition of Initial Set.
- 102 Creation of mutable and immutable rules.
- 103 Definition of Voter, Speaker, Player.
- 104 First Speaker is Michael Farebrother.
- 105 Definition of Rule Change.
- 106 Votes, procedure for adoption of rule changes.
- 107 Form of rule changes.
- 108 No retroactive rules.
- 109 Numbering for Rule Changes, reenactments, amendments, transmutations.
- 110 Transmuting immutable to mutable.
- 111 Precedence of immutable rules over mutable.
- 112 Win condition: N points.
- 113 Option to forfeit: no penalty worse than losing.
- 114 Adoption of Rule Changes must never become completely inpermissible.
- 115 Self-referential Rule Changes, others, allowed.
- 116 Limited Permissibility of the Unprohibited.
- 117 Definition of Nomic Week.
- 118 Limit of three Proposals / player / Nomic Week.
Mutable Rules
- 201 Quorum for a Vote is 40% of Voters.
- 202 Points.
- 203 100 Points required to win. When a game ends by points.
- 204 Procedure for new Proposals.
- 206 Each Voter has exactly one Vote. The Speaker may not Vote.
- 207 Voting procedure.
- 208 Revelaing of Votes, Speaker's consent.
- 209 Number of Votes required to pass a proposal.
- 210 Rule Changes take effect at completion of Vote.
- 211 Proposer receives points based on Vote tally.
- 212 Precedence of rules.
- 213 Invoking Judgement.
- 214 Selection of Judges.
- 215 Delivering Judgement
- 216 Definition of Judgement.
- 217 Guidance for Judgements.
- 218 Duties of the Speaker.
- 219 Inconsistency in Nomic Rules - Statement to that effect. Win condition.
Voted-In Rules (Mutable)
- 301 Voting Periods for Friday Proposals.
- 302 Name of Game to be Net Waste of Time.
- 303 Definition of Nomic Day.
- 304 Players to have Player Number.
- 305 Speaker to distribute Rules each Nomic Week.
- 308 Repeal of Rule 220.
- 309 Proposals containing "and" invalid.
- 313 Voting Periods for Proposals. Repeal of Rule 205.
- 315 Symbols Equivalent to Vote, Judgement words.
- 316 Definition of Active Player.
- 317 Speaker need not send information to Inactive Player.
- 318 New Players Joining. Right of Players to Challenge Join Attempt.