IgNomic - Proposition History

This is a list of all propositions that have ever been voted on in IgNomic.

Proposal 51 - Amendment to Rule 4
I. Effective immediately upon enactment of this Proposal, the text of Rule 4 shall be changed to the following:

Each week begins at 11:59 PM Sunday, Eastern Standard Time Zone. The time-of-posting for all proposals shall be the date and time listed in the posting's "Date:" header.

II. The scope of this Proposal is limited only to IgNomic weeks occurring after the week in which this Proposal is in voting period. The first IgNomic Week to be affected by this change shall be the one after the week in which this Proposal is voted upon. Should this Proposal pass, the next week shall start at 11:59 PM Sunday, GMT, as per the previous text of Rule 4.

Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 22:21:28 -0400
From: Joanne Hunter
Passed with 3 Aye, 1 Nay

Proposal 52: Timekeeping
The following is a bundled proposition:

I. Rule 4 shall be amended to read:

Each Official IgNomic Week shall begin at 00:00 Tuesday, GMT. The time-of-posting for all proposals shall be the date and time listed in the posting's "Date:" header.

II. The following Rule shall be enacted:

Voting Periods (Recordkeeping):

The Voting Period of each Player shall begin at 00:00 Monday in that Player's local time zone. Votes for each Official IgNomic Week shall be tallied after the close of all Voting Periods for all Players.

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 12:33:13 -0500
From: Kristina Davis
Failed with 3 Nay, 1 Aye

Proposition 53: Amendment to rule 4: Timekeeping
Bundled Proposition 1: transient proposition

The first week after this proposition goes into effect shall last until 11:59 PM GMT monday, june 26.

Bundled Proposition 2:

Rule 4: Timekeeping (Recordkeeping)

Each week begins at 11:59 PM Monday, GMT. The time-of-posting for all proposals shall be the date and time listed in the posting's "Date:" header.

Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 16:22:41 -0600
From: Bryan Derksen
Failed with 2 Aye, 2 Nay

Proposition 54: The World's Richest Person (Offices, Economy)
There exists an office known as the World's Richest Person. At the beginning of each week this office shall be automatically given to the IgNomic Player with the largest balance in his IgNomic bank account at that time. Holding the Office of World's Richest Person shall not disqualify or restrict the holder from holding any other office. A Player may hold the office of World's Richest Person for any number of consecutive weeks.

Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 16:32:27 -0600
From: Bryan Derksen
Failed with 4 Nay

Proposition 55: Plugging Holes
The following is a bundled proposition.

I) Rule 41 shall be amended as follows:

Any number of rules may have the same classification added or removed by a single proposition.

II) Rule 13 shall be written as follows:

In the event that a Proposal is passed successfully, and language in the new Rule is in direct conflict with a previous passed Rule, the new rule shall be reclassified as "Inactive". A proposition to reclassify the rule as non-Inactive is not valid if a conflict between that Rule and a previously-passed Rule remains.

III) The following rule shall be enacted:

Iteration, not Recursion (Propositions)

Bundled propositions may not contain bundled propositions.

IV) Rule 40 shall be amended to add "Salaries" to the list of valid rule classifications.

V) Rules 14, 20, 27, 29 and 36 shall have the "Salaries" classification added.

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 19:25:30 -0500
From: Kristina Davis
Passed with 3 Aye

Proposition 56: Salary Modularity, part 1 of N
The following is a bundled proposition:

I) Rule 24 shall now read:

Salaries and Pensions (Economy)

a) Salaries shall be paid at the beginning of each week, according to those rules governing Salaries.

b) The salary of an officer shall be paid instead of, rather than in addition to, the salary of a player. Salaries shall be designated according to the rules that establish each office.

c) An officer that has held a single office for more than eight consecutive weeks shall be paid a pension upon leaving that office. Pensions shall be paid in addition to, rather than instead of, other salaries or income to which a player is entitled.

d) A player shall only be entitled to collect a maximum of three pensions for which he is qualified, but each player entitled to more than three pensions shall have the right to select which of those pensions to collect.

II) Rule 14 shall be amended with the following:

k) Salary and Pension A player holding the office of Snoot Surveyor shall be entitled to a salary of G22. A player holding the office of Snoot Surveyor for more than eight consecutive weeks shall be entitled to a pension of G3 upon leaving the office.

III) Rule 27 shall be amended with the following:

f) Duty: Tracking of Salaries The IgCzar shall announce in a public message at the beginning of each week which players are receiving salaries defined by the rules of IgNomic covering Salaries, and in which respective amounts.

i) Salary and Pension A player holding the office of IgCzar shall be entitled to a salary of G31. A player holding the office of IgCzar for more than eight consecutive weeks shall be entitled to a pension of G5 upon leaving the office.

IV) Rule 29 shall be amended with the following:

XI - Salary and Pension. A player holding the office of Suzeraite shall be entitled to a salary of G25. A player holding the office of Suzeraite for more than eight consecutive weeks shall be entitled to a pension of G3 upon leaving the office.

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 19:25:30 -0500
From: Kristina Davis
Passed with 3 Aye

Proposition 57: Salary Modularity, part 2 of N
The following is a bundled proposition.

I) Rule 20 shall be amended as follows:

Salary and Pension

A player holding the office of Honky Honk shall be entitled to a salary of G27. A player holding the office of Honky Honk for more than eight consecutive weeks shall be entitled to a pension of G5 upon leaving the office.

II) Rule 36 shall be amended as follows:

VIII - Salary and Pension. A player holding the office of Prefect shall be entitled to a salary of G32. A player holding the office of Prefect for more than eight consecutive weeks shall be entitled to a pension of G5 upon leaving the office.

III) The following rule shall be enacted:

Non-Officers (Salaries)

All players who have taken some form of in-game action that do not hold an elected office shall be designated Non-Officers and shall be entitled to a salary of G13.

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 19:25:30 -0500
From: Kristina Davis
Passed with 3 Aye

Proposition 58: Ammendements to Payments and Fees
A: Rule 25 shall be ammended to the following:

The Igczar shall award payments for the furtherance of meaningful legislation within IgNomic, according to the following schedule, per week:

     Player whose proposal is passed by the public:               G5
     Player whose proposal is passed unanimously by the public:   G9

B: Rule 26 shall be ammended to the following:

The Igczar shall collect fees and fines for the hindrance of meaningful legislation within IgNomic, according to the following schedule, per week:

     Player whose proposal is defeated unanimously:                       G5
     Player whose proposal is defeated (with only his own vote in favor): G5
     Player whose proposal is defeated by any other margin:               G3

Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 00:04:59 -0400
From: Charles Matthias
Passed with 3 Aye

Proposition 59: The Anatomy of a Rule
  1. A Rule shall consist of one or more paragraphs. Each paragraph shall be consecutively numbered, beginning with the number one.
    1. Any number of sub-paragraphs may follow each paragraph. Sub-paragraphs should relate in some manner to their parent paragraph, for example listing special cases of a more general directive. Sub-paragraphs shall be consecutively numbered, beginning with the number one under each new paragraph. Any number of sub-sub-paragraphs may follow each sub-paragraph, in the manner described above, and so on to any depth of recursion.
    2. A specific paragraph of a Rule may be referred to in the form "Rule 40, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph 1, sub-sub-paragraph 3" or in the more compact but equivalent form "Rule"
    3. To remove a paragraph or sub-paragraph while retaining the numbering of subsequent paragraphs or sub-paragraphs, replace the content of the removed paragraph or sub-paragraph with the text "removed."
  2. A paragraph or sub-paragraph may contain text, tables, and lists in any combination. Line-breaks within the text of a paragraph are permitted but not encouraged.
  3. A proposition to enact a rule that does not conform to this format is invalid. A proposition which would amend a rule in such a way that it does not conform to this format after the enactment of the amendment is invalid.
  4. No rule in effect when this rule is enacted shall be invalidated by this rule. The format of existing rules, even if in violation of the guidelines listed above, is beyond the scope of this rule. This rule shall only affect the validity of propositions made subsequent to its enactment.

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 21:33:46 -0600
From: Bryan Derksen
Passed with 2 Aye.

Subject: Proposition 60: Standardizing Proposition Types
Bundled proposition 1:

Amendment to Rule 7: Types of rule changes that may be proposed (Proposition, Rules)

Rule 7 shall now read:

  1. A proposition may repeal an existing rule, amend an existing rule, reenact a repealed rule, or to add a new rule.
    1. A proposition to repeal an existing rule must identify the rule to be repealed by its rule number and title and clearly state that the rule is to be repealed. Only one rule may be repealed per proposition. Upon the enactment of a proposition to repeal a rule, the repealed rule is immediately removed from the ruleset and no longer has any effect on the game.
    2. A proposition to amend an existing rule may add, remove, or replace any number of the paragraphs and sub-paragraphs of the existing rule. The rule to be amended must be identified by its rule number and title, and the proposition must clearly state that the rule is to be amended. Paragraphs and sub-paragraphs to be added or replaced shall be numbered in the proposition as they will appear in the amended version of the rule. Paragraphs and sub-paragraphs to be removed shall be identified by their numbers. An amendment that changes only the classification of a rule is known as a reclassification proposition.
    3. A proposition to reenact a previously repealed rule shall identify the rule to be reenacted by its rule number and title and must clearly state that the rule is to be reenacted. When a proposition to reenact a rule is enacted, the repealed rule shall immediately return to the ruleset and come into effect.
    4. A proposition to add a new rule to the ruleset shall include the title and full text of the new rule, and must clearly state that the rule is to be added to the ruleset.
  2. Propositions can be changed or retracted by the player that proposed it before its voting period begins, but cannot be changed or retracted once its voting period begins. A proposition that has been retracted before its voting period begins cannot be enacted.

Bundled Proposition 2:

Rule 41: How to Classify Rules (Propositions) shall be repealed.

Bundled Proposition 3:

Rule 12: Rule Erasure (Propositions, Rules) shall be repealed.

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:12:43 -0600
From: Bryan Derksen
Passed with 2 Aye

Proposition 61: Seniority in Office (Economy, Salaries)
The following rule shall be added to the ruleset:

Seniority in Office (Economy, Salaries)

  1. For each full four-week period in which a player holds a single specific office subsequent to the enactment of this rule, that player's salary shall be increased by G3.
  2. For each full eight-week period in which a player holds a single specific office subsequent to the enactment of this rule, the pension that player receives upon leaving that office shall be increased by G1.
  3. Upon election of a player to an office, the salary and pension of that office shall be reset to the values specified in the rule establishing that office.
  4. No player's pension for any given office shall exceed the base salary for that office.

Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 05:39:55 -0500
From: Kristina Davis
Failed with 1 Aye, 1 Nay

Proposition 62: The Taxman Cometh! (Economy)
  1. For each G20, rounded down to the nearest whole divisor of twenty, that a player receives in a given week for salary and pensions, that player shall pay G2 in income tax back to the First Bank of IgNomic.
  2. For each G10, rounded down to the nearest whole divisor of ten, that a player receives in a given week for voting on proposals, that player shall pay G1 in poll tax back to the First Bank of IgNomic.
  3. For each G10, rounded down to the nearest whole divisor of ten, that a player recieves in a given week for passed proposals, that player shall pay G3 in red-tape tax back to the First Bank of IgNomic.

Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 20:16:57 -0500
From: Kristina Davis
Passed with 2 Aye

Proposition 63: Reclassification of Rule 46
Rule 46 shall be classified as a Rules rule and as a Propositions rule.

Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 13:30:44 -0600
From: Bryan Derksen
Passed with 4 Aye

Proposition 64: Amendment to Rule 25
Rule 25: Schedule of Payments (Economy)
  1. The Igczar shall award payments for the furtherance of meaningful legislation within IgNomic at the end of each voting period.
    1. Player whose proposal is passed by the public: G10
    2. Player whose proposal is passed unanimously by the public: G18

Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 13:30:26 -0600
From: Bryan Derksen
Failed with 1 Aye, 3 Nay

Proposition 65: The Other Inevitability (Economy)
  1. There exists a category of fee classified as a tax.
  2. There exists an account within the First Bank of IgNomic reserved for the deposit and disbursement of funds collected through taxes, known as the Taxman's Pocket.
  3. A tax may, instead of returning money to the First Bank of IgNomic, designate a specific account or accounts into which its funds are desposited. A tax that makes no such designation deposits its funds into the Taxman's Pocket.

Date: Proposition 65: The Other Inevitability (Economy)
From: Kristina Davis
Failed with 1 Nay, 1 Abstain

Proposition 66: Proposition Urging
  1. An proposing ignomic player can provide an incentive to pass his proposition, e.g. "proposition x: about something. Incentive 10 iggies until 2 days before end of voting period, after that only 5 iggies"
    1. PAYMENT
      If a voting ignomic player votes aye, the voting ignomic player can opt out on the incentive. In that case the incentive will be payed to the bank. If the voting ignomic player doesn't opt out, he immediately gets the incentive, even when the proposition doesn't pass after all. This incentive will always be paid by the proposing ignomic player.
    2. TIMING
      The incentive can have a time dependency added to it. This time dependency is limited to:
      1. the valid period must start the moment the proposing ignomic player proposes his proposition
      2. if no period is specified, the incentive will be valid from the moment of posting the proposition to the end of the voting period.
      3. it is possible to amend a proposition to include an incentive, but the incentive will immediately get paid to the ignomic players, who did vote aye already.
      4. if the amount does change during the time the incentive is valid, either by amendment or by initial timing specification, either:
      5. higher, then all voters, who already received an incentive, will be paid the difference between the higher incentive and de lower incentive, if their initial incentive was lower than the raised incentive.
      6. lower, then all new 'aye'-voters will receive the lower incentive. (So it is possible to raise the incentive, but the proposer will pay for it)

Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 12:12:25 -0600
From: Bart
Passed with 3 Aye

Proposition 67: Ammendment to Rule 25
Rule 25: Schedule of Payments (Economy)
  1. The Igczar shall award payments for the furtherance of meaningful legislation within IgNomic, according to the following schedule, per week:
    1. Player who casts a vote regarding a proposition G2
    2. Player whose proposal is passed by the public: G5
    3. Player whose proposal is passed unanimously by the public: G9

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 16:47:30 -0400
From: Charles Matthias
Passed with 3 Aye

Proposition 68: Repeal Rule 14
Rule 14: The Snoot Surveyor (Offices, Player, Salaries, Inactive) shall be repealed upon the enactment of this proposition

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 19:20:46 -0600
From: Bryan Derksen
Passed with 2 aye, 1 nay

Proposition 69: Rebellion/Protest
  1. Definition
    1. There exists a player status known as Protest, or alternatively recognized as "Rebellion", herein identified as "Rebellion/Protest".
    2. Any player may enter Rebellion/Protest status by declaring himself or herself as being in Rebellion/Protest status and declaring the reasons and objective for Rebellion/Protest.
    3. All Rebellion/Protest declarations MUST be accompanied by:
      1. the Object Of Rebellion/Protest which the player opposes, and
      2. the Objective Of Rebellion/Protest - what the player hopes to ultimately accomplish.
    4. A Rebellion/Protest state Ends when either of the following occur:
      1. the Player declares himself or herself to no longer be in a state of Rebellion/Protest (no reason need be given). In such a case, the state of Rebellion/Protest continues until the end of the IgNomic Week in which the Player declared himself or herself to no longer be in that State, or
      2. the Objecive Of Rebellion/Protest is seen to be resolved in the eyes of the office defined below as being responsible for such judgments.
    5. The ability of a Player to declare his or her state of Rebellion/Protest is defined as a Individual Right as per rules governing such.
  2. Effects
    1. A Player in a state of Rebellion/Protest is entitled to protection against Player-determined adverse effects of the Player's Object Of Rebellion/Protest.
    2. A Player in a state of Rebellion/Protest, by entering this state, temporarily forefits his or her rights to any interaction with the IgNomic community, excepting emailed communication, proposition of legislation, and official discussions, until such time as the state of Rebellion/Protest is ended.
      1. If the Player in a state of Rebellion/Protest holds an Office, he or she is considered to have stepped down, Upon termination of the state of Rebellion/Protest, the player must run for re-election to his or her former office.
  3. Date: 16 Oct 2000 16:10:32 EST
    From: Joanne Hunter
    Passed with 2 Aye

Proposition 70: Endgame Thru Lack of Interest (rules, players)
  1. The game of IgNomic is declared over thru lack of interest if the following condition is true:
    1. There are six consecutive inactive voting periods, that being defined as a voting period in which there are no new proposals to be voted on.
  2. If the game of IgNomic is ended thru lack of interest, then:
    1. The conditions for winning the game, as defined or to be defined elsewhere, have not been met.
    2. All losers are returned to the Great Unwashed.
    3. All iggies revert to the First Bank of IgNomic.
    4. All officers lose their offices.
    5. All other forms of property and status revert to the game of IgNomic.
    6. The game of IgNomic is declared over, and all rules become null and everything ends.
    7. And everyone moves on with their lives.
  3. Moreover, if the game of IgNomic ends thru this rule:
    1. All players, as no-one has one, are declared IgLosers.
    2. All officers will be forbidden from joining or beginning another game of Nomic for at least two years.
    3. Everyone should feel guilty!

Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 20:19:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Nigel Gregoire
Passed with 3 Aye

Proposition 71: Having Only One Vote Sucks (Voting, Proposition)
Rule 6 shall be amended to read:

Rule 6: Voting on proposals (Voting, Proposition)

  1. Each player may cast no more than one valid vote on any given proposed rule change.
  2. Only players may vote.
  3. A valid vote may be "Aye", "Nay", or "Abstain", and must unambiguously identify the proposal the vote is being cast for.
  4. A valid vote cannot be retracted or changed once cast.
  5. At the end of the voting period, the proposed rule change comes into effect if both of the following are true:
    1. There are more valid votes of "Aye" than there are valid votes of "Nay".
    2. There is more than one valid vote.

Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 20:19:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Nigel Gregoire
Passed with 2 Aye

Proposition 72: Economic Housecleaning
Bundled proposition of 4 parts.

Bundled proposition 1: Repeal Rule 33: Products (Economy)

Bundled proposition 2: Repeal Rule 34: Services (Economy)

Bundled proposition 3: Repeal Rule 35: Licences (Economy)

Bundled proposition 4: Repeal Rule Rule 36: Office of Prefect (Economy, Offices, Salaries, Inactive)

Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 14:53:08 -0700 (MST)
From: Bryan Derksen
Passed with 3 Aye, 1 Abstain