Imperial Galactic Nog Nomic Rule Graveyard

This is where we store rules that have been repealed, or amended into a different form.

Rule Graveyard current as of February 26th, 2002.

1 - Initial Rule
All players must agree to all rule changes.


1 - Amended by Tim Salzman on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Initial Rule)
2/3 of the players must agree to all rule changes.


1 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/18/2002 (Creator: Initial Rule)
The rules of the game can be changed by any player making a proposal, and having at least two thirds of all players vote in favor of the proposal. A proposal consists of one or more new rules and/or one or more amendments to existing rules and/or the repeal of one or more existing rules.


2 - Created by Tim Salzman on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
The game has the standard currency of the Nog.


5 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
Nogs are measured as integers.


6 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
Whenever any player cannot remember the number of Nogs they have, that number is reset to 0.


7 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
Whoever has the lowest number of Nogs at the end of the meal must pay for the bill.


11 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Each player can have only one proposal on the table at any given time.


11 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/18/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Any player can place a proposal on the table by sending the proposal to the official mailing list. To be recognized as a proposal, the subject of the email message must be of the following form: the characters "Proposal: " followed by the name of the proposal. The name of the proposal must be unique amongst all proposals currently on the table. Only one proposal is allowed per email message.


12 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
When we get back to the office, all of the rules must be recorded.


13 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
All rules must be recorded by the record keeper.


14 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The record keeper must be voted in by a two thirds vote.


15 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Jeff is the record keeper.


16 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Nogs can be converted to Noggins. One Nog is worth one hundred Noggins. Noggins are measured as integers.


17 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The record keeper receives 20 Noggins for each rule recorded.


21 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
New players can be added with a majority vote of all players.


22 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Any vote that results in a tie must be settled with a game of Rock Paper Scissors played by one champion from each side.


23 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
When playing Rock Paper Scissors by remote, the two champions must send their throws to an intermediary.


24 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The record keeper is the intermediary.


25 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The record keeper cannot be a champion.


28 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
New players are added at 8 AM GMT the day after the vote to add them took place.


30 - Created by Tim Salzman on 1/11/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
One time rule. The recorded rules for 1/11/02 must be approved by a unanimous vote.


33 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
All players must give the record keeper a valid email address to keep on file.


35 - Created by Tim Salzman on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
Whenever any player cannot remember the number of Noggins they have, that number is reset to 0.


36 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Non-players cannot make proposals.


37 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The current players are Jeff, Tim, Alex.


38 - Created by Tim Salzman on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
All proposals must begin with the words, "I propose".


38 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/18/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
While a proposal is on the table, the proponent may change the proposal by sending a new version of it to the mailing list. To be recognized as a new version of a proposal already on the table, the subject of the email message must be of the following form: the characters "Amended Proposal: " followed by the name of the proposal.


40 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Players cannot tell non-players the rules.


41 - Created by Tim Salzman on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
When any player violates the rules, their nog and noggin count is reset to 0. A rule violation must be deterimed by a 2/3 vote of all players.


41 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
When any player violates the rules, they are assessed a penalty of 5 Nogs. A rule violation must be determined by a two thirds vote of all players.


42 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
Once one player has voted on a proposal, that proposal can no longer be changed.


43 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Any player can pause the voting process by yelling, "Pause!".


43 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/18/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
A proponent of a proposal may remove one of their proposals from the table and start the voting process by announcing this desire to all players. This can only be done if no proposal is currently in the voting process. Once the voting process starts on a proposal, that proposal can no longer be changed. The version that is voted upon is the last version that was posted to the official mailing list by the proponent.


44 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
Any player can unpause the voting processing by saying, "Unpause". The voting process automatically unpauses if it has been paused for more than 5 minutes.


47 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
A level 1 player may purchase 1 shield point for 10 Nogs.


48 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
A proposal must be written down in the form it will be voted on before any voting can occur.


50 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
When a player's Noggin count reaches 100, it automatically converts to Nogs.


50 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
If a player's Noggin count exceeds the Noggin to Nog exchange rate, it automatically converts to Nogs.


52 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
This game is called NogNomic.


52 - Amended by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
This game is called Galactic Nog Nomic.


54 - Created by Tim Salzman on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
All players must vote on a proposal before it can be passed. A player who has not voted within 48 hours of the proposal being recorded automatically abstains.


54 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
All players must vote on a proposal before it can be passed. A player who has not voted within one Noggle of the proposal being recorded automatically abstains.


54 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/18/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
All players must vote on a proposal before the voting process is complete. Any player who has not voted within one Noggle of the proposal entering the voting process automatically abstains.


55 - Created by Tim Salzman on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
The author of a rule that gets repealed loses 1 Nog.


57 - Created by Tim Salzman on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
The proposer of a proposal may withdraw their proposal any time before all votes are cast at a cost of 2 Nogs.


57 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/18/2002 (Creator: Tim Salzman)
Any proposal on the table can be withdrawn at any time by the proponent of the proposal with no penalty. To do so, the proponent must send a message to the official mailing list stating this action. Once a proposal has entered the voting process, it can be withdrawn by the proponent with a penalty of 2 Nogs. This action must be communicated to all players.


58 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
A player may move 1D6 units on the grid per day.


59 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The player of the day may move an additional 1D6 units on the grid per day.


62 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/14/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
The Nog and Noggin count is recorded by the banker. A new banker can be voted in with a majority vote. The banker receives two Nogs per day for their services.


65 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The head of the building permit department has to be elected by 2/3 majority vote.


68 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The head of the building permit department gets paid 10% of revenue of a given day on the day following said day.


69 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
At any time, only one player holds the title of Rule Judge. At the start of the day every Monday, and any time no player holds the title of Rule Judge, a new Rule Judge is selected. The new Rule Judge shall be the one player that has spent the longest time since they have been the Rule Judge.


69 - Amended by Jeff Weston on 1/24/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
At any time, only one active player holds the title of Rule Judge. At the start of the day every Monday, and any time no player holds the title of Rule Judge, a new Rule Judge is selected. The new Rule Judge shall be the one active player that has spent the longest time since they have been the Rule Judge.


70 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
Whenever any dispute arises regarding the intepretation of the rules, any player may ask the Rule Judge for a judgement. When this occurs, the Rule Judge shall determine the interpretation of the rules. The Rule Judge is payed 50 Noggins from the player asking for the judgement. The Rule Judge is not allowed to ask for a judgement. Any judgement from the Rule Judge can be overruled only by a unanimous vote held by all of the other players. When a Rule Judge is overruled, they are not payed for that judgement, and they are stripped of the title of Rule Judge. The judgement request then goes to the next player to become the Rule Judge.


71 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
The date and time of the recording of a proposal must be recorded along with the proposal


72 - Created by Alex Jackson on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Alex Jackson)
A proposal that is submitted by email is called an e-proposal.


74 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
The rules define a number of Positions. Only players can hold Positions. One player can hold multiple positions. Which player is currently holding which Position is part of the gamestate.


76 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
Position Nominations proceed as follows: All players must announce if they wish to run for the vacant Position. If a player does not announce their wishes within one Noggle of the start of the nomination process, they automatically are assumed to not be running for the office. If no players are nominated, 5 Nogs are set aside to be a one-time bonus awarded to whichever player eventually wins the office and nominations are held again. If once again no players are nominated, 5 Nogs are added to the bonus and nominations are held again. This process is repeated until at least one player is nominated.


77 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
Position Voting proceeds as follows: If only one player was nominated, they automatically are assigned the Position they were nominated for. Otherwise, all players must vote for who will hold the Position from among those nominated. All players must vote before the results can be determined. Any player that does not vote withon one Noggle of the end of the nomination process automatically abstains. The one player who receives the most votes is assigned the Position.


78 - Created by Jeff Weston on 1/15/2002 (Creator: Jeff Weston)
Any player holding a Position can vacate that Position voluntarily at any time. The players can forcibly remove any player from a Position they hold by a two thirds vote.