[Nomic02] Turn: Psmith's turn
Dylan O'Donnell
Fri, 16 May 2003 23:52:24 +0100
I drop the personal teleporter and my bomb.
Crawle picks up the personal teleporter and my bomb, moves to Iraq,
and drops them.
I fly to the Servants' Quarters (+6 bp), finding the Lost Keys (+11 bp).
I pick up the Treasure Imp.
My turn is completed. It is jwalrus' turn. The Servants' Quarters now
have 6 visits, and I lose 3 bp for being there.
: Dylan O'Donnell http://www.spod-central.org/~psmith/ :
: "By the surly beard of Mrifk, Grignr kneels to no man!" :
: -- Jim Theis, "The Eye of Argon" :