[Nomic02] Proposal: robotfindskitten
Dylan O'Donnell
Tue, 13 May 2003 18:00:49 +0100
A proposal for three new rules.
robotfindskitten [Psmith]
The game shall contain a robot and a kitten, each of which have a
location on the map. The initial location of the robot shall be
Embedded CPU, and of the kitten the Lounge.
The active player may, during his or her turn, take at most two of the
following actions (either two different or the same action twice):
* Move the robot.
* Cause the kitten to move to a room randomly selected from the list
of rooms connected to the kitten's location.
* Cause the robot to examine an entity randomly selected from the list
of entities whose locations are equal to the robot's location.
If the robot examines a non-kitten entity, the player causing it to do
so loses one brownie point. If robotfindskitten, the player causing it
to do so gains 10 brownie points, and the robot's location is set to
Embedded CPU and the kitten's location to the Lounge.
: Dylan O'Donnell http://www.spod-central.org/~psmith/ :
: "What scourge, what scourge I bear, from what red star :
: So near to happiness, and yet so far?" :
: -- Andrew Plotkin, _So Far_ :