[Nomic02] Turn: Psmith's turn
Dylan O'Donnell
Tue, 4 Mar 2003 01:10:07 +0000
Gideon Crawle picks up the golden corknut.
Crawle moves from Brigadoon to Iraq (it being Tuesday).
I steal the golden corknut from Crawle.
I invoke the personal teleporter (burning it out, dropping it, and
teleporting to The). (+1 bp)
Crawle picks up the personal teleporter.
I drop the *ROYAL HONEY* (+10 bp) and set its destination to the House
of Commons.
I pick up the Scarlet Emerald.
My turn is completed. It is jwalrus' turn. The now has two visits.
: Dylan O'Donnell http://www.spod-central.org/~psmith/ :
: "Houston, Taurus base here. The Othello has landed." :
: -- Graham Nelson, "Jigsaw" :