[Nomic02] Proposal: random selection from nothing
Dylan O'Donnell
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 21:11:05 +0100
A proposal for one new rule.
Quantum Foam [Psmith]
If an action or game effect requires that an entity be chosen by
random selection from an empty set, an entity of the appropriate type
shall instead be created, named '*scratch*', and deemed to have been
selected; the effect shall be resolved; and *scratch* shall then be
immediately removed from the game.
(This means that, say, if the pieman ended up in a location that as a
result of damage repair had been disconnected from other rooms, and
someone bought a pie from him, he would end up at Saturn by Rule 53;
currently, I don't believe this situation is catered for at all.)
: Dylan O'Donnell http://www.spod-central.org/~psmith/ :
: "Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." :
: -- Lebling's Inversion of Clarke's Third Law :