[Nomic02] [P] Time bombs
Carl Muckenhoupt
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 10:46:05 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, Carbol, Roger wrote:
> (I'd like to see, eventually, by rule or consensus,
> a decision about whether a token carried by a player
> should be considered in the same room the player is
> in, or not. I think the Theft proposal sort of dealt
> with this, but it's something worth resolving, I think.)
Well, I've tried to phrase this proposal to be as unambiguous as possible
- hence the "if the time bomb's location is a room" business. The term
"location" is discussed in rules 54 and 55. As far as I'm concerned, a
token has one location at a time, and if its location is a player, it
isn't a room.
But to clarify: the intention here is that the time bomb is only ticking
when it's not being carried.