[Nomic02] [P] Soup and Sandwich (Was: Another Prize Proposal)
Admiral Jota
Mon, 3 Feb 2003 15:43:09 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Carbol, Roger wrote:
> Name: The Bus Driver's Lunchbox
Since this wasn't really formally proposed, and since there were some
loose ends to it (discussed on the MUD), I'm going to try proposing a more
technical and complete version of that based on the #nomic discussion, in
the form of four rules:
Soup and Sandwiches [Jota]
I. When this rule goes into effect, a prize token will be created with the
name "The Bus Driver's Lunchbox". Its initial location will be Zrblm;
it's initial destination will be the current location of the Magic
Omnibus at the time the token is created. Its value will initially be
indeterminate. Whenever brownie points must be awarded for the dropping
of the token, its value will be determined by a die roll (and will
again become indeterminate immediately afterward).
II. The size (in sides) of the die to be used to determine the value of
The Bus Driver's Lunchbox will be associated with that token. This
size will initially be 18. After each time it's rolled, its size will
be decremented by one, unless no such die is available, in which case
it will be decremented until such a die is available. If this
decrementing ever reaches zero, the token will cease to exist.
III. After each time brownie points are awarded for the dropping of The
Bus Driver's Lunchbox, its location will be changed to a room chosen
by random selection from the list of all rooms not including the one
it was just dropped in.
IV. If at any time the destination of The Bus Driver's Lunchbox and the
location of the Magic Omnibus location are not the same room, the
destination of The Bus Driver's Lunchbox will immediately be set equal
to the location of the Magic Omnibus.
Note that, so as not to conflict with earlier rules, a player delivering
the token still must name a destination for it. (That destination is just
immediately overridden if it's not the location of the Omnibus.)
_/<-= Admiral Jota =->\_
\<-= jota@shelltown.com =->/