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From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Wed May 5, 1999 8:22am
Subject: deNomic Distribution of Proposals, 5.5.1999


480 Vegetable Preservation
481 Amend 223
482 Amend 402
483 Amend 213

The voting for these proposals begins now and ends Sunday (9.5.1999) at

The proposals:
480 Vegetable Preservation

Rune proposes a new rule:

"Vegetable Preservation

The total amount of vegetables in the game is constant, except when the
rules explicitly say that vegetables are produced (or grown or harvested
&c), or that vegetables are destroyed (or eaten &c).

If a rule dictates gain or loss of vegetables without specifying the source
resp. the destination of the vegetables, then the source/destination shall
be the Agricultural Foundation.

If a player or game entity is unable to make a payment of vegetables that
the rules dictate, then a partial payment shall be made, if possible. If
even a partial payment is impossible, no payment is made. Any consequences
of non-payment specified by other rules still apply.

No-one is allowed to have a negative number of vegetables.

This rule takes precedence over all other vegetable-related rules."

481 Amend 223

Rune proposes amending:

Current text:
"Standing in Line

Each Player has a Proposal Queue, consisting of Proposals, Protoproposals
and Packages, collectively known as Queue Entries.
All Proposal Queues are administered by the Speaker.
When the Speaker receives a Queue Entry from a Player, the Queue Entry is
placed in the rear end of the Player's Proposal Queue.
Each Wednesday, the Speaker must distribute the two frontmost Queue Entries
from each Player. Those Queue Entries are then removed from the Player's
Proposal Queue.
A Player may at any time withdraw a non-distributed Queue Entry from his/her
Proposal Queue"

Proposed new text:
"Standing in Line

Each Player has a Proposal Queue, consisting of Proposals, Protoproposals
and Packages, collectively known as Queue Entries.

All Proposal Queues are administered by the Queuerier. Until an Office of
Queueriosity is established by another rule, the Speaker is also the

When the Queuerier receives a Queue Entry from a Player, the Queue Entry is
immediately placed in the rear end of the Player's Proposal Queue --
however, Queue Entries cannot be accepted on Tuesdays.

Each Tuesday, the Queuerier must distribute the two frontmost Queue Entries
from each Player. Those Queue Entries are then removed from the Player's
Proposal Queue. A Proposal, Protoproposal or Package can only be voted on
if and when it is distributed from a Proposal Queue.

A Player may at any time except Tuesday withdraw a non-distributed Queue
Entry from his/her Proposal Queue"


Notes on the amendment of queues:

1) It's inconvenient that the players may submit or withdraw proposals on
the same day that the speaker must distribute them -- that is prevented by
the new rule.

2) In anticipation of the adoption of one of the timing packages, the day of
distristribution has been changed to Tuesday, to still allow a reasonable
time for voting.

482 Amend 402

Ole proposes this:

"Rule 402 - mutable

Players can form organisations.
An organisation must have at least one member.
All members of an organisation must be players.
An organisation must have a name.
Any player can establish an organisation by notifying the Speaker of his/her
doing so, and of the name of the organisation.
A player can join or leave an organisation by notifying the Speaker of
his/her doing so.
No player may transfer any points or anything else to any other player if
they are not members of the same organisation.
No player can be member of more than two organisations at the same time.
If all members of an organisation vote for a proposal, the organisation will
also vote for the proposal.
If all members of an organisation vote against a proposal, the organisation
will also vote against the proposal.
Else, the organisation will abstain.
An organisation has a number of votes equal to one third of the number of
members it has.
This rule defers to Rule 311, but not to any other rule concerning the
transfer of points."

to have this wording:

"Rule 402 - mutable

Players can form organisations.
An organisation must have at least one member.
All members of an organisation must be players.
An organisation must have a name.
Any player can establish an organisation by notifying the Speaker of his/her
doing so, and of the name of the organisation.
A player can join or leave an organisation by notifying the Speaker of
his/her doing so.
No player may transfer any points or anything else to any other player if
they are not members of the same organisation.
No player can be member of more than two organisations at the same time.
If all members of an organisation vote for a proposal, the organisation will
also vote for the proposal.
If all members of an organisation vote against a proposal, the organisation
will also vote against the proposal.
Else, the organisation will abstain.
An organisation has a number of votes equal to N*N/P, where N is the number
of mambers of the organisation, and P is the number of players.
If, for instance, there are four members of an organisation out of a total
of nine players, the organisation would have 16/9 votes, or 1 7/9 votes.
This rule defers to Rule 311, but not to any other rule concerning the
transfer of points."
483 Amend 213

Ole proposes amending:

"Rule 213 - mutable
Delivering Judgement

A Judge has exactly one week in which to post an official Judgement. A Judge
who fails to deliver Judgement within that period is penalised 10 points."

to have this wording:

"Rule 213 - mutable
Delivering Judgement

A Judge has exactly one week in which to post an official Judgement. A Judge
who fails to deliver Judgement within that period is penalised 10 points,
and the
Speaker shall then randomly determine, with equal probability, whether the
Judgement is TRUE or FALSE. Such a random Judgement is, for the purpose of
overturning, still considered delivered by the appointed Judge."

eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Wed May 5, 1999 8:22am
Subject: deNomic Game State Document, 5.5.1999

419, 420, 478 and 479 have been distributed. Their voting period began
Sunday and will end Sunday.
480, 481, 482 and 483 are being distributed. Their voting period begins now
and will end Sunday.
Next available proposal number: 484
Past winners:
Kira won game 1 with 101 points
Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g... , Speaker, 25 points, 6 Vegetables
Kira Tendal, aeshna@g... ,  Citizen, 0 points
Christian Mønsted, dr@m... , Citizen, 0 points
Rune Kock, rune@i... , Citizen, 30 points, one Insistance point
Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p... , Citizen, 0 points
Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...  , Citizen, 0 points
Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H... , Citizen, 0 points
Agricultural Foundation:
25 Vegetables (generic)
Payments due:
Agricultural Foundation to Ole: 3 Vegetables
Total number of points:    55
Average number of points:    7.86
Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:    6
Total number of Vegetables:    31
Officer of Agriculture: Peter
Monsanto Man: Piet
Cult of the Ant
Rune, Ole

Teosophy of Overly Objective Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)
Rune, Ole, Kira

The Treehouse Club Of The Immensely Enlightened
    Paragons Of Humanity Who Recognize Aeshna
    As The Supreme Being In The Universe
Kira (The Supreme Being In The Universe)
Non-Player Voters:
Cult of the Ant: 2/3 Vote
TOO-BAD: 1 Vote
The Treehouse Club: 1/3 Vote
The Nullity: As many Votes as there are zeros in the Prop number
Voluntary Judges:
Rune, Ole, Kira
Silly Players:

(therefore no Martyrs, too)
Proposal Queues:

Ole: (13 entries)
The Paradox Package
The Forfeit Package
Changability Package
Amend 203
Horror Vacui
The Streaker
Transmute 109
No Protos Package
Anti-Ant Package
Repeal 395
Rule Change Package
Elected Offices

-no entries-

-no entries-

Rune: (2 entries)
Supreme Being
Social Mobility [Package]

-no entries-

-no entries-

-no entries-

E-mail adresses of the game:
Time schedule:

Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)
Monday               Monsanto Time
Wednesday        Distribution Time (beginning of vote)
Thursday            Tithing Time

eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Wed May 5, 1999 1:24pm
Subject: deNomic Sv: Game State Document, 5.5.1999

  I wrote:
:Non-Player Voters:
:Cult of the Ant: 2/3 Vote
:TOO-BAD: 1 Vote
:The Treehouse Club: 1/3 Vote
:The Nullity: As many Votes as there are zeros in the Prop number

I forgot the Ants.
Ants ##8,9,10: 1 Vote each


eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Sun May 9, 1999 7:53am
Subject: deNomic Game State Document, 9.5.1999

The Game State Document consists of:

+-Scorekeeper's Report*
+-Silo Manager's Report*
+-Herald's Report*
+-Distributor's Report*
+-Rulekeeper's Report*
+-Court Usher's Report
+-Addresskeeper's Report
+-Timekeeper's Report

*) updated

+-Scorekeeper's Report------------------------------------+
| Voting results (see details at end of report):          |
| 419     For  3     Against  3.33      defeated          |
| 420     For  2     Against  3.33      defeated          |
| 478     For  6     Against  none      adopted           |
| 479     For  3.33  Against  3         defeated          |
| 480     For  3.66  Against  1.33      adopted           |
| 481     For  1     Against  2.33      defeated          |
| 482     For  3.66  Against  3.33      defeated          |
| 483     For  3.33  Against  2         adopted           |
|                                                         |
| 419  Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point |
| 420  Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point |
| 478  Ole gains 10 points and becomes Zeitgeist          |
| 479  Ole loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point  |
| 480  Rune gains 10 points                               |
| 481  Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point |
| 482  Ole loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point  |
| 483  Ole gains 10 points                                |
|                                                         |
| Ole (as Speaker) earns 8 Vegetables                     |
| Ole earns one Vegetable upon becoming Zeitgeist         |
|                                                         |
| Past winners:                                           |
| Kira won game 1 with 101 points                         |
| Players:                                                |
| Ole                             25 points               |
| Kira                             0 points               |
| Christian                        0 points               |
| Rune                            10 points               |
| Peter                            0 points               |
| Martin                           0 points               |
| Piet                             0 points               |
| Total number of points:         35 points               |
| Average number of points:        5 points               |
| Non-Player Voters:                                      |
| Cult of the Ant:                2/3 Vote                |
| TOO-BAD:                          1 Vote                |
| The Treehouse Club:             1/3 Vote                |
| The Nullity:                As many Votes as there      |
|                            are zeros in the Prop number |
| Ants ##8,9,10:                    1 Vote each           |
| Voting details:                                         |
| 419     For        Rune, Ant #8, Ant #9                 |
|         Against    Ole, Kira, Ant #10, Treehouse Club   |
| 420     For        Rune, The Nullity                    |
|         Against    Ole, Kira, Ant #9, Treehouse Club    |
| 478     For        Chr, Rune, Ole, Kira,                |
|                    Cult, TOO-BAD, Treehouse Club        |
|         Against    -none-                               |
| 479     For        Ole, Kira, Ant #8, Treehouse Club    |
|         Against    Rune, Ant #9, Ant #10                |
| 480     For        Ole, Rune, The Nullity, Cult         |
|         Against    Kira, Treehouse Club                 |
| 481     For        Rune                                 |
|         Against    Ole, Kira, Treehouse Club            |
| 482     For        Ole, Rune, Ant #10, Cult             |
|         Against    Kira, Ant #8, Ant #9, Treehouse Club |
| 483     For        Ole, Kira, Ant #8, Treehouse Club    |
|         Against    Rune, Ant #9                         |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |

+-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole: 6 Vegetables                                       |
| Agricultural Foundation:                                |
| 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
| Payments due:                                           |
| Agricultural Foundation to Ole: 12 Vegetables           |
| Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:    6           |
| Total number of Vegetables:                31           |
| Tax Shares:                                             |
| Wealth Tax:            0%                               |
| Income Tax:            0%                               |
| Poll Tax:              0 Vegetables                     |
| Value Added Tax:       0%                               |

+-Herald's Report-----------------------------------------+
| Officers:                                               |
| Officer of Agriculture: Peter                           |
| Monsanto Man: Piet                                      |
| Organisations:                                          |
| Cult of the Ant                                         |
| Rune, Ole                                               |
|                                                         |
| Teosophy of Overly Objective                            |
|   Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)                        |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
|                                                         |
| The Treehouse Club Of The Immensely Enlightened         |
|   Paragons Of Humanity Who Recognize Aeshna             |
|   As The Supreme Being In The Universe                  |
| Kira (The Supreme Being In The Universe)                |
| Silly Players:                                          |
| -none-                                                  |
| Titles:                                                 |
| Zeitgeist:                                              |
| Ole                                                     |
|                                                         |
| Insistance Points:                                      |
| Rune:          4 Insistance Points                      |
| Ole:           2 Insistance Points                      |
| Prophets:                                               |
| -none-                                                  |
| (therefore no Martyrs, too)                             |
| Positions:                                              |
| Ole Andersen, Speaker                                   |
| Kira Tendal, Citizen                                    |
| Christian Mønsted, Citizen                              |
| Rune Kock, Citizen                                      |
| Peter Gadebirk, Citizen                                 |
| Martin P. Jensen, Citizen                               |
| Piet Mertz, Citizen                                     |

+-Distributor's Report------------------------------------+
| Next available proposal number: 484                     |
| Proposal Queues:                                        |
|                                                         |
| Ole: (13 entries)                                       |
| The Paradox Package                                     |
| The Forfeit Package                                     |
| Changability Package                                    |
| Amend 203                                               |
| Horror Vacui                                            |
| Corporations                                            |
| The Streaker                                            |
| Transmute 109                                           |
| No Protos Package                                       |
| Anti-Ant Package                                        |
| Repeal 395                                              |
| Rule Change Package                                     |
| Elected Offices                                         |
|                                                         |
| Kira: (2 entries)                                       |
| Opposition Scoring                                      |
| And Vegetables shall be loosed uponne the Worlde,       |
|   and ye shall fear their multitude                     |
| Christian:                                              |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Rune: (2 entries)                                       |
| Supreme Being                                           |
| Social Mobility [Package]                               |
|                                                         |
| Peter:                                                  |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Martin:                                                 |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Piet:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |

+-Rulekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Added Rules 478, 480, and 483 to the Ruleset            |
| Posted the current Ruleset to |

+-Court Usher's Report------------------------------------+
| Voluntary Judges:                                       |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
| Active CFJs:                                            |
| -none-                                                  |
| Next available CFJ number: 23                           |

+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
| 1)                               |
| 2)                     |
| 3)                          |
| 4)                            |
| 5)                         |

+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Time schedule:                                          |
| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Sun May 9, 1999 8:24am
Subject: deNomic Game State Document, 9.5.1999, Erratum

:+-Timekeeper's Report*
:*) updated

:+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
:| Time schedule:                                          |
:| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
:| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
:| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
:| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
:| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

I hadn't marked the Timekeeper's Report as updated.


eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: Rune Kock  <zarquon@t...>
Date: Sun May 9, 1999 1:48pm
Subject: deNomic Sv: Game State Document, 9.5.1999

 | 419   Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point | | 420   Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point |

I protest losing these 20 points.

In my letter of the 26th of April, I instructed the Speaker to have my proposal queue rearranged so that these proposals were not distributed that week.

Ignoring my letter, the Speaker distributed them anyway.   Even my reminder two days later did not move him to repent his erroneous action.

If the Speaker had reacted in a timely manner to my letter of the 26th of April, then these proposals would never have been voted on, and I would never have lost these points.

There is no doubt that the Speaker has decided to conspire against me, so that he could himself gain an important lead.

I therefore make a call for judgment on the statement:

"Rune shall not lose any points related to the defeat of proposal 419 and 420".


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Mailing-List: contact
From: "Rune Kock" zarquon@t...
To: "proposals"
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 00:58:58 +0200
Subject: deNomic PropQueue Vegetable preservation & amend queues
I would like to have these two proposals placed at the top of my proposal queue (yes, I know, it involves a lot of withdrawing and resubmitting, but let's just take that for granted).

Proposal for new rule:
Vegetable Preservation

The total amount of vegetables in the game is constant, except when the rules explicitly say that vegetables are produced (or grown or harvested &c), or that vegetables are destroyed (or eaten &c).

If a rule dictates gain or loss of vegetables without specifying the source resp. the destination of the vegetables, then the source/destination shall be the Agricultural Foundation.

If a player or game entity is unable to make a payment of vegetables that the rules dictate, then a partial payment shall be made, if possible.   If even a partial payment is impossible, no payment is made.   Any consequences of non-payment specified by other rules still apply.

No-one is allowed to have a negative number of vegetables.

This rule takes precedence over all other vegetable-related rules.

Proposal to amend rule 223:

Current text:
"Standing in Line

Each Player has a Proposal Queue, consisting of Proposals, Protoproposals and Packages, collectively known as Queue Entries. All Proposal Queues are administered by the Speaker. When the Speaker receives a Queue Entry from a Player, the Queue Entry is placed in the rear end of the Player's Proposal Queue. Each Wednesday, the Speaker must distribute the two frontmost Queue Entries from each Player. Those Queue Entries are then removed from the Player's Proposal Queue. A Player may at any time withdraw a non-distributed Queue Entry from his/her Proposal Queue"

Proposed new text:
"Standing in Line

Each Player has a Proposal Queue, consisting of Proposals, Protoproposals and Packages, collectively known as Queue Entries.

All Proposal Queues are administered by the Queuerier.   Until an Office of Queueriosity is established by another rule, the Speaker is also the Queuerier.

When the Queuerier receives a Queue Entry from a Player, the Queue Entry is immediately placed in the rear end of the Player's Proposal Queue -- however, Queue Entries cannot be accepted on Tuesdays.

Each Tuesday, the Queuerier must distribute the two frontmost Queue Entries from each Player. Those Queue Entries are then removed from the Player's Proposal Queue.   A Proposal, Protoproposal or Package can only be voted on if and when it is distributed from a Proposal Queue.

A Player may at any time except Tuesday withdraw a non-distributed Queue Entry from his/her Proposal Queue"

Notes on the amendment of queues:

1) It's inconvenient that the players may submit or withdraw proposals on the same day that the speaker must distribute them -- that is prevented by the new rule.

2) In anticipation of the adoption of one of the timing packages, the day of distristribution has been changed to Tuesday, to still allow a reasonable time for voting.


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From: "Rune Kock" zarquon@t...
To: "Ole Andersen" palnatoke@g...
Subject: Vs: deNomic Vegetable preservation & amend queues
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:11:14 +0200
Hej Ole,

Har du overset dette brev fra mig?

Forslagene er i hvert fald ikke kommet ind i min kø.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Rune Kock zarquon@t... Til: proposals Dato: 26. april 1999 00:55 Emne: deNomic PropQueue Vegetable preservation & amend queues

 I would like to have these two proposals placed at the top of my proposal queue (yes, I know, it involves a lot of withdrawing and resubmitting, but let's just take that for granted).


Proposal for new rule:
Vegetable Preservation

The total amount of vegetables in the game is constant, except when the rules explicitly say that vegetables are produced (or grown or harvested &c), or that vegetables are destroyed (or eaten &c).

If a rule dictates gain or loss of vegetables without specifying the source resp. the destination of the vegetables, then the source/destination shall be the Agricultural Foundation.

If a player or game entity is unable to make a payment of vegetables that the rules dictate, then a partial payment shall be made, if possible.   If even a partial payment is impossible, no payment is made.   Any consequences of non-payment specified by other rules still apply.

No-one is allowed to have a negative number of vegetables.

This rule takes precedence over all other vegetable-related rules.


Proposal to amend rule 223:

Current text:
"Standing in Line

Each Player has a Proposal Queue, consisting of Proposals, Protoproposals and Packages, collectively known as Queue Entries. All Proposal Queues are administered by the Speaker. When the Speaker receives a Queue Entry from a Player, the Queue Entry is placed in the rear end of the Player's Proposal Queue. Each Wednesday, the Speaker must distribute the two frontmost Queue Entries from each Player. Those Queue Entries are then removed from the Player's Proposal Queue. A Player may at any time withdraw a non-distributed Queue Entry from his/her Proposal Queue"

Proposed new text:
"Standing in Line

Each Player has a Proposal Queue, consisting of Proposals, Protoproposals and Packages, collectively known as Queue Entries.

All Proposal Queues are administered by the Queuerier.   Until an Office of Queueriosity is established by another rule, the Speaker is also the Queuerier.

When the Queuerier receives a Queue Entry from a Player, the Queue Entry is immediately placed in the rear end of the Player's Proposal Queue -- however, Queue Entries cannot be accepted on Tuesdays.

Each Tuesday, the Queuerier must distribute the two frontmost Queue Entries from each Player. Those Queue Entries are then removed from the Player's Proposal Queue.   A Proposal, Protoproposal or Package can only be voted on if and when it is distributed from a Proposal Queue.

A Player may at any time except Tuesday withdraw a non-distributed Queue Entry from his/her Proposal Queue"


Notes on the amendment of queues:

1) It's inconvenient that the players may submit or withdraw proposals on the same day that the speaker must distribute them -- that is prevented by the new rule.

2) In anticipation of the adoption of one of the timing packages, the day of distristribution has been changed to Tuesday, to still allow a reasonable time for voting.


------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPRING IS HERE - Wilson Sporting Goods!   Jet Evolution Basketballs, NFL Autograph Football, Conform Pitcher, Outfielder Glove.   Full Selection of golf clubs, skates, water sports, team sports equipment!

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From: Dice server  <dice-admin@p...>
Date: Sun May 9, 1999 6:34am
Subject: deNomic - Proposal 419, 420, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483 - Ants' Vote=


Dice rolls requested by: "the Speaker" palnatoke@g... Rolls also sent to:

# Lodtr=E6kning for myre 8, 9, 10
# for 419, 420, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483 # F=F8rste tal er for prop 419, andet tal prop 420 # tredje tal er for prop 478, fjerde tal prop 479 # femte tal er for prop 480, sjette tal prop 481 # syvende tal er for prop 482, fjerde tal prop 483 # F=F8rste linje er myre 8, anden linje myre 9 # tredje linje er myre 10 # 1 betyder at myren stemmer for, 2 imod og 3 undlader.

No. of sides on every die:      3
No. of dice for every roll:     1
No. of dice rolls requested:   24
No. of rolls per line:          8

         1         3         3         1         3         3         2         1
         1         2         3         2         3         3         2         2
         2         3         3         2         3         3         1         3

Information on the dice server:

   Replies to dice-admin@p... vanish into a seldom-read mailbox.

   For instructions on using the dice server, send a message with
   subject "help" to dice@p..., or see

The dice server is provided by:

         Shadow Island Games

             ** NewHoo Web Directory **
    An army of editors surfing the web for you!

Original message follows:
> From palnatoke@g...  Sat May  8 23:33:56 1999
> Received: (from smtp@localhost) by
>       id XAA11014 for dice@p...; Sat, 8 May 1999 23:33:56 -0700
> Received: from by via smtp (V1.3)
>       id sma011012; Sat May  8 23:33:51 1999
> Received: from opus ( []) 
>           by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP 
>           id IAA11915 for dice@p...; 
>           Sun, 9 May 1999 08:33:49 +0200 (MET DST)
> Message-ID: <00d901be99e5$c869f3e0$8cdd52c3@opus
> From: "the Speaker" palnatoke@g...
> To: "Dice Server" dice@p...
> Subject: 419,420,478,479,480,481,482,483
> Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 07:32:28 +0200
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>       charset="iso-8859-1"
> X-Priority: 3
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id IAA11915
> #P
> #S 3
> #D 1
> #R 24
> #L 8
> #C Lodtr=E6kning for myre 8, 9, 10
> #C for 419, 420, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483
> #C F=F8rste tal er for prop 419, andet tal prop 420
> #C tredje tal er for prop 478, fjerde tal prop 479
> #C femte tal er for prop 480, sjette tal prop 481
> #C syvende tal er for prop 482, fjerde tal prop 483
> #C F=F8rste linje er myre 8, anden linje myre 9
> #C tredje linje er myre 10
> #C 1 betyder at myren stemmer for, 2 imod og 3 undlader.
> #T deNomic - Proposal 419, 420, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483 - Ants' Vote=
> s

Version: 2.7

iQCVAwUBNzUsWD8NitsTFjcVAQFgogQAprvnW/drDDBU4BS3PhMk7lzkCV+N1N/H kvT/JvbEQM7YQkWR27fQQoG7yXtNXwXGOBrket+SEa8W3kToWVi8VSFzHrO4GTNe cl/73QyNWBBvd1SkDhP6acCTU5Z1LQlrQNhA59XendIKG1c9Db9G0YVbOm7FsPPu JisoWrR6ZYc=

------------------------------------------------------------------------ eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications


From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Sun May 9, 1999 7:48pm
Subject: deNomic Call for Judgement 23

  Rune has made a Call For Judgement on the Statement:

"Rune shall not lose any points related to the defeat of proposal 419 and

The dice server has chosen Kira to be Judge.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Rune Kock zarquon@t...
Dato: 9. maj 1999 21:16
Emne: deNomic Sv: Game State Document, 9.5.1999

>| 419 Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point |
>| 420 Rune loses 10 points and gains an Insistance Point |

I protest losing these 20 points.

In my letter of the 26th of April, I instructed the Speaker to have my
proposal queue rearranged so that these proposals were not distributed that

Ignoring my letter, the Speaker distributed them anyway. Even my reminder
two days later did not move him to repent his erroneous action.

If the Speaker had reacted in a timely manner to my letter of the 26th of
April, then these proposals would never have been voted on, and I would
never have lost these points.

There is no doubt that the Speaker has decided to conspire against me, so
that he could himself gain an important lead.

I therefore make a call for judgment on the statement:

"Rune shall not lose any points related to the defeat of proposal 419 and


eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: Dice server  <dice-admin@p...>
Date: Sun May 9, 1999 7:48pm
Subject: deNomic - CFJ 23 - Selection of Judge


Dice rolls requested by: "the Speaker" palnatoke@g... Rolls also sent to:

# Lodtr=E6kning til Judge, CFJ 23
# Hvis resultatet er 1, bliver Ole Judge # Hvis resultatet er 2, bliver Kira Judge # Hvis resultatet er 3, bliver Christian Judge # Hvis resultatet er 4, bliver Peter Judge # Hvis resultatet er 5, bliver Martin Judge # Hvis resultatet er 6, bliver Piet Judge # Denne p=E5stand skal pr=F8ves: # "Rune shall not lose any points related to the defeat of proposal 419 =

No. of sides on every die:      6
No. of dice for every roll:     1
No. of dice rolls requested:    1
No. of rolls per line:          1


Information on the dice server:

   Replies to dice-admin@p... vanish into a seldom-read mailbox.

   For instructions on using the dice server, send a message with
   subject "help" to dice@p..., or see

The dice server is provided by:

         Shadow Island Games

             ** NewHoo Web Directory **
    An army of editors surfing the web for you!

Original message follows:
> From palnatoke@g...  Sun May  9 12:48:22 1999
> Received: (from smtp@localhost) by
>       id MAA03254 for dice@p...; Sun, 9 May 1999 12:48:22 -0700
> Received: from by via smtp (V1.3)
>       id sma003252; Sun May  9 12:48:18 1999
> Received: from opus ( []) 
>           by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP 
>           id VAA21330 for dice@p...; 
>           Sun, 9 May 1999 21:48:15 +0200 (MET DST)
> Message-ID: <00cf01be9a54$c3e2bea0$3dcb8e81@opus
> From: "the Speaker" palnatoke@g...
> To: "Dice Server" dice@p...
> Subject: cfj23
> Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 21:46:15 +0200
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>       charset="iso-8859-1"
> X-Priority: 3
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id VAA21330
> #P
> #S 6
> #D 1
> #R 1
> #L 1
> #C Lodtr=E6kning til Judge, CFJ 23
> #C Hvis resultatet er 1, bliver Ole Judge
> #C Hvis resultatet er 2, bliver Kira Judge
> #C Hvis resultatet er 3, bliver Christian Judge
> #C Hvis resultatet er 4, bliver Peter Judge
> #C Hvis resultatet er 5, bliver Martin Judge
> #C Hvis resultatet er 6, bliver Piet Judge
> #C
> #C Denne p=E5stand skal pr=F8ves:
> #C "Rune shall not lose any points related to the defeat of proposal 419 =
> and
> 420".
> #T deNomic - CFJ 23 - Selection of Judge

Version: 2.7

iQCVAwUBNzXmhz8NitsTFjcVAQFe5gP9G/inExojBT9X5Z7/w9HuTKYGlSo0imeE Nk8kkhSXdlC5cJbg/ucjCinOzhz3hX/O4q/zs6Lpi54Fe0Sh4c50n+QM4xpLmrD3 Le2nihUU0z1PvUpShutonRYCJWUFF4qvosoNIzg+npCUCdZ9vlSwKZvL/wfv6xNQ CdkC38V/t58=

------------------------------------------------------------------------ eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications


From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Tue May 11, 1999 10:56pm
Subject: deNomic Distribution of Proposals, 12.5.1999

+-Distributed Herein--------------------------------------+
| 484 Corporations (Ole)                                  |
| 485 Opposition Scoring (Kira)                           |
| 486 Supreme Being (Rune)                                |
| 487 Social Mobility [Package] (Rune)                    |
| 488 And Vegetables shall be loosed uponne the Worlde,   |
|       and ye shall fear their multitude (Kira)          |
| 489 Amend 394 (Ole)                                     |
| Voting begins as of this distribution.                  |
| Voting ends Sunday 08:00                                |

I propose this new rule:

"Rule # - mutable

Corporations are Organisations.
All Corporations must have unique names.
Any Player can establish a Corporation by notifying the Speaker of his/her
doing so, and of the name of the Corporation, and at the same time
transferring at least one Vegetable to the ownership of the Corporation.
No player can be member of more than one Corporation at the same time.
A Corporation must at all times own at least one Vegetable, lest it be
dissolved, and all its belongings be transferred to the Agricultural
A Corporation must have a Charter.
Changes to the Charter of a Corporation have no force until they have been
received by the Speaker.
The initial Charter of each Corporation consists of the following text
delimited by %%%, where _____ is replaced by the name of the Corporation:

1.    The Corporation's name is _____.
2.    _____'s assets are controlled by the founder of the Corporation.
3.    _____'s Charter can be amended by the founder of the Corporation.



I propose this new rule:

"Opposition Scoring

When a Proposal is adopted, the Players who voted against the Proposal
receive one point each.

When a Proposal is defeated, the Players who voted for the Proposal receive
one point each."


I propose the following rule:

"The Supreme Being in the Universe

There exists one Supreme Being in the Universe.  Until a rule for finding
the Supreme Being in the Universe has been adopted, Aeshna is the Supreme
Being in the Universe.

Whenever a judgment is found undecided, the case shall be put before the
Supreme Being in the Universe.  The Supreme Being in the Universe shall then
pronounce judgment according to the rules for judging."


I propose the package "Social Rank" consisting of the following three rules:

"Social Mobility

Each player has a social Rank, which is initially 10.

Every time a player takes an action in the game, his Rank increases by 1.
An action is for instance voting for or against a proposal, making a
proposal, or submitting a comment.  Usually, one action equals one email to
one of the game's mail-lists, excluding auto-generated emails and emails
with no real contents.

Every time a player fails to take an action that he is requiered or
encouraged to do by the rules, his Rank decreases by 10% rounded up.  This
includes failing to submit a vote."



Every player is the master of a number of Minions corresponding to his
social Rank as follows:

Rank              Minions
<20               none
20-39             1
40-79             2
80-159            3
160-319           4
>319              5

A Minion is a non-player voter who will always vote the same way as his



Each player must himself keep track of his social Rank, and must specify his
Rank whenever he votes.  If a player does not keep track of his own Rank, he
shall be considered to have a Rank of zero."


Proposal # ???
"And Vegetables shall be loosed uponne the Worlde, and ye shall fear their

To avoid deNomic getting overpopulated by Vegetables, any  Player with 50
Vegetables of the same kind, may at any time donate these to the Office of
Agriculture, and be rewarded with one point.


I propose amending:
"Rule 394 - mutable

A Player can submit several Proposals in a Package.
A Package consists of two or more Proposals, submitted at the same time, and
must have a title.
A Package shall be assigned the number of the lowest-numbered Proposal in
it, and the number of the highest-numbered Proposal in it.
A Package shall be voted upon as one Proposal. If the Package is defeated,
each of the Proposals in the Package is to be voted upon.
If a Package is adopted, its proponent shall receive 5 points for the
adoption of the Package, plus the number of points he/she would receive for
the adoption of the Proposals in the Package, had the Proposals been
submitted singly.
If a Package is defeated, its proponent shall lose 5 points."

to have this wording:

"Rule 394 - mutable

A Player can submit several Proposals in a Package.
A Package consists of two or more Proposals, submitted at the same time, and
must have a title.
A Package shall be assigned the number of the lowest-numbered Proposal in
it, and the number of the highest-numbered Proposal in it.
A Package shall be voted upon as one Proposal. If the Package is defeated,
each of the Proposals in the Package is to be voted upon.
If a Package is adopted, its proposer shall receive 5 points per Proposal in
the Package.
If a Package is defeated, its proposer shall lose 5 points per Proposal in
the Package."



eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Tue May 11, 1999 10:59pm
Subject: deNomic Game State Document, 12.5.1999

The Game State Document consists of:

+-Scorekeeper's Report**
+-Silo Manager's Report
+-Herald's Report
+-Distributor's Report*
+-Rulekeeper's Report
+-Court Usher's Report*
+-Addresskeeper's Report*
+-Timekeeper's Report

*) updates
**) omissions

+-Scorekeeper's Report------------------------------------+
| Past winners:                                           |
| Kira won game 1 with 101 points                         |
| Players:                                                |
| Ole                             25 points               |
| Kira                             0 points               |
| Christian                        0 points               |
| Rune                            10 points               |
| Peter                            0 points               |
| Martin                           0 points               |
| Piet                             0 points               |
| Total number of points:         35 points               |
| Average number of points:        5 points               |
| Non-Player Voters:                                      |
| Cult of the Ant:                2/3 Vote                |
| TOO-BAD:                          1 Vote                |
| The Treehouse Club:             1/3 Vote                |
| The Nullity:                As many Votes as there      |
|                            are zeros in the Prop number |
| Ants ##8,9,10:                    1 Vote each           |

+-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole: 6 Vegetables                                       |
| Agricultural Foundation:                                |
| 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
| Payments due:                                           |
| Agricultural Foundation to Ole: 12 Vegetables           |
| Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:    6           |
| Total number of Vegetables:                31           |
| Tax Shares:                                             |
| Wealth Tax:            0%                               |
| Income Tax:            0%                               |
| Poll Tax:              0 Vegetables                     |
| Value Added Tax:       0%                               |

+-Herald's Report-----------------------------------------+
| Officers:                                               |
| Officer of Agriculture: Peter                           |
| Monsanto Man: Piet                                      |
| Organisations:                                          |
| Cult of the Ant                                         |
| Rune, Ole                                               |
|                                                         |
| Teosophy of Overly Objective                            |
|   Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)                        |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
|                                                         |
| The Treehouse Club Of The Immensely Enlightened         |
|   Paragons Of Humanity Who Recognize Aeshna             |
|   As The Supreme Being In The Universe                  |
| Kira (The Supreme Being In The Universe)                |
| Silly Players:                                          |
| -none-                                                  |
| Titles:                                                 |
| Zeitgeist:                                              |
| Ole                                                     |
|                                                         |
| Insistance Points:                                      |
| Rune:          4 Insistance Points                      |
| Ole:           2 Insistance Points                      |
| Prophets:                                               |
| -none-                                                  |
| (therefore no Martyrs, too)                             |
| Positions:                                              |
| Ole Andersen, Speaker                                   |
| Kira Tendal, Citizen                                    |
| Christian Mønsted, Citizen                              |
| Rune Kock, Citizen                                      |
| Peter Gadebirk, Citizen                                 |
| Martin P. Jensen, Citizen                               |
| Piet Mertz, Citizen                                     |

+-Distributor's Report------------------------------------+
| Being distributed:                                      |
| 484 Corporations (Ole)                                  |
| 485 Opposition Scoring (Kira)                           |
| 486 Supreme Being (Rune)                                |
| 487 Social Mobility [Package] (Rune)                    |
| 488 And Vegetables shall be loosed uponne the Worlde,   |
|       and ye shall fear their multitude (Kira)          |
| 489 Amend 394 (Ole)                                     |
| Voting begins as of this distribution.                  |
| Voting ends Sunday 08:00                                |
| Next available proposal number: 490                     |
| Proposal Queues:                        In Queue Since: |
|                                                         |
| Ole: (12 entries)                                       |
| The Paradox Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| The Forfeit Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Changability Package                       11.05. 07:28 |
| Amend 203                                  11.05. 07:28 |
| Horror Vacui                               11.05. 07:28 |
| The Streaker                               11.05. 07:28 |
| Transmute 109                              11.05. 07:28 |
| No Protos Package                          11.05. 07:28 |
| Anti-Ant Package                           11.05. 07:28 |
| Repeal 395                                 11.05. 07:28 |
| Rule Change Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Elected Offices                            11.05. 07:28 |
|                                                         |
| Kira:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Christian:                                              |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Rune:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Peter:                                                  |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Martin:                                                 |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Piet:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |

+-Rulekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Added Rules 478, 480, and 483 to the Ruleset            |
| Posted the current Ruleset to |

+-Court Usher's Report------------------------------------+
| Voluntary Judges:                                       |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
| Active CFJs:                                            |
| 23 "Rune shall not lose any points related to the       |
|     defeat of proposal 419 and 420"                     |
|    -Assigned to Kira                                    |
|    -Judgement to be issued no later than 16.5.1999      |
| Next available CFJ number: 24                           |

+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
| 1)                               |
| 2)                     |
| 3)                          |
| 4)                            |
| 5)                         |
| 6)                          |

+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Time schedule:                                          |
| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Sun May 16, 1999 6:56am
Subject: deNomic Game State Document, 16.5.1999

The Game State Document consists of:

+-Scorekeeper's Report*
+-Silo Manager's Report*
+-Herald's Report
+-Distributor's Report*,**
+-Rulekeeper's Report*
+-Court Usher's Report*
+-Addresskeeper's Report
+-Timekeeper's Report

*) updates
**) omissions

+-Scorekeeper's Report------------------------------------+
| Voting results (see details at end of report):          |
| 484     For  5.66  Against    1.33    adopted           |
| 485     For  5     Against    2       adopted           |
| 486     For  3.33  Against    2       adopted           |
| 487     For  2     Against    3.33    defeated          |
| 488     For  7     Against    1       adopted           |
| 489     For  7     Against    1       adopted           |
|                                                         |
| 484    Ole gains 10 points                              |
| 485    Kira gains 10 points, Martin gains 1 point       |
| 486    Rune gains 10 points, Ole gains 1 point          |
| 487    Rune loses 5 points, Proposals added to Queue    |
| 488    Kira gains 10 points                             |
| 489    Ole gains 10 points                              |
|                                                         |
| Ole (as Speaker) earns 6 Vegetables                     |
|                                                         |
| Past winners:                                           |
| Kira won game 1 with 101 points                         |
| Players:                                                |
| Ole                             46 points               |
| Kira                            20 points               |
| Christian                        0 points               |
| Rune                            15 points               |
| Peter                            0 points               |
| Martin                           1 point                |
| Piet                             0 points               |
| Total number of points:         82 points               |
| Average number of points:    11,71 points               |
| Non-Player Voters:                                      |
| Cult of the Ant:                2/3 Vote                |
| TOO-BAD:                          1 Vote                |
| The Treehouse Club:             1/3 Vote                |
| The Nullity:                As many Votes as there      |
|                            are zeros in the Prop number |
| Ants ##8,9,10:                    1 Vote each           |
| Voting details:                                         |
| 484     For         Ole, Rune, Martin, Cult, Ant #8,    |
|                     Ant #9                              |
|         Against     Kira, Treehouse Club                |
| 485     For         Ole, Rune, Kira, Cult, TOO-BAD,     |
|                     Treehouse Club                      |
|         Against     Martin, Ant #10                     |
| 486     For         Rune, Martin, Kira, Treehouse Club  |
|         Against     Ole, Ant #9                         |
| 487     For         Rune, Ant #8                        |
|         Against     Ole, Martin, Kira, Treehouse Club   |
| 488     For         Ole, Rune, Martin, Kira, Cult,      |
|                     TOO-BAD, Treehouse Club, Ant #10    |
|         Against     Ant #8                              |
| 489     For         Ole, Rune, Martin, Kira, Cult,      |
|                     TOO-BAD, Treehouse Club, Ant #8     |
|         Against     Ant #10                             |
|                                                         |
| (Ants' votes sent to          |

+-Silo Manager's Report-----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole: 6 Vegetables                                       |
| Agricultural Foundation:                                |
| 25 Vegetables (generic)                                 |
| Payments due:                                           |
| Agricultural Foundation to Ole: 18 Vegetables           |
| Total number of Player-owned Vegetables:    6           |
| Total number of Vegetables:                31           |
| Tax Shares:                                             |
| Wealth Tax:            0%                               |
| Income Tax:            0%                               |
| Poll Tax:              0 Vegetables                     |
| Value Added Tax:       0%                               |

+-Herald's Report-----------------------------------------+
| Officers:                                               |
| Officer of Agriculture: Peter                           |
| Monsanto Man: Piet                                      |
| Organisations:                                          |
| Cult of the Ant                                         |
| Rune, Ole                                               |
|                                                         |
| Teosophy of Overly Objective                            |
|   Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)                        |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
|                                                         |
| The Treehouse Club Of The Immensely Enlightened         |
|   Paragons Of Humanity Who Recognize Aeshna             |
|   As The Supreme Being In The Universe                  |
| Kira (The Supreme Being In The Universe)                |
| Silly Players:                                          |
| -none-                                                  |
| Titles:                                                 |
| Zeitgeist:                                              |
| Ole                                                     |
|                                                         |
| Insistance Points:                                      |
| Rune:          4 Insistance Points                      |
| Ole:           2 Insistance Points                      |
| Prophets:                                               |
| -none-                                                  |
| (therefore no Martyrs, too)                             |
| Positions:                                              |
| Ole Andersen, Speaker                                   |
| Kira Tendal, Citizen                                    |
| Christian Mønsted, Citizen                              |
| Rune Kock, Citizen                                      |
| Peter Gadebirk, Citizen                                 |
| Martin P. Jensen, Citizen                               |
| Piet Mertz, Citizen                                     |

+-Distributor's Report------------------------------------+
| Next available proposal number: 490                     |
| Proposal Queues:                        In Queue Since: |
|                                                         |
| Ole: (14 entries)                                       |
| The Paradox Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| The Forfeit Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Changability Package                       11.05. 07:28 |
| Amend 203                                  11.05. 07:28 |
| Horror Vacui                               11.05. 07:28 |
| The Streaker                               11.05. 07:28 |
| Transmute 109                              11.05. 07:28 |
| No Protos Package                          11.05. 07:28 |
| Anti-Ant Package                           11.05. 07:28 |
| Repeal 395                                 11.05. 07:28 |
| Rule Change Package                        11.05. 07:28 |
| Elected Offices                            11.05. 07:28 |
| Calvinball                                 13.05. 17:21 |
| Landslide                                  14.05. 04:40 |
|                                                         |
| Kira:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Christian:                                              |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Rune: (3 entries)                                       |
| Social Mobility                            16.05. 08:00 |
| Minions                                    16.05. 08:00 |
| Narcissism                                 16.05. 08:00 |
|                                                         |
| Peter:                                                  |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Martin:                                                 |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |
| Piet:                                                   |
| -no entries-                                            |
|                                                         |

+-Rulekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Added Rules 484, 485, 486, 488 and 489 to the Ruleset   |
| Posted the current Ruleset to |

+-Court Usher's Report------------------------------------+
| Voluntary Judges:                                       |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |
| Active CFJs:                                            |
| 23 "Rune shall not lose any points related to the       |
|     defeat of proposal 419 and 420"                     |
|   -Assigned to Kira                                     |
|   -Judgement to be issued no later than 16.5.1999 21:49 |
| Next available CFJ number: 24                           |

+-Addresskeeper's Report----------------------------------+
| Players:                                                |
| Ole Andersen, palnatoke@g...                      |
| Kira Tendal, aeshna@g...                          |
| Christian Mønsted, dr@m...                       |
| Rune Kock, rune@i...                                   |
| Peter Gadebirk, gadebirk@p...                  |
| Martin P. Jensen, mpj@c...                        |
| Piet Mertz, S980223.Piet.Mertz@H...      |
| E-mail adresses of the game:                            |
| 1)                               |
| 2)                     |
| 3)                          |
| 4)                            |
| 5)                         |
| 6)                          |

+-Timekeeper's Report-------------------------------------+
| Time schedule:                                          |
| Sunday 08:00    Beginning of new Turn (end of vote)     |
| Monday          Monsanto Time                           |
| Wednesday       Distribution Time (beginning of vote)   |
| Thursday        Tithing Time                            |
| Thursday 20:00  Taxation Announcement Time              |

eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: Ole Andersen  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Sun May 16, 1999 7:55am
Subject: deNomic Announcement: Gnomes of Zurich

| Teosophy of Overly Objective                            |
|   Bandits And Dreamers (TOO-BAD)                        |
| Rune, Ole, Kira                                         |

I hereby leave TOO-BAD.

I hereby establish a Corporation, named 'The Gnomes of Zurich' and transfer
5 Vegetables to 'The Gnomes of Zurich'.

The initial Charter of Gnomes of Zurich has this wording:

1.    The Corporation's name is The Gnomes of Zurich.
2.    The Gnomes of Zurich's assets are controlled by
      the founder of the Corporation.
3.    The Gnomes of Zurich's Charter can be amended by
      the founder of the Corporation.


eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications

From: Kira Tendal  <aeshna@g...>
Date: Sun May 16, 1999 7:32am
Subject: deNomic No Subject

23 "Rune shall not lose any points related to the       |
|     defeat of proposal 419 and 420"                     |
|   -Assigned to Kira                                     |
|   -Judgement to be issued no later than 16.5.1999 21:49



Reasoning behind judgment: Since there is nothing stated in the rules about
how to deal with such a situation, except that it should be 'within game
spirit', I have decided to look at Rune's reasons for wanting a judgment
made. In his letter he claims that it is because there is a conspiracy
against him in particular; I believe there is evidence to the contrary: If
there is a conspiracy, it is not against him in particular, because 1)The
Speaker forgot to distribute two of my proposals, the week they should have
been distributed 2)When told to assign judges to this case, the Speaker
forgot to give special favor to the voluntary judges.
As far as I know, these transgressions are the only ones made by the
Speaker, and because only 1/3 of the three transgressions was directed at
Rune, and I doubt that the application of any statistical test, would show
this to be significant.

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From: the Speaker  <palnatoke@g...>
Date: Sun May 16, 1999 7:41pm
Subject: deNomic Payment Order

Since Kira made a decided Judgement, she shall be paid 3 Vegetables from the
Agricultural Foundation.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Kira Tendal aeshna@g...
Til: deNomic-ML
Dato: 16. maj 1999 10:05
Emne: deNomic No Subject

:23 "Rune shall not lose any points related to the       |
:|     defeat of proposal 419 and 420"                     |
:|   -Assigned to Kira                                     |
:|   -Judgement to be issued no later than 16.5.1999 21:49
:Reasoning behind judgment: Since there is nothing stated in the rules about
:how to deal with such a situation, except that it should be 'within game
:spirit', I have decided to look at Rune's reasons for wanting a judgment
:made. In his letter he claims that it is because there is a conspiracy
:against him in particular; I believe there is evidence to the contrary: If
:there is a conspiracy, it is not against him in particular, because 1)The
:Speaker forgot to distribute two of my proposals, the week they should have
:been distributed 2)When told to assign judges to this case, the Speaker
:forgot to give special favor to the voluntary judges.
:As far as I know, these transgressions are the only ones made by the
:Speaker, and because only 1/3 of the three transgressions was directed at
:Rune, and I doubt that the application of any statistical test, would show
:this to be significant.
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