CharNomic (Defunct)

Welcome to the home page of CharNomic.

The CharNomic game has ended due to Motion 003.  All players are non-winners.  This was submitted and passed due to lack of involvement.  It is unlikely that the game will resume or re-open.

Introduction to Nomic

Nomic is a game invented by  Peter Suber.  The briefest description I can give about Nomic is that it is a game about making rules.  Basically, a group of players begins play with an initial ruleset, typically consisting of 29 or so rules.  These rules detail a number of things, but the most important are those that describe the process for amending the ruleset.  This ruleset is then amended by the players, as they see fit (typically requiring a vote for adoption of new rules or amendments to rules, although the rules for this procedure can be changed).  Thus, the players gradually change the ruleset of the game to match whatever they desire.  Although victory conditions are specified in the initial ruleset, these can change as well.  Like any good game, the fun of Nomic is in the play, not the victory.

Introduction to CharNomic

CharNomic was the Nomic game being hosted by Tesseract.  Launched by Harry Culpan and Paul Wiegand in March of 1998, it began with an initial ruleset based on Suber's own ruleset.  Although most of the players did reside in Charlotte, NC, it was an email game and so geography was not a limitation for players.  If you would like more information, or would like to play, please contact Nomic Manager (

CharNomic Maillist

CharNomic maintained a maillist for use by players of the game.  All official business, and most discussion, went through this list.  "Lurkers" were welcome as well.  To subscribe, send email to CharNomic maillist.  Note that this is an automated responder, so the subject and body of the maillist are ignored.


CharNomic Pages of Interest

This is a list of the pages relevant to this game: Other links of importance to CharNomic players:

Nomic Links

These are links of general interest to players of Nomic.
[The Nomic Ring]
This Nomic Ring site is owned by Harry Culpan.
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This page last updated June 23, 1998.