Ape Idiom Reporter
Blest Lax Monk Pal
Calvin N Hobbes
Clamshell Lawyer
Quoth the Raven
All players have proposal characteristic 5 except:
Clamshell Lawyer: 3
IdiotBoy: 2
Blest Lax Monk Pal: 2
and: 2
All players have voting characteristic 3 except:
Ape Idiom Reporter: 5
Dragon Mage: 5
Blest Lax Monk Pal: 5
Studge: 5
else...if: 4
Clamshell Lawyer: 4
ThinMan: 4
IdiotBoy: 2
and: 1
List o' Harf
Robert Sevin: 41
K 2: 22
Clamshell Lawyer: 18
Ape Idiom Reporter: 16
Dragon Mage: 12
Alfvaen: 11
/dev/joe: 11
Quoth the Raven: 7
Breadbox: 6
else...if: 6
Vynd: 5
Pure Haste: 5
Doctor Slakko: 3
IdiotBoy: 2
two-star: 2
Cthulhu: 1
mr. no pop culture: 1
Blest Lax Monk Pal: 1
Studge: 1
Burn the Witch: 1