Proposal 4351
It's just a worthless piece of paper
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Tue Sep 7 03:35:59 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted

[I think that professors should have a little more say as to who joins
their ranks.] 

in rule 4-5 (A degree proves you're educated), insert between 
"Students who THINK? What will they come up with next..."  and 


for the Thesis to be accepted, more than 1/2 of the valid responses should be 

the following text:

"For each degree a player has in the major of the thesis, the University
shall cast an additional vote in the hearing equivalent to that player's

Proposal 4352
Due: Tue Sep 7 11:12:56 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: rejected
	{{[With certain proposals, especially those effecting the
Promoter/Tabulator, it's helpful and polite to give the affected officer a
little time to implement the changes.  This creates a simple method to do
	Create rule 2-2-9, "Delayed Proposals" with the following WAIT
delimited text.
	If, earlier than any rule changes, a proposal contains a sentence
of the form "This proposal delays for <player list>." or "The proposals
delays up to <time> for <player list>.", where <time> is replaced by a unit
of time and <player list> is replaced by the name of one or more Active
players or Offices, then the proposal is a Delayed proposal.
	When a Delayed proposal is accepted, no effects are generated
immediately.  All changes made by the proposal will occur as soon as either
<time> has passed since the proposal's acceptance, or the holder of each
office in <player list> and the player able to assume each of the names in
<player list> has publicly stated that they are ready for the proposal to

Proposal 4353
Immodest Clean-up
Due: Wed Sep 8 15:41:15 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

[The reference to Modest proposals in 2-2-1 confused me a bit, given
that Modest proposals no longer exist. This removes the reference. Also,
a little rule clean-up concerning Rule 6-5-8 as Rule 6-5-8-1 (referred
to in 6-5-8) does not exist but 7-1-6 serves the same function.]

Remove the quoted word, "Modest", from Rule 2-2-1, section III

Replace the following quoted text from Rule 6-5-8, "Rule 6-5-8-1", with
the following quoted text, "Rule 7-1-6".

Proposal 4354
Down with the NEA!
Due: Wed Sep 8 16:31:45 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: retracted

Replace the full text of Rule 8-2-4 (Commission d'Arts) with the following
WESUQ-delimited text:


Silver Moons are non-tradeable entities. They may only be created
and awarded in accordance with the Rules.  Any player in possession of a
Silver Moon shall have the right use the Title "Smooth Operator".


Change the title of Rule 8-2-4 to "Art is Dead".

{{ The Rule Harfer is enjoined to renumber Rule 8-2-4 as he feels
appropriate. }} 

{{[ We can barely ever pull together a Commission any more and get results
out.  I was on one of these once and we didn't even seem to know how it
was supposed to work.  If you don't want to repeal it via this proposal,
maybe you could write a proposal to better define the way the Commission
works.  I think we should make it easier to recognize inspired writing,
but what do I know? ]}}

Proposal 4355
Down with the NEA!
Due: Thu Sep 9 22:24:29 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: rejected

Replace the full text of Rule 8-2-4 (Commission d'Arts) with the following
WESUQ-delimited text:


Silver Moons are non-tradeable entities. They may only be created
and awarded in accordance with the Rules.  Any player in possession of a
Silver Moon shall have the right use the Title "Smooth Operator".


Change the title of Rule 8-2-4 to "Art is Dead".

{{ The Rule Harfer is enjoined to renumber Rule 8-2-4 as he feels
appropriate. }} 

{{[ We can barely ever pull together a Commission any more and get results
out.  I was on one of these once and we didn't even seem to know how it
was supposed to work.  If you don't want to repeal it via this proposal,
maybe you could write a proposal to better define the way the Commission
works.  I think we should make it easier to recognize inspired writing,
but what do I know? ]}}

Proposal 4356
Cows Eat Grass, said the Tensor
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Sun Sep 12 20:17:58 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: retracted

Repeal rule 2-2-6-1 (The Harfy Phrase)

Proposal 4357
Phoebe ingests illuminatine
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Sun Sep 12 20:45:02 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected

Repeal rule 2-2-6-1 (The Harfy Phrase)

Proposal 4358
at least smack this one down.
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Mon Sep 13 22:09:36 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected

repeal rule 1-1-1 (Gravity, a reprise)

Proposal 4359
Home on the Range
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Tue Sep 14 00:53:43 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected

[Well, we don't have any real use for them any more.  I think Acka is
tending away from the 'real world' moo-ish sort of feel, with the repeal,
at various times, of castes, basic player characteristics, gadgets, and
most recently the map of the city.  And I like it.  

--->  So, what this is is a repeal of player homes.  <---

They do very little except bother the map-harfer, i'll wager.  If this
fails, I'll be bitter, because it took me forever to go through and find
all the references, and the only person it really impacts is the
rule-harfer, that is, me.  If it passes, I think I'll try to repeal player
locations altogether.]

**Every player who is in a player's home has his or her location changed to
the Wilds.

**In rule 2-2-6 (Let there be Harf!), remove the text "and must immediately
go to his or her home if he or she may legally do so."

**In rule 4-1 (Joining the game), remove item II.1 and renumber the
remaining items.

**In rule 7-1-3 (Lumps of Coal), remove the final two sentences of the
first paragraph (they discuss home descriptions)

**In rule 7-2-7-1 (ASS song: The Gnome), replace 'his home' with 'The Town'

**In rule 7-2-10 (MTG*):
*Replace 'unique entity' with 'unique ownable entity'
*Remove the first paragraph of item II
*Replace 'in whose home the Machine resides' with 'who owns the Machine'
*Replace 'the Machine shares his abode' with 'e owns the Machine'
*Replace 'change in location' with 'change in ownership'
*Replace 'location' with 'owner' (3 times)
*Replace "another active player's Home" with "the possession of another
active player" (4 times)
*Replace 'to his home' with 'to his possession'
*Replace 'the home' with 'the possession'

**In rule 8-2 (End of Cycle), remove the second sentence of item j ("All
players who are in the Ackanomic Afterlife are relocated to their homes.")

**In rule 10-1 (Locations):
*In item 5, replace 'their Home, if it exists' with 'the Wilds of Ackanomia'
*Remove item 6 and renumber the remaining items.
*In item 8 (9 originally), replace 'their Home' with 'the Wilds of
Ackanomia' both times.

**In rule 10-1-2 (Library), replace 
'returned to their homes'
'ejected to the Wilds of Ackanomia'

**In rule 10-3 (Buildings), remove the entirety of item ii and remove the
lettering of items i and I.

**In rule 13-1 (Evil Overlords..., retired), replace the text 
"his own home, if he has one, or to the Wilds of Ackanomia if he doesn't."
"the Wilds of Ackanomia"

Proposal 4360
It could take as long as hearts!
K 2
Due: Tue Sep 14 17:56:45 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: accepted

[At the current rate of progress FFFM will take 60 days for each of the
6 rounds to complete (okay we've almost completed 2 rounds in three
months so it might not be _that_ bad ;-)

This proposal aims to speed things up a little. 

Firstly, aside from the strain it would place on the grey matter there
isn't any reason why each of the rounds couldn't be played concurrently.
To allow for the fact that it will be more challenging the time for move
submission is stretched to one week (thus each round lasts 10 days).
This will mean that FFFM will be complete in no more than 100 days
rather than 60*n days (360 for the current game!). 

Secondly, to address the difficulty of getting to the target zoo (and
hence of a round ending before its 10th stage) players have the option
of making two "phantom moves" (which don't effect eir zoo) instead of
the usual zoo altering one. The phantom moves will make it faster for
players to uncover information about the machines at the expense of
going no where.

Thirdly after round 5 players may transform two groups of animals
instead of one

Fourth, players who default passed during the previous three rounds,
default pass three days into the round. ]

I. Amend Rule 12-3-16 (Frog, Frog, Frog, Mouse) to read in full (as
delimited by "FFFM ->A MMMF"):


1) General Equipment 

Optionally, a Public Dorum [IRC server]. 

Gamepoints as required. 

2) Number of Players 

At least 3 players are required. The maximum number of players is the
number of players in Ackanomic. 

3) Number of referees 

This game uses no referees. 

4) Starting the game 

The game begins when one of the players posts a list of players who
intend to play. Each player on the list is a Mad Scientist.

Each Mad Scientist chooses rules for two transformation machines, a
target zoo (a collection of at least one and no more than 9 animals),
and a zoo of 5 randomly chosen animals for each player, and publicly
announces the target zoo and each player's zoo; e keeps the rules for
the machines secret. However, if the zoo chosen for any player matched
the target zoo, then before the information is posted, that zoo is
replaced with a new zoo created in the same manner. This process is
repeated until no player's zoo matches the target zoo exactly. 

Three days after the start of the game each Mad Scientist who has not
announced the starting information is Delinquent.

5) Joining and Leaving a Game in Progress 

Players may not join games in progress except to fill in as replacements
for players who have left the game. If a player leaves, his seat remains
vacant until somebody fills it. Vacant seats automatically pass any time
they have a move left to make, but if a vacant seat is filled before the
round ends, its new occupant may override that pass with any legal play.
If a round ends with a Mad Scientist's seat vacant and eir results for
that round unposted, that Mad Scientist is delinquent. If the Mad
Scientist leaves the game, e is considered delinquent.

A Player may not substitute for a Mad Scientist unless she has told them
the transformation rules for thier machine. 

6) Rules 

I. Starting a Round 

The game consists of a series of no more than 10 rounds. The first round
starts when all Mad Scientists have announced their starting
information. Latter rounds commence at the end of the previous round.

II. During a Round

Each round, each player privately submits a move to each of the Mad
Scientists. Players do not submit moves to themselves. Invalid moves are
ignored, but the once a player has made a valid move in a turn she may
not change it, except for overriding a default pass. When a round has
been going for 7 days, all players who have not yet submitted a valid
move to a particular Mad Scientist make a default pass.

If a Mad Scientist has logged three default passes from a particular
player in the previous three rounds, that player automatically makes a
default pass to that Mad Scientist three days into the round (unless
they have already attempted a move in that round).

III. Ending a Round 

When a Mad Scientist has received a move from each player (including
moves made automatically), e shall post the moves each player made, the
results of those moves, and the current zoos for each player. Then, if
any player's zoo matched the target zoo or if it is the 10th round, the
Mad Scientist ceases to be a Mad Scientist (only the zoos that the
effected Mad Scientist tracks are compared).

If a Mad Scientist has not announced the moves made during the current
round after it has been in progress for 10 days, she is delinquent.

When all Mad Scientists have announced the moves made during the round,
the round ends.

IV. Delinquent Mad Scientist 

If a Mad Scientist is Delinquent and a player points this fact out
before the Mad Scientist rectifies the situation that caused them to be
come delinquent, then the Mad Scientist loses 5 points and loses that
title. (For instance, if a Mad Scientist posts the results for a round
more than 10 days after it started e would not be delinquent unless some
other player pointed it out.)

V. Scoring a Round 

When a player ceases to be a Mad Scientist, the following scoring takes
place based on the most resent information released by them: (the
player's zoo and the target zoo are those that were tracked by the
former Mad Scientist).

Each player's zoo is divided into two parts, a bag and an excess. For
each species, if the player has more animals than there are of that
species in the target zoo, then as many as are in the target zoo are
placed in the bag and any leftover animals are placed in the excess;
otherwise, all the player's animals of that species are placed in the

Then, the player scores a number of gamepoints equal to (10*N/T) -
(2*K), rounded down to an integer, where N is the total number of
animals in the bag, T is the total number of animals in the target zoo,
and K is the total umber of animals in the excess. [In other words, he
scores a fraction out of 10 points for the animals he has that match the
target zoo, and loses 2 points for each extra animal.] However, if this
number is negative, the player instead scores zero gamepoints that
round. In addition to this, each player whose zoo matched the target zoo
exactly receives 5 gamepoints. 

The former Mad Scientist does not score this way; instead, she receives
a number of gamepoints equal to the difference between the smallest and
largest scores the other players received for the round. 

7) Other information needed to play 

The animals used in the game are the following: cat, dog, frog, mouse.
The first letters of these animals' names may be used as shorthand
in describing moves, results of moves, and zoos. 

I. Transformation Rules 

The rule for each transformation machine consists of one or more
transformations. Each transformation consists of a pattern to match
and the replacement for that pattern. The patterns may only depend on
the number, species, and arrangement of animals being fed into
the machine for a single move. The replacement may be absolute, or
depend partly or completely on the animals matched by the pattern.
It is permissible for a transformation to change the number of animals,
and it is recommended for some of them to do so, so that a target
zoo with a number of animals other than 5 can be reached. All
transformations must be deterministic, i.e., if the machine turns dfmc
dfdd once, it should always do so for the rest of the round whenever
dfmc is fed into the machine. 

II. Example Transformations 

["The last animal is transformed into a dog" converts dfmc -> dfmd "The
last two animals are transformed into duplicates of the first
animal" converts dfmc -> dfdd "Whenever a cat is immediately followed by
a mouse, those two animals are replaced by a frog" converts
dfcmmcm -> dffmf "Every dog is replaced by a cat followed by two frogs
and then a mouse" converts cdmdfc -> ccffmmcffmfc] 

III. Applying Transformation Rules 

When a transformation rule is applied, each transformation in the rule
is applied, in order, to the current list of animals in the machine.
The animals in the machine are changed before the next transformation is
applied, so the rule consisting of the three transformations "All
dogs become cats. All cats become frogs. All frogs become mice." would
turn all animals entering the machine into mice. 

IV. Moves 

Each turn, each player submits one of the following moves to each Mad
Scientist (but not themselves). After the fifth round players may submit
a second Transformation, using the animals remaining after the first
transformation (but before it is applied). A player's zoo, is the zoo
tracked for them by the Mad Scientist to whom the move was submitted.

A. Pass. No change occurs in the player's zoo. 

B. Restart. The player's entire zoo is replaced by a new collection of 5
randomly-chosen animals, again with the provision that if the
chosen zoo matches the target zoo exactly, it is replaced with another
newly chosen zoo, repeatedly, until it does not match the target zoo.

C. Transformation. Along with this move, the player submits an ordered
list of animals to be fed into one of the transformation machines,
and specifies which machine (A or B) they are fed into. The list of
animals must only contain animals from that player's zoo, and no more
animals of any one species than are in his zoo. Those animals are
removed from his zoo, fed into the machine indicated in the order
specified, that machine's transformation rule is applied to those
animals, and the resulting animals are returned to his zoo. This is the
move, and may be specified by just stating the machine and list of

D. Theoretical. Identical to a Transformation except that up to two
lists of animals may be specified, the lists are not constrained by the
player's zoo, the animals appear out of no where (they are not taken
from the players zoo), and the resultant animals immediately disappear
(they are not added to the players zoo).

8) Conditions for winning the game 

When the game ends, whoever has the highest score wins. If there is a
tie for highest score, all tied players win. 

9) Trophies 

The winner receives a standard trophy. 

10) Ending the game 

When there are no Mad Scientists and the final scores have been posted,
the game ends.

Create a new rule numbered 12-3-16-1 with the title of this proposal and
the text:
Until the end of the current round, the current game of Frog, Frog,
Frog, Mouse shall follow the old rules. When the round ends:
i) the game shall be amended to follow the new rules.
ii) all of it players except JT and K 2 shall be Mad Scientists.
iii) this rule shall repeal itself.

Proposal 4361
It seems harsh
Quoth the Raven
Due: Thu Sep 16 11:24:08 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected

Remove from rule 2 (Proposals) the text:

", and the player being put in Gaol with a sentence of 1 day"

[this is for when a payer tries submitting more proposals than eir
proposal characteristic allows. The proposal is still automatically
retracted but there is no longer any accompanying gaol sentence]

Proposal 4362
OR... smack THIS one down
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Thu Sep 16 13:02:33 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected
[Ok.  Come on.  Do we really need pressure?]

repeal rule 10-7 (If we don't need gravity, we'd better have pressure)	

Proposal 4363
or THIS one
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Thu Sep 16 13:11:05 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted
[Ok.  Come on.  Do we really need not gravity?]
repeal rule 10-6 (We don't need gravity)

Proposal 4364
I've got 5 in the queue
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Thu Sep 16 13:13:30 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: Automatically retracted by Rule 2

Quoth the Raven gains a winning condition.

IdiotBoy is expelled from the game.

Red Mao Gang is granted the offices Speaker, Web-Harfer, Trinket-Harfer,
President, Herald, Treasure-Harfer, Promoter, Tabulator, Rule-Harfer, Count
Tabula, Dungeon Master, Summarizer, Registrar, Clerk of the Court, Map
Harfer, DeeJay, Scaremonger, and Spelling Exchequer

Slakko is granted a degree in each major currently defined except visionary.

Burn the Witch is given a pointy ear.

/dev/joe is given a black goose card.

Proposal 4365
But I haven't
Quoth the Raven
Due: Thu Sep 16 13:20:22 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted
Quoth the Raven gains a winning condition.

IdiotBoy is expelled from the game.

Red Mao Gang is granted the offices Speaker, Web-Harfer, Trinket-Harfer,
President, Herald, Treasure-Harfer, Promoter, Tabulator, Rule-Harfer,
Count Tabula, Dungeon Master, Summarizer, Registrar, Clerk of the Court,
Map Harfer, DeeJay, Scaremonger, and Spelling Exchequer

Slakko is granted a degree in each major currently defined except

Burn the Witch is given a pointy ear.

/dev/joe is given a black goose card.

Proposal 4366
Due: Mon Sep 20 12:39:49 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted
Repeal rule 2-2-7 (Literature).

In rule 1-2-2 (Spelling Bee), remove section 3) c), which as of the time
of this proposals reads as: "c) The Literature List"


The Literature List, as we have interpreted it, is unworkable.  I feel
about as strongly about this as the Silver Moon thing.  I don't
particularly want to see it go away as a concept, but I think we need a
better system.


Proposal 4367
Chaos Theory!
Due: Mon Sep 20 13:01:59 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted
Delete section (v) from Rule 6-4-1, which as of the time of this proposal
reads as follows:

   (v) The Speaker is the Officer in charge of random things, and shall
   make random determinations when the rules require such, and those
   rules do not specify another officer or procedure for making the
   random determination, or it is not possible for the specified officer
   to do so.
   When the rules require one of a set of distinct objects to be chosen
   or operated on without specifying how one is to be chosen, the Officer
   in charge of random things shall choose one of the possible choices at
   random, with equal probabilities for all possible choices.

Renumber the sections (vi) and (vii) of Rule 6-4-1 to (v) and (vi),

Amend section (iv) of Rule 6-4-1, replacing the strings "(vi)" and
"(viii)" with "(v)" and "(vii)", respectively.

Create a new rule as a child of 6-4, titled "Officer in Charge of Random
Things" with the following GLEIK-delimited text:

(i) The Office of Officer in Charge of Random Things (OiCoRT) is a
political office with one seat.

(ii) Whenever this Office is vacant, it shall be filled by an Election
   for Office. The specifications for the Election for Office are:
   a) Nomination Period: 3 days.
   b) Voting Period: 3 days.
   c) Tie Resolution: New Election.

(iii) As a Priviledge of Office, the OiCoRT shall receive a salary equal
to the Standard Harfer Fee, as defined by the Rules.

(iv) A Duty of Office shall be to make random determinations when the
rules require such, and those rules do not specify another officer or
procedure for making the  random determination, or it is not possible for
the specified officer to do so.
When the rules require one of a set of distinct objects to be chosen
or operated on without specifying how one is to be chosen, the Officer
in Charge of Random Things shall choose one of the possible choices at
random, with equal probabilities for all possible choices.

{{ The Office of Officer in Charge of Random Things is made vacant. }}

Proposal 4368
Not on your own
K 2
Due: Tue Sep 21 16:00:35 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: rejected

Replace the following phrase from the final paragraph of Rule 99-5 (Evil
When votes are tallied, if the Evil Twins cast votes with the same sign,
When votes are tallied on proposals which were not authored by either of
the twins, if the Evil Twins cast votes with the same sign,

Proposal 4369
By request... Surfs Up
K 2
Due: Tue Sep 21 16:00:46 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted

I was young and foolish then. I'm old and foolish now.

This is a Modest Proposal. 

I. Amend Rule 4 (Players and Player States) by:

a) in section I "Player States", replacing:
  Players are named, unownable entities.
  Players are named, tradeable entities. 

b) in section VII "Upon Becoming (and while) On Ice", inserting the
following as a new item between items f and g:
  x) They cease to own emself and are placed in the treasury.
  and renumbering the items appropriately. 

{{[Icy players have to buy emselves out :-)]}}

II. {{All active Players own themselves. All other players are in the

III. Append after the following sentence in Rule 4-1 (Joining the Game):
Upon the posting of this announcement, the person's state is changed to
either Voting (the default) or Non-Voting, depending on their wishes
expressed as above.
the following: 
New players own emselves.

IV. Create a Rule titled "Serfdom" with the following (SURFSUP
delimited) text: 
For the purposes of this Rule any Player who owns a Player other than
emself shall be referred to as a Master while the Player who is
owned by a Master shall be referred to as a serf. 

1. Duties and Obligations of a serf. 
i) A serf is respectful. A serf shall refer to eir Master as either
Master, M'Lord or Most Harfy One, or alternately by a title specified by
eir Master. It is the Crime of Disrespect for a serf to address or refer
to eir master in any other manner. 
ii) A serf is considerate. A serf may not challenge eir Master to a duel
nor be a second to a Player who has. Nor may they call a hearing
of any type against eir Master. 
iii) A serf is helpless. If a serf feels they have been unfairly treated
by any Player other than eir Master they may complain publicly about
em. If it is legal for the Master to challenge the offending Player to a
duel e must do so, if e does not e shall lose 6 points and eir serf
shall gain 6 points. This Privilege may be exercised at most once per

2. Rights and Responsibilities of a Master. 
i) A Master is Wise. Four times per calendar month a Master may command
eir serf (if e is a voting Player) to perform a particular voting
action on a proposal by privately mailing both the Tabulator and eir
serf of the required voting strategy. Provided that the serf was not the
author of that proposal, the serf shall perform the required voting
action on the selected proposal. Any entities required to perform the
voting action must be supplied by the Master. Additionally, the Master
shall transfer the Standard Harfer fee to eir serf the first time this
privilege is exercised in each calendar month. 

While an entity may own a Player it shall not be considered to own the
Player's possessions. 

Proposal 4370
Pardon This
Red Mao Gang
Due: Tue Sep 21 16:17:39 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted
   Okay, things being in gaol for an non-specified length of time can
   be problematic.  This attempts to fix this without reinstating
   repealed pardons.   It also cleans up the wording of the wake up in
   gaol clause of ingesting.
Amend rule 9-1 (Gaol) by replacing the current text delimited by GAOL_TIME

A player is released from the Gaol if and when their sentence expires.
Other rules may specify other conditions under which a player is

with the following text delimited by LIMITED_GAOL_TIME

A player is released from the Gaol if and when their sentence expires
or after 1 day has passed, whichever is longer. Other rules may specify
other conditions under which a player is released.

Amend rule 7-1-15 (Chemicals) by replacing the following VOMIT delimited

   Vomiting (18) The Ingested Chemical causes an attack of Vomiting,
   followed by the ingestor passing out. E wakes up in gaol with a
   headache, and loses 25 mannna.

with the following GAOL_FIX delimited text

   Vomiting (18) The Ingested Chemical causes an attack of Vomiting,
   followed by the ingestor passing out. E awakens after being placed in
   Gaol (where e shall remain for 24 hours) with a headache and loses 25

Proposal 4371
Due: Fri Sep 24 19:10:29 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: accepted

[If you think about it, we need very few of the rules 
that we have to do what we do.  It also seems like alot
of uninteresting rules and framework and procedure and
the like can be eliminated, allowing us and prospective 
players to concentrate on the essence of what makes gaming
gaming, while retaining the nomic-like framework of 
self-modification.  Moreover, its my belief that prospective
players will be attracted if the ruleset is put on a diet
and all the boring stuff is put in a tiny kernel.

So ... lets clean up a bit (alot of which is my fault
anyway) and then add back in what we really like and want
some other day.  Not that I expect this to pass in a billion 
years ... :-)  but I've always wanted to do this.  Of 
course, the fun part is to think about it.  And I won't even
be here to vote on it; I wonder if a proposal has ever gotten
zero votes?]


This rule has precedence over all other rules.  Text
delimited by square brackets is a note.  Notes have
no semantic meaning.

The game state of Ackanomic is deemed to consist of 
this rule and those persons who were Players the 
instant before the results of the proposal which 
amended this rule to its current form were reported, 
and nothing else, except the Player who was the 
Rule-Harfer on Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:47:05 [Emperor 
Ai! Pedrito!] is deemed to be the Speaker.  These
persons are known as Registered Players.

The instant after this rule becomes the only rule in 
the game state of Ackanomic, it is amended a) such 
that its entire text is replaced by the text below 
delimited by double dollar signs (excluding the 
delimiters); b) such that its title is "The Game
of Ackanomic"; and c) such that its number is 1.


I.  Follow the Rules

All Registered Players (Players) must always abide 
by all the Rules then in effect, in the form in which
they are then in effect, and interpreted in accordance 
with customary English Language usage and semantics.

II.  The Game State

The Game State may only be changed, and shall only 
change, as described in the Rules.  The terms "Rules"
and "Game State" shall be interpreted to mean the 
Rules of Ackanomic and Game State of Ackanomic, 

III.  The Game State is Platonic 

The Speaker shall attempt to keep an accurate track
of the facts of the Game State (View) and make eir 
View of it available to all Players.
IV.  Joining and Leaving

A Player may become a non-Player by sending a 
Public Message to that effect.  A non-Player may
become a Player by e-mailing eir intent to the 
Speaker or by sending a Public Message to that effect.

V.  Speaker Succession

Whenever any Player who is not the Speaker correctly 
points out in a Public Message that no Player is the 
Speaker, or that the Speaker has not sent a Public 
Message within the past 7 days, or that the Speaker 
has broken (or attempted to break) the Rules, then 
the notifying Player becomes the Speaker.  Alternatively,
the Speaker loses eir Speakership by either abdicating
or by appointing a successor in a Public Message.

VI.  Proposals

A Proposal is a list of proposed changes to the Game
State.  Any Player may make a Proposal by e-mailing 
its text to the Speaker (or to a bot designated by the 
Speaker).  Within 3 days of receipt of a Proposal, the
Speaker (or eir bot) shall assign an integer number
to the Proposal and send its text in a Public Message, 
at which time the Proposal is said to be in the Proposal 
Queue (Queue).

VII. Voting on Proposals

All Players may vote either Yes or No for any Proposal 
in the Queue by e-mailing eir vote to the Speaker (or to
a bot designated by the Speaker).  If a Player votes more 
than once on a particular Proposal, all but their most 
recent vote on that Proposal are disregarded.

VIII.  Accepting Proposals

Upon a Proposal being in the Queue for exactly 7 days, it
is either Accepted or Rejected and it is removed from the 
Queue.  At this time, a Proposal is Accepted if and only 
if a majority of the votes cast on it were Yes, and the 
Player who authored it did not vote No.  The Speaker (or
eir bot) shall report in a Public Message the status of
any Accepted Proposal within 3 days of it becoming Accepted;
its changes to the Game State are applied in the order they
are contained in the Proposal at the time of this report.

IX.  Calls for Judgment

Players may disagree with the Speaker's View of the Game
State by detailing the nature of their disagreement in a 
Public Message.  The Speaker shall attempt to adjust eir
View so that a consensus View is reached after hearing 
debate on the matter.  If a Player still disagrees with 
the Speaker's View, e may Call for Judgment on the matter
by detailing the essence of eir disagreement to all Players 
in another Public Message.  Players may publicly cast one
vote on the matter (along with any arguments they deem 
relevant), and the Speaker shall adjust eir View to the 
will of the expressed majority 3 days after the most 
recent vote has been cast, or 7 days after the Call was
made, whichever comes first, if there is a majority 
opinion on the matter.

X.  Public Messages

The Speaker may change the designation of the Official 
Mailing List in a Public Message.  In the absence of 
such a designation, shall be 
the Official Mailing List.  A Public Message is an 
e-mail sent to either all Players or to the Official 
Mailing List.
XI.  Miscellany

The Speaker may assign numbers and titles to Rules that 
do not have them.  E may also make spelling, grammar, 
formatting, and section numbering corrections, provided
such corrections do not change the meaning of the Rules.
If E makes such changes, e shall detail them in a 
Public Message.

Proposal 4372
The End Times
Due: Thu Sep 30 13:33:22 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected
Declared Harfy: at Thu Sep 23 13:46:15 1999 by K 2

Every repealed rule of Ackanomic is returned to the ruleset in its last
state prior to being repealed

Proposal 4373
Kernal Mk II
Dragon Mage
Due: Sat Oct 2 18:54:58 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: rejected
   There is some disagreement about whether Malenkai's Kernel
   actually did what some of us think it did.   In the thread
   where it did, this proposal really doesn't exist because it
   is being submitted to the old bot, and the speaker in the
   kernel thread hasn't named a bot that can accept proposals.
   The only changes from Malenkai's are that this one actually
   specifies that it is modifying or changing a rule and some
   formatting.  It also specifies rufus to be the initial
   Speaker instead of EA!P!.

 If you think about it, we need very few of the rules that we
 have to do what we do.  It also seems like alot of uninteresting
 rules and framework and procedure and the like can be eliminated,
 allowing us and prospective players to concentrate on the essence
 of what makes gaming gaming, while retaining the nomic-like
 framework of self-modification.  Moreover, its my belief that
 prospective players will be attracted if the ruleset is put on a
 diet and all the boring stuff is put in a tiny kernel.
 So ... lets clean up a bit (alot of which is my fault anyway) and
 then add back in what we really like and want some other day.  Not
 that I expect this to pass in a billion years ... :-)  but I've
 always wanted to do this.  Of course, the fun part is to think
 about it.  And I won't even be here to vote on it; I wonder if a
 proposal has ever gotten zero votes?

Replace the current text of Rule 1 with the following KERNEL
delimited text
This rule has precedence over all other rules.  Text delimited by
square brackets is a note.  Notes have no semantic meaning.
The game state of Ackanomic is deemed to consist of this rule and
those persons who were Players the instant before the results of
the proposal which amended this rule to its current form were
reported, and nothing else, except the Player with the email address
'' [rufus] is deemed to be the Speaker.  These
persons are known as Registered Players.
The instant after this rule becomes the only rule in the game state
of Ackanomic, it is amended a) such that its entire text is replaced
by the text below delimited by double dollar signs (excluding the
delimiters); b) such that its title is "The Game of Ackanomic"; and
c) such that its number is 1.
   I.  Follow the Rules
       All Registered Players (Players) must always abide by all the
       Rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in
       effect, and interpreted in accordance with customary English
       Language usage and semantics.

  II.  The Game State
       The Game State may only be changed, and shall only change, as
       described in the Rules.  The terms "Rules" and "Game State"
       shall be interpreted to mean the Rules of Ackanomic and Game
       State of Ackanomic, respectively.

 III.  The Game State is Platonic 
       The Speaker shall attempt to keep an accurate track of the
       facts of the Game State (View) and make eir View of it
       available to all Players.

  IV.  Joining and Leaving
       A Player may become a non-Player by sending a Public Message
       to that effect.  A non-Player may become a Player by e-mailing
       eir intent to the Speaker or by sending a Public Message to
       that effect.
   V.  Speaker Succession
       Whenever any Player who is not the Speaker correctly points
       out in a Public Message that no Player is the Speaker, or that
       the Speaker has not sent a Public Message within the past 7
       days, or that the Speaker has broken (or attempted to break)
       the Rules, then the notifying Player becomes the Speaker.
       Alternatively, the Speaker loses eir Speakership by either
       abdicating or by appointing a successor in a Public Message.
  VI.  Proposals
       A Proposal is a list of proposed changes to the Game State.
       Any Player may make a Proposal by e-mailing its text to the
       Speaker (or to a bot designated by the Speaker).  Within 3
       days of receipt of a Proposal, the Speaker (or eir bot) shall
       assign an integer number to the Proposal and send its text
       in a Public Message, at which time the Proposal is said to be
       in the Proposal Queue (Queue).
 VII.  Voting on Proposals
       All Players may vote either Yes or No for any Proposal in the
       Queue by e-mailing eir vote to the Speaker (or to a bot
       designated by the Speaker).  If a Player votes more than once
       on a particular Proposal, all but their most recent vote on
       that Proposal are disregarded.
VIII.  Accepting Proposals
       Upon a Proposal being in the Queue for exactly 7 days, it is
       either Accepted or Rejected and it is removed from the Queue.
       At this time, a Proposal is Accepted if and only if a
       majority of the votes cast on it were Yes, and the Player
       who authored it did not vote No.  The Speaker (or eir bot)
       shall report in a Public Message the status of any Accepted
       Proposal within 3 days of it becoming Accepted; its changes
       to the Game State are applied in the order they are contained
       in the Proposal at the time of this report.
  IX.  Calls for Judgment
       Players may disagree with the Speaker's View of the Game State
       by detailing the nature of their disagreement in a Public
       Message.  The Speaker shall attempt to adjust eir View so that
       a consensus View is reached after hearing debate on the matter.
       If a Player still disagrees with the Speaker's View, e may Call
       for Judgment on the matter by detailing the essence of eir
       disagreement to all Players in another Public Message.  Players
       may publicly cast one vote on the matter (along with any
       arguments they deem relevant), and the Speaker shall adjust eir
       View to the will of the expressed majority 3 days after the
       most recent vote has been cast, or 7 days after the Call was
       made, whichever comes first, if there is a majority opinion
       on the matter.
   X.  Public Messages
       The Speaker may change the designation of the Official
       Mailing List in a Public Message.  In the absence of such
       a designation, shall be the Official
       Mailing List.  A Public Message is an e-mail sent to either
       all Players or to the Official Mailing List.
  XI.  Miscellany
       The Speaker may assign numbers and titles to Rules that do
       not have them.  E may also make spelling, grammar, formatting,
       and section numbering corrections, provided such corrections
       do not change the meaning of the Rules.  If E makes such
       changes, e shall detail them in a Public Message.

Proposal 4374
Acting up
K 2
Due: Sat Oct 2 18:57:23 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: retracted

Create a new rule titled "Delegation" with the text:

The Speaker may delegate any of their duties to any willing player. That
player is then responsible for carrying out that duty. Any penalties
that result from failure to perform that duty then apply to the player
rather the Speaker.

A player who has been delegated a duty may relinquish it as a public
action, likewise the Speaker may re-assign that duty to another willing

The Speaker is required to make available a list detailing which players
have been delegated duties.

Proposal 4375
Oh My -Deity-
Doctor Slakko
Due: Sat Oct 2 18:57:42 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: rejected

Create a new Rule, numbered 2 if this avoids a conflict and 271276
otherwise, entitled "What Is a Ruleset?", with the following
CLEANUP-delimited text:

Each Rule has a Rule number associated with it, which is a real number.
In the event that two rules other than this one are in conflict, the rule
with the lower number takes precedence unless either rule explicitly
cedes precedence. In the event that this rule conflicts with any other
rule, this rule takes precedence.

If at any stage a Rule does not have a rule number associated with it, the
Speaker shall allocate it a Rule Number as soon as possible.

For the purposes of all rules including this one, any task required to be
performed by a certain player "as soon as possible" must be performed
within 3 days of any email received by that player pointing out the need
to perform the task.

Proposal 4376
K 2
Due: Sat Oct 2 18:57:57 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

A. Repeal Rule 7-1-8 (Definition of Otzma Cards) and its decedents.

B. Remove item a [ancient scroll] from section 9 of Rule 4-11 (Boons of
the Ancients) and reletter the list from whence it came.

C. Remove the phrase "otzma and " from Rule 7-1-15 (Chemicals).

D. Remove the phrase "random otzma card. If this would give the player
more otzma cards than he can legally own, he instead receives a " from
section IV of Rule 7-2-7-1 (ASS Song: The Gnome).

E. Amend Rule 7-4-1-1 (Convertible Economics) by deleting items i and ii
from the first list. [Otzma creations]

F. Delete "7) A player in Gaol may play a Skeleton Key Otzma Card." from
Rule 9-1 (Gaol) and renumber the list it came from.

F. Remove the Arcane Lore section from Rule 10-1-2-1 (The Ackanomicon).

G. Amend the Long lost treasure section of Rule 10-1-2-1 (The
Ackanomicon) to read in full:
Long lost treasure (2 pages): These pages describe the locations of long
lost treasure troves. The reader gains A$250.

Proposal 4377
Yes! No? Maybe.
K 2
Due: Sat Oct 2 18:58:08 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected
i. Create a new rule numbered 2-1-2 with the text:
Any player may spend Mannna on a proposal, provided they have sufficient
to do so. Mannna spent in this manner is destroyed.

When 1000 Mannna has been spent on a proposal, the magnitude of each
non-zero vote is shifted to 100 and players may only place votes of
+100, -100 and 0 on that proposal.

This rule takes precedence over its parent.

Proposal 4378
Game Delinquency
K 2
Due: Sat Oct 2 18:58:18 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

A modification of the un-refereeded games such that a player's turn ends
when someone points out they've taken too long.

Piddily little payments/entities/junk is/are removed.

I. Amend Rule 12-1 (Games & Contests) by:

I.A.i deleting the phrase "They may receive no rewards other than A$,
and such rewards may not exceed A$10 per Game instance." from section

I.A.ii. delete sub-section h from section III.

I.B. altering section IV by:

I.B.i. deleting the phrase ", except as defined in this Rule, and with
the following specific exceptions" from sub-section a.

I.B.ii. deleting sub-sections b, c, d and e from section IV and
relettering the remaining subsections.

I.C. deleting section V [Adding Games].

I.D. deleting section VII [Exhibitions].

I.E. deleting section XIII [Additional Game Rewards].

I.F. renumbering its sections as appropriate.

II. remove the phrase "No Trophy is awarded to the winner of this
contest." from Rule 12-3-1 (Limerick Contest).

III. Amend Rule 12-3-2 (Ghost) by:

III.A. replacing the phrase in the first paragraph of section 4 which
Each player's turn shall last the lesser of three days or until that
player plays.
Each player's turn shall last until either the player is delinquent or
she makes a play. A player is delinquent when it has been thier turn for
three days and some other player points this fact out.

III.B remove the following text from section 5:
The winner receives a standard Trophy.

When a winner is found, the referee shall receive 8 A$. If this game
took place as a Duel, the winner shall receive no additional
compensation. If it was not a Duel and fewer than four players began the
game, the winner receives four points. If from four to eight players
began the game, the winner receives points equal to the number of
players that began the game. If more than eight players began the game,
the winner receives 8 points.

IV. Amend Rule 12-3-3 (Fictionary) by:

IV.A. replacing the following paragraph from section IV:
A round is composed of the following steps, in order. All steps shall be
completed within 3 days of the completion of the previous step (or the
start of the round in the case of the first step). If a player(s) fails
to perform the designated action by the end of this time limit, the
listed default action is deemed to have been performed, and they lose 1
A round is composed of the following steps, in order. A step ends when
all players responsible for performing an action during it have done so.
When it is pointed out that a player has not performed their action for
a step which has been in progress for more than 3 days, that player
performs the default action for that step, and they lose one game point.

IV.B. replacing the final paragraph of step 1 with:
The Default action for this step causes the end of the current round.

IV.C. amend step 5b to read:
5b) The game shall end when all players have been Brainiac the same
number of times, and one or more players has 25 or more
Gamepoints. The single player with the most Gamepoints wins.

IV.D. delete the phrase "and no payoff" from step 5d.

V.A. Delete the second paragraph of Section 8 of Rule 12-3-4 (Tromino

V.B. Delete the final sentence of Rule 12-3-4 (Tromino Go) which reads: 
"If it does end the game, the referee should post the final score, who
won, and the A$ transfers resulting from it."

VI. Delete the final sentence of Rule 12-3-5 (Double Crash) which reads:
If the game was not being played as a Duel, the winner receives A$25
from the Treasury. No Trophy is awarded to the winner of the game.

VII. Delete the two final sentences of Rule 12-3-6 (Triple Double Crash)
which reads:
If the game was not being played as a Duel, the winner receives A$25
from the Treasury. No Trophy is awarded to the winner of the game. 

VIII. Remove the phrase "A standard Trophy is awarded to the winner."
from section 8 of Rule 12-3-9 (Viruses).

IX. Delete the final paragraph of Rule 12-3-10 (Mediocrity) which reads:
Trophy: the winner of the game shall receive a standard Trophy, and a
rather Mediocre example of one at that. The winner is encouraged to
complain (albeit in a rather nonplussed manner) about the Mediocre
nature of the Trophy.

X. Delete the final section of Rule 12-3-12 (Word un-association).

XI. Delete the phrase "Each Winner receives a Standard Trophy." from the
initial paragraph of section 3 in Rule 12-3-13 (Abstract Crescent).

XII. Delete the phrase "The winner shall receive a standard Trophy. The
referee shall receive A$8 from the Treasury upon conclusion of the
game." from Rule 12-3-14 (Bacon).

XIII. In Rule 12-3-15 (Acka Role Playing), delete section 9 and replace
it with section 10.

XIV. In Rule 12-3-16 (Frog, Frog, Frog, Mouse), delete section 9 and
replace it with section 10.

XV. Repeal Rule 12-4 (Decks of Playing Cards) and its decedents.

XVI.A. {{All trophies are destroyed}}.

XVI.B. Repeal Rule 7-1-14 (Trophies).

XVII. Amend Rule 12-3-11 (Ye Olde Rusty Lantern) by:

XVII.A. deleting the sentence which reads:
Upon being awarded an Ale, a player also receives a FairPlay Award.
[in the 'plays' section]

XVII.B. deleting the last paragaph of the "bards" section.

XVII.C. deleting the final paragraph.

XVIII. Amend Rule 12-7 (Grab-a-Donkey) by deleting the sentence which
The Wrangler is permitted to distribute FairPlay awards during a game of
Grab-a-Donkey, as described in Rule 12-1 section XIII 
[near the top]


Proposal 4379
Piddly little fees
K 2
Due: Sat Oct 2 18:58:28 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted


*. Delete the phrase ", at which time the player in question shall pay
the Standard Harfer Fee" from Rule 1-6-1 (Player Names) 

I. Delete the phrase "and paying the Standard Harfer Fee" from Rule 6
(Offices, Commonalities).

II. Amend Rule 6-20-1 (SHF) to read in full:
The Standard Harfer Fee (SHF) is A$25.

Whenever the rules direct that the SHF be paid, it is paid to the

III. Delete the phrase "then the entity requesting the Coat of Arms
shall pay the Standard Harfer Fee, and the " from Rule 7-1-6 (Heraldry).

IV. Repeal Rule 10-1-1 (Evil Laboratory).

Proposal 4380
!ton on pye. here hips!
K 2
Due: Sat Oct 2 18:58:38 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: Automatically retracted by Rule 2

Amend Rule 2 (Proposals) by replacing the text which reads:
However, if the number of proposals authored by that player currently in
their authorised voting period is equal to or exceeds  their Proposal
characteristic, any attempt to submit a proposal will lead to that
proposal being automatically retracted, and the player being put in Gaol
with a sentence of 1 day.
If the number of proposals authored by that player currently in their
authorised voting period is equal to or exceeds their Proposal
characteristic, they are fined 200 Mannna if they have it or the
proposal is invalid if they don't.

Proposal 4381
A Desperate Choice for Desperate Times
Clamshell Lawyer
Due: Wed Oct 6 17:04:48 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected

Replace each instance of "Phoenix", "CalvinBall", "Kernel Ackanomic",
"Ackalackadocious", "Ackannnomic", or "Ackanomic" in all Rules with the
string "Oop! Ack!anomic".  Remove any occurences of " (which can be
abbreviated as Kacka)".  Replace any instance of "Acka" with "Oop!
Ack!a".  Append to the end of Rule 1 as a separate paragraph, numbered
appropriately where necessary: 

"Bill the Cat is the official mascot of Oop! Ack!anomic.  Anyone caught
impugning His Hairiness or producing, distributing, or possessing
unofficial Bill the Cat merchandise (including but not limited to: tote
bags, promotional cups, pajamas, baby toys, drug paraphernalia, underwear,
Odor-Eaters (tm), vomit inducers, fake tongues, and those little dolls
with suction cups that cling to car windows) will be barfed upon most
severely.  With hairballs."

[ Note: this proposal was also submitted in that other, lesser game which
has the temerity to call itself Ackanomic. ]

Proposal 4382
No one to harf them!
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Thu Oct 7 13:00:21 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

[The financier has to track trinket names anyways.  So this would just be a
repeal of the rule-mandated descriptions of trinkets.]

Remove the quoted text 'Trinket-Harfer, ' from rule 6-1.
Repeal rule 6-4-15 (Trinket Harfer)
In rule 7-5:
*Replace the first instance of 'and description' with 'and an optional
1. the remaining instances of 'and description'
2. ', describing,'

Proposal 4383
New Delhi shall sport the Union Jack Forever!
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Thu Oct 7 14:51:44 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted

Replace the final two paragraphs of rule 10 (Geography) with:

Beyond the Town is the region known as the Outer Territories.  Acka-Lite is
located in the Outer Territories.

Kansas is a moon of Acka.  It is a location that is not in, on, or around

Create a rule, 17-2-6, entitled Declaration of War: Acka-Lite, with the
following text:

In recognition of the vile attempt to destroy Ackanomic by the traitorous
colonists of Acka-Lite, Ackanomic does hereby declare war on the nomic
Acka-Lite, which shall be the Ackanomic-recognized name of the nomic
created on September 24th, 1999, with Gabriel Drummond-Cole as speaker.

Proposal 4384
Due: Sat Oct 9 17:57:51 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected

[If you think about it, we need very few of the rules 
that we have to do what we do.  It also seems like alot
of uninteresting rules and framework and procedure and
the like can be eliminated, allowing us and prospective 
players to concentrate on the essence of what makes gaming
gaming, while retaining the nomic-like framework of 
self-modification.  Moreover, its my belief that prospective
players will be attracted if the ruleset is put on a diet
and all the boring stuff is put in a tiny kernel.

So ... lets clean up a bit (alot of which is my fault
anyway) and then add back in what we really like and want
some other day.  Not that I expect this to pass in a billion 
years ... :-)  but I've always wanted to do this.  Of 
course, the fun part is to think about it.  And I won't even
be here to vote on it; I wonder if a proposal has ever gotten
zero votes?]


Change rule 1's text to this:

This rule has precedence over all other rules.  Text
delimited by square brackets is a note.  Notes have
no semantic meaning.

The game state of Ackanomic is deemed to consist of 
this rule and those persons who were Players the 
instant before the results of the proposal which 
amended this rule to its current form were reported, 
and nothing else, except the Player who was the 
Rule-Harfer on Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:47:05 [Emperor 
Ai! Pedrito!] is deemed to be the Speaker.  These
persons are known as Registered Players.

The instant after this rule becomes the only rule in 
the game state of Ackanomic, it is amended a) such 
that its entire text is replaced by the text below 
delimited by double dollar signs (excluding the 
delimiters); b) such that its title is "The Game
of Ackanomic"; and c) such that its number is 1.


I.  Follow the Rules

All Registered Players (Players) must always abide 
by all the Rules then in effect, in the form in which
they are then in effect, and interpreted in accordance 
with customary English Language usage and semantics.

II.  The Game State

The Game State may only be changed, and shall only 
change, as described in the Rules.  The terms "Rules"
and "Game State" shall be interpreted to mean the 
Rules of Ackanomic and Game State of Ackanomic, 

III.  The Game State is Platonic 

The Speaker shall attempt to keep an accurate track
of the facts of the Game State (View) and make eir 
View of it available to all Players.
IV.  Joining and Leaving

A Player may become a non-Player by sending a 
Public Message to that effect.  A non-Player may
become a Player by e-mailing eir intent to the 
Speaker or by sending a Public Message to that effect.

V.  Speaker Succession

Whenever any Player who is not the Speaker correctly 
points out in a Public Message that no Player is the 
Speaker, or that the Speaker has not sent a Public 
Message within the past 7 days, or that the Speaker 
has broken (or attempted to break) the Rules, then 
the notifying Player becomes the Speaker.  Alternatively,
the Speaker loses eir Speakership by either abdicating
or by appointing a successor in a Public Message.

VI.  Proposals

A Proposal is a list of proposed changes to the Game
State.  Any Player may make a Proposal by e-mailing 
its text to the Speaker (or to a bot designated by the 
Speaker).  Within 3 days of receipt of a Proposal, the
Speaker (or eir bot) shall assign an integer number
to the Proposal and send its text in a Public Message, 
at which time the Proposal is said to be in the Proposal 
Queue (Queue).

VII. Voting on Proposals

All Players may vote either Yes or No for any Proposal 
in the Queue by e-mailing eir vote to the Speaker (or to
a bot designated by the Speaker).  If a Player votes more 
than once on a particular Proposal, all but their most 
recent vote on that Proposal are disregarded.

VIII.  Accepting Proposals

Upon a Proposal being in the Queue for exactly 7 days, it
is either Accepted or Rejected and it is removed from the 
Queue.  At this time, a Proposal is Accepted if and only 
if a majority of the votes cast on it were Yes, and the 
Player who authored it did not vote No.  The Speaker (or
eir bot) shall report in a Public Message the status of
any Accepted Proposal within 3 days of it becoming Accepted;
its changes to the Game State are applied in the order they
are contained in the Proposal at the time of this report.

IX.  Calls for Judgment

Players may disagree with the Speaker's View of the Game
State by detailing the nature of their disagreement in a 
Public Message.  The Speaker shall attempt to adjust eir
View so that a consensus View is reached after hearing 
debate on the matter.  If a Player still disagrees with 
the Speaker's View, e may Call for Judgment on the matter
by detailing the essence of eir disagreement to all Players 
in another Public Message.  Players may publicly cast one
vote on the matter (along with any arguments they deem 
relevant), and the Speaker shall adjust eir View to the 
will of the expressed majority 3 days after the most 
recent vote has been cast, or 7 days after the Call was
made, whichever comes first, if there is a majority 
opinion on the matter.

X.  Public Messages

The Speaker may change the designation of the Official 
Mailing List in a Public Message.  In the absence of 
such a designation, shall be 
the Official Mailing List.  A Public Message is an 
e-mail sent to either all Players or to the Official 
Mailing List.
XI.  Miscellany

The Speaker may assign numbers and titles to Rules that 
do not have them.  E may also make spelling, grammar, 
formatting, and section numbering corrections, provided
such corrections do not change the meaning of the Rules.
If E makes such changes, e shall detail them in a 
Public Message.

Proposal 4385
Vote of Confidence
K 2
Due: Sun Oct 10 11:19:49 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted

create a new rule with the text:

When this rule is created A Vote of Confidence, which is a hearing, is
called. It is the responsibility of Ape Idiom Reporter (or player who
has previously had such a name) to conduct this hearing. Valid responses
are "I'm Alive", "I'm feeling a little ill... I think it might have been
something I ate", "I'm dead". All players are permitted to respond.
Players who fail to respond are deemed to have lodged the response "I'm

When the Hearing has finished :

i) Each player who responded with "I'm Alive" becomes an Voting Player. 
ii) Each Player who responded with "I'm feeling a little ill... I think
it might have been something I ate" becomes a Non-voting Player. 
iii) Each Players who responded with "I'm dead" go on ice.
iv) The result of the hearing is appended in notes brackets to the end
of rule 1.
v) This rule is repealed.

Proposal 4386
I *am* that other game.
K 2
Due: Sun Oct 10 11:20:00 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted

create a new rule with the text:

Ackanomic acknowledges the existence of a game which believes that up
until 24 Sep 1999 19:14:12, when differing opinion on the effect of
Proposal 4371 caused its genesis, it was the same game as this one. That
game is hence forth as Acka-Lite.

The entire rule-set of Acka-Lite forms this rule's decedents.

Ackanomic's Game state contains, as a sub set of its own, Acka-Lite's
Games State. Acka-Lite's Game State may only be manipulated according to
this rule's decedents, this takes precedence over all other rules. This
rule's decedents may only effect Acka-Lite's Game State and shall have
no other effect on Ackanomic's game state.

Proposals which would effect this rule's decedents (for example by
creating, modifying, or repealing a rule) or which would effect
Acka-Lite's Game State, are invalid unless they are also submitted
according to this rule's decedents.

This rule takes precedence over its decedents.
This rule and its decedents defer to all other rules, except where noted

[The current rules of Acka-Lite]

Proposal 4387
!ton on pye. here hips!
K 2
Due: Sun Oct 10 11:26:42 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected

Amend Rule 2 (Proposals) by replacing the text which reads:
However, if the number of proposals authored by that player currently in
their authorised voting period is equal to or exceeds  their Proposal
characteristic, any attempt to submit a proposal will lead to that
proposal being automatically retracted, and the player being put in Gaol
with a sentence of 1 day.
If the number of proposals authored by that player currently in their
authorised voting period is equal to or exceeds their Proposal
characteristic, they are fined 200 Mannna if they have it or the
proposal is invalid if they don't.

Proposal 4388
Mahalo For Nothing
Due: Tue Oct 12 20:05:07 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected
All players become Canadian.

Proposal 4389
A Start To The Housekeeping
Due: Sun Oct 17 16:04:19 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted

{{[These are all "loner rules" that don't do much but add bytes to the
ruleset as far as I can see.]}}

Repeal "Rule 1-1-1 Gravity, a reprise"

Repeal "Rule 1-2-9 Colours"

Repeal "Rule 2-2-3 Ackanomic Unity"

Repeal "Rule 2-2-6-1 The Harfy Phrase"

Repeal "Rule 5-3 The Best and the Most Logical"

{{[I think this cleans parades out of the ruleset cleanly.]}}

Repeal "Rule 2-2-4 Parades"

In "Rule 7-1-3 Lumps of Coal" delete the sentence: "So long as a player
owns a Lump of Coal, he may not participate in parades, and is instead
represented by a cardboard cutout, with all attendant penalties."

In "Rule 17-2-2 The Dawning of the Age" replace the SNARFUU delimited text
with a period.

; and 
2) an Ackanomic Parade shall be held, with the author of the proposal or
other action repealing the Declaration of War as the Guest of Honour. 

{{[Honour isn't tied to any other mechanisms in the game, making it easy to
repeal and being an indication that its not so crucial to Acka.]}}

Repeal "Rule 4-4-5 Honour"

Repeal "Rule 4-4-5-1 Honourable Acts"

Repeal "Rule 4-4-5-2 Dishonourable Acts"

{{[Quests pretty much don't get used.]}}

Repeal "Rule 4-8 Quests Rule Suite"

Repeal "Rule 4-8-1 Quest of the Royal Frink"

{{[We won't have the people for extraneous offices for a while.... after
this, we should give a careful eye to all the other offices as well.]}}

Repeal "Rule 6-4-4-1 The Summarizer"

Proposal 4390
One Last Time... for the sceptics.
K 2
Due: Sun Oct 17 18:11:45 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected

This is a Grandiose Proposal.

Rule 0 is created with the text:
The rules and game state of Ackanomic are adjusted such that they are
identical to Acka-Lite.

This rule takes precedence over all other rules.

Proposal 4391
If we want to save it
K 2
Due: Thu Oct 21 18:14:03 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted

{{All entities other than players, rules and proposals are destroyed.}}

Proposal 4392
It became necessary to destroy the village in order to
Ape Idiom Reporter
Due: Thu Oct 28 13:26:19 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected
save it

[Ackanomic is dying.  We had been dying by inches since I joined -- I don't
remember the joining orders, but I think Eris (now Cthulhu) and myself were
the last new members of the game who were productive and stuck with it. (my
apologies to anyone I may have forgotten, and especially to Reductio, who I
haven't included here because e joined so recently)  With this split into
fat and thin, some of the players have found a way to revive what they call
Ackanomic.  Not I.  This nomic is my ackanomic.

But we're dying.  The split has forced this to the forefront of my
attention.  But let's die with dignity.  I'm sad to be submitting this
proposal, but I think it's better than waiting for the game to disintegrate
even more.  We all have other things to do.  At least half of us are
players in other nomics, and there are plenty of nomics out there, if
that's what you want.  But acka, as we know it, the acka that we love, the
acka that we will cherish, is dead.

In other words, 

Stick a fork in us.  We're done.

Destroy all entities other than rules.
Append the following text to rule 1 as a new paragraph.

"Ackanomic is on hiatus.  Due to lack of interest, and a particularly nasty
threadsplit, it died on October 28, 1999.  Anyone who is interested in
reviving it, here's how.  Any non-player may, by fiat, cause emself to
become a player, registrar, and postmaster, and speaker.  This action fails
unless the non-player spins around 3 times while saying 'Ackanomic' and
throwing salt over eir left shoulder.  This paragraph takes precedence over
any rules with which it conflicts.  If the action described in this
paragraph occurs, then this paragraph deletes itself.  [Please notify any
old players you can track down if you are reviving Ackanomic]"
-- Ape Idiom Reporter B(Scam)
 Crazy French-Scotsman * Student (Scamology)
  Clerk of the Court * Count Tabula * DeeJay * 
   Dungeon Master * Herald * Justice * President * 
    Registrar * Rule-Harfer * Speaker * Treasure-Harfer

Proposal 4393
And This, Too, Shall Pass
Clamshell Lawyer
Due: Thu Oct 28 21:18:16 1999
Sphere: :None:
Status: accepted

Replace all occurrances of "ThinMan" in any official documents with
"Ackanomic's Lord Military Governor."  Replace all occurrances of
"Malenkai" or "saaremaa" with "George the Annoying Argumentative
Intellectual."  Replace all occurrances of "Acka-Lite" with "Pumpkin
Patch."  Ape Idiom Reporter's name is changed to "Emperor Ape Idiom
Reporter."  All of these changes exclude a following period.

[ Don't know if it worked, ThinMan, but it was a beauty either way. ]

Proposal 4394
She's An Angel 4394
Quoth the Raven
Due: Wed Jan 5 21:22:27 2000
Sphere: :None:
Status: rejected

Ackanomic (the good one, not the one where everything got repealed) is still 
officially alive, as will be proved in subsequent days and weeks by the huge 
flurry of proposals generated.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Proposal 4395
First New Prop
Ape Idiom Reporter
Due: Sun Jan 9 21:39:08 2000
Sphere: :None:
Status: accepted
1. Amend rule 1-2-8-1 by appending:
For each proposal which is accepted on Remembrance Day that creates or
repeals at least one rule, the author of that proposal receives a Boon of
the Ancients
2. In rule 1-6-1, replace the second through last paragraphs with the
No player may change eir Ackanomic name, but rules and entities granted the
power by the rules may change players' Ackanomic names, provided the new
name is in accordance with the rules.

The Registrar is required to record and announce any legal name changes,
and is encouraged but not required to point out any failed name changes as
When a player's Ackanomic name is changed, all Ackanomic business besides
Rules will be changed to follow eir new name, and any Rules which refer to
the player by their old name will still refer to that player even though
their name has changed.

Proposal 4396
Cash and Stuff
Quoth the Raven
Due: Tue Jan 11 13:58:52 2000
Sphere: :None:
Status: accepted
All current players receive the entities they would receive if they joined 
the game as a new player, that is A$900, 100 manna and a house.

Proposal 4397
The First Major Prop: Point Repeal
Due: Wed Jan 12 04:05:19 2000
Sphere: :None:
Status: rejected
Repeal Rule 1-4 When Score Changes Take Effect

Amend Rule 1-8 Retractions by deleting each sentence in it which refers to

Repeal Rule 2-2-1 Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported 

Amend Rule 2-2-5 Brass Monkey by replacing all instances of the term
"points" with "mannna".

Amend Rule 2-2-6 Let there be Harf! by replacing the POINTS1 delimited text
with the MANNNA1 delimited text and the POINTS2 with MANNNA2.

5 points (a score change based on proposal content)

5 Mannna

they gain 5 points.

they gain 5 Mannna.

Amend Rule 2-2-8 A Minority of One by replacing the PP text with the MM text.

If the player in question was already the Tyrant, then their score shall be
reset to 0, and the points gained or lost distributed equally amongst all
other players (rounding away from 0).

If the player in question was already the Tyrant, then half of ir mannna
shall be distributed equally amongst all other players (rounding away from 0).

Amend Rule 3-2 Delivering Judgement by replacing "points" with "mannna".

Amend Rule 3-4 Overturning Judgements by deleting the section titled "III.
Effects upon a judgement of an appeal by the Supreme Court" and renumber
the other sections appropriately.

Amend Rule 4 Players and Player States by deleting section VII.d. and
renumbering appropriately.

Amend Rule 4-1-2 Crazy French-Scotsmen by replacing the terms "points" and
"score" with the term "mannna".

Amend Rule 4-4-3 Characteristic: Harf by replacing the instances of
"points" with "mannna".

Amend Rule 4-11 Boons of the Ancients by replacing "11 points" with "20

Amend Rule 5-2 Politeness Moon by replacing both "3 points" and "2 points"
with "1 harf".

Amend Rule 6-3 Offices, Impeachment by replacing "penalized 10 points" with
"penalized 20 mannna".

Amend Rule 6-4-6 Scorekeeper to contain only the FIXED delited text.

The Office of the Scorekeeper is a Functional Office. The Duties of the
Scorekeeper are: 

(a) maintaining a record of the players' Mannna. 
(b) recording each Mannna change 
(c) announcing when a player has a negative amount of Mannna and when that
has ceased to be the case. 
(d) performing any random determinations involved in a process solely
involving Mannna.

Amend Rule 6-5-6 Illuminatus by deleting its last sentence.

Amend Rule 6-5-7 Son I am able though you scare me / Watch beloved / Watch
me scare you though / Able am I son by replacing "points" with "mannna".

Amend Rule 7-1-7 Prosthetic Foreheads by deleting the part which reads "
and the player who described it loses two points".

Amend Rule 7-1-11 Eggs and Fruit by replacing the OLD text with the NEW text.

reduce his own score to zero at any time by informing the Scorekeeper that
he is doing so, provided that his score is greater than zero.

destroy any amount of eir own mannna by informing the Scorekeeper that e is
doing so.

Amend Rule 7-1-15 Chemicals by replacing "points" with "mannna" and by
deleting "a point and".

Amend Rule 7-1-15-3 Illuminatine by replacing "score" with "mannna".

Amend Rule 7-2-1 The Magic Potato by replacing all its text with the
following ILIKETATERS delimited text.

This rule creates a unique entity known as the Magic Potato. The Magic
Potato will be given to a randomly chosen Active player each week. The
responsibility of choosing the Player randomly will be left up to the
Officer in charge of random things. There will exist only one Magic Potato
at any one time. The Player that currently holds the Magic Potato will gain
three extra mannna for each proposal of eirs that is accepted while e holds
the Magic Potato. 

There also exists the Great Tuba of Ackanomic, a unique entity. Whenever
the Magic Potato is transferred from one player to another, the Great Tuba
is given to the player who just lost the Magic Potato. The holder of the
Great Tuba receives one extra mannna whenever one of eir proposals passes. 

Amend Rule 7-2-3 Steel Flea by replacing each instance of "6 points" or "3
points" with "25 A$"

Repeal Rule 7-4-1 Points 

Amend Rule 7-4-1-1 Convertible Economics by deleting items i and ii and
renumbering the rest appropriately.

Amend Rule 8-2 End of Cycle by replacing its text with the following
MUCHBETTER delimited text.

Upon a Cycle being won as described by Rule 8, the following steps occur,
in order: 

a) Ackanomic play is suspended. 

b) All Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruit and Agenda Hats that
are not being worn are destroyed. All Nemesis Eggplants with the same
condition as an Agenda Hat that was destroyed in this manner are destroyed.
Each player who owns at least one Chartreuse Goose Card has one Chartreuse
Goose Card in eir possession destroyed. 

c) The winner is given the title of winner of the cycle, and a Right-Handed
Grapefruit and a Champion's Cloak are created in that player's possession.
If this results in eir having two Champion's Cloaks, one of them is
instantly transformed into a Badge of Glory. 

d) All players who have zero or fewer mannna are given a Chartreuse Goose

e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant
Trinkets exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was
declared, the following shall occur: 

i) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero shall transfer 10% of
eir Total Wealth to the Treasury. 

ii) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero and all players with
a Total Wealth of zero or less, shall be placed on The List in decreasing
order of Total Wealth. If there is a tie for Total Wealth, the Financier
shall make the random determination necessary to order the entities on the

iii) A random entity appearing in the first half of The List, shall
transfer 5% of eir total wealth to the active player lowest on The List and
both entities shall be removed from The List. 

iv) If there are at least two entities still on The List, one of which is a
player and the other of which has positive wealth,
then go to step iii. 

f) If the cycle currently ending has exceeded 30 days in length, all
players who have been vacationing for the entire cycle are removed from the
game as if they have quit. 

i) The game cycle number is incremented. 

j) All players who are in Gaol are released from Gaol. All players who are
in the Ackanomic Afterlife are relocated to eir homes. 

k) If the game state is such that the single winner of the last cycle would
immediately win again upon the resumption of Ackanomic play, a Chartreuse
Goose Card is transferred to that player. 

l) All events specified by other rules to occur at the end of the cycle
occur, in the numeric order of the rule that defines the
event [see rules 593, 8-7 and 8-2-4]. 

m) Ackanomic play resumes.

Amend Rule 8-2-4 Commission d'Arts by replacing "points" with "mannna".

Repeal Rule 8-4 Winning by Points.

Amend Rule 8-5 Winning is Inherently Amusing (or Winning by Palindrome)  by
deleting the UNNECESSARY text.

This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after the score changes as
a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.

Amend Rule 8-6 Winning by Agenda by adding an opening square comment
bracket before all of the text currently there and adding a similar close
bracket after everything.

{{[I'm not sure how to do hat weights, but I don't want to get rid of them,
this just puts the issue on pause.]}}

Amend Rule 9-5 The Haiku Limit by doing the same bracketing trick as was
done to 8-6.

Amend Rule 10-1-2-1 The Ackanomicon by replacing all the "points" with
"mannna" except the one about sanity points.

Amend Rule 99-9 Serfdom by replacing the "points" with "mannna".

Proposal 4398
Yes, we have no tomatoes
Clamshell Lawyer
Due: Fri Jan 14 12:39:20 2000
Sphere: :None:
Status: accepted

Transmute the text of this Proposal, excluding this sentence, to a Rule
numbered at the Rule-Harfer's discretion and titled "How Many People
Remember the OLD Final Fantasy?  Yeah, That's Right, The Dumb One".

There exists a unique entity named Namingway.  Namingway is a powerful
Acka-oid (as in humanoid) automaton created by the Ancients in a fit of
Ackapomorphism.  Many powers were reputedly invested in him by his
creators, but the only one he has seen fit to reveal to today's Ackazens
is the power to rename players.

If Phoebe and her matchbox exist and are not Somewhere Else, then whenever
the matchbox is found by a player, Namingway shall appear at the house of  
the most recent player to hold her (Phoebe's) matchbox.  If Phoebe is
Somewhere Else, or was most recently Somewhere Else, Namingway shall also
be Somewhere Else.

While Namingway is at a player's house, that player may ask Namingway to
change eir (the player's) name.  Such a request should be made publically,
should include the new name to which the player wishes to change,  and, to
have a better chance of success, should include tasteful pleading (not to
exceed grovelling) on the part of the supplicant.  If all these
requirements are met, then Namingway will change the player's name to the
requested one and transfer 25 Mannna from the player to the Treasury as

Much more insidiously, players may request Namingway to change the name of
_another_ player.  To do so, the requesting player must have an
absolute value of at least 200 Mannna, must tell Namingway whose name is
to be changed and the new name of that player, and must *really* grovel.
We're talking complete abasement here.  If, in the judgement of the
Speaker (the President if the Speaker is the requesting player or the
target player) the fawning is adequate and the other conditions are met,
Namingway will make the requested name change.  In payment, he will
transfer half the requesting player's Mannna to the Treasury if that
player's Mannna total was positive, or will double the amount of eir
Mannna if the total was negative.

If a player is in possession of The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do
Too Much, Really and Namingway is at eir house, then if e attempts to use
either of them they will get into a petty squabble over who is to name
whom, and both will retire to the Wilds of Ackanomic to duke it out.

{{ If players' houses, or The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't
Do Too Much, Really, or, for that matter, anything else referenced in
this Proposal has been repealed, the author of this Proposal gets thirty
lashes with a limp noodle.  And then thirty with a firm one. }}

Proposal 4399
If K 2 doesn't know about A$ we'll reset them
Due: Tue Jun 20 22:08:05 2000
Sphere: :None:
Status: accepted

Create a rule numbered 99-10 with the following CLEANINGUP delimited text.


The Mannna holdings of each player is set to 100.

The A$ holdings of each player is set to A$500.

This rule repeals itself upon taking effect.


Proposal 4400
Piecewise Repeal I (Points)
Due: Mon Jul 10 21:12:53 2000
Sphere: :None:
Status: accepted


I was holding off on these until there was a comittee to run them through, but I guess that would hold things up forever.

This would clean things up rather dramatically. It failed when it was called Proposal 4397, but maybe it will work this time...  Perhaps it helps that instead of changing all of the penalties and benefits to mannna, which would create massive harfing work for /dev/joe, it converts points to A$ which no one is doing any work for anyway :)


Repeal the following rules:

Rule 1-4 When Score Changes Take Effect
Rule 2-2-1 Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported 
Rule 8-4 Winning by Points

Amend Rule 1-8 Retractions by deleting each sentence in it which refers to

Amend Rule 2-2-5 Brass Monkey by replacing all instances of the term
"points" with "AckaDollars".

Amend Rule 2-2-6 Let there be Harf! by replacing the POINTS1 delimited text with the MANNNA1 delimited text and the POINTS2 with MANNNA2.

5 points (a score change based on proposal content)

5 AckaDollars

they gain 5 points.

they gain 5 AckaDollars.

Amend Rule 2-2-8 A Minority of One by replacing the PP text with the MM text.

If the player in question was already the Tyrant, then their score shall be reset to 0, and the points gained or lost distributed equally amongst all other players (rounding away from 0).

If the player in question was already the Tyrant, then half of eir AckaDollars shall be distributed equally amongst all other players (rounding away from 0).

Amend Rule 3-2 Delivering Judgement by replacing "points" with "AckaDollars".

Amend Rule 3-4 Overturning Judgements by deleting the section titled "III.
Effects upon a judgement of an appeal by the Supreme Court" and renumber
the other sections appropriately.

Amend Rule 4 Players and Player States by deleting section VII.d. and
renumbering appropriately.

Amend Rule 4-1-2 Crazy French-Scotsmen by replacing the terms "points" and
"score" with the term "AckaDollars".

Amend Rule 4-4-3 Characteristic: Harf by replacing the instances of
"points" with "AckaDollars".

Amend Rule 4-11 Boons of the Ancients by replacing "11 points" with "20

Amend Rule 5-2 Politeness Moon by replacing both "3 points" and "2 points"
with "1 harf".

Amend Rule 6-3 Offices, Impeachment by replacing "penalized 10 points" with "penalized 20 AckaDollars".

Amend Rule 6-4-6 Scorekeeper to contain only the FIXED delimited text.

The Office of the Scorekeeper is a Functional Office. The Duties of the
Scorekeeper are: 

(a) maintaining a record of the players' Mannna. 
(b) recording each Mannna change 
(c) announcing when a player has a negative amount of Mannna and when that
has ceased to be the case. 
(d) performing any random determinations involved in a process solely
involving Mannna.

Amend Rule 6-5-6 Illuminatus by deleting its last sentence.

Amend Rule 6-5-7 Son I am able though you scare me / Watch beloved / Watch
me scare you though / Able am I son by replacing "points" with "AckaDollars".

Amend Rule 7-1-7 Prosthetic Foreheads by deleting the part which reads "
and the player who described it loses two points".

Amend Rule 7-1-11 Eggs and Fruit by replacing the OLD text with the NEW text.

A player who owns a Chartreuse Goose Egg may reduce his own score to zero at any time by informing the Scorekeeper that he is doing so, provided that his score is greater than zero. Chartreuse Goose Eggs have no other power.

Chartreuse Goose Eggs used to have something to do with points, but no they pretty much do nothing.

Amend Rule 7-1-15 Chemicals by replacing "points" with "AckaDollars" and by deleting "a point and".

Amend Rule 7-1-15-3 Illuminatine by replacing "score" with "AckaDollars".

Amend Rule 7-2-1 The Magic Potato by replacing all its text with the
following ILIKETATERS delimited text.

This rule creates a unique entity known as the Magic Potato. The Magic
Potato will be given to a randomly chosen Active player each week. The
responsibility of choosing the Player randomly will be left up to the
Officer in charge of random things. There will exist only one Magic Potato
at any one time. The Player that currently holds the Magic Potato will gain twice the SHF for each proposal of eirs that is accepted while e holds the Magic Potato. 

There also exists the Great Tuba of Ackanomic, a unique entity. Whenever
the Magic Potato is transferred from one player to another, the Great Tuba
is given to the player who just lost the Magic Potato. The holder of the
Great Tuba receives the SHF whenever one of eir proposals passes. 

Amend Rule 7-2-3 Steel Flea by replacing each instance of "6 points" or "3
points" with "the SHF"

Repeal Rule 7-4-1 Points 

Amend Rule 7-4-1-1 Convertible Economics by deleting items i and ii and
renumbering the rest appropriately.

Amend Rule 8-2 End of Cycle by replacing its text with the following
MUCHBETTER delimited text.

Upon a Cycle being won as described by Rule 8, the following steps occur,
in order: 

a) Ackanomic play is suspended. 

b) All Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruit and Agenda Hats that
are not being worn are destroyed. All Nemesis Eggplants with the same
condition as an Agenda Hat that was destroyed in this manner are destroyed. Each player who owns at least one Chartreuse Goose Card has one Chartreuse Goose Card in eir possession destroyed. 

c) The winner is given the title of winner of the cycle, and a Right-Handed Grapefruit and a Champion's Cloak are created in that player's possession. If this results in eir having two Champion's Cloaks, one of them is instantly transformed into a Badge of Glory. 

d) All players who have zero or fewer mannna are given a Chartreuse Goose

e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant
Trinkets exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was
declared, the following shall occur: 

i) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero shall transfer 10% of eir Total Wealth to the Treasury. 

ii) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero and all players with a Total Wealth of zero or less, shall be placed on The List in decreasing order of Total Wealth. If there is a tie for Total Wealth, the Financier shall make the random determination necessary to order the entities on the list. 

iii) A random entity appearing in the first half of The List, shall
transfer 5% of eir total wealth to the active player lowest on The List and both entities shall be removed from The List. 

iv) If there are at least two entities still on The List, one of which is a player and the other of which has positive wealth, then go to step iii. 

f) If the cycle currently ending has exceeded 30 days in length, all
players who have been vacationing for the entire cycle are removed from the game as if they have quit. 

i) The game cycle number is incremented. 

j) All players who are in Gaol are released from Gaol. All players who are
in the Ackanomic Afterlife are relocated to eir homes. 

k) If the game state is such that the single winner of the last cycle would immediately win again upon the resumption of Ackanomic play, a Chartreuse Goose Card is transferred to that player. 

l) All events specified by other rules to occur at the end of the cycle
occur, in the numeric order of the rule that defines the
event [see rules 593, 8-7 and 8-2-4]. 

m) Ackanomic play resumes.

Amend Rule 8-2-4 Commission d'Arts by replacing "points" with "AckaDollars".

Amend Rule 8-5 Winning is Inherently Amusing (or Winning by Palindrome)  by deleting the UNNECESSARY text.

This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after the score changes as
a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.

Amend Rule 8-6 Winning by Agenda by adding an opening square comment
bracket before all of the text currently there and adding a similar close
bracket at the end of the rule's text.

{{[I'm not sure how to do hat weights, but I don't want to get rid of them, this just puts the issue on pause.]}}

Amend Rule 9-5 The Haiku Limit by doing the same bracketing trick as was
done to 8-6.

Amend Rule 10-1-2-1 The Ackanomicon by replacing all the "points" with
"AckaDollars" except the one about sanity points.

Amend Rule 99-9 Serfdom by replacing the "points" with "AckaDollars".