Proposal 4251
Silly Crescen and stupid voters
Dragon Mage
Due: Thu Jul 22 20:14:53 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted
I was young and foolish once, I feel old and foolish now.

Amend rule 12-3-13 (Abstract Crescent) by replacing the following text
delimited by SHEESH
    1. Each player has 3 days to send the referee their play for the given
    round. A player's play is a positive integer congruent to their
    current player number modulo n (where n is the current number of
    players). For example, in an 8 player game, player 6 can make plays of
    6,14,22,30,etc. When Abstract Crescent is played in a duel, numbers
    larger than 20 cannot be chosen.
with the text delimited as SANER
    1. Each player has 3 days to send the referee their play for the
    given round. A player's play is a positive integer congruent to their
    current player number modulo n (where n is the current number of
    players). For example, in an 8 player game, player 6 can make
    plays of 6,14,22,30,etc. The players number must be less than or
    equal to 10 times the total number of players in that instance of
    Abstract Crescent.
   Any currently existing games of Abstract Crescent are declared Moribund
   and ended immediate.

Proposal 4252
Short and Sweet
K 2
Due: Fri Jul 23 03:22:06 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: retracted

This is a Grandiose Proposal.

1. Append the following to the end of the "Effect:" section of Rule
7-16-4 (ASS Song: Ode to Joy) as a separate paragraph:
iv) Players may not perform any operation on points.
[Only while the song is playing]

2. Amend Rule 1-1 (Resolving Conflicts) by deleting the final paragraph
which reads:
If two rules have different base numbers, use the base number to
determine which is lowest. Among rules with the same base number, use
the sub rule numbers to determine which rule has the lowest number,
treating a rule without a sub rule number as if the sub rule number was
[Compare the effect of that paragraph with the one in Rule 2-3:
"An H number is larger than another H number if the first (from left to
right) integer which differs between the two is larger. When a rule Z1
is moved to become rule Z2, all its children Z1-X are moved to Z2-X"]

3.a Amend Rule 1-2-2 (Spelling Bee) by:
i) replacing the text "[sic]" with "(sic)" in section 5.b.e. [no
semantic meaning]
ii) deleting the sentence "This clause takes precedence over any rule
which would require such notation." in section 7.
[The rules don't require any such notation - Rule 6-4-4 states rules
should be annotated with "customary ancillary information", which
customarily does not include the spelling bee.]

3.b {{All Dull Spellbooks are transformed into Shimmering Spellbooks.}}
3.c Amend Rule 1-2-2-1 (Spellbooks) to read in full:
Shimmering Spellbooks exist. They are non-tradeable entities. A player
may not own more than one Shimmering Spellbook, excess books are
destroyed. Players may destroy any Shimmering Spellbooks in their
possession as a public action.

Any player with a Shimmering Spellbook is permitted to initiate a flight
of the Spelling Bee, as in Rule 1-2-2.

Some Offices may include possession of Shimmering Spellbooks among their
privileges; in this case, if ever the holder of such an Office does not
possess a Shimmering Spellbook, one is created in their possession.

4. Replace section e under the heading "The Privileges are:" of Rule
6-4-4 (Rule-Harfer) with:
e) To own a Shimmering Spellbook.

f) It is a privilege of the Rule Harfer to create Shimmering Spellbooks
for players, or to destroy them, as a public action.

5. Amend Rule 1-2-8-2 (Yes Virginia) by:
a) deleting sections V and VII and renumbering section VI to V.
[The deleted section refers to non-entities left over from various
repeals - namely APPs and Skills.]
b) deleting the final paragraph.
[unnecessary and incorrect precedence clause - "This Rule takes
precedence over all Rules numbered 200 or lower."]

6. Amend Rule 1-4 (When Score Changes Take Effect) by:
a) deleting (in section 1.d) the phrase "This section (1), defers
precedence to R2-2.".
[The identical precedence clause at the end of the rule takes care of
b) deleting (in section 4) the phrase "it is the duty of the Scorekeeper
to announce such score changes."
[As far as I can see this requires me to announce that the self deleting
text in P4229 caused EA!P! to lose 8 points and the rule-harfer (IB) and
the scorekeeper (K2) to gain 4 points each - funnily enough that is
exactly what P4229 has already said....]

7. Amend Rule 1-6-1 (Player Names) by:
a) changing the phrase "neither the President" into "the President" in
the third paragraph.

8. Amend Rule 1-6-2 (Proposal and Rule Titles) by deleting the phrase
"(This paragraph takes precedence over Rule 1-6-3.)".
[Funny thing - it already does :-)]

9. Amend Rule 1-6-3 (Entity Names) by deleting the phrase:
If the Rules do not specify any other method for determining its name,
or if the method specified does not give a legal name, that entity shall
be considered nameless until a name is legally assigned to it.
[Latter sections of the same rule have the same effect - cf the second
last paragraph.]

10. Amend Rule 1-8 (Retractions) by deleting the phrase "d) Discoveries
(retracted Discoveries are Debunked)."
[Blueprints, Gadgets and Frankenstein's Monsters have gone - for now

11. Amend Rule 2-1-1 (Fair Voting Practices) by:
a) deleting sub-section B from section I which reads "B. Being part of a
political party that gets a unity vote."
[Political Party? Unity Vote?]
b) deleting section III which reads:
Entities which generate effects based on the way players vote on a
proposal, do so prior to the application of that proposal.
[Section II currently reads:
"If a proposal adds, changes, or repeals rules that generate effects or
cause some entity to generate effects (including but not limited to
score changes) based on the way players vote, then those rules generate
no effects based on the way players vote on that particular proposal.
This section of this rule takes precedence over all other rules which
generate effects based on the way players vote on proposals."

Rule 1-4 section 5 takes precedence over section III in the matter of
"If a Rule describes a score change that would normally come about as
the result of the passage of a Proposal, then that score change is
considered to occur an infinitesimal amount of time before any of the
rule changes or effects listed in that Proposal occur."

The above change just makes the effect of 1-4 extend to things other
than score changes.]

12. Amend Rule 2-2 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are
Reported) by making section I read in full:
All the following scoring changes are applied at the time the Proposal's
tabulated voting results are officially reported, prior to any of the
proposals effects.
[Simpler timeline: Proposal's results reported, Score changes due to
acceptance/rejection, Effect of proposal (including further score

13. Amend Rule 2-2-2 (Literature) by deleting the phrase ", and up to
any player to find another piece of literature that also contains the
quote." from the final paragraph of section I.A.
[Literature quotes need not be unique anymore - this is a hangover from
precious amendments]

14. Amend Rule 2-2-3 (Ackanomic Unity) by replacing section 1 with:
1) The day of Ackanomic Unity shall be the date the proposal was
[A shorter version with the same effect]

15. Amend Rule 2-2-4 (Parades) by:
a) replacing the phrase similar to "The Guest of Honour will also
recieve a puzzle piece of eir choice as long as that piece is not part
of a Winnable Bag." with "The Guest of Honour will receive an additional
10 points."
b) replace the final paragraph [cardboard cut-outs and replicas] with
[cardboard cut-outs alone]:
Any vacationing player will be represented by a cardboard cut-out on
wheels, which will lower the whole tone of the occasion, so any points
they would have received as a result of the Parade will be withheld.

16. Amend Rule 2-2-6 (Let there be Harf!) by replacing the paragraph
starting with (At most one player is "Funky and Stylish" at any one
time;) with the following HLOEL delimited text.
"Funky and Stylish" is a unique title. When a player is designated
"Funky and Stylish", they gain 5 points. Only one player may be
designated "Funky and Stylish" per calendar week.

17. Replace the list of punishments (a-i) in Rule 3-6 (Criminal Justice)

a) a PUBLIC APOLOGY of 1 or more lines by Player X.
b) the TRANSFERENCE of 0 or more entities or characteristics associated
with Player X to either the Treasury or the initiator of the CFCJ.
c) a SENTENCE in the Gaol of 1 or more days for Player X.
d) the REMOVAL of Player X from one or more Institutions to which e
currently belongs.
e) The IMPEACHMENT of Player X from a single specific office which e
currently holds.
f) the EXPULSION of Player X from the game.

18. Amend Rule 4 (Players and Player States) by deleting sub-section b
from section V.
[Acting officer redundancy]

19. Amend Rule 4-1-1 (Mentors) by replacing the phrase:
Any Active player may place emself in the Mentor pool or remove emself
therefrom by notifying the Registrar. This notification may be done
Any Active player may place emself in the Mentor pool or remove emself
therefrom by notifying the Registrar.
[notification of the registrar implies the possibility of private

20. Amend Rule 4 (Far Out) by replacing the phrase:
If the player does not respond within 3 days, their location is changed
to Fairy Land.
If the player fails to perform a game action within 3 days, their
location is changed to Fairy Land.
[respond - game action same thing :-)]

21. Amend Rule 4-4-5-2 (Dishonourable Acts) by:
a) removing the phrase "1 Honour: going to Gaol" from the list of
Uniquely Dishonourable Acts and placing it in the list of Repeatably
Dishonourable Acts.
[Well it is]
b) deleting the phrase "1 honour: Bribing players (not Tammany) on a
[Alas Tammany is no longer with us]

22. Amend Rule 4-5 (A Degree Proves You're Educated) by:
a) replacing "A player may gain the title student" with "A player, who
is not already a student, may gain the title student" in the first
paragraph of section 1.
[multiple studentships prohibited]
b) delete the phrase "pretend to" in the second paragraph of section 1.
[Pretend!!! PRETEND!!!?]

23. Delete sub-section f of section 9 of Rule 4-11 (Boons of the
Ancients) which reads similar to:
f) The Gods are Puzzled. The player recieves an APP of eir choice. This
piece may be part of a Winnable Bag. (1)
[puzzle pieces are non-entities]

24.a Amend Rule 6 (Offices, Commonalities) by deleting the phrase "This
sub-section takes precedence over section (iv) and R6-4." from section
[It does this anyway - rule 6 is lower than rule 6-4]

24.b Amend Rule 6-1 (Acting Officers) by deleting "Evil Math Troll," and
"General Contractor," from section III.
[repealed offices]

25. Amend Rule 6-4-13 (Map-Harfer) by:
a) deleting section 1 which reads:
1) To appoint Assistant Map-Harfers to assist his in the execution of
duties b) and c) above.
[covered by other rules ie 6-2-1]
b) renumbering section 2 to section 1.

26. Amend Rule 6-4-19 (Dungeon Master) by deleting item ii from the list
of privileges.
[Basic player characteristics were repealed]

27. Amend Rule 6-5-1 (President) by deleting its final sentence which
This section has precedence over rule 6.
[Rule 6-1 defers to rule 6-5-1 so there is no need for this - why it
wants to take precedence over rule 6 is a bit of a mystery ;-)]

28. Amend Rule 7-14 (Definition of Otzma Cards) by replacing "R516" with
"the auction".
[Relative references rock :-)]

29 [See P4242]

30. Append "Frinks are entities." to the end of Rule 7-15 (Royal Frinks)

[This should've been done ages ago]

31. Amend Rule 7-16 (Ackanomic Sound System) by:
a) deleting the phrase "This action fails if the entity does not own
sufficient A$, or has no Tokens." from final paragraph of section II.
[This is covered by rule 7-1 - "Entities may not manipulate ownable
entities which they do not own except as explicitly permitted by the
b) deleting the phrase "The act of placing a Token into the banna-shaped
slot of the ASS' control panel destroys that Token." from section IV.
[Covered by section II]
c) replace sub-section of section IV which currently reads:
e) Cost: The amount of A$ which must be placed in the banna-shaped slot
in the ASS' control panel to play this Song. If the Cost is not
specified, it defaults to Infinite; i.e., the Song cannot be purchased
with A$ as described above.
e) Cost: If the Cost is not specified the Song can not be purchased with
{{K 2's Courage is reduced by 10}}

32. Amend Rule 7-17 (Chemicals) by:
a) deleting the paragraph that starts with "Brain Damage (14)".
b) deleting the phrase "Eir Fire Characteristic increases by 1, and "
from the paragraph commencing with "Spontaneous Combustion (1)" and
capitalise the first letter of its final sentence.
[Basic player characteristics and elemental characteristics have all
been repealed]

33. Delete the final sentence in Rule 7-17-1 (Ancientium) which reads
"Ingestion of a nose-sack of Ancientium causes the Ingestor's Wisdom
Characteristic to increase by 1."

34. Amend Rule 8-4 (Winning by Points) by replacing "the Magic Number"
with "their Magic Number" in the final paragraph.

35. Amend Rule 9-1 (Gaol) by:
a) replacing the second paragraph with:
The Gaol has an Evidence Room but its kinda cramped so we don't put
anything in there anymore
b) removing ", or to be Mad Sculptors" from the fourth paragraph.
c) deleting item 8 which reads "8) A player in the Gaol may remove a
Puppet Head.".

36. Amend Rule 10-1-7 (Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication) by
replacing the paragraph that starts with "Wings:" with the following:
Wings: Cost -- 100 A$. Winged players and only winged players, can fly.
Since extra heads ruin a player's aerodynamics, a player may not have
both wings and an extra head.
[There was a CFJ about this - now its official :-)]

37. Amend Rule 10-3 (Buildings) by:
a) in section I, deleting sub-sections iv and v.
b) in section II, replacing "an Attached building" in section iii with
"a building".
c) in section III, delete sub-section iii
[Floating buildings are old harf]

38. Amend Rule 10-6 (We don't need Gravity) by:
a) deleting the phrase ", in the case of a building it shall become
b) deleting the final paragraph.
[Old Harf - but I don't have the courage :-)]
{{K 2's courage is reduced by 1}}

Proposal 4253
Judge Dread
K 2
Due: Fri Jul 23 03:22:16 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: rejected

[The rules still use terminology from when Cortex composition was

Amend Rule 3-4 (Overturning Judgements) Section V to read in full:
Supreme Cortices should make every effort to return verdicts assigned to
them within a reasonable amount of time in order to keep the
game moving along. A Justice may decline a CFJ assigned to them (as part
of a cortex) as a public action.

In addition, if a Cortex has been considering a particular CFJ for more
than 30 days, that Cortex (ie both members) shall automatically
decline that CFJ upon this fact being pointed out publicly by any active

When a Justice declines a CFJ assigned to em, e shall be replaced
according to the usual method for selecting cortex members.

Amend Rule 3-4-1 (Selecting a Cortex) to read in full:
Whenever the Rules call for the Supreme Court to consider a CFJ for the
first time, the Clerk of the Courts shall assign that CFJ to a
Supreme Cortex and select its two members, as outlines below. A Supreme
Cortex exists only for the purpose of judging a single case,
although there may be multiple Cortices with overlapping or identical

When the CotC is required to select one or more players to be part of a
Supreme Cortex (hereafter Cortex) e shall do so based on the
following guidelines:
1) All active members of the Supreme Court, other than those who are
already part of the Cortex, are considered to be in the pool of
2) Any player who has declined the case is removed from the pool
3) Any player who is named as a defendant is removed from the pool
4) Any player who made the case initially is removed from the pool
5) Any player who appealed the case is removed from the pool

If steps 3,4 or 5 would result in fewer than the required number of
players, it is not performed. If the pool does not contain sufficient
players, then the cortex for which the player was required shall consist
of the entire Supreme Court. Otherwise, sufficient players are
selected and removed from the pool, starting with the players who are
judging the least number of cases. Ties are broken randomly.

If the Rules direct the Supreme Court to consider a given CFJ for a
second time, the entire Court shall consider the matter (as opposed to
a single Cortex).

Amend section IV of Rule 6-5-2 (Supreme Court) to read in full:
When a Justice goes on Vacation, for each cortices of which they are a
member, a Justice is selected to replace em in an Acting capacity.
This paragraph takes precedence over Rules that would prevent the same
player being an Officer and an Acting Officer in the same

Proposal 4254
K 2
Due: Fri Jul 23 03:22:27 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted

Create an new rule having the text of this proposal, but excluding this
sentence - ni!.

The Botanical Gardens are a small common location situated next to the
gaol, overlooking the river. It contains a wide variety of rare and
valuable plants, including Ackanomic's entire collection of Shrubbery.

For the purposes of the rules and other works of botanical importance,
the terms Observer and Shrubbery are synonymous.

Proposal 4255
Sweet and Sour
K 2
Due: Sat Jul 24 00:16:54 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: rejected

This is a Grandiose Proposal.

A. Make the following modifications to the rules:

1. Amend Rule 1-1 (Resolving Conflicts) by deleting the final paragraph
which reads:
If two rules have different base numbers, use the base number to
determine which is lowest. Among rules with the same base number, use
the sub rule numbers to determine which rule has the lowest number,
treating a rule without a sub rule number as if the sub rule number was
[Compare the effect of that paragraph with the one in Rule 2-3:
"An H number is larger than another H number if the first (from left to
right) integer which differs between the two is larger. When a rule Z1
is moved to become rule Z2, all its children Z1-X are moved to Z2-X"]

2. Amend Rule 1-2-2 (Spelling Bee) by:
i) replacing the text "[sic]" with "(sic)" in section 5.b.e.
[no semantic meaning]
ii) deleting the sentence "This clause takes precedence over any rule
which would require such notation." in section 7.
[The rules don't require any such notation - Rule 6-4-4 states rules
should be annotated with "customary ancillary information", which
customarily does not include the spelling bee.]

3.a {{All Dull Spellbooks are transformed into Shimmering Spellbooks.}}
3.b Amend Rule 1-2-2-1 (Spellbooks) to read in full:
Shimmering Spellbooks exist. They are non-tradeable entities. A player
may not own more than one Shimmering Spellbook, excess books are
destroyed. Players may destroy any Shimmering Spellbooks in their
possession as a public action.

Any player with a Shimmering Spellbook is permitted to initiate a flight
of the Spelling Bee, as in Rule 1-2-2.

Some Offices may include possession of Shimmering Spellbooks among their
privileges; in this case, if ever the holder of such an Office does not
possess a Shimmering Spellbook, one is created in their possession.

4. Replace section e under the heading "The Privileges are:" of Rule
6-4-4 (Rule-Harfer) with:
e) To own a Shimmering Spellbook.

f) It is a privilege of the Rule Harfer to create Shimmering Spellbooks
for players, or to destroy them, as a public action.

5. Amend Rule 1-2-8-2 (Yes Virginia) by:
a) deleting the final paragraph.
[unnecessary and incorrect precedence clause - "This Rule takes
precedence over all Rules numbered 200 or lower."]

6. Amend Rule 1-4 (When Score Changes Take Effect) by:
a) deleting (in section 1.d) the phrase "This section (1), defers
precedence to R2-2.".
[The identical precedence clause at the end of the rule takes care of
b) deleting (in section 4) the phrase "it is the duty of the Scorekeeper
to announce such score changes."
[As far as I can see this requires me to announce that the self deleting
text in P4229 caused EA!P! to lose 8 points and the rule-harfer (IB) and
the scorekeeper (K2) to gain 4 points each - funnily enough that is
exactly what P4229 has already said....]

7. Amend Rule 1-6-1 (Player Names) by:
a) changing the phrase "neither the President" into "the President" in
the third paragraph.

8. Amend Rule 1-6-2 (Proposal and Rule Titles) by deleting the phrase
"(This paragraph takes precedence over Rule 1-6-3.)".
[Funny thing - it already does :-)]

9. Amend Rule 1-6-3 (Entity Names) by deleting the phrase:
If the Rules do not specify any other method for determining its name,
or if the method specified does not give a legal name, that entity shall
be considered nameless until a name is legally assigned to it.
[Latter sections of the same rule have the same effect - cf the second
last paragraph.]

10. Amend Rule 2-1-1 (Fair Voting Practices) by:
b) deleting section III which reads:
Entities which generate effects based on the way players vote on a
proposal, do so prior to the application of that proposal.
[Section II currently reads:
"If a proposal adds, changes, or repeals rules that generate effects or
cause some entity to generate effects (including but not limited to
score changes) based on the way players vote, then those rules generate
no effects based on the way players vote on that particular proposal.
This section of this rule takes precedence over all other rules which
generate effects based on the way players vote on proposals."

Rule 1-4 section 5 takes precedence over section III in the matter of
"If a Rule describes a score change that would normally come about as
the result of the passage of a Proposal, then that score change is
considered to occur an infinitesimal amount of time before any of the
rule changes or effects listed in that Proposal occur."

The above change just makes the effect of 1-4 extend to things other
than score changes.]

11. Amend Rule 2-2 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are
Reported) by making section I read in full:
All the following scoring changes are applied at the time the Proposal's
tabulated voting results are officially reported, prior to any of the
proposals effects.
[Simpler timeline: Proposal's results reported, Score changes due to
acceptance/rejection, Effect of proposal (including further score

12. Amend Rule 2-2-2 (Literature) by deleting the phrase ", and up to
any player to find another piece of literature that also contains the
quote." from the final paragraph of section I.A.
[Literature quotes need not be unique anymore - this is a hangover from
precious amendments]

13. Amend Rule 2-2-3 (Ackanomic Unity) by replacing section 1 with:
1) The day of Ackanomic Unity shall be the date the proposal was
[A shorter version with the same effect]

14. Amend Rule 2-2-4 (Parades) by:
a) replacing the sentence which starts with "The Guest of Honour will
also" and ends with "a puzzle piece of eir choice as long as that piece
is not part of a Winnable Bag." with "The Guest of Honour will receive
an additional 10 points."
b) replace the final paragraph [cardboard cut-outs and replicas] with
[cardboard cut-outs alone]:
Any vacationing player will be represented by a cardboard cut-out on
wheels, which will lower the whole tone of the occasion, so any points
they would have received as a result of the Parade will be withheld.

15. Amend Rule 2-2-6 (Let there be Harf!) by replacing the paragraph
starting with (At most one player is "Funky and Stylish" at any one
time;) with the following HLOEL delimited text.
"Funky and Stylish" is a unique title. When a player is designated
"Funky and Stylish", they gain 5 points. Only one player may be
designated "Funky and Stylish" per calendar week.

16. Replace the list of punishments (a-i) in Rule 3-6 (Criminal Justice)
a) a PUBLIC APOLOGY of 1 or more lines by Player X.
b) the TRANSFERENCE of 0 or more entities or characteristics associated
with Player X to either the Treasury or the initiator of the CFCJ.
c) a SENTENCE in the Gaol of 1 or more days for Player X.
d) the REMOVAL of Player X from one or more Institutions to which e
currently belongs.
e) The IMPEACHMENT of Player X from a single specific office which e
currently holds.
f) the EXPULSION of Player X from the game.

17. Amend Rule 4 (Players and Player States) by deleting sub-section b
from section V.
[Acting officer redundancy]

18. Amend Rule 4-1-1 (Mentors) by replacing the phrase:
Any Active player may place emself in the Mentor pool or remove emself
therefrom by notifying the Registrar. This notification may be done
Any Active player may place emself in the Mentor pool or remove emself
therefrom by notifying the Registrar.
[notification of the registrar implies the possibility of private

19. Amend Rule 4 (Far Out) by replacing the phrase:
If the player does not respond within 3 days, their location is changed
to Fairy Land.
If the player fails to perform a game action within 3 days, their
location is changed to Fairy Land.
[respond - game action same thing :-)]

20. Amend Rule 4-4-5-2 (Dishonourable Acts) by:
a) removing the phrase "1 Honour: going to Gaol" from the list of
Uniquely Dishonourable Acts and placing it in the list of Repeatably
Dishonourable Acts.
[Well it is]
b) deleting the phrase which starts "1 honour: Bribing players"
[Alas Bribery and Tammany are no longer with us]

21. Amend Rule 4-5 (A Degree Proves You're Educated) by:
a) replacing "A player may gain the title student" with "A player, who
is not already a student, may gain the title student" in the first
paragraph of section 1.
[multiple studentships prohibited]
b) delete the phrase "pretend to" in the second paragraph of section 1.
[Pretend!!! PRETEND!!!?]

22 Amend Rule 6 (Offices, Commonalities) by deleting the phrase "This
sub-section takes precedence over section (iv) and R6-4." from section
[Incorrect and it has appropriate precedence anyway - rule 6 is lower
than rule **6-1**]

23 Amend Rule 6-1 (Acting Officers) by deleting "Evil Math Troll," and
"General Contractor," from section III.
[repealed offices]

24. Amend Rule 6-4-13 (Map-Harfer) by:
a) deleting section 1 which reads:
1) To appoint Assistant Map-Harfers to assist his in the execution of
duties b) and c) above.
[covered by other rules ie 6-2-1]
b) renumbering section 2 to section 1.

25. Amend Rule 6-5-1 (President) by deleting its final sentence which
This section has precedence over rule 6.
[Rule 6-1 defers to rule 6-5-1 so there is no need for this - why it
wants to take precedence over rule 6 is a bit of a mystery ;-)]

26. Amend Rule 7-14 (Definition of Otzma Cards) by replacing "R516" with
"the auction".
[Relative references rock :-)]

27. Append "Frinks are entities." to the end of Rule 7-15 (Royal Frinks)

[This should've been done ages ago]

28. Amend Rule 7-16 (Ackanomic Sound System) by:
a) deleting the phrase "This action fails if the entity does not own
sufficient A$, or has no Tokens." from final paragraph of section II.
[This is covered by rule 7-1 - "Entities may not manipulate ownable
entities which they do not own except as explicitly permitted by the
b) deleting the phrase "The act of placing a Token into the banna-shaped
slot of the ASS' control panel destroys that Token." from section IV.
[Covered by section II]
c) replace sub-section of section IV which currently reads:
e) Cost: The amount of A$ which must be placed in the banna-shaped slot
in the ASS' control panel to play this Song. If the Cost is not
specified, it defaults to Infinite; i.e., the Song cannot be purchased
with A$ as described above.
e) Cost: If the Cost is not specified the Song can not be purchased with

29. Amend Rule 7-17 (Chemicals) by:
a) deleting the paragraph that starts with "Brain Damage (14)".
b) deleting the phrase "Eir Fire Characteristic increases by 1, and
"from the paragraph commencing with "Spontaneous Combustion (1)" and
capitalise the first letter of its final sentence.
[Basic player characteristics and elemental characteristics have all
been repealed]

30. Delete the final sentence in Rule 7-17-1 (Ancientium) which reads
"Ingestion of a nose-sack of Ancientium causes the Ingestor's Wisdom
Characteristic to increase by 1."

31. Amend Rule 8-4 (Winning by Points) by replacing "the Magic Number"
with "their Magic Number" in the final paragraph.

32. Amend Rule 9-1 (Gaol) by:
a) replacing the second paragraph with:
The Gaol has an Evidence Room but its kinda cramped so we don't put
anything in there anymore
b) removing ", or to be Mad Sculptors" from the fourth paragraph.

33. Amend Rule 10-1-7 (Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication) by
replacing the paragraph that starts with "Wings:" with the following:
Wings: Cost -- 100 A$. Winged players and only winged players, can fly.
Since extra heads ruin a player's aerodynamics, a player may not have
both wings and an extra head.
[There was a CFJ about this - now its official :-)]

34. Amend Rule 10-3 (Buildings) by:
a) in section I, deleting sub-sections iv and v.
b) in section II, replacing "an Attached building" in section iii with
"a building".
c) in section III, delete sub-section iii
[Floating buildings are old harf]

35. Amend Rule 10-6 (We don't need Gravity) by:
a) deleting the phrase ", in the case of a building it shall become
b) deleting the final paragraph.
[Old Harf - but I don't have the courage :-)]

B. If Proposal 4246 fails, alter the rules in the following ways:

1. Append the following to the end of the list in the "Effect:" section
of Rule 7-16-4 (ASS Song: Ode to Joy) as new items:
iv) Players may not perform any operation on points.
v) The Happy Number takes a randomly determined positive number less
than The Magic Number each time this song starts to play. The DJ is
responisble for perfoming this determination.
vi) The Sad Number is the The Magic Number minus The Happy Number.
[Only while the song is playing]

Proposal 4256
Everyone line up!
Due: Sat Jul 24 10:49:03 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

Make the following changes to rule 2-3:

1) Remove ", optionally preceded by an H"

2) Remove the letter "H" (the capital only) from the chart in section

3) Amend the last paragraph of section I to read: "

	An H number is larger than another H number if the first (from left to
right) integer which differs between the two is larger; a rule is
always larger than all its ancestors.  When a rule Z1 is moved to
become rule Z2, all its children Z1-X are moved to Z2-X


Proposal 4257
Limiting Actions Per Timeslice
Due: Sat Jul 24 18:47:00 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: rejected
	Create rule 1-2-6-1, "Timeslicing", with the following
	No player may perform the same public action more than once per
day.  Two actions should be considered the same if they are defined by the
same clause in a rule, even if some details are different.  This limit is
known as the Standard Time Limitation (STL).  The following actions are not
bound by the STL: proposing, voting, sending messages, submitting a CFJ,
anything in a subgame, anything required by an office held by the player,
and anything for which another rule places an alternate time limitation.
This rule defers to all other rules.
{{[I think I got most of the important exceptions, but I probably missed a

Proposal 4258
Scam Prevention
Due: Sat Jul 24 23:21:32 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

Repeal rule 17-2-1, "Declaration of War: Agora".

All Declarations of War cease to exist.

Amend Rule 17-2, "A Few of Our Least Favorite Things", by inserting
"voluntarily" before "registered players" in the last paragraph, and
also by replacing "rival nomic" with "any nomic with which Ackanomic
is in a State of War" in that paragraph.

Proposal 4259
Fine then, have it your way.
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Sun Jul 25 15:30:56 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted

{{[well, we didn't want towers.  Then let's repeal em.  Boing!]}}

remove 'and his home has a tower' from 1-2-8-2 (Yes, Virginia)

remove item V and renumber accordingly from the same rule.

in rule 10-2-1 (real estate), remove '(including the cost of any towers)'

in rule 10-3 (buildings), remove '(except for towers)', remove item V.ii.,
and renumber accordingly

in rule 10-4-2 and 10-4-3, replace ', Buildings, and Towers.' with 'and

Proposal 4260
Yeah, like THIS is gonna pass
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Sun Jul 25 18:37:11 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: retracted
Amend rule 2-1 (Voting on proposals) by replacing 'seven days' with 'five

Proposal 4261
All Things Good
K 2
Due: Sun Jul 25 23:17:49 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: accepted

Amend Rule 12-3 (General Equipment) by replacing subsection a in section
III which reads:
a) The Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary (OSPD), as defined by the
URL: telnet://
a) The Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary (OSPD), as defined by the
URL: telnet://

Proposal 4262
Let's clean up the elements
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Mon Jul 26 19:08:00 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected

{{[OK, the way we're doing it right now works, but not very well.  Elements
not very standardized, they are scattered around as children of 14, they're
starting to clutter like chess pieces or otzma cards, and it's hardish to do
something to all of them at once.  I feel they are approaching critical mass,
and I wanted to do a re-org before it was too hard to.  Like else...if said in
a recent research thread: If you like the concept, vote for this.  The
implementation is slightly wonky in a couple of places (Illuminatine and
polictikafavroum) but on the whole this is better than the way we have it and
those two can be fixed further by future props.]}}

repeal the following rules:

14-1 (Ancientium)
14-2 (and the moon is made of...)
14-3 (illuminatine)
14-4 (harfium)
14-6 (mathium)
14-7 (fiendium)
14-8 (polictikafavroum)
14-9 (Nihilipili)
14-10 (Oxygium and Ni!trogium)

Amend rule 7-2-3 (Steel Flea) by inserting between the 5th and 6th paragraphs
the following text:

The only source of Ancientium left in Ackanomic is the unlimited personal
colIection of Phoebe.  If the player posting Phoebe's wisdom includes 
"ANCIENTIUMFORYOU" as the initial letters of successive sentences and the
wisdom is not challenged or the result of the Hearing finds that the wisdom
legitimate then the the player who posted the wisdom receives one nose-sack of

Append to rule 8-7 (Le Grand Fromage) the following text:

Any player may create a nose-sack of Cheesium in eir possession by
destroying a
cheese e owns, provided e would not immediately regain it, as a public action.

Append to rule 6-5-6 (Illuminatus) the following:

Once a week, any player may create a nose-sack of Illuminatine in eir
possession by publicly declaring; "It takes five people to make a conspiracy."
[Nicholas Cage in Snake Eyes, Brian De Palma director] but only if eir
score is

Insert before the antepenultimate paragraph of rule 2-2-6 (Let there be Harf!)
the following text:

A player who is Harfmeister or Funky and Stylish may create a nose-sack of
Harfium in eir possession. If a player does so, e immediately loses that

Append to Rule 99-1 (Evil Math Troll) the following text:

An Evil Math Troll may create a nose-sack of Mathium as a public action. If e
does so, e immediately stops being an Evil Math Troll. Ingesting Mathium
a Bitten player to heal.  Any player who ingests Fiendium becomes an Evil Math

Append to rule 1-6-1 (Player names) the following:

Any player may create a nose sack of Polictikafavroum as a public action. 
However, there may not be more than ten nose sacks of Polictikafavroum
associated with a particular player in existence at any one time.

Amend rule 10-7 (we'd better have pressure) by placing the following text
the second paragraph:

This gas is made up mainly of the common elements Oxygium, Ni!trogium, and
Nihilipili.  All players breathe Oxygium or Ni!trogium.  Players breathe
Oxygium by default.  An Oxygium-breather who has been On Ice for more than a
month may change into a Ni!trogium breather as a public action, provided
that e
has not already done so since e was last On Ice for more than a month.  If a
Ni!trogium breather posts a public message without breathing (ingesting)
Ni!trogium in it, e becomes an Oxygium breather again.  A player may create a
nose-sack of whichever element e breathes, or of Nihilipili as a public
action.  The isotope of Nihilipili that exists in Ackanomic in highly
so all such nose-sacks that are unused are destroyed at the end of the message
which created them.

Create a rule, numbered 14-1, entitled 'Elements and properties' with the
following text:
All Elements are defined by this rule.
All Elements are monomers.   If the word list of an element is not explicitly
stated in this rule, then it is the empty list.

The discovered Elements of Ackanomic are:

Cheesium (word list: transfer)
Harfium (word list: harf, harfy, Harfmeister, Funky and Stylish)
Politikafavroum (word list is the current Ackanomic name of its creator with
and without 's appended to it)
Nihilipili (word list: one, to, the, a, an, or, if, but, is, with, may,
not, be,
in, for, of.)
Oxygium (word list: active)
Ni!trogium (word list: on, ice, icy)

Proposal 4263
Integration Permit More Strategies
Due: Mon Jul 26 21:07:46 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted

Amend Rule 6-5-7 "Son I am able though you scare me / Watch beloved / Watch
me scare you though / Able am I son" by appending the HARFY delimited

In elections for Scaremonger, for each degree a candidate holds in
Harfology the University shall cast an extra vote for em.

Amend Rule 3-1 "Selecting A Judge" by appending the RESPECTEDOPINION
delimited paragraph.

Players not on the CFJ ineligibility list who have a degree in
Jurisprudence shall have twice the chance of being selected for a CFJ.

Amend Rule 17 "Ambassador" by appending the following CIVILSERVICETEST
delimited paragraph.

In elections for Ambassador, for each degree a Nominee holds in Inter Nomic
Relations the University shall cast an extra vote for em.

In Rule 6-5-1 "President" replace the OUTMODED text with the

The Presidency of Ackanomia is an Office with one Seat. The player who
holds that seat is called the President. The President's Term of Office is
8 weeks. The Presidency is filled by an Election for Office. 

The Presidency of Ackanomia is an Office with one Seat. The player who
holds that seat is called the President. The President's Term of Office is
8 weeks. The Presidency is filled by an Election for Office. 

In elections for President, for each degree a Nominee holds the University
shall cast as an extra vote for em.

In Rule 6-4-1 "Speaker" replace the OLD text with the NEW text.

c) Tie Resolution: New Election. 

c) Tie Resolution: New Election. 
d) Each degree a Nominee holds shall cause the University to cast an extra
vote for em.

In Rule 6-5-2 "Supreme Court" replace the PARTLYLUCK text with the

Only those players with Bronze Torches are eligible to be Justices, except
that a player holding a seat in the Office of Justice is always eligible to
hold that seat. A player impeached from the Office of Justice during the
last 90 days, or a player who resigned from the Office of Justice during
the last 30 days, is ineligible for the Office of Justice. 

Only those players who own Bronze Torches and have a degree in Custom,
Jurisprudence, or Legislation are eligible to be Justices, except that a
player holding a seat in the Office of Justice is always eligible to hold
that seat. A player impeached from the Office of Justice during the last 90
days, or a player who resigned from the Office of Justice during the last
30 days, is ineligible for the Office of Justice. 

Proposal 4264
What were spheres for again?
Laa Laa
Due: Thu Jul 29 18:10:56 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted
Ammend rule 2-1-3 (substantially similar proposals) such that its text
is the same as that of rule 2-1-3-1 and then repeal rule 2-1-3-1
(substantially safer proposals)

Proposal 4265
A Suffusion Of Yellow
Due: Fri Jul 30 03:56:21 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected

{{Every currently existing entity other than players are henceforth to be
considered "Rubbed with poo."}}

Create a rule as a descendant of Rule 3-2 titled "Now Things Are Really
Messy" with the following GROSS delimited text.

Any player may point and laugh at any entity which has been "Rubbed with
poo."  It is the Crime Of Poor Poo Discrimination to point and laugh at any
entity which has not been "Rubbed with poo." [All entities created after
the adoption of this rule should be refered to a ECATPE or Entities Created
After The Poo Era.]

If any player abstains on any proposal then they shall be "Rubbed with
poo."  If a player so rubbed votes +100 (or more) on at least 15
consecutive proposals then they are declared Nice & Clean and are no longer
"Rubbed with poo."

Proposal 4266
Help! Help! We're being oppressed!
K 2
Due: Fri Jul 30 09:06:57 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

[The rules still use terminology from when Cortex composition was

Amend Rule 3-4 (Overturning Judgements) Section V to read in full:
Supreme Cortices should make every effort to return verdicts assigned to
them within a reasonable amount of time in order to keep the game moving
along. A Justice may decline a CFJ assigned to them (as part  of a
cortex) as a public action.

In addition, if a Cortex has been considering a particular CFJ for more
than 30 days, that Cortex (ie both members) shall automatically decline
that CFJ upon this fact being pointed out publicly by any active player.

When a Justice declines a CFJ assigned to em, e shall be replaced
according to the usual method for selecting cortex members.

Amend Rule 3-4-1 (Selecting a Cortex) to read in full:
Whenever the Rules call for the Supreme Court to consider a CFJ for the
first time, the Clerk of the Courts shall assign that CFJ to a Supreme
Cortex and select its two members, as outlines below. A Supreme Cortex
exists only for the purpose of judging a single case, although there may
be multiple Cortices with overlapping or identical memberships.

When the CotC is required to select one or more players to be part of a
Supreme Cortex (hereafter Cortex) e shall do so based on the following
1) All active members of the Supreme Court, other than those who are
already part of the Cortex, are considered to be in the pool of
2) Any player who has declined the case is removed from the pool.
3) Any player who is named as a defendant is removed from the pool.
4) Any player who made the case initially is removed from the pool.
5) Any player who appealed the case is removed from the pool.

If steps 3,4 or 5 would result in fewer than the required number of
players, it is not performed. If the pool does not contain sufficient
players, then the cortex for which the player was required shall consist
of the entire Supreme Court. Otherwise, sufficient players are selected
and removed from the pool, starting with the players who are judging the
least number of cases. Ties are broken randomly.

If the Rules direct the Supreme Court to consider a given CFJ for a
second time, the entire Court shall consider the matter (as opposed to a
single Cortex).

Amend section IV of Rule 6-5-2 (Supreme Court) to read in full:
When a Justice goes on Vacation, for each cortices of which they are a
member, a Justice is selected to replace em in an Acting capacity. This
paragraph takes precedence over Rules that would prevent the same player
being an Officer and an Acting Officer in the same Office.

Proposal 4267
Own Goal
K 2
Due: Fri Jul 30 09:14:47 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: rejected

Amend Rule 2-4 (The Blue Cross) by replacing the following text:
Reaching or exceeding BCR 20 makes a player an MBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 60 makes a player an OMBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 180 makes a player a CBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 340 makes a player a KCBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 500 makes a player a GCBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 20 makes a player an MBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 40 makes a player an OMBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 80 makes a player a CBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 160 makes a player a KCBC.
Reaching or exceeding BCR 320 makes a player a GCBC.

{{[In the history of Ackanomic:
Only 16 players have got a BCR of 40+.
Only 8 players have ever got 80+.
Only 3 players have got above 160.
Only 1 player has breached 320.

Is it just me or does anyone else think the goal posts should be moved a
little ?]}}

Proposal 4268
K 2
Due: Fri Jul 30 09:25:01 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected

Repeal Rule 1-1-1 (Gravity, a reprise)
Repeal Rule 2-5 (WITH . . . A HERRING!)
Rule 2-2-6-2 (Silly Phrases)
Repeal Rule 2-1-3-1 (Substantially Safer Proposals)

Amend Rule 2-1-3 (Substantially Similar Proposals) to read in full:
If two proposals currently in the proposal queue are substantially
similar then the later of the two to be submitted shall be deemed
invalid and removed from voting consideration.

{{[If a proposal is substantially similar, it is invalid immediately -
not after three weeks of appeals.]}}

{{Transfer half the points K 2 gained on this proposal to Laa Laa}}

Proposal 4269
PE cleanup
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Fri Jul 30 15:29:07 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted

The Financier gains 6 points.
All players cease to be Workers, Religious, and Warriors, if they have not
All Black Marks are destroyed.
All Jade Grapefruit are destroyed.
All Lyncanthropic players cease to be lyncanthropic.
All Players who have been martyred cease to have been martyred.
All Puzzle Pieces are destroyed.
All Repealed Otzma Cards are destroyed
The True Prophet Ceases to be the True Prophet.
The Indiana Jones Staff is destroyed.
The Puzzler ceases to be the Puzzler.
The word zopzop occurs in this proposal.

Append to rule 7-2-5 the following text:

When a title that was rule-defined is repealed, all players lose that title.

Proposal 4270
hit me baby one more time
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Fri Jul 30 15:29:17 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected
if this proposal was not boring [yeah right], Emperor Ai! Pedrito! loses 5
points and else...if gains 5 points
Convert all chess pieces into A$ equal to eir material value.
Convert all Benefyts into 9 points each.
Repeal 12-8 [Party Chess] and all its descendants.
Repeal 16-3 [Backers]

Proposal 4271
The Most Rejected Proposal
K 2
Due: Sun Aug 1 09:41:17 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: accepted

 This is a Grandiose Proposal.
 A. Make the following modifications to the rules:
 1. Amend Rule 1-1 (Resolving Conflicts) by deleting the final paragraph
 which reads:
 If two rules have different base numbers, use the base number to
 determine which is lowest. Among rules with the same base number, use
 the sub rule numbers to determine which rule has the lowest number,
 treating a rule without a sub rule number as if the sub rule number was
 [Compare the effect of that paragraph with the one in Rule 2-3:
 "An H number is larger than another H number if the first (from left to
 right) integer which differs between the two is larger. When a rule Z1
 is moved to become rule Z2, all its children Z1-X are moved to Z2-X"]
 2. Amend Rule 1-2-2 (Spelling Bee) by:
 i) replacing the text "[sic]" with "(sic)" in section 5.b.e.
 [no semantic meaning]
 ii) deleting the sentence "This clause takes precedence over any rule
 which would require such notation." in section 7.
 [The rules don't require any such notation - Rule 6-4-4 states rules
 should be annotated with "customary ancillary information", which
 customarily does not include the spelling bee.]
 3.a {{All Dull Spellbooks are transformed into Shimmering Spellbooks.}}
 3.b Amend Rule 1-2-2-1 (Spellbooks) to read in full:
 Shimmering Spellbooks exist. They are non-tradeable entities. A player
 may not own more than one Shimmering Spellbook, excess books are
 destroyed. Players may destroy any Shimmering Spellbooks in their
 possession as a public action.
 Any player with a Shimmering Spellbook is permitted to initiate a
 of the Spelling Bee, as in Rule 1-2-2.
 Some Offices may include possession of Shimmering Spellbooks among
 privileges; in this case, if ever the holder of such an Office does not
 possess a Shimmering Spellbook, one is created in their possession.
 4. Replace section e under the heading "The Privileges are:" of Rule
 6-4-4 (Rule-Harfer) with:
 e) To own a Shimmering Spellbook.
 f) It is a privilege of the Rule Harfer to create Shimmering Spellbooks
 for players, or to destroy them, as a public action.
 5. Amend Rule 1-2-8-2 (Yes Virginia) by:
 a) deleting the final paragraph.
 [unnecessary and incorrect precedence clause - "This Rule takes
 precedence over all Rules numbered 200 or lower."]
 6. Amend Rule 1-4 (When Score Changes Take Effect) by:
 a) deleting (in section 1.d) the phrase "This section (1), defers
 precedence to R2-2.".
 [The identical precedence clause at the end of the rule takes care of
 b) deleting (in section 4) the phrase "it is the duty of the
 to announce such score changes."
 [As far as I can see this requires me to announce that the self
 text in P4229 caused EA!P! to lose 8 points and the rule-harfer (IB)
 the scorekeeper (K2) to gain 4 points each - funnily enough that is
 exactly what P4229 has already said....]
 7. Amend Rule 1-6-1 (Player Names) by:
 a) changing the phrase "neither the President" into "the President" in
 the third paragraph.
 8. Amend Rule 1-6-2 (Proposal and Rule Titles) by deleting the phrase
 "(This paragraph takes precedence over Rule 1-6-3.)".
 [Funny thing - it already does :-)]
 9. Amend Rule 1-6-3 (Entity Names) by deleting the phrase:
 If the Rules do not specify any other method for determining its name,
 or if the method specified does not give a legal name, that entity
 be considered nameless until a name is legally assigned to it.
 [Latter sections of the same rule have the same effect - cf the second
 last paragraph.]
 10. Amend Rule 2-1-1 (Fair Voting Practices) by:
 b) deleting section III which reads:
 Entities which generate effects based on the way players vote on a
 proposal, do so prior to the application of that proposal.
 [Section II currently reads:
 "If a proposal adds, changes, or repeals rules that generate effects or
 cause some entity to generate effects (including but not limited to
 score changes) based on the way players vote, then those rules generate
 no effects based on the way players vote on that particular proposal.
 This section of this rule takes precedence over all other rules which
 generate effects based on the way players vote on proposals."
 Rule 1-4 section 5 takes precedence over section III in the matter of
 "If a Rule describes a score change that would normally come about as
 the result of the passage of a Proposal, then that score change is
 considered to occur an infinitesimal amount of time before any of the
 rule changes or effects listed in that Proposal occur."
 The above change just makes the effect of 1-4 extend to things other
 than score changes.]
 11. Amend Rule 2-2 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are
 Reported) by making section I read in full:
 All the following scoring changes are applied at the time the
 tabulated voting results are officially reported, prior to any of the
 proposals effects.
 [Simpler timeline: Proposal's results reported, Score changes due to
 acceptance/rejection, Effect of proposal (including further score
 12. Amend Rule 2-2-2 (Literature) by deleting the phrase ", and up to
 any player to find another piece of literature that also contains the
 quote." from the final paragraph of section I.A.
 [Literature quotes need not be unique anymore - this is a hangover from
 precious amendments]
 13. Amend Rule 2-2-3 (Ackanomic Unity) by replacing section 1 with:
 1) The day of Ackanomic Unity shall be the date the proposal was
 [A shorter version with the same effect]
 14. Amend Rule 2-2-4 (Parades) by:
 a) replacing the sentence which starts with "The Guest of Honour will
 also" and ends with "a puzzle piece of eir choice as long as that piece
 is not part of a Winnable Bag." with "The Guest of Honour will receive
 an additional 10 points."
 b) replace the final paragraph [cardboard cut-outs and replicas] with
 [cardboard cut-outs alone]:
 Any vacationing player will be represented by a cardboard cut-out on
 wheels, which will lower the whole tone of the occasion, so any points
 they would have received as a result of the Parade will be withheld.
 15. Amend Rule 2-2-6 (Let there be Harf!) by replacing the paragraph
 starting with (At most one player is "Funky and Stylish" at any one
 time;) with the following HLOEL delimited text.
 "Funky and Stylish" is a unique title. When a player is designated
 "Funky and Stylish", they gain 5 points. Only one player may be
 designated "Funky and Stylish" per calendar week.
 16. Replace the list of punishments (a-i) in Rule 3-6 (Criminal
 a) a PUBLIC APOLOGY of 1 or more lines by Player X.
 b) the TRANSFERENCE of 0 or more entities or characteristics associated
 with Player X to either the Treasury or the initiator of the CFCJ.
 c) a SENTENCE in the Gaol of 1 or more days for Player X.
 d) the REMOVAL of Player X from one or more Institutions to which e
 currently belongs.
 e) The IMPEACHMENT of Player X from a single specific office which e
 currently holds.
 f) the EXPULSION of Player X from the game.
 17. Amend Rule 4 (Players and Player States) by deleting sub-section b
 from section V.
 [Acting officer redundancy]
 18. Amend Rule 4-1-1 (Mentors) by replacing the phrase:
 Any Active player may place emself in the Mentor pool or remove emself
 therefrom by notifying the Registrar. This notification may be done
 Any Active player may place emself in the Mentor pool or remove emself
 therefrom by notifying the Registrar.
 [notification of the registrar implies the possibility of private
 19. Amend Rule 4 (Far Out) by replacing the phrase:
 If the player does not respond within 3 days, their location is changed
 to Fairy Land.
 If the player fails to perform a game action within 3 days, their
 location is changed to Fairy Land.
 [respond - game action same thing :-)]
 20. Amend Rule 4-4-5-2 (Dishonourable Acts) by:
 a) removing the phrase "1 Honour: going to Gaol" from the list of
 Uniquely Dishonourable Acts and placing it in the list of Repeatably
 Dishonourable Acts.
 [Well it is]
 b) deleting the phrase which starts "1 honour: Bribing players"
 [Alas Bribery and Tammany are no longer with us]
 21. Amend Rule 4-5 (A Degree Proves You're Educated) by:
 a) replacing "A player may gain the title student" with "A player, who
 is not already a student, may gain the title student" in the first
 paragraph of section 1.
 [multiple studentships prohibited]
 b) delete the phrase "pretend to" in the second paragraph of section 1.
 [Pretend!!! PRETEND!!!?]
 22 Amend Rule 6 (Offices, Commonalities) by deleting the phrase "This
 sub-section takes precedence over section (iv) and R6-4." from section
 [Incorrect and it has appropriate precedence anyway - rule 6 is lower
 than rule **6-1**]
 23 Amend Rule 6-1 (Acting Officers) by deleting "Evil Math Troll," and
 "General Contractor," from section III.
 [repealed offices]
 24. Amend Rule 6-4-13 (Map-Harfer) by:
 a) deleting section 1 which reads:
 1) To appoint Assistant Map-Harfers to assist his in the execution of
 duties b) and c) above.
 [covered by other rules ie 6-2-1]
 b) renumbering section 2 to section 1.
 25. Amend Rule 6-5-1 (President) by deleting its final sentence which
 This section has precedence over rule 6.
 [Rule 6-1 defers to rule 6-5-1 so there is no need for this - why it
 wants to take precedence over rule 6 is a bit of a mystery ;-)]
 26. Amend Rule 7-14 (Definition of Otzma Cards) by replacing "R516"
 "the auction".
 [Relative references rock :-)]
 27. Append "Frinks are entities." to the end of Rule 7-15 (Royal
 [This should've been done ages ago]
 28. Amend Rule 7-16 (Ackanomic Sound System) by:
 a) deleting the phrase "This action fails if the entity does not own
 sufficient A$, or has no Tokens." from final paragraph of section II.
 [This is covered by rule 7-1 - "Entities may not manipulate ownable
 entities which they do not own except as explicitly permitted by the
 b) deleting the phrase "The act of placing a Token into the
 slot of the ASS' control panel destroys that Token." from section IV.
 [Covered by section II]
 c) replace sub-section of section IV which currently reads:
 e) Cost: The amount of A$ which must be placed in the banna-shaped slot
 in the ASS' control panel to play this Song. If the Cost is not
 specified, it defaults to Infinite; i.e., the Song cannot be purchased
 with A$ as described above.
 e) Cost: If the Cost is not specified the Song can not be purchased
 29. Amend Rule 7-17 (Chemicals) by:
 a) deleting the paragraph that starts with "Brain Damage (14)".
 b) deleting the phrase "Eir Fire Characteristic increases by 1, and
 "from the paragraph commencing with "Spontaneous Combustion (1)" and
 capitalise the first letter of its final sentence.
 [Basic player characteristics and elemental characteristics have all
 been repealed]
 30. Delete the final sentence in Rule 7-17-1 (Ancientium) which reads
 "Ingestion of a nose-sack of Ancientium causes the Ingestor's Wisdom
 Characteristic to increase by 1."
 31. Amend Rule 8-4 (Winning by Points) by replacing "the Magic Number"
 with "their Magic Number" in the final paragraph.
 32. Amend Rule 9-1 (Gaol) by:
 a) replacing the second paragraph with:
 The Gaol has an Evidence Room but its kinda cramped so we don't put
 anything in there anymore
 b) removing ", or to be Mad Sculptors" from the fourth paragraph.
 33. Amend Rule 10-1-7 (Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication) by
 replacing the paragraph that starts with "Wings:" with the following:
 Wings: Cost -- 100 A$. Winged players and only winged players, can fly.
 Since extra heads ruin a player's aerodynamics, a player may not have
 both wings and an extra head.
 [There was a CFJ about this - now its official :-)]
 34. Amend Rule 10-3 (Buildings) by:
 a) in section I, deleting sub-sections iv and v.
 b) in section II, replacing "an Attached building" in section iii with
 "a building".
 c) in section III, delete sub-section iii
 [Floating buildings are old harf]
 35. Amend Rule 10-6 (We don't need Gravity) by:
 a) deleting the phrase ", in the case of a building it shall become
 b) deleting the final paragraph.
 [Old Harf - but I don't have the courage :-)]
 B. If Proposal 4246 fails, alter the rules in the following ways:
 1. Append the following to the end of the list in the "Effect:" section
 of Rule 7-16-4 (ASS Song: Ode to Joy) as new items:
 iv) Players may not perform any operation on points.
 v) The Happy Number takes a randomly determined positive number less
 than The Magic Number each time this song starts to play. The DJ is
 responisble for perfoming this determination.
 vi) The Sad Number is the The Magic Number minus The Happy Number.
 [Only while the song is playing]

Proposal 4272
cheese tweak
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Sun Aug 1 11:27:30 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: rejected

in rule 8-7 (Le Grand Fromage):

in the gouda (subgames) paragraph, replace 

'or wins three games from the games and contest'


'or wins three different games (not multiple instances of the same game)
from the games and contest rule suite'


Proposal 4273
Tax for stupid people
Due: Sun Aug 1 18:27:10 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: rejected
Declared Harfy: by emperor ai! pedrito! at mon, 26 jul 1999 19:16:25 -0400 (edt)
	Create a new rule 2-6, "The Betting Pool", with the following
BORINGDELIMITER delimited text
	Each player who is not in debt may bet between 0 and 100 mannna
either for or against each proposal by notifying the Tabulator.  When a
proposal is accepted, each player who bet for it is a winner, and each who
bet against it is a loser; when a proposal is rejected, each player who bet
against it is a winner, and each who be for it is a loser.  Whenever a
proposal is either accepted or rejected, the losers all pay the amount of
mannna they bet into the Pot.  Each winner receives (amount that player
bet)/(total of all winning bets)*(amount in pot) mannna, rounded down.  All
excess mannna is left in the Pot.
	The Pot is a named entity which may only own mannna.  The Tabulator
may open or close the betting halls as a public action.  When the betting
halls are closed the preceding paragraph has no effect; this sentence takes
precedence over the preceding paragraph.
{{The betting halls are closed}}

Proposal 4274
Tweak and Frob
Due: Sun Aug 1 18:42:47 1999
Sphere: All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
Status: rejected
	{{[There are too many proposals which do nothing more than tweak a
line or two as a minor fix.  These are a waste of time and points.  CSRs
were supposed to do these, but that's not working.]}}
	Rename rule 6-4-11-1 to "Mutations" and give it the following FROB
delimited text
	Any player may attempt a Mutations as a public action.  A Mutations
is any change to the rules, the Ackanomic Lexicon, the Literature List, or
the Postal Code.  If, during the next three days, any two players object to
it as a public action, it is rejected, otherwise it is accepted and the
rule change is made.  If the Mutations changes the rules than the objection
of the Rule-Harfer alone is enough to reject it.  Similar powers are
posessed by the Spelling Exchequer if the Tweak changes the Literature
List, the Postmaster for the Postal Code, and the Poet Laureate for the
Literature List.

	In rule 1-2-1, replace the first two sentences of the last
paragraph with "The Ackanomic Lexicon may only be modified by Proposals or
	Remove the last sentence of rule 2-2-2.
	Remove section d of rule 6-4-4 and reletter accordingly.
	In rules 6-4-12 and 10-5, remove all sentences containing the
acronym "CSR".

Proposal 4275
Some speed, perhaps?
Due: Mon Aug 2 19:11:52 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: rejected

{{[Expecting the cortex to agree on reasoning is time consuming; this
changes it so that the justices need only agree on the verdict.]}}

Amend the rule 3-4, sections II and III to read:


	II. How the Supreme Court judges a CFJ

The Supreme Court shall then decide the case, and should return its
verdict within one week. If this is the first time the Supreme Court
has considered that CFJ, the unanimous decision of the owners of the
Supreme Cortex that was assigned the CFJ shall be the verdict of the
Court. If the Supreme Court has already returned a verdict on the CFJ
in question, and this verdict was appealed, the Supreme Court's verdict
shall be the unanimous decision of all active Justices (returned within
one week of the full Court receiving the CFJ) or the decision of a 2/3
supermajority of the active Justices (if the Court does not reach a
unanimous decision within one week).

	Each Justice in a case should send reasoning and a verdict, optionally
along with a penalty, to the CotC.  If a sufficient number have the
same verdict then the CotC should publicly announce the result along
with all of the reasonings as per a normal case.  Note that the Cortex
or Court need not, and encouraged not to, reach internal agreement on
the reasoning.

	III. Effects upon a judgement of an appeal by the Supreme Court

If the court agrees with the previous verdict, the player who lodged
the appeal shall be fined between 0 and 25 points for a frivolous
appeal, with the penalty to be 25 points unless the Justices specify
otherwise by the same margin neccessary to decide the case.

	If the court disagrees with the previous verdict, then the verdict
shall be overturned to the new verdict, and all players who decided the
previous verdict [i.e. judge, or justice on a Cortex] shall be fined
between 0 and 10 points, the penalty to be 1 unless the Justices
specify otherwise.

	Further, if the judgement (A) under appeal included a penalty for a

frivolous appeal or a judgement overturn, and judgement A is itself
overturned, then points shall be awarded to the parties penalised by
judgement (A) as described above, to exactly balance the points lost
from that judgement.


Proposal 4276
Damn Traitors!
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Mon Aug 2 19:20:14 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: retracted

/dev/joe, Laa Laa, Blest Lax Monk Pal, A German Dog, Alfvaen, Studge, Sir
Galahad, ThinMan, and King Felix [voted to accept 4258] are Traitors.

All votes on proposals in the queue of Traitors are destroyed.
All Traitors are placed in gaol for 12 days.

Proposal 4277
I object to the label of Traitor
Sir Galahad
Due: Mon Aug 2 19:54:45 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted
 {{[ Ackanomic could use some teeth.  
     Currently, the only action taken against rival nomics
     is to throw their players in Gaol.
     This is not only useless, but backwards.
     In the words of K 2, "There isn't anyone in gaol :-) 
     If they were I think they would get pardoned pretty quick."
     This proposal enumerates methods whereby Ackanomic
     may infiltrate and harfiate a rival nomic.
     Nothing is required of anybody until they volunteer, 
     but volunteers have an effective means 
     to manipulate the enemy nomic through its very essence.
     Proposal 4258 temporarily removed the possibility
     that Agora could throw us all in our own Gaol,
     and caused a minor uproar.
     This proposal removes the threat entirely,
     and allows us to reinstate the Declaration of War.
     Let us not be unprepared for Agora's attack!
 Delete the last paragraph of rule 17-2, 
 "A Few of Our Least Favorite Things".
 [Currently reads:
 "While Ackanomic is in a State of War, 
 all players who are voluntarily registered players of 
 the any nomic with which Ackanomic
 is in a State of War shall be placed in Gaol. 
 They may only be released by Presidential Pardon 
 or the repeal of the Declaration of War. 
 This rule takes such precedance as may be required 
 for this paragraph to do as it claims."
 Create a new rule, numbered 17-2-1, named "Sharing the Harf",
 with the following tWNo7OvKh2Wa0V0oZFlR6A-delimited text.
 While Ackanomic is in a State of War with a nomic, 
 herein called the rival nomic, active players of Ackanomic 
 should attempt to humiliate, incorporate, or harfiate the rival nomic.
 To accomplish this, they are encouraged to join the rival nomic
 and throw zopzop into the rival nomic's ruleset.
 Any active player of Ackanomic may call a Pep Rally
 on a Strike Action to be taken in the rival nomic.
 A Pep Rally is a Hearing, with valid responses of 
 "This will humiliate the rascals!" and 
 "The implications and probable resolution of the stated strategy 
 are utterly inadequate for rendering the opposition 
 incapacitated with excessive joviality."
 The player who called the Pep Rally is the Hearing Harfer 
 and may be called the Strategist while the Pep Rally is in session.
 If the verdict of a Pep Rally is "This will humiliate the rascals!"
 then each active player able to perform the Strike Action 
 in the rival nomic for three days, must do so within those three days.
 Failure to comply with this paragraph is the Crime of Treason,
 with a minimum sentence of three days in Gaol
 and a thirty-line Public Apology.
 If the verdict of a Pep Rally is not "This will humiliate the rascals!"
 then the Strategist shall be fined the Standard Harfer Fee
 for disrupting the peace.
 Create a new rule, numbered 17-2-2, named "The Dawning of the Age",
 with the following 01J6ILKZM3W08WX038-delimited text.
 When a Declaration of War ceases to exist, 
 1)  the President may award one Purple Heart to each player
     who has significantly contributed to the harf of the rival nomic,
     in the judgement of the President; and
 2)  an Ackanomic Parade shall be held, 
     with the author of the proposal or other action
     repealing the Declaration of War as the Guest of Honour.
 Purple Hearts are Medals, and are created or destroyed as necessary
 by the Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division.
 Add the following Bd1PvSAb9t2WFSI5aA-delimited text to rule 4-4-5-1, 
 "Honourable Acts", under the line "Repeatably Honourable Acts:".
 2 honour : Receiving a Purple Heart.

Proposal 4278
Box of Hammers
King Felix
Due: Tue Aug 3 07:04:11 1999
Sphere: Wombles of Wibbledon
Status: accepted
Emperor Ai! Pedrito! is an idiot. E is placed in gaol for one picosecond.

Proposal 4279
Who wants to be Justice?
K 2
Due: Tue Aug 3 09:27:43 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: rejected

Amend Rule 6-5-2 (Supreme Court) by replacing the INELIGIBLE with the

Only those players who own Bronze Torches and have a degree in Custom,
Jurisprudence, or Legislation are eligible to be Justices, except that a
player holding a seat in the Office of Justice is always eligible to
hold that seat. A player impeached from the Office of Justice during the
last 90 days, or a player who resigned from the Office of Justice during
the last 30 days, is ineligible for the Office of Justice. 

Only those players who own Bronze Torches or have an MA or higher in
Custom, Jurisprudence or Legislation are eligible to be Justices, except
that a player holding a seat in the Office of Justice is always eligible
to hold that seat. A player impeached from the Office of Justice during
the last 90 days, or a player who resigned from the Office of Justice
during the last 30 days, is ineligible for the Office of Justice. 

Proposal 4280
Since it happens every time
Due: Wed Aug 4 11:55:37 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: accepted
Append to section d of rule 6-2 (this is the section on elections to
offices) the following text:"
	During the first day of an election, a nominee may publicly
withdraw and name another nominee for the same office who has not
withdrawn; if the nominee does not specify such a nominee then the attempt
to withdraw fails.  When Count Tabula counts the votes for this election,
all votes for the withdrawn nominee will instead be counted as if they were
cast for the player the whithdrawn nominee named.

Proposal 4281
If we're going to declare war, we might as well win
Due: Wed Aug 4 13:42:17 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted
	Create rule 17-2-1, "The Presidential Councils" with the following
KILL delimited text
	A Presidential Council is a body of 5 voting players.  One of them
is always the President, and the other four are appointed by the President.
It is a privilage of the President remove any member of a Presidential
Council (other than emself) and to appoint and voting player to fill a
vacancy on a Presidential Council which has fewer than 5 members.
	There is at all times a Presidential Council known as the
Presidential Defense Council.  The PDC should determine ways to defend
Ackanomic from invasion.  Whenever Ackanomic is at war with a nomic named
<name>, there is a Presidential Council known as the <name> Attack Council.
This Council should determine the specific goals of the war effort (if they
are not specified elsewhere), and how best to implement them.  The
President is encouraged to fill Attack Councils with a combination of
trustworthy Ackans familar with the rules of that nomic and rabidly
anti-<name> Ackans who want to stop at nothing short of annihilation.

Proposal 4282
The Best Offense is a Good Defense
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Fri Aug 6 12:32:09 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: retracted

{{[OK.  So what can one nomic do to another nomic when there are no
enormous holes in the rules?  Just about the only thing is to join the
nomic and overwhelm the loyal players with votes.  I was perusing the
Agoran ruleset, and they have protection somewhat akin to this.  Seems

Create rule 17-2-2, "Wartime Crisis", with the following text:

To protect Ackanomic from attack by hostile nomics, any player who fears an
influx of new players or an invading army can declare a Wartime Crisis on
any proposal due more than 3 days from the declaration as a public action.
This causes the proposal to become Protected.   

{{[I considered limiting it to once a week, but that would have defeated
the purpose.  If 4 or 5 hostile players join and each proposes 5
non-similar game-breakers, we want to be able to thwart all of them]}}

Also as a public action, any Justice, the Speaker, or the President, may
deny the validity of a declaration of Wartime Crisis.  If such a denial
occurs, the player who declared the Wartime Crisis loses 20 points, 100
mannna, is fined A$300, and is placed in gaol for 3 days, and the proposal
is no longer Protected. 

{{[Let's not have frivolous declarations.]}}

When a Protected proposal comes due, all newbies are considered to have
abstained.  This rule takes precedence over all descendents of rule 2 with
which it conflicts.

Proposal 4283
The Best Offense is a Good Defense
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Fri Aug 6 12:36:11 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted

{{[OK.  So what can one nomic do to another nomic when there are no
enormous holes in the rules?  Just about the only thing is to join the
nomic and overwhelm the loyal players with votes.  I was perusing the
Agoran ruleset, and they have protection somewhat akin to this.  Seems

Create rule 17-2-2, "Wartime Crisis", with the following BOING-delimited text:

To protect Ackanomic from attack by hostile nomics, any player who fears an
influx of new players or an invading army can declare a Wartime Crisis on
any proposal due more than 3 days from the declaration as a public action.
This causes the proposal to become Protected.   

{{[I considered limiting it to once a week, but that would have defeated
the purpose.  If 4 or 5 hostile players join and each proposes 5
non-similar game-breakers, we want to be able to thwart all of them]}}

Also as a public action, any Justice, the Speaker, or the President, may
deny the validity of a declaration of Wartime Crisis.  If such a denial
occurs, the player who declared the Wartime Crisis loses 20 points, 100
mannna, is fined A$300, and is placed in gaol for 3 days, and the proposal
is no longer Protected. 

{{[Let's not have frivolous declarations.]}}

When a Protected proposal comes due, all newbies are considered to have
abstained.  This rule takes precedence over all descendents of rule 2 with
which it conflicts.

Proposal 4284
hopefully you'll see reason eventually
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Fri Aug 6 16:34:35 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted
Convert all chess pieces into A$ equal to eir material value.
Convert all Benefyts into 9 points each.
Repeal 12-8 [Party Chess] and all its descendants.
Repeal 16-3 [Backers]

Proposal 4285
Tweak and Frob
Due: Sun Aug 8 18:59:06 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: rejected
	{{[There are too many proposals which do nothing more than tweak a
line or two as a minor fix.  These are a waste of time and points.  CSRs
were supposed to do these, but that's not working.]}}
	Rename rule 6-4-11-1 to "Mutations" and give it the following FROB
delimited text
	Any player may attempt a Mutations as a public action.  A Mutations
is any change to the rules, the Ackanomic Lexicon, the Literature List, or
the Postal Code.  If, during the next three days, any two players object to
it as a public action, it is rejected, otherwise it is accepted and the
rule change is made.  If the Mutations changes the rules than the objection
of the Rule-Harfer alone is enough to reject it.  Similar powers are
posessed by the Spelling Exchequer if the Tweak changes the Literature
List, the Postmaster for the Postal Code, and the Poet Laureate for the
Literature List.

	In rule 1-2-1, replace the first two sentences of the last
paragraph with "The Ackanomic Lexicon may only be modified by Proposals or
	Remove the last sentence of rule 2-2-2.
	Remove section d of rule 6-4-4 and reletter accordingly.
	In rules 6-4-12 and 10-5, remove all sentences containing the
acronym "CSR".

Proposal 4286
Letterbox 4286
Due: Sun Aug 8 19:22:24 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: accepted

	In rule 3-4-1, replace "If the pool does not contain sufficient
players, then the cortex for which the player was required shall
consist of the entire Supreme Court." with "If the pool does not
contain sufficient players than the Clerk of the Courts may appoint
enough players to the Supreme Court as Emergency Justices to judge that
CFJ only; the Clerk may not appoint the initiator, the defendant, or a
player who has declined that CFJ; e is encouraged to nominate players
with bronze torches, players with degrees in Jurisprudence or
Legislation, and players who have judged a large number of CFJs; it is
a power of the President to veto any such appointment."

	{{[Yes, it gives power to the CotC.  Our current CotC, however, is an
epitome of virtue who would never abuse this power.  Historically,
harfers have respected the privaleges of their offices and not abused

Proposal 4287
hmmm, that's a bit wonky...
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Mon Aug 9 17:14:43 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: retracted

In rule 1-2-8-2 (Yes Virginia):
alter item IV in the following ways:

append to sentence 3:
'unless e already has it'

replace 'but did not receive them' with '(possibly including the player who
owned it) but did not receive it'

replace 'Yellow Goose Card but did not receive it' with 'Yellow Goose Card
but did not receive one'

Proposal 4288
hmmm, that's a bit wonky...
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Mon Aug 9 17:16:46 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted


In rule 1-2-8-2 (Yes Virginia):
alter item IV in the following ways:

append to sentence 3:
'unless e already has it'

replace 'but did not receive them' with '(possibly including the player who
owned it) but did not receive it'

replace 'Yellow Goose Card but did not receive it' with 'Yellow Goose Card
but did not receive one'

Proposal 4289
Breathing Lead
Due: Mon Aug 9 18:43:30 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: Automatically retracted by Rule 2

	This is a modest proposal.

	In rule 14-10, replace "If a player ever owns a nose-sack of an
element e does not breathe, it vanishes in a vile-smelling puff of
smoke" with "If a player ever owns a nose-sack of either Oxygium or
Ni!trogium and does not breath that element, it vanishes in a
vile-smelling puff of smoke"

Proposal 4290
Dungeon Master Tweak
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Tue Aug 10 11:51:27 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted


Amend Rule 6-4-19 (Dungeon Master) by removing item iii (currently reads:
'(iii) to assign players to Castes and track the membership of each of the
Castes [See rule 11-2]. ' [Castes were repealed long ago]

Amend Rule 6-5-8 (Herald) by removing duty 1 (tracking honour) and

[this will make it so that the DM tracks Honour.  Herald is, or should be,
an office with nominal duties; all offices with an actual term except
President are largely nominal.  (As DM, let me assure you, I have little
enough to do that this is a welcome addition.)]

Proposal 4291
We want the funk -- we gotta have that funk
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Due: Tue Aug 10 11:51:38 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: retracted

The following players are granted the title zopzop:

404 Not Found
Burn the Witch
Emperor Ai! Pedrito!
Niccolo Flychuck

All rules numbered 10 or higher are repealed, except rule 99.
All Otzma cards Skeleton Key are destroyed, and the rule that defines them
is repealed.
All proposals by zopzops in the queue are retracted.
All votes by zopzops on proposals in the queue are destroyed.
Each zopzop gains 2 harf and loses 3 Honour.
Each zopzop is given A$300 by the treasury.
Each zopzop is given a black goose card.
All zopzops are placed in gaol with a sentence of 15 years.

Append to rule 1 the following:

'the player legally able to take the name "and"  may alter the rules or the
game state as a public action.'

Proposal 4292
Elemental Fixation
A German Dog
Due: Tue Aug 10 12:17:53 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: accepted
Amend rule 14-10 (Oxygium and Ni!trogium) in the following ways:
a) Replace the phrase "All players breathe Oxygium or Ni!trogium."
   with "Oxygium and Ni!trogium are breathable elements.   All players
   breath exactly one breathable element."
b) Replace the text "A player may create a nose-sack of whichever of these
   elements e breathes as a public action.  If a player ever owns a
   nose-sack of an element e does not breathe" with "A player may create
   a nose-sack of whichever element e breathes as a public action.  If
   a player ever owns a nose-sack of a breathable element which e does
   not breath"

   This prevents all nose-sacks of everything except Oxygium (currently)
   from being immediately destroyed, and sets up the framework so that
   more breathable elements could be added later in an easy fashion.

Proposal 4293
Annoying Obeyance
K 2
Due: Tue Aug 10 14:47:22 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted
Repeal Rule 2-5 (WITH . . . A HERRING!)
Repeal Rule 2-2-6-2 (Silly Phrases)

Proposal 4294
Feet. Rug. Pull.
Due: Wed Aug 11 03:37:46 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

Amend Rule 7-14 as follows:

Delete subsection 3 of section I.
[This removes the optional office of RuneMaker from existence.]

Delete section III.
[This removes the notion of Otzma Days, irrelevant when there is no

Rename section IV as section III.
Rename section V as section IV.

Proposal 4295
An Alternative To Democracy
Due: Wed Aug 11 13:35:59 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: rejected
Declared Harfy: at Thu Aug 5 02:35:06 1999 by Emperor Ai! Pedrito!

[It has come to my attention that no other player seems to send in
"obvious" win attempts or emperor attempts that rely on nothing more than
the rampant discordianism of Acka.  Therefore, I decided to sacrifice my
proposal record and score to regularly offer Acka what it so desperately
needs: A Discordian Alternative to the perfidy of Tyrannical Democracy.]

Amend Rule 1 by appending to the bottom the following EMPEROR delimited text.
The player able to take the name of Studge is able to amend, repeal, and/or
create rules, and otherwise modify the ruleset and gamestate as a public

Proposal 4296
Easier, Simpler, Better for the liver
Due: Wed Aug 11 15:33:56 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: retracted

	{{[Here's what this does:

	Reorganizes the 2's (Proposals) so that rule 2 defines general
proposal stuff, 2-1 and its children define voting, 2-2 and its
children contain all instructions regarding proposal results and

	Splits the mannna rule to mimic points

	Moves Blue Cross and Rule Numbers into more appropriate places (with
awards and the 1's, respectively)

	Removes rule suites (which are no longer relevant thanks to
hierarchical rule numbering) and all rule suite references in the


	Move rule 2 to rule 20.

	Create rule 2, "Proposals" and move the first and last paragraphs of
rule 20 to it and then the text of 20-1-3, in that order.

	Create rule 2-1, "Voting" and move the first paragraph of rule 20 to
it, then the last two paragraphs of 20-1, then the rest of 20-1 except
for the last paragraph.

	Move rule 20-1-1 to 2-1-1.

	Create rule 2-2, "Results". Move the rest of 20-1 to it, and then the
rest of 20.

	Move rule 20-2 to 2-2-1.

	Create rule 2-2-2, "Mannna Results" move everything in rule 20-1-2
except for the first two and the last paragraph.

	Make all children of 2-2-1 children of 2-2 instead.

	Make 20-1-4 a child of rule 2-2.

	Make rule 20-5, if it exists, a child of rule 2.

	Move rule 7-4 to 7-4-1 and move 20-1-2 to 7-4-2.

	Move 20-4 to 4-10-1.

	Move 20-3 to 1-10 and rename it "Rule Numbers"

	Repeal rule 20 and all its descendants.

	Remove all sentences from the following rules containing the word
"suite": 4-8, 4-11, 6-4-11-1, and 12-8.

	In 7-14 remove the first sentence and ", and belong to the Otzma Card
Rule Suite"

	In 7-14-1 replace "4. This rule takes precedence over all other rules
in the Otzma Card Rule Suite except rule 7-14-2 to which it defers
precedence." with "4. This rule takes precedence over all other
descendants of rule 7-14 except for rule 7-14-2, to which it defers

	In 12-8-2 replace "parts of the Party Chess Suite" with "descendants
of rule 12-8"

Proposal 4297
An Alternative to Tyranny
Eggplant Tempura
Due: Thu Aug 12 01:53:46 1999
Sphere: Tocpe
Status: accepted
Declared Harfy: at Thu Aug 5 02:35:06 1999 by Emperor Ai! Pedrito!

[It has come to my attention that no other player than Studge seems to
send in "obvious" win attempts or emperor attempts that rely on nothing
more than the rampant discordianism of Acka.  Therefore, I decided to
sacrifice my proposal record -- and Studge -- to regularly offer Acka what
it so desperately needs: a punching bag. ]

Amend Rule 1 by appending to the bottom the following EMPEROR delimited text.
Any player may amend, repeal, and/or create rules, and otherwise modify
the ruleset and gamestate as a public action, inasmuch as the effects
of such alteration affect no entity other than the player legally able to
assume the name Studge, and furthermore the alteration has a negative
effect on said player.

[ Let's face it, the other's been done. ]

Proposal 4298
So I'm petty?
Pregnant Hippo
Due: Thu Aug 12 17:47:12 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted

In rule 2-3 replace:

"When a rule Z1 is moved to become rule Z2, all its children Z1-X are
moved to Z2-X "


"When a rule Z1 is renumbered to become rule Z2, all its children Z1-X
are renumbered to Z2-X "

Proposal 4299
Easier, Simpler, Better for the liver
Due: Thu Aug 12 18:17:27 1999
Sphere: Hypnotist of Ladies
Status: accepted
	{{[Here's what this does:
	Reorganizes the 2's (Proposals) so that rule 2 defines general proposal
stuff, 2-1 and its children define voting, 2-2 and its children contain all
instructions regarding proposal results and effects.
	Splits the mannna rule to mimic points
	Moves Blue Cross and Rule Numbers into more appropriate places (with awards
and the 1's, respectively)
	Removes rule suites (which are no longer relevant thanks to hierarchical rule
numbering) and all rule suite references in the rules.
	For the purposes of this proposal, the term renumber shall be synonomous with
the term move as defined in rule 2-3, 20-3, or 1-10, depending on where in
this proposal you may be.
	Renumber rule 2 to rule 20.
	Create rule 2, "Proposals" and move the first and last paragraphs of rule 20
to it and then the text of 20-1-3, in that order.
	Create rule 2-1, "Voting" and move the first paragraph of rule 20 to it, then
the last two paragraphs of 20-1, then the rest of 20-1 except for the last
	Renumber rule 20-1-1 to 2-1-1.
	Create rule 2-2, "Results". Move the rest of 20-1 to it, and then the rest of
	Renumber rule 20-2 to 2-2-1.
	Create rule 2-2-2, "Mannna Results" move everything in rule 20-1-2 except for
the first two and the last paragraph.
	Make all children of 2-2-1 children of 2-2 instead.
	Make 20-1-4 a child of rule 2-2.
	Make rule 20-5, if it exists, a child of rule 2.
	Renumber rule 7-4 to 7-4-1 and move 20-1-2 to 7-4-2.
	Renumber 20-4 to 4-10-1.
	Renumber 20-3 to 1-10 and rename it "Rule Numbers"
	Repeal rule 20 and all its descendants.
	Remove all sentences containing the word "suite" from the following rules:
4-8, 4-11, 6-4-11-1, and 12-8.
	In 7-14 remove the first sentence and ", and belong to the Otzma Card Rule
	In 7-14-1 replace "4. This rule takes precedence over all other rules in the
Otzma Card Rule Suite except rule 7-14-2 to which it defers precedence." with
"4. This rule takes precedence over all other descendants of rule 7-14 except
for rule 7-14-2, to which it defers precedence."
	In 12-8-2 replace "parts of the Party Chess Suite" with "descendants of rule

Proposal 4300
Clearing up again
Pregnant Hippo
Due: Mon Aug 16 18:56:53 1999
Sphere: Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
Status: accepted

{[[All this proposal does is delete several references to party chess.
Nothing interesting]}}

From rule 8-7 (Le Grand Fromage) delete the text:

", wins a game of party chess"

Ammend rule 7-4-1 (convertible economics) to read:

The following are Conversions are permissible. 

Unless otherwise specified, the result of the conversion is in the
possession of the Player performing the Conversion. 

Time Limited Conversions: 
The following listed conversion may only be performed if a Conversion
from this list has not been performed by the Operating Player within the
prior 14 days. 

i) The Conversion of 15 points into an Otzma Card randomly selected from
those types with an F-Designation of Normal or Common. 
ii) The Conversion of 20 points into an Otzma Card of a randomly
determined type. 

Almost-Unlimited Conversions: 

The Conversions listed here may be performed up to 100 times each per
day per player, as long as each individual Conversion is legal. 

i) The Conversion of 1 points into 2 Ackadollars. 
ii) The Conversion of 2 point into 1 Mannna. 
iii) The Conversion of 10 Ackadollar into 1 Mannna. 
iv) The Conversion of 1 Mannna into 2 Ackadollar.

{{[removes references to party chess pieces and benefyts]}}

Repeal rules 7-14-7 (Otzma Card of Type Tactical Retreat), 7-16-1 (ASS
Song: Chess Piece Face), and 7-14-8 (Otzma Card of Type Paratroop).

[The only othe reference too chess in the rules that I could find is in
the common sense report rule, and whilst I considered fixing that, I
think the whole rule could do with a server overhaul, so I will leave it
for another time]