This is a Modest Proposal. Repeal Rule 1205 (Game Misconduct)
I. Create a new rule as part of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite (rule 1240) with the title "Otzma Card of type Automatic Painting" consisting of the following AMSRWDWHTRT delimited text: AMSRWDWHTRT An Automatic Painting is an unframed piece of blank canvas - its rather depressing to look at, having only a single feature of interest, a rather handy brush someone has attached to it by means of a length of stout chain. Needless to say the brush is magic, unfortunately it is also chronically {{[chromically ;)]}} unimaginative. Automatic Paintings are always in one of two states, inspired and uninspired. They are created in the uninspired state. When a player other than the player who buried an uninspired Automatic Painting finds the treasure containing it, it becomes inspired. An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When it is played one of the following shall occur depending on its state: i) If it was in the inspired state when it was played the magic brush will flash into action painting the card into a fascinating (though perhaps offensively avant-garde) abstract painting. A random player is selected to publicly describe the masterpiece; if a description has not been made public within three days of their selection it defaults to "It is X." where X is one of the colours defined in Rule 1155, chosen at random, or green if no such colours exist. When a description has been arrived at according to the previous paragraph, a trinket with that description, worth A$123, and the name "Painting X" where X is replaced by the least prime number that would result in a unique name. ii) If the card was in the uninspired state when it was played it shall explode in a cloud of murrey smoke. Cards of this type have an F-designation of Rare. AMSRWDWHTRT II. If the following DIRTYMONEY delimited text appears in Rule 429 (Treasure-Harfer) replace it with the following PAYDIRT delimited text, otherwise insert the PAYDIRT delimited text at the start of the last paragraph in that rule. No text is actually delimited within this paragraph. DIRTYMONEY Instead of the normal salary for a Functional Officer, the Treasure-Harfer shall receive an Automatic Sculpture every month. DIRTYMONEY PAYDIRT Instead of the normal salary for a Functional Officer, the Treasure-Harfer shall receive an Automatic Painting Otzma Card every month. PAYDIRT III. Remove the following text from Rule 1270 (Puzzle Pieces): " and an Automatic Sculpture " and insert the following text after the first occurrence of "A$250" in that rule: " and an Automatic Painting "
This is a Modest proposal. {{[There's a glut at the moment thanks to the scam and general under use]}} {{All Otzma Cards are destroyed}}
Amend rule 406 (Promotor) to delete the following FROBTWEAK delimited text. FROBTWEAK The Privileges of the Promoter are: a) To frob or tweak the proposal queue, as a public action. The proposal queue remains in whichever state (frobbed or tweaked) it was last set to. b) To ignore any proposal submission by a player who already has three or more proposals that are currently being voted on (i.e., in the voting queue). This Privilege may only be exercised when the voting queue is frobbed. [Furthermore, the Promoter shall only use this power for good, and never for evil.] These two privileges may be exercised even by an acting Promoter. FROBTWEAK {{[ In this day an age of automated proposal bots, it's unlikely that this will get used, and thus it's an unneeded priveledge. ]}}
Amend rule 320.6 (Paradigm Type: Police State) by removing items ii) and iii) from the list and by renumbering item iv) to item i). Amend rule 360 (Hearing) by replacing the following SERIOUS delimited text SERIOUS A Hearing is Serious if and only if there exists one or more verdicts for that particular Hearing that would lead to a modification of the ruleset. SERIOUS with the following STILL_SERIOUS delimited text STILL_SERIOUS A Hearing is Serious if there exists one or more verdicts for that particular Hearing that would lead to a modification of the ruleset. Other rules may define other times at which a Hearing is Serious. STILL_SERIOUS {{[ A few other hearings have been defined as serious recently, but really weren't because of the phrasing above. ]}} Amend rule 361 (What's the Will of the People) by removing "It is also a Serious Matter [just to prevent EBSs from skewing the results].". Amend rule 441 (Dungeon Master) by inserting the word 'functional' between the first occurances of 'optional' and 'office', and by removing the text "iii to receive a monthly salary of the Standard Harfer Fee." If P3937 was accepted, repeal rule 501 (the other part of imports) If P3937 was accepted, Amend rule 540.3 to remove the text "Whenever a player who is On Fire extinguishes eirself, eir Fire Skill increases one point." Amend rule 550.1 (honourable acts) by replacing the following SLOPPY delimited text SLOPPY 1 Honour Being elected to a Political Office. 2 Honour Being appointed to a Functional Office. SLOPPY with the following CLEANER delimited text CLEANER 1 Honour: Being elected to a Political Office. 2 Honour: Being appointed to a Functional Office. CLEANER Amend rule 550.2 (Dishonourable Acts) by replacing the following SLOPPY delimited text SLOPPY 1 Honour: going to Gaol 2 Honour gaining the Chartreuse Goose for a failed PWCFJ or CWCFJ. SLOPPY with the following CLEANER delimited text CLEANER 1 Honour: Going to Gaol. 2 Honour: Gaining the Chartreuse Goose for a failed PWCFJ or CWCFJ. CLEANER
{{ All players who own a The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really become Zzimsy players. All The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Reallys are destroyed. }} There exists a unique entity known as the The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really. The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really shall always have dimensions slightly larger then those of the location in which it's owner is located (which causes horrific problems when transporting The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really). It is initially Baby Blue, though the shade of blue can be changed at the whim of the owner. The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really changes shape. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday it is round. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday it is shaped similarly to a 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback. No matter what shape or size The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really is, it shall always have a button somewhere upon it marked "ENERGIZE." The owner of The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really may use it to change the player name of any active player to another name which is an anagram of the original. This is a public action. In order to fully specify this action, the owner must state that he has pointed The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really at x (where x is the name of the player being renamed) and pressed the ENERGIZE button, and he must give an anagram of the original name. If this action is successful then The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really changes x's name to the specified anagram, and The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really is transferred to the possession of x. The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really runs on rechargeable 9 volt batteries, and may be used no more than once every two weeks, or the batteries will overheat and explode before The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really is able to change a players name (and thus causing The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really to be transferred to a random player for recharging). {{ Renumber this Rule to 999. Change its authorship credit to "snowgod (Phil Ackley)". The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really is transferred to the possession of a random active Zzimsy player. All Zzimsy players lose that attribute. }}
{{[I highly doubt that this will pass, but I really hope it does. With the repeals of so much going on right now, and the big shifts in emphasis, i thought the time was ripe for a repeal of A$. This first change is not radical, and is very preliminary... it doesn't repeal trinkets, etc... it still probably won't pass, but oh well...]}} in rule 252: remove item II 2 and renumber. replace 'A$10' with '10 points' both times it appears repeal rule 320.4 [Paradigm Type: Inflationary] replace 'A$' with 'points' in rule 401 [salaries] replace 'A$10' with '5 points more' in rule 405 [speaker salary] replace, in rule 422 [hosing]: " transfer A$79 from them to the Treasury, if they have that much. If they don't have that much, a random organization which they are a member that has that sum transfers it to the treasury. If no such organization exists either, the player is " with "lose 15 points, if they have that many. If a player does not, they are" remove item c of rule 427 remove item b of rule 428 rename rule 505 'Treasury' and replace its text with the following: " I. Treasury: The Treasury is a named, unownable entity that serves as a storing house for entities that belong to no other entity, except for those entities for which the rules explicitly state are not in (or considered to be in) the Treasury. Items owned by the Treasury are said to be "in the Treasury", and they may not be manipulated in any way except as explicitly allowed by the Rules. The Treasury has a number of branches dedicated to special purposes. Such branches may own entities, but those entities are not counted as being in the Treasury. This paragraph takes precedence over all rules which define what is in the Treasury. II. Donation: A player may donate any non-mimsy Tradeable entity they own to the Treasury. When a Trinket is donated (or otherwise transferred to the Treasury), it is destroyed. III. Harfer Fee The standard Harfer Fee is 10 points. Whenever the rules direct a Harfer Fee to be paid, it is paid to the Treasury. " replace the first three paragraphs of Rule 506 with the following: " A class of gift entities known as Trinkets exist. Trinkets always have a positive, integral value; this takes precedence over all other rules. The value of a Trinket may only be changed as specified by the rules. A player may transform some or all of his points into a Trinket as a public action. In order to fully specify this action, the player must state the name, description, and value(in points) of the Trinket to be created. The creation fails if the player does not have at least as many points as the stated value of the Trinket, and/or if the name specified for the Trinket is not a valid Ackanomic name, or is already the name of a named entity. If the Trinket creation succeeds then the player who created the Trinket is its initial owner. " repeal rule 508 (Fortnightly Dividends) repeal rule 510 (Voluntary Debt Prohibited) repeal rule 516 (Auction) repeal rule 520 (Auction 'em Entities) in rule 607, remove item b and renumber in rule 620, replace 'transfer an A$60 court fee to the Clerk of the Court' with 'lose 20 points' replace 'A$200' with '75 points' replace 'A$75' with '30 points' replace 'A$350' with '125 points' remove item 6 and renumber remove 'to the treasury' and 'from the treasury' where they appear in the rule. in rule 666, remove items e and f (tax and end-of-cycle money) in rule 670, replace 'cash prize of A$75' with 'prize of 25 points' in rule 675, remove 'A$ and' replace 'A$1' with 'nothing' remove the paragraph that begins 'The Mad Hatters are permitted' [it can be fixed better later] in rule 710, remove item 5b, replace ', Otzma Cards, or A$' with 'or Otzma Cards' renumber replace 'A$10 times the amount of the SENTENCE, up to a maximum of A$200.' with '3 times the amount of the SENTENCE in points, up to a maximum of 50 points' in rule 715, replace 'A$100 to the treasury,' with 'twice the Standard Harfer Fee' repeal rule 821 in rule 825, remove section I ii replace section II with 'i) Buildings may only be constructed as defined by the rules' remove section V iii and V iv in rule 827, replace 'A$200' with '70 points' in rule 841, replace 'A$ 3' with '3 points' replace 'A$ 5' with '5 points' replace 'A$' with 'points' in rule 842, remove item i in rule 854, replace 'A$' with 'points' and divide all numbers adjacent to these changes by 2 in rule 855, replace 'A$50' with 'twice the Standard Harfer Fee' in rule 860, replace 'pay the player who wrote the songs A$5 for every song the Hearing was called against.' with 'publicly apologize to the player who wrote the songs' in rule 910, remove Inner Workings remove 'A$250 and' from Long Lost Treasure in rule 915, replace 'A$ to the Treasury' with 'points' in rule 920, replace 'A$48' with '24 points' in rule 929, replace 'A$10' with 'The Standard Harfer Fee' in rule 950, replace 'A$' with 'points' in rule 950.1, replace 'A$150' with '70 points' in rule 950.3, replace 'A$199' with '99 points' in rule 975, remove the second paragraph of item I replace 'A$1' with '1 point' in rule 1007, replace '(1) the organization does not own at least the standard Harfer Fee, or (2) it is not legal for the organization to have the specified new name. If the attempt succeeds then the organization shall pay the standard Harfer Fee.' with 'it is not legal for the organization to have the specified new name.' in rule 1011, replace 'the Standard Harfer Fee' with 'a trinket with a value of at least the Standard Harfer Fee' in rule 1021, remove 'A$' and replace '300' with '50 points' in rule 1023, remove the parenthetical reference in item 6 b in rule 1160, replace 'A$10' with '7 points' in rule 1195, replace 'A$3' with '3 points' in rule 1209, replace 'A$'X with X' points', where X is a number in rule 1211, replace 'A$75' with '75 points' in rule 1230.1, 1230.2, and 1230.40: replace 'A$'X with X' points', where X is a number, replace 'A$' with 'points in rule 1240.1, replace III 5 g with "At the end of the Otzma Day the RuneMaker randomly determines an active player to receive each otzma card created on that day." repeal 1240.6 and 1240.7 in rule 1240.12, replace 'A$' with 'points' replace the third and fourth paragraphs of rule 1240.17 with " Otherwise, if e names any On Ice player (the target) in the same message, then the following will occur: If the target owns any tradeable entities, then one of those entities, selected at random, is transferred to the player of the card. Counter-Action: The card-player's Ice Pick, any entities taken from the target by playing the Card, and one other entity chosen at random are transferred to the possession of the target. " in every member of the Games and Contests Rule Suite, and in rule 1270: replace 'A$'X with X' points', where X is a number, replace 'A$' with 'points'
amend rule 23 by replacing its text with the following SORRYDIKTATORS-delimited text SORRYDIKTATORS There exists a unique organization named the Bavarian Illuminati which can change the game state and amend the rules as an organizational action. A member of the Bavarian Illuminati may be referred to as an Illuminatus Primus. {{5 active players become members of the Bavarian Illuminati.}} SORRYDIKTATORS
{{[This proposal makes some cosmetic changes to the church rules, bringing them into line with the new universal entity theory. Additionally Church policy is made completely public and has its powers reduced in scope - most notably it is no longer self amending; although the church may still amend it as an organisational action.]}} Renumber Rule 1301 (Church) to 1022 (or the next highest vacant number if 1022 is already taken) and cause it to read in full as delimited by PTRROEPAOSSUARLE PTRROEPAOSSUARLE 1. Definition and Formation a) A Church is a type of Organisation. b) A Church requires at least three Followers, in addition to the pseudo-founder before it can be founded. When it is founded the pseudo-founder becomes the founder of the church. c) A player may not be a member of more than three Churches at the same time. e) If a Church ever has no Priests, or (Heaven Forbid!) fewer than zero Priests, or fewer than four members, it is transformed into a Cult with the same name, membership and assets. 3. Church Policy a) Each Church may have a Church Policy which is a public document. b) A Player who disobeys the Church Policy of a Church of which she is a member is guilty of Iconoclasm, which is a Crime. It is impermissible for a Player to take a game action which constitutes Iconoclasm if he or she has any legal alternative which would not constitute Iconoclasm. [That is, Iconoclasm normally doesn't happen unless there is no alternative. It is possible for a player to commit Iconoclasm by inaction, though.]. d) Church policy may be changed as an Organisational Action. 4. The Clergy a) The Church Founder may perform any of the following as a public action: i) Ordain as Priests or defrock, a follower of the church. ii) Excommunicate a follower of the church, who then ceases to be a follower. iii) Unless the church’s policy states otherwise, the Church Founder manages the Church's Currency and Entities. b) Any Priest who leaves the a Church ceases to a Priest of that Church. Priesthood is relative to a particular Church; in other words, a player may not be simply a Priest, but must be a Priest of a particular Church. A Player may only be a Priest of a Church if e has been Ordained a Priest of that Church since the last time e joined that Church. c) The Church Founder is considered to be a Priest of their church. 7 Cults a. A Cult is an Organisation but is neither a trading nor intelligent entity. Any conflict with the previous sentence shall be resolved in its favour. b. If a Cult has at least four members, at least one of which is a Priest of that Cult, it can transform itself into a Church, as an Organisational Action. 8. Orphans a) If the Founder of a Church ever leaves the Church it shall be considered an "orphan" until it achieves the following conditions: i. it has 5 or more members whose game status is Active. ii. it has 3 or more Priests. iii. at least one of its Priests has already read, while being a Priest, one of the Ackanomicon pages that refer to any of the following:. * the Arcane Lore * Ancient Relic * Long Lost Treasure When this happens the most Senior Priest may post a message with the words "Follow me all you members of <name>! Follow me and you will never get lost in the darkness!", where <name> is the name of the Church, at which time all Founder's duties or authorities will be automatically transferred to them. PTRROEPAOSSUARLE
{{[Or maybe not :) ]}} Replace the phrase delimited by CCLCUXELS in Rule 1230.2 (Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's play) [Section 4.B.i.a] with the phrase delimited by TNRUIMNBKEERTS. CCLCUXELS or the previous move made by that office was not a Pass CCLCUXELS TNRUIMNBKEERTS or the previous move made by that entity was not a Pass TNRUIMNBKEERTS Amend Rule 1240.8 (Otzma Card of type Swinging Sale) to read in full as delimited by AORRETIAMNPT AORRETIAMNPT A Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. A player who plays this Card, incurs half the normal fee required to get them a Free Swingership (conversion or purchase), provided that such purchase does not violate any restrictions on the purchase of Free Swingerships. At any given time there may exist at most one Card of this type. 'Swinging Sale' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal. AORRETIAMNPT Replace the following LEOPOEKPAATGTEH delimited text from Rule 1240.10 (Otzma Card of Type Paratroop) with the following STPELXITTITNHTEO delimited text. LEOPOEKPAATGTEH 4. There may be no more Paratroop cards in existence than 1.5 times the number of Offices of Swinger. LEOPOEKPAATGTEH STPELXITTITNHTEO 4. There may be no more Paratroop cards in existence than 1.5 times the number of Swingerships. STPELXITTITNHTEO
This is a Modest Proposal. {{[At last count there were 31 distinct offices in Acka (30 if Trent’s repeal goes through). The funny thing is there are only 24 voting players. Since the CSRR hasn’t issued a CSR for *AGES* and since the sort of fixes CSR were intended for are now being done by proposal.... Burn the spatula!!!!!]}} Replace each occurrence of "CSRR Officer" in the following TIHNEBNIUNMABREYR delimited text from Rule 348 " " with "Speaker". TIHNEBNIUNMABREYR If two names are found to match in conflict with the first paragraph of this rule, the CSRR Officer shall change one or both of the names in such a way as to fix the problem. All Ackanomic business besides Rules that referred to such an entity by name shall be changed to indicate the new name, and all Rules which refer to the entity by its old name shall still refer to that entity, even though the name has changed. The CSRR Officer should try to make such changes so that entities whose names appear in the Rules are not renamed, if possible. TIHNEBNIUNMABREYR Amend Rule 409 (Registrar) by replacing "CSRR" with "CSR" were it appears in sub-section ii of section b in that rule. Repeal Rule 421.1 (Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy). Remove " by the CSRR" from Rule 716 (Patent Infringement).
This is a Modest Proposal. Replace "Scare Monger" in Rule 320 (Paradigms Rule Suite); "It is considered good form for the Scare Monger to be particularly Active during a Revolution.", With "True Prophet". Repeal Rule 432 (Son I am able though you scare me / Watch beloved / Watch me scare you though / Able am I son).
This is a Modest Proposal. {{[ Merging Dungeonmaster with Herald ]}} Repeal Rule 441 (Dungeon Master). Replace "Dungeonmaster" were it appears in the following HHITGSHTLHIEG delimited text from Rule 540.2 (Basic Player Characteristics) with "Herald". HHITGSHTLHIEG the Dungeonmaster [see below] to generate eir scores, which the Dungeonmaster may do by generating six values from 3 to 18 using three six-sided dice(preferably using the Dice Server)for each value. (That is, each Characteristic's value shall be the sum of three randomly generated numbers from 1 to 6.) If at any time a Player has two BPC scores of 5 or lower, then e may have these scores rerolled by asking the Dungeonmaster HHITGSHTLHIEG Remove "When a rule calls for a Characteristic Test, the following procedure is performed by the Dungeon Master." from Rule 541 (Characteristic Tests). Replace "Dungeonmaster" were it appears in Rule 1240.21 (Otzma Card of type Training Regime) with "Herald" and replace "characterist" with "Characteristic". Amend Rule 435 (Herald) to read in full as delimited by KOERYDWS. KOERYDWS There exists an Optional Functional Office of Herald. The Herald has the following Privileges: 1. Granting Coats of Arms. This is the only way that they may be bestowed. (See Rule 1160.). 2. Altering Coats of Arms by means of an abatement, as described in Rule 1160. 3. Changing their Caste as a public action. 4. Altering any of the characteristics defined in Rule 540.2 (Basic Player Characteristics) of any player as a public action by one point. This privilege may be used at most once per month. The Herald has the following Duties: 2. Maintaining a web page of graphical depictions of all the Coats of Arms of the various players and Organisations that possess them, or failing that, their blazons. 3. Announcing the beginnings and ends of Duels. 4. To perform any random determinations that only effect Characteristics. 5. To track any Characteristics of players that are not explicitly tracked by any other officer. When the office of Herald is Vacant any Characteristics which would normally be tracked by the Herald can not change; this takes precedence of any rule which would cause them to change. 6. To assign players to Castes. KOERYDWS
This is a Modest Proposal. Repeal Rule 419 (Ambassador).
This is a Modest Proposal. Delete the last sentence of Rule 1240 (Otzma Cards Rule Suite). [Custodianship]. Delete subsection 3 of section I of Rule 1240.1 (Definition of Otzma Cards). [Existence]. Replace all occurrences of "RuneMaker" in section III of Rule 1240.1 (Definition of Otzma Cards) with Financier. [Duties]. Replace "RuneMaker" in Rule 1240.20 (Otzma Card of Type Roulette Wheel) with "Financier. [Duty].
Create a new rule numbered with the lowest vacant rule number between 1030 and 1040 entitled "Social Contracts" with the LIINNEEWSOORFDNS delimited text. LIINNEEWSOORFDNS An Institution may own exactly one Social Contract. A Social Contract is a type of contract with the following differences: 1. They are ownable, but only by institutions; this takes precedence over rules regarding entity ownership. 1. They are operable and may be modified as an operation. 2. All of the members of the institution are considered to have signed the contract. All other players are not signatories. 4. Expulsion from the organisation is permitted in the penalty clause. 5. A player may not voluntarily un-sign from it except by leaving the institution. LIINNEEWSOORFDNS
Create a new rule number 74.584 entitled "PlOnK" reading as follows: "It is a known fact that Ackanomic has too many offices. Therefore no officer shall have any duties or priviledges except for the Speaker. In addition the Speaker receives all the duties and priviledges of all other offices. This rule takes precedence over all other rules except for rule 1309 (We Don't Need Gravity) to which it defers."
this is a modest proposal repeal the rule titled 'Miscellaneous Rule Suite' repeal the rule titled 'sloppy else...if'
{{[ JT's recent cycle win, while being essentially a win by points, is not covered by rule 8-4's short cut clause. This proposal changes that. Additionally, Winning conditions established by Rule 603 and for which the scorekeeper made a declaration were not destroyed at the end of the cycle - rule 8 only destroys winning onditions attached to CFJ in the finalized state.... fortunately this situation has not arisen... yet. ]}} I. Replace the following paragraph (delimited by THISISADELIMITERNOTACLUE) in Rule 8-4 (Winning by Points): THISISADELIMITERNOTACLUE A player achieves a Winning Condition at the instant their number of points first reaches or exceeds the Magic Number in any given Cycle, provided that no one else has previously had a score reach or exceed the Magic Number during that cycle. In addition to the process outlined in Rule 600, it is also possible for a player (other than the Scorekeeper) to win the Cycle if the Scorekeeper declares em to have satisfied the above condition. If no player objects to the Scorekeeper's announcement within three days, then the above-mentioned player wins the Cycle. (Otherwise, the player may still resort to CWCFJ as outlined in Rule 600.) THISISADELIMITERNOTACLUE with the following text (delimited by TIHTIESRIASNADDAECLLIUME): TIHTIESRIASNADDAECLLIUME A player achieves a Winning Condition at the instant their number of points first reaches or exceeds the Magic Number in any given Cycle, provided that no one else has previously had a score reach or exceed the Magic Number during that cycle. If the rules specify that a player, other than the ScoreKeeper, gains a winning condition as a result of having a certain number of points, the scorekeeper may declare them to have won. If no player objects to the Scorekeeper's declaration within three days, then the above-mentioned player wins the Cycle and the winning condition is destroyed. (Otherwise, the player may still resort to CWCFJ as outlined in Rule 8.) A Cycle-Win CFJ shall be judged INVALID if it claims a Winning Condition which is subject to a declaration by the scorekeeper, made according to the previous paragraph, and no player has objected to that declaration. TIHTIESRIASNADDAECLLIUME II. Remove the following text from Rule 8 (Winning Conditions): " A Cycle-Win CFJ shall be judged INVALID if it claims a Winning Condition established by Rule 603, and, at the time it was submitted, it was less than three days since the Scorekeeper announced the CFJ's author to have achieved a Winning Condition, and no player had objected to that announcement. "
This is a modest proposal. {{[K2 gains a whole lot of A$; K3 plays a SYI; K2 go fishes the play; the sum of A$ remains untouchable by SYIs.]}} Replace the following text in Rule 7-14-5 (Otzma Card of type Share your income): " and amounts which have previously had Otzma Cards of this type played on them. " with: " and amounts which have had uncountered Otzma Cards of this type played on them. "
{{[Now that JT has gained a winning condition by illuminatus e can go on and achieve another one by points simply by delaying the submission of eir CW-CFJ. Not that I expect JT to do this but e won't be Illuminatus for ever.... ]}} Replace the following paragraph of Rule 6-5-6 (Illuminatus) which reads: " It is a privilege of the Illuminatus that e achieves a Winning Condition if it is publicly knowable that e has a score that is greater than 5/6 times the Magic Number. " with: " It is a privilege of the Illuminatus to achieve a Winning condition by points when eir score exceeds 5/6 times the Magic Number. " Replace the following text in Rule 8-4 (Winning by Points) which reads: " A player achieves a Winning Condition at the instant their number of points first reaches or exceeds the Magic Number in any given Cycle, provided that no one else has previously had a score reach or exceed the Magic Number during that cycle. " with: " A player achieves a Winning Condition by points at the instant their number of points first reaches or exceeds the Magic Number in any given Cycle, provided that no one else has previously achieved a Winning Condition by points during that cycle. "
{{K2 is a Klein Bottle}}
{{IdiotBoy is an Evil Math Troll}}
Create a new rule, with a number of the Rule-Harfer's choosing with the name "Mathematics Produces a Belief in Raisins" with the following SLAKKER delimited text: SLAKKER The Office of Evil Maths Troll is an optional, political office. It is the duty of the Evil Maths Troll to mediate in mathematical disputes. Whenever an ambiguity in rule interpretation or game state occurs in the field of mathematics, the Evil Maths Troll may submit a Mathematical Resolution Document (MRD). If this occurs, a Conscientious Scholar Hearing is called. A Conscientious Scholar Hearing is a hearing, and the Evil Maths Troll is the Hearing Harfer. The valid responses in this hearing are "Sorry, I have too much of a Real Life" and "I have a degree in Pure Maths!" If the verdict is "Sorry, I have too much of a Real Life", the MRD is accepted and will then guide play (but only in regard to mathematics). Any player who can prove (to the Evil Maths Troll's satisfaction) that e in fact *has* a degree in pure maths may cast a second vote in this hearing. It is considered good form to elect idiots to the office of Evil Maths Troll and similiarly for the holder of that office to submit MRDs which have little or no grounding in conventional mathematical theory. Players are permitted to sneer at other players who vote against silly or frivolous MRDs. SLAKKER {{O Olde Alpha loses a point. The Rule-Harfer gains a point. [I don't know how the numbering system works and I can't be bothered learning. I'm sorry, I have too much of a real life <whipcrack>.]}}
This is a modest proposal. Repeal rule 1-7-6 (Paradigm type: Police State)
In rule 2-1 (Voting on Proposals) replace the following text: "A Voting Player may also choose not to vote on a proposal, which is called abstaining. Players eligible to vote on proposals who do not vote within the prescribed voting period shall be deemed to have abstained." with the following text: "Players eligible to vote on proposals who do not vote within the prescribed voting period shall be deemed to have voted BAA!."
Ammend rule 11-1 (Party Hall) to read as follws (in full): "I. Swingerships and Provisional Swingerships are tradeable entities. The owner of a Swingership is known as a Swinger. II. If less than seven Swingerships exist, a player may create a new Swingership by paying 10 times the Standard Harfer Fee to the Treasury, and specifying a legal Ackanomic name which can be used to refer to the new Swingership. III. Any player may destroy a Swingership they own. IV. Whenever a Swingership is destroyed, all Party Chess Pieces associated with it are destroyed. V. A Swingership belonging to a player on vacation is called a Warm Swingership. VI. Any player may change the name of a swingership they own by announcing the name change and paying the standard harfer fee. {{Destroy all swingerships.}} {{[Hopefully this will allow party chess to begin anew. At the moment myself and Niccolo are the only swingers after the destruction of orgs. This will also give me an opportunity to get all the party chess stuff sorted]}}
Remove all entries from the literature list except for Artist: They Migght Be Giants. [There's too much fluff on it at the moment IMHO]
Whenever someone wins a cycle, the rule through which they gained their winning condition is repealed.
Should Ackanomic be invited publicly to a date on the internet, any player who attends will receive one honour. Any players who attends or has attended such a date on the day this rule is created receives one honour.
{{[Currently a player with 2 donkeys has no advantage over a player with one. This proposal removes that anomaly ]}} In rule 1213/17 (Grab-a-Donkey) replace paragraph E with the following DONKEY deliminated text E. i) At the end of the Round, if a player has exactly two donkeys they will look furtive and instantly produce a third donkey for the player. [Donkeys value their privacy and don't do this in herds.] ii) The Wrangler will then publicly report what each player and their donkeys did and announce the results
Repeal rule 1006 (Church) Renumber rule 1006-1 (Prophets and prophecies) to 1006 and replace in it th text: "members of Churches or Cults" with: "players" Repeal rule 7-14-13 (Otzma Card of Type Founder's Boon)
Rename rule 7-10 (Steel Flea) to Tungsten Flea and replace all occurences of the string "Steel" in that rule with the string "Tungsten".
Repeal rule 7-5-1 (fortnightly dividends)
Create a new rule numbered 7-17 called Chemicals reading as follows: "There exists a type of nameless, ownable, operable entity known as chemicals. All chemicals are one of the following: Elements Compounds Mixtures Of Unknown Status Different chemicals can react in ways specified in the rules, and these reactions can have additional game effects. When chemicals react new chemical(s) may be formed and the ones which reacted are destroyed. Certain chemicals can have additional effects as detailed in the rules."
repeal rule 4-9
repeal the rule 'Prophets and Prophecies'
this is a modest proposal [please don't vote no. It rids the ruleset of stupid useless rules that do absolutely nothing, aren't harf, and will confuse newbies.] repeal rules 99-1 and 99-2
remove all but the second sentence of rule 12-8 in rule 12-8-1, replace section 2G with "the word 'piece' means Party Chess Piece in all descendants of rule 12-8, unless otherwise specified." replace section 3Aii with "it is a child of this rule."
rename rule 1-7 to 'Paradigms' replace the first sentence of the second paragraph of rule 1-7 with: All existing Paradigm Types are defined by children of this rule, and then only by rules with a name "Paradigm Type: X" where X is replaced by a legal Ackanomic name. replace the second-to-last paragraph of rule 1-7 with: This rule takes precedence over its descendants. All descendants of this rule take precedence over rules which are not this rule or its descendants. remove the last paragraph of rule 1-7.
rename rule 4-4-5 to 'Honour' remove the first, second to last, and last paragraphs of rule 4-4-5 remove the second sentence of the third paragraph of rule 4-4-5-1 and of rule 4-4-5-2
rename rule 4-8 to 'Quests' replace the second paragraph of rule 4-8 with: Each child of this rule defines a specific quest which may be undertaken by the players of Ackanomic. replace the seventh paragraph of rule 4-8 with: Each quest must be defined within a child of this rule. remove the first paragraph and the '.X' both times it appears in rule 4-8
in rule 7-14, replace section IV 1 with: Otzma Card types may be defined by other rules which explicitly claim that they are defining Otzma Card Types, and are children of this rule. This rule takes precedence over any rule which defines an Otzma Card type. in rule 7-14-1, replace section 4 with: This rule takes precedence over all its siblings except rule 7-14-2 to which it defers precedence.
rename rule 7-16 to 'Ackanomic Sound System' replace section I of rule 7-16 with: There exists a unique, unownable entity known as the Ackanomic Sound System (also known as the ASS.) There exists a class of named unownable entities known as Ackanomic Sound System Songs (also known as Songs.) Songs may be either Mundane or Esoteric, but not both. A Mundane Song is one that has no trigger or game effects defined a child of this Rule. An Esoteric Song is one that has a Trigger and Effect defined by a child of this Rule. replace the first two paragraphs of section IV of the same rule with: Any player who submits a Proposal which successfully adds one or more Esoteric Songs to the Ruleset shall gain one Token upon the acceptance of such a Proposal. This Token shall be created in eir possession upon the announcement of this fact by the DeeJay. Tokens are tradeable Entities. The act of placing a Token into the banna-shaped slot of the ASS' control panel destroys that Token. Esoteric Songs are defined by children of this Rule, and nowhere else. A Child of this Rule may define more than one Esoteric Song. Any definition of an Esoteric Song must include at least the following four lettered attributes of the song: replace the second paragraph of section VI of the same rule with: All children of this Rule defer precedence to any Rules with which they might conflict, except as stated explicitly in children of this Rule. remove section VII and the bracketed link in the same rule.
rename rule 12 to 'Games Metarule' and replace its text with: [Games & Contests include sub games and gaming equipment that can be used in subgames. Some of them are maintained on a separate web page.] in rule 12-1, replace section I with: There exists a class of entities known as Games & Contests, hereafter, for the purposes of this rule and its children, known as "Games" (Game). replace section II with: Descendants of rule 12 may define entities to be used as General Equipment in the games defined by descendants of rule 12. Unless otherwise specified, these entities have no influence outside the instance of the Game in which they are being used. The term 'General Equipment', as used elsewhere in the descendants of rule 12, shall be construed to mean instances of any or all of these defined entities, as appropriate. replace section IIIa with: Unless otherwise specified, the name of a Game is the name of the rule that defines it. Any descendant of this rule that defines more than one game is void. A descendant of this rule defines a Game if and only if it specifies all the information as detailed below (b thru h) (even if the specification for a particular piece of information is the word 'none'). This rule does not define a Game: replace section IVa and b with: a. Games may not manipulate any Ackanomic entity outside this rule and its descendants, except as defined in this Rule, and with the following specific exceptions: b. Games may specify transfer of currency between participants in the specific Game, as entry fees, rewards or penalties, subject to restrictions elsewhere in this rule and its descendants. replace section IVf with: f. All descendants of this rule defer precedence to all those external to it, unless otherwise specified. This rule has precedence over all its descendants. replace section Va with: Games and General Equipment may be added to the ruleset as descendants of this rule via the following procedure (in addition to any other procedures that are defined in the rules for creating rules). A non-accepted Game or General Equipment Submission has no authority to manipulate Acka entities in any way. replace section Vei with: as a descendant of this rule, in the case of a Game Submission, or replace the final sentence of VIe with: This paragraph defers precedence to all descendants of this rule. replace the final sentence of XI with: Paradoxes arising wholly within the descendants of this rule suite do not qualify as paradoxes for the purposes of satisfying the winning condition described in rule 8-3; this clause has precedence over rule 8-3.
this is a modest proposal. remove the final sentence of the first paragraph of rule 6-4-11-1
Repeal all rule whose first paragraph contains an even number of vowels.
Repeal all rule whose first paragraph contains an odd number of vowels.
{{[Paradox Wins are attainable in 3 ways: a) changing the rules is impossible b) the legality of a player action that would affect the game state cannot be determined with finality c) a player action which would affect the game state appears equally legal and illegal Now, if a) is true, we're in a world of hurt. And it's highly unlikely that we could be in that state, have it not be an obvious Hubert situation, and have CFJs be submittable b) is the weasally version I put back in. It makes paradoxes way too easy. I highly suspect that with a slightly different paradox, else...if could have won with treasure. I also think there is a similar possibility with contracts, and perhaps with trust funds. All in all, b) is much too easy, and it was right to take it out. c) is just about impossible to achieve. If a player action is indeterminate with respect to the rules, Game Custom and/or the Spirit of the Game can be used by the judge to make an "arbitrary" ruling. so...]}} remove the final paragraph of rule 3 (invoking judgement) remove " unless the CFJ was a paradox win CFJ or a cycle win CFJ in which case e loses 3 points" from rule 1-8 (retractions) remove "and Paradox Win CFJs " from rule 8 (Winning Conditions) repeal rule 8-3 (Winning by Paradox) remove the final sentence of section XI of rule 12-1
{{[Update all rule pointers]}} This is a Modest Proposal. I. Amend Section 5c [Permissible Stingings] in Rule 1-2-2 (Spelling Bee) by deleting the text "from R 214" and placing the final sentence in notes brackets. II. Replace the following text of Amend Rule 1-2-2-1 (Spellbooks) "as in Rule 342." with "as in this Rule's Parent." III. Replace the following text from Rule 1-2-4-1 (No E-mail, No Game) "see Rule 422." with "see the rule entitled 'Postmaster'.". IV. Replace all occurrences of "R 207" in [sections 1d, 4 and 7] of Rule 1-4 (When Score Changes Take Effect) with "Rule 2-2". V. Amend Rule 1-6-2 (Proposal and Rule Titles) in the following ways: a) Replace the text "(This paragraph takes precedence over Rule 348.)" with "(This paragraph takes precedence over its parent.)" b) Replace the text "(This paragraph takes precedence over Rule 500.1.)" with "(This paragraph takes precedence over its siblings.)" VI. Replace the text "in Rule 855 (Monolith)" in Rule 1-7-4 (Paradigm Type: Inflationary) with "in the rule titled 'Monolith'". VII. In Rule 330 (Retractions) Replace the text "as described by Rule 1250.1" with "as described in Rule 12 and its decedents" VIII. In Rule 2 (Proposals) replace the text "as described in Rules 301 and 303." with "as described in Rules 2-3 and 1-6-2." IX. replace the text "as defined by rule 106." in Rule 2-1-1 (Fair Voting Practices) with "as defined by this rule's ancestor." X. Replace the text "effect under Rule 104" from [section V (Null Proposals)] of Rule 2-2 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported) with "effect according to this rule's parent". XI. Delete the text "for the purposes of Rule 207" from Rule 2-2-1 (Modesty and Pride). XII. Amend Rule 2-2-2 (Literature) in the following ways: a) Replace the text "; this takes precedence over Rule 340." with "; this takes precedence over Rule 1-2." b) Replace the text "as described in Rule 346" with "as described in Rule 1-2" XIII. Amend Rule 3 (Invoking Judgement) by replacing the text "as provided in Rule 212." with "as provided in this rule's decedents". XIV. Amend Rule 4 (Players and Player States) by : a) replacing the text "as described in rule 252." with "as described in this rule's decedents.". b) replacing the text "assigned as in Rule 212." with "assigned as in Rule 3-1.". c) replacing the text "in accordance with R 401" with "in accordance with Rule 6". XV. Delete from Rule 4-3 (No Dead Players Allowed) the phrase "as described in rule 254.". XVI. Replace the text "from Rule 1112" in Rule 4-4-3 (Characteristic: Harf) with "from Rule 2-2-6". XVII. Replace the phrase text "as described in Rule 210" in Rule 4-7 (Rainy Day Women #12 & #35) with "as described in Rule 2-2-2" XVIII. Amend Rule 6 (Offices, Commonalities) by: a) Removing the text "and R 403." from Rule 6 (Offices, Commonalities). b) Removing the text "(by the procedure in R 402)". XIX. Amend Rule 6-1 (Acting Officers) by: a) replacing the text "this one and Rule 401." with "this one and its parent.". b) removing the text ", e.g. by Rule 404.". XX. Amend Rule 6-2 (Offices, Related Definitions) by replacing the text "[qv Rule 401, section (ix)]." with "[qv section (ix) of this rules parent].". XXI. Amend Rule 6-4 (Functional Offices, Commonalties) by replacing the phrase "over rule 401." with "over its parent.". XXII. Amend Rule 6-4-1 (Speaker) by replacing the text "over all other rules." with "over its parent and all rules which are decendents of its parent." {{["over its entire family".]}} XXIII. Amend Rule 6-4-9 (Count Tabula) by replacing: a) "[see Rule 360]" with "[see Rule 5]" b) "[Rule 404]" with "[see Rule 6-3]" c) "[Rule 402]" with "[see Rule 6-2]" XXIV. Amend Rule 6-4-16 (Treasure-Harfer) by replacing the text "as in Rule 1217." with "as in Rule 12-9.". XXV. Amend Rule 6-4-19 (Dungeon Master) by : a) replacing "[See rule 1030]." with "[See rule 11-2].". b) replacing "characteristics defined in Rule 540.2 (Basic Player Characteristics)" with "Basic Player Characteristics". XXVI. Amend Rule 6-5-1 (President) by replacing "over rule 401." with " over its parent.". XXVII. Amend Rule 6-5-8 by replacing: a) "(See Rule 1160.)" with "(See this rule's decedents)" b) "as described in Rule 1160." with "as described in this rule's decedents." XXVIII. Amend Rule 7-5 *AckaDollars and Trinkets) by replacing "as described in rule 348." with "as described in rule 1-6.". XXIX. Amend Rule 7-13-3 (Souvenirs) by replacing the text "over Rule 1145" with "over Rule 4-7". XXX. Amend Rule 7-14 (Definition of Otzma Cards) by replacing "are not grouped for the purposes of R516." with "are not grouped for the Auction.". XXXI. Amend Rule 7-14-3 (Otzma Card of type Map Shard) "over Rule 1217" with over "over Rule 12-9". XXXII. Amend Rule 7-16-1 (ASS Song: Chess Piece Face) by replacing "Rule 374 (Politeness Moon)" with "Politeness Moon". XXXIII. Amend Rule 8 (Winning Conditions) by replacing: a) "Rule 601, Rule 603, Rule 620, and Rule 666" with "Rule 8-1, Rule 8-2, Rule 8-3 and Rule 8-4" b) "established by Rule 603" with "established by Rule 8-4". XXXIV. Amend Rule 8-1 (Chartreuse Goose) by replacing "under Rule 600" with "by this rule's parent". XXXV. Amend Rule 8-2 (End of Cycle) by replacing: a) "Rule 600 or 601" with "Rule 8 or 8-3". b) "[see rules 593, 611 and 670]" with "[see rules 8-2-4, 8-6 and 8-7]". XXXVI. Amend Rule 8-3 (Winning By Paradox) by replacing "over Rule 600" with "over this rule's parent". XXXVII. Amend Rule 8-4 (Winning by Points) by replacing "in Rule 600" with "in this rule's parent". XXXVIII. Amend Rule 8-6 (Winning by Agenda) by replacing "[See Rule 666]" with "[See Rule 8-2]". XXXIX. Amend Rule 9 (Crime) by replacing "in rule 101" with "in rule 1". XL. Amend Rule 9-1 (Gaol) by: a) replacing the text "over R505" with "over Rule 7-4". b) deleting "8) A player in the Gaol may remove a Puppet Head." and "5) A player in Gaol may change their player state." and renumbering the list from which they came. XLI. Amend Rule 10-1-7 (Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication) by replacing "[See also rule 931]" with "[See also rule 7-13]". XLII. Amend Rule 12-1 (Games & Contests) by replacing: a) [Sec III.h] "[Trophies are described in rule 1250.2.]" with "[Trophies are described in rule 12-2.]". b) [Sec V.e.i] "in Rule 1250.3, appended to Rule 1250.3." with "in Rule 12-3, appended to Rule 12-3.". c) [Sec XIV] "[in rule 1250.3]" with "[in rule 12-3]". XLIII. Amend Rule 12-3-1 (Limerick Contest) by replacing "As described in rule 1250.1" [Sec 3] with "As described in rule 12-1". XLIV. Replace the text "in rule 1250.1" were it appears [usually in the 3rd main section] of each of the following rules: Rule 12-3-3 (Fictionary), Rule 12-3-5 (Double Crash), Rule 12-3-6 (Triple Double Crash), Rule 12-3-7 (Single Capture Go), Rule 12-3-12 (Word un-association), Rule 12-4-1-1 (Game of Pure Skill), Rule 12-4-1-2 (Spades), Rule 12-3-9 (Viruses), Rule 12-3-4 (Tromino Go), Rule 12-3-10 (Mediocrity), Rule 12-3-13 (Abstract Crescent) and Rule 12-4-2-1 (Eleusis) with "in rule 12-1". XLV. Amend rule Rule 12-6 (The Machine That Goes *ping*) by replacing "(this takes precedence over Rule 374)" with "(this takes precedence over Rule 5-2)". XLVI. Amend Rule 12-7 (Grab-a-Donkey) by replacing "in Rule 1250.1" with "in Rule 12-1". XLVII. Amend Rule 12-8-2 (Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's play) by: a) replacing "according to rule 1240.9" with "according to rule 7-14-7". b) replacing "in accordance with Rule 1240.10" with "in accordance with Rule 7-14-8".