renumber Rule 42 to 1 Add the following to the ruleset, in a rule titled "The Queen's Rule": "jam to-morrow and jam yesterday--but never jam to-day."
{{[ My apologies for the rather extreme length of this proposal. This could not be done piecemeal. If you don't want to read it all then just vote yes :-) This is an overhaul of the Organization/Corporation system bringing Corporations back under the Organizational hierarchy. This has the advantage of making Corporations subject to many of the same rule provisions that Organizations are subject to, although some of the relevant rules making provisions for Organizations will still have to be patched up to account for Corporations. This proposal re-establishes a framework rule defining Organizations, which, among other things, will enable players to join Cults (important if Cults are ever to regain Church status) and Political Parties. It also concentrates the rules for Corporation and Political Party formation mostly into one rule. The new Org rule leaves open the possibility of non-player entities being Org members, but does not specifically empower them to be so. The Corporation rule has been rewritten to eliminate (I hope) uncertainty about whether Corporations can perform actions and to account for some minor details like making them disband if there are no shares associated with them, as well as to comply with the recreated Organizations rule. This proposal is written so as to hopefully take into account the potential changes that P3886 may introduce, and it will specifically fix the problem of P3886 making Political Parties nameless entities (which may not own anything, c.f. R500.2). P3886 may still trash all the Parties' names, but that can be fixed by the Parties once they are named entities again. I hestate to ask for P3886's retraction or rejection (in fact I do not so ask) because of the needed mods to the trading rules; nevertheless, I would have liked to have had the Org/Corp mods seperate from the trading mods. This proposal rewrites the Trusts rule so as to avoid paradox claims related to Trust Fund charters. (It is always dangerous to put the authority of the rules behind a single-player created document, even one of limited scope.) This proposal renumbers the Organization rules into a more logical order and groups them together. General Org rules are in 1000-1009, Org Powers are 1010-1019, and specific Org types are 1020-1029. The church rule should probably be moved down to the 1020's, but this proposal does not do so. I would have preferred to flip-flop the assignment of the 1010's and the 1020's, but because of P3886's possible renumberings it was easier to do it as I just described. This prop does not give the ability to use Secret Labs or Excavation Permits back to parties and churches. If the people want that then it can be in another proposal. This prop also does not reintroduce Organization similarity measures. I worked from what was left of the org structure to rebuild something that I believe will work well, but I made no attempt to reverse ancillary changes that were made when Corporations were introduced. There are probably more details that you would find interesting, so read the prop. Because of the degree of flux in which these rules currently abide, most of the rules with significant changes have an entire new text, so you should be able to follow along fairly well. ]}} {{[ ******** ]}} If there is a rule 1009 entitled "Political Parties and Rewarding Party Unity" then renumber it to 1021. If there is a rule 1021 entitled "Political Parties and Rewarding Party Unity" then amend it by replacing its full text with the following COMPLIANT-delimited text: COMPLIANT A Political Party is a type of organization. Being a member of more than one Political Party simultaneously is the Crime of Branch-Stacking. At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every voting player member of a given organization voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of another Party, then the political party itself shall cast an additional YES vote on that proposal for every three voting player members it has. Party membership and how players voted are determined based on the facts in force at the end of the voting period for each proposal. A political party may own and Trade A$, Trinkets, Land, Buildings, and organizational Powers. A political party may not offer or accept trades in which it would receive any other kind of entity, but may trade away anything it owns. An additional fee of A$300 is required for the formation of a Political Party. COMPLIANT {{[ ******** ]}} Renumber rule 1003 (Corporations) to 1023. {{[ ******** ]}} Renumber rule 1020 (Organization Miscellany) to 1009. {{[ ******** ]}} Create a new rule numbered 1001 and entitled "Organizations" with the following WESTILLNEEDTHIS-delimited text: WESTILLNEEDTHIS 1. Fundamentals Organizations are named, unownable entities. Players may be members of some types of Organizations, as specified elsewhere in the Rules. If a particular Organization is defined by the rules then it is a Unique Organization, otherwise it is a Player-Sanctioned Organization. 2. Forming an Organization Any player who is not a pseudo-Founder may publically announce his intent to form an Organization. By so doing he becomes a pseudo-Founder. If during the following seven-day period at least two other players publically announce that they wish to join the Organization the pseudo-Founder intends to form then the pseudo-Founder may form the organization by announcing its name, its type, and the names of its initial members (who must be the pseudo-Founder and at least two of the players who publically announced their desire to join), and paying the standard harfer's fee plus any additional fee required for the formation of the particular Organization type specified. The name must be a legal name. Only a pseudo-Founder may perform this action, and upon doing so he ceases to be a pseudo-Founder. If a player is a pseudo-Founder for a contiguous seven day period then he ceases to be one at the end of that period. If the Organization is of a type that may have members (a Membership Organization), then: a) the players specified as the initial members become members of the Organization at the time of the Organization's formation, and b) the pseudo-Founder may specify the initial admissions policy at the time that he forms the Organization; if he does not, then the admissions policy is initially set to Standard. This section of this rule defers to rules that specify a modified or alternative method for the formation of specific types of Organizations. 3. Organization Disbandment A Player-Santioned Membership Organization disbands if it ever has a nonpositive number of members. The rules may specify other conditions under which an Organization disbands or is disbanded. When an Organization disbands or is disbanded, a) any rule-specified procedures for the disbandment of an Organization of its type are carried out; then, b) anything owned by the Organization is transferred to the Treasury; then, c) the Organization ceases to exist and any members it has cease to be members of it. 4. Joining an Organization Every Player-Sanctioned Membership Organization has an admissions policy that describes how entities may become members of that Organization. Only admissions policies defined by the rules are valid; if a Player-Sanctioned Membership Organization ever does not have a valid admissions policy then its admissions policy is set to Standard. Except as specified otherwise elsewhere in the rules, only players are elligible to be members of Organizations. The following are valid admissions policies: a) Standard: the Organization may make an eligible entity become a member of it as an Organizational action, provided that the entity has requested within the past two weeks to become a member of that Organization. b) Open: an elligible entity that can perform public actions may become a member as a public action. c) Privileged Single Player: a particular single member may grant any request for membership in that Organization made by an elligible entity within the past two weeks, thereby causing the entity to become a member. The single member with this ability must be specified. d) Quasi-open: Any elligible entity that requests membership in the Organization becomes a member three days thereafter unless any member refuses the entity admission during that time. e) Communist Single Player: any member may grant any request for membership in that Organization made by an elligible entity within the past two weeks, thereby causing the entity to become a member. In no case shall an entity which is not elligible to be a member of a particular Organization ever become a member of that Organization. If an Organization ever has a member that is inelligible to be a member of that Organization, then that member ceases to be a member of that Organization. Other rules may define other valid admissions policies for specific types of Organizations, or make any of the above policies invalid for for specific types of Organizations. Player-Sanctioned Membership Organizations may change their admissions policies by Organizational Action unless forbidden by other rules. 5. Entity Liberty An entity may leave any Organization of which it is a member as a public action. 6. Actions Organizations may attempt actions as described in other rules. WESTILLNEEDTHIS {{[ ******** ]}} Amend rule 1011 (Corporations) by replacing its text with the following LETSDOITRIGHT-delimited text: LETSDOITRIGHT 1. Fundamentals Corporations are a type of Organization. Corporations may not have members. Corporations may own tradeable entities and Organizational Powers, but not any other type of entity. 2. Shares Shares are nameless, tradeable entities. Each share is associated with a Corporation. Shares may be given to the Corporation with which they are associated without any confirmation or acceptance by that Corporation. If a Corporation ever owns shares associated with itself then those shares are destroyed. All entities that own shares associated with a particular Corporation are stockholders of that Corporation, except that the Treasury is never a stockholder of any Corporation. If an entity owns two-thirds or more of the unburied shares of a particular Corporation then that entity is Chairman of that Corporation; otherwise that Corporation has no Chairman. If a Corporation has a Chairman then all entities owned by that Corporation are treated as if they are owned by that Corporation's Chairman. This paragraph takes precedence over all other rules governing the ownership and transferrence of entities. 3. Corporate Formation At the same time as the formation of a Corporation each initial member receives 40 newly-created shares associated with that Corporation. 4. Corporation Disbandment A Corporation disbands if ever more than one third of the shares associated with that Corporation are in the Treasury, or if there are ever zero shares associated with it. When a Corporation disbands, any shares associated with it are destroyed. 5. Corporate Actions Any stockholder of a Corporation may make a motion to that Corporation. If it is not a valid motion then then it is ignored. Otherwise, the Corporation's stockholders have one week to vote on it. At the end of that week or when sufficient votes have been made such that no additional no additional votes would change the outcome, whichever is sooner, the result of the vote is determined. When the result is determined, the motion passes if entities owning at least two-thirds of the shares voted in favor of the motion, or if entities owning more than one-half of the shares voted in favor and the motion was not privileged. Shares owned by Corporations which do not vote are not counted for determining the final results, but are counted for determining whether the voting period ends. Shares buried in treasures do not count towards either. When a valid motion passes the Corporation attempts the action specified by the motion. The entity which makes a motion automatically votes for it. Entities may change their votes at any time before the result of the vote is determined. 6. Motions Motions are only valid if the Rules say they are. The following are valid, non-privileged motions: a) to accept offered entities b) to change the Corporation's name to another legal name (if attempted this costs the Corporation the standard harfer fee; it fails if the Corporation cannot pay the SHF and succeeds otherwise) c) to make a motion to another Corporation (if it may otherwise do so) d) to vote in a particular way on a motion made to another Corporation (if it may otherwise do so). The following are valid, privileged motions: a) to accept a trade offer requiring the Corporation to transfer entities it owns to another entity, or to offer a trade b) to mint and distribute new shares associated with the Corporation (if performed, this causes the specified number of shares associated with the corporation to be created in the possession of the specified entity; this fails if the specified entity may not own shares) c) to buy a particular Organizational power d) to use an Organizational Power in a specified way e) to disband. Notwithstanding any other consideration, if fewer than three stockholders, other than the Treasury, own shares of a Corporation then the only valid motions for that Corporation are privileged motions (b) and (e) above. 7. Corruption A player may call a Corruption hearing against a Corporation claiming that the entity is abusing the rules. They then become the SEC Inspector (Hearing Harfer) for that hearing. The valid votes are "They're just honest business people, and besides, everyone does it" and "Split 'em up like Ma Bell!". If the result is the former the SEC Inspector must pay the SHF to each of the members or stock holders. If the result is the latter the entity is disbanded and the SEC Inspector receives a bribe, er, payment of twice the SHF from the Treasury. 8. The Principle of Otzma Corporations have no real understanding of the power that lurks in cards. Therefore, if any Corporation owns an Otzma Card, that Otzma Card is destroyed. LETSDOITRIGHT {{[ ******** ]}} Repeal rule 1005 (Shares). {{[ ******** ]}} Renumber rule 1050 (Organizational Action) to 1003. Append the text of rule 1055 (When You Don't Get a Say) to the end of rule 1003, and then repeal rule 1055. {{[ ******** ]}} Rename rule 1008 (Corporate Powers) to "Organizational Powers", renumber it to 1005, and amend it by replacing its full text with the following MOREPOWER-delimited text: MOREPOWER This rule defers to all other rules. Organizational Powers ("Powers" for short) are nameless, non-tradable entities. The Powers an Organization may own are those that the rules explicitly permit Organizations of its type to buy or own. Where the rules say that an Organization may buy a Power of a certain type, what is meant is that the Organization may, as an action, contribute an amount of currency to the Treasury in exchange for a new Power of the type specified, which is then created in that Organization's possession. If a Corporation has a Chairman then any attempt it makes to use an Organizational power fails. MOREPOWER {{[ ******** ]}} Replace all instances in the Rules of the string "Corporate Power" or "Corporational Power", regardless of case, with the string "Organizational Power". {{[ ******** ]}} Renumber rule 1017 (Trusts) to 1027 and amend it by replacing its text with the following DOYOUTRUSTME-delimited text: DOYOUTRUSTME A Trust Fund is a type of Organization. Trust funds may not have members. Trust funds may be formed only by the procedures defined in this rule. Trust Funds may own tradeable entities but not any other kind of entity. A Trust fund may be created by any player who is not a Pseudo-Founder. A legal name and charter for the Trust fund are necessary to fully specify this action. This action fails if the player attempting it does not have at least the standard harfer's fee. If it succeeds then the standard harfer's fee is transferred from the player performing the action to the Treasury, and a new Trust Fund comes into existence with the specified name and charter. A Trust Fund offers and accepts trades, makes gifts, and disbands as specified by its charter. If ever it is otherwise impossible to determine what action (if any) a Trust Fund takes or whether it takes an action at all, then the Trust Fund disbands. Trust Funds are notorious about losing paperwork. If a Trust Fund ever owns an Otzma card then that card is immediately destroyed. [Probably shredded along with a pile of incriminating government documents.] DOYOUTRUSTME {{[ ******** ]}} Repeal rule 1025 (Political Party Admissions).
{{[Duels need a little fix-up. Not every game currently choosable is suitable for dueling (2 player diplomacy, anyone?) and letting the Challenged pick the game is just TOO large an advantage. Even saaremaa's 'passe' prop didn't go far enough; if i declare double-crash passe, my opponent can still pick triple double crash, etc. So this prop changes how the game is decided upon. If anyone remembers Piers Anthony's Apprentice Adept series, that's what this is based on (very loosely of course, with much room to expand when we get more duelable games)] Trent loses 3 points, JT gains a point, /dev/joe gains 2 points [Malenkai should really get the points here, but he's on ice]}} In rule 1215 (Duels), replace the following FIRST_BLOOD-delimited text FIRST_BLOOD The Second posts a public message, which announces the name of the Challenging player, the name of the Challenged player, the reason for the Challenge, the fact that a Challenge has been made, and optionally, the name of a Game or Contest that "is passe". The Challenged player has 3 days to find another player who agrees to be their Second and have the Second respond to the message publically. The message must contain the following information: The Challenge it is a reply to, and a Game or Contest chosen by the Challenged player for the Duel, or an explicit waiver of the privilege of choosing the Game or Contest. If there is no response to the Challenge within the 3 days, or the Challenged player declines the challenge, or the response does not conform to the rules preceding, then the Challenged player forfeits the Duel. The Game or Contest (hereafter called Contest) chosen for the Duel must be one in the Games and Contests Rule Suite. Moreover, it must be playable by exactly two players, or two teams of two players each and have definitive rules for determining a winner (or a winning team), and it must not have been declared passe in the Challenge. If the chosen contest is for two teams, then each of the participants of the Duel teams up with eir respective Second. If the Challenging player, the Challenged player, and the two Seconds are not four different players, then the team option is not available and the contest chosen must be playable by exactly two players. If the Challenged player waived the privilege of choosing a Contest, the Challenging player may choose a Contest. After the Challenged Player's Second has posted the acceptance of the Duel, the Duel starts when the Herald announces it. If the Game or Contest chosen for the Duel requires a Referee, it does not require two teams of two players, and no player volunteers to referee the Game within one week of the Duel's beginning, then the Herald shall referee the Duel, unless the Herald is either the Challenged or Challenging Player, in which case the Challenged Player's Second shall referee the Duel. FIRST_BLOOD with the following TO_THE_DEATH-delimited text TO_THE_DEATH The Second posts a public message, which announces the name of the Challenging player, the name of the Challenged player, the reason for the Challenge, and the fact that a Challenge has been made. The Challenged player has 3 days to find another player who agrees to be their Second and have the Second respond to the message publically. The message must contain the following information: The Challenge it is a reply to, and whether e wants to pick Rows or Columns in the Games Grid. If there is no response to the Challenge within the 3 days, or the Challenged player declines the challenge, or the response does not conform to the rules preceding, then the Challenged player forfeits the Duel. After the Challenged Player's Second has posted the acceptance of the Duel, the Duelists have three days to send their Games Grid Row or Column choices to the Herald, or to the Second of the Challenged if the Herald is a Duelist. If either fails to do so within the required time, e forfeits the duel. If both fail to do so within the required time, the duel ends without a winner. Once both have sent eir choices in, the game in the intersection of the Row choice and the Column choice becomes the Game chosen for the Duel. If there are multiple Games in the division of the Games Grid chosen, the Herald shall randomly determine which one shall be played in the duel. After the game is determined, the Duel starts when the Herald announces it. If the Game or Contest chosen for the Duel requires a Referee and no player volunteers to referee the Game within one week of the Duel's beginning, then the Herald shall referee the Duel, unless the Herald is either the Challenged or Challenging Player, in which case the Challenged Player's Second shall referee the Duel. The Games Grid is a 3x3 grid with the three columns Simultaneous, Turn-Based, and Harfy (1, 2, and 3) and the three rows Strategy, Art, and Word Games. (A, B, and C) The games are placed in it as follows: Simultaneous Turn Based Harfy 1 2 3 A. Strategy Viruses Tromino Go Abstract Crescent B. Art Bacon YORL Acka Role Playing C. Word Games Double Crash Ghost Limericks Triple Double Crash TO_THE_DEATH Append the following 37341045295281-delimited text to Section 1 of Rule 1250.21 (Abstract Crescent) 37341045295281 When Abstract Crescent is played in a duel, numbers larger than 20 cannot be chosen. 37341045295281 Replace Section 8 of Rule 1250.24 (Acka Role Playing) with the following I_KILLED_THE_DRAGON-delimited text I_KILLED_THE_DRAGON 8) Conditions for winning the game Normally, the game ends with no winner. In a duel, or if appropriate in non-duel play, the GM can post that a player has won when he posts that the game has ended. I_KILLED_THE_DRAGON
This is a Modest proposal. Create a new Rule numbered 330, entitled Retractions, with the following text: A player may retract his own proposal as a public action. This action will fail if the results of that proposal have already been announced at the time that the action is attempted. All votes cast on a retracted proposal shall be ignored. A player who retracts his own proposal in this manner loses 2 points. A player may retract his own CFJ as a public action. This action will fail if a verdict other than Undecided has already been delivered on the CFJ. The player retracting the CFJ does not lose any points unless the CFJ was a paradox win CFJ or a cycle win CFJ in which case e loses 3 points. A player may retract his own Miscellaneous Submission as a public action. This action will fail if a decision on the acceptance or rejection of the submission is already publically knowable. The player retracting the submission loses 1 point. This section takes precedence over any rule which would prevent retraction of these entities. Instances of following, and nothing else, are Miscellaneous Submissions: a) Impeachment Papers b) Common Sense Reports c) New Games and Contest submissions as described by Rule 1250.1 d) Discoveries (retracted Discoveries are Debunked). Newbies shall not lose points as a result of this rule.
{{[I'm not claiming to get all of them, but these are some references that need to be updated with the recent streak of repeals. This first section is composed of the references to retractions]}} if proposal 3904 failed: *in rule 104, remove 'retracted or' *in rule 205, remove ', proposal retraction,' *in rule 211, remove the second sentence of the fifth paragraph *in rule 408, replace 'retracted, nullified,' with 'nullified' *in rule 600, remove the final sentence of the fifth paragraph *in rule 919, remove 'retracted or otherwise' *remove section V 4 of 1240.1 and renumber the others accordingly {{[this is actually a fix that would be fine as a CSR/CRD, but i figure I'd throw it in.]}} if proposal 3871 passed, do the following: *remove the final paragraph of rule 102 and insert 'H' between 'lowest' and 'number' *replace all references to L numbers in the rules that have equivalent H numbers with those H numbers {{[these are museum, thrall, and eggplant/hat references that are meaningless now]}} remove section 3b of Rule 205 remove Section IIb of Rule 313 and reletter IIc an IId accordingly replace 'it=91s' with 'its' in Rule 319 replace 'Illuminatus' with 'Puzzler' in Rule 320 remove section i of Rule 320.6 and renumber the others accordingly remove the final two sentences of Rule 399 replace 'transfer the trinket to the McCumber Annex of the Museum' with 'destroy the trinket' and remove 'Initially the business end is aimed at the Museum.' and '(in which case it will be aimed at the Museum)' from Rule 594.17 remove 'Agent of KAOS, Angry Villager' from rule 620 replace ', Right-Handed Grapefruit and Agenda Hats that are not being worn are destroyed. All Nemesis Eggplants with the same condition as an Agenda Hat that was destroyed in this manner' with ' and Right-Handed Grapefruit' remove the final sentence of rule 940 replace ', forfeit the Standard Harfer Fee for some sorely needed art appreciation classes, and be immediately transported to the Museum for an education.' with 'and forfeit the Standard Harfer Fee for some sorely needed art appreciation classes.' in rule 1125 replace 'In the event that the verdict is "the accumulation of money is a great evil and a burden to the soul" [Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad], then all entities in The Motherload, which the museum would accept if donated normally, are transferred to the North Wing of the Museum with the map writer as beneficiary. Any entities in the Motherload which were not transferred to the Museum's North wing by the previous sentence are transferred to the Treasury.' with 'In the event that the verdict is "the accumulation of money is a great evil and a burden to the soul", then all entities in The Motherload which can be destroyed are destroyed, all nondestroyed entities in The Motherload that can be owned by the Treasury become owned by the treasury, and all remaining entities in the Motherload become unowned.' remove 'is considered to be on display in the Museum and' from rule 1240.1 repeal rules 1240.15 and 1240.53 remove the paragraph that begins 'Any player (A)' from rule 1270. {{All Agenda Hats and Nemesis Eggplants are destroyed}}
this is a modest proposal repeal rule 940 (quarantine)
{{[B5 is over]}} repeal rule 1030 and 1035
{{add 50 to the magic number}}
{{[ All this does is recreate the Illuminatus and agenda hat rules in the state they were in before IB's mass repeal came through. I really liked them and wanted to have the fun of being illuminatus. It also undoes the changes that Trent has proposed to remove stray references to Agenda Hats. This and the Retractions rule (which someone else is reproposing) are the only two things I was sorry to lose, and given that this was voted an EXCELLENT rule, I would hope that people would like to see it stay. I am making this modest and removing all points from myself that I get for proposing this. ]}} This is a Modest Proposal. Create rule 431 titled Illuminatus with the following ILLUMINATUS delimited text. ILLUMINUTUS The Office of the Illuminatus is an optional office. The duties of the Illuminatus are to collect Agenda Conditions, conduct bidding on Nemesis Eggplants, and distribute and track Agenda Hats, as described in this rule. The Illuminatus has the Duty co announce a call for Agenda Condition submissions if, for any reason, there has not been such a call during the current cycle, and there is neither a call for Agenda Conditions nor a Nemesis Eggplant bidding period currently underway. The Illuminatus has the privilege of calling for Agenda Submissions whenever no such call has occurred in the past 90 days. The Agenda Condition submission period will last for seven days after this. During this time, any voting player other than the Illuminatus may submit a number of Agenda Conditions equal to three minus the number of Agenda Hats e owns by sending them to the Illuminatus. If a player sends more than this number of Agenda Conditions, only the first Agenda Conditions sent will be counted. Agenda Conditions should be statements that may be true or false depending on the game state. If the words "this hat," or "this eggplant" are used in an Agenda Condition, they shall be equivalent to, "the Agenda Hat associated with this Agenda Condition," and "the Nemesis Eggplant associated with this Agenda Condition," respectively. At the end of the seven days, the Illuminatus must release a list of all submitted Agenda Conditions, along with the names of the players who submitted each. If at least 4 players have submitted Agenda Conditions, the Illuminatus must initiate a seven day Nemesis Eggplant bidding period. During the Nemesis eggplant bidding period, each player who submitted Agenda conditions may send a Weight bid corresponding to each submitted Agenda Condition to the Illuminatus. Weight bids must be integers between (-2 Magic Number / 3) and (Magic Number / 3). If a player does not send a weight bid for a particular Agenda Condition, that player will be considered to have bid (Magic Number / 3), rounded down, on that condition. At the conclusion of the bidding period, the following occurs: z) Initially, all conditions are under consideration. a) The Illuminatus will determine the condition under consideration which has the lowest bid. Ties should be broken randomly. b) A Nemesis Eggplant with that condition is awarded to the lowest bidder on that condition who has less than 3 Nemesis Eggplants. Ties among lowest bidders should be broken randomly. (If there are no bidders who have less than 3 Nemesis Eggplants, then the Nemesis Eggplant shall be awarded to a randomly chosen player who has either one or two Nemesis Eggplants, or zero Nemesis Eggplants but one or more Agenda Hats. If there are no such players, then the Nemesis Eggplant is awarded to a randomly chosen player.) c) That condition is removed from consideration. If any conditions are still under consideration, this process repeats, starting with a) d) The Illuminatus may change the condition associated with any Nemesis Eggplant if e believes any of the following : i) that it is impossible for a player to achieve that condition in normal play ii) achieving the condition would prevent the player from winning by agenda. [for example, The owner of this hat also has the Chartreuse Goose.] iii) the condition is otherwise unharfy [For example, a condition that would be satisfied by spamming the mailing list with 1000's of messages would be technically easy to achieve, but a bad idea all around.] The condition that the Illuminatus chooses should be easily attainable. It should also be silly. e) For each newly created Nemesis Eggplant an agenda Hat is created in the hidden state, which has: i) with the same condition. ii) a weight equal to the lowest bid on its condition that was greater than the winning bid. If no bid was greater, the hat is assigned the winning bid as a weight. If the eggplant was awarded to a player who did not bid on it, then the hat is assigned the highest bid on its condition. Any Agenda Hats with a condition that was chosen by the Illuminatus according to d) are Silly Agenda Hats, and instead are created with a weight of (Magic Number / 4) rounded up. f) Each player who submitted Agenda Conditions receives a number of agenda hats equal to the number of conditions e submitted. The Agenda Hats must be distributed randomly among these players, except that no player shall receive an Agenda Hat with a condition that e authored or that is the same as that of a Nemesis Eggplant e owns. If, after some part of this distribution has been done, there is no way to distribute the remaining hats as specified above(e.g. all players who submitted Agenda Conditions have three Agenda Hats, because of one or more players leaving the game or hats being transferred among players), then the remaining Agenda Hats are randomly distributed among players with one or two Agenda Hats or no Agenda Hats but one or more Nemesis Eggplants. If there are no such players and Agenda Hats still remain to be distributed, then they are distributed randomly among other players. Any Agenda Hats still remaining are transferred to the Mad Hatters. g) The Illuminatus must publicly announce the owners and conditions for each Nemesis Eggplant created, and the weights and conditions for each Agenda Hat created. The Illuminatus must privately notify each player who received Agenda Hats as to the conditions of each Agenda Hat that player received. It is also a duty of the Illuminatus to check that the correct condition is being revealed when a player makes an Agenda Hat visible. It is a privilege of the Illuminatus that e achieves a Winning Condition if it is publicly knowable that e has a score that is greater than 5/6 times the Magic Number. ILLUMINATUS {{Change the authorship of rule 431 to two-star}} Create rule 607 titled Winning by Agenda with the following AGENDA delimited text. AGENDA If a voting player owns at least three Agenda Hats, and it is publicly knowable that the condition for each Agenda Hat e owns is true, and that player's score is greater than or equal to the sum of the weights of all of the agenda hats e owns, then the following will occur: a) E will receive the title of Agent of KAOS. Any other player with this title loses it. b) The owner of any Nemesis Eggplant with a condition that is the same as the condition of an agenda hat owned by the Agent of KAOS must pay 40 A$ to the Agent of KAOS. c) All Agenda hats owned by the Agent of KAOS and all Nemesis eggplants with corresponding conditions are destroyed d) The Agent of KAOS achieves a Winning Condition. e) The Agent of KAOS has three days from when eir Cycle-Win CFJ becomes unappealable to publicly announce eir desire to be Illuminatus. If they do so the current Illuminatus is removed from office and the Agent of KAOS becomes the new Illuminatus. Otherwise the office of Illuminatus becomes vacant. At the end of a cycle won by this method, any player who had owned a Nemesis Eggplant that was destroyed as above when the Winning Condition that led to the win of that cycle was achieved has eir score set to -40. [See Rule 666] At the end of a cycle won by this method, all Agenda Hats and Nemesis Eggplants are destroyed. AGENDA {{Change the authorship of rule 607 to two-star}} Create rule 671 with the title Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda Hats and the following text as delimited by HATS_AND_EGGS HATS_AND_EGGS Nemesis Eggplants are ownable Entities. Each Nemesis Eggplant has a condition associated with it. Agenda Hats are ownable Headwear. Each Agenda Hat has a condition and a weight (which must be an integer,) associated with it. No player may own an agenda hat with a condition e authored or for which e owns corresponding Nemesis Eggplant. Agenda hats may be Silly as described by the rules. They may be either visible or hidden, (but not both.) The owner of a hidden Agenda Hat may make it visible by publicly posting the condition associated with it. Visible Agenda Hats are tradable. Only visible Agenda Hats may be worn. No player may wear more than three Agenda Hats at any given time. The author of an Agenda Hat's condition may publicly post a description of that Agenda Hat. No Entity other than Players or The Mad Hatters may own Agenda Hats. No Entity other than Players may own Nemesis Eggplants. If player who is wearing a Silly Agenda Hat posts a public message that does not contain the words, "wearing a Silly Agenda Hat," or "wearing Silly Agenda Hats" that Silly Agenda Hat falls off and is no longer being worn. If the owner of a Nemesis Eggplant is ever On Ice, then all of eir Nemesis Eggplants are randomly redistributed. These Eggplants shall go, if possible, to players who own one or two Nemesis Eggplants; if not, they shall go to players who own no Nemesis Eggplants. If there are no such players, then the Nemesis Eggplants are destroyed, as well as their corresponding Agenda Hats. If the owner of an Agenda Hat is ever On Ice, then all of eir Agenda Hats shall be transferred to the Mad Hatters. HATS_AND_EGGS {{Change the authorship of rule 671 to two-star}} Create rule 675 titled Mercury Poisoning with the following MERCURY delimited text. MERCURY The Mad Hatters is an Organization. It is permitted to own and trade A$ and Agenda Hats. The Mad Hatters at all times owns a More Than Human. Beep, Blip and Bonk are three unownable entities. Beep, Blip and Bonk become members of the Mad Hatters, if they are not currently members. Beep, Blip and Bonk always have eir support proxied to The Mad Hatters. Beep, Blip and Bonk may express eir consent in the Public Forum by a message from the Illuminatus which indicates the consent of Beep, Blip and/or Bonk. The Mad Hatters automatically approve any trade that satisfies one or more of the following forms, provided that the trade is possible: 1) A player trades a Visible Agenda Hat to the Mad Hatters in exchange for A$1. The Mad Hatters are permitted to call a public auction on any of the Agenda Hats they own and will do so upon request. When the Mad Hatters call an auction, the illuminatus shall initiate it and the minimum shall be A$10. If the Mad Hatters have been in possession of a given Visible Agenda Hat for more than 7 days, and a player points this fact out, then that Visible Agenda Hat and its complementary Nemesis Eggplant are destroyed. MERCURY {{Change the authorship of rule 675 to Slakko}} {{JT loses 5 points. JT fills the office of Illuminatus.}} {{[Now to undo the changes that Trent tried to make.]}} If proposal 3905 passed, perform the following actions as delimited by CLEANUP CLEANUP Amend rule 620 (Chartreuse Goose) by inserting the text ", Agent of KAOS" into the list of titles in section 7 after "Sage o'Doe Gas". Amend rule 666 (End of Cycle) by replacing the text "and Right-Handed Grapefruit" with the text ", Right-Handed Grapefruit and Agenda Hats that are not being worn are destroyed. All Nemesis Eggplants with the same condition as an Agenda Hat that was destroyed in this manner" {{ Any Agenda Hats and Nemesis Eggplants that were destroyed by P3905 are recreated owned by the person who owned them at the instant they were destroyed, and in the same conditions of truth, visibility and wornness as they were at the instant they were destroyed. }} CLEANUP
{{I don't expect this to pass.. C'mon.. surprise me}} If rule 42 exists Repeal rule 42. If rule 1 exists repeal rule 1. Repeal rule 207.1 (That's Just Silly) Repeal rule 207.3 (Foolishness) Repeal rule 313 (Proposal Bribery) Repeal rule 317 (Bonus Votes) Repeal rule 319 (Unanimity is Lovely (although not so lovely as it used to be) Repeal rule 364.1 (Grease is the Word)
In rule 424 ("Poet Laureate") replace the following MURKY delimited text: MURKY For such a commission to have effect, a public post must be made giving the commissioning player, the fee (if any), and the date by which the work must be completed. MURKY with the following MONKEY delimited text: MONKEY For such a commission to be binding, a public post must be made giving the commissioning player and the fee (if any). Upon completion of the requested work, this fee is transferred from the commissioning player to the Poet Laureate. A player may at any time publicly recant eir commission at which point it is no longer binding. MONKEY
Create a rule numbered 23, named "The Benevolent Society" with the following DANGER delimited text: DANGER When this rule is created, 4 active players should be randomly chosen by the speaker. These 4 may change the rules or game state as an organisational action. DANGER [If you think about it, and I rarely do, so what, if four players control the game - so what?!? It's pretty dull really. And you all still get to vote. So at least it's better than Anarchy.] {{Repeal rSiE}}
{{[else...if did a global replace to remove references to 'date z' in the CFCJ rule, but e missed one] remove 'on the date Z' from Rule 710 (Criminal Justice) }} -- Trent Acting CotC, Acting Map-Harfer, Butthead, Crazy French-Scotsman, Daring Adventurer, Dungeon Master, Really Weird, Rules-Harfer, Worker Caste, Weird
{{[ My Quests prop was submitted before the museum got blown up via IB's repeal. Since it no longer makes much sense, I'm going to repeal it. I will also note (and thus hopefully make it bad form for anyone else to attempt it) that Benefactor Value is no longer controlled by the rules. Thus the most observant 60% of the player who wanted to could gain exactly one winning condition. (at least I think it might work, regardless, I'm not doing so, and I hereby hope noone else will) ]}} Repeal rule 999.1
{{all gadgets are destroyed}} Repeal all rules numbered between 593 and 596. remove section 2 of rule 319.1 and renumber remove the final sentence of the 5th paragraph and the 6th paragraph of rule 360 remove ',gadgets' from rule 710 remove the Ancient Artifact and Judgement Day sections from rule 910 and add one page each to Arcane Trivia, Inner Workings, and Arcane Lore repeal rule 1013 remove sections a and e from 1211, reletter, and replace 'sum to 100' with 'sum to 50' repeal 1240.13, 1240.18, and 1240.51 remove 'Gadget or' and the second paragraph from rule 1240.20
{{[ There is no real reason for offices to hang around once the rule defining them is repealed. Especially now with unity for parties being based on political offices, and all no-longer defined offices become political since no rule defines them as functional. ]}} {{If any offices exist which are no longer defined by the rules, remove the player who holds that office from that office, an then destroy that office. This removal and destruction take precedence over any rule which conflicts with this removal or destruction. }} Amend rule 401 (Offices, Commonalities) by appending the following BOOM delimited text to the end of section (i). BOOM When an office ceases to be defined as an office by any rule, the player who held the office is removed from the office and that office is destroyed; this removal and destruction takes precedence over any rule which conflicts with this sentance. BOOM
[This is a big start. It redesigns the rules around the new system. Later proposals could integrate more things into this, especially by making them Operable, but it isn't neccessary. This assumes ThinMan's org changes will pass, if they don't I'll retract and resubmit.] Amend rule 500 to read as delimited by R500 R500 Something is an entity if and only if the rules specify that it is. An entity may not be created, destroyed, or manipulated except as specified by the Rules. It can have no material effect on the game other than those effects specified by the Rules. Rules, the rule set, and Proposals are unownable entities. Rule changes may manipulate Rules and the Rule set. Manipulation of an entity is permissible if such manipulation is not explicitly regulated by the rules, and such manipulation would not have a material effect on the game. In other words, the game state must be the same after the manipulation as it would have been had the manipulation not occurred. For the purposes of this rule, discussion and messages (public or private) are not considered a material effect on the game, although actions specified within the message may have a material effect. Nor are the initiation or results of a CFJ or CFCJ concerning the matter of whether or not a certain event constitutes a material effect. It is recognized that deciding whether a particular manipulation materially affected the game state is a matter that often can only be decided by judgement alone. Entities may not be broken into fractional pieces, and fractional pieces of entities may not be created. When any rule or anything else empowered by the rules specifies a fractional number of entities are created, destroyed, transferred, or otherwise operated upon, that action uses the least integer greater than the fractional number in place of the fractional number. This paragraph takes precedence over all other rules. R500 Append to the end of rule 500.1 "The Rules may specify a way in which an entities name is changed. Regardless of such rules, this fails if the new name would be illegal. A name is illegal if it includes a non-name character, is more than 70 characters long, or is already the name of an Entity." Remove the last paragraph of 500.3 Create rule 504, "Intelligence and Operations" with the following R504 delimited text R504 Some ownable Entities are Operable. Some named Entities are Intelligent. Operable entities have a number of Operations defined on them by the Rules. An Intelligent Entity (the Operator) may perform an Operation on an Operable Entity it owns providing that it supplies all information required to perform the Operation (as defined in the Rules). Some Operation may involve more than one Entity of a given type. An Entity performing such an Operation must state how many of those Entities it is performing the Operation on, and must own at least as many of the Entity as the number it is performing the Operation on. R504 Rename rule 505 to "The Treasury" and amend it to read as delimited by R505 R505 I. Treasury: The Treasury is a Named, Unownable, Intelligent, Trading Entity that serves as a storing house for entities that belong to no other entity, except for those entities for which the rules explicitly state are not in (or considered to be in) the Treasury. Items owned by the Treasury are said to be "in the Treasury", and they may not be manipulated in any way except as explicitly allowed by the Rules. II. Bankrupt Treasury: Whenever the rules require an amount of A$ from the Treasury for any reason, and there are insufficient available A$ to meet those obligations, the following process is executed: a) If there are no A$ owned by On Ice players, skip to step (e) of this process. b) Each On Ice player transfers 10% (round up) of its A$ to the Treasury. c) If there are still insufficient available A$ to meet the obligations, the process returns to step (a). d) If there are sufficient available A$ to meet to the obligations, the obligations are met, and the process ends. e) The remaining available A$ in the treasury shall be used in proportion to the number of A$ required for each application. III. Donation: The Treasury automatically accepts all one-sided trades offered to it (but not at large trades), and rejects all two-sided trades offered to it. If the Treasury ever owns a Trinket, it immediately performs a Dissolving Operation on it. IV. Harfer Fee The standard Harfer Fee is A$25. Whenever the rules direct a Harfer Fee to be paid, it is paid to the Treasury. R505 Rename rule 506 to "Ackadollars and Trinkets" and give it the following R506 delimited text. R506 The AckaDollar (A$) is the official currency of Ackanomia. AckaDollars are Operable gift entities. AckaDollars may not be created nor destroyed except as the result of an Operation. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should receive A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should come from, they shall come from the Treasury. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should go to, or specify that they should be destroyed, they shall go to the Treasury instead. The total number of A$ shall always be 100,000 less the combined value of all extant Trinkets (including those Trinkets created in Ackanomic, yet exported as described in the rules). The Total Wealth of a named Entity is defined as the sum of the total number of A$ it possesses plus the combined values of all trinkets in its possession. Trinkets are giftable, Operable Entities. Trinkets always have a positive, integral value in A$; this takes precedence over all other rules. The value of a Trinket may only be changed as specified by the rules. There is an Operation on one or more A$ known as Composing. This Operation requires the name and description of the resulting Trinket. The creation fails if the name specified for the Trinket is not a valid Ackanomic name, or is already the name of a named entity. If the Operation succeeds than the A$ are destroyed and a Trinket with the specified name and description and with a value equal to the number of A$ used in the Operation is created in the posession of the Operator. There is an Operation on a Trinket known as Dissolving. When a Trinket is Dissolved it is destroyed and A$ equal to the value of the Trinket are created in the posession of the Operator. Other rules may also create and bestow ownership of Trinkets, so long as the rule provides for naming, describing, and valuing the Trinket. In this case the Treasury Operates on a number of A$ equal to the value, using the specified name and description, and transfers it to the recipient. These Trinkets are known as Artificial Trinkets. All other Trinkets are Natural. If a Natural Trinket contains the name of a current or former player and that name is not the name of a player who Operated to create the Trinket, and the player had that name before the Trinket was created, and the Trinket has not been owned at some time by each player whose name it contains, and a player points this fact out publicly, it is a forgery. The rules may define other circumstances under which a Trinket is a forgery. Upon it becoming publically knowable that a Trinket is a forgery, it is transferred to the Treasury, unless it contains the name of exactly one current player and no former players, in which case it is transferred to that player. For the purposes of this clause, the Trinket name "contains" a name N, if it contains a word or phrase of the same length in words as N, that when stripped of any conventional English morphological changes, matches N as described in rule 348. [e.g. "Malenkai's Loophole" and "Malenkai-esque Statues" would be forgeries]. Trinkets have no power to affect any entities except as specified in the rules. R506 Amend rule 510 to read the following R510 delimited text R510 A Trading Entity may not accept or offer a trade or perform a game action which would cause the number of A$ it owns to be below 0, unless it would result in em owning more A$ after the trade than before. R510 Amend rule 515 to read as delimited by R515 R515 This Rule defers to all other rules. Rules may specify conditions in which certain trades may not take place, even though this rule specifies that they are legal. Rules may specify alternate means of trading entities, beyond those given here. A Trading Entity may offer a trade by sending a public message specifying the entities offered (if any) and the entities requested (if any). A trade in which no entities are requested is a one sided trade, all others are two sided. Note that a trade is still two sided if no entities are offered. All the entities must be Tradeable, and the offering entity must own the offered entities. Also the offering Entity must be allowed to own all request entities. The offer may also include one or more Trading Entities to which the offer is made, otherwise it is offered at large. An offer made in this way stands until it is legally retracted or accepted, or the entity who offered it no longer owns the entities offered, or the offer has been standing for at least three days, whichever comes first. A Player may retract a trade he or she offered by sending a public message to that effect. A Trading Entity may accept an exclusive trade offered to him or her, or any trade offered at large [but not one that was offered specifically to someone else], if and only if it owns all of the entities requested, in at least the quantities requested, and may own the offered entities. It does this by sending a public message to that effect. A one sided trade in which all involved entities are giftable and a single recipient is specified is known as a gift or a payment, and is automatically accepted unless the entity it is offered to may not own one or more of the offered entities, in which case the trade is illegal. When a Trading Entity accepts a standing trade, the entities offered are transferred from the Entity who offered the trade to the Entity who accepted it, and the entities requested in exchange are transferred from the Entity who accepted the trade to the Entity who offered it. All trades made as described by this rule are said to occur on the Free Market. A trade must specify a positive, integral amount of entities to be traded. R515 Add to the end of section 1 of rule 250 "Voting and Non-Voting Players are Intelligent, Trading Entities. Vacationing or On Ice players, or Non Players, are neither Intelligent or Trading." Create rule 1000, "Institutions", with the following R1000 delimited text R1000 Institutions are named, unownable, Trading, Intelligent entities. Any player who is not a pseudo-Founder may publically announce his intent to form an Institution along with the type of Institution they intend to found; in order for this to succeed the type of Institution must be foundable. By so doing he becomes a pseudo-Founder. If during the following seven-day period at least two other players publically announce that they wish to join the Institution the pseudo-Founder intends to form then the pseudo-Founder may form the Institution by announcing its name, its type, and the names of its initial members (who must be the pseudo-Founder and at least two of the players who publically announced their desire to join), any other information required to form a Trust Fund, and paying the standard harfer's fee plus any additional fee required for the formation of the particular Institution type specified. The name must be a legal name. Only a pseudo-Founder may perform this action, and upon doing so he ceases to be a pseudo-Founder. If a player is a pseudo-Founder for a contiguous seven day period then he ceases to be one at the end of that period. When an Institution disbands or is disbanded, a) any rule-specified procedures for the disbandment of an Institution of its type are carried out; then, b) anything owned by the Institution is transferred to the Treasury; then, c) the Institution ceases to exist. R1000 Amend rule 1001 to read as delimited by R1001 R1001 1. Fundamentals Organizations are Institutions. Although Organizations are not foundable, subtypes of Organizations may be. Players may be a member of Organizations, as specified elsewhere in the Rules. A Player who is a member of an organization is affiliated with that organization. If a particular Organization is defined by the rules then it is a Unique Organization, otherwise it is a Player-Sanctioned Organization. 2. Forming an Organization When an Organization is created: a) the players specified as the initial members become members of the Organization at the time of the Organization's formation, and b) the pseudo-Founder may specify the initial admissions policy at the time that he forms the Organization; if he does not, then the admissions policy is initially set to Standard. This section of this rule defers to rules that specify a modified or alternative method for the formation of specific types of Organizations. 3. Organization Disbandment A Player-Santioned Organization disbands if it ever has a nonpositive number of members. The rules may specify other conditions under which an Organization disbands or is disbanded. When an Organization disbands or is disbanded, any members it has cease to be members of it. 4. Joining an Organization Every Player-Sanctioned Organization has an admissions policy that describes how entities may become members of that Organization. Only admissions policies defined by the rules are valid; if a Player-Sanctioned Organization ever does not have a valid admissions policy then its admissions policy is set to Standard. Except as specified otherwise elsewhere in the rules, only players are elligible to be members of Organizations. The following are valid admissions policies: a) Standard: the Organization may make an eligible entity become a member of it as an Organizational action, provided that the entity has requested within the past two weeks to become a member of that Organization. b) Open: an elligible entity that can perform public actions may become a member as a public action. c) Privileged Single Player: a particular single member may grant any request for membership in that Organization made by an elligible entity within the past two weeks, thereby causing the entity to become a member. The single member with this ability must be specified. d) Quasi-open: Any elligible entity that requests membership in the Organization becomes a member three days thereafter unless any member refuses the entity admission during that time. e) Communist Single Player: any member may grant any request for membership in that Organization made by an elligible entity within the past two weeks, thereby causing the entity to become a member. In no case shall an entity which is not elligible to be a member of a particular Organization ever become a member of that Organization. If an Organization ever has a member that is inelligible to be a member of that Organization, then that member ceases to be a member of that Organization. Other rules may define other valid admissions policies for specific types of Organizations, or make any of the above policies invalid for for specific types of Organizations. Player-Sanctioned Organizations may change their admissions policies by Organizational Action unless forbidden by other rules. 5. Entity Liberty An entity may leave any Organization of which it is a member as a public action. 6. Actions Organizations may attempt actions as described in other rules. As an Organizational Action an Organization may Operate an entity it owns. As an Organizational Action an Organization may purchase an Institutional Power under the conditions specified by rule 1005. As an Organizational Action and Organization may perform any public action which the rules permit Organizations to perform (including supertypes of Organizations). R1001 Amend rule 1011 to read as delimited by R1011 R1011 1. Fundamentals Corporations are foundable Institutions. Corporations may own tradeable entities and Institutional Powers, but not any other type of entity. 2. Shares Shares are nameless, tradeable, Operable entities. Each share is associated with a Corporation. Shares may be given to the Corporation with which they are associated without any confirmation or acceptance by that Corporation. If a Corporation ever owns shares associated with itself then those shares are destroyed. All entities that own shares associated with a particular Corporation are stockholders of that Corporation, except that the Treasury is never a stockholder of any Corporation. Stockholders of a Corporation are affiliated with that Corporation. If an entity owns two-thirds or more of the unburied shares of a particular Corporation then that entity is Chairman of that Corporation; otherwise that Corporation has no Chairman. If a Corporation has a Chairman then all entities owned by that Corporation are treated as if they are owned by that Corporation's Chairman. This paragraph takes precedence over all other rules governing the ownership and transferrence of entities. 3. Corporate Formation At the same time as the formation of a Corporation each initial member receives 40 newly-created shares associated with that Corporation. 4. Corporation Disbandment A Corporation disbands if there are ever zero shares associated with it, or when a motion to disband succeeds. If there exists a group of Corporations such that no entity which is not one of those Corporations owns any shares associated with any of those Corporations then all those Corporations are destroyed. When a Corporation disbands, any shares associated with it are destroyed. 5. Corporate Actions There is an Operation on a stock known as Making a Motion. An entity making a motion must specify the type of motion and any other information needed to fully specify the motion. The Corporation's stockholders have one week to vote on it. Voting is an Operation on a stock, and an entity which Votes as an Operation must specify the motion they are voting on and whether they are voting for or against; an Intelligent Entity which Votes as an Operation is assumed to vote on all eir shares unless e specifies otherwise. At the end of that week or when sufficient votes have been made such that no additional votes would change the outcome, whichever is sooner, the result of the vote is determined. When the result is determined, the motion passes if entities owning at least two-thirds of the relevant shares voted in favor of the motion, or if entities owning more than one-half of the relevant shares voted in favor and the motion was not privileged. A share is relevant if it is owned by a player or if its owner Voted as an Operation on it. When a valid motion passes the Corporation attempts the action specified by the motion. The entity which makes a motion automatically Operates on all eir shares to vote for it. Entities may change the vote e cast with a share at any time before the result of the vote is determined. 6. Motions Motions are only valid if the Rules say they are. The following are valid, non-privileged motions: a) to accept a one sided trade b) to change the Corporation's name to another legal name (if attempted this costs the Corporation the standard harfer fee; it fails if the Corporation cannot pay the SHF and succeeds otherwise) c) to Operate on an owned entity The following are valid, privileged motions: a) to accept a two sided trade b) to mint and distribute new shares associated with the Corporation (if performed, this causes the specified number of shares associated with the corporation to be created in the possession of the specified entity; this fails if the specified entity may not own shares) c) to buy a particular Institutional power d) to use an Institutional Power in a specified way e) to disband f) anything else specified in the rules as a public action which a Corporation could perform. Notwithstanding any other consideration, if fewer than three stockholders, other than the Treasury, own shares of a Corporation then the only valid motions for that Corporation are privileged motions (b) and (e) above. 7. Corruption A player may call a Corruption hearing against a Corporation claiming that the entity is abusing the rules. They then become the SEC Inspector (Hearing Harfer) for that hearing. The valid votes are "They're just honest business people, and besides, everyone does it" and "Split 'em up like Ma Bell!". If the result is the former the SEC Inspector must pay the SHF to each of the members or stock holders. If the result is the latter the entity is disbanded and the SEC Inspector receives a bribe, er, payment of twice the SHF from the Treasury. 8. The Principle of Otzma Corporations have no real understanding of the power that lurks in cards. Therefore, if any Corporation owns an Otzma Card, that Otzma Card is destroyed. R1011 Rename rule 1005 "Institutional Powers" and amend it to read as delimited by R1005 R1005 This rule defers to all other rules. Institutional Powers ("Powers" for short) are nameless, non-tradable, Operable entities. The Powers an Institution may own are those that the rules explicitly permit Institutions of its type to buy or own. Where the rules say that an Institution may buy a Power of a certain type, what is meant is that the Institution may, through a process specified by that Institution's rules, contribute an amount of currency to the Treasury in exchange for a new Power of the type specified, which is then created in that Institution's possession, as long as that Institution is permitted to own that Power. R1005 Replace all instances of the phrase "Organizational Power" in the rules with "Institutional Power". Amend rule 1017 to read as delimited by R1017 R1017 A Trust Fund is a foundable Institution. When a Trust Fund is founded the pseudo-Founder must also specify a charter. The pseudo-Founder becomes affiliated with that Trust Fund. A Trust Fund offers and accepts trades, makes gifts, and disbands as specified by its charter. If ever it is otherwise impossible to determine what action (if any) a Trust Fund takes or whether it takes an action at all, then the Trust Fund disbands. Trust Funds are notorious about losing paperwork. If a Trust Fund ever owns an Otzma card then that card is immediately destroyed. [Probably shredded along with a pile of incriminating government documents.] R1017 Insert after the first sentence of rule 1009 "Political Parties are foundable." Insert after the first sentence of rule 1301 "Churches are foundable." In rule 373 replace "player or organization" with "Intelligent or Trading Entity" In rule 422 replace "organization which they are a member" with "entity with which they are affiliated" and "organization exists" with "entity exists". In rule 427 replace "Organization" in part a with "Institutions" and add "and Motions to Corporations" after "Organization actions" in part c. In rule 435 replace "Organizations" with "Institutions". In rule 710 add item 5i, "The CONFISCATION of one or more tradeable entities that player owns to the Treasury." In rule 1160 replace "Organization" with "Institution" everywhere it occurs Replace all occurances of "Organizational Power" in the rules with "Institutional Power" In rule 1217, replace section I with the following R1217-delimited text R1217 Burying Treasure is a public action performable by Trading Entities. In order to fully specify this action, the entity attempting it (the Burier_=) must state which one or more of his tradeable entities collectively constitute the Treasure. Hereafter, the term "Treasure" means the collection of these specified constituent entities. Immediately after this announcement, the Burier ceases to own the Treasure; it is considered "buried" or "hidden", and is owned by the Treasure. Buried Treasure is not considered part of the Treasury. A Burier must write a Treasure Map that describes, at a minimum, the conditions which must be met for a player to "find" the Treasure. If the Burier is not a player, than the announcement which buried the Treasure must specify a player who will write the map and who must inform any other players affiliated with the Burier of the full content of the map. These conditions may be as simple or as difficult to achieve as desired by the map writer. In fact, they may be impossible to achieve under the current ruleset. For the purposes of this rule, "conditions" means 1 or more conditions. The map writer is free to disclose all, part, or none of the map publically or privately at any time, or drop hints, clues, obscure riddles, etc in any manner they choose, even if such is not obvious, is subtle, or is encrypted [for example, the text of a proposal could be part of a Treasure Map, or a riddle, in disguise]. The map writer should consider the fun and spirit of the game when making such decisions [they could always just give the entities away]. Upon a Trading Entity (who is not a map custodian with respect to the map in question) achieving the conditions for finding buried Treasure as specified by a Treasure Map, it is a duty of the map writer or a map custodian (if any exist) to make this fact, and the map, public (once they become aware of the condition being achieved, and final act that lead to the condition being achieved is publically knowable). This action destroys the map, and the Entity who achieved the conditions receives the Treasure, and thus becomes the owner of its constituent entities (which are no longer considered "Treasure"), except for those which the finder may not legally own, which are transferred to the Treasury. In the case of multiple Entities achieving the conditions before the map is destroyed, the first to achieve it finds the Treasure. If the condition is achieved simultaneously by 2 or more Trading Entities, the finder is determined at random by the Officer in charge of Random Things. All such Trading Entities shall be eligible for the random selection, even non-active ones. The map writer is free to achieve the conditions. This is considered bad form, and the Chartreuse Goose is permitted to sneer. Furthermore, when this happens, the Chartreuse Goose is transferred to the map writer from wherever it is. R1217 {{Reduce else...if's score by 2, increase JT and Trent's scores by 1 each}}
Amend Rule 1250.22 in the following manner: (1) Replace the string "At the start of each round, each player must privately email the name of an actor" with "At the start of each round, each player must email the referee the name of an actor" (2) In the paragraph begining "The referee" replace the string "If the referee rules that the actron is too obscure, then the player who selected that actron loses one Gamepoint. If the referee rules that the actron is not too obscure, then the player who objected loses one Gamepoint" with the following string "If the referee rules that the actron is too obscure, then the player who objected gains one Gamepoint. If the referee rules that the actron is not too obscure, then the player who selected the actron gains one Gamepoint." {{[This eliminates point losses from the game, which were one of the main reasons why the duel between Trent and I was taking so long.]}} (3) In the paragraph begining with "The referee" replace the last sentence with the following string "If one or both actrons is ruled to be too obscure, the round ends." {{[Necessary now that players can gain points in the midst of a round]}} (4) In the paragraph that begins "Winning:" replace the string "5 Gamepoints" with "7 Gamepoints"
I was young and foolish then, I'm old and foolish now (well, not that foolish, I fixed at least one program) Amend rule 710 to read as delimited by IRON IRON A Crime Hearing is a Hearing. If a player believes that another player (the Dirty Crook) is guilty of a Crime then they may call a Crime Hearing against them iff e has the SHF. When a player calls a Crime Hearing e transfers the SHF to the Treasury and may specify a penalty, as defined below. The player who calls the hearing is the Judge (Hearing Harfer). The legal responses are "Innocent", "Guilty, I guess", and "Lock 'em up and throw away the key". The winning response is determined as follows: 1) If one response has an absolute majority, it wins. 2) Otherwise, if all three are equal, "Innocent" wins 3) Otherwise, if one has an absolute majority ignoring EBS votes, that response wins 4) Otherwise, if the total votes for "Guilty, I guess" and "Lock 'em up and throw away the key" are greater than the total votes for "Innocent", "Guilty, I guess" wins 5) Otherwise, if the total votes for "Guilty, I guess" and "Lock 'em up and throw away the key" are greater than the total votes for "Innocent", ignoring EBS's "Guilty, I guess" wins 6) Otherwise "Innocent" wins If the verdict is "Guilty, I guess", then the Dirty Crook must transfer the SHF or all eir A$ to the Judge, whichever is lesser. If the verdict is "Lock 'em up and throw away the key" then the penalty requested by the judge is enforced; if the Judge didn't request a penalty then the verdict is the same as "Guilty, I guess". The valid classes of penalties are: a) a DEDUCTION of 1 or more points from Player X's score. b) a FINE of 1 or more A$ payable by Player X to the Treasury. c) a SENTENCE in the Gaol of 1 or more days for Player X. d) the TRANSFERENCE of one or more trinkets, gadgets, Otzma Cards, or A$ in the possession of Player X to the initiator of the CFCJ. e) a PUBLIC APOLOGY of 1 or more lines by Player X. f) the REMOVAL of Player X from one or more Organizations to which e currently belongs. g) The IMPEACHMENT of Player X from a single specific office which e currently holds. h) the EXPULSION of Player X from the game. If the penalty was a SENTENCE in the Gaol, player X shall be moved from their current Location to the Gaol at which time their sentence will start. If, however, player X was already in the Gaol, the sentence they are currently serving shall be increased by the length of the new sentence. If the penalty specifies a TRANSFERENCE of any entity which it is not permissible to transfer, that part of the penalty shall be void, but such shall not necessarily void other parts of the penalty. If the penalty includes a PUBLIC APOLOGY, Player X is required to post a public message of at least the court-required length apologizing for his criminal ways. This should be done within three days of the expiration of his grace period, and it should have "Acka: Public Apology" as its subject line. Failure to comply will result in the addition of three days to that player's Gaol sentence, if he is in Gaol, or the immediate transfer of that player to the Gaol for a three-day incarceration if he is not in Gaol. Self-abasement is especially encouraged in such a message. IRON Repeal rule 711.
I was young and know the drill {{[There's really no point in maintaining the distinction. CSR's are for minor tweaks, proposals are for important stuff. CSR's are fast, but easier to block.]}} Amend rule 421.1 to read as delimtied by FREEDOMORATLEASTCSRSFORALL FREEDOMORATLEASTCSRSFORALL There shall be a functional office called Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy. This office may be referred to as CSRR. The purpose of the CSRR is to sort and make available an archive of CSR's. FREEDOMORATLEASTCSRSFORALL Remove from rule 421.2 everything in the first paragraph except for the first sentence and replace it with "The purpose of a CSR is to bring the literal meaning of the rules in line with intend, interpretation, or custom, or to repair minor mistakes in the rules, such as punctuation, capitalization, or rule number references." Remove privilage d from rule 407.1 Remove the second sentence of the third paragraph of rule 422. Remove the last sentence of rule 311
This is a grandiose proposal Amend rule 303 to read as delimited by HEIRARCHICALSYSTEM HEIRARCHICALSYSTEM I. All rules have an H number. All references to rule numbers are to H numbers unless otherwise specified; this is a Class 1 sentence. Some rules may also have an L number, this is a Class 1 sentence. {{All rules receive an L number equal to their rule number before the proposal which most recently modified this rule passed.}} An H number consists of a string of positive integers separated by hyphens, optionally preceded by an H. Each integer in that string is known as a locator. A rule number is an H number if is preceded by H; this is a Class 1 sentence. A rule number is an L number if is is preceded by L; this is a Class 1 sentence. A rule number is an L number if the number is preceded by neither; this is a Class 1 sentence. The following relations are defined between rules: (Z means an indeterminate set of locators separated by hyphens, X means a single locator. Zn, where n is an integer, is another indeterminate set of locators, Xn is another single locator.) Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 1 is a ____ of Rule 2 HZ HZ-X Parent HZ-X HZ Child HZ1 HZ1-Z2 Ancestor HZ1-Z2 HZ1 Descendant HZ-X1 HZ-X2 Sibling An H number is larger than another H number if the first (from left to right) integer which differs between the two is larger. When a rule Z1 is moved to become rule Z2, all its children Z1-X are moved to Z2-X II. When a new rule is created it is numbered as follows: 1. If the creator (be it proposal, rule, or something else) assigned it a valid H number not already assigned to a rule than it receives that number. 2. Otherwise, if the creator assigned it a valid H number and there is a parent (hereafter called THEPARENT to the rule with that H number than the rule receives the smallest H number, not already assigned to a rule, which would leave it as a child of THEPARENT. 3. Otherwise, it is given the smallest H number which would make a child of the Unassigned Rule Section. One week after the proposal which defined H numbers passed, {{[***Please note this clause***]}}replace all L numbers in the rules with the H number of that rule, and remove all Class 1 sentences from this rule; this is a Class 1 sentence. HEIRARCHICALSYSTEM Repeal rule 311 Create rule 99, "Unassigned Rule Section" with the following EXTRAPOWER delimited text EXTRAPOWER The rule-harfer may renumber descendants of this rule as a public action. EXTRAPOWER {{[There's a great deal going on in the rules, and it's easier to rearrange these things by CSR:]}} Assign to all rules with L number X the H number H99-X
I was young and foolish then, I'm old and foolish now. Amend rule 419, "Ambassador" to read as the following THISONCEWASTHELIAISON-delimited text THISONCEWASTHELIAISON The office of Ambassador is a political office. The Ambassador is the delegate^0 of Ackanomic to the InterNomic Treaty Organization^0 as defined in rule 419.1. The Ambassador must always be subscribed to the offical INTO-mailing-list^0. Any player may call an Agreement hearing on an InterNomic-Treaty^0 which Ackanomic has not signed or a Disagreement hearing on an InterNomic-Treaty^0 which Ackanomic has signed^0 and which allows Ackanomic to unsign^0 it. The Ambassador is the Hearing Harfer on both types of hearings. The valid responses to an Agreement hearing are "No! We want to mess up things for ourselves, without help from those black-helicopter flying INTO goons!" and "Surrender control to those black-helicopter flying INTO goons!". If the result is the latter than the Ambassador should sign^0 the treaty^0 the hearing was called on for Ackanomic. The valid responses to a Disagreement hearing are "What's your problem? Our rulers are doing a great job of pretending they still have power" and "Never mind prosperity for all, let's return to the dark ages". If the result is the latter the Ambassador should unsign^0 the treaty^0. The Ambassador may never sign^0 a treaty^0 which has terms which include hyphens or carets. Should the INTO Archivist^0 be a player of Ackanomic then that player receives a monthly A$25 stipend as a salary for bringing glory to Ackanomic. If a word or string of hyphenated words is followed by a caret and then a nonnegative integer: [^n] then the word is considered to be equivalent to the way that word or that word with the hyphens replaced by spaces is used in INT#n^0. No other terms or words used in the rules are considered to be the same as any terms defined in an InterNomic-Treaty^0. If n is 0 then it means the term is considered equivalent to a term defined in the INTO-rules^0. THISONCEWASTHELIAISON Create rule 419.1, "INTO Ruleset" with the following RULESANDREGULATIONS-delimited text RULESANDREGULATIONS Everything in this rule after this sentence is the ruleset of the InterNomic Treaty Organization Rule 1: The Archivist is responsible for tracking InterNomic Treaties. Rule 2: The Archivist selects the official mailing list, and must make a public notification of any changes to it. The first Archivist will be Uri Bruck ( and the first mailing list will be Rule 3: A notification is public if it is sent to everyone subscribed to the mailing list. Rule 4: A Nomic may designate a single delegate to the InterNomic Treaty Organization. Changes to the identity or the initial announcement of a delegate must be made by public notice. If there is an ambiguity about the identity of the delegate, the Archivist should determine the correct identity by inspecting the ruleset of that Nomic and other documents relating to that Nomic. If the rules and other documents for a Nomic are not available on the Web, then that Nomic must make them available to the Archivist in order have a delegate. Rule 5: The Archivist is elected. When there is no Archivist, Treaties may not be made or signed. If public notice is made that there is no Archivist, and no public notice is made by the Archivist contradicting this fact for one week, then nominations begin. A person nominates emself by making public notice of this. After one week of nominations, each Nomic, through its delegate, may vote for a candidate via public notice. Two weeks after the votes begin, the person who received the most votes becomes Archivist. If there is a tie, a runoff is held between tied people as if nominations had just ended and those two were the only nominees. Note that this ay require multiple runoffs. Rule 6: A person proposes a Treaty by making public notice of the content of the treaty. For two weeks after it is proposed, a Treaty is preliminary. After a Treaty has been preliminary for two weeks, it becomes an official InterNomic Treaty if it has been endorsed by at least three people, one of whom must be a delegate, including the player who proposed it (who is automatically assumed to endorse it). Otherwise it is destroyed. Endorsements may only be made by public notice. Rule 7: When a Treaty becomes an official InterNomic Treaty, the Archivist must assign it the smallest positive integer not already assigned to a Treaty and make its content available upon request (preferably be storing it on a web page). In any occurances of the string "INT#n" in that Treaty, the "n" is replaced by the number of the Treaty. Rule 8: Any Nomic, through its delegate, may sign an InterNomic Treaty by making public notice of this. The signing succeeds if and only if the Nomic has met all prerequisites within the Treaty for signing it. The Archivist should track which Nomics have signed a Treaty along with the content of the Treaty. A Nomic may remove its signature from an InterNomic Treaty unless the Treaty puts restrictions on doing so, in which case the Nomic must meet those restrictions before doing so. Rule 9: Although Nomics are expected to abide by an honor code, and obey the treaties they have signed, there is no general enforcement method in existance. Treaties should include enforcement when it is neccessary. RULESANDREGULATIONS
Replace "At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every voting player member of a given organization voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the political party itself shall cast an additional YES vote on that proposal for every three voting player members it has." (I don't dare locate it exactly, since I have no idea where it will be by the time I get to it) with "At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every voting player member of a given organization made the same vote on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the political party itself shall cast an additional vote of that type on that proposal for each point of Influence the party has." Append to the same rule, "A party's Influence is equal to the number of political offices held by members of that party, plus the number of voting players who are members of that party, all divided by 3, rounded down, but is 0 for a party with fewer than 3 voting members."
{{[ Well, with the demise of thralls, puzzler became sort of pointless. This creates a few new ways to gain puzzle pieces. ]}} Amend rule 910 (The Ackanomicon) by inserting the following PUZZLE delimited text at the end of the list of available pages. PUZZLE Strange Object (6 pages): The reader of these pages makes a strange journey to a mystical place. Upon the reader posting a short description of this journey, they shall return to Ackanomic with a random APP. The reader has three days to post this description, and until they do, or for three days (whichever is shorter) the player is treated as if they are on a Moon of Acka although they are really only gone in spirit and not in body. PUZZLE Amend rule 913 (Parades) by replacing "All players will take part in the Parade, and will receive one point for so doing." with "All players will take part in the Parade, and will receive one point for so doing. The Guest of Honour will also recieve a puzzle piece of eir choice as long as that piece is not part of a Winnable Bag." Amend rule 1211 (Boons of the Ancients) in the following manners: Remove the text "[weights sum to 100 in this case]". {{[This won't be true, and I see no need to keep it there.]}} Insert the following text as delimited by PUZZLING after section 9h). PUZZLING The Gods are Puzzled. The player recieves an APP of eir choice. This piece may be part of a Winnable Bag. (1) PUZZLING Amend rule 1270 (Puzzle Pieces) by removing any paragraph starting with "Any player (A) other than the Puzzler" if such a paragraph exists.
i was young and foolish then, i feel old and foolish now {{[now that there are no drastically abusable things (fel pop, govs/paradigms where only an elect few can vote, etc... there's no reason for 3 days of anarchy. Anarchy sucks, as i'm sure we all remember. 2 weeks (3 weeks for most of us) without proposals wasnt any fun, and even 3 days per rebellion is a bit much for me.]}} In rule 320 (Paradigms), replace the text beginning with the 5th paragraph and continuing to the end of the rule with the following LIKE_BUTTER delimited text LIKE_BUTTER If ever more than 50% of all voting players have a rebelliousness characteristic of "on" and any player points this out publicly, then the following events will happen: 1. All players have their rebelliousness characteristic changed to "off". 2. The OiCoRT should pick a Random Paradigm Type other than the Paradigm type active imediately before the Revolution. If that Paradigm Type specifies any other random determinations are to be made at this point then e should do that too. This Paradigm shall become active immediately All rules in this rulesuite take precedence over all other rules. This rule takes precedence over all other rules in this rulesuite. [Link to the paradigms] LIKE_BUTTER repeal rule 320.1 (Paradigm Type: Anarchy) -- Trent Acting CotC, Acting Map-Harfer, Butthead, Crazy French-Scotsman, Daring Adventurer, Dungeon Master, Really Weird, Rules-Harfer, Worker Caste, Weird
I was young and foolish then, i feel old and foolish now. Insert the following KABLOOIE-delimited text as Rule 1190, "Mad Bomber Rule Suite" KABLOOIE A player who has lost at least 3 honour and has been in gaol during the current cycle may become a Mad Bomber by publically expressing eir desire to do so. A Mad Bomber can make a mad bomb through the following procedure: 1) E must renounce the world and technology, and spend a week in the Wilds. During this time, e may not post more than 3 messages per day [as if e were in gaol]. At the commencement of this time, e must compose a haiku stating eir intent to do so. A player may not attempt this step more than once per calender month. 2) E must make the bomb and attatch a fuse. This can only be done if e owns a mechanical gadget, an antiquity worth at least A$50 [before the 30% interest], and a garment out of which to make the fuse. While still in the Wilds, e publicly posts a sonnet describing the process of making the bomb out of these components. At this time, if the action succeeds, the garment and gadget are destroyed and the trinket is given to the treasury. Then the Mad Bomber is given a Mad Bomb. Mad Bombs are nonunique, tradeable entities. If e leaves the wilds before making the bomb, e must fulfill the first step again. A Mad Bomber can only make one Bomb per creation, and must fully specify which e is making in eir sonnet. If e does not, the creation fails. To use a Mad Bomb, it must be thrown. Only a Mad Bomber may throw a Mad Bomb. To do so, e must compose a sestina describing the throwing of the bomb, and specify a target that is a location in Ackanomic other than the location of the Mad Bomber. When a bomb is thrown, it has a chance of hitting its target of twice the value of the dexterity characteristic of the Mad Bomber. It has a chance of hitting a random target equal to the value of the strength characteristic of the Mad Bomber. It has a chance of going off as if it had not been thrown anywhere, in the location of the Mad Bomber, equal to the greater of 10 and (40 - the intelligence and wisdom characteristics of the Mad Bomber). The denominator for the determination is equal to the sum of the chances. Exactly one day after a bomb hits its target, it goes off and is destroyed A Member of the Mad Bomber Rule Suite with the title "Mad Bomb Type: XXX", where XXX is replaced with a legal name, defines XXX as a type of Mad Bomb. Such rules may include restrictions on the materials used to make the bomb, the effects that various bombs have on various locations, and any other effect related to the Mad Bomb. If no effect is defined for an interaction of a Mad Bomb type and a location, then the bomb is a dud and explodes harmlessly in a scented cloud of potpourri. The Scaremonger is Custodian of the Mad Bomber Rule Suite and makes all random determinations for Mad Bombs (unless otherwise specified) KABLOOIE Add the following STINK-delimited text as rule 1190.1 , "Mad Bomb Type: Fertilizer Bomb" STINK Fertilizer Bomb Effects on Locations: The Library: The Vault of the Book gets all stinky and covered with fertilizer and no one can enter it for the rest of the month. The Wilds: Bombing The Wilds causes a Wildebeest Stampede, provided that no wildebeest stampede has occurred in the past week. During a Wildebeest stampede, all the animals rumble bandy through Acka. When this happens: The Goose, the Little Lamb, and Phoebe and her Matchbox go Somewhere Else, and all donkeys bray noisily. Then Wildebeests stampede over all unsheltered Ackans, causing em to lose 10 points. Any Player who has a lariat may attempt to lariat a Wildebeest. This is a test of dexterity against the Wildebeest's 17. If this succeeds, the player must wrestle the wildebeest. This is a test of strength against the wildebeest's 20. If a player successfully wrestles a wildebeest, e gets to keep it as a nonunique, tradeable enitity, and becomes a Daring Adventurer. The owner of a Wildebeest may make Wild Wooly Wildebeest Milk as a public action. WWWM is a Frink. The owner of a Wildebeest may also pay the treasury A$10 to make a Wooly Fur Sweater. If a Wildebeest lariating fails, the player who attempted to lariat loses another 5 points for more trampling. Finally, at the end of a stampede, The Brass Monkey climbs to the top of the tallest building in Acka and proclaims "The Makers of the Wildebeest Stampede shall be awarded 10 bonus points!" With that, the Mad Bomber who made the bomb and the Mad Bomber who thew the bomb each gain 10 points. If the same bomber did both, e gets all 20 points. The Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication A hole is blown in the containment chamber and the mutants are let loose. There are a total number of mutants equal to twice the number of active players, and they run around until all of them are caught. Mutants are Pesky. Mutants are entities. If a player catches a mutant, e is deemed to have returned it, and is given a random Boon of the Ancients. A player may catch at most one mutant each day. A mutant can be caught by: Hiding in the wilds near the river and luring a mutant with food or frink has a 20% chance of capturing a mutant. A player may try to lariat mutants if e has a lariat. This costs the SHF for a lassoing licence and has a 50% chance of working. A player may try to catch a mutant if e has a BWG Laser or a Highlander's Sword. This has a half chance of destroying the mutant and a half chance of catching it. The above may be tried at most once per day A random active player who has not yet caught a mutant that day automatically catches a mutant each tuesday at noon. If any moon becomes full, all the mutants get frightened and run back to the AIGR. Ackanomic Printing Guild two rules are randomly chosen. The Scaremonger picks a adjective from the lower numbered rule, and the Harfmeister picks a adjective from the higher numbered rule. The two adjectives switch places in the rules. A Moon of Ackanomic: A chunk of cheese is blown off the moon, and a random player is awarded a random cheese. STINK
Amend Rule 810 Bridge Building by replacing the SCAM text with the NOSCAM text. SCAM The price must be a nonnegative number of A$ smaller than any other offer made on items of that type and smaller than A$100. Two weeks after this proposal passes, there is a 10% chance each day that the bidding process was closed at a randomly determined hour of the previous day, and all bids after that time were invalid. At that time the lowest bidders on each type of resources are selected in the following manner SCAM NOSCAM The price must be a nonnegative number of A$ smaller than A$100. After January 2, 1999 {{[about a week more bidding after this prop]}} there is a 10% chance each day that the bidding process was closed at a randomly determined hour of the previous day, and all bids after that time were invalid. At that time the lowest bidders on each type of resources (equal bids resolved in the order they were recieved) are selected in the following manner NOSCAM
Create Rule 861 titled "Ackanomic University" with the following ACKA_U delimited text. ACKA_U Ackanomic University is a lavish building and a common location near the library. Players must be at the University to become a student or submit a Thesis. ACKA_U Create Rule 445 titled "Dean" with the following EDUCATIONDESPOT delimited text. EDUCATIONDESPOT The Office of Dean is an political office with one seat. The duties of the Dean are: 1. To be the hearing harfer for all Educational Hearings. 2. To make Theses publicly available. 3. To shamelessly promote the usefulness of higher education. If no player nominates themselves for Dean in an election, then the Hearing Harfer shall be given the office. The Dean recieves the SHF as a salary. EDUCATIONDESPOT {{Studge is made Dean in an acting capacity.}} Create Rule 390 titled "A Degree Proves You're Educated" with the following LEARNINGPROCESS delimited text. LEARNINGPROCESS Section 1 The Student A player may gain the title student by paying the SHF and announcing a major as a public action. Acceptable majors are those fields listed in Section 5 of this rule or "Visionary". No player may become a student in a major that e holds a PhD in. Before submitting eir thesis it is considered good form for a student to conduct surveys, make experimental proposals, and generally pretend to be involved in a study. Section 2 The Thesis There is a general class of untradeable entity called the Thesis. All Theses are of some type and must have more than 500 words. Players who are and have been students for a month may create a thesis by paying the SHF and posting it publicly such an action causes em to stop being a student. A thesis' type is the same as the student's major. The Thesis should: 1. Demonstrate the erudition of the student in the student's major. 2. Contain at least three footnotes referencing Rules, Proposals, CFJs, old messages, or other Theses. 3. Be consistent with every Thesis that has already been accepted or contain a lengthy explanation of how and why a Thesis is wrong where the new contradicts the old. Section 3 Grading The Thesis When a Thesis is created, the Dean must call an Educational Hearing on its acceptability. Valid responses are "Burn the Heretic!" and "Students who THINK? What will they come up with next..." for the Thesis to be accepted, more than 1/2 of the valid responses should be "Students who THINK? What will they come up with next...". If the Thesis is not accepted it is destroyed. If it is accepted, then the player who created it gets a degree in the whatever major the Thesis was for. Each time a player gets a degree in some major they get the lowest degree they do not already have in that major among BA, MA and PhD (where the degrees are listed lowest to highest). Section 4 How Majors Work If a Thesis is Visionary it should propose a new major and fill the above Section 2 requirements for that new major instead of an actual major called "Visionary". If the Thesis is Visionary then more than 2/3 (not 1/2) of the valid responses must be "Students who THINK? What will they come up with next..." for it to be accepted. If a Visionary Thesis is accepted then its type changes to the major it proposed, this major is added to Section 5, and the player who created the Visionary Thesis gets a degree in the new major, not a major called "Visionary". Section five of this rule serves only to indicate what majors are available at the Ackanomic University and is therefore a list of major names and Thesis types incapable of actually authorizing wholly new systems in Ackanomic. {{[This paragraph is just outside-chance scam prevention]}} Section 5 Majors Custom Harfology History Inter Nomic Relations Jurisprudence Legislation Scamology Treasure Hunting LEARNINGPROCESS
Calvin N Hobbes receives a winning condition.
In rule 106 (Voting On Proposals) replace "is a majority" with "is 55%" if that text is there, or replace "is three-fifths" with "is 55%" if that text is there.
Modify rule 214 by replacing: "There are only the following possible Judgements: (1) True; (2) False; (3) Undecided; or (4) Invalid. A Judgement may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but any such reasons and arguments form no part of the official Judgement itself. " with: "The following are the only possible Judgements: (1) True; (2) False; (3) Undecided; (4) Invalid; or (5) Undecidable [CFJs should be judged invalid if they are not well formed and undecidable if they either rely on some information which is not publically knowable, or a statement of indeterminate truth]. A Judgement may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but any such reasons and arguments form no part of the official Judgement itself. "
Repeal all rules which have a number which is both greater than 1000 and less than 1029.
Repeal rules 1181 (Silly little holiday), 1182 (Scam day) and 1195 (Honouring the bard).
A pint of Ali'i Macadamia Nut Ale is created in the possession of each active player. [ A'ole pili kia. ]
This is a modest proposal. {{[I hadn't meant to snag this when I got rid of proposal bribery.]}} Create a rule numbered 313 with the title 'Fair Voting Practices' and the text as delimited by BASIC_FAIRNESS BASIC_FAIRNESS I. Voting Actions The following are voting actions: A. Casting a legal vote as defined by rule 106. B. Being part of a political party that gets a unity vote. II. The Right to Fair Voting A proposal is invalid if it calls for one or more effects that discriminate in any way between players based on their voting actions on that proposal, or any other specific proposal or proposals identified in the proposal. Effects that depend on the way players vote are allowed if they apply to all proposals, or to all proposals in one or more classes previously defined by the rules. III. Effects Triggered on Changing the Triggering Rules If a proposal adds, changes, or repeals rules that generate effects or cause some entity to generate effects (including but not limited to score changes) based on the way players vote, then those rules generate no effects based on the way players vote on that particular proposal. This section of this rule takes precedence over all other rules which generate effects based on the way players vote on proposals. BASIC_FAIRNESS
this is a modest proposal {{all players go to the Ackanomic Afterlife}}
repeal rule 1390.3 [lager redundancy] repeal rule 1390.17 [stupid error of mine] renumber rule 1390.16 to be a member of the Paradigms Rule Suite [duh] repeal rule 451 [i dont use it and it's kind of stupid] repeal rule 503 [sorry, but it's not going to be used] repeal rule 543 [i forget what this is, but i think it's stale] repeal rule 1216 [feuds would be cool if a) orgs worked b) they weren't scammy c) they ever finished]
I. Replace the following phrase from Rule 667 (Fat Lady): " , a Bonus Vote shall be created and transferred to the player. " with " the player shall receive a Boon of the Ancients. " II. Replace the following phrase from Rule 855 (Monolith): " receives a Bonus Vote, and is granted the title of Monolith Meister. " with " receives a Boon of the Ancients, and is granted the title of Monolith Meister. " III. Replace the following phrase in Rule 975 (Yes Virginia): " receives a Bonus Vote. If this would give the player more Bonus Votes than " with " receives a random otzma card. If this would give the player more otzma cards than " IV. Remove the following text from Rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points): " c. Bonus Vote Conversion (i) A Player may convert 30 points into a Bonus vote. (ii) This type of conversion may only be performed if a conversion of this type has not been performed by the player attempting it during the prior 14 days. " and re-letter the sections in that rule as appropriate. V. Remove the following text from Rule 1211 (Boons of the Ancients) " b) The gods smile upon the player. 1 Bonus Vote is bestowed (10). " and re-letter the list from which it came as appropriate. Replace the following text from Rule 1211 (Boons of the Ancients) " 9) Boon list [weights sum to 50 in this case]: " with " 9) Boon list [weights sum to 40 in this case]: " VI. Replace the following text in Rule 1270 (Puzzle Pieces): " a Bonus Vote, A$250 and an Automatic Sculpture " with: " A$250 " VII. Remove the following sentence from Rule 429 (Treasure-Harfer): " Instead of the normal salary for a Functional Officer, the Treasure-Harfer shall receive an Automatic Sculpture every month. " VIII. Remove the following pieces of text from Rule 1215 (Duels): " A player owning a Highlander's Sword is never untouchable at any other time. " and " A player with a Highlander's Sword may exceed these limits, but only with a single Challenge each calendar week. "
I. Create a new rule as part of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite (rule 1240) with the title "Otzma Card of type Automatic Painting" consisting of the following AMSRWDWHTRT delimited text: AMSRWDWHTRT An Automatic Painting is an unframed piece of blank canvas - its rather depressing to look at, having only a single feature of interest, a rather handy brush someone has attached to it by means of a length of stout chain. Needless to say the brush is magic, unfortunately it is also chronically unimaginative. Automatic Paintings are always in one of two states, inspired and uninspired. They are created in the uninspired state. When a player other than the player who buried an uninspired Automatic Painting finds the treasure containing it, it becomes inspired. An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When it is played one of the following shall occur depending on its state: i) If it was in the inspired state when it was played the magic brush will flash into action painting the card into a fascinating (though perhaps offensively avant-garde) abstract painting. A random player is selected to publicly describe the masterpiece; when she does so, the Automatic Painting sets its description to that description. If she does not do so within 3 days of being selected the Automatic Sculpture sets its description to "It is X." where X is one of the colours defined in Rule 1155, chosen at random, or green if no such colours exist. When the description of an active Automatic Sculpture is set, it transforms itself into a trinket worth A$123, with the same description the Sculpture had, and the name "Painting X" where X is replaced by the least prime number that would result in a unique name. ii) If the card was in the uninspired state when it was played it shall explode in a cloud of murrey smoke. Cards of this type have an F-designation of Rare. AMSRWDWHTRT II. If the following DIRTYMONEY delimited text appears in Rule 429 (Treasure-Harfer) replace it with the following PAYDIRT delimited text, otherwise insert the PAYDIRT delimited text at the start of the last paragraph in that rule. No text is actually delimited within this paragraph. DIRTYMONEY Instead of the normal salary for a Functional Officer, the Treasure-Harfer shall receive an Automatic Sculpture every month. DIRTYMONEY PAYDIRT Instead of the normal salary for a Functional Officer, the Treasure-Harfer shall receive an Automatic Painting Otzma Card every month. PAYDIRT III. Remove the following text from Rule 1270 (Puzzle Pieces): " and an Automatic Sculpture " and insert the following text after the first occurrence of "A$250" in that rule: " and an Automatic Painting "
Renumber Rule 1390.16 (Paradigm Type Puppet Dictatorship) to 320.7 and retitle it (Paradigm Type: Puppet Dictatorship)
Insert the following ACTIVITY delimited text into Rule 403 (Functional Offices, Commonalties) after "b) At least 2/3 of " [Supreme Court]. ACTIVITY all active justices comprising the ACTIVITY
Delete the final paragraph of Rule 701 (Crime). [Failure of an Officer to perform a Duty of an Office e holds is the Crime of Non-Performance. The act of performing a Duty incorrectly is the Crime of Malpractice.] Replace the following text in Rule 403 (Functional Offices, Commonalties): " (v) Functional Officers may be impeached by the following process: " with: " (v) Functional officers who fail to perform their duties in a timely manner or who wilfully perform those duties incorrectly should be impeached. Functional Officers may be impeached by the following process: "
Create a new rule numbered 606 titled "Scam of the Day" with the text as delimited by SCAMFEST. SCAMFEST After a player has exploited, or attempted to exploit, a loophole in the rules (even if the loophole is later found not to have existed), any other player may call a Scam Hunt against them, provided that the player hasn't had a Scam Hunt called against them in during the past week. A Scam Hunt is a serious hearing. The player who calls the hearing is the hearing harfer for it and the valid responses are: "Wow! She drove a truck through it!" and "I don't think she knows how to drive.". If the result of the hearing is "I don't think she knows how to drive." The player against whom the hearing was called receives a black mark. If the result of the hearing is "Wow! She drove a truck through it!" the player who called for the hearing receives a black mark. When only one player, from amongst all players with an acka age of more than three months who are eligible to win a cycle, does not own a black mark that player gains a winning condition. When the cycle is won by this method each player who owns at least one black back has one destroyed and the winner of the cycle gains one black mark. Black marks are non-tradeable entities. Any players who possesses a black mark is very ashamed of themselves. SCAMFEST
This is a Modest Proposal. Insert the following paragraph after the first paragraph in Rule 101 : " It is acknowledged that the rules of Ackanomic may contain rules which fail to achieve their intent. While it is permissible for players to exploit such loopholes, it is considered Bad From. Players are instead encouraged to fix such flaws. "
This is a Modest Proposal. Insert the following paragraph after the first paragraph in Rule 101 : " It is acknowledged that the rules of Ackanomic may contain rules which fail to achieve their intent. It is considered Good Form for players to exploit such loopholes. "
This is a Modest Proposal. Rename rule 603 (Winning by Points) to "The Power of Points is That They Have No Power" and delete all but the first two paragraphs from it. [The winning condition stuff].
This is a Modest Proposal. Remove the following text from Rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points) " a. Otzma Card Conversion b. (i) A Player may convert 10 points into an Otzma Card randomly selected from those types with an F-Designation of Common. (ii) A Player may convert 15 points into an Otzma Card randomly selected from those types with an F-Designation of Normal or Common. (iii) A Player may convert 20 points into an Otzma Card of a randomly determined type. (iv) This type of conversion may only be performed if a conversion of this type has not been performed by the player attempting it during the prior 14 days. "
This is a Modest Proposal. Remove the following text from Rule 721 (Annoyances) " III. New Player Embezzlement Intentionally causing a newbie to lose currency, is Annoying. It is also Evil. " and renumber the list from which it came.
This is a Modest Proposal. Remove the following text from Rule 721 (Annoyances) " IV. Disrespecting the Harfers Showing a lack of respect to the officers who harf the game when they are acting in their capacity as officers, or refusing to acknowledge the work done by such functional officers is Annoying. It is also very impolite. " and renumber the list from which it came.
This is a Modest Proposal. I. Replace the following text from Rule 825 (Buildings): " Giving a description of the house which is not in accord with the rules is the Crime of Acting Like a Realtor. " with: " If a player gives a house a description which is not in accord, its description becomes "A one room apartment with no window, cinder block walls, a plain wooden bench, and a pile of rags in one corner for a bed". " II. Remove the following text from rule 842 (The Town Hall): " Failure to comply to these requirements constitutes the crime of Rampant Exhibitionism. At all times it is illegal to dance naked on the Town Hall Steps. For the purposes of this rule a player is considered to be naked if e is not wearing a rule defined garment. " III. Replace the following text in Rule 925 (The Press): " To own more than three newspapers at any one time is the Crime of Media Baroncy. " with " It is impossible to own more than three newspapers at any one time. " IV. Replace the following text in Rule 1021 (Political Parties and Rewarding Party Unity): " Being a member of more than one Political Party simultaneously is the Crime of Branch-Stacking. " with: " It its impossible to be a member of more than one Political Party simultaneously. " V. Remove the following text from Rule 1390.16 (Paradigm Type Puppet Dictatorship): "the Crime of "