Proposal 3851
K 2
Due: Fri Dec 11 17:12:47 1998
Status: accepted
Replace the following text from Rule 854 (Ackanomic Institute of Genetic
Extra head: Cost -- 50 A$. Players with extra heads are encouraged to
occasionally get into public arguments amongst their
heads. [See also rule 931]
Extra head: Cost -- 50 A$. Players with extra heads are encouraged to
occasionally get into public arguments amongst their
heads. A player with an extra head may wear one more piece of headwear
than would otherwise be allowed. [See also rule 931]

Proposal 3852
Hat Fix
Due: Fri Dec 11 17:13:07 1998
Status: rejected
Amend rule 671 (Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda Hats) by replacing the
following " delimited text
No player may wear more than three Agenda Hats at any given time.
with the following " delimited text
A player may wear either one, two or three Agenda Hats at any given time,
but may in no cases wear more hats than they have heads.

Proposal 3853
Due: Sat Dec 12 13:09:23 1998
Status: retracted
Declared Harfy sun, 06 dec 1998 16:41:14 -0500 (est) by /dev/joe
Insert the following KABLOOIE-delimited text as Rule 1190, “Mad Bomber Rule

A player who has lost at least 3 honour and has been in gaol during the
cycle may become a Mad Bomber by publically expressing eir desire to do so.  A
Mad Bomber can make a mad bomb through the following procedure:

1) E must renounce the world and technology, and spend a week in the Wilds. 
During this time, e may not post more than 3 messages per day [as if e were in
gaol].  At the commencement of this time, e must compose a haiku stating eir
intent to do so.  A player may not attempt this step more than once per
calender month.

2) E must make the bomb and attatch a fuse.  This can only be done if e owns a
mechanical gadget, an antiquity worth at least A$50 [before the 30% interest],
and a garment out of which to make the fuse.  While still in the Wilds, e
publicly posts a sonnet describing the process of making the bomb out of these
components. At this time, if the action succeeds, the garment and gadget are
destroyed and the trinket is given to the treasury.  Then the Mad Bomber is
given a Mad Bomb.  Mad Bombs are nonunique, tradeable entities.  If e leaves
the wilds before making the bomb, e must fulfill the first step again. 

A Mad Bomber can only make one Bomb per creation, and must fully specify which
e is making in eir sonnet.  If e does not, the creation fails.

To use a Mad Bomb, it must be thrown.  Only a Mad Bomber may throw a Mad
To do so, e must compose a sestina describing the throwing of the bomb, and
specify a target that is a location in Ackanomic other than the location of
Mad Bomber. When a bomb is thrown, it has a chance of hitting its target of
twice the value of the dexterity characteristic of the Mad Bomber.  It has a
chance of hitting a random target equal to the value of the strength
characteristic of the Mad Bomber.  It has a chance of going off as if it had
not been thrown anywhere, in the location of the Mad Bomber, equal to the
greater of 10 and (40 - the intelligence and wisdom characteristics of the Mad
Bomber).  The denominator for the determination is equal to the sum of the

Once a bomb hits its target, it goes off and is destroyed

A Member of the Mad Bomber Rule Suite with the title “Mad Bomb Type: XXX”,
where XXX is replaced with some string, defines XXX as a type of Mad Bombs. 
Such rules may include restrictions on the materials used to make the bomb,
effects that various bombs have on various locations, and any other effect
related to the Bomb.  If no effect is defined for an interaction of a Mad Bomb
type and a location, then the bomb is a dud and explodes harmlessly in a
scented cloud of potpourri.

The Scaremonger is Custodian of the Mad Bomber Rule Suite and makes all random
determinations (unless otherwise specified)

Add the following STINK-delimited text as rule 1190.1 , “Mad Bomb Type:
Fertilizer Bomb”
Fertilizer Bomb Effects on Locations:

The Library:

The Vault of the Book gets all stinky and covered with fertilizer and no one
can enter it for the rest of the month.

The Wilds:

Bombing The Wilds causes a Wildebeest Stampede.  During a Wildebeest stampede,
all the animals rumble bandy through Acka.  When this happens:

The Goose, the Little Lamb, and Phoebe and her Matchbox go Somewhere Else
, and all donkeys bray noisily.  Then Wildebeests stampede over all
Ackans, causing em to lose 10 points.  Any Player who has a lariat may attempt
to lariat a Wildebeest.  This is a test of dexterity against the Wildebeest's
17.  If this succeeds, the player must wrestle the wildebeest.  This is a test
of strength against the wildebeest's 20.  If a player successfully wrestles a
wildebeest, e gets to keep it as a nonunique, tradeable enitity, and becomes a
Daring Adventurer.  The owner of a Wildebeest may make Wild Wooly Wildebeest
Milk as a public action.  WWWM is a Frink.  The owner of a Wildebeest may also
pay the treasury A$10 to make a Wooly Fur Sweater.  If a Wildebeest lariating
fails, the player who attempted to lariat loses another 15 points for more
Finally, at the end of a stampede, The Brass Monkey climbs to the top of the
tallest building in Acka and proclaims "The Makers of the Wildebeest Stampede
shall be awarded 10 bonus points!"
With that, the Mad Bomber who made the bomb and the Mad Bomber who thew the
bomb each gain 10 points.  If the same bomber did both, e gets all 20 points.

The Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication

If hit by a fertilizer bomb, a hole is blown in the containment chamber and
mutants are let loose.  There are a total number of mutants equal to twice the
number of active players, and they run around until all of them are caught. 
Mutants are Pesky.  Mutants are entities.  If a player catches a mutant, e is
deemed to have returned it, and is given a random Boon of the Ancients.  A
player may catch at most one mutant each day.  A mutant can be caught by:

Hiding in the wilds near the river and luring a mutant with food or frink
has a
20% chance of capturing a mutant. 
A player may try to lariat mutants if e has a lariat.  This costs the SHF
for a
lassoing licence and has a 50% chance of working.  
A player may try to catch a mutant if e has a BWG Laser or a Highlander's
Sword.  This has a half chance of destroying the mutant and a half chance of
catching it.  

The above may be tried at most once per day

A random active player who has not yet caught a mutant that day automatically
catches a mutant each tuesday at noon.

Ackanomic Printing Guild

two rules are randomly chosen.  The Scaremonger picks a adjective from the
lower numbered rule, and the Harfmeister picks a adjective from the higher
numbered rule.  The two adjectives switch places in the rules.

A Moon of Ackanomic:

A chunk of cheese is blown off the moon, and a random player is awarded a
random cheese

Proposal 3854
Well if we can all vote, who needs anarchy?
Due: Sat Dec 12 13:28:21 1998
Status: rejected
{{[now that there are no drastically abusable things (fel pop,
govs/paradigms where only an elect few can vote, etc... there's no reason
for 3 days of anarchy.  Anarchy sucks, as i'm sure we all remember.  2
weeks (3 weeks for most of us) without proposals wasnt any fun, and even 3
days per rebellion is a bit much for me.]}}

In rule 320 (Paradigms), replace the text beginning with the 5th paragraph
and continuing to the end of the rule with the following LIKE_BUTTER
delimited text

If ever more than 50% of all voting players have a rebelliousness
characteristic of "on" and any player points this out publicly, then the
following events will happen: 

1. All players have their rebelliousness characteristic changed to "off". 

2. The OiCoRT should pick a Random Paradigm Type other than the Paradigm
type active imediately before the Revolution. If that Paradigm Type
specifies any other random determinations are to be made at this point then
e should do that too. This Paradigm shall become active immediately

All rules in this rulesuite take precedence over all other rules. This rule
takes precedence over all other rules in this rulesuite. 

[Link to the paradigms] 

repeal rule 320.1 (Paradigm Type: Anarchy)

Crazy French-Scotsman, Daring Adventurer, Dungeon Master, Really Weird,
Rules-Harfer, Worker Caste, Weird

Proposal 3855
Generic Proposal Title #3855
Due: Sat Dec 12 13:42:14 1998
Status: accepted
	Create rule 860, "Ackanomic Records" with the following
POLYGRAM-delimited text
	The Ackanomic Records Headquarters is a small building located in
the city.  It houses Ackanomic Records (a division of InterNomic Alcohol).
It has three labels, Ackanomic Records, Harfy Sounds, and Steel Flea Music.
Ackanomic Records and Steel Flea Music specialize in songs about Ackanomic,
while Harfy Sounds specializes in anything else.  Any player may publicly
post the lyrics to parody of a real song and the name of the band which
plays it (a made up band for the parody, not the real band).  That player
then receives 2 points unless their score is greater than 2/3 of the magic
number.  A player may not submit more than five songs per week.  The DJ
then assigns one of the labels to publish the song.  E is also responsible
for making a list of Ackanomic Record's songs publicly available.
	If one player thinks another is abusing this, they may call a
Hearing hearing against a song or multiple songs by that player.  The
accusing player becomes the Hearing Harfer.  The valid responses are "It's
a perfectly good, original song" and "How dare you place a copy in our
totally original records."  If the result is the former than the Hearing
Harfer must pay the player who wrote the songs A$5 for every song the
Hearing was called against.  If the result is the latter then the accused
songs are no longer to be published by the DJ and that songs' author is
fined 5 points for each song so removed and transfers A$5 per song the the
Hearing Harfer.
Reduce else...if's score by three points, increase Trent's score by two
points and JT's by one.

Proposal 3856
Out with the Old Hosed, in with the New Hosed
Due: Sat Dec 12 19:45:53 1998
Status: rejected
   This removes the dependence on Hosing from being tied to the subject
   line and makes it a perogative of the postmaster.
In rule 422 (Postmaster) replace the following WATER_GUN delimited text
   If a player posts a public message with a subject line that does not
   contain either "Ackanomic:" or "Acka:", the Postmaster may declare
   that player to have Gone Postal. A player who has Gone Postal is
   treated as if e is Hosed for one day; this period is extended by
   another day for each additional message lacking the aforementioned
   strings that is posted while e has Gone Postal.
with the following text as delimited by GARDEN_HOSE
   It is a privilege of the Postmaster to declare that a player has Gone
   Postal if that player posts a message to a list which is an
   inappropriate (in the opinion of the Postmaster) list for that message
   according to the Postal Code. Such a player has Gone Postal for one day
   following the announcement; this period is extended by another day
   for each additional message sent to an inappropriate forum which is
   pointed out by any player during the time the player has Gone Postal.

   While a player has Gone Postal, e is treated as if e is Hosed.

Proposal 3857
Due: Sat Dec 12 22:23:48 1998
Status: accepted
{{[Hi, I know this won't pass.  I just like to see my name in the

Repeal Rule 309 ("Substantially Similar Proposals ")
Repeal Rule 315 ("Tammany")
Repeal Rule 330 ("Retractions")
Repeal Rule 431 ("Illuminatus")
Repeal Rule 440 ("Thrallmaster")
Repeal Rule 507 ("Magicks")
Repeal Rule 607 ("Winning By Agenda")
Repeal Rule 615 ("Win By World Domination")
Repeal Rule 671 ("Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda Hats")
Repeal Rule 675 ("Mercury Poisoning")
Repeal Rule 750 ("Thrall: Definition")
Repeal Rule 753 ("Thrall-Related Etymology")
Repeal Rule 755 ("Entrallments")
Repeal Rule 760 ("Purchasing Thralls")
Repeal Rule 765 ("Circularity in Enthrallments")
Repeal Rule 850 ("Museum")
Repeal Rule 933 ("Purple Robe of Justice")

{{[Sadly, I will have continue my repulsion as another time.]}}

Proposal 3858
And I long to go out in the world beyond!
K 2
Due: Sat Dec 12 23:52:28 1998
Status: accepted
This is a modest proposal.

Repeal Rule 760 (Purchasing Thralls)

Proposal 3859
The Broom and the Shovel, the Poker and Tongs
K 2
Due: Sat Dec 12 23:52:46 1998
Status: accepted
{{[The Commission d'Arts becomes a unique organization which players my
leave if they do not wish to participate in the nomination process. ]}}

Amend Rule 670 (Commission d'Arts) in the following ways:

A. Replace Section 1 with the following text:
1) Upon the end of a cycle which exceeded 30 days in length The
Commission d'Arts shall be called.

The Commission d'Arts is a unique organization also referred to as The
Commission. The only time The Commission has members (Commissioners) is
while it is in session. When the rules call for a Commission d'Arts it
shall begin session and the Historian, Poet Laureate and President and
sufficient randomly selected players to give it 5 members automatically
join, unless a call was made less than 60 days previously, in which case
the call shall have no effect.

When a player leaves the Commission a random player who is not already a
member and has not been a member since the commission came into session
shall automatically join.

The Commission shall remain in session for 7 days after its newest
member joined or until a report is produced which ever is sooner. When
the commission ceases to be in session all players are removed from it.

B. Replace the following text in section 2:
2) The Commission (as represented by one of its members) shall publicly
post a report listing 4 Silver Moon Nominees,
which the Commission created as if the Commissioners were an
organization and creating such a report was an organizational
action permitted to this organization.
2) The Commission shall publicly post a report listing 4 Silver Moon
Nominees as an organizational action.

Proposal 3860
To the land were the Bong-tree grows
K 2
Due: Sat Dec 12 23:52:57 1998
Status: accepted
This is a modest proposal.

{{[ The previous commission ended rather abruptly when the senate was
bereft of its members so.... ]}}

{{ For the purposes of applying the following sentence, any effects of
Rule 670 (Commission d'Arts) which would restrict or alter the effect of
a call for a Commission d'Arts based on the amount of time which has
elapsed since a previous call are not applied. A Commission d'Arts is
called. }}

Proposal 3861
And they hopped the whole world three times round;
K 2
Due: Sat Dec 12 23:53:13 1998
Status: accepted
This is a modest proposal

Replace the following phrase [End of the first sentence of the fifth
paragraph] in Rule 251.1 (True Names):
the True Name of any current or former player.
the True Name of any other current or former player.

{{[This will allow someone to use eir real name as eir Ackanomic name]}}

Proposal 3862
No more technicalities
Due: Sun Dec 13 12:35:27 1998
Status: accepted
	In rule 710, replace the following OVERLYTIMECONCIOUS-delimited
text with the following NOWWERETALKING-delimited text.
Its "statement" shall be "X committed the Crime of Y on Z", where X is
replaced with the name of a registered player, Y is replaced by the name of
a Crime as defined in the current ruleset, and Z is replaced by a date
between 0 and 30 days prior to the current date.
Its "statement" shall be "X committed the Crime of Y", where X is replaced
with the name of a registered player and Y is replaced by the name of a
Crime as defined in the current ruleset.
Remove all occurances of "on date Z" in rule 710.
Append to the end of section 4 of rule 710 "CFCJ's in which player X has
not commited crime Y for more that 30 days, in the judgement of the judge,
shall be judged INVALID."

Proposal 3863
Surreal though entities
Due: Sun Dec 13 13:13:42 1998
Status: rejected
Repeal all rules between 800 and 900 except for rules 843 [Hall of Elders],
851 [Hafonian Institute], 851.1 [Remembrance Hearing]

{{[Various small changes to remove references.  Note that some comments
refer to the content of the rule, not the name.]}}

Repeal rule 423 [Map-Harfer]

Repeal rule 709 [Gaol]

Remove step k from rule 666 and reletter accordingly.

Remove items 5c and 8b from rule 710, and reletter those sublists accordingly.

Remove section 1 from rule 843 and renumber that list accordingly.

Remove the first sentence of rule 851.

Replace the third paragraph and first sentence of the fourth paragraph of
rule 910 [Ackanomicon] with "The Ackanomicon is stored in the Vault of the
Book.  A player may visit the Ackanomicon by publicly announcing that they
are going to visit *it*."

Remove the second sentence of rule 929 [Baaa]

Remove from rule 950 [ASS], section II, the first paragraph and the first
sentence of the second paragraph, then remove "which is in the library".

Repeal rule 975 [Voting Gnome] {{[Sorry, but it's too dependant on
locations.  We'll have time to make a new version.]}}

Repeal the last two paragraphs of rule 1150 [Vulcan]

Replace section II of rule 1209 [Machine that goes *ping*] with "The
Machine that Goes *ping* is attuned to one active player.  The player the
Machine is attuned to has the duty of assisting Acka in its study of the
Machine and is given the title "Scholar of *ping*" (hereafter, Scholar) for
as long as the Machine is attuned to em. For the purposes of this rule,
"the current Scholar's term" refers to the period of time since the Machine
last changed attunements.  It specifically does not refer to any periods of
time before the Machine's most recent change in attunement during which the
current Scholar was also Scholar."  In section VIII of rule 1209, replace
the second paragraph with "When the Scholar posts the undisguised truth as
described by this section, the Machine randomly attunes itself to another
active player."  Remove "is placed in gaol or" from rule 1209.  In rule
1209 replace "teleports itself to another active player's home" with
"attunes itself to another active player", "teleports itself to the home
of" with "attunes itself to", "locations" with "atunements", "teleports"
with "attunes" and  "location" with "attunement."

Proposal 3864
Generic Proposal Title #3865
Due: Sun Dec 13 16:18:30 1998
Status: accepted
in rule 213, replace 
"and the CFJ e defaulted on to be reassigned to another random judge."
"and all CFJs to which e is appointed Judge to be reassigned to new judges
as if e had declined judgment."

Proposal 3865
Generic Proposal Title #3865
Due: Sun Dec 13 16:18:40 1998
Status: rejected
Declared Harfy sun, 06 dec 1998 16:41:14 -0500 (est) by /dev/joe
{{devjoe smacks Trent around for playing with a hole in the bot}}

Proposal 3866
Due: Sun Dec 13 16:35:34 1998
Status: retracted
Declared Harfy sun, 06 dec 1998 16:41:14 -0500 (est) by /dev/joe
Insert the following KABLOOIE-delimited text as Rule 1190, “Mad Bomber Rule

A player who has lost at least 3 honour and has been in gaol during the
cycle may become a Mad Bomber by publically expressing eir desire to do so.  A
Mad Bomber can make a mad bomb through the following procedure:

1) E must renounce the world and technology, and spend a week in the Wilds. 
During this time, e may not post more than 3 messages per day [as if e were in
gaol].  At the commencement of this time, e must compose a haiku stating eir
intent to do so.  A player may not attempt this step more than once per
calender month.

2) E must make the bomb and attatch a fuse.  This can only be done if e owns a
mechanical gadget, an antiquity worth at least A$50 [before the 30% interest],
and a garment out of which to make the fuse.  While still in the Wilds, e
publicly posts a sonnet describing the process of making the bomb out of these
components. At this time, if the action succeeds, the garment and gadget are
destroyed and the trinket is given to the treasury.  Then the Mad Bomber is
given a Mad Bomb.  Mad Bombs are nonunique, tradeable entities.  If e leaves
the wilds before making the bomb, e must fulfill the first step again. 

A Mad Bomber can only make one Bomb per creation, and must fully specify which
e is making in eir sonnet.  If e does not, the creation fails.

To use a Mad Bomb, it must be thrown.  Only a Mad Bomber may throw a Mad
To do so, e must compose a sestina describing the throwing of the bomb, and
specify a target that is a location in Ackanomic other than the location of
Mad Bomber. When a bomb is thrown, it has a chance of hitting its target of
twice the value of the dexterity characteristic of the Mad Bomber.  It has a
chance of hitting a random target equal to the value of the strength
characteristic of the Mad Bomber.  It has a chance of going off as if it had
not been thrown anywhere, in the location of the Mad Bomber, equal to the
greater of 10 and (40 - the intelligence and wisdom characteristics of the Mad
Bomber).  The denominator for the determination is equal to the sum of the

Exactly one day after a bomb hits its target, it goes off and is destroyed

A Member of the Mad Bomber Rule Suite with the title "Mad Bomb Type: XXX",
where XXX is replaced with a legal name, defines XXX as a type of Mad Bomb. 
Such rules may include restrictions on the materials used to make the bomb,
effects that various bombs have on various locations, and any other effect
related to the Mad Bomb.  

If no effect is defined for an interaction of a Mad Bomb type and a location,
then the bomb is a dud and explodes harmlessly in a scented cloud of

The Scaremonger is Custodian of the Mad Bomber Rule Suite and makes all random
determinations for Mad Bombs (unless otherwise specified)

Add the following STINK-delimited text as rule 1190.1 , "Mad Bomb Type:
Fertilizer Bomb"
Fertilizer Bomb Effects on Locations:

The Library:

The Vault of the Book gets all stinky and covered with fertilizer and no one
can enter it for the rest of the month.

The Wilds:

Bombing The Wilds causes a Wildebeest Stampede, provided that no wildebeest
stampede has occurred in the past week.  During a Wildebeest stampede, all the
animals rumble bandy through Acka.  When this happens:

The Goose, the Little Lamb, and Phoebe and her Matchbox go Somewhere Else, and
all donkeys bray noisily.  Then Wildebeests stampede over all unsheltered
Ackans, causing em to lose 10 points.  Any Player who has a lariat may attempt
to lariat a Wildebeest.  This is a test of dexterity against the Wildebeest's
17.  If this succeeds, the player must wrestle the wildebeest.  This is a test
of strength against the wildebeest's 20.  If a player successfully wrestles a
wildebeest, e gets to keep it as a nonunique, tradeable enitity, and becomes a
Daring Adventurer.  The owner of a Wildebeest may make Wild Wooly Wildebeest
Milk as a public action.  WWWM is a Frink.  The owner of a Wildebeest may also
pay the treasury A$10 to make a Wooly Fur Sweater.  If a Wildebeest lariating
fails, the player who attempted to lariat loses another 5 points for more
trampling. Finally, at the end of a stampede, The Brass Monkey climbs to the
top of the tallest building in Acka and proclaims "The Makers of the
Stampede shall be awarded 10 bonus points!"
With that, the Mad Bomber who made the bomb and the Mad Bomber who thew the
bomb each gain 10 points.  If the same bomber did both, e gets all 20 points.

The Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication

A hole is blown in the containment chamber and the mutants are let loose. 
There are a total number of mutants equal to twice the number of active
players, and they run around until all of them are caught.  Mutants are
Mutants are entities.  If a player catches a mutant, e is deemed to have
returned it, and is given a random Boon of the Ancients.  A player may
catch at
most one mutant each day.  A mutant can be caught by:

Hiding in the wilds near the river and luring a mutant with food or frink
has a
20% chance of capturing a mutant. 
A player may try to lariat mutants if e has a lariat.  This costs the SHF
for a
lassoing licence and has a 50% chance of working.  
A player may try to catch a mutant if e has a BWG Laser or a Highlander's
Sword.  This has a half chance of destroying the mutant and a half chance of
catching it.  

The above may be tried at most once per day

A random active player who has not yet caught a mutant that day automatically
catches a mutant each tuesday at noon.
If any moon becomes full, all the mutants get frightened and run back to the

Ackanomic Printing Guild

two rules are randomly chosen.  The Scaremonger picks a adjective from the
lower numbered rule, and the Harfmeister picks a adjective from the higher
numbered rule.  The two adjectives switch places in the rules.

A Moon of Ackanomic:

A chunk of cheese is blown off the moon, and a random player is awarded a
random cheese.

Proposal 3867
Now to fix a few small errors in Illuminated Groups
Due: Sun Dec 13 16:39:15 1998
Status: retracted
Amend Rule 1020 (Conspiracy Theory) Section I by replacing the following
text delimited by " 
An Organized Group which has zero Resistance is an Illuminatus Group.
with the following text delmited by BETTER
An Organized Group which has zero Resistance and the Organizational power
of Illuminati is an Illuminatus Group.

Create rule 1014 titled Illuminati Power with the following text as
delimited by ILLUMINATED
An Illuminati is an Organizational Power.   An Organization may purchase
the Illuminati Power for A$500.

Amend Rule 1020 (Conspiracy Theory) Section III by appending the following
text as delimited by CONTROL to the end of the section.
No group may directly control a number of groups greater than the minimum
of 4 or their Power. [IE a group with Power 1 can control 1 group max]

Amend Rule 1020 (Conspiracy Thory) section IV of the same rule by
inserting the following text as delimited by NO_ILLUMINATUS as the second
paragraph of that section
It is impermissable to Attack an Illuminatus Group.

   I'll let someone else propose how power and resistance are gained.  I
   have some thoughts, but I want to give other people a chance.  *fnord*

Proposal 3868
Due: Sun Dec 13 16:45:16 1998
Status: accepted
Declared Harfy sun, 06 dec 1998 17:02:52 -0500 (est) by /dev/joe
Create a rule numbered 999 named Quests Rule Suite with the following
text as delimited by QUEST
[link to quests]

Each rule in the Quest Rule Suite defines a specific quest which may be
undertaken by the players of Ackanomic.

Each Quest must define a condition to be achieved in order to fulfill the
quest, and a reward which is recieved for fulfilling the quest.   A quest
may also define a medal which will be recieved by each player to fulfill
the quest.

If a quest does not define a medal, the medal for that quest will be
a medal named 'The Gold Medallion for Achieving Quest XXX.X' where XXX.X
is replaced by the rule number of the quest completed.

All medals for completed quests are made by the Frobozz Magic Medal Company,
Ackanomic Division.

Each quest may also define additional effects which occur once at the time
the quest is completed.

Each quest must be defined within a rule contained within this rule suite.

If a player already has the medal for completing a quest, that player may
not complete that quest again.   The previous sentence takes precedence over
any rule with which it conflicts.

The player completing a quest must point out the fact of its completion
publically before the reward or medal for that quest will be awarded.

If ever more than 60% of all active and vacationing players have completed a
given quest and that fact is pointed out publically, then the rule defining
that quest will be repealed as it has become too easy and is therefore no
longer worth the recognition of achieving it.

Create a new rule numbered numbered 999.1 named Quest of the Magic A$
with text as delimited by USED_TO_BE_MUSEUM
Condition: A Voting player Achieving a Benefactor Value of A$5000
Reward:  The player achieves a winning condition.
Medal: A Gold-Plated Ruby-Encrusted $-sign

Other Effects: The player becomes a Life Member of the Museum and his
name is added to the end of the list of names on the plaque in front of
the West Wing of the Museum and the lighted sign in front of the North Wing
of the Museum begins displaying North.   All objects donated by the player
are moved to the West Wing.   If any Trinkets were moved to the West Wing
by the previous sentence, they become Magicks.  The lighted in front of the
West Wing begins displaying the players Name.

  Delete section VII and all of its text from rule 850 (Museum) and
  renumber the sections accordingly.
  All players who have achieved a Museum Win in the past are given a
  Gold-Plated Ruby-Encrusted $-sign. (I believe this would be /dev/joe,
  Slakko, Saaremaa, else...if, Trent, r-attilla the farce, and Studge)

Create rule 999.2 named Quest of the Royal Frink with the following FRINKING
delimited text
Condition: A player successfully frinks 5 different Royal Frinks.
Reward: A Random Boon of the Ancients
Medal: A Bronze Frinking Straw
{{delete the first sentence from rule 1390.2 (Royal Frinks)}}
{{Slakko is given a Bronze Frinking Straw}}

Proposal 3869
The other BOOM!s were retracted; vote for this one
Due: Sun Dec 13 16:47:57 1998
Status: rejected
Declared Harfy sun, 06 dec 1998 17:02:52 -0500 (est) by /dev/joe
Insert the following KABLOOIE-delimited text as Rule 1190, "Mad Bomber Rule

A player who has lost at least 3 honour and has been in gaol during the
cycle may become a Mad Bomber by publically expressing eir desire to do so.  A
Mad Bomber can make a mad bomb through the following procedure:

1) E must renounce the world and technology, and spend a week in the Wilds. 
During this time, e may not post more than 3 messages per day [as if e were in
gaol].  At the commencement of this time, e must compose a haiku stating eir
intent to do so.  A player may not attempt this step more than once per
calender month.

2) E must make the bomb and attatch a fuse.  This can only be done if e owns a
mechanical gadget, an antiquity worth at least A$50 [before the 30% interest],
and a garment out of which to make the fuse.  While still in the Wilds, e
publicly posts a sonnet describing the process of making the bomb out of these
components. At this time, if the action succeeds, the garment and gadget are
destroyed and the trinket is given to the treasury.  Then the Mad Bomber is
given a Mad Bomb.  Mad Bombs are nonunique, tradeable entities.  If e leaves
the wilds before making the bomb, e must fulfill the first step again. 

A Mad Bomber can only make one Bomb per creation, and must fully specify which
e is making in eir sonnet.  If e does not, the creation fails.

To use a Mad Bomb, it must be thrown.  Only a Mad Bomber may throw a Mad
To do so, e must compose a sestina describing the throwing of the bomb, and
specify a target that is a location in Ackanomic other than the location of
Mad Bomber. When a bomb is thrown, it has a chance of hitting its target of
twice the value of the dexterity characteristic of the Mad Bomber.  It has a
chance of hitting a random target equal to the value of the strength
characteristic of the Mad Bomber.  It has a chance of going off as if it had
not been thrown anywhere, in the location of the Mad Bomber, equal to the
greater of 10 and (40 - the intelligence and wisdom characteristics of the Mad
Bomber).  The denominator for the determination is equal to the sum of the

Exactly one day after a bomb hits its target, it goes off and is destroyed

A Member of the Mad Bomber Rule Suite with the title "Mad Bomb Type: XXX",
where XXX is replaced with a legal name, defines XXX as a type of Mad Bomb. 
Such rules may include restrictions on the materials used to make the bomb,
effects that various bombs have on various locations, and any other effect
related to the Mad Bomb.  

If no effect is defined for an interaction of a Mad Bomb type and a location,
then the bomb is a dud and explodes harmlessly in a scented cloud of

The Scaremonger is Custodian of the Mad Bomber Rule Suite and makes all random
determinations for Mad Bombs (unless otherwise specified)

Add the following STINK-delimited text as rule 1190.1 , "Mad Bomb Type:
Fertilizer Bomb"
Fertilizer Bomb Effects on Locations:

The Library:

The Vault of the Book gets all stinky and covered with fertilizer and no one
can enter it for the rest of the month.

The Wilds:

Bombing The Wilds causes a Wildebeest Stampede, provided that no wildebeest
stampede has occurred in the past week.  During a Wildebeest stampede, all the
animals rumble bandy through Acka.  When this happens:

The Goose, the Little Lamb, and Phoebe and her Matchbox go Somewhere Else, and
all donkeys bray noisily.  Then Wildebeests stampede over all unsheltered
Ackans, causing em to lose 10 points.  Any Player who has a lariat may attempt
to lariat a Wildebeest.  This is a test of dexterity against the Wildebeest's
17.  If this succeeds, the player must wrestle the wildebeest.  This is a test
of strength against the wildebeest's 20.  If a player successfully wrestles a
wildebeest, e gets to keep it as a nonunique, tradeable enitity, and becomes a
Daring Adventurer.  The owner of a Wildebeest may make Wild Wooly Wildebeest
Milk as a public action.  WWWM is a Frink.  The owner of a Wildebeest may also
pay the treasury A$10 to make a Wooly Fur Sweater.  If a Wildebeest lariating
fails, the player who attempted to lariat loses another 5 points for more
trampling. Finally, at the end of a stampede, The Brass Monkey climbs to the
top of the tallest building in Acka and proclaims "The Makers of the
Stampede shall be awarded 10 bonus points!"
With that, the Mad Bomber who made the bomb and the Mad Bomber who thew the
bomb each gain 10 points.  If the same bomber did both, e gets all 20 points.

The Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication

A hole is blown in the containment chamber and the mutants are let loose. 
There are a total number of mutants equal to twice the number of active
players, and they run around until all of them are caught.  Mutants are
Mutants are entities.  If a player catches a mutant, e is deemed to have
returned it, and is given a random Boon of the Ancients.  A player may
catch at
most one mutant each day.  A mutant can be caught by:

Hiding in the wilds near the river and luring a mutant with food or frink
has a
20% chance of capturing a mutant. 
A player may try to lariat mutants if e has a lariat.  This costs the SHF
for a
lassoing licence and has a 50% chance of working.  
A player may try to catch a mutant if e has a BWG Laser or a Highlander's
Sword.  This has a half chance of destroying the mutant and a half chance of
catching it.  

The above may be tried at most once per day

A random active player who has not yet caught a mutant that day automatically
catches a mutant each tuesday at noon.
If any moon becomes full, all the mutants get frightened and run back to the

Ackanomic Printing Guild

two rules are randomly chosen.  The Scaremonger picks a adjective from the
lower numbered rule, and the Harfmeister picks a adjective from the higher
numbered rule.  The two adjectives switch places in the rules.

A Moon of Ackanomic:

A chunk of cheese is blown off the moon, and a random player is awarded a
random cheese.

Proposal 3870
Subject Hearing
Due: Sun Dec 13 17:05:24 1998
Status: accepted
Create a rule numbered 361 with the title What's the Will of the People
and the following text as delimited by WILL_O_THE_FOLK
Any player may call a hearing on a matter to be decided as a Will of the
People, and will be the Hearing Harfer for that Hearing.  The Hearing
Harfer for a Will of the People hearing may be referred to as WillWho? for
the duration of the Hearing.

A Will of the People Hearing is an Extremely Silly Affair.  It is
also a Serious Matter [just to prevent EBSs from skewing the results]. The
valid responses to a Will of the People Hearing are "Hey Man, I'm an 
Induhvidual" and "I cannot wait to catch up to the Jones'".   If the 
result is the former (Induhvidual), the matter about which the hearing is
being called is considered to not be the will of the people.   If the 
result is the latter (Jones'), then the will of the people has spoken.

This type of hearing should be used to gauge public opinion on a given
A Will of the People Hearing is called with JT as the WillWho? on the 
matter of should the mailing list software automatically add 'Acka:' to
the subject lines for the Ackanomic mailing lists.

Proposal 3871
The Next Big Thing
Due: Sun Dec 13 17:55:49 1998
Status: rejected
This is a grandiose proposal
Amend rule 303 to read as delimited by HEIRARCHICALSYSTEM
I.	All rules have an H number.  All references to rule numbers are to
H numbers unless otherwise specified; this is a Class 1 sentence.  Some
rules may also have an L number, this is a Class 1 sentence.  {{All rules
receive an L number equal to their rule number before the proposal which
most recently modified this rule passed.}}  An H number consists of a
string of positive integers separated by hyphens, optionally preceded by an
H.  Each integer in that string is known as a locator.  A rule number is an
H number if is preceded by H; this is a Class 1 sentence.  A rule number is
an L number if is is preceded by L; this is a Class 1 sentence.  A rule
number is an L number if the number is preceded by neither; this is a Class
1 sentence.
	The following relations are defined between rules:  (Z means an
indeterminate set of locators separated by hyphens, X means a single
locator.  Zn, where n is an integer, is another indeterminate set of
locators, Xn is another single locator.)
Rule 1		Rule 2		Rule 1 is a ____ of Rule 2
HZ		HZ-X		Parent
HZ-X		HZ		Child
HZ1		HZ1-Z2		Ancestor
HZ1-Z2		HZ1		Descendant
HZ-X1		HZ-X2		Sibling
	An H number is larger than another H number if the first (from left
to right) integer which differs between the two is larger.  When a rule Z1
is moved to become rule Z2, all its children Z1-X are moved to Z2-X

II.	When a new rule is created it is numbered as follows:
1. If the creator (be it proposal, rule, or something else) assigned it a
valid H number not already assigned to a rule than it receives that number.
2. Otherwise, if the creator assigned it a valid H number and there is a
parent (hereafter called THEPARENT to the rule with that H number than the
rule receives the smallest H number, not already assigned to a rule, which
would leave it as a child of THEPARENT.
3. Otherwise, it is given the smallest H number which would make a child of
the Unassigned Rule Section.

	One week after the proposal which defined H numbers passed, replace
all L numbers in the rules with the H number of that rule, and remove all
Class 1 sentences from this rule; this is a Class 1 sentence.

Repeal rule 311
Create rule 99, "Unassigned Rule Section" with the following EXTRAPOWER
delimited text
	The rule-harfer may renumber descendants of this rule as a public

This LIST-delimited list contains numbers in the form X:Y.  For each item,
give rule LX the number HY.  If X is the head of a rule suite, assign all
children, LX.N of that suite to rule HY-N.  {{[I've done my best, but some
of these rules will have to be shifted, in particular 13-n rules, which
were ones I got stuck on.]}}
42: 42
101: 1
102: 4
104: 3
106: 3-1
107: 3-2
110: 1-1
205: 4-2
206: 7-6
207: 3-3
209: 3-4
210: 3-5
211: 5
212: 5-1
213: 5-2
214: 5-3
215: 5-4
217: 5-5
230: 8-4-1
250: 7
251: 7-1
252: 7-2
253: 7-2-1
254: 7-3
257: 7-4
301: 1-4-1
303: 1-6
309: 3-6
313: 3-1-1
315: 3-1-2
317: 3-1-3
319: 3-1-4
320: 1-5
330: 3-7
340: 1-2
342: 8-2-14-1
343: 8-2-14-2
346: 1-3
348: 1-4
360: 13-1
362: 1-6
370: 7-5
371: 4-2
373: 7-7
374: 7-5-2
380: 1-7
399: 13-2
401: 8
402: 8-1
403: 8-2
404: 8-3
405: 8-4
406: 8-2-1
407: 8-2-2
408: 8-2-3
409: 8-2-4
410: 8-2-5
412: 8-2-6
413: 8-2-7
414: 8-5
415: 8-5-1
416: 8-6
418: 8-6-1
419: 8-7
420: 8-2-8
422: 8-2-9
423: 8-2-10
424: 8-8
427: 8-2-11
428: 8-2-12
429: 8-2-13
430: 8-2-14
431: 8-9
432: 8-10
433: 8-2-15
435: 8-2-16
440: 8-2-17
441: 8-2-18
451: 8-2-2-1-1
500: 9
501: 9-1
503: 9-1-1
505: 9-2
506: 9-3
507: 9-3-1
508: 9-4
510: 9-2-1
515: 9-5
516: 9-6
520: 9-6-1
540: 9-7
541: 9-7-1
550: 9-8
560: 9-9
594: 9-10-1
595: 9-10
600: 6
601: 6-2
603: 6-3
605: 6-4
607: 6-5
611: 6-6
613: 6-7
615: 6-8
620: 6-1-1
666: 6-1
667: 6-1-2
668: 6-1-3
669: 6-1-4
670: 6-1-5
671: 6-5-1
675: 6-5-2
701: 5-5
709: 5-5-6
710: 5-5-1
711: 5-5-2
715: 5-5-3
716: 5-5-4
721: 5-5-5
750: 7-9
752: 7-9-1
755: 7-9-2
760: 7-9-3
765: 7-9-4
801: 10
810: 10-1
820: 10-2
821: 10-2-1
825: 10-2-2
837: 10-3
840: 10-4
841: 10-2-2-1
842: 10-5
843: 10-6
844: 10-7
845: 10-8
846: 10-7-1
847: 10-9
850: 10-10
851: 10-11
852: 10-12
854: 10-13
855: 10-14
856: 10-15
901: 9-11
903: 9-12
905: 3-8
907: 9-13
909: 9-14
910: 9-15
913: 13-3
915: 9-16
919: 3-7
920: 9-17
921: 9-18
923: 9-18-1
925: 7-5-3
929: 9-19
931: 9-20
933: 5-6
935: 9-20-1
940: 9-20-2
943: 9-20-3
950: 13-4
975: 9-21
1003: 11
1004: 11-1
1005: 11-2
1006: 11-3
1007: 11-4
1008: 11-5
1009: 11-6
1011: 11-5-1
1013: 11-5-2
1015: 11-5-3
1017: 11-7
1030: 11-8
1031: 11-8-1
1040: 11-9
1044: 11-10
1045: 8-2-5-1
1112: 3-9
1123: 7-5-4
1125: 9-3-2
1127: 1-4-2
1129: 7-2-2
1131: 8-2-5-2
1142: 7-8
1145: 7-5-5
1150: 13-5
1151: 13-5-1
1155: 1-8
1160: 8-2-16-1
1177: 9-20-4
1195: 13-6
1205: 12
1209: 12-1
1211: 12-2
1213: 12-3
1215: 12-4
1216: 12-4-1
1217: 12-5
1230: 11-10-1
1240: 12-6
1250: 12-7
1270: 12-8
1301: 11-11
1304: 11-11-1
1309: 10-16
1311: 10-16-1
1313: 10-17
1350: 10-18
1351: 10-19

	Move all descendants of rule L1390, L1390.N to H99-N.

Proposal 3872
Merrily we fall along
Due: Sun Dec 13 19:34:54 1998
Status: retracted
	Create rule 555, "INTO Ambassador" with the following
	The office of Ambassador is a political office.  The Ambassador is
the delegate^0 of Ackanomic to the InterNomic Treaty Organization^0.  The
Ambassador must always be subscribed to the offical INTO-mailing-list^0.
	Any player may call an Agreement hearing on an InterNomic-Treaty^0
which Ackanomic has not signed or a Disagreement hearing on an
InterNomic-Treaty^0 which Ackanomic has signed^0 and which allows Ackanomic
to unsign^0 it.  The Ambassador is the Hearing Harfer on both types of
hearings.  The valid responses to an Agreement hearing are "No! We want to
mess up things for ourselves, without help from those black-helicopter
flying INTO goons!" and "Surrender control to those black-helicopter flying
INTO goons!".  If the result is the latter than the Ambassador should
sign^0 the treaty^0 the hearing was called on for Ackanomic.  The valid
responses to a Disagreement hearing are "What's your problem?  Our rulers
are doing a great job of pretending they still have power" and "Never mind
prosperity for all, let's return to the dark ages".  If the result is the
latter the Ambassador should unsign^0 the treaty^0.  The Ambassador may
never sign^0 a treaty^0 which has terms which include hyphens or carets.
	Should the INTO Archivist^0 be a player of Ackanomic then that
player receives a monthly A$25 stipend as a salary for bringing glory to
	If a word or string of hyphenated words is followed by a caret and
then a nonnegative integer: [^n] then the word is considered to be
equivalent to the way that word or that word with the hypens replaced by
spaces is used in INT#n^0.  No other terms or words used in the rules are
considered to be the same as any terms defined in an InterNomic-Treaty^0.
If n is 0 then it means the term is considered equivalent to a term defined
in the INTO-rules^0.

Proposal 3873
Merrily we fall along
Due: Sun Dec 13 20:00:41 1998
Status: rejected
	Amend rule 419, "Ambassador" to read as the following
	The office of Ambassador is a political office.  The Ambassador is
the delegate^0 of Ackanomic to the InterNomic Treaty Organization^0 as
defined in rule 419.1.  The Ambassador must always be subscribed to the
offical INTO-mailing-list^0.
	Any player may call an Agreement hearing on an InterNomic-Treaty^0
which Ackanomic has not signed or a Disagreement hearing on an
InterNomic-Treaty^0 which Ackanomic has signed^0 and which allows Ackanomic
to unsign^0 it.  The Ambassador is the Hearing Harfer on both types of
hearings.  The valid responses to an Agreement hearing are "No! We want to
mess up things for ourselves, without help from those black-helicopter
flying INTO goons!" and "Surrender control to those black-helicopter flying
INTO goons!".  If the result is the latter than the Ambassador should
sign^0 the treaty^0 the hearing was called on for Ackanomic.  The valid
responses to a Disagreement hearing are "What's your problem?  Our rulers
are doing a great job of pretending they still have power" and "Never mind
prosperity for all, let's return to the dark ages".  If the result is the
latter the Ambassador should unsign^0 the treaty^0.  The Ambassador may
never sign^0 a treaty^0 which has terms which include hyphens or carets.
	Should the INTO Archivist^0 be a player of Ackanomic then that
player receives a monthly A$25 stipend as a salary for bringing glory to
	If a word or string of hyphenated words is followed by a caret and
then a nonnegative integer: [^n] then the word is considered to be
equivalent to the way that word or that word with the hyphens replaced by
spaces is used in INT#n^0.  No other terms or words used in the rules are
considered to be the same as any terms defined in an InterNomic-Treaty^0.
If n is 0 then it means the term is considered equivalent to a term defined
in the INTO-rules^0.
Create rule 419.1, "INTO Ruleset" with the following
Everything in this rule after this sentence is the ruleset of the
InterNomic Treaty Organization
Rule 1:
	The Archivist is responsible for tracking InterNomic Treaties.

Rule 2:
	The Archivist selects the official mailing list, and must make a
public notification of any changes to it.  The first Archivist will be Uri
Bruck ( and the first mailing list will be

Rule 3:
	A notification is public if it is sent to everyone subscribed to
the mailing list.

Rule 4:
	A Nomic may designate a single delegate to the InterNomic Treaty
Organization.  Changes to the identity or the initial announcement of a
delegate must be made by public notice.  If there is an ambiguity about the
identity of the delegate, the Archivist should determine the correct
identity by inspecting the ruleset of that Nomic and other documents
relating to that Nomic.  If the rules and other documents for a Nomic are
not available on the Web, then that Nomic must make them available to the
Archivist in order have a delegate.

Rule 5:
	The Archivist is elected.  When there is no Archivist, Treaties may
not be made or signed.  If public notice is made that there is no
Archivist, and no public notice is made by the Archivist contradicting this
fact for one week, then nominations begin.  A person nominates emself by
making public notice of this.  After one week of nominations, each Nomic,
through its delegate, may vote for a candidate via public notice.  Two
weeks after the votes begin, the person who received the most votes becomes
Archivist.  If there is a tie, a runoff is held between tied people as if
nominations had just ended and those two were the only nominees.  Note that
this ay require multiple runoffs.

Rule 6:
	A person proposes a Treaty by making public notice of the content
of the treaty.  For two weeks after it is proposed, a Treaty is
preliminary.  After a Treaty has been preliminary for two weeks, it becomes
an official InterNomic Treaty if it has been endorsed by at least three
people, one of whom must be a delegate, including the player who proposed
it (who is automatically assumed to endorse it).  Otherwise it is
destroyed.  Endorsements may only be made by public notice.

Rule 7:
	When a Treaty becomes an official InterNomic Treaty, the Archivist
must assign it the smallest positive integer not already assigned to a
Treaty and make its content available upon request (preferably be storing
it on a web page).  In any occurances of the string "INT#n" in that Treaty,
the "n" is replaced by the number of the Treaty.

Rule 8:
	Any Nomic, through its delegate, may sign an InterNomic Treaty by
making public notice of this.  The signing succeeds if and only if the
Nomic has met all prerequisites within the Treaty for signing it.  The
Archivist should track which Nomics have signed a Treaty along with the
content of the Treaty.  A Nomic may remove its signature from an InterNomic
Treaty unless the Treaty puts restrictions on doing so, in which case the
Nomic must meet those restrictions before doing so.

Rule 9:
	Although Nomics are expected to abide by an honor code, and obey
the treaties they have signed, there is no general enforcement method in
existance.  Treaties should include enforcement when it is neccessary.

Proposal 3874
Well, let's get it fixed
Due: Mon Dec 14 01:32:29 1998
Status: accepted
In rule 613 (Winning is pretty Harfy):
replace "all but one" with "twenty"
{{[there are 21 right now, it can be fixed later]}}

"1 Foolish 
2 Silly"
"1 Foolish or Silly
2 Puzzler"

"18 Jazz JackRabbit or Passive Contemplator 
19 Third Cat, Sage o'Doe Gas, Agent of KAOS, small lab mouse, or the Puzzler"
"18 Jazz JackRabbit
19 Third Cat, Sage o'Doe Gas, Agent of KAOS, small lab mouse, or Passive

replace item 21 with
"21 Wrangler"

replace the numbers "1" through "21" on the list with "*"
remove "and all the others are renumbered accordingly"

Proposal 3875
get the lead out
Due: Mon Dec 14 01:32:40 1998
Status: rejected
{{[there mightve been a proposal that renumbered it (1390.12)]}}
remove "and the Current Paradigm of Ackanomia is not Despotism" wherever it
appears in the ruleset.

Proposal 3876
Something worthy of a parade
Due: Mon Dec 14 01:52:57 1998
Status: accepted
Repeal rule 107 (Quorum).

Amend rule 104 (Proposals) by replacing the following QUORUM_STUFF
delimited text
   As soon as possible after a proposal's prescribed voting period ends,
   the votes on that proposal shall be posted publicly. The proposal is
   then accepted if a quorum has been achieved and the required number of
   YES votes were cast on the proposal.
with the following text delimited by NON_QUORUM_STUFF
   As soon as possible after a proposal's prescribed voting period ends,
   the votes on that proposal shall be posted publicly. The proposal is
   then accepted if the required number of YES votes were cast on the

Amend rule 207 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported)
by replacing the following text as delimited by QUORUM_STUFF
   If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who
   proposed it loses 4 points. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but
   meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points. If a
   proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets
   quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points.
with the following NON_QUORUM_STUFF delimited text
   If a Modest proposal is rejected, the player who proposed it loses 4 
   points. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, the player who proposed it
   loses 12 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is
   rejected, the player who proposed it loses 7 points.

Amend rule 207 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported)
by removing section IV (Effect of Proposals which do not meet Quorum)
and all of it's text and renumber the remaining sections appropriately.

Amend rule 709 (Gaol) by removing the following QUORUM_STUFF delimited
   If a player is in the Gaol, they shall not count for the purposes of
   determining Quorum.

Proposal 3877
Due: Mon Dec 14 17:34:38 1998
Status: accepted
	In rule 1021, "Political Parties and Rewarding Party Unity",
replace "At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that
proposal are counted, if every voting player member of a given organization
voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of
some other Party, then the political party itself shall cast an additional
YES vote on that proposal for every three voting player members it has."
"At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that
proposal are counted, if every voting player member of a given organization
made the same vote on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a
member of some other Party, then the political party itself shall cast an
additional vote of that type on that proposal for each point of Influence
the party has."
	Append to the same rule, "A party's Influence is equal to the
number of political offices held by members of that party, plus the number
of voting players who are members of that party, all divided by 3, rounded
down, but is 0 for a party with fewer than 3 voting members."

Proposal 3878
CSR's for everyone
Due: Mon Dec 14 18:25:13 1998
Status: rejected
{{[There's really no point in maintaining the distinction.  CSR's are for
minor tweaks, proposals are for important stuff.  CSR's are fast, but
easier to block.]}}
	Amend rule 421.1 to read as delimtied by FREEDOMORATLEASTCSRSFORALL
There shall be a functional office called Common Sense, Redundancy, and
Redundancy. This office may be referred to as CSRR.

The purpose of the CSRR is to sort and make available an archive of CSR's.

Remove from rule 421.2 everything in the first paragraph except for the
first sentence and replace it with "The purpose of a CSR is to bring the
literal meaning of the rules in line with intend, interpretation, or
custom, or to repair minor mistakes in the rules, such as punctuation,
capitalization, or rule number references."

Remove privilage d from rule 407.1

Remove the second sentence of the third paragraph of rule 422.

Remove the last sentence of rule 311

Proposal 3879
Those Clauses do *NOTHING*
Due: Mon Dec 14 19:24:09 1998
Status: accepted
{{[they really don't; the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs lack the precedence to
override 101, and CFJs do not actually change game state; they just clarify
what the case was all along]}}

Insert between the first two paragraphs of rule 214 the following BLAHBLAH
delimited text

All Judgements must be in accordance with all the rules in effect at the
time judgement was invoked, and with respect to the game state at that
time. When the rules
are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement in question, however,
then the Judge shall consider currently existing game custom and the spirit
of the game in reaching a decision. 

Repeal rule 215

Proposal 3880
Outdated Rules Crusade
Due: Mon Dec 14 20:49:06 1998
Status: rejected
	Amend rule 710 to read as delimited by IRON
	A Crime Hearing is a Hearing.  If a player believes that another
player (the Dirty Crook) is guilty of a Crime then they may call a Crime
Hearing against them iff e has the SHF.  When a player calls a Crime
Hearing e transfers the SHF to the Treasury and may specify a penalty, as
defined below.  The player who calls the hearing is the Judge (Hearing
Harfer).  The legal responses are "Innocent", "Guilty, I guess", and "Lock
'em up and throw away the key".  The winning response is determined as
	1) If one response has an absolute majority, it wins.
	2) Otherwise, if all three are equal, "Innocent" wins
	3) Otherwise, if one has an absolute majority ignoring EBS votes,
that response wins
	4) Otherwise, if the total votes for "Guilty, I guess" and "Lock
'em up and throw away the key" are greater than the total votes for
"Innocent", "Guilty, I guess" wins
	5) Otherwise, if the total votes for "Guilty, I guess" and "Lock
'em up and throw away the key" are greater than the total votes for
"Innocent", ignoring EBS's "Guilty, I guess" wins
	6) Otherwise "Innocent" wins

	If the verdict is "Guilty, I guess", then the Dirty Crook must
transfer the SHF or all eir A$ to the Judge, whichever is greater.  If the
verdict is "Lock 'em up and throw away the key" then the penalty requested
by the judge is enforced; if the Judge didn't request a penalty then the
verdict is the same as "Guilty, I guess".
The valid classes of penalties are:
a) a DEDUCTION of 1 or more points from Player X's score.
b) a FINE of 1 or more A$ payable by Player X to the Treasury.
c) a SENTENCE in the Gaol of 1 or more days for Player X.
d) the TRANSFERENCE of one or more trinkets, gadgets, Otzma Cards, or A$ in
the possession of Player X to the initiator of the CFCJ.
e) a PUBLIC APOLOGY of 1 or more lines by Player X.
f) the REMOVAL of Player X from one or more Organizations to which e
currently belongs.
g) The IMPEACHMENT of Player X from a single specific office which e
currently holds.
h) the EXPULSION of Player X from the game.

If the penalty was a SENTENCE in the Gaol, player X shall be moved from
their current Location to the Gaol at which time their sentence will start.
If, however, player X was already in the Gaol, the sentence they are
currently serving shall be increased by the length of the new sentence.

If the penalty specifies a TRANSFERENCE of any entity which it is not
permissible to transfer, that part of the penalty shall be void, but such
shall not necessarily void other parts of the penalty.

If the penalty includes a PUBLIC APOLOGY, Player X is required to post a
public message of at least the court-required length apologizing for his
criminal ways. This should be done within three days of the expiration of
his grace period, and it should have "Acka: Public Apology" as its subject
line. Failure to comply will result in the addition of three days to that
player's Gaol sentence, if he is in Gaol, or the immediate transfer of that
player to the Gaol for a three-day incarceration if he is not in Gaol.
Self-abasement is especially encouraged in such a message.
	Repeal rule 711.

Proposal 3881
Win by Thrall *AND* become puzzler? Not!
Due: Mon Dec 14 21:02:19 1998
Status: accepted
{{[I noticed a small bug.  A player who has enough thralls to win by
   thrall can submit a CWCFJ for this and then immediately convert their
   thralls into puzzle pieces in order to gain the benefits of that as
   They also gain A$25 per puzzle piece for becoming puzzler.
   This fixes both of these.

Amend rule 615 (Winning by World Domination) by inserting the following
text delimited by LESS_SCAMMY as the second paragraph
   Whenever a Winning Condition given by this rule becomes Claimed, all
   players who are in Thrall to the player Claiming the Winning Condition
   become set to "".

   If anyone wins a Cycle by this method, then at the end of that Cycle
   all Thrall Attributes are set to "".

Amend rule 1270 (Puzzle Pieces) by replacing the following OLD delimited
   If a player owns all the pieces in a Winnable Bag, they receive a
   Bonus Vote, A$250 and an Automatic Sculpture, and the Title of Puzzler
   is transferred to them.
with the following NEW delimited text
   If a player owns all the pieces in a Winnable Bag, they receive a
   Bonus Vote, A$250 and an Automatic Sculpture, all of their existing
   Puzzle Pieces are destroyed, and the Title of Puzzler is transferred
   to them, upon a player pointing this fact out publically.

Proposal 3882
let's help the map-harfer
Due: Mon Dec 14 21:43:39 1998
Status: rejected
this is a modest proposal

{{All players go home if possible}}

Replace the final sentence of the first paragraph of Rule 847 with "All
shall scream in terror, run around like chickens with their heads cut off,
and go home."

Proposal 3883
A Little Profit, A Little Fix
Due: Tue Dec 15 16:32:08 1998
	{{[Here's the fix.  You don't even want to know the other bugs I
found in the trading rules.]}}
	If there is a rule 1009, then renumber rule 1009 to 1021.  Amend
rule 1021 to read "A Political Party is a nameless, unownable entity. Being
a member of more than one Political Party simultaneously is the Crime of
Branch-Stacking. At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes
on that proposal are counted, if every voting player member of a given
Political Party voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is
also a member of some other Party, then the Political Party itself shall
cast an additional YES vote on that proposal for every three voting player
members it has.

Party membership and how players voted are determined based on the facts in
force at the end of the voting period for each proposal.

Any player may publically announce eir intent to form a Political Party,
unless e is a pseudo-Founder.

When a player has done so e becomes a pseudo-Founder for a period of 7-days.

7 days after a player became the pseudo-Founder of a Political Party, if at
least 2 other players have publicly expressed interest in joining the
party, then the pseudo-Founder forms the Party by paying A$300, announcing
a legal name for the Party, and announcing the names of at least three
members, one of whom must be the pseudo-Founder, and the others must all
have expressed interest in joining the Party.
In rule 1003, replace section I with "
A Corporation is a named unownable entity. Any player may publically
announce eir intent to form a Corporation, unless e is a pseudo-Founder.
When a player has done so e becomes a pseudo-Founder for a period of
7-days.  If at the end of those 7 days at least two additional players have
publically announced that they wish to join the Corporation the
pseudo-Founder intends to form then the pseudo-Founder forms the
Corporation by announcing the Corporation's name, paying the standard
Harfer's Fee, and announceing the names of its members; there must be at
least 3 members, one of whom must be the Founder, and the others must all
have expressed interest in joining the Corporation. 120 shares in the
Corporation are created and distributed equally among the initial members;
excess shares are destroyed.  The name must be a legal name.

At the end of the first paragraph of rule 1017, add "When a Trust is
created no shares are created in it, however a Trust Fund is only destroyed
when specified by its charter."

Add to the end of rule 1025 "A player may leave a Party at any time."

Amend rule 515 to read "
This Rule defers to all other rules which specifically override provisions
of this rule. [Rules may specify conditions in which certain trades may not
take place, even though this rule specifies that they are legal. Rules may
specify alternate means of trading entities, beyond those given here.]

A Trading entity(TE) is a Player, an Organization, or a Corporation.

A TE may offer a trade of one group of entities for another, by sending a
public message specifying the entities offered (if any) and the entities
requested (if any), if and only if the trade is legal. If the message
further states specifically to which TE the trade is offered, then the
trade is exclusive; otherwise it is offered at large.

A trade that offers or requests any entity that is not tradeable is
illegal. A trade that offers any entity not owned by the offering TE the
trade is illegal. All other trades are legal.

An offer made in this way stands until it is legally retracted or accepted,
or the TE who offered it no longer owns the entities offered, or the offer
has been standing for at least three days, whichever comes first.

A TE may retract a trade he or she offered by sending a public message to
that effect.

A TE may accept an exclusive trade offered to him or her, or any trade
offered at large [but not one that was offered specifically to someone
else], if and only if he or she owns all of the entities requested, in at
least the quantities requested. He or she does this by sending a public
message to that effect.

When a TE accepts a standing trade, if the offering TE still has the
entities offered, the entities offered are transferred from the TE who
offered the trade to the TE who accepted it, and the entities requested in
exchange are transferred from the TE who accepted the trade to the Player
who offered it.

A TE who owns a gift entity may transfer that entity to another TE as a
public action.

All trades made as described by this rule are said to occur on the Free

A trade or gift must specify a positive, integral amount of entities to be

Proposal 3884
Other fix
Due: Tue Dec 15 16:40:23 1998
Status: retracted
	This is a modest proposal
	{{[Oops. Missed this.]}}
Amend rule 510 to read "
No Trading Entity may use more A$'s to buy, trade, give or in any way move
out of his account, than there are in his/her account at that moment in
time. In other words, a Trading Entity may never voluntarily go into debt,
but it is possible that a Trading Entity may go into debt involuntarily.

A Trading Entity in debt still earns A$ from events in the game as if they
were not in debt. However, they cannot spend any A$ voluntarily until their
net A$ balance is positive.

Proposal 3885
Let's nip it in the bud
Due: Tue Dec 15 16:40:52 1998
Status: accepted
{{All rules without H numbers are given H numbers with 99 as parent, such
that the highest H number in the 99s is the lowest possible}}

Proposal 3886
A Little Profit, A Little Fix
Due: Wed Dec 16 15:59:25 1998
Status: accepted
	{{[Both fixes in one.]}}
	If there is a rule 1009, then renumber rule 1009 to 1021.  Amend
rule 1021 to read "A Political Party is a nameless, unownable entity, and
is a type of Organization. Being a member of more than one Political Party
simultaneously is the Crime of Branch-Stacking. At the end of a proposal's
voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every
voting player member of a given Political Party voted YES on that proposal,
and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the
Political Party itself shall cast an additional YES vote on that proposal
for every three voting player members it has.

Party membership and how players voted are determined based on the facts in
force at the end of the voting period for each proposal.

Any player may publically announce eir intent to form a Political Party,
unless e is a pseudo-Founder.

When a player has done so e becomes a pseudo-Founder for a period of 7-days.

7 days after a player became the pseudo-Founder of a Political Party, if at
least 2 other players have publicly expressed interest in joining the
party, then the pseudo-Founder forms the Party by paying A$300, announcing
a legal name for the Party, and announcing the names of at least three
members, one of whom must be the pseudo-Founder, and the others must all
have expressed interest in joining the Party.
In rule 1003, replace section I with "
A Corporation is a named unownable entity. Any player may publically
announce eir intent to form a Corporation, unless e is a pseudo-Founder.
When a player has done so e becomes a pseudo-Founder for a period of
7-days.  If at the end of those 7 days at least two additional players have
publically announced that they wish to join the Corporation the
pseudo-Founder intends to form then the pseudo-Founder forms the
Corporation by announcing the Corporation's name, paying the standard
Harfer's Fee, and announceing the names of its members; there must be at
least 3 members, one of whom must be the Founder, and the others must all
have expressed interest in joining the Corporation. 120 shares in the
Corporation are created and distributed equally among the initial members;
excess shares are destroyed.  The name must be a legal name.

At the end of the first paragraph of rule 1017, add "When a Trust is
created no shares are created in it, however a Trust Fund is only destroyed
when specified by its charter."

Add to the end of rule 1025 "A player may leave a Party at any time."

Amend rule 515 to read "
This Rule defers to all other rules which specifically override provisions
of this rule. [Rules may specify conditions in which certain trades may not
take place, even though this rule specifies that they are legal. Rules may
specify alternate means of trading entities, beyond those given here.]

A Trading entity(TE) is a Player, an Organization, or a Corporation.

A TE may offer a trade of one group of entities for another, by sending a
public message specifying the entities offered (if any) and the entities
requested (if any), if and only if the trade is legal. If the message
further states specifically to which TE the trade is offered, then the
trade is exclusive; otherwise it is offered at large.

A trade that offers or requests any entity that is not tradeable is
illegal. A trade that offers any entity not owned by the offering TE the
trade is illegal. All other trades are legal.

An offer made in this way stands until it is legally retracted or accepted,
or the TE who offered it no longer owns the entities offered, or the offer
has been standing for at least three days, whichever comes first.

A TE may retract a trade he or she offered by sending a public message to
that effect.

A TE may accept an exclusive trade offered to him or her, or any trade
offered at large [but not one that was offered specifically to someone
else], if and only if he or she owns all of the entities requested, in at
least the quantities requested. He or she does this by sending a public
message to that effect.

When a TE accepts a standing trade, if the offering TE still has the
entities offered, the entities offered are transferred from the TE who
offered the trade to the TE who accepted it, and the entities requested in
exchange are transferred from the TE who accepted the trade to the Player
who offered it.

A TE who owns a gift entity may transfer that entity to another TE as a
public action.

All trades made as described by this rule are said to occur on the Free

A trade or gift must specify a positive, integral amount of entities to be
Amend rule 510 to read "
No Trading Entity may use more A$'s to buy, trade, give or in any way move
out of his account, than there are in his/her account at that moment in
time. In other words, a Trading Entity may never voluntarily go into debt,
but it is possible that a Trading Entity may go into debt involuntarily.

A Trading Entity in debt still earns A$ from events in the game as if they
were not in debt. However, they cannot spend any A$ voluntarily until their
net A$ balance is positive.

Proposal 3887
Who wants to play twister.
Due: Wed Dec 16 18:06:56 1998
Status: accepted
   I apologize for the phrasing of this, but I want to make sure I catch
   a rule even if it gets renumbered in the interim.
In any rule with the title "Random Things", remove the phrase "or the
redistribution caused by a Tornado"

In any rule with the title "Ackanomicon", remove the section of text
delimited by LESS_WINDY
Catastrophe (1 page): Reading this page unleashes a Tornado into Acka, as
described by the Rule Tornado. The reader is considered to be sheltered. 

Repeal any rule with the title "Otzma Card of Type Summon Tornado".
{{All Otzma Cards of Type Summon Tornado are destroyed.}}

Repeal any rule titled "Tornado".

Proposal 3888
let's make it a bit harder
Due: Thu Dec 17 05:12:17 1998
Status: accepted
in rule 1270 (Puzzle Pieces) replace the following BORING-delimited text

Any player (A) other than the Puzzler may create an Ackanomic Puzzle Piece
through use of indentured labour. This involves specifying a player (B) who
has player
(A) as their Overlord, and the Attributes of the Puzzle Piece to be
created. When the Puzzle Piece is created, player (B) has their Thrall
Attribute set to "". A player
may not create a Puzzle Piece which is part of a Winnable Bag by the above

with the following HARDER-delimited text

Any player (A) other than the Puzzler may create a random APP that is not
part of a Winnable Bag through use of indentured labour. This involves
specifying a player (B) who has player (A) as their Overlord.  When the
specification is made, player (B) has their Thrall Attribute set to "".

Proposal 3889
Santa's Workshop
Due: Thu Dec 17 05:22:48 1998
Status: rejected
{{each active player gains a random gadget and a random otzma card}}

Proposal 3890
Fix it
Due: Thu Dec 17 05:23:18 1998
Status: accepted
{{All offices not defined by the rules are destroyed}}

Proposal 3891
who says voting is dead?
Due: Thu Dec 17 06:23:36 1998
Status: retracted
in rule 106, replace

"YES, NO or BAA!" with "YES, NO, BAA!, or PLONK"
"The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is
three-fifths of the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast within
the prescribed voting period. If that value is 0, however, the required
number of YES votes for acceptance is 1"


"The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is
three-fifths of the PASS number, where the PASS number is the total number
of votes legally cast less the product of the total number of PLONK votes
and BAA! votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period. If that
value is 0 or less, however, the required number of YES votes for
acceptance is 1."

Proposal 3892
Voting is ALIVE!!!!
Due: Thu Dec 17 06:23:47 1998
Status: accepted
in rule 106, replace "three-fifths" with "a majority"

Proposal 3893
Due: Thu Dec 17 06:23:58 1998
Status: rejected
in rule 106, replace "seven days" with "six days"

Proposal 3894
Repeal snowgod's disease
Due: Thu Dec 17 06:24:09 1998
Status: rejected
repeal rule 1132

Proposal 3895
Due: Thu Dec 17 06:24:20 1998
Status: accepted
rename any rule with "Government Type" in its title by replacing
"Government" with "Paradigm"

Proposal 3896
old references are for Hungarian blacksmiths
Due: Thu Dec 17 06:24:31 1998
Status: accepted
remove "(not including Capital Offices)" from rule 611

Proposal 3897
not harfy enough for me to try to scam it
Due: Thu Dec 17 16:52:13 1998
Status: accepted
in rule 594.21 (Good Ballot Stuffer), replace

"The possessor of a GBS may flip the harfy lever by publicly announcing
they are doing so. Upon doing so, one of the following happens at random
and then the GBS
then starts to shake and shimmy uncontrollably: 

1. The GBS casts a vote for all harfy proposals currently in the voting


"The possessor of a GBS may flip the harfy lever by publicly announcing
they are doing so. Upon doing so, the GBS starts to shake and shimmy
uncontrollably, and then one of the following happens at random: 

1. The GBS casts a YES vote for all harfy proposals currently in the voting

Proposal 3898
Due: Thu Dec 17 16:59:24 1998
Status: rejected
create a rule 594.15, "Blueprint: Wishy-Washy Ballot Stuffer" with the

The Wishy-Washy Ballot Stuffer (WBS) is a mechanical gadget. When created
it is not broken. 

The Wishy-Washy Ballot Stuffer is lavender and has 2 levers, the Pesky
lever and the Silly lever. 

The Pesky lever enables the WBS to affect Hearings and Elections. The owner
of an WBS may flip the Pesky lever in any given Hearing by privately
notifying the Hearing Harfer, and in any Election by privately notifying
the Officer responsible for conducting the Election. This notification must
be in the same private message as a valid response for the relevant
Hearing, or valid vote for the relevant Election. The WBS shall do one of
the following, to be determined randomly by the hearing harfer or
responsible Officer after the response/voting period is over but before
voting results are released:
1) make a response (in a Hearing) or cast a vote (in an Election)
identically to their owner. 
2) attempt to shut out all Evil Ballot Stuffers as if it were a Good Ballot
3) cause a random Ballot stuffer used in the election or hearing to become
broken and fail. If the randomly chosen ballot stuffer is itself, it
becomes broken without failing.

If the WBS does 1), it counts as an EBS for the purposes of rule 360 for
the duration of the hearing/election.
If the WBS does 2), it counts as a GBS for the purposes of rule 360 for the
duration of the hearing/election.

The Silly lever is used to randomize Acka (sometimes for good, sometimes
for evil). The possessor of an WBS may flip the Silly lever. Upon doing so,
the WBS starts to shake and shimmy uncontrollably and does one of the
following at random:

1) casts a YES vote for all harfy proposals in the queue.
2) gives its owner a Bonus Vote (provided that no instance limits would be
3) switches the scores of two randomly chosen active players
4) switches the amounts of A$ owned by two randomly chosen active players
5) switches who owns it with another randomly chosen Ballot Stuffer

Upon a WBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of the
following three things happen.  A WBS may not be used between the time it
starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this random determination is
publicly knowable at which time it shall cease to shake and shimmy: 

1) The WBS will sputter and die, and thus become broken. 
2) The WBS will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed, but
not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter ridiculing its user
throughout the land of Acka. 
3) The WBS will teleport, and thus change possession to, another random
active player. 

Neither lever may be used if the WBS is broken, and only the player who
possesses an WBS may use it, the previous provisions of this Blueprint
notwithstanding. A broken WBS may only be fixed as described in the rules
or by another Gadget empowered to do so. 


Proposal 3899
Resigning Referees
Due: Thu Dec 17 18:14:41 1998
Status: accepted
Amends rule 1250.1 (Games & Contests) Section VI, d by appending the
following text delimited by RESIGNATION to the end of that section.
When a referee resigns as per this section, the Speaker may appoint
another interested player as Referee, and the game will be suspended until
such an appointment is made.

Proposal 3900
I never saw the need for this
Due: Thu Dec 17 18:20:35 1998
Status: rejected
Repeal rule 251.1 (True Names)