Replace all occurances of the word "Government" in the ruleset with "Paradigm"
This is a modest proposal. {{[ This merely lets any player in a game declare it to be moribund. Enough players objecting is still sufficient to keep it alive. ]}} Amend rule 1250.1 (Games & Contests) by replacing section XII with the following text as delimited by MORIBUND MORIBUND XII. Moribund Games a. Any player may declare a game they are playing in to be moribund, as a public action. That game will be terminated without a winner 3 days following such a declaration unless at least 33% of its players publically object before the 3 days elapse. MORIBUND
This is a modest proposal. {{[ This merely lets the referee any player in a game declare it to be moribund. Enough players objecting is still sufficient to keep it alive. ]}} Amend rule 1250.1 (Games & Contests) by replacing section XII with the following text as delimited by MORIBUND MORIBUND XII. Moribund Games a. Either the Referee of a particular instance of a game or any player of that instance may declare that instance of a game to be moribund as a public action. That instance of a game will be terminated without a winner following such a declaration unless at least 33% of its players publically object before the 3 days elapse. MORIBUND
Repeal rule 419.2 (Internomic Interface) Modify rule 419.1 (Ambassador) to read in full: "There exists the political office of Ambassador which has one seat. The duties of the office are to keep in touch with what is happening in other nomics, namely: 1) Providing information about Ackanomic to people holding similar posts in other Nomics. 2) Requesting similar information about any other nomic at any player's request." Also renumber the rule to 419 Repeal rule 419.3 (How are things out there?) Remove Pumpkin Patch Nomic from the Organization Metamorph. {{[Internomic is dead. Thring died not all that long ago, Agora has withdrawn, the Pumpkin Patch is dead too (hence them being removed from Metamorph) and there was a hideously gaping hole in the rules that made us realise we actually haven't done anything for the past year or so (be glad we have a pragmatism clause... :-)). Effectively this removes all of the Internomic stuff which is now unnecessary. It keeps Ambassador but changes it from functional to political since it really isn't worth a salary any more. I was reluctant to repeal 419.3 but I can't think how it can be done without Internomic liaisons. It was never really very well used though so I don't think it will be terribly missed.]}}
In rule 1250.22, replace "10" with "5" {{[shorten the length of bacon games]}} {{If any game of bacon has any players with more than 5 points, the game immediately ends and the player with the higher score is the winner.}}
In Rule 320, "Governments," delete any sentence with the string "50%" in it. [ There are several Proposals in the works to change this sentence, so I just want to be able to get it no matter what. For those of you who like it, never fear; it comes back farther on. ] In Rule 320, "Governments," replace sections 4 and 5 with the text "4. When the Revolution ends, the Proto-Government shall become Active. If no other Rule specifies a means of ending the Revolution, it shall end exactly one week after it began." [ & while I'm here ] In Rule 320, "Governments," replace "1 and 0 respectively" with "1 and 0 respectively." Create a Rule entitled "ASS Song: Revolution" as a member of the ASS Rule Suite, containing the following GENERATION-delimited text: GENERATION Title: Revolution Artist: The Beatles Trigger: 50% or more of all voting players have a Rebelliousness characteristic of "On" and this fact is pointed out publically. Cost: A$1917 {{ [ Cheap at half the price! ] }} Effect: When this Song begins playing, a Revolution begins as described in Rule 320, "Governments." The Revolution ends only when this Song ceases to play; this sentence takes precedence over Rule 320. Despite the title, when this Song begins playing, it shall sound randomly exactly like one of the Beatles' "Revolution," "Revolution 1," and "Revolution 9." Duration: One Acka week. Explanation: "You say you want a revolution, well, you know we all want to change the world." [The Beatles, "Revolution"] "Shoo bee doo wap, aaah, shoo be doo wap." [The Beatles, "Revolution 1"] "Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine" [The Beatles, "Revolution 9"] GENERATION If Proposal 3793 was accepted, replace "one week" in section 4 of Rule 320, "Governments," with "three days," and replace "One Acka week" in the Rule entitled "ASS Song: Revolution" with "Three Acka days". Hubert gains a Losing Condition.
A Party Chess Piece Locust is created in the possession of each Swinger. [ THIS should get the Scaremonger going. ]
[ Gist: As the title implies, this Proposal plays around with heads. One can buy heads from the AIGR as usual, or can remove them from the bodies of opponents vanquished in Duels if one has a Highlander's Sword. (This provides a reason other than novelty to own an HS.) One can use a head one has won to win the Thrall of its original owner. Hats stick on Heads and change ownership when their Heads do. ] Amend section a) of Rule 594.28, "Blueprint: Highlander's Sword," to read "If the loser of the Duel owns any attached heads, the winner's Sword detaches one at random and transfers it to the possession of the winner. Otherwise, it transfers one of the loser's unattached heads, chosen at random, to the winner. In any case, if the loser owns a Highlander's Sword, that Sword destroys itself out of shame." [ Players with no Heads can no longer become involved in Duels and forfeit any they might be in. ] Delete section b) of Rule 594.28, "Blueprint: Highlander's Sword." [ The transferred sword is destroyed anyway, as THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! uh, Highlander's Sword per player. ] Delete the text "If both duelists have a sword, the penalties from the loser's sword are applied first." from the same Rule. [ Since the penalties have changed from loss of points to loss of heads, I don't see why the penalties from the loser's Sword should be applied twice, causing eir Sword to cut off eir own head. ] Replace the final paragraph of Rule 594.28, "Blueprint: Highlander's Sword" [having to do with Sword owners losing points for not being in Duels] with the text "Each Saturday when the Raft and/or the Oars are distributed, each player owning a Highlander's Sword who is not involved in a Duel either as a principal or a Second loses 1 point." Create a rule numbered 857, entitled "Getting a Head" with the following BOLEYN-delimited text: BOLEYN The Head Shop is a cozy building near Vulcan Headquarters. It is owned by the Headmaster, who is a unique nontradeable entity and owns himself. The Headmaster's location is always the Head Shop unless specified otherwise by the Rules. Any player who is in the Head Shop and owns an unattached head and a neck without a head attached [ i.e., has more necks than attached heads ] may pay the Standard Harfer Fee to the Treasury, upon which the Headmaster will attach the specified head to a vacant neck of that player; the head then becomes attached to that neck and associated with the attaching player. BOLEYN Create a rule numbered 1372, entitled "Head Games", with the following LENNON-delimited text: LENNON Necks are nontradeable entities. Heads are nontradeable entities which exist only in two states: attached and unattached. Each head is associated with exactly one player, which may or may not be its owner. Heads may only change association or between the attached and unattached states as described in the Rules. No player may own more attached heads than e owns necks. The number of heads a player owns is referred to as eir Head Count. It is the responsibility of the Dungeonmaster to keep track of each player's Head Count, the state each Head is in (i.e. attached or unattached) and the players with which each head is associated. [ An attached head should always be associated with its owner. ] If a player has no attached heads, e cannot perform any action for which the Rules would require em to read (e.g. reading a Scroll of Crumble, Spell Book of Chorg, or the Ackanomicon) nor can e take any action other than submitting a public message for which e would be required to speak. If a player owns no Heads whatsoever, then in addition to the above e cannot become involved in any Duels and forfeits any Duels e may already be involved in. However, as having no Heads gives one a remarkably free and uncluttered perspective on life, the Wisdom characteristic of a player with no Heads is 3 greater than it would otherwise be, as long as e remains in that state. As a public action, a player may invoke Voodoo Mumbo-Jumbo on an unattached head in eir possession by unambiguously specifying the head in question and the player with whom that head is associated. In order for this action to be successful, the player must say "Memo to myself: do the dumb things I gotta do. Touch X's head." where X is replaced by the name of the player with whom the head in question is associated. It is also considered good form for the message to include some truly vile pun about heads. If the invocation of Voodoo Mumbo-Jumbo succeeds, the invoking player becomes the Overlord of the player with whom the head is associated (i.e., the latter's Thrall Attribute is set to the name of the invoking player) and the Head used in the invocation is transferred to the player with whom it is associated. LENNON In Rule 854, "Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication," replace the text "Extra head: Cost -- 50 A$." with the text "Extra Neck: Cost -- 50 A$. An extra neck is created in the purchaser's possession, and the AIGR will provide free of charge an extra head, created in the player's possession, associated with that player, and attached to their new neck." In Rule 931, "Garments, Especially Hats," replace "A player may wear at most one hat. This rule defers to any rule describing the the number and type of hats a player may wear." with "A Hat which is worn must always be worn on a single Head. At the time a Hat is donned, a player must specify a Head in eir possession which does not already contain a hat on which e wishes to don it. Thereafter, the Hat becomes so tightly attached to that Head that if the Head is transferred from Player A to Player B, the Hat changes ownership likewise. A player may doff a Hat from a Head e owns at any time, upon which that Hat becomes unworn. {{ Hubert loses 2 points; Pol Pot gains 2 points. }}" Create a number of Extra Neck mutations in the possession of each player equal to one greater than the number of Extra Head mutations which that player owns. All Extra Head mutations are destroyed. Each player gains a number of Heads equal to the number of Extra Neck mutations e owns; these Heads are created in eir possession, attached to a vacant Neck in eir possession, and become associated with em.
{{[Is this the most amended rule? Anyway... I don't like our system of handling Justices decling judgement. Specifically, I don't like how the CFJ stays with the same Cortex, but one or even both of that Cortex's owners are temporarily replaced. It makes it difficult to keep track of who is judging what, and its well, messy, at least for me. Under the proposed system, one Justice declining means that the CFJ is reassigned entirely.]}} Amend Rule 217 by replacing the paragraph that follows VI. Declining Appeal Judgement with the following text: When a CFJ is assigned to the Supreme Cortex that a Justice or Acting Justice owns, that Justice or Acting Justice may, as a public action, decline judgement on that CFJ, provided that the Cortex has not already returned a verdict. When a Justice or Acting Justice declines judgement on a CFJ, that CFJ is reassigned using the normal procedures for assigning a CFJ to a Cortex, except that it may not be assigned to any Cortex which is owned by a Justice or Acting Justice who has declined judgement on that CFJ. If this results in there being no Cortexes eligible to judge the appeal, then the CFJ will be considered by the entire Supreme Court.
{{[As the situation currently stands, 101 prevents both effects of CFJs from occuring. It stops the retroactive fixes CFJ have been thought to introduce, and it keeps them from doing anything to games custom. Thus, there only effects are those which are predefined by other rules (Win Conditions for example), if this is rejected I think my next prop will be to repeal 215 as unnecessary.]}} Amend Rule 215 (Judgement-Rule Interaction) by replacing the TOOTHLESS delimited text with the DENTURES delimited text. TOOTHLESS All Judgements must be in accordance with all the rules in effect at the time judgement was invoked, and with respect to the game state at that time. When the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement in question, however, then the Judge shall consider currently existing game custom and the spirit of the game in reaching a decision. A statement verified (or nullified) by judgement applies retroactively to any past game situation it may concern. If a statement on which Judgement has been called is Judged to be true, and that Judgement is not overruled, it does not thereby become a rule, or any part of a rule. It merely becomes an explicit part of currently accepted game custom. TOOTHLESS DENTURES All Judgements must be in accordance with all the rules in effect at the time judgement was invoked, and with respect to the game state at that time. When the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement in question, however, then the Judge shall consider currently existing game custom and the spirit of the game in reaching a decision. A statement verified (or nullified) by judgement applies retroactively to any past game situation it may concern. If a statement on which Judgement has been called is Judged to be true, and that Judgement is not overruled, it does not thereby become a rule, or any part of a rule. It merely becomes an explicit part of currently accepted game custom. This rule takes precedence over Rule 101, even if Rule 101 says otherwise. DENTURES
Amend rule 102 by appending to it the following sentence If two or more rules claim precedence over each other, then rules which explicitly take precedence by name and/or number have stronger precedence than rules which do not.
{{[A leftover senate reference]}} this is a modest proposal In rule 907, replace "Proconsul" with "Speaker"
This is a modest proposal. Delete from rule 925 the paragraph reading: "A newspaper must publish at least one article during each calendar month, or it will cease to exist. When this happens, the newspaper is said to have gone belly-up."
Repeal rule 1060 (Transomical trade pacts rule suite).
Append the following text to he end of rule 721: "VI Excessive Noise Blowing your nose in the library is Annoying."
The politeness moon is a moon of Ackanomic.
Acka? Create one hydria in possesion of a random active player.
This is a modest proposal. Delete from rule 1390.9 the last three paragraphs (the bit in notes nrackets).
Ammend rule 250 (Players and Player States) by replacing the following text NOW delimited text with the following AFTERWARDS delimited text: NOW III. Changing State A Player may change eir state as a public action by announcing the new player state, provided e has not changed eir state as a public action during the past 3 days, and provided e follows all other restrictions placed on eir ability to change states. When a player voluntarily ceases to be Vacationing if e did not specify a new player state, e enters the state e had before going on Vacation. A player may never voluntarily change eir state to Non-Player, but may have eir state changed to Non-Player through the action of the rues. Whenever a player's state is changed, the appropriate following section applies to them NOW AFTERWARDS III. Changing State A Player may change eir state as a public action by announcing the new player state provided e follows all restrictions placed on eir ability to change states. When a player voluntarily ceases to be Vacationing if e did not specify a new player state, e enters the state e had before going on Vacation. A player may never voluntarily change eir state to Non-Player, but may have eir state changed to Non-Player through the action of the rues. Whenever a player's state is changed, the appropriate following section applies to them. If a player changesstate and it is less than three days since e last changed state then any other player may call a "Here today, gone tomorrow" hearing on the player at any time within the next three days and will be the hearing harfer for this hearing. Valid responses are: "I hear e had forgotten to put the cat out" or "I can't think why e's come back so soon" If the result is the former then there shall be no additional effects. If the result is the latter then the standard harfer fee shall be transferred from the player who changed states to the treasury and that player's state shall be set to what it was immediately before the change challenged by the hearing. The player may not then change this state for a week. AFTERWARDS
Repeal rule 210 (Literature)
Add a new rule to the government rule suite titled "Government Type: Anti-Democracy" with the following DETOQUEVILLE delimited text: All active voting players are eligible to vote on proposals. When the Current Government of Ackanomia is Anti-Democracy, the following ANTI delimited text goes into effect as though it appeared between "III. Scoring on Proposals" and "IV. Effect of Proposals which do not meet Quorum" in rule 207, and the text that is in that place in that rule loses its effect. ANTI If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 5 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points. If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 5 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points. Voting NO on a proposal which is accepted, or voting YES on a proposal which is rejected, is called "anti-voting". A proposal can only be declared to be Modest or Grandiose as defined by the Rules. ANTI DETOQUEVILLE
Create a rule as a new member of the Governments Rule Suite with the title "Government Type: Puppet Dictatorship" and the following LITHIUM-delimited text: LITHIUM During a Puppet Dictatorship, one player is selected to be the Supreme Overlord of all Ackanomic. When Puppet Dictatorship is the Proto-Government the OiCoRT should make a random determination of a single Player among all voting Players. This player shall become known as the Supreme Overlord for the duration of this Government. However, it is well known that the Supreme Overlord has no actual power whatsoever, and eir only function is to draw attention away from those who actually wield the power -- the people. To this end, the Supreme Overlord may also be referred to as the Stalking Horse. During eir reign, the Supreme Overlord must either Approve or Disapprove of each Proposal under voting consideration. If e Approves, the Proposal is accepted, and if e Disapproves, it is rejected. The above, of course, has no bearing whatsoever on the actual outcome of the Proposal, which is passed as is normal in any Democracy, but it helps the Supreme Overlord feel better about emself. Additionally, while the Overlord rules Supreme, e is allowed to make any amendment e chooses to the Rules of Ackanomic. These changes have no actual effect, and all other players are free to laugh, scoff, sneer, or kindly indulge the Supreme Overlord's whimsies as they see fit. The Supreme Overlord may renounce eir powerlessness at any time by stating publically, "OK, this is all very silly and we're going to stop this nonsense now." In this event, one of the following events will happen, with the probabilities given below: 1. With the sudden removal of their figurehead, the ruling cabal gives up in frustration and the Government reverts to Democracy. (50% chance) 2. The powers that be simply replace their puppet with another randomly chosen individual from among the voting players and go on with their nefarious Puppet Dictatorship. (45% chance) 3. The entire conspiracy is exposed and all voting players except the Supreme Overlord are guilty of the Crime of Making X a Laughingstock, where X is replaced by the name of the Supreme Overlord. In the ensuing chaos, the Government becomes an Anarchy. (5% chance) This Rule defers to all other Rules. {{ The current Government is set to Puppet Dictatorship, with the submitter of this Proposal as Emperor of Ackanomic. [ Well, I've already done it once. ] }} LITHIUM
This is a Modest Proposal. {{[The previous version deleted Jt's unscam section.]}} {{[The intent of this proposal is that points may be converted to a random otzma. If the random otzma exceeds limits its destroyed.]}} Replace sub-sections i, ii and iii of section a (Otzma Card Conversion) of Rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points) with: " (i) A Player may convert 10 points into an Otzma Card randomly selected from those types with an F-Designation of Common. (ii) A Player may convert 15 points into an Otzma Card randomly selected from those types with an F-Designation of Normal or Common. (iii) A Player may convert 20 points into an Otzma Card of a randomly determined type. "
Amend Rule 560 (Contracts) in the following ways: I. replace the following paragraph: " A Contract may specify a penalty clause for breaking any of the terms of the Contract. This penalty clause may only specify the loss of a positive number of points, tradeable entities or some combination thereof. If a penalty clause is not specified explicitly, it is considered to specify the loss of 5 points. If the clause specifies entities and the player who broke the terms of the Contract does not own that number or type of entities then that player shall lose 5 points in addition to any points specified by the penalty clause. " with: " A Contract may specify a penalty clause for breaking any of the terms of the Contract. If a penalty clause is not specified explicitly, it is considered to specify the loss of 5 points. A contract's penalty clause(s) may only specify the loss of a positive number of points, tradeable entities or some combination thereof. If a clause specifies entities and the player who broke the terms of the Contract does not own that number or type of entities then that player shall lose 5 points in addition to any points specified by the penalty clause. " II. replace the following paragraph: " No Contract will have any game effect until it has been signed by at least two players (including the creator) " with: " A player may unsign any contract e has signed as a public action provided that the contract permits such an action. At the time a player unsigns a contract any penalty for unsigning specified by the contract is applied and the player is no longer considered to have signed the contract. No Contract will have any game effect while less than two players have signed it. "
This is a Modest Proposal. {{[Repeal of the amber banana]}} Replace the following text from Rule 613 "Winning is pretty harfy (Winning by doing a lot of stuff)": "18 Jazz JackRabbit, Passive Contemplator, or Owner of the Amber Banana Tree" with: "18 Jazz JackRabbit or Passive Contemplator" Replace the following text from Rule 910 (The Ackanomicon): " Not so Forbidden Fruit (4 pages): The player has an out of body experience in which he is transported to an primordial jungle where he is worshiped as a god by the natives. Upon waking up, he will find that all he has left to remember it by is an Amber Banana. " with: " Not so Forbidden Fruit (4 pages): The player has an out of body experience in which he is transported to an primordial jungle where he is worshiped as a god by the natives. Upon waking up, he will find that all he has left to remember it by is a pint of lager. " Repeal Rule 921 (Acid Rain Dance). Repeal Rule 923 (The Amber Banana). Replace the phrase "eating an Amber Banana" with "frinking Ali'i Macadamia Nut Ale" in Rule 943 (Hula!). Replace the phrase "III. If a player is in the Wilds of Ackanomic, he receives an Amber Banana" in Rule 975 (Yes Virginia) with "III. If a player is in the Wilds of Ackanomic, he receives a pint of lager." {{All Amber Bananas are turned into a pint of lager.}}
Replace subsection ii of Section e of Rule 666 (End of Cycle) which currently reads: " ii) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero and all players with a negative Total Wealth, shall be placed on The List in decreasing order of Total Wealth. If there is a tie for Total Wealth, the Financier shall make the random determination necessary to order the entities on the list. " With " ii) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero and all players with a Total Wealth of zero or less, shall be placed on The List in decreasing order of Total Wealth. If there is a tie for Total Wealth, the Financier shall make the random determination necessary to order the entities on the list. "
Replace subsection iii of Section e of Rule 666 (End of Cycle) which currently reads: " ii) The entity appearing highest on The List, shall transfer 5% of eir total wealth to the player lowest on The List and both entities shall be removed from The List. " with: " iii) A random entity appearing in the first half of The List, shall transfer 5% of eir total wealth to the active player lowest on The List and both entities shall be removed from The List. "
This is a Modest Proposal. Replace subsections i of Section e of Rule 666 (End of Cycle) which currently reads: " i) Excluding the winner, all entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero shall transfer 10% of eir Total Wealth to the Treasury. " with " i) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero shall transfer 10% of eir Total Wealth to the Treasury. "
1. Append the following text to Rule 412 (Financier and Free Market) as a new section: " e) To perform any random determinations involved in a process related solely to the transfer of tradable entities. " 1.1 Delete the following text from section e.iii in Rule 666 (End of Cycle): " If there is a tie for Total Wealth, the Financier shall make the random determination necessary to order the entities on the list. " {{[This duty will cover any random determinations encountered during EOC taxes and as the result of a successful Gold Digger - easier than waiting for the OiCoRT before harfing a particular event. As a side effect Guardian Angel random determinaions will need to be made by the financier as well. Since Museum Theft can involved "being caught" hopefully it isn't "a process related solely to the transfer of tradable entities".]}} 2. Append the following text to Rule 410 (Scorekeeper) as a new section: " (d) To perform any random determinations involved in a process solely involving Points. " 2.1 Delete the following text from Rule 1313 (Tornado): " The Scorekeeper is responsible for carrying out this procedure, when the Rules call for it to occur. " {{[Different Officer similar effect]}} 3. Amend Rule 441 (Dungeon Master) by: 3.1 replacing the following text: " (i) to generate Basic Player Characteristics when required to do so. " with: " (i) to perform any random determinations that only effect Characteristics. " 3.2 replacing the following text: " (iii) to track the membership of each of the Castes [See rule 1030]. " with: " " (iii) to assign players to Castes and track the membership of each of the Castes [See rule 1030]. " {{[Essentially random determinations effecting the things they track - The DM does get paid now after all :)]}}
This is a Modest Proposal. Delete the following text from section i of rule 666 (End of Cycle) : " If the last two cycles were not won by points, then amend Rule 603 to change the base value of the Magic Number to the smallest prime number greater than (the current Magic Number*0.9). "
"{{Wild Card is given sufficient A$ from the treasury to make his sum total of A$ non-negative}}"
Create a new rule as part of the the rule suite numbered 320 (Governments Rule Suite) with the title "Government Type: Police State" and the following text: " The following shall apply while the Police State is active: i) Tammany will not vote on any proposal. ii) All Proposals are guarded. iii) All proposal bribes are invalid. iv) Political parties will not generate unity votes. " If rule 923 (The Amber Banana) exists append the following text to the end of the list in the rule that was just created by this proposal: " v) Eating an Amber Banana shall have no effect on the owner of the Amber Banana Tree. vi) The Amber Banana Tree can not vote on any proposal "
This is a Modest Proposal. [Nice scam by ThinMan - but we can vote to kill it, as we have two weeks rather than one. Who else wants a shot at the bridge-building pie?] Amend Rule 810.1 by replacing the following sentence: The price must be a nonnegative number of A$ smaller than any other offer made on items of that type and smaller than A$100. with the following sentence: The price must be a nonnegative number of A$ smaller than A$100.
This is a Modest Proposal. [/dev/joe did say feel free - and I don't want this kind of anti-scam occurring to someone who has won the cycle fairly and squarely.] Amend Rule 600 by replacing the following DODGY-delimited text: DODGY A Cycle-Win CFJ shall be judged INVALID if it claims a Winning Condition established by Rule 603, and the Scorekeeper has judged its author to have achieved a Winning Condition within the last three days, and no-one has yet objected to the Scorekeeper's announcement. DODGY with the following KLUGE-delimited text: KLUGE A Cycle-Win CFJ shall be judged INVALID if it claims a Winning Condition established by Rule 603, and, at the time it was submitted, it was less than three days since the Scorekeeper announced the CFJ's author to have achieved a Winning Condition, and no player had objected to that announcement. KLUGE
This is a Modest Proposal. {{[ P3773 closed some loopholes related to Share Your Income Otzma Cards; specifically, it prevents players from being SYI'd on money from an SYI which they subsequently lose because their SYI gets Go-Fished. It doesn't close the *other* major loophole with SYIs which is that if you get SYI'd twice on the same sum of money, you lose it all, or if you get SYI'd 3 times or more, you have a net loss. This proposal fixes this problem, and also closes loopholes which allow SYI cards to be played on trinket destructions (which are supposed to be "conversions" of A$ and should be immune) and which allow SME cards to be used on all sorts of voluntary things like gifts, and replaces "money" with A$ since it is not referred to as such anywhere else in the rules, and makes the "about to pay" in the SME rule more explicit.]}} 1. Replace the first paragraph of Rule 1240.7 (which currently contains the following DINGY_GRAY-delimited text): DINGY_GRAY An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When a player plays this a Card of this type e also names another player, and a sum of money which is at most half of a Valid Sum of Money the named player received in the preceding three days (All sums of money received by players are Valid Sums except for amounts received as a direct result of the playing of one or more Otzma Cards). The Named player transfers that same amount to the player who played the Card. DINGY_GRAY with the following SPARKLING-delimited text: SPARKLING An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When a player plays this a Card of this type e also names another player, and a positive integral sum of A$ which is at most half of a Valid Sum the named player received in the preceding three days. The named player transfers that amount of A$ to the player who played the Card. An Otzma Card of this type is considered to be played on the Valid Sum the named player received earliest which is at least twice the sum of A$ named in the playing of the card; the sum the card is played upon then ceases to be a Valid Sum. For the purposes of this rule, all sums of A$ received by players are Valid Sums for three days after they have been received, except for amounts received as a direct result of the playing of one or more Otzma Cards, amounts received as the result of the destruction of one or more trinkets, and amounts which have previously had Otzma Cards of this type played on them. SPARKLING 2. In the Counter-Action paragraph in R1240.7, change "money" to "A$". 3. Replace the first two paragraphs of Rule 1240.6 with the following COLORSAFE_BLEACH-delimited text: COLORSAFE_BLEACH An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When a player who is about to pay a Valid Sum plays a Card of this type e announces the name of another player, and a positive integral amount of A$ he wants that player to pay, provided it is at most half what the former player is about to pay. When the player who played the card first pays a Valid Sum of at least twice the named amount within the next three days, if the card has not already been countered, the named player pays the named amount to the player who played the card; this payment is called "The Transfer". For the purposes of this rule, all sums of A$ paid by players are Valid Sums except for amounts paid as the direct result of one or more Otzma Cards, and amounts paid as the result of voluntary actions of the player paying the amount, such as trades, gifts, trinket creations, land purchases, etc. Counter-Action: If The Transfer for this card has occurred, the player who played the card pays the named player the sum of A$ e originally named plus 10 percent, rounded down to the nearest integer. If The Transfer for this card has not occurred, the player who played the card pays the named player 10 percent of the sum of A$ e named, rounded down to the nearest integer, and The Transfer for this card shall never occur. COLORSAFE_BLEACH
Create a new rule, numbered 1020, with the title "Conspiracy Theory", with text as follows(delimited by SMOF): SMOF I. Power And Resistance Each Organization has two Characteristics: Power and Resistance. These are both zero by default. An Organization with Power greater than zero is an Organized Group. An Organized Group which has zero Resistance is an Illuminatus Group. An Organization with zero Power but Resistance greater than zero is an Unorganized Group. These organizations, and no others, are considered to be Groups. II. Megabucks Megabucks are tradeable entities, with the exception that they may never be traded to entities which are not Groups. Organizations which are Groups are, of course, empowered to own them. An Organized Group may convert A$100 into a Megabuck at any time as a public action, though it may not put itself into debt by doing so. If a Megabuck is "spent" as specified in the Rules, then it is destroyed. III. Control {{[ Outright plagiarism of Rule 750...:-) ]}} Each Group may have a Thrall Attribute. This Thrall Attribute is either the name of another Group or the null string. If a Group (G) changes its name, then any Groups whose Thrall Attribute was the old name of the Group (G) have their Thrall Attributes changed to the new name of Group (G). When an Organization first becomes a Group, then its Thrall Attribute is set to "". When an Organization ceases to be a Group, then any Group whose Thrall Attribute is the name of that Organization has their Thrall Attribute set to "". If a Group (G) has a Thrall Attribute which is the name of a Group (H), then Group (H) may be said to Control Group (G). If a Group (H) Controls a Group (G), it also Ultimately Controls Group (G); in addition, Group (H) Ultimately Controls any Group which Group (G) Ultimately Controls. Any Controlled Group (G) which is not Ultimately Controlled by an Illuminatus Group has its Thrall Attribute immediately set to "". If a Group (G), which is not an Illuminatus Group, has a Thrall Attribute of "", then it is said to be Uncontrolled. [Illuminatus Groups are never Controlled; they are always the Controllers.] The Illuminatus Group which Ultimately Controls a Group (I) may be referred to as Group (I)'s Illuminatus Group. Only Controlled Groups or Illuminatus Groups are allowed to make attacks. The Groups which are Ultimately Controlled by a particular Illuminatus Group are the Lackeys of that Illuminatus Group. A Group which is directly Controlled by an Illuminatus Group is said to be Protected by a factor of 1; a Group which is directly Controlled by a Group which is Protected by a factor of N is Protected by a factor of N+1. No Uncontrolled Group is Protected in this manner. IV. Attacks A particular Illuminatus Group and its Lackeys may, among them, make two Attacks per calendar week, with the proviso that no single Group may make two Attacks in the same calendar week. An Attack is initiated by an Organizational Action on the part of the Illuminatus Group(no matter which group is actually Attacking), and is considered to actually occur when the Action succeeds. (No such Action will succeed if it would exceed the above limits.) When an Attack is declared, it must specify the Attacking Group, the type of Attack, name another Group(the Defending Group), which it must be permissible to Attack in this manner, and a number of Megabucks to be spent on the attack. These Megabucks may come only from the Attacking Group and its Illuminatus Group. If the Defending Group is Controlled, then its Illuminatus Group has three days to initiate an Organizational Action to spend Megabucks in its defense. Should no such Action be initiated within three days of the attack, or should the Defending Group be Uncontrolled, then the Attack's success or failure shall be determined after the three days are up; otherwise, the determination shall wait for the defending Action to succeed or fail. Only the Defending Group and its Illuminatus Group may spend Megabucks this way. The chance of an Attack succeeding is called the Base Roll, and is determined differently for different types of attack. The Modified Base Roll(MBR) begins with value of the Base Roll, and is modified as follows: For each Megabuck that the Attacking Group, or its Illuminatus Group, spends on the attack(which amount must be specified as part of the Action), the MBR is modified upwards by 1. For each Megabuck the Defending Group spends(which spending must occur within three days of the attack being announced), the MBR is modified downwards by 2. For each Megabuck its Illuminatus Group spends in its defense, the MBR is modified downward by 1. If the Defending Group is Protected by a factor of 1, the MBR is modified downward by 10; if by a factor of 2, the MBR is modified downward by 5; and if by a factor of 3, the MBR is modified downward by 2. (A Protection factor of 4 or greater has no effect.) The Final Base Roll, or FBR, is the lesser of 10 and the Modified Base Roll. [ That is, the Final Base Roll may never be greater than 10; there is always a chance that any attack will fail. ] V. Types of Attack a) Attack to Control This type of Attack may be aimed at any group except an Illuminatus Group. The Base Roll in this case is the Attacking Group's Power minus the Defending Group's Resistance. If the Attack succeeds, then the Defending Group's Thrall Attribute becomes the name of the Attacking Group. b) Attack to Neutralize This type of Attack may be aimed at any Controlled Group. The Base Roll in this case is the Attacking Group's Power minus the Defending Group's Resistance, plus six. If the Attack succeeds, then the Defending Group's Thrall Attribute becomes "". c) Attack to Destroy This type of Attack may be aimed at any Organized Group. The Base Roll in this case is the Attacking Group's Power minus the Defending Group's Power. If the Attack succeeds, then the Defending Group's Power and Resistance characteristics are set to 0(i.e. it is no longer a Group). VI. Outcome of Attacks It is a Duty of the Org-Harfer to determine the success or failure of Attacks, when it becomes necessary(as specified above)to do so. In doing so, e must roll two six-sided dice(using the Dice Server)and sum them together. If this value is greater than the Final Base Roll, then the Attack fails; otherwise, the Attack succeeds. SMOF {{[ This is of course an outright borrowing from Steve Jackson Games' "Illuminati". I know we promised we wouldn't do this, back when the Illuminatus was first proposed, but I guess my resolve was weak. A bit bare-bones as of now, but I've been tossing this idea around in my head for a few weeks now and finally decided to put it out there and anyone else who has ideas for it may Propose them. Some thoughts I'd had: --How to gain power and resistance? Population? Org powers? Just plain spending? --Alignments: Political Parties "Government"? "Communist" based on SMC membership policy? Churches "Fanatic"? etc. Or just based on some kind of Similarity between groups? --Groups having incomes of Megabucks? This is probably incompatible with the idea of being able to convert Megabucks back into A$... --What kinds of Groups may be Illuminatus Groups? Do they need some kind of Org Power? --What happens if an Organization ceases to be a Group? Are its Megabucks destroyed, or redeemed for their A$ value? --Otzma Cards to mimic the special cards? --Should there be limitations on how often Groups can transfer Megabucks? --Groups with transferrable power? How about special abilities? --What do you gain by Controlling these Groups? I don't want it to have any effect on anything else the Controlled Group does as an Organization... --Should there be a limit to the number of Groups a given Group may Control? ]}}
This is a modest proposal Amend rule 671 (Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda Hats) by inserting the following CLOSE_THE_HOLE delimited text between the second and third paragraphs CLOSE_THE_HOLE No Entity other than Players or The Mad Hatters may own Agenda Hats. No Entity other than Players may own Nemesis Eggplants. CLOSE_THE_HOLE {{[ For anyone who cares about the why of this, nothing currently stopped players from trading hats and eggplants to churches they belonged to ]}}
This is a modest proposal. {{[ Alfvaen's recent Prop P3771 didn't actually stop there from being two consecutive calls for submissions as it only checks for a call. After the call comes the bidding period which seems to be seperate from the call. Let's clean this up a bit. There also shouldn't be two calls during a cycle even if the Illuminatus changes hands. ]}} Amend rule 431 (Illuminatus) by replacing the following CALL delimited text CALL The Illuminatus has the Duty to announce a call for Agenda Condition submissions if, for any reason, the player currently holding the office of Illuminatus has announced no such call during the current cycle, and there is no call for Agenda Conditions currently in progress. CALL with the following CLEARER delimited text CLEARER The Illuminatus has the Duty co announce a call for Agenda Condition submissions if, for any reason, there has not been such a call during the current cycle, and there is neither a call for Agenda Conditions nor a Nemesis Eggplant bidding period currently underway. CLEARER
{{Destroy all existant Otzma Cards of type Felicitous Populi}} {{[ 2 still exist and count against the totals I believe or maybe not since they are no longer defined under the OC rule suite. However, let's leave it clean, eh? ]}} {{ For every Whamiol and Spell Book of Chorg a player possesses, give them A$25 from the Treasury. Destroy all Whamiols and Spell Books of Chorg. }} {{[ People spent good money on aquiring them, at least give them something back. ]}}
Retitle rule 1003 "Corporations" Amend rule 1003 to read as delimited by NEWORGORDER NEWORGORDER 1. Forming a Corporation An Corporations is a named unownable entity. Any player may publically announce eir intent to form a Corporation, unless e is a pseudo-Founder. When a player has done so e becomes a pseudo-Founder for a period of 7-days. If during those 7 days at least two additional players publically announce that they wish to join the Corporation the pseudo-Founder intends to form, and the pseudo-Founder agrees, then the pseudo-Founder forms the Corporation by announcing the Corporation's name, its type, paying the standard Harfer's Fee, and announceing the name of its members. 120 shares in the Corporation are created and distributed equally among the initial members; excess shares are destroyed. The name must be a legal name. 2. Corporation Disbandment The rules may call for the disbandment of an Corporation. When an Corporation is disbanded, everything owned by the Corporation is transferred to the Treasury, all shares associated with the Corporation are destroyed, and the Corporation is then no more. 3. Corporate Voting When a motion is made to a Corporation, its stockholders have one week to vote publicly. At the end of that week or when sufficient votes have been made such that no additional votes could change the outcome, the result of the votes will be determined. If the motion was privaleged, the support of entities owning at least two-thirds of the shares is requrired for it to pass; otherwise the support of the owners of a simple majority is needed. Corporations which own shares in the Corporation and do not vote are not counted for the purposes of determining the number of shares neccessary, nor are shares buried in treasure. 4. Motions Any shareholder may make a motion to a Corporation e owns shares in. The following are valid, non-privaleged, motions: 1) To accept offered entities 2) To change its name to a valid name (which costs the Corporation the SHF, and fails if it does not have an SHF) 3) To make a motion to a partially-owned Corporation 4) To vote on a motion in another Corporation. The following are valid privaleged motions: 1) To accept a trade or offer entities 2) To disband 3) To mint and distribute new shares associated with the Corporation 4) To operate a Secret Lab or other Corporate equipment. The maker of the motion is assumed to vote for the motion. 5. Corruption A player may call a Corruption hearing against a Corporation claiming that the entity is abusing the rules. They then become the SEC Inspector (Hearing Harfer) for that hearing. The valid votes are "They're just honest business people, and besides, everyone does it" and "Split 'em up like Ma Bell!". If the result is the former the SEC Inspector must pay the SHF to each of the members or stock holders. If the result is the latter the entity is disbanded and the SEC Inspector receives a bribe, er, payment of twice the SHF from the Treasury. 6. The Principle of Otzma Corporations have no real understanding of the power that lurks in cards. Therefore, if any Corporation owns an Otzma Card, that Otzma Card is destroyed. NEWORGORDER Repeal rule 1004. Renumber rule 1005 to 1050. Create rule 1005, "Shares" with the following STOCK-delimited text STOCK Shares are nameless, tradeable entities. Each share is associated with a Corporation. If a Corporation owns a share associated with itself, that share is destroyed. If a group of Corporations own shares in such a way that no entity other than a member of that group owns shares in any of those Corporations, all those Corporations are immediately disbanded. If an entity owns two-thirds or more of the shares of a Corporation which are not buried, then all entities owned by that Corporation will be treated as if they are owned by that entity and the Corporation will be known as a Subsidiary; for the purposes of this paragraph, a player who owns n% of a Corporation is treated as owning n% of the shares that Corporation owns. This paragraph takes precedence over all other rules which transfer entities. STOCK All societies are turned into Corporations with 120 shares split evenly among their members; any excess shares are destroyed. All entities owned by Political Parties are transfered to a random member of that Party. Renumber rule 1006 to 1055. Repeal 1007. Renumber 1007.1 to 1025, replace all occurances of "Organization" in it with "Political Party", and rename it "Political Party Admissions". Renumber 1021, and amend it to read as delimited by NEWPOLITICS NEWPOLITICS A Political Party is a nameless, unownable entity. Being a member of more than one Political Party simultaneously is the Crime of Branch-Stacking. At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every voting player member of a given Political Party voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the Political Party itself shall cast an additional YES vote on that proposal for every three voting player members it has. Party membership and how players voted are determined based on the facts in force at the end of the voting period for each proposal. Any player may publically announce eir intent to form a Political Party, unless e is a pseudo-Founder. When a player has done so e becomes a pseudo-Founder for a period of 7-days. If during those 7 days at least two additional players publically announce that they wish to join the Party the pseudo-Founder intends to form, and the pseudo-Founder agrees, then the pseudo-Founder forms the Party by announcing the Party's name, its type, paying A$300, and announcing the name of its members. NEWPOLITICS Rename 1008 to "Corporate Powers" and replace every occurance of the word "Organization" in it with "Corporation". Append to rule 1008 the text "A Subsidiary Corporation may not use Corporate Powers." In rule 1011 and 1013, replace "Organizational" with "Corporate" and "Organization" with "Corporation". Repeal rule 1015. Replace the first two paragraphs of rule 1017 with the following TRUSTCASE-delimited text TRUSTCASE A Trust Fund is a type of corporation. When a player announces eir intent to found a Trust Fund, they must also annonuce a charter and a name. If the player can then afford to pay the SHF, the Fund comes into existance with the specified charter, without going throuhg the waiting period and without needing any other players to express interest. Trust Funds may only own tradeable entities. TRUSTCASE Replace "$A" in the rest of 1017 with "tradeable entities". Replace the first sentence of the penultimate paragraph of rule 1017 with "A Trust Fund's charter should specify what is should do with its tradeable entites and when it should accept offered trades." Repeal rule 1020. Create rule 1020, "Organization Miscellany" reading as delimited by ORGJUNK ORGJUNK A player may call a Tax Evasion hearing against a Church or Political Party, claiming that the entity is abusing the rules. They then become the IRS Investigator (Hearing Harfer) for that hearing. The valid votes are "You're just persecuting them because they donated to your opponent" and "Worse than United Way". If the result is the former the IRS Investigator must pay the SHF to each of the members or stock holders. If the result is the latter the entity is disbanded and the IRS Investigator receives a bribe, er, payment of twice the SHF from the Treasury. Because Churches are religious, they eschew any pagan symbols. Therefore, if any Church owns an Otzma Card, that Otzma Card is destroyed. ORGJUNK
This is a Modest proposal. [I don't think Slakko's fix will work well, and regardless it will be too late for it to be as fun as possible.] Repeal rule 810.1
This is a Modest Proposal. Amend Rule 1250.3, "General Equipment", by changing to in section III a.
This is a Modest proposal. Repeal Rule 594.25 Blueprint: Transtemporal Holographic Image Recording Device Repeal Rule 1390.11 Holotapes
This is a Modest proposal. Repeal Rule 594.18 Blueprint: Butler
This is a Modest proposal. Repeal Rule 1390.1 Wibble
This is a Modest proposal. Repeal Rule 1390.7 I Am Not the Only Dust My Mother Raised!
This is a Modest proposal. Renumber Rule 1390.5 Grease is the Word to 364.1 Renumber Rule 1390.13 Dogver and Ratver to 364.2 Renumber Rule 1390.12 Ackanomic Unity to 319.1 Renumber Rule 1390.8 Silly Little Holiday to 1181 Renumber Rule 1390.14 Scam Day to 1182 Renumber Rule 1390.9 Ready, Aim... to 543
Amend Rule 550 Honour System Rule Suite by replacing the string "-1000000 to 1000000" with: -100 to 100. Create a new Rule numbered 550.10 Break On Through to the Other Side with the following text: If a player gains Honour such that his Honour Characteristic would exceed 100, his Honour is set to -100. If a player loses Honour such that his Honour Characteristic would be less than -100, his Honour is set to 100.
Create a new rule numbered 103 and titled "Infinitesimalia", with the following ITSY_BITSY-delimited text: ITSY_BITSY Whenever, in a single message, a player performs more than one of any combination of public actions and posts of rule-specified text that cause some game effect (called "player-initiated events" in this rule), these events occur in the order they appear in the message, separated by infinitesimal lengths of time (so that they occur "in order" but also still all occur at the time the post is deemed to occur). If a player uses some sort of shorthand to perform several actions in a single statement, and doesn't specify an order for the events to occur in, then the order is determined randomly. Within each infinitesimal time between these events, all automatic events in the rules that occur as a direct or indirect result of the preceding player-initiated event will occur, and the next player-initiated event will not occur until there are no more automatic events waiting to be processed. Whenever more than one automatic event is triggered as a direct or indirect result of another event, the order of these events is determined as follows: 1. The rules which cause these events are considered in conflict, and Rule 102 is applied to determine which of them has precedence, and that one is chosen to occur first. If Rule 102 is not sufficient to determine one event that has precedence over the others, one event is chosen randomly. If only one event remains, that one is chosen. 2. The event chosen in step 1 occurs. 3. All automatic events which occur as a result of the event in step 2 occur, as well as all events which occur as a result of those events, etc., which may result in one or more separate instances of this procedure happening for those events, which complete before this procedure ends. 4. If there was more than one event to choose between in step 1, this entire procedure is repeated, excluding from the set of triggered events under consideration in that iteration the one event which was chosen in this iteration's step 1. This rule takes precedence over all other rules. ITSY_BITSY {{[ Whenever something in the rules triggers, all those things happen, and anything triggered off of that happens, etc., and when all that is through, whatever we were dealing with before continues, and the series of events in a public message has the lowest priority of all. This may break a few things, but considering the apparent brokenness of the rules that has appeared in the Museum/forgery-scam-win issue, they are already broken, and this seems to normally be the way things work, or are designed to work. If this *does* break anything, please fix it; without this rule as a start, we'll never sort out all our timing issues. Also, this *finally* codifies the long-standing game custom about things in public messages happening in sequence but in no actual time, i.e., all happen at the time stamped on the message. ]}}
This is a Modest proposal. Amend Rule 1250.18, "Ye Olde Rusty Lantern", as follows: Replace the text(delimited by INNU): INNU There must be at least two Bards for a tale to proceed, and no more Bards than benches; any time this is not the case for a particular instance of Ye Olde Rusty Lantern, that tale is suspended until the requirements are both met. (In the meantime, Bards are free to join or leave, but no cards may be played.) INNU with the following text(delimited by KASHTIN): KASHTIN There must be at least two Bards for a tale to proceed, and no more Bards than benches; any time this is not the case for a particular instance of Ye Olde Rusty Lantern, that tale is suspended until the requirements are both met. (In the meantime, Bards are free to join or leave, but no cards may be played.) If the game is being played as a Duel, however, then if at any time there is only one Bard, that player is the winner. KASHTIN {{ If there is a YORL Duel in progress with only one Bard, then that player wins that Duel. }}