modify rule 1240.21/1 to read as the text deliminated by BETTER. BETTER A card of this type may only be played in the public forum. When it is played, its owner must choose either one the choices below 1) Name one of the following Characteristics: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. The value of the characteristic named may not be more that 16. The Dungeonmaster must then randomly determine a second Characteristic from the above list, except that the Characteristic named by the player, and any Characteristic with a value of 3, shall not be eligible for selection; if no Characteristic is eligible for selection, the card is destroyed and has no effect. Upon the Dungeonmaster making a random determination as above, the value of the Characteristic named by the player is increased by 2, and the value of that determined randomly by the Dungeonmaster decreased by 1. 2) The Dungeon Master Randomly selects one of the following charateristics: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. the named may not be more than 17. The named characteristic is increased by 1
modify rule 1240.21/1 to read as the text deliminated by BETTER. BETTER A card of this type may only be played in the public forum. When it is played, its owner must choose either one the choices below 1) Name one of the following Characteristics: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. The value of the characteristic named may not be more that 16. The Dungeonmaster must then randomly determine a second Characteristic from the above list, except that the Characteristic named by the player, and any Characteristic with a value of 3, shall not be eligible for selection; if no Characteristic is eligible for selection, the card is destroyed and has no effect. Upon the Dungeonmaster making a random determination as above, the value of the Characteristic named by the player is increased by 2, and the value of that determined randomly by the Dungeonmaster decreased by 1. 2) The Dungeon Master Randomly selects one of the following charateristics: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. the named may not be more than 17. If no characterist is eligible for selection, the card iis destroyed and has no effect. Upon the Dungeonmaster making a random determination as above,the value of the named characteristic is increased by 1
This is a modest proposal. In the rule 'Dogver and Ratver' (1390.13), replace 'rhyme in Ackanomicon' with 'rhyme in Ackanomic'. {{[I tried to do this with a CSR, people objected, fine.]}}
This is a Modest proposal. {{[ Some problems made plain in the judgement of CFJ 659... ]}} Amend Rule 210, "Literature", as follows: After the text "written, uttered or otherwise communicated by the source, enclosed in quotation marks." insert the sentence "If the source material is not in English, then an English translation of the source shall be considered a valid equivalent." After the text "The source of the quotation must be cited in brackets [like this] immediately following the quotation itself." insert the sentence "This citation is considered to have semantic value for the purposes of annotating the quotation; this takes precedence over Rule 340." {{ Alfvaen loses 2 points; Vynd gains 2 points. }}
Add the following STRONTIUM-delimited text to the rules as rule 210.1, "United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru" STRONTIUM Anything sung by the Animaniacs, including characters other than Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, or anything said in the show "the Tick" shall be considered Super Duper Literature. If a proposal that would be literature if Super Duper Literature counted as literature passes, the proposer will gain twice the points that would have been gained if it were mere literature. STRONTIUM
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now. {{The current Government Type is set to Anarchy. This rule takes precedence ovar any which would prohibit this change.}}
Amend Rule 107 by replacing the following TOOEASY delimited text, TOOEASY Then, quorum is met if either (a) at least 60% of the players in the head count have cast a vote, or (b) at least 36% of the players in the head count have voted YES, or both. In no other circumstances is quorum met. TOOEASY with the following MEANINGFUL-delimited text, CNH Then, quorum is met if at least 66% of the players in the head count have cast a vote. In no other circumstances is quorum met. CNH .
Create a new rule as a member of the otzma card rule suite entitled "Otzma card of type Coup" and reading as follows (delimited by SUQ): SUQ There exist an otzma card of type "Coup" which must be played in the public forum. It has an F designation of rare and no more than 2 may exist at any one time. When this card is played the player who played it must name a government type. The Current Government of Ackanomia will then be changed to this government type as soon as the OiCoRT has made any necessary random determinations (e.g. who gets to become despot). The counter action to this card is that the Current Government of Ackanomia changes to Anarchy. SUQ
{{[ This is an attempt to fix two problems. First, the possible fact that the timing of rules between rule 620 and rule 607 is not sufficient to actually have given me the goose and prevented the winning condition. Second, according to how the goose rules are worded, any judge can (on a CWCFJ that e thinks is false) judge it undecided, giving the goose to initiator, then when the Cortex judges it, it has a verdict of false, the player gets the goose AGAIN and is forced to pay A$60. This seems a bit harsh, and too easily abused by the judge. My opinion is that Undecided should be a 'semi-verdict' as it is really a passing of the buck, and thus an undecided CFJ should still be retractable and should not give the player the goose. ]}} Replace rule 620 (Chartreuse Goose), section 7 with the following text as delimited by GOOSE_BE_GONE GOOSE_BE_GONE 7) Upon a player who possesses the Goose achieving any of the following titles, the Goose is transferred Somewhere Else: Commander of the Blue Cross, Officer of the Blue Cross, Sage o'Doe Gas, Agent of KAOS, Angry Villager. If the event which granted one of these titles also would have established a winning condition had the player not had the Goose, this transfer is deemed to have occurred an infinitesimal amount of time the winning condition would have been awarded. GOOSE_BE_GONE Replace rule 620 (Chartreuse Goose), section 1 with the following text as delimited by NO_DOUBLE_GOOSING NO_DOUBLE_GOOSING 1) Upon a verdict of other than TRUE or UNDECIDED on a Winning Condition CFJ, the initiator of the CFJ receives the Goose from wherever it is. If the initiator already has the Goose, however, they shall transfer an A$60 court fee to the Clerk of the Court. NO_DOUBLE_GOOSING Amend rule 330 (Retractions) by replacing the following RETRACT delimited text RETRACT A player may retract his own CFJ as a public action. This action will fail if a verdict on the CFJ has already been delivered. The player retracting the CFJ does not lose any points unless the CFJ was a paradox win CFJ or a cycle win CFJ in which case e loses 3 points. RETRACT with the following BUCK_PASSING delimited text BUCK_PASSING A player may retract his own CFJ as a public action. This action will fail if a verdict other than Undecided has already been delivered on the CFJ. The player retracting the CFJ does not lose any points unless the CFJ was a paradox win CFJ or a cycle win CFJ in which case e loses 3 points. BUCK_PASSING
This is a Modest Proposal. Append the following ANTISCAM-delimited text to rule 1003, "Organizations": ANTISCAM 10. The Principle of Otzma Organizations are faceless corporations, and so have no real understanding of the power that lurks in cards. Therefore, if any Organization owns an Otzma Card, that Otzma Card is destroyed. ANTISCAM
This is a modest proposal. {{[I goofed.. I'm a bad proposer. I'll do better next time.]}} Amend rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points), by inserting the following NO_SCAM delimited text into section a so that numbering of the sub-points is maintained. NO_SCAM (iv) This type of conversion may only be performed if a conversion of this type has not been performed in the prior 14 days. NO_SCAM Amend rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points), by inserting the following NO_SCAM_II delimited text into section b so that the numbering of the sub-points is maintained. NO_SCAM_II (ii) This type of conversion may only be performed if a conversion of this type has not been performed in the prior 14 days. NO_SCAM_II
Amend rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points) by inserting the following text as delimited by NO_NEG_POINTS immediately before subsection a. NO_NEG_POINTS Regardless of anything else, a player may not make a conversion in accordance with this rule which would result in eir having negative points. NO_NEG_POINTS
This is a Modest Proposal. [This proposal is really a fixup, designed to prevent the Mad Hatters being used as a dumping ground.] Append the following paragraph to the Rule "Mercury Poisoning": A player may not trade an Agenda Hat to the Mad Hatters if said trade would result in the player having a Winning Condition. It is, however, legal to trade an Agenda Hat away from the Mad Hatters to achieve a Winning Condition.
{{All extant Otzma Cards are destroyed.}}
This is a modest proposal. {{[ On September 30, 1998, K 2 changed rule 1201, so that Tammany voted YES on a hearing. This just fixed that rule. The other pole of the Frobnotzer didn't change the semantic meaning of the rule, so I don't see any need to bother with that one. ]}} Amend rule 1201 (The Illustrious DoppelSlakko) by replacing the following sentance as delimited by FROB FROB An infinitesimal amount of time before that, Tammany will vote YES on a Hearing. FROB with the following sentance as delimited by NOTZER NOTZER An infinitesimal amount of time before that, Tammany will vote NO on this proposal. NOTZER
This is a Modest Proposal. {{All effects generated by proposals numbered lower than this one but greater than 3715 are undone.}} Create a rule with the title "Play with fire and you get burnt." and the text "This rule contains Monosodium glutamate." Delete the phrase 'If ever over 50% of all player have a rebeliousnees characteristic of "on" and any player points this out publicly then a Revolution shall begin.' from rule Rule 320 (Governments Rule Suite). {{The current government of Ackanomic is set to Democracy.}} {{All votes on proposals currently under voting consideration are destroyed.}} {{[What's in it for us?]}} {{Slakko and Wild Card receive sufficient A$ from the treasury so that they own a total of zero A$.}} Create a rule with a the title "Defender Against Major Nuisances" numbered 1152 with the text: " 'Defender Against Major Nuisances' is a title, one of the most auspicious ones in Ackanomic in fact. Players who posses this title are permitted to stalk the streets hunting for Players unlawfully exploiting loopholes in the rules. All possessors of this title are telepathic and are able to search the mind(s) of any player of Ackanomic in their hunt for illegal scam. " {{All players who have the title "Defender Against Major Nuisances" lose it.}} {{Vynd, Alfvaen, K 2, IdiotBoy, Wild Card, two-star and Slakko gain the title "Defender Against Major Nuisances".}} {{Players who posses the title "Defender Against Major Nuisances" receive A$1000 from the treasury.}} Create a rule numbered 902 with the title "i attempted to Scam a dictatorship and All i got was this Measly Entity" with the text: " A Scarlet S is a non-trabeable entity. A player who possesses A Scarlet S is shunned by the society of Ackanomic. He cannot enter buildings other than his own home, unless required to by the rules. A player who possesses A Scarlet S cannot be a member of any Organization except a Church or a VSO. A player who possesses A Scarlet A cannot participate in duels in anyway. No player may challenge the owner of A Scarlet S to a duel. A player who possesses A Scarlet S cannot hold the title of Harfmeiester. Players who own A Scarlet S are very ashamed of themselves. If a player who possesses A Scarlet S has three of his proposal declared harfy, and accepted, then his A Scarlet S is destroyed. After a player as possessed a Scarlet S for more than one month e may get destroy it as a public action which includes a lengthy apology. This rule describes the only methods by which A Scarlet S can be destroyed. This rule has precedence over all rules with which it conflicts. " The president and all members of the senate except Slakko receive A Scarlet S each and are removed from office.
This is a Modest Proposal. Repeal Rule 320.3 (Government Type: Despotism) Repeal Rule 320.4 (Government Type: Fundamentalism) Repeal Rule 320.5 (Government Type: Elected Assembly) Repeal Rule 320.6 (Government Type: Proportional Representation)
This is a Modest Proposal. Create a rule as a member of Governments Rule Suite (rule 320) with the title "Government Type: AntiVoting" with the text: " I. Government Definition. While the AntiVoting government type is active, scoring for anti-voting shall be active. Additionally players shall not receive points for simply voting. Anti-Voting is defined as voting NO on an accepted proposal or voting YES on a rejected proposal (determined at the end of the prescribed voting period). II. Scoring for anti-voting. Players who anti-vote on a proposal shall gain: i) one point if it was Modest. ii) three points if it was Non-Modest. iii) five points if it was Grandiose. "
This is a Modest proposal. {{The Government Type is set to Democracy.}}
{{all rules except this one which were passed within the last hour are repealed.}} Create a rule numbered 3 and titled 'The New Illuminatus' with the following text as delimited by USURPTION USURPTION The society named 'Arf wif eir ead' may amend, create or repeal rules as an organizational action. Organizational actions of the type allowed by this rule will pass if a simple majority of the active non-gaoled members of 'Arf wif eir ead' agree to the action within a day, and as long as no active non-goaled member denounces the action during that time. If the action is denounced or too few members agree, then the action fails with no changes being made to the rules. This rule may only be repealed, amended, renumbered, or modified by an organizational action to which all active non-gaoled members of 'Arf wif eir ead' agree unanimously and which no active non-gaoled member denounces. This takes precedence over the preceeding paragraph, and over all rules, and over any method of changing the rules or the state of the game. This rule takes precedence over all other rules. Any proposal which attempts to alter this rule or give a rule precedence over this rule is automatically declared invalid. USURPTION {{All proposals currently in the queue which are not authored by A Mean Hat. are declared invalid}} {{The current government of Ackanomic is set to Democracy.}}
{{All instances of either of the strings "Office in Charge of Random Things" or "OiCoRT" in the rules shall be changed to the string "Loverboy"}} {{[Hi, I dig one time effects. Comments are neat, too.]}}
{{All instances of either of the strings "Officer in Charge of Random Things" or "OiCoRT" in the rules shall be changed to the string "Loverboy"}} {{[Hi, I dig one time effects. Comments are neat, too.]}}
I'll have to appologise profusly and run away. This a Modest Proposal. Create a new rule numbered 599 with the title "Alfvaen's Swansong" and the following RATHERPOORLY delmited text. RATHERPOORLY Alfvaen is permitted to submit a single CFJ which alleges e has gained a winning condition during the game of Ackanomic. Such a CFJ is a Cycle-Win CFJ. An instant after it ceases to be legal to appeal a Cycle-Win CFJ ,which meets the critrea in the previous paragraph this rule shall repeal itself. This rule takes precedence over Rule 600 (Winning Conditions) were it conflicts on what consitues a Cycle-Win CFJ. RATHERPOORLY
This is a Modest Proposal. I. Amend Rule 1003 (Organizations) in the following ways: a) amend section 6 (Player Liberty Clause) by appending as a separate paragraph the following text: " No player may become a member of an Organisation such that the H Similarity between that Organisation and any other would be greater than 70%. " {{All players who are members of an Organisation, excluding political parties, with a H Similarity with another organisation of greater than 75% are simultaneously removed from those organisations. }}
This is a Modest Proposal. 1. Amend Rule 1003 (Organizations) in the following way: I. In Section 1 (Forming an Organization): a) Append to the third paragraph which reads: " If during those 7 days at least two additional players publically announce that they wish to join the Organization the pseudo-Founder intends to form, and the pseudo-Founder agrees, then the pseudo-Founder forms the Organization by announcing the Organization's name, its type,pays the standard Harfer's Fee, and announces the name of its members. " the following text: " Additionally the founder may establish the organisation's admissions policy at this time, otherwise the Standard Admissions policy shall apply.
This is a Modest Proposal. Amend Rule 594.7 (Blueprint: Evil Ballot Stuffer) in the following ways: I. Insert the following paragraph after the third paragraph: " The first time an EBS is used during a hearing or election, if more than two EBSs have responses recorded at that point, the EBS shall smash the EBS who's current response was earliest excluding any EBSs which have already been smashed during that hearing or election. A smashed EBS becomes broken when the hearing or elections results are released. " II. Append the following paragraph to the end of the rule: " If a player owns more than one EBS then the extra EBSs e owns are destroyed, starting with any broken ones. The previous sentence shall have no effect during the first week of its addition to the rules set, at which point this sentence shall be removed. "
This is a Modest Proposal. Remove Item 20 "DoppelSlakko" and Item 22 "in Gaol" from Rule 613 "Winning is pretty harfy (Winning by doing a lot of stuff)" and renumber the list. Repeal Rule 1201 (The Illustrious DoppelSlakko). {{The office of DoppelSlakko is destroyed.}}
I'll have to apologise profusely and run away. This a Modest Proposal. Create a new rule numbered 599 with the title "Alfvaen's Swansong" and the following RATHERPOORLY delimited text. RATHERPOORLY Alfvaen is permitted to submit a single CFJ which alleges e has gained a winning condition during the game of Ackanomic. Such a CFJ is a Cycle-Win CFJ. An instant after it ceases to be legal to appeal a Cycle-Win CFJ ,which meets the criteria in the previous paragraph this rule shall repeal itself. This rule takes precedence over Rule 600 (Winning Conditions) were it conflicts on what constitutes a Cycle-Win CFJ. RATHERPOORLY
This is a Modest Proposal. {{The title of Puzzler is given to a randomly chosen active player.}}
This is a Modest Proposal. Repeal Rule 1020 (Dispensations)
This is a Modest Proposal. A. Amend Section IV (Scope and Precedence) of Rule 1250.1 (Games & Contests) by I. reletting part e) to f) II. inserting the following between parts d) and f): " e) Entity manipulations which are generated as a result of a particular instance of a game shall not occur until either the referee or one of the participants publicly enumerates the manipulations that the game requires. " B. Amend Rule 506 (Trinkets) by: I. deleting the following text: " A player-created Trinket, whose name contains the name of a current or former player other than that of the creating player, such that the player name in question existed before the Trinket was created, and which has not been owned at some time by each player whose name it contains, is a forgery. The rules may define other circumstances under which a Trinket is a forgery. " and inserting the following text as a separate paragraph before the second last paragraph: " If a player-created Trinket, contains the name of a current or former player other than that of the creating player, such that the player name in question existed before the Trinket was created, and which has not been owned at some time by each player whose name it contains, and a player points this fact out publicly, it is a forgery. The rules may define other circumstances under which a Trinket is a forgery. "
This is a Modest Proposal. Amend Rule 435 (Herald) by replaceing the following text where it apears in that rule: " 3. Receiving a monthly salary of the Standard Harfer Fee less A$5. " with: " 3. Receiving a monthly salary of the Standard Harfer Fee. "
Delete the phrase 'If ever over 50% of all player have a rebeliousnees characteristic of "on" and any player points this out publicly then a Revolution shall begin.' from rule Rule 320 (Governments Rule Suite). {{If a Revolution is in progress it ends.}} {{The current government of Ackanomic is set to Democracy.}}
Delete the phrase 'If ever over 50% of all player have a rebeliousnees characteristic of "on" and any player points this out publicly then a Revolution shall begin.' from rule Rule 320 (Governments Rule Suite). {{If a Revolution is in progress it ends.}} {{The current government of Ackanomic is set to Democracy.}}
This is a modest proposal Amend rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points), by inserting the following NO_SCAM delimited text into section a so that numbering of the sub-points is maintained. NO_SCAM (iv) This type of conversion may only be performed if a conversion of this type has not been performed by the player attempting it during the prior 14 days. NO_SCAM Amend rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points), by inserting the following NO_SCAM_II delimited text into section b so that the numbering of the sub-points is maintained. NO_SCAM_II (ii) This type of conversion may only be performed if a conversion of this type has not been performed by the player attempting it during the prior 14 days. NO_SCAM_II Amend rule 1045 (Alternative uses for points) by inserting the following text as delimited by NO_NEG_POINTS immediately before subsection a. NO_NEG_POINTS Regardless of anything else, a player may not make a conversion in accordance with this rule which would result in eir having negative points after the conversion. NO_NEG_POINTS
This is a modest proposal. Amend rule 607 (Winning by Agenda) by inserting the following X_X delimited text at the end of the rule X_X At the end of a cycle won by this method, all Agenda Hats and Nemesis Eggplants are destroyed. X_X Amend rule 431 (Illuminatus) by replacing the following BAVARIAN delimited text BAVARIAN During this time, any voting player may submit a number of Agenda Conditions equal to three minus the number of Agenda Hats e owns by sending them to the Illuminatus. BAVARIAN with the following GNOMES_OF_ZURICH delimited text GNOMES_OF_ZURICH During this time, any voting player other than the Illuminatus may submit a number of Agenda Conditions equal to three minus the number of Agenda Hats e owns by sending them to the Illuminatus. GNOMES_OF_ZURICH
This is a modest proposal. Amend rule 250 (Players and Player States) by replacing the following text as delimited by SAY_WHAT? SAY_WHAT? III. Changing State A Player may change eir state as a public action by announcing the new player state, provided eir state has not changed within the past 3 days, and provided no other rule places any restrictions on eir ability to change to a particular state. Whenever a player's state is changed, the appropriate following section applies to them: SAY_WHAT? with the following WILBUR delimited text WILBUR III. Changing State A Player may change eir state as a public action by announcing the new player state, provided e has not changed eir state as a public action during the past 3 days, and provided e follows all other restrictions placed on eir ability to change states. When a player voluntarily ceases to be Vacationing if e did not specify a new player state, e enters the state e had before going on Vacation. A player may never voluntarily change eir state to Non-Player, but may have eir state changed to Non-Player through the action of the rues. Whenever a player's state is changed, the appropriate following section applies to them: WILBUR
This is a modest proposal. Amend rule 666 (End of Cycle) by replacing the following COMMIE delimited text COMMIE ii) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero, shall be placed on The List in decreasing order of Total Wealth. iii) The entity appearing highest on The List, shall transfer 5% of eir total wealth to the player lowest on The List and both entities shall be removed from The List. iv) If there are at least two entities and at least one player are still on The List step iii is repeated. COMMIE with the following STILL_COMMIE delimited text STILL_COMMIE ii) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero and all players with a negative Total Wealth, shall be placed on The List in decreasing order of Total Wealth. If there is a tie for Total Wealth, the Financier shall make the random determination necessary to order the entities on the list. iii) The entity appearing highest on The List, shall transfer 5% of eir total wealth to the player lowest on The List and both entities shall be removed from The List. iv) If there are at least two entities still on The List, one of which is a player and the other of which has postive wealth, the go to step iii. STILL_COMMIE
This is a modest proposal. {{[ This proposal is meant to fix the problem with Swingers who lost their Swingerships during the aftermath of P3724, and to reset players into their castes. The only orgs I'm 'repairing' are placing swingers back into their parties, and the grey councilors/caste members who lost their seats due to P3724. I'm leaving the Senate along since it will get fixed by the current election, even though two of the members seats shouldn't have been up for election. I'm also modifying the 70% H-Sim rule so that it doesn't apply to parties or unique orgs at all. ]}} Amend rule 1003 (Organizations) section 6 by replacing the following text as delimited by SIMILAR SIMILAR No player may become a member of an Organisation such that the H Similarity between that Organisation and any other would be greater than 70%. SIMILAR with the following text as delimited by STILL_SIMILAR STILL_SIMILAR No player may become a member of an Organization other than Parties or Unique Organizations such that the H Similarity between that Organization and any other Organization other than Parties and Unique Organizations would be greater than 70%. STILL_SIMILAR {{ All players who were Party Swingers at the instant prior to enactment of Proposal 3724 who are not currently members of a Party, are made members of the Party they were in immediately prior to the enactment of Proposal 3724, and have the Party Swingership for that Party transferred to them. All players who were members of the Worker or Warrior Caste immediately prior to the enactment of Proposal 3724 become members of the caste to which they belonged immediately prior to the enactment of Proposal 3724. All players who held a seat on the Grey Council immediately prior to the enactment of Proposal 3724, regain the seat they held on the Grey Council. }}
this is a modest proposal {{[it's nothing but a scam org]}} In rule 670 (Commission d'Arts), replace "The Senators shall be the Commissioners" with "The Historian, the Poet Laureate, the President, and two active players chosen at random shall be the Commissioners" and replace "decided on using the standard procedures for Senatorial decision making" with "created as if the Commisioners were an organization and creating such a report was an organizational action permitted to this organization" Repeal rules 411 (Senate) and 437 (Providing Meaning Where We Can) The office of Senator is destroyed In rule 403, replace "Senators concur with the impeachment by so notifying the President" with "Supreme Court (sans the player being impeached if e is a Justice) concurs with the impeachment by publicly agreeing" remove section VI-i of rule 825 and renumber VI-ii and VI-iii to VI-i and VI-ii respectively. remove "near the Senate" from rule 837 (Nothing Important) in rule 841, replace the following PARTHENON-delimited text PARTHENON 1) There are two types of towers: Ostentatious Towers and Public Towers. An Ostentatious Tower is a tower that a player adds to a building they own, or builds as a stand-alone tower not attached to any building (the term "Ostentatious Tower" is always with respect to a particular player). A Public Tower is a tower that a player adds to a public building, (that is, a building defined by the rules which is owned by no player), or to a kaa of public land. 2) A player is always said to be 'permitted' to build (or extend) an Ostentatious Tower associated with them. A player is said to be permitted to build (or extend) a Public Tower provided they submit a plan to the Senate, and the Senate votes approval of that plan. Such a plan must describe a tower that could legally be built (or a legal extension of an extant Public Tower). The Public Tower so built (or extension thereof) as a result of this permission must accord with the plan approved by the Senate. PARTHENON with the following TAJ-delimited text TAJ 1) A player may build an Ostentatious tower to add to any building that e owns. An Ostentatious Tower is a tower that a player adds to a building they own, or builds as a stand-alone tower not attached to any building (the term "Ostentatious Tower" is always with respect to a particular player). TAJ and renumber 3 through 8 to 2 through 7 respectively In rule 905, replace ", Proconsul, or Senator" with "or Speaker" and remove "or Senator" wherever it appears in the rule. In rule 1250.1, replace ", President, or Senate" with "or President" wherever it appears Replace "Senator" with "Grey Councillor" wherever it appears in the ruleset (215, 320) replace "Senate" with "Grey Council" wherever it appears in the ruleset (416)
{{[I think I was the only one to use this last time.., it's just not as harfy now that it's less scammy]}} repeal rule 1136 (Harf the Mail)
In rule 250 (player states), replace the following MUCK-delimited text MUCK V. Upon Becoming (and while) Vacationing: a) Their expected duration of Vacation is set at 28 days if unspecified, otherwise it is calculated as 14 days plus the specified duration, with an overriding minimum of 3 days and maximum of 75 days. (Durations specified as a range of time are assumed to span from the time of specification until the end of the specified range of time.) Players who gone on Vacation voluntarily may specify a duration at the time they specify they are going on Vacation. b) The duties of any offices held by the player shall be performed by the Speaker or someone appointed by the Speaker, unless some other rule provides for an Acting Officer or some other assignment (including possible non-assignment) of these duties (or the office). The person assuming the duties of these offices is said to be assuming them in an acting capacity, and as such, these appointments or assumption must be made in accordance with R 401, section (i). It is permissible for an acting officer, appointed by this clause, to assume the duties of another acting officer. c) Upon having been on vacation for a period of time in excess of the expected duration of eir vacation, their state is changed to On Ice. VI. Upon Becoming (and while) On Ice: a) They are removed from any offices they hold. b) Section IV is applied as if they became Non-Voting. c) All their existing votes on proposals, elections, and hearings whose results have not yet been released are canceled. d) Their score is set to 0. Players who are On Ice never gain or lose points, nor do they ever gain entities. e) They are removed from all organizations of which they are a member. f) If the Player never voted, their state is changed to Non-Player. g) All of their mimsy entities are transferred to the treasury. h) Upon being On-Ice for 90 days, their state is changed to Non-Player, unless they (or their likeness) is enshrined in the Hall of Elders, in which case they will never become a Non-Player. VII. Upon Becoming a Non-Player: MUCK with the following POND-delimited text POND V. Upon Becoming Vacationing: Their expected duration of Vacation is set at 28 days if unspecified, otherwise it is calculated as 14 days plus the specified duration, with an overriding minimum of 3 days and maximum of 75 days. (Durations specified as a range of time are assumed to span from the time of specification until the end of the specified range of time.) Players who gone on Vacation voluntarily may specify a duration at the time they specify they are going on Vacation. VI. While Vacationing The duties of any offices held by the player shall be performed by the Speaker or someone appointed by the Speaker, unless some other rule provides for an Acting Officer or some other assignment (including possible non-assignment) of these duties (or the office). The person assuming the duties of these offices is said to be assuming them in an acting capacity, and as such, these appointments or assumption must be made in accordance with R 401, section (i). It is permissible for an acting officer, appointed by this clause, to assume the duties of another acting officer. Upon having been on vacation for a period of time in excess of the expected duration of eir vacation, their state is changed to On Ice. VII. Upon Becoming On Ice: a) They are removed from any offices they hold. b) Section IV is applied as if they became Non-Voting. c) All their existing votes on proposals, elections, and hearings whose results have not yet been released are canceled. d) Their score is set to 0. e) They are removed from all organizations of which they are a member. f) If the Player never voted, their state is changed to Non-Player. g) All of their mimsy entities are transferred to the treasury. VIII. While On Ice Players who are On Ice can never gain or lose points, nor can they ever gain entities. If a player has been On-Ice for 90 days, their state is changed to Non-Player, unless they (or their likeness) is enshrined in the Hall of Elders, in which case they will never become a Non-Player. IX. Upon Becoming a Non-Player: POND
this is a modest proposal append "iii to receive a monthly salary of the Standard Harfer Fee." to rule 441 (Dungeon Master)
this is a modest proposal Repeal rule 1240.52 (Fel Pop)
{{[getting rid of that irritating "ability" of go fish]}} this is a modest proposal in rule 1240.2(go fish), remove section 2b and renumber 2c to 2b
{{[they have a wording from before a lot of this stuff was defined as it is currently, so they need to be smacked into accordance with intent]}} in rule 594.3 (Whamiol), replace the following phrase: "new Player enters the game and becomes an active player" with: "player ceases to be pending for the first time" remove the following phrase: " (effective the time it is publicly knowable the new player voted for the first time)" {{[unnecessary and maybe just a tiny bit contradictory]}}
{{[just a little hole, but still...]}} In rule 1250.10(fictionary), replace "points" with "Gamepoints" in section IV-5-a-i In rule 1250.19(word unassociation), replace " points " with " Gamepoints " in the 5th paragraph of section IV. In rule 1250.21(abstract crescent), replace "points" in the second paragraph of part 3 with "Gamepoints" In rule 1250.25(frog frog frog mouse), replace "game points" with "Gamepoints" wherever it occurs.
In rule 1250.22(Bacon), Replace " If one player thinks that the other player's chain is invalid, then e may challenge it up to three days after the chains are posted. The referee will check each link in the Movie Database, and determine whether the chain is valid. Otherwise, a chain will be assumed to valid if it goes unchallenged for the three days. (If a player did not submit a Bacon chain for that round, then eir chain is considered invalid.) " with " If one player thinks that the other player's chain is invalid, then e may challenge it up to three days after the chains are posted. The referee will check each link in the Movie Database, and determine whether the chain is valid. Otherwise, a chain will be assumed to valid if it is accepted publically by the opposing player or if it goes unchallenged for the three days. (If a player did not submit a Bacon chain for that round, then eir chain is considered invalid.) If a player challenges and the challenged chain is valid, the challenger's chain is deemed invalid. {{[there is currently no penalty for frivolous challenge. Also, this way, if both challenge incorrectly, neither wins the round]}} "
{{[order is not a characteristic; alignment is...]}} in rule 540.3 (The Elements), replace the following DELIMITER-delimited text: DELIMITER Order represents the eternal battle between Law and Chaos. Order is represented symbolically by the Tetrahedron, that polyhedron which is its own dual. Unlike the other elements, Order has two sides, and some may define a third side among those who refuse to choose a side. Players whose Order is -1, 0, or 1 are considered Neutral; those whose Order is less than -1 are considered Chaotic, and those whose Order is greater than 1 are considered Lawful. Whenever a harfy proposal is accepted, its submitter's Order decreases by one. Whenever a grandiose proposal is accepted, its submitter's Order increases by one. Whenever a TRUE verdict of a CFCJ becomes final, the Order of the player named in its statement is decreased by one. Whenever a player wins a cycle of Ackanomic, eir Order is increased by one. DELIMITER with the following DUH-delimited text DUH Order represents the eternal battle between Law and Chaos. Order is represented symbolically by the Tetrahedron, that polyhedron which is its own dual. Unlike the other elements, Order has two sides, and some may define a third side among those who refuse to choose a side. Players whose Alignment is -1, 0, or 1 are considered Neutral; those whose Alignment is less than -1 are considered Chaotic, and those whose Alignment is greater than 1 are considered Lawful. Whenever a harfy proposal is accepted, its submitter's Alignment decreases by one. Whenever a grandiose proposal is accepted, its submitter's Alignment increases by one. Whenever a TRUE verdict of a CFCJ becomes final, the Alignment of the player named in its statement is decreased by one. Whenever a player wins a cycle of Ackanomic, eir Alignment is increased by one. DUH {{Each player who has won a cycle, had a harfy or grandiose proposal accepted, or had a CFCJ against them become final in between the creation of rule 540.3 and the passage of this proposal gains or loses as much alignment as they would have if the rule had been worded as it is following the passage of this proposal}}
this is a modest proposal {{[this hasnt been updated since it was first put in the ruleset in mid-1996. Most of these are hopelessly out of date]}} In rule 205(When Score Changes Take Effect), remove sections 1e, 2b, 3c, and 4b remove the a) heading on sections 2 and 4