{{[long ago the PW rule had to be eviscerated to keep it from being repealed (P1395) Seeing as some of the more avid anti-PW players are gone now, it seems as if it may be given some of its old scope back]}} Amend rule 601 (Paradox Win) by replacing the following ZINC-delimited text ZINC A Call for Judgement whose statement alleges that changing the rules is impossible, or that a player action which would affect the game state appears equally legal and illegal is a "Paradox Win CFJ." ZINC with the following GALLIUM-delimited text GALLIUM A Call for Judgement whose statement alleges that changing the rules is impossible, that the legality of a player action that would affect the game state cannot be determined with finality, or that a player action which would affect the game state appears equally legal and illegal is a "Paradox Win CFJ." GALLIUM
{{[I remembered Trust Funds from the rules, so I went to look them up. Imagine my surprise when I found that they were puny organizations that A) were not tax-exempt B) could do very little Now, I understand the need for the tax-exemption, but I think Trust Funds should be able to do more. Bury treasure, for example.]}} Amend Rule 1011 (Excavation Permit) by replacing the following GERMANIUM-delimited text GERMANIUM An Organization that is not a VSO and owns an Excavation Permit may: i) Accept tradable entities for the purposes of burying em as a treasure. If the Organization would otherwise be unable to own a type of entity it will be transferred to the treasury after a period of 1 week if it has not been buried as a treasure. ii) May, as an action, bury any tradable entities that it owns as a treasure as described in rule 1217. iii) May legally own any entity that has been part of a buried treasure during the previous two weeks. GERMANIUM with the following ARSENIC-delimited text ARSENIC An Organization that owns an Excavation Permit and is either a trust fund or not a VSO may: i) Accept tradable entities for the purposes of burying em as a treasure. If the Organization would otherwise be unable to own a type of entity it will be transferred to the treasury after a period of 1 week if it has not been buried as a treasure. ii) May, as an action, bury any tradable entities that it owns as a treasure as described in rule 1217. An Organization that owns an Excavation Permit and is not a VSO may: i) May legally own any entity that has been part of a buried treasure during the previous two weeks. ARSENIC In rule 1017 (trusts) replace the following SELENIUM-delimited text SELENIUM it acts like a VSO with two exception: no one may join it, and it may perform the additional organizational action of accepting a charter. SELENIUM with the following BROMINE-delimited text BROMINE it acts like a VSO with four exceptions: no one may join it, it may purchase an excavation permit, it may make and own trinkets, and it may perform the additional organizational action of accepting a charter. BROMINE
Amend Rule 320.3 (Despotism) to read in full: When Despotism is the Proto-Government the OiCoRT should also randomly select an active voting player. For the whole time The Current Government of Ackanomia is Despotism this player is known as The Despot and is the only player eligible to vote on proposals. However The Despot is not allowed to submit proposals. In addition the Tabulator is free to reveal any votes cast on any proposal without penalty. [This is to stop any abuse of power. If The Despot has voted YES on a proposal that would make eir power permanent then the Tabulator could reveal this fact and then everyone would be able to rebel. It shouldn't really be necessary but I know I wouldn't like, say, Hoover 2300 ruling the game!] If, under a despotism, 75% of the members of the Warrior Caste have a rebelliousness characteristic of "on" then the government type will be changed to Anarchy as if a rebellion of all the players had succeeded. However, after the rebellion ends, the government type will be changed to Fundamentalism, unless another rebellion occurs before that time, in which case the normal government rules will resume. If this shift to fundamentalism occurs, the Warrior Caste will automatically become the Caste which is able to vote. One random member of the warrior caste will receive a bonus vote and the title "Leader of the Junta". Amend Rule 320.4 (Fundamentalism) to read in full: When Fundamentalism is the Proto-Government the OiCoRT should also select one Caste at random. While Fundamentalism remains The Current Government of Ackanomia only members of this Caste are eligible to vote on proposals. Additionally, no player may change Caste or Class voluntarily. If 75% of the Worker Caste have a rebelliousness characteristic of "on" then the government type will be changed to Anarchy as if a rebellion of all the players had succeeded. However, after the rebellion ends, the government type will be changed back to Fundamentalism, unless another rebellion occurs before that time, in which case the normal government rules will resume. If this shift to fundamentalism occurs, the Worker Caste will automatically become the Caste which is able to vote. One random member of the Worker caste will receive a bonus vote and the title "Peoples' Commisar". Amend Rule 320.4 (Elected Assembly) to read in full: When The Current Government of Ackanomia is Elected Assembly only the Senators, Speaker, and President are eligible to vote on proposals. The Senators, Speaker, and President shall each have eir vote count as one vote (If the same player is both speaker and president, e may vote once for each). In addition a proposal will pass if it meets quorum and receives a simple majority of votes. If 75% of the Religious Caste have a rebellion characteristic of "on" then the government type will be changed to Anarchy as if a rebellion of all the players had succeeded. However, after the rebellion ends, the government type will be changed back to Fundamentalism, unless another rebellion occurs before that time, in which case the normal government rules will resume. If this shift to fundamentalism occurs, the Religious Caste will automatically become the Caste which is able to vote. One random member of the Religious caste will receive a bonus vote and the title "High Priest of Ackanomic".
This is a Modest Proposal. Amend Section III (Scoring on Proposals) of Rule 207 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported) to read in full: " If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 4 points. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points and every player who voted No on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points and every player who voted No on it receives 3 points.. If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 5 points. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points and every player who voted Yes on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points and every player who voted Yes on it receives 3 points. A proposal can only be declared to be Modest or Grandiose as defined by the Rules. "
This is a Modestly Silly Proposal. On any Tuesday for which the date is prime, there shall be pudding for everyone, except cows (since cows eat grass) and those pesky aliens (since pudding contains monosodium glutamate). Pudding was considered by the ancients to be a Royal Frink. In fact is it said the Tensor, a well known loophole surfing expert of yore, would frink great quantities of it before reading the rules. Since Pudding is a Royal Fink, players who are caught publicly eating pudding (as opposed to frinking it) shall be tarred and feathered. A player who has been tarred and feathered in this manner shall be considered to be a cow since they shall be indistinguishable in appearance from real cows.
This is a Modest Proposal. Amend Rule 1044 (Swingpoints) by deleting the phrase "b. A Player may, as a public action, convert four of his own Swingpoints into one Bonus Vote." and re-lettering the list from which it was removed.
This is a Modest Proposal. Amend Rule 1044 (Swingpoints) by replacing the phrase "b. A Player may, as a public action, convert four of his own Swingpoints into one Bonus Vote." with "b. A Player may, as a public action, convert eight of his own Swingpoints into one Bonus Vote."
This is a Modest proposal. {{[this rule never struck me as being very interesting]}} Repeal rule 927, "The Chocolate Frog"
This is a Modest proposal. {{[lets clean out some totally stale rules so IdiotBoy doesn't have to by another hard drive]}} Repeal rule 929, "Baaa"
Change the third paragraph of rule 671 by adding the following plural-delimited text after the second ". plural or "wearing Silly Agenda Hats" plural
[Lo, I am a fish!] Any player who is wearing a Silly Agenda Hat is Silly. Any player who is overlord to a player who is Silly is Silly.
Create a new rule numbered 408.1 titled "Count Tabula" and reading as follows: "The Office of Count Tabula is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Office include solicitation, tabulation, and reporting of votes on all Ackanomic matters, excluding Proposals. This includes, but is not limited to, Hearings (unless otherwise specified) [see Rule 360], Impeachment Papers [Rule 404], and all Elections for Office [Rule 402]. Count Tabula also has the Duty to conduct any Nominations for Office that are not the responsibility of any other Officer." Rename rule 408 to "Tabulator". Ammend rule 408 to read in full: "The Office of the Tabulator is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Tabulator are: (a) to count votes on each proposal. (b) to maintain the voting records of each player on each proposal. (c) to report the acceptance or rejection of proposals, in the time order in which their voting periods ended. The Tabulator need not perform these duties on any proposal which has been retracted, nullified, or deemed invalid in accordance with the Rules."
Whenever it is necessary to determine whether or not words rhyme in Ackanomicon, the words "month", "silver", "orange", and "penguin" are considered to rhyme with each other.
Amend Rule 540.2, "Basic Player Characteristics", by replacing the text "The Basic Player Characteristics are Testable" with "These Characteristics, which are called the Basic Player Characteristics or BPC, are Testable". and by appending the following paragraph(delimited by MOMBIE): MOMBIE If at any time a Player has two BPC scores of 5 or lower, then e may have these scores rerolled by asking the Dungeonmaster to do so; when the scores are rerolled the Player shall pay the Basic Harfer Fee. MOMBIE {{[ I remember the original AD&D rules, where if you had two characteristics of 5 or lower you could not qualify for any player character class. My own rolls were pathetic... :-) ]}}
{{[ Triple Double Crash with a Referee to verify Replies, as well as penalties for posting incorrect Replies in the first place. ]}} Create a new Rule in the Games & Contests Rule Suite, with the lowest subnumber not already assigned to a Rule which is higher than the subnumber assigned to the Rule which describes the game of Double Crash. This Rule shall be named "Triple Double Crash", and its text shall be as followed, delinated by the word "MEMNOCH", so that the text intended to be that of the Rule shall be that following the first occurrence of the word MEMNOCH on a line by itself, and preceding the next occurrence of the word MEMNOCH also on a line by itself: MEMNOCH I. General Equipment: Official Dictionary; gamepoints as necessary; optionally, an Ackanomic IRC server. II. Participants Exactly 2 players, 1 referee. III. Starting an instance of Triple Double Crash As described in rule 1250.1, section VI. IV. Rules of the Games Throughout these rules, an N-word Salvo is a public post taking the form of a list of N five-letter words from the Official Dictionary. A Reply to a Salvo is a reposting of the Salvo being replied to, with the addition of three numbers from 1-5 to the right of each five-letter word. These numbers are the number of "crashes" as defined below, of that word with each of the Replying player's Target Words. These numbers may be arranged in any order for a given Salvo word. (For example: salvo 2,1,0 queen 0,1,0 space 0,0,0 crash 0,0,1 may be a reply to the salvo salvo queen space crash) Two words crash once for each letter that occupies the same position in each word. (ie, if they have the same first letter, they crash once; if they have the same third letter, they crash again. HEART crashes once with SPADE (for the A). STAFF crashes three times with CHAFF. SWORD does not crash with WORDY. A five-letter word crashes five times with itself.) At the commencement of a game of Double Crash, each player shall choose three distinct five-letter words from the Official Dictionary and send these to the Referee. After the Referee has publicly acknowledged the receipt of both sets of words, each Round shall consist of the following actions: 1) Each players posts a Salvo. In the first round, this shall be a 6-word Salvo; in subsequent rounds, the base number of words for a Salvo is 5 for the second round, 4 for the third round, and 3 thereafter; however, for each error noted by the Referee in the other player's reply for the previous round, e may add another word to eir salvo. 2) Each player posts a Reply to the other player's Salvo. 3) The Referee verifies that these Replies are correct, or, if a Reply is not correct, posts the correct Reply and announces how many errors that Reply contained. (The number of errors in a Reply is how many numbers must be changed in the salvo for it to be correct. If the correct Reply for a word is "5,1,0", then "2,1,0" would contain 1 error, "2,2,2" 3 errors, "3,2,1" 2 errors, etc.) It is permissible for rounds to overlap; for instance, if one player has already received a Reply to eir salvo for one round(verified by the Referee), but has not yet replied to the other player's salvo, e may post a salvo for the next round if e wishes, without, for instance, waiting for the Referee's verification of eir Reply. Each round begins once the Referee has verified both player's Replies for that round, and shall last no longer than three days. If the time runs out for a round, then: Any player who has not posted a salvo has forfeitied eir Salvo for that round. If any player has not posted a Reply to a Salvo, then the Referee shall post a Reply, and the number of errors in the Reply is considered to be the number of words in the Reply. (That is, if one player posts a 4-word Salvo and the other player does not reply, then e gets 4 extra words in eir next Salvo.) A player may not post a Salvo until after the Referee has verified their opponent's Reply for the previous round. Each time a verified Reply to a player's Salvo indicates that some word has crashed 5 times with the opponent's target word, and this word has never been part of a previous salvo, then that player receives a Gamepoint. If, at the end of a round of Replies, one or both Replies indicate that a player has received eir third Gamepoint, then the game has been won. If only one player has three Gamepoints at the end of that round, then that player has won the game. If both players have three Gamepoints at the end of that round, and one player's third Gamepoint was awarded for a word higher up in eir Salvo than the other player's third Gamepoint word, then the former player wins. If both players' third Gamepoints were awarded for words in the same position in the Salvos, then eir second Gamepoint words are compared similarly, and then eir first Gamepoint words. If these fail to determine a winner, then the player who was first to post eir last Salvo wins. The Referee shall then announce the winner and reveal the Target Words for both players. Upon a player winning the game, it ends. If the game was not being played as a Duel, the winner receives A$25 from the Treasury. No Trophy is awarded to the winner of the game. MEMNOCH
This is a modest proposal. Modify rule 340 by replacing: "VI. Whenever division is performed in Ackanomic, and the denominator of that division evaluates to 0, then the result of that entire division shall be 0." with: "VI. Whenever the rules call for division to be performed in Ackanomic, and the denominator of that division evaluates to 0, then the result of that entire division shall be 0."
Add the following text to the end of rule 854: "Iron Skin: Cost A$50 - Players with this mutation have there toughness characteristic raised by three points if such is legal otherwise it is raised as high as it can go."
This is a modest proposal. Append the following text to the end of rule 340 preceeded by the lowest positive Roman Numeral not already used in that rule: "Whenever an average is refered to within Ackanomic then it shall be taken to mean the mean. [i.e., the sum of all the things to be averaged divided by the number of the things.]"
This is a Modest proposal. {{[ The raft harf has worn off, IMHO. ]}} Repeal Rule 812, "Down the river". Amend Rule 810, "Locations", by removing the text "except for rule 812, to which it defers".
"But trust is the color of a dark seed growing. Trust is the color of a heart's blood flowing. Trust is the color of a soul's last breath. Trust is the color of death." [ Robert Jordan, "Lord of Chaos" ] {{ Amend Rule 1155, "Colours," to replace "teal; turquoise" with "teal; trust; turquoise". }}
Bribe: YES, A$5: Should this Proposal pass, A$5 will be transferred from its author to each entity able to own A$ which voted YES on this Proposal. All players catch fire as described in Rule 1390.9, "Ready, Aim..."
This is a modest proposal. Amend Rule 594.4, "Vending Machine", by deleting all paragraphs beginning with the words "While an unbroken Bonus Vote Add-On is strapped".
This isa modest proposal. Repeal rule 1060.
Modify rule 1195 to read in full: "If any public message posted on April 23 is not solely in the form of blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter), the poster of that message shall be fined A$3 unless it is a message required by the rules (e.g. a CFJ distribution, proposal, random determination, etc.) or the player in question owns fewer than A$3. In the latter case the player shall be deemed to have lost a pound of flesh and shall lose three points of strength. During the week preceeding April 23 the Speaker should post the entire text of this rule to a public forum."
Repeal rule 593. Delete the text: "V. The custodian of the Blueprint Rule Suite is the Wizard. " from rule 595 and renumber the other sections accordingly. Delete the following pieces of text from rule 401: ", except for Capital Offices, which are Tradeable entities" " (except for Capital offices)" and in the same rule replace: "All offices are either Functional, Political or Capital. If the rules fail to specify the type of an office, that office is a Political Office. Vacancies in a particular Political office are filled by election for office (by the procedure in R 402), unless other rules specify otherwise. In the case of an optional Political office where a nomination did not produce any volunteers, the election process is aborted at that point. Capital Offices are filled by the owner of the Office, when the owner is an entity eligible to hold Offices, otherwise such an Office remains vacant. " with: "All offices are either Functional or Political. If the rules fail to specify the type of an office, that office is a Political Office. Vacancies in a particular Political office are filled by election for office (by the procedure in R 402), unless other rules specify otherwise. In the case of an optional Political office where a nomination did not produce any volunteers, the election process is aborted at that point." In rule 401.1 delete the text: "non-Capital" From rule 404 delete the following text: "If the office was a Capital Office, it is transferred Somewhere Else, and becomes unowned."
{{[ It occured to me when speaking with a few others on IRC this afternoon that it is a bit unfair for only swingers to be able to buy bonus votes and otzma cards (because truthfully, they are the only folks who would gain enough swing points to be able to do so. So I had this radical idea, get rid (well sorta) of swingpoints. Reward the players of Party Chess with the gain of a small amount of points (1 real point for 2 current swing points), and allow anyone to trade some points for either OCs or Bonus Votes (and raise the price of bonus votes quite a bit.. they are more powerful than OCs and should cost more. ]}} Repeal rule 1044. Create rule 1044 named 'The Benefits of Swinging' with the following text as delimited by BENEFITS BENEFITS 1. Let NoS be the the number of Swingers, excluding vacationing Swingers, including Acting Swingers. 2. a. Every two weeks on Monday the Chess-Umpire announces how many points each swinger is to recieve. Each Swinger receives a number of points equal to the number of Swingers (excluding Swingers on Vacation, but including Acting Swingers) with equal or lower Weights divided by two and rounded down. b. If the application of Section 2a results in a non-zero amount points being awarded to at least one Party Swinger on a particular Monday, then all other members of the Party of the Party Swinger who received more points than any other Party Swinger (or the only Party Swinger who received a non-zero amount of points, if only one received any) each receive one point for eir support immediately after Swinger points are awarded. BENEFITS Create a rule 1045 titled 'Alternative uses for points' with the following text as delimited by SPENDAGE SPENDAGE Any player may perform the following conversions as a public action. When the conversion is performed, the player performing the conversion loses the number of points named and unless otherwise specified (see c. (i)) gains the object created by the conversion. a. Otzma Card Conversion (i) A Player may convert 10 points into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Common. (ii) A Player may convert 15 points into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Normal. (iii) A Player may convert 20 points into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Rare. b. Bonus Vote Conversion (i) A Player may convert 30 points into a Bonus vote. c. Chess Piece conversion (i) A Player may conver N points into a Party Chess Piece in the possession of a specified Swinger provided that the material value of that Party Chess Piece is no more than (5*N)/7, provided that no instance limits are violated by the conversion, and provided that the specified Swinger has owns at most 15 Party Chess Pieces after the conversion. d. Benefyt conversion (i) A Player may convert 10 points into a Benefyt. Benefyts are tradeable entities. SPENDAGE In rule 1230.40 (Wining a Hand), replace the words 'The ChessChamp additionally receives 10 Swingpoints' with 'The ChessChamp recieves 1 point for every Swinger in the game including themself' In rule 1250.1 (Games & Contests), Section XIII (Additional Game Rewards) replace the current text of that section with the following REWARDS delimited text. REWARDS a. A Referee for a game may, at most once in any calendar week regardless of how many games they are currently refereeing, specify a player of a game which they are refereeing to receive a FairPlay Award. FairPlay Awards are nontradeable entities. Whenever a player is awarded a FairPlay Award, they also gain 1 point. Specifying a player to recieve a FairPlay Award is a public action. {{[ This removes the duty of doing this from the ChessUmpire, and keeps the number of fairplay awards a player has recieved around (which I kind of like). ]}} REWARDS
This is a modest proposal {{[ This comes out of a discussion between myself and Rambo R Minuteman on IRC. ]}} {{Rambo R Minuteman gains 1 point. JT loses 1 point}} Amend rule 1230.1 (Swingers Play Around I - the board and the playing pieces) by relettering sections D., E. and F. to sections E., F. and G. respectively and inserting the following PIECES delimited text as section D. PIECES Each swinger may, once per calendar month, choose a piece for free subject to the following limitations. Pieces chosen this way are initially Off-Board. The swinger may choose any piece which has a material value less than or equal to (120-MV)/10 where MV is the sum of the material values of all pieces owned by that swinger. PIECES
Modify Rule 1213 (Grab-A-Donkey) in the following fashion: Alter the following ACTION-delimited section: ACTION (a) Cover their donkey, (b) Grab another player's donkey on the GAL, (c) Stand Around Admiring their Donkey, (d) Resign (this action is only permissible in the first round). ACTION to the following NEW-delimited section: NEW (a) Cover their donkey, (b) Grab another player's donkey on the GAL, (c) Distract another player on the GAL, (d) Stand Around Admiring their Donkey, (e) Resign (this action is only permissible in the first round). NEW Change the following OLD-delimited text: OLDC. If exactly one player ("A") chose to Grab another player's donkey ("B"), and if B did not Cover their donkey: OLD to the following DISTRACT-delimited section: DISTRACT C. If exactly one player ("A") chose to Grab another player's donkey ("B"), and B did not Cover their donkey or B Covered their donkey and was Distracted by at least one other player: DISTRACT
This is a modest proposal. {{[Somebody forgot to amend Rule 1009 in the player state re-orgs?]}} Amend Rule 1009, "Political Parties and Rewarding Party Unity", by changing "active player" to "Voting player" each time it appears in the rule. {{[ Active includes Non-voting players, and surely we don't want to prevent a party from getting a unity vote merely because it has Non-Voting player members. This will hit the term used both in the check for YES votes and in the count for the number of unity votes. I also note that pending players are considered active, for better or worse... but I am not messing with that in this proposal. ]}}
Change all instances of the following ^^-delimited string to the following %%-delimited string: ^^dollar^^ %%pound%% This change should be accomplished in such a way that whether each letter is upper or lower case should be preserved as closely as possible. {{Slakko gains 1 point. Wild Card loses 1 point}}
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now. {{[Rebellion now dependent on *voting* players, not just players, Characteristic inconsistency fixed, spelling error fixed]}} Amend Rule 320 (Governments Rules Suite) by replacing the following IRON-delimited text IRON All players have a rebeliousness characteristic which may either be "on" or "off" (the default value is off). A player may freely change the value of this characteristic by publicly stating that they are doing so, and what they are changing it too. If ever over 50% of all player have a rebeliousnees characteristic of "on" and any player points this out publicly then a Revolution shall begin. During a Revolution the folloing events will happen: IRON with the following COBALT-delimited text COBALT All players have a rebelliousness characteristic which may either be "on" or "off" (the default value is off). A player may freely change the value of this characteristic by publicly stating that they are doing so, and what they are changing it too. For the purposes of this rule, "on" and "off" are numerically representable by 1 and 0 respectively {{[this is necessary because characteristics are explicitly defined as numbers by Rule 540]}} If ever over 50% of all voting players have a rebelliousness characteristic of "on" and any player points this out publicly then a Revolution shall begin. During a Revolution the following events will happen: COBALT {{replace all instances of the string "rebeliousness" in the rules with the word "rebelliousness"}}
Add the following KRYPTON-delimited text to the honour rule suite as Rule 550.3 KRYPTON If there is one player who has a higher honour score than all other players, and that honour score is greater than 20, then that player gets the title Champion of Honour and all other players lose the title Champion of Honour. KRYPTON
This is a modest proposal. Modify rule 1390.12 by replacing: "Should it ever occur that every player eligable to do so should vote YES on the same proposal then the following shall happen: " with: "Should it ever occur that every player eligable to do so should vote YES on the same proposal and the Current Government of Ackanomia is not Despotism then the following shall happen: "
This is a Modest Proposal. [I'm sick of this problem. $%!@ sick of it. Let's eliminate it.] Delete section VI of Rule 340, and relabel all higher sections by reducing their labels by 1 (while keeping them in upper case Roman numerals).
This is a Modest proposal. {{ If Proposal 3676 is accepted then the following effects occur in order: JT loses 5 points. Slakko gains 2 points. Every player gains points equal to 1/2 (rounded down) the number of Swingpoints that player owns. All Swingpoints are destroyed. }} {{[ I believe that this will be a null proposal if 3676 is rejected and this is accepted (as should be). If this is accepted and 3676 is also accepted then I forfeit the points for making this fix and give Slakko 2 for having noticed my error. ]}}
{{[ It occured to me when speaking with a few others on IRC this afternoon that it is a bit unfair for only swingers to be able to buy bonus votes and otzma cards (because truthfully, they are the only folks who would gain enough swing points to be able to do so. So I had this radical idea, get rid (well sorta) of swingpoints. Reward the players of Party Chess with the gain of a small amount of points (1 real point for 2 current swing points), and allow anyone to trade some points for either OCs or Bonus Votes (and raise the price of bonus votes quite a bit.. they are more powerful than OCs and should cost more. This version is different in that it remembers to destroy the Swingpoints. ]}} {{Slakko gains 2 points.}} Repeal rule 1044. Create rule 1044 named 'The Benefits of Swinging' with the following text as delimited by BENEFITS BENEFITS 1. Let NoS be the the number of Swingers, excluding vacationing Swingers, including Acting Swingers. 2. a. Every two weeks on Monday the Chess-Umpire announces how many points each swinger is to recieve. Each Swinger receives a number of points equal to the number of Swingers (excluding Swingers on Vacation, but including Acting Swingers) with equal or lower Weights divided by two and rounded down. b. If the application of Section 2a results in a non-zero amount points being awarded to at least one Party Swinger on a particular Monday, then all other members of the Party of the Party Swinger who received more points than any other Party Swinger (or the only Party Swinger who received a non-zero amount of points, if only one received any) each receive one point for eir support immediately after Swinger points are awarded. BENEFITS Create a rule 1045 titled 'Alternative uses for points' with the following text as delimited by SPENDAGE SPENDAGE Any player may perform the following conversions as a public action. When the conversion is performed, the player performing the conversion loses the number of points named and unless otherwise specified (see c. (i)) gains the object created by the conversion. a. Otzma Card Conversion (i) A Player may convert 10 points into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Common. (ii) A Player may convert 15 points into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Normal. (iii) A Player may convert 20 points into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Rare. b. Bonus Vote Conversion (i) A Player may convert 30 points into a Bonus vote. c. Chess Piece conversion (i) A Player may conver N points into a Party Chess Piece in the possession of a specified Swinger provided that the material value of that Party Chess Piece is no more than (5*N)/7, provided that no instance limits are violated by the conversion, and provided that the specified Swinger has owns at most 15 Party Chess Pieces after the conversion. d. Benefyt conversion (i) A Player may convert 10 points into a Benefyt. Benefyts are tradeable entities. SPENDAGE In rule 1230.40 (Wining a Hand), replace the words 'The ChessChamp additionally receives 10 Swingpoints' with 'The ChessChamp recieves 1 point for every Swinger in the game including themself' In rule 1250.1 (Games & Contests), Section XIII (Additional Game Rewards) replace the current text of that section with the following REWARDS delimited text. REWARDS a. A Referee for a game may, at most once in any calendar week regardless of how many games they are currently refereeing, specify a player of a game which they are refereeing to receive a FairPlay Award. FairPlay Awards are nontradeable entities. Whenever a player is awarded a FairPlay Award, they also gain 1 point. Specifying a player to recieve a FairPlay Award is a public action. {{[ This removes the duty of doing this from the ChessUmpire, and keeps the number of fairplay awards a player has recieved around (which I kind of like). ]}} REWARDS {{ Every player is given points equal to 1/2 (rounded down) of the number of swingpoints they own. All swingpoints are destroyed. }}
This is a Modest Proposal. [To be eligible for the Hall of Elders, you must be nominated after you leave the game. What if you never leave the game, but become a non-Player through inaction - should that necessarily disqualify you from the Hall? I don't think so - not if your other works have justified you.] Amend Sections 2 and 3 of Rule 843 to read as delimited by ICICLE below: ICICLE 2) If a Player is On Ice, their likeness (hereafter, where appropriate, referred to as if it were the actual player) is eligible to be enshrined in the Hall of Elders. They shall be a candidate for such an honor if someone nominates them (via a public message) for such provided they have not been On Ice for all of the last 14 days. A player may only be nominated once at any one time. 3) If a player has been nominated according to the previous section, their confirmation period starts at the time of their nomination and ends 3 days after their nomination. During the confirmation period, players may send messages to the public forum supporting the nominee (maximum one such message per player). The nominee shall receive one confirmation point for each such message posted in accordance with the rules. They shall also receive one point for each cycle (or game) they won while a player, up to a maximum of 5 points from this source. ICICLE Amend Section 5 of Rule 843 to read as delimited by BRASS below: BRASS 5) If the On Ice player becomes Active during either the nomination period or the confirmation period, they are no longer considered a nominee. This section takes precedence over all the preceding ones. BRASS Amend Section 8 of Rule 843 to read as delimited by MONKEY below: MONKEY 8) If the player in question becomes Active at least 30 days after being enshrined, they may use the title Elder, and shall have the powers and benefits explicitly specified by other rules for Elders. MONKEY
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now. This is a Modest proposal. In Rule 903 ("Gumball"), amend the paragraph For the purposes of this rule, alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays are defined as the second and fourth Wednesdays and the first and third Thursdays of each calendar month. to read For the purposes of this rule, alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays are defined as the second and fourth Wednesdays and the first and third Thursdays of each calendar month, except in the case where the first day of the month is a Thursday(when otherwise this would mean that the Gumball was chewable on consecutive days); in such months alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays will be the first and third Wednesdays and Thursdays of the month, i.e. the 1st, 7th, 15th, and 21st of the month.
This is a modest proposal. In rule 101 ("The Game of Ackanomic") replace the following INTERGALACTIC delimited text: INTERGALACTIC All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect INTERGALACTIC with the following PLANETARY delimited text: PLANETARY All players may always abide by all the rules then in effect PLANETARY
Repeal all rules whose number is a multiple of eight or contains an eight or that contains the one of the following strings in its main text: "8" "eight" "Eight"
this is a modest proposal Add the following RUBIDIUM-delimited text to the ruleset as rule 613, titled "Winning is pretty harfy (Winning by doing a lot of stuff)" If a player is all but one of the following things: 1 Foolish 2 Silly 3 Weird or Really Weird 4 A Crazy Scotsman or a Crazy French-Scotsman 5 Lyncanthropic 6 Hosed 7 In Debt 8 A Mentor 9 An Officer 10 An Overlord 11 In Thrall 12 Funky and Stylish or Harfmeister 13 Owner of a Blue Cross Bonus 14 Possessor of Phoebe's Matchbox 15 First Citizen 16 Stoned 17 On Fire 18 A Swinger 19 Jazz JackRabbit, Passive Contemplator, or Owner of the Amber Banana Tree 20 Third Cat, Sage o'Doe Gas, Agent of KAOS, small lab mouse, or the Puzzler 21 DoppelSlakko 22 Scholar of *ping* 23 in Gaol 24 All but one of the following: Supreme Inquisitor, Nanotech Overseer, Gold Digger, Principal Authenticator, Comfortable Chair, Top Cop, and Undergrad Med Student And is not an Orange Penguin of Glory, then that player achieves a win condition and becomes an Orange Penguin of Glory. If at any time any of the titles or situations on the above list is not rules-defined, it is removed from the list. If this would leave an empty list item, that item is removed and all the others are renumbered accordingly.
this is a modest proposal Add the following RUBIDIUM-delimited text to the ruleset as rule 613, titled "Winning is pretty harfy (Winning by doing a lot of stuff)" RUBIDIUM If a player is all but one of the following things: 1 Foolish 2 Silly 3 Weird or Really Weird 4 A Crazy Scotsman or a Crazy French-Scotsman 5 Lyncanthropic 6 Hosed 7 In Debt 8 A Mentor 9 An Officer 10 An Overlord 11 In Thrall 12 Funky and Stylish or Harfmeister 13 Owner of a Blue Cross Bonus 14 Possessor of Phoebe's Matchbox 15 First Citizen 16 Stoned 17 On Fire 18 A Swinger 19 Jazz JackRabbit, Passive Contemplator, or Owner of the Amber Banana Tree 20 Third Cat, Sage o'Doe Gas, Agent of KAOS, small lab mouse, or the Puzzler 21 DoppelSlakko 22 Scholar of *ping* 23 in Gaol 24 All but one of the following: Supreme Inquisitor, Nanotech Overseer, Gold Digger, Principal Authenticator, Comfortable Chair, Top Cop, and Undergrad Med Student And is not an Orange Penguin of Glory, then that player achieves a win condition and becomes an Orange Penguin of Glory. If at any time any of the titles or situations on the above list is not rules-defined, it is removed from the list. If this would leave an empty list item, that item is removed and all the others are renumbered accordingly. RUBIDIUM
This is a modest proposal Every player or organization that owns one or more vending machine is given one random gadget other than a vending machine for each vending machine owned. All vending machines are destroyed Repeal rule 594.4 (Vending Machine) Repeal rule 911 (Great Trombone) Repeal rule 917 (Venerable Entities) Remove the following text and the comma following the phrase "Great Tuba of Ackanomia" from rule 667 (Fat Lady) "both the Great Trombone of Ackanomia, and" Remove the following text from rule 913 (Parades) "The player in possession of the Great Trombone of Ackanomia, if such an entity exists, will lead the Parade and receive not one but ten points." Remove the following text from rule 915 (Pros. Foreheads) "If a player has a Rock To Wind A String Around (if such an entity exists), she may give it to the treasury instead of paying the A$7 in the above procedure." In rule 975 (Voting Gnome): Replace "Rock to Wind a String Around" with "An Amber Banana" Replace "Santa's Beard" with "an APP of random Colour and Shape"
Create a new rule, numbered 540.3, named 'The Elements', with the following text: Each player has the following 5 characteristics: Fire Skill, Water Skill, Earth Skill, Air Skill, and Alignment. Alignment has a range of all integers, while the others have a range of all non-negative integers. Each has a default value of 0. Also, there exist five corresponding elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Order. Fire represents heat, the sun, and flames. Fire is represented symbolically by the Icosahedron, the regular polyhedron with the most faces of all. Fire is opposed to Water, but joins with Earth in the form of wildfires, and with Air in the form of smoke. Whenever a player who is On Fire extinguishes eirself, eir Fire Skill increases one point. Water represents the oceans, rivers, rain, and floods. Water is represented symbolically by the Dodecahedron. Water is opposed to Fire, but joins with Earth in the form of ice, and Air in the form of clouds. Whenever a team successfully rafts down the Ackanomian River, the Water Skill of each member of the team increases one point. Whenever a player goes On Ice involuntarily, eir Water Skill decreases by one point if it is not already zero. Earth represents stone, solidity, the land animals, and man. Earth is represented symbolically by the Cube. Earth is opposed to Air, but joins with Fire in the form of coal and with Water in the form of mud. Whenever a player becomes Stoned, eir Earth Skill increases by one. Whenever a player goes On Ice involuntarily, eir Water Skill decreases by one point if it is not already zero. Air represents the atmosphere, wind, lightning, and flying animals. Air is represented symbolically by the Octahedron. Air is opposed to Earth, but joins with Fire in the form of smoke and with Water in the form of clouds. Whenever a player successfully travels from any location within Acka to any Moon of Acka, his Air Skill increases by one. Whenever a player gains a Wings mutation by any means (including simply buying it), eir Air Skill increases by one. Whenever a player loses a Wings mutation, eir Air Skill decreases by one, unless it is already zero. {{The Air Skill of each player with Wings is increased by one for each set of Wings e has.}} Order represents the eternal battle between Law and Chaos. Order is represented symbolically by the Tetrahedron, that polyhedron which is its own dual. Unlike the other elements, Order has two sides, and some may define a third side among those who refuse to choose a side. Players whose Order is -1, 0, or 1 are considered Neutral; those whose Order is less than -1 are considered Chaotic, and those whose Order is greater than 1 are considered Lawful. Whenever a harfy proposal is accepted, its submitter's Order decreases by one. Whenever a grandiose proposal is accepted, its submitter's Order increases by one. Whenever a TRUE verdict of a CFCJ becomes final, the Order of the player named in its statement is decreased by one. Whenever a player wins a cycle of Ackanomic, eir Order is increased by one.
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now. This is a modest proposal. Amend rule 1217 (buried treasure) as follows: In section II, append the following CUSTOS delimited text as a seperate paragraph. CUSTOS The author of any Treasure Map may, as a public action, declare one or more other players as Potential Map Custodians for that Treasure Map. If the player or players so named accept the Custodianship within three days, the author shall reveal the Treasure Map to the player or players privately, and then those Potential Map Custodians will become Map Custodians for that Treasure Map. {{[ This is to allow another player who might otherwise have an unfair advantage in finding the treasure (due to having helped with the map creation or whatnot) to be designated as a Custodian. Without it, exclusions need to be written into the map. ]}} CUSTOS
This is a Modest Proposal. Amend Rule 1240.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", as follows: After subsection 6 of section II, add the following text(delimited by RUBLE): RUBLE 7. No player may give an Otzma Card to another player such that the recipient would have more Otzma Cards than allowable, or would violate ownership restrictions of Otzma Cards in other ways(i.e. as described in subsection 5. above). RUBLE
This is a modest proposal. [I don't think it's any secret that I would like to see rule 1060 repealed. Wild Card however, continually claims e will start one up. This puts a time limit on this. If it's still lying useless next year then it would be repealed.] Create a new rule numbered 1061 entitled "Should I stay or Should I go?" reading as follows. "At one second past midnight on the first of January 1998, if there is only one rule with the base rule number 1060 [i.e. the rule suite head exists but there are no other rules in the rule suite] then that rule shall be repealed. At two seconds past midnight on the same day this rule shall repeal itself regardless of whether it first repeals any other rule." -- Tom Walmsley t.walmsley@lineone.net http://website.lineone.net/~t.walmsley/index.html AIM: TGW666 ICQ 2925739 Bonvolu alsendi la pordiston, lausajne estas rano en mia bideo.
This is a modest proposal. Amend rule 710 (Criminal Justice), section 5d by inserting the words 'Otzma Cards, ' before 'or A$'.
This is a modest proposal. [I don't think it's any secret that I would like to see rule 1060 repealed. Wild Card however, continually claims e will start one up. This puts a time limit on this. If it's still lying useless next year then it would be repealed.] Create a new rule numbered 1061 entitled "Should I stay or Should I go?" reading as follows. "At one second past midnight on the first of January 1999, if there is only one rule with the base rule number 1060 [i.e. the rule suite head exists but there are no other rules in the rule suite] then that rule shall be repealed. At two seconds past midnight on the same day this rule shall repeal itself regardless of whether it first repeals any other rule."
Create a new rule, numbered 540.3, named 'The Elements', with the following text: Each player has the following 5 characteristics: Fire Skill, Water Skill, Earth Skill, Air Skill, and Alignment. Alignment has a range of all integers, while the others have a range of all non-negative integers. Each has a default value of 0. Also, there exist five corresponding elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Order. Fire represents heat, the sun, and flames. Fire is represented symbolically by the Icosahedron, the regular polyhedron with the most faces of all. Fire is opposed to Water, but joins with Earth in the form of wildfires, and with Air in the form of smoke. Whenever a player who is On Fire extinguishes eirself, eir Fire Skill increases one point. Water represents the oceans, rivers, rain, and floods. Water is represented symbolically by the Dodecahedron. Water is opposed to Fire, but joins with Earth in the form of ice, and Air in the form of clouds. Whenever a player successfully acquires an entity as a result of eir use of an Otzma Card of type Arctic Explorer, eir Water Skill in increased by one. Whenever a player goes On Ice involuntarily, eir Water Skill decreases by one point if it is not already zero. Earth represents stone, solidity, the land animals, and man. Earth is represented symbolically by the Cube. Earth is opposed to Air, but joins with Fire in the form of coal and with Water in the form of mud. Whenever a player becomes Stoned, eir Earth Skill increases by one. Whenever a player goes On Ice involuntarily, eir Earth Skill decreases by one point if it is not already zero. Air represents the atmosphere, wind, lightning, and flying animals. Air is represented symbolically by the Octahedron. Air is opposed to Earth, but joins with Fire in the form of smoke and with Water in the form of clouds. Whenever a player successfully travels from any location within Acka to any Moon of Acka, his Air Skill increases by one. Whenever a player gains a Wings mutation by any means (including simply buying it), eir Air Skill increases by one. Whenever a player loses a Wings mutation, eir Air Skill decreases by one, unless it is already zero. {{The Air Skill of each player with Wings is increased by one for each set of Wings e has.}} Order represents the eternal battle between Law and Chaos. Order is represented symbolically by the Tetrahedron, that polyhedron which is its own dual. Unlike the other elements, Order has two sides, and some may define a third side among those who refuse to choose a side. Players whose Order is -1, 0, or 1 are considered Neutral; those whose Order is less than -1 are considered Chaotic, and those whose Order is greater than 1 are considered Lawful. Whenever a harfy proposal is accepted, its submitter's Order decreases by one. Whenever a grandiose proposal is accepted, its submitter's Order increases by one. Whenever a TRUE verdict of a CFCJ becomes final, the Order of the player named in its statement is decreased by one. Whenever a player wins a cycle of Ackanomic, eir Order is increased by one. {{[Players are encouraged to add additional conditions for the gain or loss of elemental characteristic points, when appropriate things are added to the rules or things I missed are discovered.]}}