Proposal 301 - Tue Jan 23 02:30am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 101
I hereby propose that Immutable Rule 103 and Immutable Rule 107 both become Mutable Rules. Following this the wording of Rule 107 should be amended such that the new rule would read as follows:

"The Speaker shall give each proposed rule change an ordinal number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 4200, and each rule change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive prime integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted. The effective ordinal number of a rule is the ordinal number of the most recent change to that rule."

Also, Rule 103 should be amended to read as follows:

"A rule change must be one of the following: (1) the enactment repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment (as long as the amendment in question is not amending a harfy rule; (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule, or vice versa; (4) the transmutation of a rule (mutable or immutable) to a harfy rule."

Then the following mutable rule should be introduced:

"Harfy Rules: A harfy rule is a rule that cannot be amended, or altered in any way, unless the new rule is more complex (to be judged by the Speaker) and generally is more confusing and silly (again, judged by the Speaker). A harfy rule, once harfy, can never be made unharfy unless a proposal containing the following phrase '12 ducks and mongoose named Larry' is voted on and passes unanimously."

Finally the "Harfy Rules" Rule should be changed into a Harfy Rule.

Proposal 302- Tue Jan 23 2:30am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 101

I propose that if any immutable rule states that the game is officially running on Eastern US time, that the rule become mutable. Then the rule shall be amended to state that the game is officially running on Central US time. If no such rule exists, then I wish to propose that the mutable rule be introduced that is worded as follows: "This game is officially running on Central US time, and all players must adjust for whatever time zone they are in.". Then I wish to change this rule from a mutable rule to an immutable rule.

Proposal 303- Tue Jan 23 2:30am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 101

I feel rule 218 should be amended to say:

218. Registered Players
A player is any person who is registered as a player. No person may register as a player more than once concurrently. Anyone is allowed to observe the game and participate in discussion of any issue, and any person who is not a player may make a proposal, and may judge, but may not vote on any proposal, nor call for judgement, nor score points. They may not win the game unless a Harfy rule comes into existence with the phrase "Bigger fish than you can shake a walrus at". If such a rule exists and is in effect, then a non-registered player will win if a vote is held and more than 70% of the registered users vote in favor of that particular non-registered player winning.

Then is shall become an Immutable Rule

Proposal 304- Tue Jan 23 2:30am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Accepted

I propose that the following rule become a mutable rule in the game:

"No player may vote NO to proposals more than 7 times consecutively. Abstention from a vote does not count as making a series of votes nonconsecutive. In other words, no one can vote NO for more than 7 proposals before having to vote YES for one."

Proposal 305- Tue Jan 23 3:00am 1996
Clarification of Voting Policy
Sean Crystal
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 102

I propose to ammend rule 114 so that it reads as follows:

"Players may vote one of the following (1) for (2) against (3) abstain, on any proposal during the prescribed voting period. Voters should send their vote by electronic mail to the Speaker before the end of the voting period if they wish to keep their vote a secret, or a declare their vote in public discussion. A player may change their vote at any time during the voting period. Players who do not vote within the prescribed voting period shall be deemed to have abstained.

Proposal 306- Tue Jan 23 4:00am 1996
The Magic Potato
Sean Crystal
Decision: Accepted

I propose the following mutable law:

This rule will create a nomic entity known as the Magic Potato. The Magic Potato will be given to a randomly chosen player each week. The responsibility of chosing the player randomly will be left up to the Speaker. There will exist only one Magic Potato at any one time. The player that currently holds the Magic Potato will gain two extra points for each proposal of his that is accepted while he holds the Magic Potato.

The first Magic Potato will be given out on the first Monday following the accepting of this Proposal into law.

Proposal 307- Tue Jan 23 4:00am 1996
Additional Convolutions
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 101

First, I think that immutable rule 112, as follows, should become mutable:

112. At Least One Mutable Rule
There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule changes must never become completely inpermissible.

Once, mutable, it should be amended to the following:

Title: At Least One Mutable and Harfy Rule
There must always be at least one mutable rule and at least one harfy rule. The adoption of rule changes must never become completely inpermissible.

Rule 203 should be changed from:

203. Required Number Of Votes
The number of votes required to pass a proposal is two-thirds of the votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period.


Required Number Of Votes
The number of votes required to pass a proposal is 50% of the votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period.

Rule 205 should be changed from:

205. The Prescribed Voting Period
The prescribed voting period on a proposal is seven days, starting from the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker.


The Prescribed Voting Period
The prescribed voting period on a proposal is three days, starting from the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker.

Rule 207 should be changed from:

207. Scoring When A Proposal Is Adopted
When a proposed rule change is adopted, those players who voted against it receive 5 points each. A player whose proposed rule change is adopted also receives 10 points.


Scoring When A Proposal Is Adopted
When a proposed rule change is adopted, those players who voted against it receive 4 points each. A player whose proposed rule change is adopted also receives 8 points.

Rule 208 should be changed from:

208. Scoring When A Proposal Is Defeated
When a proposed rule change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 10 points.


Scoring When A Proposal Is Defeated
When a proposed rule change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 6 points.

Rule 209 should be changed from:

209. Required Number Of Points To Win
The winner is the first player to achieve a score of 100 points.


Required Number Of Points To Win
The winner is the first player to achieve a score of 500 points.

Proposal 308- Tue Jan 23 4:00am 1996
Keep 'Em in the Game
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 101

Anyone whose score is below -60 automatically has it reset back to 0. Anyone whose score reaches exactly -60 has their score changed to 20.

Next I wish this rule to become immutable.

Proposal 309- Tue Jan 23 4:00am 1996
More Cool Stuff About Primes
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 103

The number 57 is to be considered prime, and any rules that refer to prime numbers must be affected by this.

Next, I wish this mutable rule to become immutable.

Proposal 310- Tue Jan 23 4:15am 1996
Prime Numbers Are Good
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 101

Anyone whose score, in absolute value, is a prime number (recalling that 1 and 0 are not prime, but that 2 is) may cast two votes instead of the usual limit of one until their score is no longer prime. Recall that the definition of a prime number is any number who can only be evenly divided by 1 and itself. As said before, 0 and 1 are not prime.

Also, the following rule should be amended from:

204. One Player One Vote
Each player has exactly one vote.


One Player One Vote (most of the time)
Each player has exactly one vote except if their score is prime, as defined by the "Prime Numbers Are Good" rule, in which case they have two votes until their score is no longer prime.

Proposal 311- Tue Jan 23 4:15am 1996
I Get Paid By the Dairy Farmers of America
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

All proposals that are accepted which contain the words "moo", "cow", or "milk" grant every person who voted YES 1 point beyond any other they may gain or lose. If the said proposal contains an ASCII picture of a cow that has never before been pictured in a past proposal then each YES voter gets 1 point beyond any other they may gain or lose (cumulative with the first +1 mentioned).

Proposal 312- Tue Jan 23 4:30am 1996
Fun Way to Resolve Conflicts
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

I am changing :

210. Resolving Conflicts
If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest effective ordinal number takes precedence. If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supercede the numerical method for determining precedence. If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another, or to defer to one another, then the numerical method must again govern.


Fun Way to Resolve Conflicts
If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest effective ordinal number takes precedence, unless one (and only one) of the rules has a prime ordinal number; in that case, the one rule with the prime ordinal number takes precedence. If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supercede the numerical method for determining precedence. If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another, or to defer to one another, then the numerical method must again govern.

Proposal 313- Tue Jan 23 1:00pm 1996
Popularity Contests
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Every 5 days the speaker will hold a popularity contest. In a popularity contest, the speaker sends out a message to the players, and asks them to tell him which player they wish to vote for. A player can choose to vote for any player other than him or herself, or abstain. The speaker will find out who was voted for the most. They will receive a 2 point bonus to their score. In case of a tie, all winners get a 1 point bonus to their score.

Proposal 314 - Tue Jan 23 1:00pm 1996
Politeness Moon
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Accepted

Any player A sending a public message (a message to all players) must be polite in doing so. If some player B feels that A was not polite, he may call a hearing. At this hearing, all players will send their votes to the speaker and vote either "yes, he was polite", "no, he was not polite", or abstain. The speaker also gets to cast a vote. If the verdict shows that the person was not polite, he loses 3 points. If it shows that he was polite, he gets the nickname Jazz Jackrabiit for the next 3 days.

Proposal 315- Tue Jan 23 1:30pm 1996
Official Polls
Sean Crystal
Decision: Accepted

I propose the following mutable law:

This rule would firstly create an office known as the Pollster, who would be appointed by the current Speaker. The Pollster must be a Voter. No player may be both the Speaker and Pollster at the same time. The Pollster would be in charge of the duties surrounding the Poll, as described below.

This rule would secondly create an entity known as a Poll. Each week a poll would be taken by the Pollster. The topics for the poll are sent in by the players to the Pollster during the week. No player may submit more than one topic per week. At the end of the week, the Pollster would select from among the submitted topics one which is appropriate to the current state of the game. At the beginning of the next week, the Poll topic would be announced, and votes submitted by all Players during the week. The results would be posted publically at the end of the week. Since this two week process is started every week, the Pollster will be responsible for taking in topics for the next Poll and votes for the current Poll in the same week.

Proposal 316- Tue Jan 23 9:30pm 1996
The Enough's Enough Rule (also known as the Save My Mailbox Rule)
Anthony Polito
Decision: Rejected

Each player shall only have ten (10) propositions on the floor at once. If that player wishes to to propose a new rule, he must wait until he has 9 or less rules that are availible for voting upon.

Proposal 317- Tue Jan 23 9:30pm 1996
The "I Take That Back" Rule
Anthony Polito
Decision: Rejected

A player may take a rule he has proposed out discussion as long as the rule has not had (1) recieved enough votes to pass even if everyone else votes against it (2) recieved enough votes to fail even if everyone else votes for it, or (3) The time period for voting on the rule has not ended.

The penalty for taking back a rule is twice the penalty for have a vote rejected, unless this would make the player closer to winning. If this is the case there is change to the player's score, nor are there any other penalties. The votes cast by other players will have no effect on those player's scores.

To take back a rule, the player must just send a message to the speaker with words to the effect of "I take back rule <BLAH>"

Proposal 318- Tue Jan 23 9:30pm 1996
Immutibility is in the Eye of the Beholder
Anthony Polito
Decision: Rejected

No rule may be made immutable until after it has been passed as a rule.

Proposal 319- Tue Jan 23 10:00pm 1996
Mutability Change on 103
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

I propose that the following rule become immutable, and thus able to be altered.

103. What Is A Rule Change?
A rule change must be one of the following:

(1) the enactment repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule
(2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment
(3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule, or vice versa.

Proposal 320- Tue Jan 23 10:00pm 1996
Mutability Change on 107
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

I propose that the following rule become mutable, and thus able to be changed.

107. Numbering Proposals
The Speaker shall give each proposed rule change an ordinal number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive ordinal, whether or not the proposal is adopted. The effective ordinal number of a rule is the ordinal number of the most recent change to that rule.

Proposal 321- Tue Jan 23 10:30pm 1996
Oops I Made an Error Rule
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

If a player makes a proposal, and discovers that it contains a flaw, he may send the speaker a corrected version of the proposal. All players must re-vote on the newly worded proposal, if the speaker allows the new version to supercede the old one. The speaker must decide if the new version fits one (or more) of the following criteria:

(1) The author was making cosmetic changes (spelling, grammar, etc. corrections)
(2) The author was clarifying his intentions.
(3) The author is adding in a detail that was OBVIOUSLY left out, or there is definite need for, if the proposal is to make sense.
If the speaker decides that the rule fits one or more of the above criteria, he must allow the new version to take the place of the old version. All votes currently cast do not count, and the players must vote again. The old version is as if it never existed. The voting time period for the new version begins when the speaker distributes it. No proposal may be corrected more than 3 times.

Proposal 322- Tue Jan 23 10:30pm 1996
Mutability Change on 111
Paul Swan
Decision: Rejected

I propose that rule 111, concerned with forfeiting the game, be changed from an immutable rule to a mutable one.

111. Forfeiting The Game
A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgement of the player to incur it, may be imposed.

Proposal 323- Tue Jan 23 10:30pm 1996
Congressional Voting Record
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Accepted

Each week the Speaker must send a message to all players which contains the names and numbers of all proposals voted on in the past week, and how each player and the speaker voted (yes, no, or abstain) on each said proposal.

Proposal 324- Tue Jan 23 10:45 1996
Keeping the Game Exciting
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

All players must make one proposal per week, unless some other rule prevents them from doing so.

Proposal 325- Tue Jan 23 11:15pm 1996
Voting Period Ammendment
Sean Crystal
Decision: Rejected

I propose to transmutate Rule 106 to Mutable.

Proposal 326- Tue Jan 23 11:30pm 1996
Public Records
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Every player's past voting record is knowledge that must be furnished to a player on request. A player's vote on a proposal that has not been decided upon is not public, unless the voting player wishes it to be.

Proposal 327- Tue Jan 23 11:30pm 1996
Delegation of Authority
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

The Speaker can at any time appoint one other player to assume the title of Helpful Harfer, and do up to two tasks that the Speaker normally must do, if it is within the power of the Helpful Harfer to do so. The Helpful Harfer has the right to refuse if they so desire, but if they do refuse, they may never become the Speaker in the future.

Proposal 328- Wed Jan 24 12:15am 1996
Mutability Change on 104
Sean Crystal
Decision: Rejected

I propose to transmute Rule 104 from Immutable to Mutable

Proposal 329- Wed Jan 24 12:30am 1996
The Office of the Tabulator
Sean Crystal
Decision: Accepted

This proposal will create an officer called the Tabulator. The Tabulator would be selected on a volunteer basis. In the case of multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose by random selection. The Tabulator may not hold any other office concurrently. The duties of the tabulator are described as below:

The Tabulator will be responsible for counting votes on each proposal, and reporting the results to the Players. The flow of information will work as follows. Upon receiving a proposal from a player, the Speaker will distribute it to every Player, including the Tabulator. Players will then vote on the proposal by sending their votes to the Tabulator. The Tabulator will keep track of who voted for or against each proposal, and the voting period for that proposal. When the conditions are met that a proposal can be decided upon, the Tabulator will report the results to all Players.

Volunteers for Office of the Tabulator will be accepted immediately upon acceptance of this proposal.

Proposal 330- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Harfy Rules
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

A new class of rules, called harfy rules, are hereby created. A harfy rule is a rule that cannot be amended, or altered in any way, unless the new rule is more complex (to be judged by the Speaker) and generally is more confusing and silly (again, judged by the Speaker). A harfy rule, once harfy, can never be made unharfy unless a proposal containing the following phrase '12 ducks and mongoose named Larry' is voted on and passes unanimously.

Proposal 331- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Time Zones
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

This game is officially running on Central US time, and all players must adjust for whatever time zone they are in.

Proposal 332- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Let's Let Outside Observers Propose Rules and Judge
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

I feel rule 218 should be amended to say:

218. Registered Players
A player is any person who is registered as a player. No person may register as a player more than once concurrently. Anyone is allowed to observe the game and participate in discussion of any issue, and any person who is not a player may make a proposal, and may judge, but may not vote on any proposal, nor call for judgement, nor score points. They may not win the game unless a Harfy rule comes exists with the phrase "Bigger fish than you can shake a walrus at" within it. If such a rule exists and is in effect, then a non-registered player will win if a vote is held and more than 70% of the registered users vote in favor of that particular non-registered player winning.

Proposal 333- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Immutablility Change on Rule 112
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

112. At Least One Mutable Rule
There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule changes must never become completely inpermissible.

Proposal 334- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Rule 203 should be changed from:

203. Required Number Of Votes
The number of votes required to pass a proposal is two-thirds of the votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period.


Required Number Of Votes
The number of votes required to pass a proposal is 50% of the votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period.

Proposal 335- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Rule 205 should be changed from:

205. The Prescribed Voting Period
The prescribed voting period on a proposal is seven days, starting from the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker.


The Prescribed Voting Period
The prescribed voting period on a proposal is three days, starting from the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker.

Proposal 336- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Rule 207 should be changed from:

207. Scoring When A Proposal Is Adopted
When a proposed rule change is adopted, those players who voted against it receive 5 points each. A player whose proposed rule change is adopted also receives 10 points.


Scoring When A Proposal Is Adopted
When a proposed rule change is adopted, those players who voted against it receive 4 points each. A player whose proposed rule change is adopted also receives 8 points.

Proposal 337- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Rule 208 should be changed from:

208. Scoring When A Proposal Is Defeated
When a proposed rule change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 10 points.


Scoring When A Proposal Is Defeated
When a proposed rule change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 6 points.

Proposal 338- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Rule 209 should be changed from:

209. Required Number Of Points To Win
The winner is the first player to achieve a score of 100 points.


Required Number Of Points To Win
The winner is the first player to achieve a score of 500 points.

Proposal 339- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Keep 'Em in the Game
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Accepted

Anyone whose score is below -60 automatically has it reset back to 0. Anyone whose score reaches exactly -60 has their score changed to 20.

Proposal 340- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Prime Numbers Are Good
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Anyone whose score, in absolute value, is a prime number (recalling that 1 and 0 are not prime, but that 2 is) may cast two votes instead of the usual limit of one until their score is no longer prime. Recall that the definition of a prime number is any number who can only be evenly divided by 1 and itself. As said before, 0 and 1 are not prime.

Proposal 341- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Accepted

The following rule should be amended from:

204. One Player One Vote
Each player has exactly one vote.


One Player One Vote (most of the time) Each player has exactly one vote except if their score is prime, as defined by the "Prime Numbers Are Good" rule (and any other applicable rules), in which case they have two votes until their score is no longer prime.

Proposal 342- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Free Points!
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Rejected

Any player, if they vote for or against a proposal, gains one point.

Proposal 343- Wed Jan 24 1:00am 1996
Unanimity is a Great Thing
Mitchell Harding
Decision: Accepted

Any proposal that is passed unanimously automatically becomes an immutable rule.

Proposal 344- Wed Jan 24 3:00am 1996
Austin Appleby
Decision: Accepted

Any player who wishes to leave the game for a period of time less than or equal to one month from the time of the announcement of this leaving shall be placed on "vacation" through the sending of a message to the Speaker containing the words "I, <full name here>, am going on vacation for <n> days." where <full name here> is the name of the player who wishes to go on vacation and <n> is the number of days for which the player wishes to be on vacation. This player's voting or lack thereof shall not be figured into the passing of any rules until <n> days have passed or until the player informs the Speaker that he/she has returned. The player's votes will then count normally.

Proposal 345- Wed Jan 24 3:00am 1996
Austin Appleby
Decision: Rejected

I propose that the following rule:

211. Invoking Judgement
Any player who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the laws and their interpretation may email their statement to the Speaker, who will then distribute it to the rest of the Voters. A call for judgement is then incurred on that statement.

be amended to read

211. Invoking Judgement
Any player who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the rules and their interpretation may email their statement to the Speaker, who will then distribute it to the rest of the Voters. A call for judgement is then incurred on that statement.

Proposal 346- Wed Jan 24 3:00am 1996
Austin Appleby
Decision: Rejected

All broadcasted information concerning the voting status of a new rule shall include a copy of the aforementioned rule.

Proposal 347- Thu Jan 25 3:00am 1996
Office of the AckaNomic Bubba
David Chapman
Decision: Rejected

This proposal will create an Office of AckaNomic Bubba.

At the end of each calendar month, the player who voted on the 'winning' side the most often during the prior month, will be awarded the Office of "AckaNomic Bubba" for the following month.

Holding the Office of AckaNomic Bubba will allow the privilege of overturning any voting decisions - provided AckaNomic Bubba had voted on the 'losing' side for that particular vote.

Proposal 348- Thu Jan 25 3:00am 1996
Where Are We Now
Anthony Polito
Decision: Rejected

At the end of every week the speaker will send each player a list of the current rules and the current scores.

Proposal 349- Thu Jan 25 3:00am 1996
Rules? We don't gotta show you no stinkin' rules?
Anthony Polito
Decision: Rejected

215 shall be amended to say

215. Judgements Must Accord With The Spirit Of The Rules
If a Judge feels that a rule has a loophole that goes against the "sprit" of the rule he may judge on the spirit of the rule as opposed to the actual wording. If he does so he must explicitly say so. Should a judge chose to do any other player may call for a vote of confidance. Then a vote is held, under the same provisions as holding a vote for a proposal, with two exceptions: the player who called for the vote must vote against the judge, and the judge must vote for himself. The choices of the vote are to vote for, or against the judge. For a vote to overule a judge, it must pass by the same amount required for a proposal to pass. (So, if it took 2/3 vote to pass a proposal it would take 2/3 vote to overrule a "sprit of the rules" call.) If a judge is overruled a new judgement is called for. IF a judgement survives a vote of confidence the judge gains 10 points. If a judgement fials a vote of confidence the judge loses 10 points. Other voters do not gain or lose any points.

Proposal 350- Thu Jan 25 3:00am 1996
WOW! What a rush!
Anthony Polito
Decision: Rejected

In the intrest of allowing players to stop and discuss exactly what direction they feel is best, these shall be a day of rest starting from the day this rule is passed. DUring this day there shall be no voting, no makeing of new proposals, and no calls for judgement. This day shall not be considered a day passed for the purposes of voting windows (how long until all non voters are assumed to have abstained).

If, during this day, any player sends at least one message of disscusion concerning how they feel the game should progress, that player will get 5 points.