Proposal 3251 - Mon 06 Jul 1998 05:51 EDT
In which we fix a Justice appeal loophole
saaremaa (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend rule 416, "Supreme Court", to replace:
A player impeached from the Office of Justice during the last 90 days
is ineligible for the Office of Justice.
A player impeached from the Office of Justice during the last 90 days,
or a player who resigned from the Office of Justice during the last 30
days, is ineligible for the Office of Justice.
Proposal 3252 - Mon 06 Jul 1998 05:52 EDT
Judicial Food Chain
saaremaa (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[This tries to define the judicial food chain a little more strongly, and also gives meaning to the Praetor office. As its stands now, there is no point to being Praetor, this would make there be some small point, and will also make sure a player has paid judicial dues before becoming a justice, rather than just general dues]}}
Amend Rule 416, "Supreme Court" to replace:
Only those players eligible to be Praetor are eligible to be Justices
Only those players with Bronze Torches are eligible to be Justices
Proposal 3253 - Mon 06 Jul 1998 05:53 EDT
Those Are Strong Winds...
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Append to Rule 1350, "La Luna", the following OZ-delimited text:
Players on any Moon other than Kansas are Sheltered.
[Let's face it. That's one hell of a Tornado if it can affect all our moons. Kansas, well we all know that's a special case :-)]
Proposal 3254 - Mon 06 Jul 1998 05:54 EDT
Mass Gadget Repeal
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected
This is a modest proposal.
Repeal the following rules:
594.7 (Blueprint: Evil Ballot Stuffer )
594.8 (Blueprint: Jukkasjarvi Mind Control Laser)
594.13 (Blueprint: Oscar)
Rule 594.19 (Blueprint: Pyraic Frobnotzer)
Rule 594.21 (Blueprint: Good Ballot Stuffer)
{{[EBSs are really starting to annoy me now. There are so many of them around
that they are effecting the results of hearings to far too great an extent.
If EBSs go then there's no point in keeping GBSs around. The Jukkasjarvi
treasure is for all intents and purposes, dead. No-one is looking for the
pieces any more really. I seem to recall Oscars having already been repealed
but if not then they should be. Frobnotzer's have potential but whenever
someone has tried to use one it has been shot down. I very much doubt this
will pass but just want to use it to gauge opinion. Don't use that as an
excuse to vote against it, though.]}}
Proposal 3255 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:29 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend section i of Rule 921 (Acid Rain Dance) which currently reads:
i) The player who most recently submitted a proposal whose number, when
having its digits added together, equals exactly 28.
to read:
i) The Player who submitted a proposal since the most recent Acid Rain
Dance whose number, when having its digits added together, equals
exactly 28.
{{[Otherwise there's no point to performing a banna induced Acid Rain Dance]}}
Proposal 3256 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:30 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend Section 4 of Rule 836 (Down the river) to read:
4) The team gets part way down the river and then capsizes. All members
of the team bang their heads on the bottom of the river, suffer a
concussion and are unable to remember who they are for a week. During
this week, or until one of em fails to do so, every member of the team
must start every public message e writes with the word "Moo!" , end
every public message e writes with the words "Quack, quack?" and include
at least 5 exclamation marks (since it is well known that "Five
exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind" [Terry Pratchett,
Reaper Man]). If e fails to do so e is declared to have "Ignored the
laws of nature". Ignoring the laws of nature is a crime.
{{[I’ve been repeating this crime on and off for ever since I’ve been concussed. Once is enough. Furthermore this amendment will mean only the first to slip will commit the crime. Who will it be?]}}
Proposal 3257 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:31 EDT
Chess Hall
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend section VI of Rule 1040 (Party Hall) which reads:
VI. A proposal that attempts to add a rule to the Party Chess Rule
Suite, Repeal a rule from the Party Chess Rule Suite, or
amend a rule in the Party Chess Rule Suite, and does not attempt to
change the text of any rule which is not a member of the
Party Chess Rule Suite, shall be referred to in this proposal as a Chess
Whenever all Swingers vote on a Chess Proposal the same way, an
additional vote is cast by Party Hall. The vote cast by
Party Hall is called the Swing Vote and it identical to the vote cast by
the Swingers.
to read:
VI. A proposal that contains the furniture "This is a Party Chess
Proposal" and would only effect (or create) rules in the Party Chess
Rule Suite is a Chess Proposal.
Whenever all Swingers vote on a Chess Proposal the same way, an
additional vote is cast by Party Hall, called the Swing Vote, which is
identical to the vote cast by the Swingers.
{{[Bringing it into line with game custom. Next step would be to repeal
it or allow different acceptance criteria.. 50% perhaps.]}}
Proposal 3258 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:32 EDT
Room to move.
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.
Replace the following paragraph of Rule 709 (Gaol) :
The Location known as the Gaol is hereby created. It is a cramped
building. A player may not leave the Gaol except by the application of a
Rule which explicitly defines a procedure or condition for the player to
be released or removed from the Gaol.
with :
The Gaol is a Location and a cramped building. Just outside the Gaol is
the Waiting Room which is also a Location. A player may not leave the
Gaol or its Waiting Room except by the application of a Rule which
explicitly defines a procedure or condition for the player to be
released or removed from the Gaol.
Whenever any rule, besides this one, places a Player in Goal, they shall instead be placed in the Goal's Waiting Room. Any time a player spends in the waiting room shall not count towards eir sentence.
It is a duty of the Gaoler to announce the start of the sentence of a player who is in the goal's waiting room, at which point the player shall be moved to the Gaol. If a player is ever in the waiting room for longer than three days, the Gaoler shall be held in contempt and the player shall be transferred to the Goal, whereupon eir sentence shall start. If the office of Gaoler is vacant or the Gaoler is in the waiting room, any Player who is in the waiting room shall be immediately moved to the goal and commence eir sentence.
{{[Anyone like to tell me who was the last player to take up residence
in the gaol? Koxvolio, I think... Did e breach Gaol restrictions? For
that matter it is often the case that a player has left the Gaol before
anyone realizes that e was in it. What kind of "punishment" is that.
Toss em in and throw the key away I say.]}}
#End proposal
Proposal 3259 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:33 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) on Tue 07 Jul 1998 09:43 EDT
This is a Modest Proposal.
Create a new rule numbered 838 titled "The Mountain" with the text:
In the north western most corner of Acka {{[next to the library ;)]}} there exists The Mountain. From its base it would appear to reach even unto the stainless steel surface that comprises the Ackan sky, although it naturally falls several cat heights short of this. In the past it has been known to erupt violently at the slightest provocation (most notably when All Hell Breaks Loose) but it is at present in a quiescent state. The Mountain’s upper reaches are covered in snow and ice, riddled with hidden crevasses and prone to sudden avalanches. Despite this it is possible for a Daring Adventurer to climb the mountain. It also goes without saying that the entity making such an attempt must be properly equipped.
A Player is considered to be properly equipped when e has completed all
of the following since The Mountain was last climbed and is the most
recent Player to have done so in each case:
i) authored a proposal which meets the three conditions in rule 605
ii) announced a new silly phrase (as per rule 207.1).
iii) had a Foolish proposal accepted.
iv) had a Great Work accepted.
v) had a Grandiose proposal accepted.
A properly equipped Daring Adventurer may climb The Mountain as a public action, provided that e provides the proposal numbers that allow em to do so and was not the most recent entity to climb The Mountain.
Once a Player successfully climbs the mountain the following effects
occur in order:
i) Eir location shall be the top of The Mountain.
ii) E shall gain the title of Steel Conqueror.
iii) E shall receive a trinket worth A$ 200 called "The Mountain"
suffixed, if necessary, with the lowest positive number required to give
a unique name, with the description "‘What's it like?’ ‘Well It's sort
of big’" [Terry Pratchett, Truckers]. Regardless of its name a trinket
created by this rule shall never be a forgery since this sentence has
precedence over any rule which would make it one.
iv) The title of this rule and all instances of "The Mountain" in it
shall be simultaneously replaced with a name of eir choosing provided
that the chosen name is not the same as any phrase within this rule.
The summit of The Mountain is a common location which may only be entered by a Steel Conqueror or by climbing The Mountain. This rule describes the only methods by which The summit of The Mountain may be entered and has precedence over any rule which would allow an entity to do so without meeting the requirements it sets forth.
The base of The Mountain is a Common Location to which Players may go to gaze in awe upon the mighty vastness of The Mountain.
Proposal 3260 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:34 EDT
A Rare Exceptionally Notable Thinker
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal
A Rare Exceptionally Notable Thinker is a unique title.
The player who most recently introduced a word into the ruleset which does not appear in the official dictionary or the current version of the rules and is not unambiguously misspelled may claim the title of Rare and Exceptionally Notable Thinker. The claim must be made within three days of the addition of the word to the ruleset and may only be made once for each newly introduced word. Upon making a valid claim the player will gain the title and all other players shall lose it. If a player who makes such a claim is already the Rare and Exceptionally Notable Thinker then e shall instead gain a Comfortably Heavy and Agreeably Solid Mahogany Shillelagh.
A Comfortably Heavy and Agreeably Solid Mahogany Shillelagh is a large ownable, non-tradeable entity. It is particularly good for thwapping twits.
When a player loses the title of Rare and Exceptionally Notable Thinker all Comfortably Heavy and Agreeably Solid Mahogany Shillelaghs in eir possession are destroyed.
If it is ever the case that a Player who's Ackanomic name is composed of the same letters in the same relative proportions as in "heather" is ever a Rare and Exceptionally Notable Thinker and owns more than one Comfortably Heavy and Agreeably Solid Mahogany Shillelagh, then it shall be the case that The Earth is RENT with gigantic CHASMS and e shall receive a bonus vote and lose the title of Rare and Exceptionally Notable Thinker.
Proposal 3261 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:36 EDT
Assorted stuff
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend rule 910 (The Ackanomicon) to remove the following text:
Doomsday (2 pages): These pages describe the coming apocalypse in
excruciating detail. They also compel the reader to act to hasten the
end, by forcing him to donate 1/3rd (rounded down) of his A$ to The
Round Earth restoration Society.
{{[Don't Need it any more. The world is a cube :)]}}
Amend rule 901 (The Magic Potato) to remove the following text:
The first Magic Potato will be given out on the first Monday following
the accepting of this Proposal into law.
{{[Don't Need it any more. Been Done]}}
Move the following paragraph of Rule 594.4 (Blueprint: Vending Machine)
to the end of that rule:
"The owner of a Vending Machine may change the price for which the
Machine sells any item. This fails if the price for that item was
changed at any time within the preceding thirty days or if the new price
is not an even integer."
Move the following paragraph of Rule 594.4 (Blueprint: Vending Machine)
to the end of that rule:
"Any player may attempt to buy any item from any Vending Machine. This
fails if the Vending Machine is broken or unowned; if the Vending
Machine is not equipped to vend the specified item; or if the player
attempting to buy the item does not have the current price for which the
specified Machine sells the specified item. If the action succeeds then
the Machine transfers half of the current price of that item to its
owner and the other half to the Treasury, and then it creates a new item
of the type requested and gives it to the buyer."
{{[Still Tidier]}}
Amend Rule 1240.17 (Otzma Card of type Grave Robber) to remove the
following phrase:
", who is not controlled as a Zombie,"
{{[Long Gone]}}
#end proposal
Proposal 3262 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:37 EDT
Mooning Around
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
Append to the list in Rule 975 (Yes Virginia) as a new entry:
VII. If a Player is on a Moon and has been there for at least a week, e
shall receive a random cheese from the list defined in rule 611 (Le
Grand Fromage). If this results in em having more than one of a
particular variety of cheese, e shall also receive a newly created
{{[In the Cheese-Whiz case the extra chees will be destroyed by rule 611]}}
Proposal 3263 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:38 EDT
Baba Ganoush
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Replace the following sentence of Rule 671 (Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda
No player may own an agenda hat with a condition e authored.
No player may own an agenda hat with a condition e authored or for which
e owns corresponding Nemesis Eggplant.
Proposal 3264 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:39 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.
Create a rule numbered 902 titled "Sausage" with the following text:
The Sausage is a unique non-tradeable entity, which "is all very well, but a sausage is a sausage"[Terry Pratchett, Men At Arms]. Since the Sausage contains monosodium glutamate it is particularly tasty. Sufficiently tasty in fact that its owner may hold a barbecue to which e may invite the Ackan bureaucracy and ply em with drinks, at which point they shall commit themselves to trade concessions with the Sausage’s owner. As a result, the owner of the Sausage will receive a 10% discount on any expense e may incur for which the quantity of A$ is explicitly defined in the rules.
Whenever a New Player joins Ackanomic the Sausage shall be given to a random player who does not own the Magic Potato.
{{The Sausage is distributed to a randomly chosen player who does not own the Magic Potato}}
Proposal 3265 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:40 EDT
The Good and The Bad
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
{{[The GBS/EBS rules look a little odd referring EBS/GBS for half the rule and "The Thing" for the other half, and then there's the case of a shaking and shimmying gadget not stopping when it teleports... Course MTM may have rendered this a null proposal.]}}
Replace the following text of Rule 594.7 (Blueprint: Evil Ballot
"Upon an EBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3
things will occur, each with an equal probability of occurring as
determined as needed by the Officer in charge of Random Things. An EBS
may not be used between the time it starts to shimmy and shake and the
time the this random determination is publicly knowable:
1) The thing will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The thing will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter
ridiculing its user throughout the land of Acka.
3) The thing will teleport, and thus change possession to, another
random active player.
Upon an EBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3 things
will occur with equal probability. An EBS may not be used between the
time it starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this random
determination is publicly knowable at which time it shall cease to shake
and shimmy:
1) The EBS will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The EBS will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter ridiculing its user
throughout the land of Acka.
3) The EBS will teleport, and thus change possession to, another random
active player.
Replace the following text of Rule 594.21 (Blueprint: Good Ballot
Upon a GBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3 things
will occur, each with an equal probability of occurring as determined as
needed by the Officer in charge of Random Things. An GBS may not be used
between the time it starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this
random determination is publicly knowable:
1) The thing will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The thing will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter
ridiculing its user throughout the land of Acka.
3) The thing will teleport, and thus change possession to, another
random active player.
Upon a GBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3 things
will occur with equal probability. A GBS may not be used between the
time it starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this random
determination is publicly knowable at which time it shall cease to shake
and shimmy:
1) The GBS will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The GBS will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter ridiculing its user
throughout the land of Acka.
3) The GBS will teleport, and thus change possession to, another random
active player.
#End Proposal
Proposal 3266 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:41 EDT
Spot on for top Value
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Repeal Rule 1010 (Spotter).
Amend section 3 of Rule 1003 (Organizations) which currently reads:
3. Very Small Organizations.
Organizations that have fewer than three members are known as Very Small
Organizations - or VSO. a VSO can only perform the following
Organizational Actions:
a. Accept new members
b. Change admissions policy
c. Change its name
A VSO may not own anything. Any attempt on the part of a VSO to perform
any other kind of Organizational Action fails.
to read:
3. Very Small Organizations.
Organizations that have fewer than three members are known as Very Small
Organizations - or VSO. a VSO can only perform the following
Organizational Actions:
a. Accept new members
b. Change admissions policy
c. Change its name
d. Trade away entities it owns to its members.
A VSO may not receive gifts or accept trades. Any attempt on the part of
a VSO to perform any other kind of Organizational Action fails.
Proposal 3267 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:42 EDT
The Good and The Bad
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)
{{[The GBS/EBS rules look a little odd referring EBS/GBS for half the rule and "The Thing" for the other half, and then there's the case of a shaking and shimmying gadget not stopping when it teleports... Course MTM may have rendered this a null proposal.]}}
Replace the following text of Rule 594.7 (Blueprint: Evil Ballot
"Upon an EBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3
things will occur, each with an equal probability of occurring as
determined as needed by the Officer in charge of Random Things. An EBS
may not be used between the time it starts to shimmy and shake and the
time the this random determination is publicly knowable:
1) The thing will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The thing will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter
ridiculing its user throughout the land of Acka.
3) The thing will teleport, and thus change possession to, another
random active player.
Upon an EBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3 things
will occur with equal probability. An EBS may not be used between the
time it starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this random
determination is publicly knowable at which time it shall cease to shake
and shimmy:
1) The EBS will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The EBS will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter ridiculing its user
throughout the land of Acka.
3) The EBS will teleport, and thus change possession to, another random
active player.
Replace the following text of Rule 594.21 (Blueprint: Good Ballot
Upon a GBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3 things
will occur, each with an equal probability of occurring as determined as
needed by the Officer in charge of Random Things. An GBS may not be used
between the time it starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this
random determination is publicly knowable:
1) The thing will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The thing will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter
ridiculing its user throughout the land of Acka.
3) The thing will teleport, and thus change possession to, another
random active player.
Upon a GBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3 things
will occur with equal probability. A GBS may not be used between the
time it starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this random
determination is publicly knowable at which time it shall cease to shake
and shimmy:
1) The GBS will sputter and die, and thus become broken.
2) The GBS will explode in its operator's face, and thus be destroyed,
but not before bellowing a raft of annoying laughter ridiculing its user
throughout the land of Acka.
3) The GBS will teleport, and thus change possession to, another random
active player.
#End Proposal
Proposal 3268 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:43 EDT
Through Thick and Thin
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 594.3 (Whamiol) to append the following paragraph:
Any trade which would cause a Whamiol to be owned by an entity other
than a Player is invalid and will not occur.
Proposal 3269 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:44 EDT
Lasso Prop Time Bus
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
Append the following text as a separate paragraph to Rule 919 (Brass
If a Streak of nine proposals is followed by a rejected proposal All
Hell will Break Loose and the author of the rejected proposal shall
receive a bonus vote to prevent further catastrophe.
Proposal 3270 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:45 EDT
Act! No Mick\205 Let\222s Con!
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Amend the following sentence of Rule 346 (The Ackanomic Lexicon):
The Ackanomic Lexicon may only be modified by use of Proposals, and no
player may be considered to "control" the Lexicon, although it may be
the duty of one or more players to maintain an copy of it.
to read:
The Ackanomic Lexicon may only be modified by use of Proposals or CSRs.
Any Player may author a CSR which modifies only the Ackanomic Lexicon.
No player may be considered to "control" the Lexicon, although it may be
the duty of one or more players to maintain an copy of it.
Proposal 3271 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:46 EDT
Grab for Power
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Append to the following phrase in section VI of Rule 850 (Museum):
", which is awarded to a random benefactor"
the following :
" as determined by the Financier".
{{[Since the financier has tracks the museum anyway e has up to date info on players BV]}}
Proposal 3272 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:47 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Append the following text to Rule 910 (The Ackanomicon Purple Robe of
Justice) as a separate paragraph:
Judgement Day (2 pages): These pages relate the days following the end
of the world and impart to the reader the ability to judge eir fellows.
The Purple Robe of Justice is transferred to the reader.
Proposal 3273 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:48 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Remove the following text of [section II of] Rule 1240.1 (Definition of
Otzma Cards):
3. A player may spend A$10 to acquire one Otzma Card of eir Choice from
the cards in the Treasury, provided there is at least one Otzma Card in
the Treasury.
Replace the following text [from section III.5.g] in Rule 1240.1
(Definition of Otzma Cards):
g. At the end of the Otzma Day the RuneMaker publically posts a list of
the Otzma Cards he created, and initiates an Auction (public or private
at eir discretion) for each set of Otzma Cards, where all Cards of a
given type form one set. The cards within each set are not grouped for
the purposes of R516.
g. At the end of the Otzma Day the RuneMaker publicly posts a list
including both the cards in the treasury and those that he created, and
initiates an Auction (public or private at eir discretion) for each set
of Otzma Cards, where all Cards of a given type form one set. The cards
within each set are not grouped for the purposes of R516.
Proposal 3274 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:49 EDT
It Happens.
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 1240.18 (Otzma Card of type Lay Off!) to replace the
following text:
At any given time there may be at most 7 cards of this type. Lay Off!
cards have an F designation of Normal.
with the following COUNTER delimited text:
Counter-Action: The Gadget the card was played on is destroyed, unless
it was indestructible in which case nothing happens.
At any given time there may be at most 7 cards of this type. Lay Off!
cards have an F designation of Normal.
Proposal 3275 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:50 EDT
Hacker Crackdown
saaremaa (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[if this looks familiar, it failed quorum the first time]}}
{{[gist: expand the scope of the chartreuse goose from PWCFJs to all winning CFJs]}}
Amend rule 600, "Winning Conditions", to add this text as a new paragraph at end of the rule:
Only Cycle-Win CFJs and Paradox Win CFJs are Winning Condition CFJs.
Amend rule 620, "Chartreuse Goose" to replace all instances of "Paradox Win CFJ" with "Winning Condition CFJ".
Proposal 3276 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:51 EDT
History Never Repeats
saaremaa (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[The Vulcan Coup demonstrated what a minority who had the power to change the rules could do. Lets provide a general solution for the same problem that exists in rule 777. No fair loophole surfing a loophole discovered by someone else ;-)]}}
Amend rule 360, "Hearings", to add the following texts as two new paragraphs directly before the second to last paragraph:
A Hearing is Serious if and only if there exists one or more verdicts for
that particular Hearing that would lead to a modification of the ruleset.
Attempts by entities other than voting players to respond in Serious
Hearings automatically fail, and if such attempting entity is a mechanical
Gadget, it breaks.
If exactly one of the verdicts of a Serious Hearing would lead to a
modification of the ruleset, that verdict requires at least the same
percentage of responses cast in its favor as the percentage of YES votes
needed to accept a proposal as defined in rule 106. In this case, if this
particular response received less than that percentage, but received the
most responses, the response that received the second most responses is the
verdict of the Hearing.
Amend rule 362, "Crisis Resolution" to remove the final paragraph.
[This is the one about the 60% business, taken care of by the above]
Proposal 3277 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:52 EDT
The Year I Went To Camp
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 1250.18, "Ye Olde Rusty Lantern", as follows:
In the third paragraph of the section entitled "Plays", replace the text "or a card was specified" with "the play was attempted more than three days after the beginning of the Bard's turn; or a card was specified".
{{[ This will allow the Barkeep to reject late plays. ]}}
{{ Reduce Alfvaen's score by 2 points, and increase Koxvolio's score by 2 points. }}
Proposal 3278 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:53 EDT
Honour Characteristic
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
{{[This basically brings Honour into line as a characteristic, which it
seems like it should be, and cleans up the wording since characteristics
already had some of the properties I was assigning to Honour]}}
Amend rule 550 to read as follows delimited by CHARACTER
[Honour System Rule Suite]
Every player has an Honour Characteristic with a Default Value of 0 and a
range of -1000000 to 1000000
The Honour Characteristic of a player or undead may be referred to as their Honour.
The Honour Characteristic is always an integer.
The rules in this rules suite take precedence over any other rules which deal with when Honour is gained or lost.
It is a duty of the Herald to track the Honour of each player or undead, and make that information publically available to any player upon request.
The Herald is the Custodian of the Honour System Rule Suite.
Proposal 3279 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:54 EDT
mode (dis)honourable acts
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
Amend rule 550.1 (Honourable Acts) to add the following ACT delimited text
to the list of repeatably honourable acts.
1 honour : Winning a Cycle
Amend rule 550.2 (Dishonourable Acts) to add the following ACT delimited
text to the list of repeatably dishonourable acts
1 honour : Commiting a Sin
1 honour : Bribing players (not Tammany) on a proposal.
Proposal 3280 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:55 EDT
Removing useless wordage
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a modest proposal.
Amend rule 854 (Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication) to remove the
following extraneous text which is delimited by EXTRAEXTRA.
Other mutations may be developed in the future, and if they are, they
should be added to this rule.
Proposal 3281 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:56 EDT
Out With The Old
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[A proposal to get rid of some of the phrases used when the game was young]}}
Amend rule 712 (Gaoler) to read in full:
(i) The Office of Gaoler is an optional political office with a Minimum
Term of Office of 6 Months.
(ii) The duties are :
a) To maintain a list of all players currently in the Gaol, and their
remaining sentence.
b) To publicly post a description of the cell of any player in the Gaol.
(iii) The Privileges are:
a) To accept bribes from a player in the Gaol, providing said player has
agreed to the bribe.
b) To release a player from the Gaol before their sentence is up.
Upon announcing a bribe, the A$ is transferred from the player making the bribe to the Gaoler, if and only if the player has sufficient A$.
The Gaoler is not obligated to release a player from which they have
received a bribe.
Amend Rule 837 (Nothing Important) to read in full:
The Ackanomic Afterlife is a Classy building and a common location near
the Senate. It is also a palace.
This palace magically heals all burns of players here, and the ashes of players have been known to spontaneously "decombust" back into the player when put there.
A player may leave this palace whenever he or she wants.
Proposal 3282 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:57 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Amend Section xi of Rule 597 (The Frankenstein Monster(s)) which
currently reads:
xi) The Blueprint is hidden away and may never, ever be used again to
create another Monster. If the <name> Monster ever ceases to
exist, its Blueprint instantly crumbles into useless dust.
to read:
xi) The Blueprint is hidden away and may never, ever be used again to
create another Monster. One week after the <name> Monster is
created it disintegrates and the Blueprint that created it is
{{[A certain player recently introduced a certain rule fragment into a certain game's rules set. Not only will a certain proposal reduce the potential for a certain player to commit a certain scam it will also reduce a certain entities long term effects on a certain game while not reducing its harfiness too much.]}}
Proposal 3283 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:58 EDT
Closed Shop
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal
Amend Rule 1240.16 (Otzma Card of type Skeleton Key) to remove the
following phrase :
", or another player,"
{{[Kinda undermines the Gaolers bribe privilege, e should be allowed to operate a closed shop if e wants to...]}}
Proposal 3284 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 06:59 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[The first change failed in Slakko's original True SHF proposal and the second seems appropriate to link into the SHF web]}}
Amend Rule 620 (Chartreuse Goose) to replace the following phrase:
salaries are paid, 18 A$ shall be deducted
salaries are paid, The Standard Harfer Fee shall be deducted
Amend the following text of Rule 252 (Joining the Game) [Section II.3] :
3) The Registrar shall select a Mentor for the new player. If the player
provided a valid Sponsor, that Sponsor shall be the first choice of
Mentor for the new player if e is eligible as a Mentor. If the Mentor
was chosen from the mentor pool, e receives A$25 from the Treasury
immediately; otherwise, e receives A$25 if and when e accepts the
to read:
3) The Registrar shall select a Mentor for the new player. If the player
provided a valid Sponsor, that Sponsor shall be the first choice of
Mentor for the new player if e is eligible as a Mentor. If the Mentor
was chosen from the mentor pool, e receives The Standard Harfer Fee from
the Treasury immediately; otherwise, e receives The Standard Harfer Fee
if and when e accepts the mentorship.
Proposal 3285 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:00 EDT
Hat Attack
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
Amend Rule 666 (End of Cycle) to replace the following text [from
section b]:
Agenda Hats that are not being worn are destroyed.
Agenda Hats that are not being worn, or who's condition is true, are
#End proposal
Proposal 3286 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:01 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
Amend Rule 668 (Eggs and Fruit) to append the following to the first
Chartreuse Goose Eggs may be purchased by paying A$ 100 to the Treasury.
When a Player pays the required fee the Chartreuse Goose shall hand
deliver a Chartreuse Goose Egg to em and return to wherever it was.
Proposal 3287 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:02 EDT
Justice for All.
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[This proposal rearranges the First round Judge Selection rule. Hopefully making it more clear. I've added the justice exclusion section since they are already excluded by rule 417 - having all selection criteria in one place will mean that a CotC or ACotC is less likely to make a mistake. Additionally I've made the selection process slightly more deterministic (I know its been attempted before), but its kind of ridiculous to have nothing for months on end the suddenly three or four at once - without the purple robe.]}}
Amend Rule 212 (Selecting A Judge) to read in full:
When a Player is to be selected to judge a CFJ the following steps are
performed in order to determine those Players who are eligible to judge
i) All Active Players are eligible.
ii) All Players on the CFJ Ineligibility List are excluded.
ii) The author of the CFJ is excluded.
iii) If the CFJ is also a CFCJ the Player or Players named in its
statement are excluded.
iv) All Justices are excluded.
v) All Players who have declined to judge the CFJ are excluded, unless
this would reduce the number of eligible Players to 0.
vi) All Players who have already been assigned a CFJ and are yet decline
or return a verdict on it are excluded, unless this would reduce the
number of eligible Players to less than half the number of Active
When a CFJ is received by the Clerk of the Court, if no Active Players are eligible to judge it, then the CFJ is deemed Invalid, and removed from consideration, and no judge is selected. Otherwise, the Clerk of the Court randomly selects a Player from those eligible to judge it.
The selected Judge may decline a particular appointment, as a public action or by mailing the Clerk of the Courts, within 3 days of being selected. In this case, a new Judge is selected as described above.
As a public action, an Acvtive Player may remove their name from the CFJ
Ineligibility List if it is on the List, or add their name to the List
if it is not there already.
Proposal 3288 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:03 EDT
I Should Be Allowed to Think
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
Repeal rule 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages".
{{/dev/joe's score is increased by 10 points. K 2's Score is reduced by 10 points.}}
Proposal 3289 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:04 EDT
And Think I Will!
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Repeal Rule 1307.1 (The Color Black)
Proposal 3290 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:05 EDT
I'll Do What I Like
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Repeal Rule 1308 (Bracket/Smiley Pedantry)
Proposal 3291 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:06 EDT
And Do It Any Way I Like.
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal
Repeal Rule 1123 (snowgod's Disease)
Proposal 3292 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:07 EDT
An Be Who I Want To Be!!!!
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.
Repeal Rule 1127 (Sanctity of Harf)
Proposal 3293 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:08 EDT
Eternal Debate
saaremaa (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
[This amends quorum to breadbox's definition, adds a definition of pending that should have been there, and fixes the collision with the acting officers proposal]
Amend rule 107, "Quorum and Active Players" so that its title is "Quorum" and its text is:
The head count for a given proposal includes all players who
legally cast a vote on that proposal and all players who were
active at the end of that proposal's voting period, but excluding
those players who are currently defined as Pending.
Then, quorum is met if and only if at least half of the players in
the head count have cast a vote.
{{breadbox gains 3 points; saaremaa loses 3 points.
[this rule used to define Active player; now the title is a bit out of
Amend rule 250, "Players and Player States" to add this as the new final subsection of section II:
f) A "pending" Player is a Voting Player who has not voted on a proposal
since their most recent registration.
Amend rule 401.1, "Acting Officers", as follows:
a) replace "a Vacationing" with "an inactive" in section I [subsection iv]
b) replace the third paragraph of section II with this:
If a player who holds a seat of an Office in an Acting capacity
resigns from that Office or otherwise becomes ineligible to hold
that Office, then at that point e is no longer an Acting Officer
for that seat. This also occurs when there is a holder of that
Office in a "normal" capacity, i.e. when an Officer is appointed
to hold a vacant Office, or when an inactive Officer again becomes
c) replace "goes on Vacation" with "becomes inactive" both places it appears in the final paragraph.
Proposal 3294 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:09 EDT
One Ring To Rule Them All
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
Create a new Rule, numbered 775, named "Vagueness", with text as follows(delimited by SEQ):
It is a crime to talk in a public dorum about publicly unknowable things.
Proposal 3295 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:10 EDT
But Fear Itself
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
After the second sentence of Rule 101, insert the sentence "Each player may, however, choose one Rule per calendar month, and disobey that Rule once in that month, without committing a Crime by doing so."
Proposal 3296 - Tue 07 Jul 1998 07:11 EDT
'Ket, Bro!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: removed (deemed invalid by CFJ 628)
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal Rule Rule 1308, "Bracket/Smiley Pedantry".
Proposal 3297 - Sun 12 Jul 1998 06:42 EDT
Don't say it if you don't mean it
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted
Amend Section IV of Rule 340 "Conventions" which reads:
IV. Text delimited by square brackets [e.g. this] is a note. Notes have
no semantic meaning.
to read:
IV. Except in Public Messages, text delimited by square brackets [e.g.
this] is a note. Notes have no semantic meaning.
Proposal 3298 - Sun 12 Jul 1998 06:43 EDT
some small repeals
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected
This is a modest proposal.
{{[I realize that these are similar to some other proposals, but I voted against those for the primary reason that they should have been bundled into one instead of trying to scam lots and lots of points through seperate props.]}}
Repeal rule 1390.1 {{[Wibble]}} {{[null effect rule]}}
Repeal rule 1317 {{[Codex of Kra]}} {{[has been used at all recently?]}}
Repeal rule 1308 {{[Bracket/Smiley Pedantry]}}
Repeal rule 1307 {{[Ackanomic Middle Ages]}}
Repeal rule 1307.1 {{[The Color Black]}}
Repeal rule 1142 {{[Reincarnating Into The Third Cat]}}
Repeal rule 1127 {{[Sanctity of Harf]}}
Repeal rule 1125 {{[Committee for the Protection, Preservation, and
Integrity of the Arts]}}
Repeal rule 1123 {{[snowgod's disease]}}
Repeal rule 961 {{[curse of the B-ack]}} {{[It's rarely used anyway.]}}
Repeal rule 594.23 {{[Nyarlathotep]}}
Repeal rule 319 {{[Unanimity Is Lovely]}}
Repeal rule 42 {{[The Oldest Rule in the Book]}} {{[null effect rule]}}
Proposal 3299 - Sun 12 Jul 1998 06:44 EDT
Small robe change
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted
{{[Upon the owner of the robe recieving a bronze torch, the robe goes
somewhere else.]}}
Amend rule 933 (Purple Robe of Justice) by appending the following TORCH
delimited text.
When a player recieves a Bronze Torch, if they possess the Purple Robe of
Justice, it goes Somewhere Else
Proposal 3300 - Sun 12 Jul 1998 06:45 EDT
Tor, Pray!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
{{[ I think the Office of Praetor is no longer truly necessary. ]}}
Amend Rule 416, "Supreme Court", as follows:
If Proposal 3252 was not accepted, replace the sentence "Only those players eligible to be Praetor are eligible to be Justices, except that a player holding a seat in the Office of Justice is always eligible to hold that seat." with
"To be eligible for the Office of Justice, a player must be active and one or more of the following:
a) a Bronze Torch holder
b) the owner of a Gold Stripe or Ruby Slipper
c) a former or current Supreme Court Justice
d) enshrined in the Hall of Elders
Delete the sentence "The Praetor or Acting Praetor shall be an Acting Justice whenever there is a vacancy in the Supreme Court."
Delete the sentence "If there are no Justices eligible to double as Acting Justices, then the Praetor or Acting Praetor shall fill that Justice's seat as an Acting Justice."
Amend Rule 213, "Delivering Judgement" by replacing "to be assigned to the Praetor" to "to be reassigned to another random judge".
Amend Rule 217, "Overturning Judgements", by deleting the last paragraph of Section I {{[ which describes how CFJs may reach the Supreme Court via the Preator ]}}, and deleting from Section IV. the text ", or a verdict on an appeal of a CFJ originally submitted to the Supreme Court by the Praetor".
Amend Rule 250, "Players and Player States", as follows: delete the text "does not go to the Praetor but" in IV.a)
Repeal Rule 425, "Praetor".