Proposal Archive (2901-2950)

Proposal 2901 - Tue 21 Apr 1998 03:42 EDT
Not Quite So Harfy
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 1136, "Harf the Mail", by replacing the following text as delimited by CHEESY:

half the points (rounded down) of their target's score, when their target said the claimed target word.

with the following SAFER-delimited text:

50 points, or half the score of the target player at the time of the message containing the target word, whichever is less.

Proposal 2902 - Tue 21 Apr 1998 03:44 EDT
Less Than Nomic
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 419.2, "Internomic Interface", as follows:

Replace the text of Section I.

I. Internomic Entityhood

Internomic is an entity. Member nomics of Internomic, excepting Ackanomic and Internomic, are named tradeable entities. Whenever a Nomic joins Internomic, it is owned by the Treasury. Whenever a member nomic(excepting Ackanomic and Internomic)leaves Internomic it is destroyed.

with the following(delimited by SIGH)

{{ Any entity with the same name as a Member nomic of Internomic, excepting Ackanomic, Internomic, and any Ackanomic Organization considered to be a Member nomic of Internomic, is destroyed. Any nameless Member nomics of Internomic are also destroyed. }}

I. Internomic Entityhood

Internomic is an entity. Member nomics of Internomic, excepting Ackanomic, Internomic, and any Ackanomic Organization considered to be a Member nomic of Internomic, are named tradeable entities. The name of any such entity is that of the corresponding nomic. Whenever a Nomic joins Internomic, it is owned by the Treasury. Whenever a member nomic(excepting Ackanomic and Internomic)leaves Internomic it is destroyed.

{{[ Okay, this should hopefully fix all the problems with the nomic- entities that were there heretofore. At least, the one with them not having been assigned names, and hopefully any question as to whether I'm destroying the Church of Odo on the Wormhole. I'm also presuming that no Ackanomic entity except an Organization can join Internomic as a member nomic... ]}}

Proposal 2903 - Tue 21 Apr 1998 03:45 EDT
Blank Frank
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: retracted

Create a new rule, numbered 1199, named "Frink", with text as follows (delimited by ENO):

When this Rule is created, a Hearing shall be called, with the Speaker as Hearing Harfer. The Hearing shall be on the subject of what the past tense of the word "frink" shall be.

The valid results for this Hearing are the following: "frank", "frinked", "frought", "knirf".

If the initial results of the Hearing are inconclusive, then another Hearing shall be called whose valid results shall consist of all the results which received the highest amount of votes. In addition, when the additional Hearing is called, the Hearing Harfer may add and other valid choices that have been submitted to em, at eir discretion; these choices must be single words. This process repeats until the result of the most recent Hearing is conclusive. This takes precedence over Rule 360 where necessary.

When there is a conclusive result as in the previous paragraph, then the word specified thereby is added to the Ackanomic Lexicon, game custom shall consider this word to be the proper plural of "frink", and this Rule repeals itself.

Proposal 2904 - Tue 21 Apr 1998 03:46 EDT
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Create a new Rule, numbered 427, named "Org-Harfer", with text as follows(delimited by TOMATO):

The Office of the Org-Harfer is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Org-Harfer are:

(a) keeping track of all Organizations, as such are defined by the Rules, including their names, membership status, type, etc.

(b) keeping track of the membership of Organizations, including the adding and removal of players, who has proxied their approval to the Organization, etc.

(c) determining whether Organizational Actions succeed or fail, as per Rule 1006, and whether the Standard Harfer Fee was paid.

The Privileges of the Org-Harfer are:

(a) to receive the normal salary for a Functional Office.

Proposal 2905 - Tue 21 Apr 1998 03:48 EDT
Real Property Act
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[The title of this proposal is taken from an 1860s South Australian piece of legislation which completely reformed land and title deeds in South Australia. I thought it was appropriate for this land reform proposal (Vynd says he's been working on one for ages - let's get some simple stuff done first).]

Amend Rule 835, "Locations", by replacing the following OHDEAR-delimited text:

9) Any player rejoining the game goes to the Location they were in when they left the game.

with the following CONTINGENCY-delimited text:

9) Any player rejoining the game goes to the Location they were in when they left the game, if it exists, otherwise they go to their Home, if that exists, otherwise they go to the Hall of Elders.

Amend Rule 839, "Buildings", by replacing the following SPECIFIC-delimited text:

All other land, with or without buildings on them, that is not owned by players is called common lands.

with the following GENERAL-delimited text:

Each kaa which is not part of a Common Location, nor owned by a player, is a kaa of common land.

[Otherwise such things as the Hall of Elders could be interpreted as being common land - if Rule 839 were interpreted in one particular fashion.]

Amend Rule 844, "Land Baroncy", by replacing the last two paragraphs with the following NOCONTEMPT-delimited text:

A trade or purchase of land which would result in one player owning more than 5 kaa of land, or a purchase of land for other than the standard price, is subject to Senate inspection. A Senate vote may veto the deal if a simple majority of senators is reached, all non-vacationing Senators voting. If the deal is vetoed, it does not occur. If the deal is not vetoed, then it occurs one week after the trade or purchase is publicly agreed. The Senate may not veto a trade which has occurred.

[As the rules currently stand, a land trade could be indefinitely delayed, because nothing forces the Senators to vote on the issue, and they are not put in Contempt for failing to vote on a land matter. The traditional one week window should be sufficient.]

Proposal 2906 - Tue 21 Apr 1998 03:50 EDT
Error of Commission Omission
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[With else...if on Vacation, the Stock Reform concepts are obviously on the back burner. I liked the idea of a 5% commission on stock purchases and sales to the Treasury (to encourage interplayer trading), and it was my idea, so I thought it would be an idea to put it in ASAP.]

Amend Rule 530, "The Ackan Reserve", by replacing the following FREE-delimited text:

d) Players may purchase or sell a number of stocks by publicly announcing that they intend to do so. The cost of a share will be the value of the stock market. If the player lacks enough money to purchase the number of shares they requested, than the purchase request will be treated as if they requested the largest number of stocks they can buy without going into debt. When a player buys or sells multiple stocks at the same time, than the stocks will be bought or sold consecutively, one at a time; the cost of the purchase will be rounded after all stocks specified to be bought or sold in one group are bought or sold. At the end of a purchase, the cost or profit from the sale is rounded to the players disadvantage, except as specified by the preceeding sentence. When a player buys a stock they pay the cost to the treasury and a stock will be created in their possesion. When a player sells a stock they recieve the cost of the stock from the treasury, and a stock in their possession is destroyed.

with the following CHARGE-delimited text:

d) Players may buy or sell stocks from or to the Treasury as a public action. Stocks may be bought from the Treasury for a per-unit price of the smallest integer number of A$ at least as large as 105% of the current value of the Stock Market. Stocks may be sold to the Treasury for a per-unit price of the largest integer number of A$ no greater than 95% of the current value of the Stock Market.

If a player attempts to purchase more stocks than they have A$ to purchase, they will purchase as many stocks as they can without going into debt. When multiple stocks are bought or sold to or from the Treasury, the trades occur one at a time.

Whenever a Stock is in the Treasury it is destroyed. Whenever a player buys a Stock from the Treasury, they pay the purchase price to the Treasury and a new Stock is created in their possession.

Proposal 2907 - Tue 21 Apr 1998 03:51 EDT
The North Rule
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Decision: rejected

Enact as a rule with the number 783 the following MC-delimited text:

North is always North.

Proposal 2908 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:23 EDT
Org Patch
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Status: retracted

This proposal is intended to patch the current problems regarding "illegal" ownership of entities by various types of organizations in a fairly humane manner. It also makes temporary provision for Organizational Powers.

Create a new rule, numbered 1010 and entitled "Spotter," with the following COACH-delimited text:


If any organization at any time owns one or more tradeable entities in violation of the rules specifically pertaining to that type of organization (e.g. R1009 for Political Parties; R1003 for VSOs), then those entities are immediately divided among the members of the organization as evenly as possible. In particular, the entities of each class (e.g. A$, gadgets, trinkets) are divided as evenly as possible. Where the number of entities of some class being divided is not evenly divisable by the number of members of the relevant organization, some members will receive one more entity of that class than the others do; which members receive the extra entities is determined randomly.

{{[ Grace Period: ]}}
Any organization may surrender any organizational power it owns to the Treasury, upon which action the Power is destroyed. Any Organization which does so will receive the original purchase price of the Power back from the Treasury, less the standard harfer fee. This paragraph takes precedence over all rules governing organizations. This paragraph is deleted from this rule exactly one week after this rule was added to the rule set.


{{[ The following is functionally implied by the rules, but needs to be explicitly stated for R1010 to work correctly. ]}}

Amend rule 1003, "Organizations," by inserting the sentence "A VSO may not own anything." immediately before the sentence "Any attmpet [sic] on the part of a VSO to perform any other kind of Orgnizational Action fails."

Proposal 2909 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:26 EDT
This is One of my Least Favorite Things.
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: accepted

{{[This is a Damn Fine Proposal.]}}

Repeal Rule 1136.

Proposal 2910 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:27 EDT
Don't Say It If You Dont Mean It
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted

{{[ This is almost a CSR, but it does make a minor change to the way that org actions are performed. Relatively longstanding custom has it that the player who suggests an action must also approve it, but rule 1005 currently only explicitly permits the _other_ members of the org to do so, or to denounce. R1005 also, however, ends the voting early only if _all_ members have approved. This prop does a combination of codifying custom and streamlining the process a bit. ]}}

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 1005 (Organizational Action) by appending the following sentence to the end of the second paragraph: "Submission of a suggestion is considered to constitute approval of that suggestion."

Proposal 2911 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:28 EDT
Tweaks and Realignments
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by IdiotBoy (Matt Miller) on Thu 23 Apr 1998 10:59 EDT

{{[ There appears to be a rivalry brewing. This proposal adjusts the blueprints of the EBS and GBS a bit to help stimulate the competition. Both gadgets are made mechanical gadgets, and the usage paradigm for the GBS is modified to be a little more different from that of the EBS than it currently is. In the bargain, the 10% chance of a GBS starting to shimmy and shake every time the boring lever is used has been eliminated to help preserve balance; the OicRT will be pleased to see that, I imagine.

Amend rule 594.7 (Blueprint: Evil Ballot Stuffer) by replacing the first sentence with the following TINKER-delimited text:

The Evil Ballot Stuffer (EBS) is a mechanical gadget. When created it is not broken.

Amend rule 594.21 (Blueprint: Good Ballot Stuffer) in the following ways:

1) Replace the first sentence with the following GEAR-delimited text:

The Good Ballot Stuffer (GBS) is a mechanical gadget. When created it is not broken.

2) Delete the first sentence of the fourth paragraph. {{[ "The harfy lever is used to create Bonus Votes." (It isn't) ]}}

3) Replace the last two sentences of the third paragraph with the following BOLT-delimited text:

If exactly one GBS is so used in a particular hearing or election, then when the results are tabulated all votes cast by EBSs are ignored. GBSs vote-nullification fields are very sensitive, however, so if more than one GBS is used in any given hearing or election then none of them will have any effect on that hearing or election.

Proposal 2912 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:29 EDT
To make our lives easier
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal. [surprise, surprise]

In rule 212 replace the sentence "The selected Judge may decline a particular appointment, as a public action, within 3 days of being selected" with the sentence "The selected Judge may decline a particular appointment, as a public action or by mailing the Clerk of the Courts, within 3 days of being selected"

Proposal 2913 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:30 EDT
Don't Touch That Dial
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ The old rule-created trinket name-uniqueness thing again. Luckily we have some time before anyone can sponsor another player... ]}}

Amend Rule 252, "Joining the Game", as follows:

Replace the text "the new player recieves a Trinket named 'Sponsored by <name>' where <name> is the name of the Sponsor" with "the new player receives a Trinket named 'Sponsored by <name> #x', where <name> is the name of the Sponsor and x is the smallest prime number required to give the Trinket a unique name".

Proposal 2914 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:31 EDT
The spellbook crumbles to dust! --more--
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ In general, I don't see any reason for the Spelling Bee to be limited to one or two players. Mainly, I just want to be able to use it myself. :-) ]}}

Create a new rule, numbered 343, named "Spellbooks", with text as follows (delimited by OTYUGH):

Shimmering Spellbooks and Dull Spellbooks exist. Both are nontradeable. If a player ever owns more than one of either type, all but one are destroyed. If ever a player owns one of each type, then the Dull Spellbook is destroyed.

Any player with either kind of Spellbook is permitted to initiate a flight of the Spelling Bee, as in Rule 342.

In addition, a player with a Shimmering Spellbook may grant a Dull Spellbook to another player, or destroy another player's Dull Spellbook.

To grant a Shimmering Spellbook to another player, or destroy one, requires an action of the entire set of players with Shimmering Spellbooks. Such an action occurs as if that set were an Organization, and it were an Organizational Action.

Some Offices may include possession of Shimmering Spellbooks among their privileges; in this case, if ever the holder of such an Office does not possess a Shimmering Spellbook, one is created in eir possession.

Amend Rule 342, "Spelling Bee", by replacing "an officer privileged to do so" with "a player privileged to do so".

Amend Rule 407, "Web-Harfer", to replace "To initiate flights of the Spelling Bee" with "To possess a Shimmering Spellbook".

Amend Rule 430, "Spelling Exchequer", to replace "to initiate flights of the Spelling Bee" with "to possess a Shimmering Spellbook".

{{ Create a Dull Spellbook in the possession of the player who is legally able to assume the name Alfvaen. }}

Proposal 2915 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:33 EDT
Thou Hast Besquirted Me!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley) on Sat 25 Apr 1998 10:25 EDT

Warning Contains: Herald

Create a new rule, numbered 1160, named "Heraldry", with the following text(delimited by GULES):

Any player or Organization may have a Coat of Arms. Coats of Arms are nontradeable entities.

There exists the Optional Office of Herald. The Herald has the Privilege of granting Coats of Arms, and this is the only way they may be bestowed.

Any entity eligible to have a Coat of Arms may submit a proposed design to the Herald. E may refuse the design at eir discretion, and must do so if it is the same as the Coat of Arms of any other player or organization. If e approves of the design, then the entity requesting the Coat of Arms shall pay the Standard Harfer Fee, and the Herald shall announce the Coat of Arms publicly by posting its blazon. (A blazon is a textual description of the Coat of Arms in standard heraldic language.)

In addition, the Senate may submit proposed designs for an Ackanomic coat of arms to the Herald. When the Herald approves such a Coat of Arms, e shall call a Hearing(and be the Harfer thereof)to see whether the populace of Ackanomic approves of the design. The valid responses to the Hearing are "The flower of Knighthood would be proud to be caparisoned thusly!" and "I'd rather see 'Or, a gorges Purpure!'"

If the response is "The flower of Knighthood would be proud to be caparisoned thusly!", then the Coat of Arms is made the official Ackanomic Coat of Arms. If the response is "I'd rather see 'Or, a gorges Purpure!'", then the Coat of Arms is rejected. (If the blazon of the Coat of Arms is actually "Or, a gorges Purpure", then the Coat of Arms is assumed to be rejected without need for Hearing.)

If at all possible, the Herald should try to maintain a web page of graphical depictions of all the Coats of Arms of the various players and Organizations that possess them, or failing that, their blazons.

If the bearer of a Coat of Arms should ever be found guilty of a Crime (i.e. a CFCJ's final verdict is that they committed a Crime), then the Herald, may, as a privilege, alter eir Coat of Arms by means of an abatement. E may also set conditions to the Arms-bearer for the removal of the abatement.

Coats of Arms are not Garments, but for A$10 a player with a Coat of Arms may purchase a Surcoat bearing their Coat of Arms. Surcoats are Garments.

{{ Appoint Alfvaen to the position of Herald. [ As is traditional, if anyone else really wants it, I will resign and we can do the full Election thing. ] }}

Proposal 2916 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:34 EDT
Fair play in Eleusis
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

Add the following paragraph as the second paragraph for rule 1250.23 section 9
The Deus may award a FairPlay point to a player if there is no Referee. For purposes of this paragraph, the Deus is treated as if they were the Referee of the game and thus are restricted as per rule 1250.1 Section XIII on the number of FairPlay Awards they may award. This paragraph takes precedence over rule 1250.1 if there is a conflict.

Proposal 2917 - Wed 22 Apr 1998 07:35 EDT
The Giant Salt Lick
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley) on Sat 25 Apr 1998 10:25 EDT

The Giant Salt Lick is a nameless, nontradeable entity.
The Chartreuse Goose is allergic to the Giant Salt Lick because the Salt Lick contains monosodium glutamate in addition to sodium hydrochloride. When a player who has the Giant Salt Lick is given the Chartreuse Goose by any means, the Chartreuse Goose immediate flees to another active player at random.
Whenever a player submits a proposal with the words 'monosodium glutamate' and that proposal is accepted, the Giant Salt Lick is immediately transferred into their possession upon that player making a public statement to the effect that they are licking the salt lick. [IE noone is ever required to take the lick unless they really want to.]
Other rules may specify other means by which the Giant Salt Lick is transferred.

Proposal 2918 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:12 EDT
double your pleasure
rufus (David Scheidt)
Decision: accepted

{{[ Fictionary seems to have a bug. If two bluffers submit the same definition, the Brainiac has to send them both out, which makes it obvious that this is not the correct definition. this fixes that]}}

Ammend rule 1250.10 'Fictionary' as follows:

Change the last sentance of section 3b to read " The Brainiac publically announces that this has occurred, and play proceeds without the submission as if case 3c) or case 3d), as appropriate, occurred, except that the correct Bluffer does not participate."

Renumber section 3d to 3e.

Replace section 3c's text with the following AIRFREIGHTISEXPENSIVE delimited text.


No Bluffer submitted a definition that is substantially similar to an On-line Definition, and every Bluffer submitted a unique definition. In this case, the Brainiac randomly sorts the submitted definitions and the Actual Definition into a numbered list (without the names of the associated Bluffers), and publically posts the list for Bluffer voting. This posting ends this step.


Add the following DITTOFLUIDSMELLSGOOD-delimited text as section 3d.


No Bluffer submitted a definition that is substantially similar to an On-line Definition, and two or more Bluffers submitted substanially similar definitions. In this case, The Brainiac randomly selects one of the definitions that are substanially similar and removes it from consideration. The other substanially similar definition or definitions are discarded, the Brainiac randomly sorts the remaining definitions and the Actual Definition into a numbered list (without the names of the associated Bluffers), and publically posts the list for Bluffer voting. He also must publiclly announce that there were duplicate submissions. This posting ends this step.


In section i of part 5a), add the following sentences "If a Bluffer's definition was removed for being the same as another submitted definition, all Bluffers who submitted that definition receive points for other players voting for that definition. However, they do not get points for the other Bluffer or Bluffers sheeping this definition."

Proposal 2919 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:13 EDT
Small land Amendment
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.
Amend rule 839 as follows

Insert the following PHYSICS delimited text as the final paragraph in the rule

Only one Building (except for towers) may exist on any given kaa of land.
{{If more than one Building (except for towers) exists on a kaa of land at this moment, one of the buildings is moved to another legal location if such exists. If no such location exists, the building is destroyed and its owner is compensated from the treasury the cost that would have been payed to build the building being destroyed. A Legal Location for moving a building is any kaa of land owned by the owner of the building being moved. If the building is owned by no player, then it is moved to a legal location for that building on the Map.
{{ Deduct 2 points from the score of JT. Give 2 points to ThinMan }}

Proposal 2920 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:14 EDT
Org Patch
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted

This proposal is intended to patch the current problems regarding "illegal" ownership of entities by various types of organizations in a fairly humane manner. It also makes temporary provision for Organizational Powers. It complements /dev/joe's recent proposal.

{{[ The following is functionally implied by the rules, but needs to be explicitly stated for R1010 to work correctly. ]}}

Amend rule 1003, "Organizations," by inserting the sentence "A VSO may not own anything." immediately before the sentence "Any attmpet [sic] on the part of a VSO to perform any other kind of Orgnizational Action fails."

This one just loosens up a minor restriction on Political Parties.

Amend rule 1009 (Political Parties and Rewarding Party Unity) by inserting the text "Land, Buildings," into the first sentence of the third paragraph, immediately after the word "Trinkets."

Here's the meat of the matter:

Create a new rule, numbered 1010 and entitled "Spotter," with the following COACH-delimited text:


If any organization at any time owns one or more tradeable entities in violation of the rules specifically pertaining to that type of organization (e.g. R1009 for Political Parties; R1003 for VSOs), then those entities are immediately divided among the members of the organization as evenly as possible. In particular, the entities of each class (e.g. A$, gadgets, trinkets) are divided as evenly as possible. Where the number of entities of some class being divided is not evenly divisable by the number of members of the relevant organization, some members will receive one more entity of that class than the others do; which members receive the extra entities is determined randomly.

{{[ Grace Period: ]}}
Any organization may surrender any organizational power it owns to the Treasury, upon which action the Power is destroyed. Any Organization which does so will receive back the original purchase price of the Power from the Treasury, less the standard harfer fee. This paragraph takes precedence over all rules governing organizations. This paragraph is deleted from this rule exactly one week after this rule was added to the rule set.


Proposal 2921 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:15 EDT
Remove My Pointless Trappings Of Office
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[The President has some, IMHO, rather pointless privileges. Given the rate of ruleset expansion, we need to trim things away. I think that these privileges mentioned below can be trimmed.]

Delete Sections II and IV of Rule 415, "Presidential Decisions" [Proposal Moratoria and Ambassador removal and re-appointment.] Relabel Section III of Rule 415 as section II.

[Proposal Moratoria are a way for the President to slow down the machinery of proposals. The Promoter's ability to tweak or frob the queue, and eir need to only distribute within 3 days of submission make this redundant. The Ambassadorship is a Political Office, and really should not be within the gift of the President.]

Proposal 2922 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:16 EDT
Offical Terms
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[This proposal introduces the concept of a Minimum Term of Office. After the end of a Minimum Term an eligible player may request an election. The cost of the standard harfer fee will reduce abuse (though not anti-scam) and automatic nomination will prevent null elections.

The intention is to give players a non-impeachment method of activating the election process for the 'harfy' offices while not causing too much BWG.

President Remains 8 weeks
Senator 16 weeks, synchronized with the presidential election.
Historian Minimum term 12 months.
Poet Laureate Minimum term 6 months.
Praetor Minimum term 6 months
Inventor Minimum term: 6 months.
Wizard No discovery/gadget has not been forthcoming for the past 6 months it is transferred to the treasury.
Archaeologist Remains, every cycle win.
Mad Scientist After the creation of a FM to the owner of the new FM
Illuminatus Every time an agenda hat win is achieved the Agent of KAOS is given the option of holding this office. If e refuses, an election is held.
Caped Crusader Minimum term 6 months
Gaoler Minimum term 6 months
Deejay Remains every 2 months.
NAP Swinger Upon surrender or when party chess is won (in addition to historical methods)
Acka Physicist Minimum Term 6 months.

The following political offices were left out being pseudo functional and elections for them consequently more disruptive:
*Spelling Exchequer

As were the Party Swingers (which should remain under the control of their party)

Justice has an unlimited number of seats so the concept of a term of office is meaningless.]}}

{{[The graphic Detail]}}

Amend rule 401 (Offices, Commonalities) in the following way:
Insert the following between part a) and b) of section (vi) and reletter the list accordingly:

b) The Rules may specify a Minimum Term of Office. When a player has held a particular seat of an office for a period greater than its Minimum Term of Office, any player who is eligible to hold that seat may as a public action demand "an end to this banna republic", specifying the seat and paying the Standard Harfer Fee. When this occurs the term of office for the specified seat expires and an election is held. The player who called for the election is automatically nominated. If the rules fail to specify a Minimum Term of Office for a particular office, then this paragraph shall not apply to that office.

Append to the end of Rule 411 (Senate) as a separate paragraph:
At the time of a presidential election at most two seats are selected in the following manner:
i) All seats for which an election was held during the previous 16 weeks are disregarded.
ii) Of the remaining seats, the two (or fewer) seats which have not had an election for the longest period have their term of office expire.
iii) Ties in section ii) are broken randomly.

Place the following after first sentence of Rule 420 (Historian):
It has a Minimum Term of Office of 12 months.

{{[***Poet Laureate***]}}
Remove the first sentence of Rule 424 (Poet Laureate) and replace with:
The optional Office of Poet Laureate has a Minimum Term of Office of 6 months.

Amend the first sentence of section I of Rule 425 (Praetor) to read:
The Office of the Praetor is a Political Office with a Minimum Term of Office of 6 months.

Amend the paragraph under the heading "A. Inventor" in Rule 593 (Ackanomic Research Guild) to read:
The Office of Inventor has one seat with a Minimum Term of Office of 6 months that is filled by Election.

Append to the paragraph under the heading "B. Wizard" in Rule 593 (Ackanomic Research Guild):
If a player's most recent ownership of the office of wizard exceeds 6 months and that player has not made a discovery or gadget during that time and a player points this fact out the office is transferred to the treasury.

{{[***Mad Scientist***]}}
Insert the following in Rule 597 (The Frankenstein Monster(s)) after section xi):
xii) Eir creative genius having been exhausted, the office of The Mad Scientist then becomes vacant.

Reassign letters to each of the lettered list items in Rule 607 (Winning by Agenda) to give them a unique letter one greater in alphabetic ordering than the previous, starting with a) for the first item.

Insert the following at the end of the list in Rule 607 (Winning by Agenda):
e) The Agent of KAOS has three days from when eir Cycle-Win CFJ becomes unapealable to publicly announce eir desire to be Illuminatus. If they do so the current Illuminatus is removed from office and the Agent of KAOS becomes the new Illuminatus. Otherwise the office of Illuminatus becomes vacant.

{{[***Caped Crusader***]}}
Amend the second sentence of the second paragraph of Rule 705 (The Caped Crusader) to read in full:
It is an Optional Political office with a Minimum Term of Office of 6 months.

Append to section (ii) of Rule 712 (Gaoler):
It has a Minimum Term of office of 6 months.

{{[***NAP Swinger***]}}
Amend Section III, C, 2 of Rule 1040 (Party Hall) to read:
2. The Player who holds the NAP Swinger's Office continues to be NAP Swinger until e either resigns, is impeached, surrenders, or becomes a member of a Party or the current game of party chess is won.

Replace the second paragraph of Rule 1317 (Codex of Kra) with:
The optional office of AckaPhysicist exists. It has a Minimum Term of Office of 6 months. It is a privilege of the AckaPhysicist to translate the Codex of Kra, and report its contents to the people of Acka [maintaining, or arranging to maintain a web page of its contents would be ideal].

{{Change the authorship of this proposal to Blip}}

Proposal 2923 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:20 EDT
Birthday Suit
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Append the following to the end of Rule 842 (The Town Hall): For the purposes of this rule a player is considered to be naked if e is not wearing a rule defined garment.

Proposal 2924 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:22 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Status: retracted

Amend to the Rule 917 (Rocks, walls, facial hair and root vegetables) to read in full (HIGHLY VENDABLE delimited):

The following types of entities exist:
i) A Rock To Wind A String Around.
ii) A Wall Of Trombones.
iii) Santa's Beard.
iv) A Magic Radish.
v) A Bottle of Bubble Gum Flavoured Shampoo.
vi) A Large Box of Chocolates.

All of the above entities are collectively known as Venerable Entities and may be manipulated by vending machines, should such things exist. All of the above entities are Tradable.

If a player possesses one of each type of the Venerable Entities, e may request a Boon of the Ancients. A player making such a request has a 10% chance of receiving a boon. At the time of the random determination all of Venerable Entities in that players possession are destroyed. A player may make no more than one such request per calendar month.

Rename rule 917 to Rocks, Walls, Facial Hair, Root Vegetables and Flavoured Shampoo

Append the following to the end of Rule 594.4 (Blueprint: Vending Machine):
If a Vending Machine is owned by the second player to legally chew The Gumball on any given day, e may vend therefrom A Bottle of Bubble Gum Flavoured Shampoo for the remainder of the day. The price for which A Bottle of Bubble Gum Flavoured Shampoo may be sold starts at A$12. If a Vending Machine is owned by the First Citizen, e may vend therefrom A Large Box of Chocolates. The price for which A Large Box of Chocolates may be sold starts at A$14.

Amend the following sentence, were it appears in rule 594.4 (Blueprint: Vending Machine):
The price for which a Magic Radish may be sold starts at A$7.
to read:
The price for which a Magic Radish may be sold starts at A$4.

Proposal 2925 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:24 EDT
Probationary Boon
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

Amend the final paragraph of Rule 1340 (The Great Sphere Probe) to read in full:
After the findings of the Probe have been described, the Head of the Probe Project and another player selected at random from those who donated to The Probe Project shall receive a deterministic Boon of the Ancients and then this rule will repeal itself.

Proposal 2926 - Thu 23 Apr 1998 03:25 EDT
Hearing Aid
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Replace the following sentence where it appears in [the forth paragraph of] Rule 909 (Steel Flea):
A Hearing is then called, with valid responses of "Phoebe would not say anything so crass" and "Phoebe said much the same thing to me once". with:
A Hearing is then called. The player who issued the challenge is the Hearing Harfer and is called the Nanotech Overseer while it is in session. Valid responses for the hearing are "Phoebe would not say anything so crass" and "Phoebe said much the same thing to me once".

Insert after the sentence, where it appears in [the third paragraph] of Rule 915 (Prosthetic Foreheads):
A Forehead Tribunal is a Hearing.
the following:
The player who summoned the Forehead Tribunal is the Hearing Harfer and is called the Top Cop while it is in session.

Insert after the sentence, where it appears in [the final paragraph of] Rule 1112 (Let there be Harf!):
It is also Strange.
the following:
The player who started the Inquisition is the Hearing Harfer and is called the Supreme Inquisitor while it is in session.

Insert after the sentence, where it appears in [the third paragraph of] Rule 1123 (snowgod's Disease):
A Public Health Emergency is a type of Hearing.
the following:
The player who made the call is the Hearing Harfer and is called the Undergraduate Med Student while it is in session.

Insert after the sentence, where it appears in [the second paragraph of] Rule 1125 (Committee for the Protection, Preservation, and Integrity of the Arts):
A Hearing is then called on the matter of whether the allegedly offensive Trinket(s) are in fact lame, inane, or otherwise useless or of negligible artistic merit.
the following :
The player who made the complaint is the Hearing Harfer and is called the Comfortable Chair while it is in session.

Amend Rule 1211 (Boons of the Ancients) section 8 to insert after the first sentence:
The player who made the call is the Hearing Harfer and is called the Principal Authenticator while it is in session.

Insert after the sentence, where it appears in [the fourth paragraph] of Rule 1317 (Codex of Kra):
In this case, there will then be a Hearing, with valid responses of "the Ancients weren't that clueless" and "my own experiments have produced similar results".
the following :
The player who made the accusation is the Hearing Harfer and is called Management while it is in session.

Proposal 2927 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 06:55 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

Append to rule 910 (The Ackanomicon):
Stock Market Crash (1 Page):
Reading this page causes the Orange Menace to temporarily manifest itself. Wide spread panic ensues, causing the stock market's positivity index to fall by 10%.

Proposal 2928 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 06:57 EDT
Herd mentality
Pandora (David Kenning)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 106/15 to include the following HERD delimited text as a new paragraph in between the current first and second paragraphs:

Upon counting the votes, all BAA! votes shall be converted into either Yes or No votes as follows: if there are more Yes than No votes, BAA! votes shall be converted into Yes votes; if there are more No than Yes votes, BAA! votes shall be converted into No votes. BAA! votes thus converted shall count towards deciding whether the proposal is accepted or rejected as if they had been regular Yes or No votes.

[if I've got this right, it effectively means voting BAA! amounts to saying 'I think the same as everyone else', which gives what I consider to be an appropriate significance to BAA! votes]

[I hope my debut proposal has been as much a pleasure for everyone else as it has for me]

Proposal 2929 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 06:58 EDT
Heresy rules revision
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

Given the numer of Witchhunts recently, I thought it might be useful to clean up the rules for them slightly, and also reorganize them as an 'official' rule suite as per the rules. This proposal attempts to do this in a clean manner. (As a side note, they were already numbered like a rule suite).

Create a rule 1306 titled Heresy Rule Suite with the following BURN delimited text

[Heresy Rule Suite]
This rule suite is intended to simplify and consolidate the various types of Heresy.

The rules may define a specific act as a type of Heresy.

If a player commits an act which is define as Heresy then another player may start a Witchhunt against that player by sending a public message that names the alleged Witch, quotes the allegedly heretical message, and calls for a Witchhunt provided a Witchhunt is not already in progress against the alleged Witch and provided that there are less than 5 Witchhunts currently in progress.

A Witchhunt is a Hearing. It is also a Very Grave Matter. The valid responses to a Witchhunt are 'No! E's not a witch, e's a duck!' and 'BURN THE WITCH!'. The Player who called the Witchhunt shall be the Hearing Harfer for it, and shall be called Witchfinder General while it is in session.

If the verdict is 'BURN THE WITCH!', the alleged witch shall be incinerated as a heretic, atop a huge bonfire that not only reduces em to eir component atoms, but also inspires righteous terror in all who see it. The witch shall then enter the Ackanomic Afterlife, and shall lose 10 points. That player is then said to be Enlightened.

If, on the other hand, the verdict is 'No! E's not a witch, e's a duck!', then the player who started the Witchhunt loses 5 points. Furthermore, if that player is also Enlightened, said title is immediately stripped from them, and they will no longer be said to be Enlightened.

An player who is said to be Enlightened may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic.

After a Witchhunt has been called on a player, another player who is a member of a Church may save that player from being burned as a witch, or as a heretic, provided e posts a public message (before the Witchhunt is resolved) saying 'I am running to the Church', then the name of the Church of which e is a member, then 'and I hold the Altar by the Horns for' followed by the name of the player e is saving. This is called granting Sanctuary Of Salvation.

{{ renumber rule 1307 to rule 1306.1 }}
{{ Delete all paragraphs of rule 1306.1 except for the first. }}

{{ renumber rule 1307.1 to 1306.2 }}
{{ Remove all sentances except the first. Remove the world Black from the first sentance.

{{[ the rest of these are slight changes to make the rules consistant on the shape of the earth and on what happens when conditions are achieved.
{{ Replace the final paragraph of rule 1319 with the following HEMI delimited text.
If the earth should ever become hemisphereical, all occurances of the word 'flat' in rule 1306.1 shall be replaced with 'hemispherical'. If the earth should ever become spherical, all occurances of the word 'hemispherical' shall be replaced by the word 'round' and rules 1319, 1319.1, and 1319.2 shall be repealled.
{{[ the wording of 1319.1 has a few typos in it. I am tempted to fix them here, but doubt that this would pass if I do, so I'll wait on that until after seing whether or not this passes or fails
{{ Append the following FLAT delimited paragraph to the end of rule 1319.1
If every both hemispheres are severed, all occurances of the words 'round' or 'hemispherical' in rule 1306.1 shall be replaces with the word 'flat' and rules 1319, 1319.1 and 1319.2 shall be repealled.
{{ Amend rule 1319.2 changing all references of 1307 to 1306.1 }}

Proposal 2930 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:21 EDT
Never mess with the Harf
Ayla (Raquel Peres da Silva)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest Proposal

Ammend rule 1136 by replacing the following QUOTE text:

if a player sees a message from their target that contains the associated target word

with the following MAIN text:

if a player sees a message from their target that contains the associated target word in the main text, not in any quoted text

[I don't know if someone has ever done that, but it seems to me that the current rule allows anyone to find eir target word in the quoted text of a message.]

Ammend rule 1136/1 by inserting the following CONSEQUENCES text after the 4th paragraph:

If the President replied "Orange devil, wear sandals!" then that player will give 5 points, or 1% of eir score (rounded up) at the time e sent eir message, whichever is less, to eir target player.

[I sort of stole the formula of Slakko's proposal 2901: I hope e doesn't mind. :-)]

Proposal 2931 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:22 EDT
A Preponderance of Hearings.
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted

[There are a large number of different Hearings which are designed to be Harfy. Each Hearing seems to have its own set of Verdicts. The crucial point, however, is that the verdicts are not what really makes the Hearing harfy - it is the circumstances surrounding the hearing (e.g. a witchhunt, hogging the harf, etc). The different verdicts, and the repetition of other aspects of the Hearing which are common across multiple hearings, clog up the ruleset with redundant guff. A single Rule which multiple Hearings can refer to would be useful.

Besides, most Counts Tabula have trouble keeping track of all the different possible verdicts. Here I have replaced 16 verdicts with just 2 - Harfy and Unharfy.]

Create a new Rule, numbered 361, and entitled "Generic Harfy Hearing", with the following NEW-delimited text:

A Harfy Hearing is a type of Hearing. It may only be called as specified by the Rules. The Hearing Harfer for a Harfy Hearing is always the player who sent the public message instigating the Hearing. Valid verdicts for a Harfy Hearing are "Harfy" and "Unharfy". The effects of a particular verdict are those defined by the Rule by which the Harfy Hearing was called.

[The Harfy verdict should be used when the player whose actions are questioned performed them in a Harfy way, and so they are not penalised. Examples: The Harfmeister not hogging the harf, a Witchhunt not being justified. The Unharfy verdict is the one to penalise the player whose actions were questioned, e.g. it includes the old BURN THE WITCH!]

Amend Rule 909, "Steel Flea", by replacing the fourth paragraph with the following URSULA-delimited text:

If any other voting player believes that this message is fake, not clever or witty enough for the nanotech Phoebe, e may call a Harfy Hearing to determine the message's authenticity. If the verdict is Unharfy, then the Player did not accurately report what Phoebe said, and e loses 12 points [the 6 awarded previously and 6 penalty for keeping true wisdom hidden.] Only one Harfy Hearing can be called per report, and must be called within 3 days of the wisdom being posted.

Amend Rule 915, "Prosthetic Foreheads", by amending the third paragraph to read, in its entirety, as delimited by TOPPY below:

A Forehead Tribunal is a Harfy Hearing. A "Harfy" verdict results in the player who called the Hearing forfeiting A$5 to the Treasury. An "Unharfy" verdict results in the offending Prosthetic Forehead being destroyed, and the player who described it losing 2 points.

Amend Rule 1112, "Let there be Harf!" by changing the last paragraph to read as delimited by HARFHOG below:

If any voting player feels the Harfmeister is hogging the Harf, either by not designating proposals Harfy or by not designating players Funky and Stylish, they may start an Inquisition, which is a Harfy Hearing. On a verdict of "Unharfy", the Harfmeister must go to eir home if legally able to. In such a case, the player who called for the Inquisition becomes Harfmeister.

Amend Rule 1123, "snowgod's Disease", to read as delimited by FRINGE below:

A horrible epidemic, "snowgod's Disease", exists in Acka. Its sufferers send private messages to the public forum, usually exposing scams, coups and loophole surfing. Action must be taken for Acka's sake!

Whenever a player believes another has snowgod's Disease, e may call a Public Health Emergency (or PHE) as a public action. A PHE is a Harfy Hearing.

If the verdict is Unharfy, then the player the PHE was called against has snowgod's Disease until the end of that calendar month. The player calling the Hearing shall publicly post, within seven days, the treatment suggested to cure the victim of snowgod's Disease. This treatment is not legally binding.

No player may have more than one PHE called against em in a calendar month. [Just too silly otherwise]

[A concise rewording of snowgod's Disease, maintaining the harfy nature of the rule while trimming the fat and making it a Harfy Hearing to save on verdicts.]

Amend Rule 1125 by replacing the first instance of the word "Hearing" with the noun phrase "Harfy Hearing", by deleting the third paragraph, by replacing "verdict is the latter ('hottest') decision" with "verdict is Harfy", and by replacing "verdict is the former ('inane') decision" with "verdict is Unharfy".

[This makes the CPPIA into a Harfy Hearing - see, we saved a whole paragraph here! :-)]

[Rule 1211 is not amended because it has a special clause - the player describing the Boon may not vote in the Hearing. It would therefore be a special case - it might be fixed at a later date.]

Amend Rule 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", by amending the third paragraph to read as delimited by EASTWICK below:

A Witchhunt is a Harfy Hearing. The Hearing Harfer for a Witchhunt may be called Witchfinder General while the Hearing is in session.

Amend Rule 1307 by replacing all instances of "'BURN THE WITCH!'" with "Harfy", and all instances of "'No! E said the earth is flat'" with "Unharfy".

Amend Rule 1308 by amending the second paragraph to read as delimited by DELIMIT below:

A BPH is a Harfy Hearing. The Hearing Harfer for a BPH may be called Grand High Pedant in Chief while the Hearing is in session.

Amend Rule 1317, "Codex of Kra", by replacing the third paragraph with the following HARFHEAR-delimited text:

If any player believes a translation posted by the AckaPhysicist in the last three days to be a forgery or inaccurate, they may call a Quackery Investigation, which is a Harfy Hearing, as a public action. If the verdict is Unharfy, then the AckaPhysicist is a quack in the case of this particular translation.

Proposal 2932 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:24 EDT
Tears In The River
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 910, "The Ackanomicon", as follows:

After the sentence "No player may visit The Vault of the Book more than once in a calendar month, or more than once in any given 14 day span." insert the sentence "No player may visit the Vault of the Book if another player has visited the Vault of the book in the past 24 hours."

Proposal 2933 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:25 EDT
Turn Your Face Away
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Create a new Rule, numbered 1155, named "Colours", with text as follows (delimited by LION):

The following colours are defined by the Rules:

alabaster; amber; aquamarine; azure; black; blue; brown; burgundy; carnelian; cerulean; chartreuse; crimson; cyan; emerald; fuchsia; gold; green; grey; indigo; lavender; magenta; maroon; mauve; murrey; ochre; orange; peach; pink; puce; purple; red; scarlet; sienna; silver; teal; turquoise; ultramarine; umber; vermilion; viridian; white; yellow;

In Rule 594.5, "Blueprint: Automatic Sculpture", replace the last sentence

Should the Mad Sculptor not publicly post such a description within three days of being selected, e shall lose one point and the description shall become "it is green".

with the following text(delimited by SAMITE):

Should the Mad Sculptor not publicly post such a description within three days of being selected, e shall lose one point and the description shall become "it is X", where X is one of the colours defined in Rule 1155.

Proposal 2934 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:26 EDT
Some of Them Are Old
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Warning contains: preterit

{{[ The preterit is the verbal past tense form, as opposed to the past participle. I.E. the preterit of "swim" is "swam" and "drink" is "drank"; the past participles are "swum" and "drunk" respectively. Remember, you drove me to this! ]}}

Create a new rule, numbered 1199, named "Frink", with text as follows (delimited by ENO):

When this Rule is created, a Hearing shall be called, with the Speaker as Hearing Harfer. The Hearing shall be on the subject of what the preterit of the word "frink" shall be.

The valid results for this Hearing are the following: "frank", "frinked", "frought", "knirf".

If the initial results of the Hearing are inconclusive, then another Hearing shall be called whose valid results shall consist of all the results which received the highest amount of votes. In addition, when the additional Hearing is called, the Hearing Harfer may add and other valid choices that have been submitted to em, at eir discretion; these choices must be single words. This process repeats until the result of the most recent Hearing is conclusive. This takes precedence over Rule 360 where necessary.

When there is a conclusive result as in the previous paragraph, then the word specified thereby is added to the Ackanomic Lexicon, game custom shall consider this word to be the proper preterit of "frink", and this Rule repeals itself.

Proposal 2935 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:27 EDT
Yes Virginia
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) on Sat 02 May 1998 01:00 EDT

There is a Voting Gnome.

The Voting Gnome is a unique, non-tradeable entity, named (you guessed it): The Voting Gnome. The Voting Gnome owns himself. He acts only as described in the Rules.

The word The in the name of The Voting Gnome (and only when in that name) is not considered to be an article for the purpose of determing the primitive form of names.

The Voting Gnome has a home. It is located on a Kaa of land at the extreme northern end of Ackanomic called the North Stick, on the far side of the Wilds. The home itself is a cozy building, with a 40 meter tower that looks suspiciously like a chimney. It is named The Voting Gnome's Workshop. Neither the North Stick nor the Voting Gnome's Workshop are common locations. Both the North Stick and the Voting Gnome's Workshop are owned by the Voting Gnome. Whenever the Voting Gnome's location is not otherwise specified, he is in his home.

On every August 28th, at exactly noon, the Voting Gnome visits the rest of Acka, bearing harf and good cheer. He returns home at midnight. August 28th, known as Gnomesday, is a Holiday, and a time of great happiness and jocularity for Acka. No player may be challenged to a Duel on Gnomesday. The reason for all this goodwill is that the Voting Gnome gives gifts to the players of Acka on this day. Exactly what gift depends on certain conditions, described below. No player receives more than one gift, if he qualifies for several then he receives only the first gift listed that he qualifies for.

I. If the player is in Gaol, he receives a Lump of Coal. Lumps of Coal are non-tradeable entities, and they are depressing. So long as a player owns a Lump of Coal, he may not participate in parades, and is instead represented by a cardboard cutout, with all attendant penalties. He may not chew the gumball. Furthermore, the description of his home is immediately changed to the sentence: A one room apartment with no window, cinder block walls, a plain wooden bench, and a pile of rags in one corner for a bed. This description may not be altered so long as the player owns a Lump of Coal.

A Lump of Coal is destroyed if the player who owns it is Enlightened, at which point that player ceases to be Enlightened. If a player is burned as a Heretic, or shot with any kind of laser, any Lump of Coal in his possession is destroyed. If a player is in possession of a Lump of Coal for a full 12 months, it is destroyed, and that player gains A$2500 (in diamonds).

II. If a player is on vacation, he receives a Silly Vacation Hat. Silly Vacation Hats are non-tradeable entities. Once a player returns from vacation, he has seven days to post a name and description for his hat. If he fails to do so, then at the end of the seven days the Hat in question is destroyed.

III. If a player is in the Wilds of Ackanomic, he receives a Rock to Wind a String Around.

IV. If a player is in his home, and his home has a tower, he receives a Bonus Vote. If this would give the player more Bonus Votes than he can legally own, he instead receives a Blue Cross Bonus. If the player already owns a Blue Cross Bonus, he instead receives the Purple Robes of Justice. If more than one player would qualify to receive the Purple Robes of Justice in this method, then one of them is randomly selected to receive it. The other players who qualified to receive the Purple Robes of Justice but did not receive them shall receive a Bronze Torch. If the player already owns a Bronze Torch, then he shall receive the Chartreuse Goose. If more than one player would qualify to receive the Chartreuse Goose in this manner, then one of them is randomly selected to receive it. Those players who qualified to receive the Chartreuse Goose but did not receive it shall receive a Chartreuse Goose Egg. If the player already owns a Chartreuse Goose Egg, then he shall instead receive the Huge Gaudily Wrapped Present. If more than one player qualifies to receive the Huge Gaudily Wrapped Present, none of them receive it, and they all receive A$1 instead.

The Huge Gaudily Wrapped Present is a unique tradeable entity, if at any time it is not owned by a player is is Somewhere Else. It is never in the Treasury. A player who owns the Huge Gaudily Wrapped Present may open it at any time as a public action. When he does so, one of two events occurs, exactly which one is determined randomly. He either: 1) Receives two pairs of dress pants; or, 2) Achieves a Winning Condition. In either case, the player ceases to own the Huge Gaudily Wrapped Present.

V. If a player is in his home, but his home does not have a tower attached to it, then he receives a Santa's Beard.

VI. If a player is at the Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication he receives a Boon of the Ancients, provided he has been there for at least three days.

If a player does not meet any of the above qualifications, he receives a pair of dress pants. Pairs of dress pants are Garments.

This Rule takes precedence over all Rules numbered 200 or lower.

{{[Sort of the Ackanomicon meets the Crystal Chalice. If anyone knows where I get this stuff from, LOCK THE DOOR. If this passes, everyone should feel free to add their own gifts and conditions.]}}

{{Renumber this Rule to 975}}

Proposal 2936 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:29 EDT
Herd mentality
Pandora (David Kenning)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)

Amend Rule 106/15 to include the following HERD delimited text as a new paragraph in between the current first and second paragraphs:

Upon counting the votes, all BAA! votes shall be converted into either Yes or No votes as follows: if there are more Yes than No votes, BAA! votes shall be converted into Yes votes; if there are more No than Yes votes, BAA! votes shall be converted into No votes. BAA! votes thus converted shall count towards deciding whether the proposal is accepted or rejected as if they had been regular Yes or No votes.

[if I've got this right, it effectively means voting BAA! amounts to saying 'I think the same as everyone else', which gives what I consider to be an appropriate significance to BAA! votes]

[I hope my debut proposal has been as much pleasure for everyone else as it has for me]

Proposal 2937 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:30 EDT
The Stocks
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

Create a new rule numbered 708 entitled "To the Stocks" and reading as follows delimited by "ROTTEN-EGG"

There exists the location of the Ackanomic Town Square (square) It is a common location, and it occupies four kaas of land. Located in the square are several sets of stocks. Whenever a player is sentenced to a sentence in the stocks they are transported to the square and considered to be "in the stocks" for the duration of the sentence.

Whenever a player is in the stocks they are treated as if they were in gaol except for the following differences:

1. There is no limit on the number of public messages they may post in a day due to the greater ease with which someone in the stocks may communicate.

2. A player in the stocks may give any gift entities to another player [not organisation], provided the other player is in the Ackanomic Town Square.

Any player may release any other player from the stocks providing they are in the square and not in the stocks. To do so however is the crime of aiding and abetting [It is considered good form for any CFCJs with a TRUE verdict on this crime to give as a penalty a time in the stocks]. If a player is released from the stocks then their sentence is considered to have ended.

There exists a unique unownable entity called "Cut-me-own-Throat Dibbler" [Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures, page 15] (Dibbler). Entities owned by Dibbler are not considered to be in the Treasury. Any player who is in the square but not in he stocks may purchase any of Dibbler's merchandise for the prices indicated below:

Miscellaneous Vegetables: A$3
Tomato: A$5
Rotten Egg: A$10

Any merchandise purchased from Dibbler must immediately (i.e. in the same message) be thrown at a player in the stocks, otherwise it will decompose (due to it's low quality).

Any player in the stocks who has had anything thrown at them may be ridiculed with immunity to the politeness moon (within reason). In addition, for each item thrown at a player there is a chance that that player becomes ill. The odds are 1 in 20 for miscellaneous vegetables, 1 in 10 for tomatoes and 1 in 5 for rotten eggs. If a player becomes ill in this way then upon their sentence in the stocks ending they are transferred to the hospital where they must remain for three days.

At the end of every month Dibbler has all his money confiscated for selling bad quality goods and this is transferred to a random active player "for bringing this man's dreadful merchandise to the state's attention".

Create a new rule called "The Ackanomic Hospital" with the text as delimited by KING_SYNDROME

The Ackanomic Hospital is a common location and a cosy building. Whenever a player is ill and in the hospital they are encouraged to groan in any public messages .

Modify rule 1123 by appending the following LUNATIC delimited text to the end:

In addition, whenever a player is found to have snowgod's disease they are transported to the Ackanomic Hospital where they must remain for three days whilst they are recovering from their illness.

Modify rule 709 by replacing the following BORING delimited text with the following BRAND_NEW delimited text:

If a player has been selected to judge a CFJ and has not yet accepted or declined the appointment when e enters the Gaol, e is considered to have declined the appointment as judge.

If a player has been selected to judge a CFJ and has not yet delivered the verdict, e is considered to have declined the appointment as judge and the Clerk of the Courts must select a new judge.

Proposal 2938 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:31 EDT
Theatre Monkeys
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify section VII of rule 34o to read:

"VII. Alphabetical ordering shall be determined by a word-by-word comparison, each word compared letter-by-letter. For these purposes: A word is considered to be delimited by whitespace; an initial word 'The' or 'the' is ignored; a single string of digits is considered equivalent to a letter; digital 'letters' precede alphabetical letters; accented letters come immediately after the unaccented form of the letter; and non-alphanumeric characters are ignored (excluding whitespace used for the purpose of delimiting words, which counts only for this purpose); and case is ignored. All else failing, two words that are otherwise equivalent shall be sorted in ASCII collation order.

{{The Gingham Wearer loses two points. Alfvaen gains two points. [He reminded me about the need to do this.]}}

Proposal 2939 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 08:32 EDT
It seems a bit cheap to me
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Status: retracted

This is a modest proposal. [No change there then]

[Oh yeah, and a note to breadbox, this is a chess proposal]

Modify rule 1230.2 section 7 to read as follows:

"7. Check and Checkmate

A Swinger is in Check when his King is attacked by one or more opposing pieces. No Swinger may make a play that would cause him or her to be in Check at the end of his or her turn. It is possible that the only move that will satisfy this condition is a Surrender. It is the responsibility of the Chess-Umpire to identify states of Check and alert the Swingers that such a state exists, and let the Swingers know whose King is being attacked.

A Swinger is in Checkmate if e is in Check and there are no single (i.e. one atomic play) moves or captures the Swinger can make which would result in em not being in check after the move or capture. If a Swinger is in Checkmate then e automatically makes a default play of Surrender."

[It seems a bit cheap to me that it is possible to get out of a check merely by placing a piece in the way. This is possibly the first in a long line of proposals from me to make party chess have slightly more in common with normal chess, i.e. make similar tactics apply to both (I don't think they do at the moment).]

Proposal 2940 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 09:59 EDT
It was Funny the First Time
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

I. Amend Proposal 2651 by replacing the first of the two occurrences of the paragraph which reads:

Any voting player (including the Mad Scientist) has the option of digging up and delivering one valid Frankenstein Part to the Mad Scientist, once per calendar week.

with the following paragraph:

Any voting player (including the Mad Scientist) has the option of digging up and delivering a Frankenstein Part to the Mad Scientist, once per calendar week.

II. Change the authorship of Proposal 2891 to K 2 (Kelly Kelly).

III. Append the following paragraph to Rule 104 ("Proposals"):

Once a proposal has been properly distributed, none of its text may be altered; likewise, its authorship and time of distribution cannot be changed.

{{[The information in the Proposal Archive needs to remain accurate.]}}

Proposal 2941 - Sat 25 Apr 1998 10:52 EDT
Thanks But No Thanks
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Repeal Rule 2888 "The Bolivian Navy on Maneuvers in the South Pacific"

Proposal 2942 - Sun 26 Apr 1998 10:40 EDT
Hmmm Quick Fix
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

[You can currently have two moves followed by a placement, but not two moves without a following placement. How stupid is that?]

Amend Rule 1230.2 by replacing the sentence delimited by COMPLEX below:

A Swinger whose Weight is non-zero and less than 50, and has four or fewer on-board pieces may make a Play composed of k Moves followed by a single Placement, or one Move followed by k Placements, or any other single Atomic Play, where k is equal to one or two.

with the following FLEXIBLE-delimited text:

A Swinger whose Weight is non-zero and less than 50, and has four or fewer on-board pieces may make a Play composed of k Moves followed by l Placements, where k and l are each at most two, and sum to at most three.

Proposal 2943 - Sun 26 Apr 1998 10:41 EDT
Look but don't touch
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Create a new rule as a member of the otzma card rule suite titled "Otzma Card of type Lay Off!" reading as follows:

"This card may only be played in the public forum.

In order to play this card the owner must unambiguously specify any single gadget. For the next week (i.e. 168 hours) any attempt to use a scroll of crumble on that gadget will fail. The scroll will still be destroyed however.

At any given time there may be at most 7 cards of this type. Lay Off! cards have an F designation of Normal."

Proposal 2944 - Sun 26 Apr 1998 10:42 EDT
More Repeal
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

All otzma cards of type untouch me are converted to A$5. Repeal rule 1240.5.

{{[I've yet to see one of these used, and I can't really see them ever being used. Duels are fun.]}}

Proposal 2945 - Sun 26 Apr 1998 10:43 EDT
Party Chess Piece Guard
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Create a new rule as a member of the party chess rule suite titled "Party Chess Piece Guard" reading as follows:

"A guard is a piece with a material value of 7.

It is represented by the character +.

A guard cannot be captured by an archer or a kamikaze [due to special training]. If there are no enemy pieces which are attacking it then it will also be able to protect any friendly pieces orthogonally adjacent to it, which means that any such pieces also may not be captured by an archer or a kamikaze.

A guard may move up to three squares in any orthogonal direction or up to two squares in any diagonal direction."

Proposal 2946 - Sun 26 Apr 1998 10:44 EDT
Beldin's repeal
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 910 'The Ackanomicon' to remove the following GONE delimited text
The Secret (1 page): This page contains the great, unutterable Secret. The reader of this page may amend the rule Beldin's Pants as if he were Beldin's Tailor. He may only do so once, and he has only 72 hours after it becomes publicly knowable that he has read this page to do so. Doing so, however, will cost the player the Standard Harfer Fee, he may only do so once.

Repeal rule 939 "Beldin's Tailor".
Repeal rule 940 "Beldin's Pants".

Proposal 2947 - Sun 26 Apr 1998 10:45 EDT
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

[This rule provides a scoring system for BAA! votes, slightly different from other votes, but hopefully not so different as to completely ruin the Scorekeeper's day.]

Amend Rule 207 by inserting the following SHEEPISH-delimited text immediately before "A proposal can only be declared to be Modest or Grandiose as defined by the Rules."

A player who votes BAA! on a proposal shall receive (n-p) points, where n is the number of points that could be earned by anti-voting on that proposal, and p is the total number of players who voted BAA! on that proposal.

However, if exactly one player votes PRESENT on a proposal, all points (positive or negative) which would have been given to players who voted BAA! as a result of the preceding paragraph are instead given to the player who voted PRESENT, who is then known as the Shepherd. The players who voted BAA! do not have their score changed as a result of their votes in such a case.

Proposal 2948 - Mon 27 Apr 1998 13:33 EDT
I still don't think it's right
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal [and a chess proposal (not that it will matter because Slakko has said that e doesn't like it)].

Modify rule 1230.2 section 7. to read:

"7. Check and Checkmate

A Swinger is in Check when his King is attacked by one or more pieces owned by a Swinger whose King is on-board. No Swinger may make a play that would cause him or her to be in Check at the end of his or her turn. It is possible that the only move that will satisfy this condition is a Surrender. It is the responsibility of the Chess-Umpire to identify states of Check and alert the Swingers that such a state exists, and let the Swingers know whose King is being attacked.

A Swinger is in Checkmate if e is in Check and there are no single atomic plays of type Move, Capture or Special which would cause the swinger not to be in Check. If a Swinger is in Checkmate then e automatically makes a default play of Surrender."

Proposal 2949 - Mon 27 Apr 1998 13:34 EDT
It Ain't What You Do, It's The Way That You Do It
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 961, "Curse of the B-Ack", as follows:

Replace the last sentence of the second paragraph

Therefore, each day that a player is in the Wilds of Ackanomia and posts a public message, there is a 40% chance that the B-Ack will hear the player and chase em for the rest of eir stay in the wilds.

with the following(delimited by BANANARAMA):

Therefore, each day that a player is in the Wilds of Ackanomia and posts a public message, there is a 10% chance that the B-Ack will hear the player and chase em for the rest of eir stay in the wilds; the Map-Harfer shall be responsible for determining whether or not this occurs.

{{[ As OiCoRT, I'm tired of doing the B-Ack, and 40% seems too high a number to me, too. ]}}

Proposal 2950 - Mon 27 Apr 1998 13:35 EDT
Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 600, "Winning Conditions", to insert "Rule 603," between "Rule 601, " and "Rule 620,".

Amend Rule 603, "Winning by Points", as follows:

Replace the fourth paragraph

If exactly one voting player has a number of points equal to or greater than the Magic Number, that player has achieved a Winning Condition. [See Rule 600 for the effects of achieving a Winning Condition.]

with the following text(delimited by BLUR):

If a voting player has a number of points equal to or greater than the Magic Number, and that player is the first one to have done so in the current Cycle, then that player has achieved a Winning Condition. In addition to the process outlined in Rule 600, it is also possible for a player(other than the Scorekeeper) to win the Cycle if the Scorekeeper declares em to have satisfied the above condition. If no player objects to the Scorekeeper's announcement within three days, then the above-mentioned player wins the Cycle. (Otherwise, the player may still resort to CWCFJ as outlined in Rule 600.)

In the fifth paragraph replace the text "win the cycle" with "achieve a Winning Condition". {{[ Or has this already been done? ]}}

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