Proposal Archive (2851-2900)

Proposal 2851 - Tue 07 Apr 1998 10:11 EDT
Is it really all that important?
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal

Modify rule 1230.2 by inserting the following SHORT delimited text immediately after:

"Any other Swinger may make a Play composed of one Move, followed by one Placement, or any other single Atomic Play."

If a swinger attempts a play of one or more placements followed by one or more moves and the state of the board if such a play were legal would be exactly the same as if the swinger had attempted the same move(s) followed by the same placement(s) then the move attempted shall be considered to be the move(s) followed by the placement(s).

{{[Basically, if a swinger gets eir play the wrong way round but it makes no difference then it can be accepted.]}}

Proposal 2852 - Tue 07 Apr 1998 10:12 EDT
A Couple of Legal Fixes
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[There's a nice big loophole in the Caped Crusader elimination rules - if I had wanted to I could have had K 2 thrown out of the job. Let's close that loophole.]}}

Amend Rule 705, "The Caped Crusader", by replacing the following LOOPY-delimited text:

If 7 consecutive CFCJs are filed by players other than the Caped Crusader or the Boy Wonder, the Caped Crusader is removed from office upon any player pointing this fact out.

with the following SANE-delimited text:

If neither the Caped Crusader nor the Boy Wonder filed any of the seven most recently filed CFCJs, all of which were filed since the Caped Crusader last gained the Office of Caped Crusader, then the Caped Crusader is removed from office upon any player pointing this fact out.

{{[Also, a quick clarification on Bronze Torch counts.]}}

Amend Rule 907, "Bronze Torch", by replacing the following IFFY-delimited text:

Once a player has delivered a total of 15 verdicts on CFJs, CFCJs, or as part of (or all of) the Supreme Court, they are eligible for a Bronze Torch. Verdicts which have been overturned do not count towards this total, nor do any verdicts other than True or False. A verdict which is upheld by the Supreme Court counts both for the original Judge and for the Justices of the Court (assuming it is True or False).

with the following NOWFIXED-delimited text:

Once a player has delivered a total of 15 verdicts on CFJs, CFCJs, or as part of (or all of) the Supreme Court or a Cortex thereof, they are eligible for a Bronze Torch. Verdicts which have been overturned do not count towards this total, nor do any verdicts other than True or False. A verdict which is upheld on an appeal counts for all Judges which have issued the same official verdict on that CFJ, including first round Judges and members of a Cortex which heard a first appeal when possible.

Proposal 2853 - Tue 07 Apr 1998 21:46 EDT
I'll Bet You Saw This Coming
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Illusion (Andrew Stefanski) on Wed 08 Apr 1998 12:42 EDT

Amend the text of rule 106 by replacing the following FREETHINKING delmited text

Voting Players may vote either YES, NO, or PRESENT on each proposal

with the following HERD-MENTALITY delimited text

Voting Players may vote either YES, NO, BAA! or PRESENT on each proposal


Additionally, amend rule 313 by replacing the following BEEF delimited text

A. Casting a YES, NO, or PRESENT vote by rule 106.

with the following MUTTON delimited text

A. Casting a legal vote as defined by rule 106.


{{[You will note that, while this adds a new vote, presently a BAA! vote is functionally equivalent to a PRESENT vote.]}}

Proposal 2854 - Wed 08 Apr 1998 22:14 EDT
No Crazy French-Scottsmen here
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

Modify rule 313, section V, sub-section C by replacing the following SCOTS delimited text

C. When the voting results for a proposal containing an invalid Bribe are posted, the author of that proposal loses 15 points, and no other rules that generate score changes or other effects when a proposal is rejected trigger any effects for that proposal; this takes precedence over any such rules.

with the following NO-SCOTS delimited text

C. When the voting results for a proposal containing an invalid Bribe are posted, the author of that proposal loses 15 points if e is not a new player (as defined by being a player for less then 3 weeks). If e is a new player, e loses 0 points. No other rules which generate score changes or other effects when a proposal is rejected trigger any effects for that proposal; this takes precedence over any such rules.

Proposal 2855 - Wed 08 Apr 1998 22:15 EDT
Radical Repeal (Redux)
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

Repeal rule 101

{{[ While I cannot make this an official bribe, I can state that I will give (as a public action after voting results are published) A$5 to all players who vote either PRESENT or NO on this proposal as long as no player votes YES on it and as long as quorum is reached. If you are curious as to why I'm doing this, ask me privately since I don't want to publically spoil the fun :) While I am aware that this note isn't binding, I am an honorable person. ]}}

Proposal 2856 - Wed 08 Apr 1998 22:16 EDT
With Clearly Defined Boundaries
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 1136, "Harf the Mail!" to read as delimited by ANTISCAM below:

The President shall keep the List of Harf. Within seven days of Presidential voting results becoming publicly knowable, all players, excluding the President, may send a private message to the President with two things. The name of a player, who is neither themselves or the President, called their target, and a word with at least 7 letters, called the target word. This target and associated target word will be recorded under that player's entry in a new List-of-Harf by the President. No player may submit more than one entry to the List-of-Harf during any individual Presidential Term of Office.

If Proposal 2821 was accepted, append the following JT-delimited text to the first paragraph of Rule 1136:

A new player who joins Ackanomic when a Presidential election is not in progress may submit an entry for the List of Harf as if the last Presidential election results had become publicly knowable at the instant that they joined Ackanomic.

{{[This rule is in need of some language tightening to force certain interpretations rather than others - it would be quite prone to CFJ otherwise.]}}

Proposal 2857 - Wed 08 Apr 1998 22:18 EDT
Oranizational Disbanding
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

{{[I believe this allows at least VSOs to disband, something which recently came up in a CFJ. It also allows other organizations to disband, but I suspect that something special might need to be done to handle some various other special cases for Churches or Parties that I might hav missed. If there are, I suspect there will quickly be amendments to this rule to fix any such problems. I believe this will now also not have the previously objected to problem (thanks Niccolo).]}}

Amend rule 1003 Section 2 as follows
replace the following CURRENT delimited text
The rules may call for the disbandment of an Organization. When an Organization is disbanded, everything owned by the Organization is transferred to the Treasury and the Organization is then no more.

with the following NEW delimited text
The rules may call for the disbandment of an Organization.

Unless the rules for a specific type of organization specify another way for disbanding, then Disbanding an organization is allowed as a public action.

When an Organization is disbanded, everything owned by the Organization is transferred to the Treasury, all members of the Organization are no longer considered to be members of the Organization with any attendant effects [such as Swinger/Party Hall], and the Organization is then no more.

Proposal 2858 - Wed 08 Apr 1998 23:21 EDT
Comments aren't silly enough
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[IMO including the silly phrase in a comment violates the spirit of the rule. I see this as a challenge to get players to include strange phrases in their proposals while still making the proposals coherent enough that they will pass; this should make that somewhat easier]}}

Amend rule 207.1 by replacing the text ", then" in the first paragraph with the text " and the phrase is not part of a comment, then"

{{[Text of first paragraph if silly phrase isn't changed:

If an accepted proposal contains the phrase "said the Tensor" and the phrase is not part of a comment, then the player who submitted the proposal is said to be silly, and shall score 5 points. However, if the proposal was also distributed by the Promoter on April First (All Fool's Day), the player is instead said to be foolish, and shall score 10 points.]}}

Proposal 2859 - Wed 08 Apr 1998 23:22 EDT
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: rejected

Create a rule, numbered 1167 and titled "Flavor enhancement", with the following text, delimited by ALLERGY:


Any non-trinket entity whose name consists of the letters "M", "S" and "G" and zero or more other letters contains monosodium glutamate. No other entities contain monosodium glutamate.

Any non-trinket entity whose name consists of the letters "F", "R", "O" and "G" and zero or more other letters is a Frog. No other entities are Frogs.

Frogs need a monosodium glutamate. Therefore, if any player possesses an entity which contains monosodium glutamate, and at least two Frogs, that player recieves a trinket known as "Baby Frog #N", where N is replaced with the lowest integer greater than -3976 such that the name of the trinket is unique. The value of this trinket is A$10; these Ackadollars are not created, but instead are taken from those which had previously existed in the treasury.

No player may recieve a trinket from the operation of this rule more than once per calendar month, nor may any player recieve more than one trinket in this manner in any 14-day period.


Proposal 2860 - Thu 09 Apr 1998 19:02 EDT
We've Created a Monster!
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[The Winning Condition language in Rule 600 does not have sufficient precedence to override the win a Cycle terminology in Rule 597 - so someone could still gain an immediate win via the Angry Villager method, unlikely as it is. This just changes that language into Winning Condition form so that an Angry Villager has to go through a Cycle Win CFJ just like anyone else.]

Amend Rule 597 by replacing all instances of "win the current cycle" with "achieve a Winning Condition".

[And to be on the safe side to ensure it doesn't happen again:]

Append the following COVER-delimited text to Rule 600:

This rule takes precedence over all rules which mention winning a cycle where there is a conflict.

Proposal 2861 - Thu 09 Apr 1998 19:03 EDT
Another Crime Bites the Dust
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Repeal rule 719 (Zuriti'ili).

{{Subtract 2 points from The Gingham Wearer's score. Add 2 points to ThinMan's score [It was his idea. :-)]}}

Proposal 2862 - Thu 09 Apr 1998 19:04 EDT
Let Crime go Unpunished
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Repeal rule 705 (Caped Crusader).
Repeal rule 947 (The Chartreuse Cape)

{{[This has caused a few problems with the Caped Crusader filing CFCJs when they aren't needed. If one is needed (and quite often when one isn't) someone will pay for it. See CFCJs 159 and 148 for more on this.]}}

Proposal 2863 - Thu 09 Apr 1998 19:05 EDT
Just for a laugh
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Add the following to the literature list:

"Work: The Rules of Ackanomic; including all rule suites (only the current version)"

{{[Self Referential? Not really. I'm just curious as to how far the potato paradox will extend, will you be able to get points for quoting the rules of Ackanomic when you are in fact changing them? Oh, and I promise this isn't intended as a scam or fodder for a PWCFJ, I just thought it would be fun.]}}

Proposal 2864 - Fri 10 Apr 1998 06:12 EDT
The Blood Of A Revolution
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: rejected

Between the 10th and 20th of January of each year, the Senate must put forward an abridged version of the rules of Ackanomic, excluding suites, such that this version contains only, each in whole, existing rules. It will be called the Manifesto. However, the total number of characters in the Manifesto may not exceed 100'000.

If no Manifesto exists on the 21st of January, the original rule set of Ackanomic will be considered the Manifesto.

On the 22nd of January, at 23:59 EST, the Manifesto will become the new rule set of Ackanomic, while the previous one will repeal itself at the exact same moment in time.

{{[ When you build a sand castle on the beach, it is sad to see it destroyed by the waves later in the day. However, there is comfort in the knowledge that from the experience, the next sandcastle will be even better. What I am proposing is drastic. It's aweful. It's crazy. It's... worth considering. I would be as frantic as anyone else when the rules get slashed. ]}}

{{[ For those who do not know, the 22nd-23rd of January is Ackanomic's birthday ]}}

Proposal 2865 - Fri 10 Apr 1998 06:14 EDT
The Deaf Leading The Mute
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 254, "Player States", as follows:

Replace the last paragraph
Any voting player may become a non-voting player by posting publicly that they are doing so; at the moment of this announcement, all their existing votes on proposals whose results have not yet been released are cancelled; they are treated as having declined judgement on all CFJ's they have been selected to judge but not yet accepted or declined, and treated as having failed to return a verdict on any they have accepted, and they are removed from all offices non-voting players cannot hold, and removed from the list of candidates in any Election or Nomination for an office non-voting players cannot hold.

with the following text(delimited by KELLER):

Any voting player may become a non-voting player by posting publicly that they are doing so. At the moment of this announcement, the following occurs:

1. All eir existing votes on proposals whose results have not yet been released are cancelled.

2. E is treated as having declined judgement on all CFJs that have been assigned to em. This includes those for which the three-day limit for declining has passed; no deadbeat penalty is assigned, and the CFJ does not go to the Praetor but is randomly assigned as in Rule 212.

E is treated as having declined judgement on all CFJ's e has been selected to judge but not yet accepted or declined, and treated as having failed to return a verdict on any they have accepted.

3. E is removed from all offices non-voting players cannot hold, and removed from the list of candidates in any Election or Nomination for an office non-voting players cannot hold.

4. E is removed from the mentor pool.

{{[ The thing I really want here is to get non-voting players out of the mentor pool, and updating the reference to accepting and declining CFJ's. The rest is just fixing the paragraph so it's less of a run-on sentence. ]}}

{{[ We always call it the mentor pool, so why not make it consistent? ]}}

In Rule 252, "Joining the Game", replace the text "volunteer pool" with "mentor pool".

Amend Rule 253, "Mentors", as follows:

Replace the second paragraph

It is the duty of the Registrar to maintain a list of players who are in the volunteer pool. If there are not enough players in the volunteer pool to assign a mentor for each new player, the Registrar may randomly select a player from the general population.

with the following text(delimited by RUBY):

It is the duty of the Registrar to maintain a list of players who are in the mentor pool. Any Acting player may place emself in the mentor pool or remove emself therefrom. If there are not enough players in the mentor pool to assign a mentor for each new player, the Registrar may randomly select a player from the general population. A player who is currently serving as mentor to a new player is not considered to be in the mentor pool while so serving.

Delete the last sentence(which I just put at the end of the above paragraph). {{[ What was I thinking to just stick it on the end like that? ]}}

Proposal 2866 - Fri 10 Apr 1998 06:16 EDT
Hey! I Ordered A Cheeseburger!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 1350, "La Luna", by inserting the following text(delimited by MALL)before the last paragraph:


A moon is considered to be "full" if all members of any Political Party is on that moon. When a moon is full, no other players may move to that moon; this takes precedence over any rule which may state otherwise.


Proposal 2867 - Fri 10 Apr 1998 06:17 EDT
Forest for the Trees
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Add the following entries to the Literature List:

Artist: Phoebe the Steel Flea ; oldest known resident of Ackanomic
Work: The Codex of Kra ; as translated

Proposal 2868 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 07:13 EDT
Fictionary Dictionary Fixtionary
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Aims: To allow words not in the Official Word Dictionaries to be used in Fictionary, provided they appear in Fictionary's Official Definition Dictionaries. Also, to include the latest version of Webster's, available at as an Official Definition Dictionary. We already have the 1913 edition of Websters accessible - let's update while we're at it.]

Amend Rule 1250.3, "General Equipment", by replacing the OLDDICT-delimited text below:

IV. Definition Lookup Dictionaries
a) URL:
b) URL:

with the NEWDICT-delimited text below:

IV. Definition Lookup Dictionaries
a) URL:
b) URL:
c) URL:

Amend Rule 1250.10, "Fictionary", by replacing the RESTRICT-delimited text below:

1) The Brainiac shall choose a word (known as the "Ing Word" for that round) from the Official Dictionary, whose definition is available in one of the Definition Lookup Dictionaries (Dictionaries), and publically post the word.

with the FREE-delimited text below:

1) The Brainiac shall choose a word whose definition is available in one of the Definition Lookup Dictionaries (Dictionaries), and publically post the word.

Append the following quote-delimited text to Rule 1250.10:

"{{Any games of Fictionary running at the time the Proposal adding this text to this rule was adopted now run according to the updated version of the rules and General Equipment.}}"

[I see no reason to wait until Game 4 of Fictionary to be able to use the changes introduced here.]

Proposal 2869 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 07:15 EDT
By The Power Of The Golden Frog
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: rejected

{{ This is a modest proposal.

The Markovian Dream is renamed to the Reincarnated Markovian Dream. Calvin N Hobbes will become its founder }}

Proposal 2870 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 07:17 EDT
Alfvaen's Suggestion Noted
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

[This proposal introduces a way to deal with frivolous Cycle Wins.]

Create a Rule, numbered 621, entitled "The Looking Glass Cake", with the following JOEJ-delimited text:

There exists a unique non-tradeable entity called the Looking Glass Cake.
{{The Looking Glass Cake is Somewhere Else.}}
Despite being called a Cake, it is not edible, firstly because its molecules are the wrong handedness to be digested (being a looking glass cake), and secondly because it contains monosodium glutamate in toxic concentration.

If a player possesses the Looking Glass Cake, e may not submit a Cycle-Win CFJ. This paragraph takes precedence over all rules which specify when CFJs may be submitted where there is a conflict.

{{[Just to differentiate it from the Chartreuse Goose, a player who owns the Looking Glass Cake may still win by Paradox, but not by any other method.]}}

When it ceases to be legal to appeal a particular Cycle-Win CFJ, and the final verdict of that CFJ is FALSE, then the author of that CFJ shall receive the Looking Glass Cake from wherever it currently is. If they were already in possession of the Looking Glass Cake, they shall be placed in Contempt {{[for fraudulently trying to win a cycle two times running]}}.

{{["And now for something completely different. It's." - John Cleese and Michael Palin, Monty Python's Flying Circus]}}

There exists a unique tradeable entity called the Perfect Monomolecular Knife. {{The Perfect Monomolecular Knife is Somewhere Else.}} If a player is in possession of both the Looking Glass Cake and the Perfect Monomolecular Knife, then they may, as a public action, slice the cake to ribbons, transferring both the Looking Glass Cake and the Perfect Monomolecular Knife Somewhere Else.

Whenever the Perfect Monomolecular Knife is Somewhere Else, a player may pay A$200 to the Treasury to receive the Perfect Monomolecular Knife as a Public Action.

A player who owns the Looking Glass Cake may pay A$400 to hold a party, provided they also possess Right Handed Grapefruit Juice. Holding a party is a public action which automatically leads to the player frinking the Juice. The only game effect of the party is to send the Looking Glass Cake Somewhere Else.

{{Slakko loses 3 points, Joe Java gains 3 points.}}
{{[I am indebted to Joe Java for providing the idea of looking glass cakes on the Internomic mailing list.]}}

Proposal 2871 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 07:20 EDT
Rule Suite CSR Custodians
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[My Blatant Grab for Power proposal from a while back gave me as Chess-Umpire the ability to CSR the Party Chess Rule Suite. Let's extend that privilege to other officers and appropriate Suites.]

Amend Rule 311, "Rule Suites", by appending the following VOTE-delimited text:

5) Each Rule Suite (being the collection of all rules X.Y for some fixed integer X which satisfy the above conditions) may have exactly one Office as its Custodian. It is a privilege of an Office to issue a CSR which only modifies rules in the Rule Suite or Rule Suites of which that Office is Custodian.

Append the following FOR-delimited text to Rule 594:
The Custodian of the Blueprint Rule Suite (the 594.Y rules) is the Inventor.

Append the following SLAKKO-delimited text to Rule 960:
VII. Custodianship
The DeeJay is Custodian of the Ackanomic Sound System Rule Suite (the 950.Y rules).

Append the following PRESIDENT-delimited text to Rule 1060:
6) Custodianship
The Ambassador is Custodian of the Transnomical Trade Pacts Rule Suite (the 1060.Y rules).

Append the following EIGHT-delimited text to Rule 1230:
The ChessUmpire is the Custodian of the Party Chess Rule Suite (the 1230.Y rules).

Append the following MORE-delimited text to Rule 1240:
The RuneMaker is the Custodian of the Otzma Card Rule Suite (the 1240.Y rules).

Amend Rule 1230.2 by deleting all instances of the following WEEKS-delimited text:
D. It is a Privilege of the Chess-Umpire to issue CSRs which only affect rules in the Party Chess Rule Suite.

Proposal 2872 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 07:21 EDT
Happy birthday to me
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

Every player of Ackanomic has a date which is considered to be their birthday. This date is the month and day of their joining Ackanomic or if that cannot be determined, then it shall be considered to be January 1. A player whos birthday is February 29 is considered to have their birthday on March 1 on the years that do not contain a February 29. Every year on their birthday, if the player is Active (and not Pending) at the time of their birthday, the player shall recieve A$50 from the Treasury. It is also good form for other players to give the player having the birthday small Trinkets as gifts, but is by no means required. If a player leaves Ackanomic and later rejoins, their birthday is still considered to be the date of their initial entry into the game of Ackanomic.

Proposal 2873 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 07:23 EDT
More bribery
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a Grandiose proposal.

{{[ This comes from the fact that I submitted an illegal bribe last week (trying to bribe people NOT to vote on something) and it certainly seems reasonable to allow bribes for other than YES votes. In practice bribes for other votes will not get used often, but I can see humorous uses for them, so I'm suggesting them. ]}}

Amend Rule 313 as follows.

Replace Section IV with the following REAL_BRIBERY delimited text

A. Bribes which violates any of the rules regarding Bribes are invalid.

B. A proposal may include a Bribe section, which must be in a separate paragraph in preface to the main text of the proposal in a proposal, beginning with the word "Bribe", a colon, the vote being bribed for, a comma, and the bribe. [as in "Bribe: YES, A$1"].

C. Each proposal may contain one and only one bribe section and the text of the bribe must be formatted as described above.

D. Bribes may only cause the transfer of tradeable entities from the author of the proposal to players who voted the way the Bribe specified on the proposal; a Bribe need not specify that the entities come from the author of the proposal, since it is assumed.

C. If a proposal does not specify a condition for receiving its Bribe, then every player who voted the appropriate way on the proposal is eligible to receive the Bribe. A Bribe may specify further conditions, and may offer different amounts to different players, or based on different conditions [I.e., extra bribes can be given to players whose parties generate unity votes], but any conditions in the Bribe must be determinable when the voting results are posted.

Proposal 2874 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 18:07 EDT
But how do you say it?
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

{{The Rule Harfer may as a public action renumber this rule to whatever e likes [It's only a temporary rule but if breadbox doesn't want to maintain a separate page of rules by hundreds then I don't see why e should]}}

As soon as possible after this rule is created the Count Tabula should call a hearing with valid response of:

"I know my Greek! And it's a short 'O'!"


"If Peter said it then it must be right!"

After the results of this hearing have been reported rule 101 shall be amended such that after the first word "Ackanomic" is inserted the text " (pronounced with a XXX O)" where XXX is replaced by "short" if the result of the hearing was "I know my Greek! And it's a short 'O'!" and replaced by "long" if the result of the hearing was "If Peter said it then it must be right!"

After rule 101 has been thus modified this rule shall repeal itself.

{{[There was some discussion on the nomic bulletin board recently about how to pronounce "nomic". Apparently its roots are from the Greek word nomos meaning (IIRC) law which is pronounced with a short "O". Peter Suber (the inventor of nomic), however claims that he pronounces it with a long "O". I thought we may as well codify it in Acka, at least.]}}

Proposal 2875 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 18:09 EDT
Try Again
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Repeal rule 206 (Keep 'em in the Game).

Proposal 2876 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 18:10 EDT
Feeling Saucy
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ I missed this when I created Rule it stands, if someone submits a CWCFJ, then anyone can still prevent them from winning by transferring the Goose to em _after_ the Winning Condition has been achieved but before the CWCFJ verdict returns TRUE. ]}}

Amend Rule 600, "Winning Conditions", as follows:

Append to the first paragraph the sentence "A player cannot achieve a Winning Condition while e holds the Chartreuse Goose."

Append to the last paragraph the sentence "This is true even if that player holds the Chartreuse Goose, as long as e did not do so when the Winning Condition was achieved."

Amend Rule 620, "Chartreuse Goose", as follows:

Replace the second paragraph

A player who possesses the Chartreuse Goose may not win the Cycle. This clause takes precedence over any other rule which establishes winning conditions.

with the following text(delimited by ADDER):

A player who possesses the Chartreuse Goose may not win the Cycle except as specified under Rule 600. This clause takes precedence over any other rule which establishes winning conditions.

Proposal 2877 - Sun 12 Apr 1998 18:11 EDT
Even A Flea Can Shake Hands
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 900, "Steel Flea" by appending to the second paragraph the sentence "The player who last posted Phoebe's wisdom shall never be selected to find her matchbox."

{{[ I think any one of us who've found Phoebe twice in a row found the whole thing a bit silly... ]}}

Proposal 2878 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 03:42 EDT
Actually Make Winning Conditions Possible.
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

[The current wording of Rule 600 is chicken-and-egg-compliant, which is a problem. To get your CWCFJ passed, and thereby win the Cycle, you need it judged true that you have won the Cycle. But you can't have won the Cycle until your CWCFJ has passed, giving you the cycle win. The CWCFJ should allege that you have achieved a winning condition, not that you have won this cycle. Yes, this leads to problems over how recently the Winning Condition was achieved - I'll try to fix that in the proposal.]

Amend Rule 600 by replacing "whose statement alleges that e has won the Cycle" with "whose statement alleges that e has achieved a Winning Condition within the last week", and by replacing "how the player thinks e has won the Cycle" with "how the player thinks e has achieved a Winning Condition".

Proposal 2879 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 03:45 EDT
The Lamb is gone. Long live The Lamb
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

Append the following text to the first paragraph of rule 1213 "Grab-a-Donkey" :
The Wrangler is permitted to distribute fairplay awards during a game of Grab-a-Donkey, as described in Rule 1250.1 section XIII

Amend section A of rule 1213 "Grab-a-Donkey" to read in full (HEARD delimited):

A. When a new game of Grab-a-Donkey starts, all Players of Ackanomic, excluding the Wrangler, those exempted as noted above, or who have publicly declined to participate during the past three days, will be placed on the Grab-a-Donkey Active List ("GAL" hereafter). Initially each player has a herd size of one.

Amend section C of rule 1213 "Grab-a-Donkey" to read in full (BAA delimited):

C. If exactly one player ("A") chose to Grab another player's donkey ("B"), and if B did not Cover their donkey:
i. A successfully grabs one of B's donkeys and A's herd is increased by one at the end of the round.
ii. If B had a herd of two or more donkeys at the start of the round, during the noise and confusion of the grab one of B's donkeys will become terrified and flee into the Wilds of Ackanomic (where it will graze peacefully, returning to the Game Box at the conclusion of Grab-a-Donkey). B's herd is reduced by two at the end of the round.

If more than one player attempted to grab B's donkey, none of those attempts are successful.
If a player's herd is reduced to less than 1 donkey at the end of a round, e is removed from the GAL.

{{[Recent advances in Lariat technology have eliminated the confusion surrounding the Little Lamb, reducing operator error ;)]}}

Proposal 2880 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 03:48 EDT
I Wanna Kiss Her But
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

{{[ To fix the confusion over Senate seats and DeeJay Elections... And settling the issue of whether Acting Offices are really holding Seats. ]}}

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 401, "Offices, Commonalities", by inserting, in section (i), after the text "No player may hold more than one seat for a given Office, including any seat held in an acting capacity, " , the text "and the holder of a seat in a given Office is ineligible to be Nominated for that Office unless the seat e currently holds is up for grabs."

Append to section (iv) of the same rule the sentence "Any other Rule which refers to an Officer 'holding' an Office will not consider Acting Officers to be holding the Office they are Acting for."

Append to section (vi) the text(delimited by TRAIN):

c) If the Rules should ever require an Election or Nomination to be called for an Office seat which is not currently vacant, then its Term of Office shall be considered to end when the Election or Nomination is called.

Proposal 2881 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 03:50 EDT
That's Even Sillier
Hubert (Eric Plumb)
Decision: rejected

In Rule 207.1, "That's Just Silly," replace all occurrences of the first-occurring phrase delimited by double quotes in that Rule with the entire text of Rule 207.1.

Proposal 2882 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 03:51 EDT
Kicking the ASS
Hubert (Eric Plumb)
Decision: accepted

[ This proposal just clears up some of those annoying problems with the ASS. Admit it, you have problems with it too. ]

Amend Rule 950, "Ackanomic Sound System Rule Suite," in the following manners:

Replace the first sentence of section III, "Office of DeeJay," with the string "The Office of DeeJay is an Optional, Political Office."

Replace the string "An Election shall be held for the Office of DeeJay on the first day of any calendar month whose ordinal number is even." with the string "On the first day of any calendar month whose ordinal number is evenly divisible by three, the player holding the Office of DeeJay shall step down from said Office as described in Rule 401, section vii. It is considered good form for em to request that Count Tabula subsequently conduct an Election for the Office of DeeJay."

Append the following string after the last sentence of section III: "If the Office of DeeJay is not filled, or the DeeJay is on vacation, no Esoteric songs will be played on the ASS."

Replace the string "An Esoteric Song will begin playing immediately upon its Trigger becoming true, regardless of any other Song that may be playing on the ASS." in section IV with the string "An Esoteric Song will begin playing immediately upon its Trigger becoming true as long as the Office of DeeJay is filled by an active, non-vacationing player. In this case, the Esoteric Song will begin playing regardless of any other Song that may be playing on the ASS."

Insert the string ", and 'The Thrill is Gone' by B. B. King will begin playing." immediately after the words "will stop playing" in the third-to-last sentence of section IV.

[to get rid of that air gap after Esoteric Songs stop]

Proposal 2883 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 03:52 EDT
Who Hoses the Hosers?
Hubert (Eric Plumb)
Decision: rejected

Create a Rule numbered 927 and entitled "Hosiery" with the following SEVEN-delimited text:

There exists a unique, ownable, nontradeable entity known as Hose Anna. The owner of Hose Anna is known as the Hoser.

The Hoser may, as a public action, Hose any active player (hereafter the Hosee). However, if the Hoser includes anything but poetry as described in Rule 594.17 in the body (text not comprising customary headers or quoted material) of the public message describing this action, or if the message consists of fewer than 1331 non-whitespace characters, the action fails. If the action succeeds, the Hosee is then treated as if e is Hosed by a BWG Laser for the next day, and Hose Anna is instantly transferred to eir possession. If the action fails, the Hoser is treated as if e is Hosed by a BWG Laser for the next two days, and Hose Anna is transferred to the possession of the player with the lowest positive score, or, if more than one player are tied for this score, the player among them whose Ackanomic name comes last alphabetically.

If, at any time, Hose Anna has been owned by the same player for more than a week, she is immediately transferred to the first player to point this fact out publically.

{{ Hose Anna is transferred to the possession of a randomly selected player. }}

Proposal 2884 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 03:53 EDT
Automatic Beldin Pant Killer
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted

Append the following text to Rule 940:

{{Antxina is transferred Somewhere Else. Alfvaen is removed from the Office of Praetor.}}

Proposal 2885 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 19:45 EDT
If I had A$1000000
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: rejected

{{ A number of stocks equal to one million divided by the current value of a stock in A$ are created in /dev/joe's possession. }}

{{[Malenkai would have loved this. ;-) ]}}

Proposal 2886 - Tue 14 Apr 1998 19:46 EDT
Enough Bickering
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend R1009 by changing "Theu may not own any other type of Entity." to "A Political Party may not offer or accept trades in which it would recieve any other kind of entity, but may trade away anything it owns."

Amend R1013 by changing the second paragraph from:
"An Organization may, as an action, use any Secret Laboratory it owns to build a Gadget from any existing Qualified Blueprint. This new Gadget is created in the Organization's possession three days after this action is announced. Each Secret Laboratory may be used to build a gadget at most once each calendar month."

"An Organization may, as an action, use any Secret Laboratory it owns to build a Gadget from any existing Qualified Blueprint in the possession of a player who is one of its members, who must be named when the action is declared. Three days after the action is announced, if the player is still a member of the organization, the Gadget is created in that player's possession. Each Secret Laboratory may be used to build a Gadget at most once each calendar month."

Proposal 2887 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:08 EDT
Otzma Card of Type Rod & Staff
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: accepted

1. This rule defines an Otzma Card type called 'Rod & Staff.' 'Rod & Staff' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal.

2. An Otzma Card of type 'Rod & Staff' can be used only on Proposals. A player can use a Rod & Staff card on a Proposal by sending a message to the tabulator. This message must unambigiously state on which proposal the card is being played.

When a Rod & Staff Card is used on a Proposal, all scoring effects which would have accrued to any players voting "BAA!" on that Proposal are instead given to the player who played the Rod & Staff Card. [e.g., if two players were to receive 7 points each for their "BAA!" votes, then Rod & Staff player would receive 14 points (in addition to any she may have received for her vote) and the players voting "BAA!" would receive 0 each.]

When a Rod & Staff Card has been used on a proposal, the date of the end of the Voting on that Proposal is considered to the date it has been used.

{{[This doesn't make much sense right at the moment, since you can't use the "BAA!" vote to get any points. If I have my way, and I rarely do, that will all soon change.]}}

Proposal 2888 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:09 EDT
The Bolivian Navy on Maneuvers in the South Pacific
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by IdiotBoy (Matt Miller) on Thu 23 Apr 1998 10:59 EDT

Bribe: A random trinket whose name contains the string "traffic Warden" will be transferred from The Gingham Wearer to each player who voted YES on this proposal.

This is a modest proposal.

Create a new rule with the title "Red and Blue Golfing Umbrellas" numbered as delimited by IGUANA.

{{All trinkets created by The Gingham Wearer on April 15 1998 containing the string "traffic Warden" still owned by The Gingham Wearer except one are destroyed on the Saturday immediately following the creation of this rule at noon.}}

{{On the Saturday immediately following the creation of this rule all active, voting players who do not own a trinket created by The Gingham Wearer on April 15 1998 containing the string "traffic Warden" shall gain the title "Aardvark" at noon.}}

{{All trinkets created by The Gingham Wearer on April 15 1998 containing the string "traffic Warden" that still exist on the Saturday immediately following the creation of this rule have their value changed to A$100 at 12:01pm}}

If ever anyone has the title of Aardvark then their points total is immediately set to -1000001. It shall remain that way regardless of any other rules that state that the player's score should change (i.e. this rule takes precedence over all such rules) until they post a message to the main mailing list giving A$25 to the historian and including the phrase "By 'eck luv, yer doin' a great job. And we all know it's an apple really." at which point they shall lose the title of "Aardvark" and gain the title of "Female Aardvark". Their score will remain at -1000001 but will be subject to change once again. If ever there is a Sunday where no player has the title of "Aardvark" then this rule repeals itself.

Proposal 2889 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:10 EDT
Otzma Card of Type Founder's Boon
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This rule defines an Otzma card type called 'Founder's Boon' which have an F-designation of Rare.

At any time, there may be at most 3 Cards of this type in existance.

An Otzma Card of type Founders Boon allows one of the following actions to be taken as a public action.
a) To make the person playing this card the Founder of a Church or Cult to which that player belongs if and only if the original founder of that church or cult is no longer a member of the church or cult
b) To take one single action in a Church or Cult to which they belong as if they were the Founder of that Church or Cult.

There is no Counter-Action defined for this Card type.

Proposal 2890 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:11 EDT
Do the Banna
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

{{[Amber bannas are rarely used and I've never seen the Acid Rain Dance performed. This proposal aims to increase the value of owning the ABT and thus the frequency of the ARD. Furthermore buying and possessing ABs becomes a means to perform the ARD.]}}

Amend Rule 921 (Acid Rain Dance) as follows:

Delete the first sentence.
{[[ The player who most recently submitted a proposal whose number, when having its digits added together, equals exactly 28, may perform the Acid Rain Dance.]}}

Insert the following BANNA delimited text before the first paragraph:
The following players may perform the Acid Rain Dance:
i) The player who most recently submitted a proposal whose number, when having its digits added together, equals exactly 28.
ii) Any player who possesses at least three Amber Bananas. All amber bananas in eir possession are destroyed upon completion of the dance.

Amend Rule 923 (The Amber Banana) as follows:
Append to the first sentence :
capable of casting one vote on each Proposal whose number, when having its digits added together, equals exactly 28, 21 or 17.

Insert between the first and second paragraphs:
The owner of the Tree may once per calendar month direct the Tree to vote on a proposal in the following manner:
The owner sends a message to the Tabulator that e wishes the Tree to Vote on a specific proposal that the tree is capable of voting on, and the legal type of Vote that it should cast.
The Tree shall then vote in the desired manner.

Proposal 2891 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:12 EDT
Bungle Bungle
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

{{[making intent, effect for over 30 seconds(tm)]}}

Amend rule 842 (The Town Hall) by replacing the following sentence (were it appears in the rule):
Engraved on the riser of each step in gold lettering is the name of an Elder, starting with the most recently inducted on the top most step.

Engraved on the riser of each step in gold lettering is the name of an Elder, starting with the most recently inducted on the top most step and proceeding in reverse order of induction down the steps.

{{change the authorship of this proposal to the little lamb}}

Proposal 2892 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:13 EDT
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by IdiotBoy (Matt Miller) on Thu 23 Apr 1998 10:59 EDT

{{[I believe these changes will keep the traditional status of Beldin's Pants intact, without allowing for the difficulties it has recently inspired.]}}

Repeal Rule 939.

Delete the paragraph begining with "The Secret (1 page)" from Rule 910.

Amend Rule 940 to read in full:

Beldin's Pants are a Garment, initially Somewhere Else. Beldin's Pants may only be transferred as described in the rules. Beldin's Pants are unique.

The wearer of Beldin's Pants loses their mind every Thursday, at noon.

Proposal 2893 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:14 EDT
Tastes Like Wensleydale
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Getting to the moon is hard. Really hard. You either need Ruby Slippers or a Silver Spaceship. Let's have Acka's moons made of cheese.]

Amend Rule 1350, "La Luna", by appending the following CHEESY-delimited text:

All of Acka's moons are made of cheese. As a result, each time a player successfully lands on one of Acka's moons, they may choose one variety of Cheese, which they will be granted one of. The choice is made as a public action, and the Cheese is created in the chooser's possession as soon as eir choice becomes publicly knowable. If a choice is not made within 3 days of arrival at a Moon, then the opportunity to choose is lost and no Cheese shall be awarded. No more than one Cheese may be acquired per player per trip to the moon. This paragraph takes precedence over Rule 611 where there is a conflict.

Proposal 2894 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:16 EDT
Gone But Not Forgotten
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

[We have entities which outlive their usefulness, but live on. Perhaps we could clutter up the entity logs less if they were put somewhere on permanent display. I thought about putting them in the Museum, but if they aren't any use the Financier shouldn't be given the job of keeping track of them. So the Harfonian (:-)) will be created to store such entities. It's only a small building anyway.

Currently the only possession (I don't know whether it qualifies as an entity or not, hence the term possession in the rule) which I believe would qualify is the Amulet of Yendor. In future, things such as the Little Lamb might end up in here.]

Create a new rule, numbered 851, entitled "The Harfonian Institute" with the following ARCHIVE-delimited text:

The Harfonian Institute is a small Building and a Common Location. It is a Duty of the Archivist to maintain a page detailing the exhibits of the Harfonian. The Web-Harfer is the Archivist unless there is a consenting player currently delegated to fulfil the role of Archivist. Only the Web-Harfer may make such a delegation. This delegation may be cancelled at any time, and Archivist is not an Office.

If a non-Trinket possession of a player or Organisation is suspected of having outlived its usefulness, and its name currently does not occur in the Ruleset, then the Archivist may issue a Preservation Declaration naming the possession publicly. If less than two players publicly object to the issuance of this Declaration within 3 days of said issuance then the following steps occur, in order:

(a) an Exhibit is created in the Harfonian detailing the history and background of that possession, including a picture of the possession if possible.
(b) the possession is destroyed.

Exhibits are not entities. "Possession" as used in this rule includes entities.

Proposal 2895 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:17 EDT
You'd think we'd notice these things...
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

{{[Originaly, I thought that the Nyarlathotep Blueprint was invalid because of the errors I have already pointed out in it. A closer reading of the Rules reveals there is no such thing as an invalid Blueprint, which this change is meant to address.]}}

Amend Rule 597 Frankenstein Monster(s) in the following ways.

Replace the text "The Mad Scientist must attach all parts to the Discovery, in the order delivered." with the following:

The Mad Scientist will attach all valid parts to the Discovery, in the order delivered, and discard all invalid parts.

Insert the following text, as a seperate paragraph, between the fourth and fifth to last paragraphs:

If a Mad Scientist ever announces the text of a Discovery that is not complete, which contains text that are not valid parts, or contains parts which were not properly submited to him, or otherwise was not created in accordance with this rule, then that Discovery is false and is rejected. Any Blueprints created out of this Discovery, and Monsters created out of said Blueprints, are immediately destroyed. The Mad Scientist who posted the false Discovery is removed from office if e still holds it.

Proposal 2896 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:18 EDT
Toned Down Ineligibility
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 256 by renumbering section 6 to section 7 and inserting the following text between section 5 and section 7.

"6) The player is removed from the CFJ ineligibility and the mentor pool if e was in them."

Also amend section 3 to read:

"3) If the player was at any time Active, or Non-Voting for a period of at least two weeks, the procedure continues."

Remove all none-players from the CFJ ineligibility list.

[Basically this makes my job easier since I don't have to track dead players on the CFJ ineligibility list. It also makes sure a dead player can never be selected as a mentor; I doubt that could happen anyway but you can't be too careful in nomic. Finally it makes a slight correction to one of my earlier changes (proposal 2597):-)]

Proposal 2897 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:19 EDT
To Stop Slakko doing it Again
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 213 by adding the following text to the end:

"Any judge may change eir mind on a verdict that e has sent to the Clerk of the Court (CotC) but has not yet been distributed by the CotC by mailing the CotC informing em of this fact. At this point the initial judgement will be considered to have not been posted to the CotC."

Proposal 2898 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:20 EDT
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: rejected

{{[I got the idea when I read the 'This is a Duel, not a Feud' proposal. However the concept is quite different, and more of an extensions of Duels.]}}

Create a new rule entitles 'Feuds' which contains the following text:

1. An Organization may declare a Feud on another Organization as an Organizational Action provided that:
a. The Similarity between the Organizations is less than 50
b. Neither Organization is currently engaged in 3 or more Feuds.
c. The Organizations are not already Feuding each other.

2. Once such a Declaration has been made the two Organizations are said to be engaged in a Feud with each other, or just Feuding each other.

3. A state of Feud is over when on of the following condition have been met:
a. Every member of the two Organizations engaged in a Feud with each other, fought a Duel with at least one member of the Organization it is Feuding with, since the Feud begun.
b. For a period of two month no Duel was fought between a member of one Organization and a member of the Organization it is Feuding with. In this case the Organizations are said to have forgotten the cause of the Duel.
c. Either Organization has suggested a 'Sulkha' as an Organizational Action, and the Organization it is Feuding with has accepted the 'Sulkha' as an Organizational Action. In such a case it customary for members of both Organizations to have a big celebration together, to which they are free to invite other players as well. [Organization should be wary, that many a Feud have started over which organization shall have the honor of hosting such celebrations]

4. If a Feud is over as described in 3a. and members of one Organization have won Duels than members of the other Organization it Feuding with. Than each member of the former Organization receives 6 points, and each member of the latter organization loses 6 points.

5. When Organization A is Feuding with Organization B, and a player from Organization A is dueling with a player from ORganization B, it is considered good form for the each player's Second to be a member of the same organization that player is a member of. It is permissible for the Second to be a member of neither Organization. It is impermissible for the player to have a Second who is a member of the other Organizations. However, if a player is a member of both ORganizations A and B, then it is permissible for him to have a Second from Organizations A when he is Dueling a player from Organization B, and vice versa.

6. Any single Duel may count towards more than Feud. No Duel may count towards a Feud that started after the Duel ended.

7. If a player is a member of two Feuding Organizations A and B, then any victory in a duel against a player from Organization A will count as a victory by a member of Organization B, and any victory in a duel against a player from organization B will count as a victory by a member of Organization A.

Proposal 2899 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:21 EDT
Admiral Crunch
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 1250.23, "Eleusis", as follows:

Append to section 1) a) the text "If the deck runs out of cards during a round, then the Referee(or Deus if there is none)may add another shuffled deck of the same kind."

{{ Any current games of Eleusis shall use the newly modified Rules from here on. }}

{{[ While I'm here, another thought I had which might make it easier to phrase Rules... ]}}

Rename Rule 1250.6, "Description of a Eleusis Deck" to "Description of an Eleusis Deck". Also, append the following text(delimited by CUCKOO):

Blue and green may be grouped together as cool colours, while red and black are warm colours. Red and green may be grouped as live colours, and blue and black as dead colours.

{{[ If anyone wants to come up with designations for the other possible pairing of the four colours, go right ahead. My imagination failed me. ]}}

Proposal 2900 - Sat 18 Apr 1998 04:22 EDT
Every Church Must Have a Leader
Ayla (Raquel Peres da Silva)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

[This proposal is supposed to prevent Churchs from becoming "Founderless", and thus not being able to ordain Priests, to defrock Priests and to Excommunicate any more.]

In rule 1301/24, replace the FOUNDERLESS-limited text of iten 8.i:

If a player that is the True Prophet is a member of a Church or Cult where the Founder is no longer a member, then that player becomes its new Founder.

with the following FOUNDER-limited text:

If the Founder of a Church ever leaves the Church by declaring it publicly or by leaving the game, the Church shall be considered "orphan" until it achieves the following conditions:

(1) it has 5 or more members whose game status is Active
(2) it has 3 or more Priests
(3) at least one of its Priests has already read, while being a Priest, one
of the Ackanomicon pages that reffer to any of the following:
(a) the Arcane Lore
(b) Ancient Artefact
(c) The Secret
(d) Long Lost Treasure

When it happens all Founder's duties or authorities will be automatically transferred to the most Senior Priest, who shall make it public by posting a message with the words "Follow me all you members of <name>! Follow me and you will never get lost in the darkness!", where <name> is the name of the Church.

If the Priest who first read the Ackanomicon pages listed above is not the Senior Priest, the Senior Priest the Senior Priest is encouraged to give this Priest a gift of eir (the Senior Priest's) choice, like a Trinket, for example.

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