Proposal 2701 - Fri 06 Feb 1998 17:09 EST
Trinkets and Tokens
Fortunato (Aaron Keesler)
Decision: rejected
{{ [This changes Trinkets in the fashion that Alfvaen and I mentioned on acka-research, while creating Tokens for people who want to symbolize some event without creating a cheap Trinket. I figured it would be a good idea to make Tokens as much like Trinkets as possible, and much of the Trinket rule was snatched for this. Thanks to Malenkai and Alfvaen for inspiration] }}
Create a Rule called Tokens, numbered 507, with the following CHEAP-delimited text:
i) A class of named gift entities known as Tokens exist. A player may
create a Token by transfering A$1 to the Treasury and announcing the
name and description of the Token as a public action. The player who
created the Token is the initial owner.
ii) Other rules may also create and bestow ownership of Tokens, so long as the rule provides for naming and describing the Token.
iii) A player-created Token, whose name contains the name of a current or former player other than that of the creating player, such that the player name in question existed before the Token was created, is a forgery. The rules may define other circumstances under which a Token is a forgery. Upon it becoming publically knowable that a Token is a forgery, it is transferred to the Treasury, unless the player name contained in its name is that of a currently active player, in which case it is transferred to that player. For the purposes of this clause, the Token name "contains" a name N, if it contains a word or phrase of the same length in words as N, that when stripped of any conventional English morphological changes, matches N as described in rule 348.
iv) Tokens have no power to affect any entities except as specified in
the rules.
Amend Rule 506, Trinkets, in the following manner:
Insert the following "-delimited sentence:
"The stated value of the Trinket must be no less than A$50."
after the second sentence of the second paragraph.
Append the following NEW-delimited statement to Rule 428,
b) To keep an accurate record of all Token names and descriptions, and
to make that record available to any player on request.
Proposal 2702 - Fri 06 Feb 1998 22:17 EST
Just Trying to Clean Up After the Peons
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[This proposal gets rid of all the weirdness that was added to the rules solely for the purpose of unseating Rule 1. Either Proposal 2681 will succeed or it will fail - either way, this stuff needs to be put back to the way it was.]}}
I. Amend Rule 101 ("The Game of Ackanomic") by replacing the first sentence of the second paragraph
["The rules, the rule numbers, and the game state, which are three distinct unownable entities, may only be changed as described in the rules."]
with the following sentence:
The rules and the game state may only be changed as described in the rules.
II. Repeal all rules (if any) that have the title "Death to Immutability" [either Rule 2000 or Rule 0, depending].
III. Amend section I of Rule 303 ("Proposal and Rule Numbering") so that it has the following text:
Each rule has an effective ordinal number, hereafter referred to simply as the rule's number. Rule numbers and proposal numbers are unownable entities. A valid rule number is one or two positive integers. The first is called the base rule number, and the second, if present, is called the sub rule number and is separated from the base rule number by a period.
Proposal 2703 - Sun 08 Feb 1998 14:09 EST
Just Cleaning up a Wee Bit o' Archaic Language
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Replace the last two paragraphs of Rule 258 (Undead) with the following:
An Undead whose likeness is not enshrined in the Hall of Elders decomposes once it has existed for 90 days. When this happens, it transfers all its entities to the Treasury, and then is destroyed.
Proposal 2704 - Sun 08 Feb 1998 14:11 EST
Isn't it just a bit contrived?
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Status: retracted
Modify rule 719 (Zuriti'ili) by adding the following to the end:
"If at any time a player believes that the Zuriti'ili guidelines have grown too contrived and the potential for the use of this rule is severely limited by them, then e may call a Zuriti'ili hearing, for which e shall be the hearing harfer. The following are valid responses to a Zuriti'ili hearing.
"Nothing else can accurately describe Zuriti'ili!"
"There's plenty of life in this one yet!"
If the result is the latter then there are no further effects. If the result is the former then all current Zuriti'ili guidelines are overturned and no longer have an effect on future Zuriti'ili CFCJs."
{{[The current Zuriti'ili guidelines seem too contrived to me, especially the one about prime number of times committed. In all my time in Acka, I've only ever seen this rule used once, and that was by myself. If it became possible to reset the guidelines then I could see this rule being used more.]}}
Proposal 2705 - Sun 08 Feb 1998 14:12 EST
I Want To Sing And Dance
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 1217, "Buried Treasure!", as follows:
{{[ First, a little bit of sectioning, since it's now divided into some more or less distinct parts: ]}}
Divide Rule 1217 in sections, capital-roman-numeraled sequentially, as follows:
Section I. shall be the first six paragraphs.
Section II. shall be next three paragraphs.
Section III. shall be the tenth paragraph.
Section IV. shall be the remainder of the Rule.
Append the following text(delimited by PERRIER)to Section I.:
An Organization which is able to transfer Entities(e.g. a Church, or an
Organization with a Trade License)may bury Treasure as a public auction.
Each member at the time the Treasure is buried is considered a Map
Custodian for that Treasure, and therefore must have a copy of the Map.
[ The Map itself may be created in any way the members of the Organization
wish among themselves. ] Otherwise, the procedure is exactly the same
as for a player.
It is possible for an Organization to achieve the conditions for a
Treasure Map [though of course only if the Map includes this
possibility]. If so, then the procedure is identical to that when
a Player finds a Treasure. The Organization must also be able to
transfer entities(as above)to do this.
Proposal 2706 - Sun 08 Feb 1998 14:13 EST
Free For All can be Cool For All
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal
{{[this proposal does a couple of things. It makes the delay between FFAs
longer. If one Swinger objects to FFA then only a short one can take
place. If two Swigners object, then it doesn't take place at all. A
checked player has a shorter delay before eir next play. I think this
pretty much addresses all of the objections to FFA without giving it up
Amend section 9 of R1230.2 "Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's Play"
in the following ways:
sub-section A is amended to read in full:
"A. The Chess Umpire has the Privilege of announcing a Free For All provided that:
(i) There has not been a Free For All for at least one Round
(ii) There has not been a Free For All for at least 6 weeks
(iii) No Swinger is currently checked.
sub-section B is amended to read in full:
B. A Free For All starts exactly three days after the Chess-Umpire
publically announces it. The announcement must include the duration of the
Free For All. The minimum duration if three days, the maximum is two
If one Swinger objects to the Free For All during the three days between
the anouncement and the begining of the Free For All, then the maximum
duration of the Free For All is set to one week. At any time between the
objection is made public, and the begining of the Free For All, the
Chess-Umpire may anounce a corrected duration between three and seven
days. If e does not do so, then it is set to 7 days.
If at least two Swingers object to the Free For All, then the Free For All
is cancelled, and normal play continues.
Append to subsection C the following text:
"Capturing a King is an illegal Play.
A player who is checked needs to wait for only two days after eir most
recent play in order to play again."
Proposal 2707 - Sun 08 Feb 1998 14:15 EST
The King is Dead; Long Live the King
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Add the following text to section 8 of R1230.2 "Swingers Like to Play around II - Let's Play"
"A player whose king was capturedis considered to have immediately surrendered, regardless of whose turn it is."
Proposal 2708 - Sun 08 Feb 1998 14:17 EST
Newspaper Mama
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
Create a New Rule, numbered 926, entitled "Circulation Audit", with the following AUDIT-delimited text:
Each player may have at most one preferred Newspaper. A player may change
which Newspaper is their preferred Newspaper as a public action, and may
also cease to have any paper as their preferred Newspaper as a public
action, and choose a paper as their preferred Newspaper as a public
action. No player may have a paper they own as a preferred Newspaper -
should such a situation ever happen, the player will be deemed to have no
preferred Newspaper (i.e. eir Newspaper status will change).
If a Newspaper goes bust, then all players who had that newspaper as eir preferred Newspaper no longer have a preferred Newspaper.
Whenever Officer Salaries are paid, each Newspaper Owner receives A$2 per person who prefers one of eir papers, plus A$1 for each person, excluding emself if possible, who does not prefer any paper.
{{[The last encourages people to find a preference when there are more
than 2 newspapers in existence. Otherwise 3 or more dollars are sent
out, compared to 2 when you have a preference.]}}
Proposal 2709 - Mon 09 Feb 1998 15:13 EST
Special Move Groundwork
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
{{[The aim of this proposal is to enable pieces to have Special Moves, which are restricted through players not having access to the necessary benefyts.]}}
{{Destroy all Benefyts.}}
{{Create 3 Benefyts in the possession of each player currently holding a
Swinger's Office.}}
Amend Section 4 of Rule 1044 by relabelling subsection e as d, and inserting the following text immediately after subsection c:
"d. A player may convert 10 Swingpoints into 1 Benefyt. Benefyts are tradeable entities."
Amend subsection e of Section 4 of Rule 1044 by replacing all instances of "(c)" with "(d)".
Amend Rule 1230.2 by relabelling subsections D and E of Part 6 to E and F respectively, and then inserting the following text immediately after subsection C of Part 6:
"D. Special - The Swinger spends one Benefyt and performs the Special Move for one of eir on-board pieces as defined by the PartyChessPieceDef rule defining that piece. This Atomic Play cannot be used by a Swinger who owns no Benefyts."
Proposal 2710 - Mon 09 Feb 1998 15:15 EST
More contrivance
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected
Modify rule 719 (Zuriti'ili) by adding the following ALLER A LA PECHE delimited text to the end:
If at any time a player believes that the Zuriti'ili guidelines have grown
too contrived and the potential for the use of this rule is severely
limited by them, then e may call a Zuriti'ili hearing, for which e shall be
the hearing harfer. The following are valid responses to a Zuriti'ili
"Nothing else can accurately describe Zuriti'ili!"
"There's plenty of life in this one yet!"
If the result is the latter then there are no further effects. If the
result is the former then all current Zuriti'ili guidelines are overturned
and no longer have an effect on future Zuriti'ili CFCJs.
{{[The current Zuriti'ili guidelines seem too contrived to me, especially the one about prime number of times committed. In all my time in Acka, I've only ever seen this rule used once, and that was by myself. If it became possible to reset the guidelines then I could see this rule being used more.]}}
Proposal 2711 - Mon 09 Feb 1998 23:13 EST
Self-organization system
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain) on Thu 12 Feb 1998 16:06 EST
{{[This is it. Finally, I have completed it. After three
retractions, it's ready. I present: the elsifian organization system. (I
needed an adjective, and else...if doesn't lend itself well to adjectives.)
This is my proposal for a system to replace orgs. This comment is
both an explanation of the system, and a response to major criticisms.
This eliminates old style Organizations. They are replaced with three
structures: Churches, which are almost identical to old Churches,
Corporations, which are like an org with a trade license, and Political
Parties. A Political Party is virtually identical to an old Political
Party. It can't own things, but otherwise the differences are just moving
things around, and no more Powers. A Church is the same, except that I
adjusted the way Cults are phrased. No practical differences.
Corporations are basically like an org, being able to own things and trade
them, but they have proportional membership. Instead of either being a
member or not being, a player owns shares. It requires 50% of the shares
to support certain actions, 80% for others (mostly things which give away
properties, to prevent ownign 50% from being enough to rob the corp.)
Also, they pay a small tax on many transactions. (To Vynd and others: I
eliminated Bonus Votes for Corps.)
I am aware that this de-modularizes the org system. I feel that
this allows us to create structures which are more flexible. For example,
Churches had almost nothing in common with other orgs, but were grouped in
with them anyway. Orgs which didn't own a trade license and were'nt
political parties could do almost nothing, and are handled informally under
this system. Orgs with trade licenses are spun off into a structure I
consider more interesting, and which I feel is more flexible without
containing any (obvious) pitfalls. This leaves only Political Parties, and
there is no reason to create a multi-tiered structure when a single-tiered
one will do. I hope that you will agree with me and support this proposal.
{{Replace all instances of the word "rule-sanctioned organizations"
in the rules with "organization" except in rule 1003}}
Create a Rule numbered 1001 and entitled Organizations reading as
Organizations are unownable, named entities.
No player may become a member of an Organization without first expressing their consent to joining it. A player may leave an Organization of which he or she is a member at any time.
When an Organization is called on to vote, it has 7 days to conduct and publically report the results of the vote, and how each member voted, unless the rules call for a different amount of time. If everyone who is eligible to cast a vote in a given has done so, the results may be announced before the voting period ends. For the purposes of this rule, the composition of an Organization is taken to be its composition at the end of any voting or decision period. Acting members are considered to be members in place of the members they are acting for. "
Create a rule numbered 1002 and entitled Corporations, delimited by BIG.
Include the text which is in parenthasies if and only if proposal 2705
a: Corporations are named, unownable entities. Corporations may own only
tradeable and gift items.
b: Any Player may form a new Corporation by announcing its name publicly and paying the standard Harfer Fee. Its name must be a legal name. When this happens the player recieves 100 shares in the new Corporation, and the Corporation will have a null charter.
c: Corporations may only perform actions as specified in the rules. There are two types of Corporate actions, privilaged and normal. A Corporation, as an action may offer, accept, or refuse the transfer of any entity. As an action it may give gift items to any entity capable of recieving them. As an action it may use any Corporate Equipment it owns. As an action it may express approval for a suggestion or make suggestion to any Corporation it owns at least one share in. As an action it may change its name to another legal name if it owns at least the standard harfer fee. As an action it may declare bankruptcy or change its charter. (As an action it may bury a treasure.) All of these are normal actions except for offering or giving entities, changing its charter, and declaring bankruptcy, which are all privileged. When a Corporation changes its name it pays the Standard Harfer Fee.
d: Any time a Corporation gives or recieves a gift item with a value in A$ specified in the rules, it pays a tax to the treasury of 1% in A$ of the value of the transfer, rounded up. As long as a Corporation has a negative amount of money, it may not perform any action which would require it to pay a tax except for recieving A$. Corporations pay a fee of A$1 per share for each share the give or recieve in a Corporation other than themself. Each Corporation is taxed at the end of each cycle as if were a player.
e: In order for a Corporation to perform an action, it must be suggested by a player as a public action. Players support the action by publicly announcing their support, and specifying exactly what suggestion they're supporting. A normal action occurs when players and Corporations owning more than half of the shares not owned by the Treasury or by itself support the action, a privilaged action when 80% support it. A player may proxy their support to a Corporation, in which case when a suggestion is made they will automatically support it without needing to post a message.
f: When a Corporation declares bankruptcy or is otherwise destroyed, its properties are distributed as specified in the charter. Properties given away in accordance to the charter are not taxed. Any properties not accounted for in the charter are given to the Treasury. If the corporation has a null charter when it is destoryed, than all its properties are given to the treasury.
g: Every Corporation has a charter. The charter describes how an Corporation's properties are to be distributed in the event that the Corporation ceases to be for any reason. It can do nothing else.
(h: When a Corporation buries treasure, each shareholder which is also a
player is considered a Map Custodian for that treasure, and must have a
copy of the Map. [The Map itself may be created in any way the members of
the Organization wish among themselves.] Otherwise, the procedure is
exactly the same as for a player. It is possible for Corporation to achieve
the conditions for a Treasure Map [though of course only if the Map
includes this possibility]. If so, then the procedure is identical to that
when a Player finds a Treasure.)
Create a rule numbered 1009 and entitled Shares, delimited by BUSINESS
Shares are nameless, tradeable entities which may only be created as
specified in the rules. Shares must be associated with exactly one
Corporation. A Corporation may never own more than 20% of the shares in a
corporation other than itself. Shares are destroyed when their associated
Corporation is destroyed. {{[Yes, it's still possible to set up a network
of Corporations such that none of them can do anything, but not by
accident. If you do it, you get what you deserve.]}}
Create a rule numbered 1010 and entitled Corporate Equipment, delimited by
Corporate Equipment are nameless, tradeable entities. They may only be
created as specified in the rules. [However a specific piece of equipment
may specify that it cannot be traded.]
Where the rules say that an Corporation may buy a Equipment of a certain type,
what is meant is that the Corporation may, as an action, contribute an
amount of currency to the Treasury in exchange for a new Equipment of the type
specified, which is then created in that Corporation possession.
Create a rule numbered 1021 and entitled Political Parties reading as folows:
"Political Parties are unownable, named entities. Any Player may form a
new Political Party by announcing its name publicly and paying six times
the standard Harfer Fee. (Its name must be a legal name.) When this
happens, that Player becomes its only member.
A political party may not own anything. [You can always create a corrosponding Corporation to own things if need be.] No player may be a member of more than one political party, and any action they attempt which would cause this to be the case automatically fails.
A political party is disbanded if it ever has no members. A player requests membership in a political party as a public action. The Political Party may admit that player as a public action. A political party can eject any player as a public action, which the player being ejected may not denounce. A player may leave a Political Party at any time as a public action. They may not be prevented from leaving a Party, nor may they be caused to join a Political Party unless they request entrance.
An Political Party can attempt actions. First, some member of the Political Party sends a public message suggesting an action for the Political Party to take. The suggestion must include the name of the Political Party for which it is being suggested. The other members of the Political Party may then approve of the suggestion or denounce it. If any member denounces the suggestion, it is voided.
If, after a suggestion is made, all non-vacationing, non-gaoled members of the Political Party approve it within seven days,and no member denounces it, then the Political Party attempts the action as suggested. The time of this attempt is the time of the last approval.
If seven days pass after a suggestion is made, then the Political Party shall make the attempt, as suggested, if and only if no member of that Political Party denounced the suggestion, and at least two thirds of the Political Party members approved it within the seven-day period.
A member of an Political Party may proxy their approval to that Political Party. A player whose approval is proxied to an Political Party may renounce their proxy to that Political Party. Whenever an action is suggested by a member of that Political Party, all members of that Political Party whose approval is proxied automatically approve of the action at the time it is suggested.
At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every active non-vacationing player member of a given Political Party voted the same way on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the Political Party itself shall cast an additional vote of that type on that proposal for every three active non-vacationing player members it has.
A Political Party may change its name as an action by specifying a new legal name and paying the standard harfer fee. It may not perform this action if it does not own at least the standard harfer fee.
Party membership and how players voted are determined based on the facts in force at the end of the voting period for each proposal."
Replace section 1 of rule 1301 with this: "Churches are unownable, named entities. Churches may own gift entities and land, but nothing else."
Remove sections 8, 9 and 10 of rule 1301.
Add the folowing to the end of rule 1301: "
8a. If a Church ever has no Priests (counting the Founder as a priest), or (Heaven Forbid!) fewer than zero Priests, or fewer than four members, then it becomes a Cult.
8b. A Cult is a type of Church.
8c. A Cult, unlike other Churches, may not give or recieve any entities, although it continues to own those it did before it was a Cult.
8d. Any Priest who leaves a Church or Cult cease to a Priest of that Church or Cult. A Priest who is no longer a Priest of any Church ceases to be a Priest.
8e. A player who joins a Cult and was previously a Priest or a Founder of the Church that was transformed into that Cult, becomes a Priest of that Cult.
8f. If a Cult has at least four members, at least one of which is a Priest of that Cult, it ceases to be a Cult.
9. A Church may change its name as an action by specifying a new legal name and paying the standard harfer fee. It may not perform this action if it does not own at least the standard harfer fee."
Create a new rule numbered 433 and entitled "Organization Harfer" reading
as follows:
The Office Organization Harfer is a Functional Office.
The Duties of the Organization Harfer are:
a) To maintain an accurate record of what Churches, and Political Parties exist, and who their members are, if applicable.
b) To maintain an accurate record of charters, dogma, and suggested actions for which a final decision has not been reached.
The Privileges of the Organization Harfer are:
a) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.
Create a rule numbered 1025, reading as delimited by ROUNDABOUT:
Secret Lab Vouchers are non-tradeable, nameless entities. They may
only be created as specified by this rule.
When this rule is created, a hearing will be called with else...if
as Hearing Harfer. The legal responses will be "Build up an ivory tower,
gadgets are for scientists only" and "Down with change!" If the result is
the former, any entity owning a Secret Lab Voucher will be given A$500 from
the treasury and rule 1026 will be repealed. If the result is the latter,
then a Secret Lab will be created in the posession of each entity owning a
Secret Lab Voucher, and rule 1026 will be renumbered to rule 1013.
Regardless of the result, after it is returned and the preceding
instructions are carried out, all Secret Lab Vouchers will be destroyed,
and this rule will repeal itself.
Create a rule numbered 1026 and named "Secret Labs", reading as delimited
A Secret Laboratory is a type of Corporate Equipment. A Corporation may buy
a Secret Laboratory for A$ 1000.
An Corporation may, as an action, use any Secret Laboratory it owns to build a Gadget from any existing Qualified Blueprint. This new Gadget is created in the Corporation possession three days after this action is announced. Each Secret Laboratory may be used to build a gadget at most once each calendar month.
[Secret Laboratories are said to be buried deep underground.]
{{For each organization currently in existance other than the Mad Hatters,
perform the following steps. The steps shouls be followed for each
organization starting with the first one alphabetically, and proceeding in
alphabetical order. If any step below transfers a property to an entity
which may not own it, than the property is transferred to the treasury if
that is legal, or destroyed otherwise; this sentence takes precedence over
the steps below.
1) If it is a Church, destroy any organizational powers it owns,
then transfer all properties to the founder, or to the senior priest if the
founder is not a member of the Church. Ignore the rest of the steps.
2) Destroy anything whose name is the same as the name of the
organization with either " Party" or " Inc." appended.
3) If it owns a big tent, create a new political party with the
same name but with " Party" appended, make all players who were members of
the old organization members of the new one. The swinger for the
organization becomes the swinger for the created Political Party. All
properties of the swinger office for the organization, such as Party Chess
Pieces, and anything else owned by the organization's swinger position, are
transfered to the Political Party's swinger office.
4) If it owns a big tent but not a trade license, transfer
everything owned by it to the party swinger. [Who is expected to
distribute among the members fairly.] Then destroy the big tent and the
5) Destroy any big tents it owns.
6) If it owns a trade license, create a Corporation with the same
name except with " Inc." appended. Transfer everything owned by the
organization to the Corporation. The Corporation will recieve 100-x shares
in itself, where x is the largest number smaller than 100 which is evenly
divisible by the number of members of the organization. Each member of the
organization will recieve x divided by the number of members shares in the
corporation. Destroy the trade license and the organization.
7) Otherwise transfer everything the organization owns to the
member who has been a member the longest
8) Destroy the organization.}}
{{Destroy MHI. Create a Corporation known as MHI, with one hundred shares in its own posession and no other shares. Transfer everythin owned by the Mad Hatters to MHI.}}
Amend Rule 675, Mercury Poisoning, to read as delimited by INSANE
The Mad Hatters is a Corporation with one hundred shares. Beep,
Blip and Bonk are three unownable, named entities. One of the Mad Hatters'
shares is owned by itself. Beep, Blip and Bonk each own 33 shares in the
Mad Hatters. If the ownership of the Mad Hatters' shares should ever
differ from that specified in this rule, than all shares in the Mad Hatters
will be destroyed, and the appropriates shares will be created in the
possession of the appropriate entities. Beep, Blip and Bonk may express eir
consent in the Public Forum by a message from the Illuminatus which
indicates the consent of Beep, Blip and/or Bonk.
The Mad Hatters automatically approve any trade that satisfies one or more
of the following forms, provided that the trade is possible:
1) A player trades a Visible Agenda Hat to the Mad Hatters in exchange for
2) A player trades A$10 to the Mad Hatters in exchange for a Visible Agenda
Hat, and the player involved in the trade was not the last player to trade
this particular Agenda Hat to the Mad Hatters.
If the Mad Hatters have been in possession of a given Visible Agenda Hat
for more than 7 days, and a player points this fact out, then that Visible
Agenda Hat is destroyed.
{{Transfer all entities from MHI to the Mad Hatters.}}
{{Give any entity which owns a Secret Lab a Secret Lab Voucher. Destroy all Secret Labs. Destroy all trade licenses. Give any entity which owns a More Than Human A$100. Destroy all More Than Humans.}}
{{Repeal rules 1003, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1011, 1013, and 1015.}}
{{[The rest just replaces occurances of the word organization throughout
the rules with a more appropriate term.]}}
Amend the last paragraph of 373 to read as follows: "If the rules specify that a certain course of play is available to a player or other entity, but do not specify how that course of play is to be taken, then that course of play is a public action, and it is taken as described above."
Amend section VI of rule 505 to read as follows: "The Total Wealth of a Player, Undead, Church, or Corporation is defined as the sum of the total number of A$ it possesses plus the combined values of all trinkets and Majiks in its possession. "
Amend the first paragraph of rule 510 to read as follows: "No Player, Undead, Church, or Corporation may use more A$'s to buy, trade, give or in any way move out of his account, than there are in his/her account at that moment in time. In other words, a player may never voluntarily go into debt, but it is possible that a player may go into debt involuntarily."
Amend the second to last paragraph of rule 515 to read as follows: "A Player, Church, or Corporation who owns a gift entity may transfer that entity to another Player, Church, or Corporation as a public action"
Replace the word organization in the rules 517 and 666 with Corporation.
Replace the word organization in rule 710 with "Church or Political Party"
Proposal 2712 - Thu 12 Feb 1998 11:20 EST
Fire The Low Salesman
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 595, "Gadgets", as follows:
Append the following text(delimited by BRICK)to section III.(d):
After the Auction is concluded, if a player other than the Scientist
who constructed the Gadget bought it, that Scientist shall receive an
amount of A$ from the Treasury equal to 10% of the selling price
(rounded up)as a commission.
Current text:
(d) Announcing publicly that the new Gadget has been built, and
initiating a public Auction of the Gadget, as defined by Rule 516. If
this announcement is not made within 3 days of the completion of the
Gadget, the Gadget is destroyed instead.
Proposal 2713 - Thu 12 Feb 1998 11:22 EST
Ventilated Slacks
Rex Mundi (Gavin Doig)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain) on Thu 12 Feb 1998 16:06 EST
Create a new rule numbered 1124 entitled Peachment, with the following double-quote delimited text:
"{{[This is my Peachment RFC, with the bonus slightly reduced, and the addition of Giant Peaches, which are permanent reminders of the Peachment. It also makes Peachment Hearing secret ballots, which addresses Vynd's concern.]}}
Whenever a player feels that another player who holds an office is doing a particularly good, accurate, or harfy job [for example keeping track of a multiple thread split, and other heroic feats] they may author a Peachment Paper on the holder of that office.
The Peachment Paper should give the name of the office, and the holder of the office, to which it refers. It may also optionally contain some reasoning as to why the office holder should be Peached.
A Peachment Hearing will then be called. The author of the Peachment Paper will be the Hearing Harfer for that hearing. Valid votes are "Peach! Peach!" and "No! Stone them instead." The Hearing Harfer should not reveal the details of the voting.
If the verdict of the Peachment Hearing is "No! Stone them instead." then nothing further will happen. If the verdict is "Peach! Peach!" then the holder of the office is called upon to make a Peach Speech, and will gain 10 points and a Giant Peach for doing so. Giant Peaches are nameless, nontradeable entities. A Peach Speech should be a public message in which the player thanks the people for their support.
A player may author at most one Peachment Paper per week. There may be at most one Peachment Hearing in progress at any one time."
Proposal 2714 - Thu 12 Feb 1998 11:23 EST
Dinosaurs Did a Dance
Rex Mundi (Gavin Doig)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain) on Thu 12 Feb 1998 16:06 EST
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
Create a new rule, numbered 1308 and entitled "Bracket/Smiley Pedantry", with the following text:
As was well known to the Ancients, the ')' in a smiley (i.e. ;-), or :-)) does not constitute a closing bracket for any pair of brackets it happens to be enclosed in. Using a smiley as a closing bracket is in violation of the ancient Code of Pedantry.
If any player believes any other player to have used a smiley as a closing bracket, the other player may start a Bracket Pedantry Hearing (hereafter referred to as a BPH) by sending a public message naming the alleged violator, quoting his or her message that is allegedly in violation, and calling for a BPH, provided a BPH is not already in progress against that player, and that there are less than 5 such hearings currently in progress.
A Bracket Pedantry Hearing is (of course ;-)) a Hearing. (Note that the previous sentence illustrates the correct use the bracket/smiley pairing). A BPH is also a Very Silly Matter. The valid responses to a BPH are "It seemed perfectly correct to me" and "It was obviously in violation!". The player who called the hearing shall be Hearing Harfer for it, and shall be called Grand High Pedant in Chief while it is in session.
If the verdict is "It was obviously in violation!", then the alleged
violator shall have their mistake pointed out by being publicly tarred and
feathered, and then sent to the Wilds. They shall lose 5 points, and may not
voluntarily go to any other location for at least 3 days (this takes
precedence over any rules dealing with movement or location). That player is
said to have Learned their Lesson.
However, if the verdict is "It seemed perfectly correct to me" then the
Grand High Pedant in Chief shall lose 2 points, and may be mocked by the
alleged violator, who shall be immune from the politeness moon while doing
so (this takes precedence over rule 374). Also, if the Grand High Pedant in
Chief had previously been said to have Learned their Lesson, this shall no
longer be the case.
Any player who has Learned their Lesson may never have a Bracket Pedantry Hearing called against them.
Proposal 2715 - Fri 13 Feb 1998 16:09 EST
More Lunacy
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 1350, "La Luna", as follows:
Insert the following sentence immediately before the sentence beginning "A player who moves":
No entity may give any gift entity to a player who is currently at a Moon of Acka, unless that entity is also at the same Moon of Acka.
Append the following text:
"Kansas is a land without hues - with the exception of sepia. A player in Kansas gains 5 points the first time (on any given trip to Kansas) that they send a message, describing the moon Kansas and all its strangeness, containing at least 250 words, none of which are a colour, except for white, sepia, and black, should black ever be a colour."
Proposal 2716 - Fri 13 Feb 1998 16:10 EST
La grande fromage
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain) on Tue 17 Feb 1998 13:11 EST
This is a grandiose proposal.
{{[Just out of interest, does anyone know if I've got the gender of fromage right in the proposal's title?]}}
Create a new rule with the following CAMEMBERT delimited text:
There exists a type of non-tradable entities known as cheeses. There are
five varieties of cheeses. These are:
1. Stilton
2. Cheddar
3. Edam
4. Brie
5. Gouda
At any point any player may own at most one of each variety of cheese. If a player owns more than one of any given variety of cheese then all but one of them are destroyed. If ever a player owns one of each type of cheese then e shall win the current cycle of the game of Ackanomic. {{If there exists a rule called "Winning Conditions" then the phrase "shall win the current cycle of the game of Ackanomic" is replaced with "will achieve a winning condition".}} If anyone wins the game by this method then all cheeses are destroyed.
A player may gain a cheese only by doing the following. If e does so the e is automatically given a cheese of the correct type.
A player receives a stilton if e the ten most recent proposals e authored were all accepted.
A player receives a cheddar if e has had three harfy proposals accepted since the adoption of this rule, or the most recent destruction of a cheese of this type belonging to this player; whichever is the most recent.
A player receives an edam if e has held five offices (not including Capital Offices) since the adoption of this rule, or the most recent destruction of a cheese of this type belonging to this player, or the players most recent impeachment; whichever is the most recent.
A player receives a brie if e has not had a CFCJ called against em with a final verdict of true, during the last two months.
A player receives a gouda if e wins a game of grab a donkey, wins a game of
party chess or wins three games from the games and contest containing five
or more players (starting from the instant this rule is adopted or the time
a cheese of this type belonging to this player as destroyed; whichever is
more recent).
Modify rule 594.14 by adding the following text after the second sentence:
"If all the Cheez-Whiz's owner's Ackadollars are transferred to the treasury in this way then the owner of the Cheez-Whiz may specify any individual cheese to be destroyed. The cheese in question will then be destroyed. This power of the Cheez-Whiz may only be utilised once per day."
Proposal 2717 - Fri 13 Feb 1998 22:59 EST
Prophets Are Religious Leaders
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: accepted
{{Amend R1304 by replacing "for that New Moon" with "on that Solstice day".
Amend R1301 at the end of part 8 to add:
"i. If a player that is the True Prophet is a member of a Church or Cult where the Founder is no longer a member, then that player becomes its new Founder. If a Transfigured player is not considered a priest in any of the Church or Cults of which he is a member, then its Founder must make them a Priest within 7 days."
Amend R1320 to add the following line after "and crying like a baby." in the second paragraph:
"The True Prophet must shout at the top of his lungs to the players, telling them that he had warned them about defying the natural order and that they must pay."
Amend R1320 to add the following lines after the last line of the third paragraph.
"The Prophet of Doom must then challenge the True Prophet to a duel as soon as it is possible to do so."}}
Proposal 2718 - Fri 13 Feb 1998 23:00 EST
Traveling Exhibition
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: accepted
{{ This is a modest proposal.
Renumbering section VIII to IX of R850.
Add the following between sections VII and IX of R850:
"VIII. Traveling Exhibitions
Players can make temporary donations to the Museum so that objects of great historical value that would otherwise not be seen by the public can be put on display. Any player can state that they wish to give to the Museum a trinket or Majik to add to the Private Collection Room. It is good form for the donor to give a brief description of the gifts. The Curator can accept or decline such gifts. Although the Museum is pleased to be able to display these artifacts, the donor's Benefactor Value is not changed. However, the player can get back any donation he made to the Private Collection Room by making a public request for it."
[ There are objects in the game which should be on display, the Museum is just for that. However, many such objects are also integral parts of the game and still in use. For example, the Crown of Ultimate Failure. Or are simply too expensive to just give away, like the Exquisite Dead Guy. Or even for the sentimental value such historial objects as the Golden Frinking Straw or Jade Key of Yara must represent ] }}
Proposal 2719 - Sat 14 Feb 1998 22:25 EST
Infinite Monkeys Take No Space
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: accepted
{{ This is a modest proposal.
Amend the first paragraph of R1130 to read:
"The Ackanomic Printing Guild exists. It is a Common Location. Fortunately, it is built on an area of land where the Ancient had experiemented with their famous Space-Time Compressor, allowing an infinite volume to exist at that location. It is a Puny Building. It can be found next to the Library."
Amend R1130 to add the following line at the end of the second paragraph:
"All thanks to the wonders of the Ancients!"
[ If we are going to fit an infinite number of Monkeys in an extravagant building, we might as well fit them in a puny one and save the space. That will ensure the prime real estate around the Library that seems to be in so much demand stays available. Besides, a cool new myth about the Ancient is a good way to explain how it all works ] }}
Proposal 2720 - Sat 14 Feb 1998 22:27 EST
Spin Cycle
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: retracted
{{[ This might defang Tornados a bit. At the moment they seem almost a _wee_ bit too powerful. And certainly it can't be much fun for the Chess-Umpire to have to figure out who's in Check whenever a Tornado's on the board... :-) ]}}
Amend Rule 1203.19, "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Tornado", as follows:
Amend Section 4.c), by replacing "move up to M squares" with "move up to M-K squares", and inserting the following text(delimited by BOUNCE) just before the final period of that section:
, and K is the number of the current move segment less one(so that on
the second segment of its move, the Tornado can move M-1, on the third
M-2, etc., for whatever the value of M is for that segment).
{{[ Thus, the Tornado will lose momentum as it goes forward, so it won't be able to capture _every_ piece on the board... ]}}
Proposal 2721 - Sat 14 Feb 1998 22:29 EST
Two Free Cycle Wins for No Particularly Good Reason
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected
This is a modest proposal.
{{All players who have won an infinite number of times in any other nomic gain one cycle win. These are done one after the other, with the qualifying player with the name latest in alphabetical order being the first, then all others in reverse alphabetical order. Each win occur precisely 2.578463 seconds after the previous one.
[Well, K 2 said e liked it, and I'm sure I have Slakko's support. Now all I need is for half the populace of Acka to anti-vote :-)]}}
Proposal 2722 - Sat 14 Feb 1998 22:30 EST
The Oldest Rule in the Book
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley) on Sat 21 Feb 1998 15:33 EST
All persons more than a mile high to leave the court.
{{Renumber this rule to 42.}}
Proposal 2723 - Sun 15 Feb 1998 16:39 EST
Protection Against Perilous Polyprophetism
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: accepted
{{[ With retractions, it is possible that we might end up with _different_ lists both being completely correct.
Also, this covers the possibility that there are no proposals up for voting on the day after the Solstice. ]}}
Replace the second paragraph of Rule 1304 with the following NI! - delimited text:
If exactly one player's predictions are all correct, then it is said that
the Great Power of the Universe is now inhabiting him and he is
Transfigured. That player also becomes the new True Prophet. There can
only be one True Prophet. The True Prophet gets an Indiana Jones Staff if
he does not already have one. The Indiana Jones Staff is yea high. A
Player may have at most one Indiana Jones Staff. It may not be traded,
exchanged or otherwise manipulated except by this rule.
If multiple players' predictions are all correct, all such players are referred to as Proto-prophets, and a Great Schism begins and shall last for three days. During the Great Schism, players may sacrifice any Trinket they own on behalf of any Proto-prophet. This is accomplished as a public action by specifying which Trinket they are sacrificing and which Proto-prophet they are sacrificing it on behalf of. Any Sacrificed Trinket is destroyed -- its value in A$ in created in the Treasury, not in the sacrificing player's possession. At the end of the Great Schism, the Proto-prophet on whose behalf the Trinkets with the greatest combined value were sacrificed becomes True Prophet as per the preceding paragraph. If a tie remains, the True Prophet shall be determined by random selection, and the loser(s) may claim the title False Prophet. Whenever the True Prophet makes a prediction, all False Prophets should attempt to make a prediction that is even gloomier than the True Prophet's.
If no proposals' voting periods expire on the day after Solstice Day, or if no player correctly predicts the acceptance or rejection of all such proposals, all Prophets, True and False, are stripped of their titles and any accoutrements of Prophecy (such as Indiana Jones Staves) are destroyed. It is rumored that at such a time, all the gloomy prophecies shall come to pass.
Proposal 2724 - Tue 17 Feb 1998 03:59 EST
The Great Tomato Debate
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley) on Sat 21 Feb 1998 15:33 EST
Create a new Rule with the following text:
Upon the creation of this Rule, a Hearing is called.
The valid responses for this Hearing are "A Tomato is a Fruit," "A Tomato is a Vegetable," and "A Tomato is a Sinister, but Edible, Alien Entity which is Responsible for the Rejection of Harfy Proposals."
The verdict of this Hearing, if it is one of the valid responses, shall become part of game custom.
All players who vote in this hearing shall gain 5 points. Once these points are awarded, this Rule shall repeal itself.
Proposal 2725 - Tue 17 Feb 1998 04:01 EST
Were Did all those Weapons and People Come From?
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[It seems a bit unsporting to allow details in the YORL story to change without explanation, or to drift inexplicably. That is part of the challenge. Sam/Romeo was weaponless, and the bar was nearly empty. If we need weapons and a mob to make a successful play, then the onus should be on the bard to work these details to eir favor before making that play. Also, the story reads a bit cheesily when this happens (as if it is non-cheesy otherwise :-). This amendment will give the barkeep leeway to reject plays that inexplicably contradict previous facts, or at least it will remind the bard to be consistent with the past.]}}
Amend rule 1250.18, "Ye Olde Rusty Lantern" to replace:
it is a non sequitur from the previous bit of the story,
it is a non sequitur from the previous bit of the story,
it is (or contains details) that are inconsistent with
previous parts of the story,
Proposal 2726 - Tue 17 Feb 1998 04:02 EST
The Hills Are Alive
Slagothor (Eric Plumb)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley) on Sat 21 Feb 1998 15:33 EST
{{ [ Warning Contains: Ackanomic Sound System ] }}
{{ Add "Artist: Van Morrison" to the Literature List. }}
Create a Rule with a unique number X in the 900's entitled "Ackanomic Sound System Rule Suite" with the following BODLY-delimited text:
[ Ackanomic needs a sound track. The Ackanomic Sound System provides
this. Players can, at any time, change the song playing for a meager A$5,
as long as the song is one that has no game effects. Songs that have game
effects can be added to the Rule Suite via Proposal. (I was thinking of
having a Games-and-Contests-style hearing, but figured since the Songs
can affect the game state, and Games and Contests explicitly say they
don't, Songs should be voted on by the full Acka contingent.) ]
I. Ackanomic Sound System & Songs
There exists a unique, unownable entity known as the Ackanomic Sound
System (hereafter, for purposes of the Rules in this Rule Suite, known as
the ASS.)
There exists a class of named unownable entities known as Ackanomic Sound System Songs (hereafter, for purposes of the Rules in this Rule Suite, known as Songs.) Songs may be either Mundane or Esoteric, but not both.
A Mundane Song is one that has no trigger or game effects defined in a Rule in this Rule Suite. An Esoteric Song is one that has a Trigger and Effect defined in a Rule in this Rule Suite.
II. Description
Nobody knows for certain the location of the ASS, for its music is audible
at exactly the same unobtrusive volume throughout the whole of Ackanomic.
It is said that those who wish not to hear the music of the ASS can
insulate their dwellings with ripe broccoli gathered with a golden
sickle (or Boomerang) on the night of a full Spotlight. Unfortunately,
not being able to hear the music does not exclude a player from the
music's effects.
The control panel for the ASS is located in the Ackanomic Library. Any player who is in the library may cause the ASS to play any Mundane song e chooses by making a public post which states the following:
a) The sentence "And inside, the jukebox roars just like thunder." [ Van
Morrison, "Wild Nights" ]
b) the name of the song e wishes to play and the artist to whom the
song is credited, and
c) the action of placing A$5 into the banna-shaped slot in the control
[ Example of a request of a Mundane Song:
And inside, the jukebox roars just like thunder.
I wish to play "Wild Nights" by Van Morrison.
I am placing A$5 into the slot on the control panel. ]
Upon these actions being successfully completed, one of the following four events will take place:
d) If the Song requested is Esoteric, the request fails.
e) If the Song requested is Mundane and the Song currently playing on the
ASS is Esoteric, the request fails.
f) If both the Song requested and the Song currently playing are Mundane,
the Song currently playing will immediately cease playing, and, after a
pause of an infinitesimal amount of time to switch tracks, the ASS will
immediately begin playing the requested Song.
In any of these three cases, A$4 of the A$5 is transferred from the player to the Treasury, and the remaining A$1 is transferred from the player to the player who holds the Office of DeeJay.
{{ The Ackanomic Sound System is currently playing "Romeo and Juliet" by Dire Straits; a Mundane Song. }}
III. Office of DeeJay.
The Office of DeeJay is a non-Functional Office with one seat.
The Duties of the DeeJay are trifold: {{ [ but not trifoliate ] }}
a) To maintain a record of what song is currently playing on the ASS, and
whether that song is Esoteric or Mundane.
b) To list effects generated by the current Song, if any.
c) To monitor the game state, determine at what moment the Triggers for
any Esoteric Songs become true, and post a public message containing the
name of the Song and its effects whenever the ASS starts playing an
Esoteric Song.
The preferred medium for the first two Duties is HTML. If the DeeJay concurs with this recommendation, the Web-Harfer shall maintain a link to the DeeJay's page from the Ackanomic main page.
The Priveleges of the DeeJay are:
d) To play any Mundane Song of eir choosing, provided the ASS is not
currently playing an Esoteric Song. This Privelege may not be exercised
if it has been exercised within the past seven days.
e) To declare a Moment of Silence, lasting no more than one Acka week, in
which no Mundane Songs may be played. This Privelege may not be exercised
if it has been exercised within the past thirty days.
An Election shall be held for the Office of DeeJay on the first day of any calendar month whose ordinal number is even.
{{ Hold an Election for the Office of DeeJay. }}
IV. Creating & Playing Esoteric Songs
Esoteric Songs are defined by sub-rules of this Rule Suite, and nowhere
else. A Rule that is part of this Rule Suite may define more than one
Esoteric Song. Any definition of an Esoteric Song must include at least
the following four lettered attributes of the song:
a) Title: the title, or name, of the Song.
b) Artist: the artist or artists who wrote and/or performed the Song.
c) Trigger: a condition referring to the Ackanomic game state that can, at
any time, be easily and unambiguously identified to be either true or
false. [ e.g. "Four or more players have a score of above 300." ]
d) Effect: the effect, if any, that the playing of this Song has on the
game and/or game state of Ackanomic.
The definition is encouraged, but not required, to include these two attributes also:
e) Duration: The length of time for which the Song will play if not
interrupted. If this is not included, it defaults to three days.
f) Explanation: The player submitting an Esoteric Song is encouraged to
explain why the game effects pertain to the title or lyrics of the song.
An Esoteric Song will begin playing immediately upon its Trigger becoming true, regardless of any other Song that may be playing on the ASS. The Song will continue playing until one or more of the following become true:
- its Duration is expired and its Trigger is no longer true, or
- another Esoteric Song's Trigger becomes true,
upon any of which it will stop playing. All game Effects described in the Song's definition will begin instantaneously when the Song starts to play, and cease immediately when the Song stops playing, unless specified otherwise in the Rule creating the Song.
V. Scope
Rules defining Esoteric Songs may also define entities other than those
Songs. However, an entity defined in a Rule defining an Esoteric Song may
never change the game state in any way unless that Song is currently
playing on the ASS. The entity will go Somewhere Else as soon as the Song
ceases playing, and any effects that its presence has on the game state
will cease.
However, any permanent changes made to the game state by a Song or an entity defined in a Song will not be lost once the Song stops playing.
[ For example, if the Magic Potato were defined in such a Rule, its owner would no longer get its bonuses once it left, but would keep any points e had gained from it while the Song ("Don't pick it up, pick it up, pick it up") was playing. ]
VI. Precedence
This Rule takes precedence over any Rules which state or imply that the
playing of a Song on the Ackanomic Sound System can have no effect on the
game and/or game state of Ackanomic.
All Rules that are part of this Rule Suite defer precedence to any Rules
with which they might conflict, except as stated explicitly in a Rule that
is a member of this Rule Suite.
Create a rule numbered X.1, where X is the base number of the Ackanomic Sound System Rule Suite, with the title "ASS Song: Chess Piece Face" and the following NOWHEEWHEE-delimited text:
Title: Chess Piece Face
Artist: They Might Be Giants
Trigger: When a Swinger wins a Stabber's Knife in the game of Party Chess.
Duration: Three Acka days.
Effect: While this song is playing, the nose of the main head of each and every Acka player is replaced by a chess piece. Players are encouraged to describe the color, shape, board move, and game effects of their chess pieces while this song is playing. Players are also encouraged to mock other players' choice of pieces, but are subject to Rule 374 (Politeness Moon) while doing so. Players may state that their chess piece has any game effect they like, but chess pieces, as defined by this Rule, have no game effect whatsoever.
Explanation: "What's gonna happen to Chess Piece Face?" ["Chess Piece
Face," They Might Be Giants]
{{ [ I thought this would be a _little_ less offensive than the Dueling
Banjos bit. ] }}
Proposal 2727 - Tue 17 Feb 1998 04:06 EST
Lon Chaney, Roll Over
Slagothor (Eric Plumb)
Status: retracted
{{ Warning Contains: Werewolf }}
{{ Add "Artist: Warren Zevon" to the Literature List. }}
{{ [ All this has basically no effect as is; I'm hoping people will add later what effects Lycanthropy has, other ways to make the Werewolf bite people, etc. ] }}
Create a Rule with a unique number in the 900's, with the title "Ah-ooooooo", and the following JAGGER-delimited text:
There exists a unique, unownable entity known as the Werewolf of London.
The Werewolf of London (hereafter Werewolf for purposes of this Rule) is
initially in his cave, which is located Somewhere Else.
If the Werewolf of London bites a player, that player becomes Lycanthropic in the animal of eir choice. If e has not chosen an animal within three days, an animal shall be assigned to em by the Mad Scientist.
If a player is Lycanthropic, this fact and the animal in which e is a Lycanthrope shall be depicted on the Player/Entity page along with the rest of eir attributes.
During a Full Moon, the Werewolf will leave his cave and stalk the streets of Ackanomic. "Hear 'im howling at your kitchen door; better not let 'im in." [ "Werewolves of London," Warren Zevon ] If any player attempts to change eir Location during a Full Moon, the Werewolf will bite em unless e owns Wolfbane. Trinkets have no effect on the behavior of the Werewolf. {{ [Take that, Annoyers.] }}
At the end of a Full Moon period, the Werewolf will return to his cave.
{{ [ Does anyone know why I delimited this with "JAGGER"? I may even give you some A$ if you can tell me. Fortunato might know. ] }}
Amend Rule 593, "Ackanomic Research Guild," by appending the following VEGA-delimited text immediately before the section of that Rule beginning with Roman numberal II.
D. Astronomer
The Office of Astronomer has one seat. An Election shall be held for the Office of Astronomer on the first day of each calendar month. It is a Duty of the Astronomer to observe all the moons of Acka and declare a Full Moon lasting from one to six Acka days. E must do this a minimum of one times in the calendar month since e was Elected, and may do so up to once per Acka moon in any one calendar month. If the Astronomer fails to perform eir Duty or does so incorrectly, e shall be immediately Impeached.
The Office of Astronomer can never be held by a player whose Ackanomic
name is Fortunato, for Fortunato is the Astronomer's mortal enemy.
{{ Repeal the last sentence of section D of Rule 593. [ I just couldn't resist. ] }}
{{ Hold an Election for the Office of Astronomer. }}
Proposal 2728 - Tue 17 Feb 1998 04:09 EST
Stick Equipment in a Single Rule
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend Rule 1250.1 Section V subsection e is amended as follows:
The last sentence of the above-mentioned subsection is amended to read:
"Upon the acceptance of a Submission, the text of the Submission is added
(i) as a rule to this rule suite, in the case of a Game Submission, or
(ii) as a new section, labelled with the lowest cardinal Roman numeral as
yet not present in Rule 1250.3, appended to Rule 1250.3. "
{{[Alfvaen was disappointed that the Movie Database General Equipment Submission ended up as a new rule. This fix will ensure that such unintentional 'blunders' do not happen again for General Equipment.]}}
Proposal 2729 - Tue 17 Feb 1998 04:10 EST
Spin Cycle
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
{{[ This might defang Tornados a bit. At the moment they seem almost a _wee_ bit too powerful. And certainly it can't be much fun for the Chess-Umpire to have to figure out who's in Check whenever a Tornado's on the board... :-) ]}}
Amend Rule 1203.19, "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Tornado", as follows:
Amend Section 4.c), by replacing "move up to M squares" with "move up to M-K squares", and inserting the following text(delimited by BOUNCE) just before the final period of that section:
, and K is the number of the current move segment less one(so that on
the second segment of its move, the Tornado can move M-1, on the third
M-2, etc., for whatever the value of M is for that segment). If the
value of M-K is zero or less, then the Tornado's move ends.
{{[ Thus, the Tornado will lose momentum as it goes forward, so it won't be able to capture _every_ piece on the board... ]}}
Proposal 2730 - Thu 19 Feb 1998 13:42 EST
No CSR's Gonna Pull The Rug Out from Under This One
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend Section 3 of Rule 1044 by relabelling subsection e as d, and inserting the following text immediately after subsection c:
"d. A player may convert 10 Swingpoints into 1 Benefyt. Benefyts are tradeable entities."
Amend subsection e of Section 3 of Rule 1044 by replacing all instances of "(c)" with "(d)".
Proposal 2731 - Thu 19 Feb 1998 13:44 EST
Elimination of Quorum
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected
Amend rule 104 by changing the sentence:
"The proposal is then accepted if a quorum has been achieved and the required number of YES votes were cast on the proposal."
to read:
"The proposal is then accepted if the required number of YES votes were cast on the proposal."
Repeal rule 107 (Quorum and Active Players).
Amend rule 107 section III by deleting all instances of the phrase:
", but meets quorum,"
also delete all of section IV of this rule and renumber section V to IV and then VI to V. Delete section VII of the same rule.
Delete the following sentences from rule 709:
"If a player is in the Gaol, they shall not count for the purposes of determining Quorum."
"9) A player in the Gaol may remove a Puppet Head."
Amend rule 106 by changing:
"Voting Players may vote either YES, NO, or PRESENT on each proposal, by sending their vote to the Tabulator."
"Voting Players may vote either YES or NO on each proposal, by sending their vote to the Tabulator."
Modify rule 313, part II, section A to replace:
"YES or NO"
Proposal 2732 - Thu 19 Feb 1998 13:45 EST
Otzma for the Greedy
Illusion (Andrew Stefanski)
Decision: rejected
Create a new rule, numbered 1240.19, with the title "Otzma card of type Gimme now!", with the following IWANT-delimited text:
This card may only be played in the public forum.
When this card is played, the card-player names another player, and an Otzma card that the other player owns. The card-player gains possession of that Otzma card.
Counter-Action: The card gained by the card player is returned to the player he took it from, and the other player gains possession of an Otzma card that the card-player owns. If the card-player does not currently own any Otzma cards, then the next card he gains possession of goes to the other player.
There can only be 10 Otzma cards of this type in existance at any one time.
"Gimme now!" Otzma cards have an F-designation of normal.
{{Well, the small response I received on this one seemed good, so I'll give it a shot.}}
Proposal 2733 - Sat 21 Feb 1998 14:26 EST
Reduced to Firewood
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{All Trinkets in the Cabinet are transferred to Alfvaen.}}
{{[After all, there's only one there, and he put it there as far as I know.]}}
Repeal Rule 945, "The Cabinet".
{{[I haven't seen the Cabinet used for a while - no-one wanted anything put in there when I was elected, and I think Beware the Forbidden Fruit's been there for a while. This is old, unused ruleset which can be abandoned safely IMHO.]}}
Proposal 2734 - Sat 21 Feb 1998 14:26 EST
The Time of No Magic
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by breadbox (Brian Raiter) on Mon 23 Feb 1998 18:26 EST
I. Amend rule 101 to read: "It is green."
II. Create a new rule numbered 101.1, entitled "Mos Maiorum", with the following text:
{{all game custom is hereby destroyed.}}
III. Amend rule 101 to read:
Ackanomic is a self-modifying game of rules. All players must
always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in
which they are then in effect, and interpreted in accordance
with current game custom. The term "rules", as used in the
rules, means the rules of Ackanomic.
The rules and the game state may only be changed as described in the rules. Actions described in the rules may only be performed, and shall only have those effects, as specified by the rules. Whatever is not explicitly prohibited or regulated by the rules, however, is permitted and unregulated. Game custom, spirit of the game, and linguistic interpretation are external concepts and are not regulated or part of the game state.
The game consists of a sequence of "Cycles". Cycles end when specified by the Rules. At most one Cycle is in progress at any one time. A voting player may only win a Cycle as defined by the Rules. Non-voting players may not win Cycles of Ackanomic. A player may not win the Game of Ackanomic. A player always has the option to leave the Game of Ackanomic.
This rule has precedence over all other rules.
Proposal 2735 - Sun 22 Feb 1998 07:57 EST
The Amulet of the Fool On the Hill
Enigma (Matt Bradbury)
Decision: rejected
This rule creates a unique entity known as the Amulet of the Fool On the
The owner of the aforementioned Amulet receives one Bonus Vote per
proposal as long as e has possesion of the amulet.
There are two states for the amulet to be in:
a. Buried: {{The amulet starts out buried with the following map.}} The
amulet is found by a player whenever e has made a proposal which was
voted down with 3/4 of the voting players casting a NO vote.
b. In a Player's Possesion: In this state, the owner receives the
benefits mentioned in section II. After a player has possesion of the
Amulet for a fortnight (starting at the moment of public notice of eir
finding the amulet), the amulet magically disappears into thin air and
reverts to the state of being buried as noted in Section III(a)
Proposal 2736 - Sun 22 Feb 1998 07:59 EST
It's Not Grave Robbing, It's Archeology!
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: accepted
{{ Renumbering this rule to number 259 }}
Valuable artifacts are in danger of being lost as an Undead decomposes. It is the Historian's job to mount an expedition to save them for posterity. When an undead who is not enshrined in the Hall of Elders is 10 days away from decomposing, the Historian may ask the President for a permit to send an expedition to their haunt.
If a public message from the President allows the expedition to go forward, the Historian must recruit the True Prophet and a third player, who was an active player when that undead was also an active player, to say publicly that they join the Historian. These three player are now the expedition. The Historian must then declare that the expedition is going to the haunt in question.
Once there, the True Prophet must say publicly: "Undead, unhand 'X' you wretched creature! Undead I summon you to act!", where 'X' is the name of the trinket owned by the Undead. As an one of his actions, the Undead will give that trinket to the Museum.
The third member of the expedition should scream. All members of the expedition gain A$10. The expedition then disbands.
Proposal 2737 - Sun 22 Feb 1998 08:00 EST
Reincarnating Into The Third Cat
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Hubert (Eric Plumb) on Thu 26 Feb 1998 22:47 EST
{{ [ I enjoy looking at the page which lists each player's proposals. With Malenkai taking up a dozen pages! This short proposal makes use of it. ]
Renumbering this rule to number 1142 }}
When a player starts playing for the first time, there are said to have never been reincarnated. For every two chronologically consecutive proposals made by certain player which have a difference of more than 200 in their number, then that player is said to have reincarnated once.
The active player with the greatest difference in the number of two of their chronologically consecutive proposals is said the be the Passive Contemplator. The active player who has been reincarnated the most times is said to be the Third Cat.
{{ [ As of the list given on the current web page, here are current standings:
Robert Sevin: 650-1448, 1581-1794, 1843-2067 -> 3 times
greatest: 798
CnH: 946-1279, 2226-2634 -> 2 times
greatest: 408
Guy Fawkes: 1715-1916, 2306- 2703 -> 2 times
greatest: 397
Fortunato: 2362-2661 -> 1 time
greatest: 299
Rex Mundi: 2302-2563 -> 1 time
greatest: 261
Red Barn: 2001-2315 -> 1 time
greatest: 214
Robert Sevin is appropriately the Passive Contemplator and the Third Cat. Although if Ackers was to make another unexpected return, he would easily become the Passive Contemplator. I'm rooting for Wayne myself, if you guys don't mind. <g> ] }}
Proposal 2738 - Mon 23 Feb 1998 13:01 EST
Don't punish the harfy
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Hubert (Eric Plumb) on Thu 26 Feb 1998 22:47 EST
This is a modest proposal.
Modify rule 207 section three my adding the following to the end of the first paragraph:
"The exception to the above is that if a harfy proposal passes then no players shall receive points for voting against it."
And in the same section of the same rule, add the following to the end of the second paragraph:
"The exception to this is that no player loses any points as a result of having a harfy proposal rejected."
{{[This should help us get more harf around. Some of snowgod's proposals were very harfy but didn't stand a chance of passing. Why should we punish people for proposing these? Really, we want to encourage them. Whilst it's something I'd like to see, I somehow doubt I'd be able to get enough support to eliminate points altogether. If this passes people will be able to submit harfy proposals without fear of loosing points for having them rejected.]}}
Proposal 2739 - Mon 23 Feb 1998 13:02 EST
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected
Create a new rule numbered 432 entitled Lawyers reading as follows (delimited by SOLICITOR):
There exists the political office of lawyer with two seats. The
President, Speaker, Praetor and Justices are never eligible to hold the
position of lawyer. Whenever a player is allowed to submit reasoning in a
CFJ, criminal or otherwise, e may instead pay A$10 to a lawyer and have
the lawyer submit reasoning instead. The lawyer may advise the player
that eir case is futile, but if the player wishes to go ahead with the
case the lawyer must accept and try to represent the player's beliefs to
the best of eir ability.
A lawyer may never be selected as a judge for a CFJ e has provided
reasoning for. If e has already been selected as a judge and someone asks
em to provide reasoning for em then e may either decline judgement or
decline to act as a lawyer for the player. This is the only instance in
which e may do the latter.
Proposal 2740 - Mon 23 Feb 1998 13:03 EST
Veal Fan (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Warning Contains: lexicon
Create a new rule, numbered 346, titled "The Ackanomic Lexicon", with
text as follows(delimited by RUPAUL):
There exists a document called the Ackanomic Lexicon, which contains
a list of words which are considered to be in the Official Dictionary,
in addition to any other words that other Rules may specify to be there.
The Ackanomic Lexicon may only be modified by use of Proposals, and no player may be considered to "control" the Lexicon, although it may be the duty of one or more players to maintain an copy of it.
The Ackanomic Lexicon initially consists of the following words:
{{[ What is the past tense of "frink", anyway? "frinked" or "frank"? ]}}
Amend Rule 430, "Spelling Exchequer", to replace the second paragraph of Section I. with the following text(delimited by ELTON):
Another Duty of the Office of Spelling Exchequer is to select one or
more links to on-line Dictionaries of the English language, as well as
to maintain a copy the Ackanomic Lexicon and make it accessible to
players upon request. The term "Official Dictionary", as used elsewhere
in the Rules, shall be construed to mean the union of these Dictionaries
and the Lexicon.
Amend Rule 407, "Web-Harfer", to insert the text ", and the Ackanomic Lexicon, " before "when the Office of Spelling Exchequer is not filled."
Proposal 2741 - Mon 23 Feb 1998 13:05 EST
White Collar Crime
Veal Fan (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 705, "The Caped Crusader", as follows:
Replace the following text(delimited by SLACKMEYER):
If a CFCJ naming the Caped Crusader as having committed a Crime comes
back with a TRUE verdict, and it is no longer possible to appeal that
CFCJ, then the Caped Crusader is immediately removed from office. The
Caped Crusader is penalized 10 points, in addition to any other
penalties imposed by the CFCJ, and is given the title of Super
Villain. A player with the title of Super Villain may never hold the
position of Caped Crusader, or be appointed Boy Wonder.
with the following text(delimited by CZAR):
If a CFCJ naming the Caped Crusader as having committed a Crime comes
back with a TRUE verdict, and it is no longer possible to appeal that
CFCJ, then the Caped Crusader is immediately removed from office. The
Caped Crusader is penalized 10 points, in addition to any other
penalties imposed by the CFCJ, and is given the title of Super
If the Caped Crusader should ever be found in Contempt, Guilty of Patent Infringement, have created a Forgery, pollute the Ackanomian river, be caught stealing from the Museum, be impeached from office, or resign while an IP is pending against em, then e shall be removed from office(if e still holds the Office, of course), be penalized 5 points, in addition to any other penalties, and be given the title of Evil Mastermind.
A player with the title of Super Villain or Evil Mastermind may never
hold the position of Caped Crusader, or be appointed Boy Wonder.
Proposal 2742 - Wed 25 Feb 1998 15:50 EST
Otzma Fix.
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Decision: accepted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
Amend rule 1240.1 ["Definition of Otzma Cards"] buy adding the following FIX-delimited text between the string "purposes of R516" and the string "IV. Otzma Card Types."
h. During the Otzma day in which they are created and also during the
Auction mentioned above in part g. each Otzma card is considered to be on
display in the Museum and is considered not to be in the Treasury for any
Proposal 2743 - Wed 25 Feb 1998 15:50 EST
Acka-Dot Trade Organisation.
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Status: retracted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
Create a new Rule, titled "Acka-Dot Trade Organisation.", which reads as follows:
{{This rule is a member of the Transnomicial Trade Pacts Rule Suite if such exists.))
The Acka-Dot Trade Organisation is an organisation whose purpose is to conduct trade between Ackanomic and .nomic.
The Acka-Dot Trade Organisation owns a classy building which is nearer to the Wilds of Ackanomia than it is to the library. This is known as the Acka-Dot Trade Centre.
The Acka-Dot Trade Organisation starts with a Trade License.
Initially the only rules of the Acka-Dot Trade Organisation are:
1) Anyone who is a player in both Ackanomic and .nomic or who has at any time been a player in both for a period of at least one week may be a member of the Acka-Dot Trade Organisation.
2) Any changes to these rules are permissable so long as all the members
of the Acka-Dot Trade Organisation agree.
Proposal 2744 - Wed 25 Feb 1998 15:51 EST
Transnomicial Trade Pacts Rule Suite.
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Decision: accepted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
Create a new Rule, with the number 1060, titled "Transnomicial Trade Pacts Rule Suite.", which reads as follows:
Trade Pacts may be set up between Ackanomic and other nomics.
A Trade Pact is set up with an other nomic if and only if the following five conditions are satisfied:
1) The other nomic's ruleset allows Trade pacts, and doesn't contradict the Ackanomic ruleset on how they should work.
2) There are at least two players of Ackanomic who are also players of the other nomic.
3) An organisation, defined by rule, exists in Ackanomic for the
purpose of conducting trade with the other nomic. (This shall be
known as "A" below.)
[This organisation will require a trade licence to be of any use]
4) An organisation or similar entity (as defined by the rules of Ackanomic) exists within the other nomic for the purpose of conducting trade with Ackanomic. (This shall be known as "B" below.)
5) The intersection of (the set of members of A) and (the set of members of B) has at least two members each of which is a player of Ackanomic.
If a Trade Pact exists between Ackanomic and another nomic then A may import items from the other nomic that are transfered them from B and A may export items to the other nomic by transferring them to B. Items may only be transfered by A if they would be allowed to be given to a player or organisation by A.
If A is transfered an item from B and it is specified that this item is to be given to a player or organisation C then A must give this item to C.
If A is given an item from a player or organisation D and it is specified that this item is to be transfered to B then A must transfer this item to B. If further it is specified that B must give this item to an entity E within the other nomic then A must specify this to B during the transfer.
If either of the last two paragraphs are contravened then all the members of organisation A are guilty of the Crime of Trading Under False Pretenses.
[This rule is the head of a rule suite defining such organisations]
Proposal 2745 - Wed 25 Feb 1998 15:51 EST
Greenspan Lives
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: accepted
Create a rule numbered 530 named "The Stock Market" reading as
delimited by TSM
a) There is an unownable, nameless, unique entity known as the Stock
Market. The Stock Market has a value which is at all times equal to the
positivity value plus the activity value..
b) If for any reason the positivity value is unspecified, it will be set to 10. If the positivity value is less than 0, then it will immediately become 0. Whenever a proposal passes, at the moment its results are publicly knowable, the positivity value will increase by 0.1 for every player who voted in favor of the proposal. Whenever a proposal fails, at the moment its results are publicly knowable, the positivity value will decrease by 0.1 for every player who voted against it.
c) If for any reason the activity value is unspecified, it will be set to 10. If the activity value is less than 0, then it will immediately become 0. At the end of each Acka day, a value called the ACT quotient will be calculated. It will be equal to the number of proposals and CFJ's combined publicly announced during the day, divided by the average number of proposals and CFJ's combined which have been announced on average in the course of the game. If the ACT quotient is greater than 1, then the ACT quotient minus 1 rounded to the nearest quotient will be added to the activity value. If the ACT quotient is less than 1 but greater than 0, then the recipricol of the ACT quotient, minus 1, rounded to the nearest quotient will be subtracted from the activity value. {{[If the ACT quotient is 0, there will be no change, to reduce the ability of the Promoter and CotC to manipulate this value.]}} For purposes of this section, CFCJ's qualify as CFJ's, and proposals and CFJ's which were retracted or deemed invalid, but were distributed by the appropriate officer, are still used.
d) Players may purchase or sell a number of stocks by publicly announcing
that they intend to do so. The cost of a share will be the value of the
stock market. If the player lacks enough money to purchase the number of
shares they requested, than the purchase request will be treated as if they
requested the largest number of stocks they can buy without going into
debt. When a player buys or sells multiple stocks at the same time, than
the stocks will be bought or sold consecutively, one at a time; the cost of
the purchase will be rounded after all stocks specified to be bought or
sold in one group are bought or sold. At the end of a purchase, the cost
or profit from the sale is rounded to the players disadvantage, except as
specified by the preceeding sentence. When a player buys a stock they pay
the cost to the treasury and a stock will be created in their possesion.
When a player sells a stock they recieve the cost of the stock from the
treasury, and a stock in their possession is destroyed.
Create a rule numbered 532 entitled "Stocks" reading as delimited by SSSS
Stocks are nameless, giftable entitied. They may only be created
as specified in the rules.
Create a rule numbered 534 entitled "The Ackan Reserve" reading as
delimited by TAR
There is a named, unownable, unique entity known as The Ackan
Reserve. There is a functional office with one seat known as Chair of the
Ackan Reserve.
It is a duty of the Chair of the Ackan Reserve to track the value of the Stock Market, including the calculation of the ACT quotient, and to make this value available to all players.
{{else...if is appointed Chair of the Ackan Reserve.}}
Proposal 2746 - Wed 25 Feb 1998 15:52 EST
hello, andy johnson
rufus (David Scheidt)
Status: retracted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[Let's try and fix some of the problems that Slakko pointed out in the Impeachment process. Despite its length it doesn't do much, sorry.]}}
Ammend section (ii) of Rule 404, "Offices, Impeachment" by replacing the
existing text with the following "-delimited text.
"All voting players except the officer named in the IP shall be able to
cast one vote of YES, NO or PRESENT on the IP. The voting period shall
be 5 days. All votes on the IP shall be cast in the public forum."
{{[ Five days seems long enough to make sure everyone gets to vote]}}
Ammend section (iv) of Rule 404, "Offices, Impeachment" by replacing the
text with the following '-delimited text.
'At the expiration of the voting period, there will be a resolution of
ACCEPTED or REJECTED for the IP. An IP is REJECTED unless it meets all of
the conditions below, in which case it is ACCEPTED: a) At least 1/2 of
all active players, excluding the Officer named in the IP, voted YES. B)
At least 2/3 of all players who voted in the IP voted YES.'
Move the last sentance of section (vi) of Rule 404, "Offices, Impeachment" to the end of section (iv). {{ [Currently, if a Capitol officeholder is Impeached, he loses his office either way!]}}
Append the following "-delimited text to section (vi) of Rule 404, 'Offices, Impeachment'. " If the IP is rejected because fewer than1/2 of all active players voted in the IP, those players who did not vote in the IP receive a Puppet Head, should such an entity be defined elsewhere in the rules."
Add a section numbered (e) in the list of Duties of the Tabulator in Rule 408, "Tabulator and Count Tabula" with the following "-delimited text. "to report the results of Impeachment Papers against Count Tabula."
Replace the second paragraph of Rule 408, "Tabulator and Count Tabula" with the following LEMUR-delimited text
The Office of Count Tabula is a Functional Office. The duties of the Office include solicitation, tabulation, and reporting of votes on all Ackanomic matters, excluding Proposals and Impeachment papers involving Count Tabula. This includes, but is not limited to, Hearings (unless otherwise specified) [see Rule 360], Impeachment Papers (unless otherwise specified) [Rule 404], and all Elections for Office [Rule 402]. Count Tabula also has the Duty to conduct any Nominations for Office that are not the responsibility of any other Officer.
{{ Reduce rufus's score by 3. Increase Slakko's score by 3}}
Proposal 2747 - Wed 25 Feb 1998 15:52 EST
Rule Suite Preferences Fix
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected (failed to meet quorum)
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[The point has been made that new rules, when added to a Rule Suite, are
_forced_ to take the next available number, no matter what the person
creating the rule actually wants. This will reverse that, so that we
don't need to waste time with CSRs to renumber said rules.
However, for simplicity rules created by other rules should default to
being the next rule number anyway.
Amend Rule 303, "Proposal and Rule Numbering", as follows:
In Section II Subsection 2, replace "Otherwise, if" with "If".
In Section II Subsection 1, replace "If" with "Otherwise, if".
Swap the two above-mentioned subsections and re-number accordingly.
In Section III, replace all instances of "II.1" with "II.2".
{{[Pointer update.]}}
Proposal 2748 - Thu 26 Feb 1998 19:41 EST
Party Chess Piece Loyalist
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: accepted
Create a new rule, a member of the Party Chess Rule Suite, with BLIP-delimited text:
A Loyalist has material value 6, and is represented by the letter L.
A Loyalist may move one square in any direction.
If the shortest (Euclidean) path from a Loyalist to the owning Swinger's
King consists entirely of motion in one of the eight directions in which
pieces may move, and no friendly pieces occupy squares along that path,
and the distance between the Loyalist and the owning swinger's King is
less than or equal to 8, the Loyalist may move to any square along that
path. [ That is, if the Loyalist and its King share a rank, column, or
diagonal, with no friendly pieces intervening, the Loyalist may move to
any square between it and the King ]
Renumber the Rule just created by this proposal to 1230.23, or if Rule 1230.23 already exists, to 1230.XX, where XX is the smallest integer greater than 23 such that no Rule already has number 1230.XX.
Proposal 2749 - Thu 26 Feb 1998 19:42 EST
'Twould be an Interesting Scam, but...
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal. Append the following to the end of the first paragraph of Rule 344 "Weasel Words".
Vanquished weasel words in the list at the end of this Rule have no semantic meaning within this Rule, and have no effect on gameplay. [In short, they are treated as if they are in notes brackets.]
Proposal 2750 - Thu 26 Feb 1998 19:44 EST
The Slakko Effect
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: rejected
{{[ Admittedly, the name's a bit premature, but it could easily become appropriate soon. ]}}
Add the follwing text to the end of Rule 600.
If Cycle-Win CFJ A, which alleges that Player A has won a cycle, was distributed at least 14 days before Cycle-Win CFJ B, which alleges that Player B has won a cycle, yet Cycle-Win CFJ B becomes unappealable (with a final verdict of TRUE) before Cycle-Win CFJ A becomes unappealable (also with a final verdict of TRUE), then Player A has fallen victim to the Slakko Effect.
For seven days following Cycle-Win CFJ A's becoming unappealably TRUE, Player A is considered Righteously Indignant, and is encouraged to make snide remarks concerning the speed (or lack thereof) of the Ackanomic justice system. Righteously Indignant players are Untouchable, and no Politeness Moon, Witchhunt, or Bracket Pedantry Hearing may be called against them for remarks made while Righteously Indignant. This paragraph takes precedence over those Rules describing the various hearing which the Righteously Indignant are immune to.
Snide remarks made by the Righteously Indignant comparing the members of the Supreme Court to a marsupial whose name more than three syllables are considered Amusing.